Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Australia: The Best Fascist Democracy That Money Can Buy

Take one 'yee' and add a 'ha' to y'all dear availees in the USofA, the UK, the UAE, and here in li'l ol' Oz...please y'all to be considering this post as a lead-in to the promised post about Journalism Is Not A Crime, Etc, but I started on that one and found myself rambling through this distended pre-amble by way of extended explanation...(whaaa?-Ed)...this is that, just the bit that comes first to explain the rest...(as I said, whaaa?-Ed)...I started that 'Journalism' post thingy, but it blew-out to this post which is more specifically about the conditions that have led to and/or allow the growth of Fascism in our supposed liberal society, as evidenced by these recent 'Media Raids' and charges against various 'Whistleblowers', etc...(ahhh, I get it-Ed)...indeed, and we're all gunna' get it before too long if we continue down this very twisted and pot-holed political path...anyhoos, for this title I've appropriated the old saying's about 'Democracy Isn't Perfect, But It's The Best We've Come-Up With Thus Far', and 'The Best Government Money Can Buy'...(nice...I also like the one about the rise of China-Ed)...mmm?...('What Capitalism Can Achieve When Unencumbered By Democracy'-Ed)...sweet...

The May 2019 Federal Election is a case-book study in media manipulation and electorate-control, in a context where there is a widely acknowledged rise of Fascism in 'Democratic' societies...and in that spirit, just to kick it right off, here's a delightful piece that I found floating around Twitter...apparently it was a first-draft email that was subsequently just printed without alteration, but not sure whether that was deliberate or just a bit of a stuff-up...just for the record, I can't stop laughing...enjoy...*** 

No but tell us how you really feel The Guardian
11:54 PM · Jun 15, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone
*** that right there's some truth in advertising, simply brilliant...(I didn't know you were running for the position of British PM?-Ed)...charming, but I'll give you that one...(I myself like how people on Twitter refer to our illustrious PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison and his Merry Band of God-Botherers as "Happy Clappers"-Ed)...indeed, and I also like the debate created by the  ludicrous Israel Folau and his bigotted self-righteous bullshit that got him quite rightly sacked from Rugby Australia...his ridiculous statements about who is and/or isn't going to this alleged Hell place, are obviously pig-ignorant hypocrisies, as he joyfully cherry-picks from his Bible book thingy all those bizarre bigotries that supposedly support his personal biases, whilst simultaneously ignoring that which doesn't suit him...(whatta' prick!-Ed)...ah now Ed, one mustn't infringe on Israel's 'Right to Freedom of Religious Speech'...(no no, as a committed Agnostic, I'm expressing my 'Right to Freedom Of Religious Speech' to state that he's a bigotted, vacuous hypocrite who deserves to be vilified in the exact same manner he's seen fit to behave-Ed) Agnostic you say?...(indeed, and I've always said, as have Monty Python, that there's nothing an Agnostic can't do if he's not sure whether he believes in anything or not-Ed)...well hurrah...

So let's get that farcical debate sorted, Israel Folau was sacked for doing what he'd agreed to not do, and thusly he breached his contract with RA, and it wasn't the first time...(well exactly, his bigotted and hypocritical Happy Clapper lunacy is fundamentally irrelevant, this is a Contractual issue-Ed)...I for one would enjoy a little Freedom From Religious Speech myself, and better still, just plain ol' Freedom From Religion...(oh here we shreckin' go, is this about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...well it wasn't specifically, no, I was referring in general to this blasé notion that we live in a society where there is a responsible and appropriate divide between Church/Religion and the Political State...(well clearly that's not the case, particularly in South Australia-Ed)...indeed, and I re-refer dear availees to that Lateline interview from several years ago, where-in the British interviewee was discussing Theocracies, ie, countries/states run by religious organisations, and he identified firstly Iran, and then said, "and of course, there's the Lutherans in South Australia"...(wow-Ed)...Australia's general Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption aside, eg, as witnessed in the farcical Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, all of that aside, the ease with which the Lutherans have conducted the St Martins Cover-up clearly illustrates the influence they have politically...(fair enough, I mean, they didn't get asked a single question by the FCARC, and that didn't happen by accident-Ed)...indeed...
Mandate My Arse:...apologies if I've done this joke before, can't recall, but it is a particularly witty word-play referring to the repeated statements by Scummo & Co that they have a "mandate" to pursue their various punitive lunacies after the May 2019 Federal Election...(ah yes, using the fact that you're a 'Man', although I use the term in it's loosest possible definition-Ed)...charming...(then combining that with the time-honoured Aussie euphemism of 'date' for a 'sphincter', all that aligning with your personal assertion, get it? 'ass'ertion, that this alleged 'Election Mandate' thingy is simply untrue-Ed)...indeed, by any and all definitions my arse is a Man Date, and equally unequivocally the Liberal Party's supposed mandate is just a joke...the Liberals gained one extra seat, one, and only managed that due to their 'alliance' with the National Party, thusly the LNP are in government...(but it wasn't just that alliance was it, you forgot to mention the transparent collusion between Clive Palmer's $60-70million Anti-Labor advertising blizzard and associated Preference Deal-Ed)...well quite...(and the Preference Deal with One Nation-Ed)...and that also...(and the sickly deceitful and complicit Main Stream Media, with the fundamentally corrupted ABC leading the charge-Ed)...absolutely, and worthy of succinct review...

It took the Liberal Party and their combined vote with the National Party and the support and preferences of Clive 'Trust Me' Palmer and Pauline 'One Notion' Hanson, and the support of virtually the entire Main Stream Media and Australian Broadcasting Corporation peddling their combined deceits and manipulations to defeat Labor by effectively one seat...(what hope?-Ed)...indeed, and there's been so much discussion about so many examples of the MSM/ABC collusion with the LNP that I'm not going to drill-down into the minutiae, you either accept or don't that that pro-Liberal/Nationals bias occurred...(and largely is still occurring-Ed)...indeed, you's either agree or disagree, but I'd offer as perfect example the farcically compromised interview by rank Liberal stooge Annabelle Crabbe with Home Affairs Minister Peter 'Spud' Dutton (ABC Insiders, Sunday 16th June 2019) where-in Annabelle off-handedly raised the issue of the extraordinary corruption evident in the $420million Paladin contract re Manus Island, etc, then allowed 'Spud' to deny any knowledge of and/or responsibility for both 1) that original bizarre 'contract', then also 2) the apparent re-awarding of that 'contract' to Paladin, again without any 'Tender Process', and happening within weeks...(pathetic and complicit, Annabelle certainly knows what side her gravy train boards from, and it's no wonder she gets her own political 'matey' puff-piece TV shows-Ed)...indeed...
'Spud' was totally unfazed, knowing full-well that his pathetic non-responses and/or denials were more than sufficient and were not going to be further examined...(and Annabelle didn't let him down-Ed)...none of the typical seething fury or spitting indignation from 'The Angry Spud' because he knew those 'tough questions' were going to go nowhere, it looked every bit like exactly what it was, a carefully rehearsed pro-Liberal propaganda piece sans accountability...(mate, it looks like Crabbe's 'research process' involves going onto 'Social Media' to ascertain what exactly it is everyone's talking about, then pseudo-addressing those issues via matey-chats with whatevs LNP stooge is in the frame-Ed)...exactly, pretend to address the unavoidable issue by first raising it, then dilute that issue with innocuously soft questioning, then dismiss entirely that issue by just walking away from it...'ooo look, I did ask about that rancidly corrupt thing, yes I did'...bollocks, it's completely complicit, deviously deceitful, and transparently obvious...       
But let's face it, Labor didn't help their own cause by having a raft of Actual Policies, allowing 'Scummo' to just attack those issues without actually having any policies of his own...(well except for Tax Cuts, largely benefitting the already wealthy-Ed)...indeed, and again the MSM/ABC was absolutely complicit in failing to hold the LNP to account for this 'Policy Vacuum'...the 'No Policy Policy' also allowed 'Scummo' to hide virtually all his team of disastrous incompetents, and instead spew his Cult of Personality jingoistic jibberish...(and yet a further example of the complicit nature of the MSM/ABC because they let him do it, supported him in doing it, rarely if ever asking 'where are these invisible Ministers? where are your candidates?-Ed)...well quite, again the sort of discussion/debate that was being had widely on 'Social Media' but ne'ery a mention in the MSM/ABC...'Scummo' was also allowed to relentlessly lie about the LNP's 'Fiscal Management/Economy' skills, rarely if ever confronted with the dual realities that 1) they've doubled the National Debt in six years, and 2) the 'Economy' is flat/stalling/tanking, however you want to present it...(another classic example covered on 'Social Media' was the MSM/ABC's relentless use of the term 'Retiree Tax' to refer to Labor's plan to reform Franking Credits-Ed)...precisely, the complexities of that issue aside, describing Labor's plan as a 'Tax' is a deliberately provocative and alarmist deceit... 
These MSM/ABC deceits and/or failures proved critical, only to be further defined and compounded by their collective bleating post-election about how they could have done better...'oh golly, sorry, we should have asked those questions about the state of the Debt and/or Economy', etc, etc, etc...(orrr boo-bloody-hoo, yelling hoarsely at the shut gate after giving the electorate the euthanistic electoral bolt right to the forehead!-Ed)...mmm, that's a particularly eloquent albeit extremely violent picture you paint there mate...('KIN-BOOM, orrr gee whiz, I didn't know it was loaded officer'...pathetic-Ed)...mmhmm, I think you've made that point quite thoroughly...but having said that, and not entirely discounting Bill Shorten's short-comings with personal popularity...(or a lack of-Ed)...Labor did themselves no favours by stating that 'if you don't like our Franking Credits Plan then feel free to not vote for us'...(yeahhh, not a brilliant move, much better to have said 'we believe that the few Australians affected will see the merit in our plan and altruistically support the many positives for the wider community, because Aussies are great like that'-Ed)...absolutely, a far better approach that appeals to people's sense of self-approval, community support, etc, rather than just irretrievably alienating them...maybe wouldn't have changed many people's views/vote, but far better than 'if you don't like it, feel free to sod right off '...(agreed-Ed)...and speaking of which... 
A Triumph Of Greed, Fear, And Ignorance:...are how quite a few people have described the electorate's response to this unwavering pro-LNP bias in the MSM/ABC, but I think it's far more involved than that, which is why I've chosen deliberately to cover these issues after my observations about how the media has manipulated and deceived the electorate...(and continues to enable and protect the LNP-Ed)...well exactly, as we've discussed, that pro-LNP agenda is clearly alive and kicking post-election...anyhoos, whilst there is a perfectly reasonable argument to be made in support of the above discourse about personal greed and ignorance-driven fear, etc, because these are genuine factors in the 2019 Federal Election outcome, I believe that stopping at these realities is only to excuse or ignore those other realities I have described about the role of the MSM/ABC...(ahhh, I see what you're saying-Ed) you go then...(well, sure, some people are always gunna' be greedy or ignorant or fearful, etc, but given the complicit deceits of the MSM/ABC, even those who have tried to be informed and make responsible even altruistic decisions, etc, even those people would be hard-pressed to reach genuinely independent conclusions/decisions-Ed) on mate...(even if they tried to thoroughly examine the facts as presented and dissect the often conflicting political discourse, etc, when the MSM/ABC are all headed down the same pro-LNP road, reporting with the same agenda-ed bias, etc, etc, what hope does the average punter have?-Ed)...or even the above-average punter mate... 
And that's why Australia is the best democracy that money can buy...and that's why...
Tomorrow: Journalism Is Not A Crime, But Being Nick Fletcher Is
What has happened in recent weeks, with these raids and other direct threats to media outlets, etc, it's old news in this 'ere house, because SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch detectives were in this 'ere house aways back on 7th/8th May 2014, as part of ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', going through my documents, etc, and seizing my laptop as 'evidence', etc, then persecuting me via a 3 year 'Trial', etc, all in response to and/or justified by me blogging the absolute truth about the Court-proven fake ICAC alleged investigation of Mt Gambier City Council, October 2013-January 2014...(etc, etc, etc-Ed)...well quite, we've been through most of this stuff in multiple previous posts, but it is what it is...(politically motivated retribution for exposing corruption?-Ed)...exactly...(you know mate, I reckon that not many availees would begrudge you doing a bit of the old 'I told you so' stuff-Ed) so?...(well, you've been speaking openly about his bare-faced persecution and it's motivations and the obvious implications, etc, etc, but almost no-one's done anything about it-Ed)...other than abuse and criticise me...(fair enough, but not everyone's been like that-Ed)...true...(and remember that those who did approach local and/or interstate media on your behalf, etc, they were wholly rejected by the MSM and ABC-Ed)...that is true...(and now here we are, with those same Rejectors bleating about the Fascism of police raids on journalists, etc-Ed)...I see your point...
It is somewhat tempting to engage in a chorus of 'I Told You So's', but there's more to be achieved by addressing these issues, rather than wallowing indulgently in self-pity or boastful pride...yes, I have been identifying this potential, and yes, now those who have rejected my story see fit to complain about the exact same issues 'cos it's happening to them, but the main issue is that it's happening at all...(right on dude, right on-Ed)
I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog and we'll be back here soon with another attempt to resolve some of this stuff...cheers and laters...      

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