Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Nick Fletcher Gets Jazz Fever

Howdy Sweden, Uzbekistan, Algeria, and South Africa, and to all dear availees elsewhere...apologies for a fortnight long hiatus, but I have been extremely unwell...(mentally or physically?-Ed)...great question, 'cos it was both, and could well be that one led to the other...(it's not uncommon-Ed)...indeed, and in fact, I'd say it was exactly that and in that order...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, I stumbled and fell into a deeply consuming depression and with that then went my health...(sorry to hear that-Ed)...didn't go to gym for a full week...(strewth, that is unusual, you've been really working hard and it's been great for your health across the board, mental and physical-Ed)...yep, just couldn't do it, then when I was physically crook I didn't want to cough and splutter on people, etc...(oh well, so it's not all bad, I mean, if you were still functioning with a consideration for others well-being, that's a good thing, surely-Ed)...great attitude mate, mind if I borrow it for a while?...(I'd be flattered-Ed)...cheers...what concerns me though is what was it that dragged me down like a wildebeest with a belligerent butt-load of hungry lions?...(nice-Ed)...all joking aside, normally I can fairly quickly identify my 'trigger point', but on this occasion it eluded me until just the other day I strayed into that realisation mid-conversation...(do tell dear heart-Ed)...sure...  

For weeks I've had shreckin' 'Jazz' shoved relentlessly into my face/ears/general vicinity ...(ahhh, yes, I reckon I can see where you're goin' with this-Ed)...well quite, and to the point I can barely stand the sound of the bloody word...(it has been unfortunately unavoidable hasn't it-Ed)...and I don't doubt that regular availees share your enlightenment Ed, and gourd knows it lit-up in front of me like a Bay of Beacons when I said it out loud whilst discussing my recent massive malaise...(allow me if I may?-Ed)...sure...(well, because of what you've come to realise and/or be involved in regarding the ongoing attempted cover-up of the rape of a Jazz Academy/Tennyson Woods College student by lecturer Graham Lyall-Ed)...that's exactly correct Ed...(and the involvement of the Catholic Church, the South Australian Courts, SAPol (police), our li'l mate lawyer Bill DeGaris, etc, etc, et al-Ed)...yep, all the usual suspects...(which then re-triggers for you all of the trauma of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, still festering after nearly 17 years-Ed)...indeed Ed, all of the rancid self-interest evident in the Tennyson Woods/Jazz Academy Cover-up is exactly reminiscent of the St Martins Cover-up...and with it comes The Guilt...    

The Guilt-Edged Sword Of Many Blades:...(ah yes, The Guilt-Ed)...The Guilt that I carry from day to day for having witnessed some of the gross abuses committed by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling against the 7 year old students at St Martins, for having witnessed that without realising what was actually happening, therefore allowing those abuses to continue and potentially escalate for several more weeks...(mate, what Dorling was doing ain't your fault-Ed)...sure, I know that, and yet that realisation does nothing to release that burden of failing to stop it sooner...(I understand-Ed)...and then there's The Guilt of failing to resolve the St Martins Cover-up despite 16+ years of relentless activism...(well, relentless other than for the long periods of crushing depression-Ed)...sure...(and let's face it, when you're in a pitched battle with the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Lutheran Church as being protected by the equally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt SAPol, SA Parliament, SA Public Service, Teachers Registration Board and Teachers Union, SA Courts, etc, etc, et al, what hope have you got?-Ed)...indeed, and that realisation, or rather, that series of perpetual realisations, over and over again, that compounds and re-enforces that trauma and related depression...it's a very deliberate and very vicious cycle of abuse and retribution from a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State...(yay-Ed)...  

And if you reckon I've gone overboard by describing Graham Lyall as a rapist, or by stating that this is a cover-up, or want to question any aspect of what I'm saying, simply go to the New Matilda website as we've previously directed y'alls, and read the correspondence there-in, and most specifically the interview with Lyall himself...he doesn't plead his innocence and/or deny the assault/s, and himself whinge-mentions that there's been a 'payout' to the young woman, presumably by Tennyson Woods College and/or the Catholics, who have also reportedly done a 'report'...(so there's an official 'report' followed by a 'compensation payout' and no denial?-Ed)...and Bill DeGaris is the lawyer writing bizarre Threat Letters to the 'victim' and her friends/supporters...(charming-Ed)...yep, and it's Billy's usual standard of 'threat'...(so, an appallingly average litany of abuse-laden threats?-Ed)...indeed, and regular availees will be well familiar with Bouncin' Billy's blustering abuse...(whatta' piece of work-Ed)...indeed...

And here-in lies a further Guilt, because as previously explained, I knew about this assault/rape from the time it happened, knew by the way that Tennyson Woods Principal David Mezinec and Mt Gambier SAPol uniformly denied that any such rape/assault had happened, and then this blanket blatant denial was immediately followed by the town-sweeping rumour that nothing had happened at all and that this girl had done/alleged this sort of thing before and that she was a 'slut', etc, etc ad infinitum...(text-book cover-up strategy-Ed)...indeed, but I allowed myself to be persuaded that Jazz was far too important for Mt Gambier, and that therefore I should 'go easy' on this issue, etc, etc...and by agreeing to 'go easy' I didn't just fail this young woman but all young women who have been in similar situations, other students, etc, etc...and just for the record, 1) I take full responsibility for that terrible decision, and 2) no-one has done anything to place any of these Guilts upon me, neither deliberately nor accidentally nor vicariously or whatevs, it is my burden that has sought me out because that's just who I am and that's just the way it is...and again, you know who you are, this is my choice, my guilt is my choices and my guilt is my responsibility, not yours, cheers...

And I can only guarantee y'all that whilst I'm done with this shizzle for this post, it sure-as-shreck doesn't end here, not by half, not even close...I've had a bloody gutful, sure, particularly for today, but how it affects me is my problem, the fact that it's happened at all is the critical issue...if y'all haven't already read my previous post, No Apologies For Being Angry About This,18th August 2018, that will explain a good deal of where I am headed with this issue, and why...until then though, I'd just like to chuck this bit below onto the grittle for a quick re-heat and re-hash...(ohhh, I love this one, the farcical political hypocrisy of the Liberal's Attorney-General Vicki Chapman being officially excused for breaching the exact same piece of ludicrous ICAC legislation, namely, Section 56 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, that you, a private citizen with no formal legal qualifications, have been 'Convicted' of after a bizarrely corrupt 'Trial' before the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White in definable collusion with the rankly corrupt SAPol Prosecutions-Ed)...beautifully summarised Ed mate, and there's even more to it than simply being excused, it's the extraordinary manner in which that happened...as per usual dear availees, there are several previous posts on this issue y'all may be interested in if ya's ain't read them already...and then there's this from a coupla' months back...***    

No recommendation to prosecute Vickie Chapman over ICAC comments, SA Premier says

SA Premier Steven Marshall said he was personally told by the state's Police Commissioner that investigators did not recommend Attorney-General Vickie Chapman be prosecuted over comments she made about an anti-corruption case.

Key points:

  • Vickie Chapman released a statement on an ICAC investigation last year
  • The Attorney-General's comments were last week referred to the DPP by police
  • The Premier says police made no recommendation to prosecute Ms Chapman

In a media statement released in September, Vickie Chapman said she could not provide any further information about the employment of two senior executives from land development agency Renewal SA.
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) Bruce Lander later confirmed he did not give the Attorney-General permission to release her statement, but gave the media permission to publish it.
Last week, police referred Ms Chapman to Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Adam Kimber following a police probe into whether she broke the South Australian ICAC Act's stringent secrecy provisions.
Mr Marshall said he was told by Police Commissioner Grant Stevens that prosecution was not recommended.
"I just asked the question in recent days, I just asked the Police Commissioner 'so did the evidence that went to the DPP go with a recommendation for prosecution?' And he said 'no'," Mr Marshall told ABC Radio Adelaide.
"The police force did what they were asked to do — they gathered that information and they passed it to the DPP for further assessment.
"To then now beat it up, beat it up [to suggest] there's a prosecution pending — it's fanciful."
When asked if that was appropriate, Mr Marshall said it was "a statement of fact".

Labor describes the move as 'utterly extraordinary'

The Opposition seized on the admission, and demanded Mr Marshall answer questions about the nature of the conversation.

Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas said it was "utterly extraordinary" that Mr Marshall had raised the issue.
"I think it's completely inappropriate that the Premier of this state has decided to play a role and ask questions of the Police Commissioner during the course of a live, open inquiry into the actions of the Premier's own deputy," he told ABC Radio Adelaide.
Mr Malinauskas said he attended an official event at the Adelaide 500 with Mr Stevens on Sunday, but did not raise the matter.
"One would love to be able to inquire of the Police Commissioner 'hey, what's going on?' but that would be utterly inappropriate."
Labor frontbencher Tom Koutsantonis tweeted that the "Premier plays no statutory role in any police investigation or prosecution. Why is he asking questions of the SAPOL Commissioner?"
"In what capacity? How many times has he spoken to SAPOL about the investigation into his Deputy Premier?" he asked.
"Was this the first time? What about the separation of powers?"
Ms Chapman has come under pressure to resign over her comments, but Mr Marshall said that was unnecessary.
"I think Vickie Chapman's got plenty of things to be doing — I don't think that she should be standing aside unless there is any evidence that's been presented," he said.
"There has not been any suggestion that there has been a prosecution pending.
"We've had two sets of independent legal advice which have said there has been no breach to the ICAC Act."
SA Police declined to comment on the matter.

***...and of course it was only days after this that the whole thing just suddenly 'went away' as the DPP dropped it...(wow! now there's a surprise-Ed)...ain't it though...and even if you ignore the farcical ignoring of the actual realities, specifically, that ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander initially told Vicki to not discuss it, which she immediately did, which is a direct breach of the ICAC Act 2012 Sec 56, and then My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time Comm Bruce retrospectively gave Vicki 'Authorisation' for that breach what she done already committed, and Labor referred Vicki to SAPol who then recommended diddly-squat to the DPP, and Premier Stevo mate had a chummy-chat with his SAPol Commissioner pal Stevo...(mate-Ed)...etc, etc, etc, it still comes back to the initial observation/reality, that I was relentlessly pursued and persecuted by SAPol for over 3 years and then 'Convicted' in the most contrived and corrupted of circumstances...(I believe we use the term 'Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution', that Magistrate Teresa Anderson officially identified as "Malicious Prosecution", as you proved in Court in November 2016-Ed)...exactly...private citizen gets attacked, harassed, abused and persecuted...(not least of all by Magistrate White-Ed)...well quite...but Attorney-General gets retrospective approval and exoneration...(well hurrah, ain't that just equality before the law-Ed)...indeed...

But what I find so truly, genuinely, spectacularly hilarious about this particular 'farticle' (a farcical article) is Labor's leader Peter 'Automaton' Malinauskas whinging his guts out about Stevo going mano-et-mano with Stevo...(maaates-Ed)...sure, maaates, but in justifying his whinge about the in-appropriateness of this conversation/contact, Pete identifies that he himself was at the brum-brum races with SAPol Stevo...(oh my gourd, so he is, ha! so it's fine for the Opposition leader to hang-out with the SAPol Commissioner-Ed)...and supposedly not even mention the Vicki stuff...(whatevs, even if that is true, why are these people socialising at all? what happened to the Separation of Powers?-Ed)...because there is no such thing in SA, remember?...(ahhh sure, there's only the one true Protocol, the one truly Bipartisan Issue, and that's the Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...absolutely...(and didn't former Premier Mike Rann personally force the already-dumped 'Trial' of those Child Protection Advocates back into Court aways back in 2008?-Ed)...excellent remembering Ed, indeed he did...(these pricks just make it up as it suits them-Ed)...indeed they do...

Tomorrow: Whatever Comes Up Next

Another apology, but it is what it is, and I'll be back asap with another shortish-post as I climb back across that forfeited ground of the last fortnight...(onward and upward dude-Ed)...indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters... 

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