Friday, June 21, 2019

Why Intelligent, Informed, Caring People Who Give A Damn Will Suffer Depression

Howdy dear availees in Germany, Ukraine, Norway, and Poland, and to y'all elsewhere...following directly on from the last post, I've titled this one with a brief synopsis of a longer conversation I've had with several people, not least of all my own child, in trying to counsel and support them about the stress and dis-ease and depression they experience in their lives...(tried following your own advice/counsel?-Ed)...Ed! mate! are you calling me intelligent and informed and caring?...(certainly, and I'd suggest that this 'ere blog is proof enough-Ed)...orrr, cheers mate...(I mean, you don't claim to be the sharpest tool in the shed-Ed)...riiight...(but then you're hardly as dumb as a box-a'-hammers either-Ed)...hmmm, high praise indeed...(come on, you know what I mean, you are clearly a reasonably intelligent person who tries to be correctly informed about issues, and you also try to do something about those issues, and you've paid an extraordinary price physically, mentally, legally, and financially, and pretty much every other 'ally'-ly-Ed)...ain't that the truth, the price I've paid for being truthful...and I ain't claiming to be a 'better person' than you dear availee...(nor admitting to being 'worse'-Ed)...exactly, but this is my blog and these are very much My Truths...

Now, I also ain't stating that this bit of advice is in anyway a definitive study in 'Depression'...(well obviously, people suffer all sorts of traumas and life experiences that can trigger or create 'depression', there are a myriad of different catalysts and/or motivators, and within that vastly varying expressions/experiences of 'depression', etc, etc, it is hardly a singular issue-Ed)...well exactly, but as I said, I've found myself supporting others with this advice/observation and I belief that it does apply to many people...(fair enough-Ed)...and I genuinely believe that this can help people to not only accept but also counter the 'depressions' they do experience in this I'll say it again in it's broadest form, if you are a reasonably intelligent person who tries to educate and inform themselves, and is genuinely caring for the plight of others, the environment, etc, etc, then it is inevitable that you will become 'depressed' by the realities, but don't let these 'Depressions' drag you down because they are a badge of honour to wear with up-lifting pride...(and who wouldn't be depressed in the current political climate, particularly here in Australia-Ed)...indeed, out recent election was an absolute farce, a Mockery of Democracy supported by a complicit 'media'...we'll look at this in future posts...

Last post I promised to copy-paste the article about Grant District Council Mayor Richard 'Mumbles' Sage being supposedly "vindicated"/exonerated by the SA Ombudsman...(sure that isn't a typo, shouldn't it say 'Indicted'?-Ed)...nice one man...(it's only a 'VA' away-Ed)...well quite, but anyhoos, there are many issues I'd like to also cover today, so instead I refer y'all back to the previous post, and provide this very brief synopsis with supporting quotes from The Border Watch newspaper...the relevant Ombudsman's Report is not yet available on their website...TBW reported this on it's front page as,
...and further on page 2 as,
     Grant leader cleared of any wrongdoing by ombudsman
...actually, upon review, that reporting is rather unclear as to the involvement of successive CEOs Mr Singe and Mr Maxwell, and given that there's nothing on the Ombudsman's website yet, I will provide the full TBW reportage, thusly...

...and I can only apologise that I have read that through several times and have been unable to clearly establish in my mind a specific timetable of events, as I said, particularly at which point CEOs Singe and Maxwell were involved...(well this report has Maxwell amending a Council Report at Sage's request, a Remuneration Report that Singe then signed, apparently in ignorance of those changes, but I thought Maxwell had replaced Singe, so how could Singe sign a Maxwell-altered document?-Ed)...I know, and thusly guess that there must have been some sort of cross-over period when both were employed...(well I suppose that's sortta' possible-Ed)...but what I'm reading here is that Sage and Maxwell changed that Council-sanctioned document and then 'tricked' Singe into signing it...(it's also unclear as to the connection between and/or timing of Singe's relevant complaint and subsequent 'unexplained' dismissal-Ed)...indeed, but if "Acting CEO Maxwell" was involved, that would seem to indicate that Singe had already been sacked/replaced...(fair enough, but why was Singe then signing that altered document?-Ed)...yeah, look, I dunno', that's part of the confusion I was identifying, is this how it actually transpired or is it clumsy reportage and/or have they used the wrong CEO's name somewhere somehow?...

I'll leave that one to you to sort out for ya'selves dear availees, but what's clear is that Mumbles took it upon himself to alter an officially Council-sanctioned Report/Document, and that the farcically irrelevant Ombudsman ain't gunna' do nuthin' 'bout it!...(hurray for Accountability in Public Office-Ed)...well quite, and I'll join the celebrations when and if I ever witness it...(fair enough-Ed)...but if this weren't bad enough, what really concerns me about that front page is the other story,
     Drug case dumped - Accused traffickers walk free as court runs out of patience with delays
...referring to "ongoing delays in the Major Indictable Brief Unit (MIBU)", and how MIBU and the Director of Public Prosecutions have failed "to reach a charge determination" following their initial extension to do so...this follows a "12 month drug investigation by the Serious and Organised Crime Branch (SOCB)" that led to, "A total of 43 officers (conducting) dawn raids on a number of different premises in Naracoorte, Mt Gambier and Penola to complete the arrests."...(wow, and 11 months after that massive and costly exercise MIBU and the DPP are still shreckin' about to the extent that the charges have been dropped-Ed) indeed...

(And if that weren't bad enough, let's consider in contrast that SAPol, ICAC, the DPP and the Magistrates Court raided your home in May 2014, then took monthly 'Pre-Trial' Court appearances from February 2015 until November 2016 to actually bring you to 'Trial' for the farcical ICAC Section 56 'Charges', then that collapsed in disarray, and then it was another year until your 'New Trial' finally completed December 2017, albeit in your absence, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, but that's something we'll cover in detail in the next post about the recent Fascist Media Raids, etc...what immediately concerns me is the further story from page 3 of that same TBW edition, namely this...

...I've previously referred to this case and my concerns that it would all quietly just 'go away', and there's nothing here that gives me any hope that there will be appropriate action taken against this "teacher" for the "persistent sexual exploitation of a child"...the reportage seemingly indicates that this 'child' was a student of the teacher, "He was in a position of authority as a teacher"...I am deeply concerned by 1) the distinct parallels between this failure of the MIBU and subsequent reaction of Magistrate Anderson as witnessed in the above 'Drug Trial', where-in a teacher has raped a child, and "Magistrate Teresa Anderson considered dismissing the charges due to the non-compliance with court-ordered timetables"...secondly, I refer dear availees to SAPol's abject and clearly deliberate failures to investigate, charge, or even interview "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, and the subsequent wholesale cover-up of those abuses by a definably complicit SAPol, Courts, several SA Premiers and State Parliament, the DPP, the Crown Solicitor, lawyers Stephen Lieschke, Bill DeGaris, Peter Humphries, and Tim Bourne, etc, etc, etc, and the relentless attacks on us parents, etc, etc, etc...

The deeply disturbing parallels are immediately obvious between how SAPol are mis-handling this child-raping teacher and SAPol's unwavering commitment to protecting "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Unit) teacher Glyn Dorling, and the Lutherans who knowingly employed him and knowingly put our kids in harms way by exposing them to Dorling...I remind dear availees that SAPol failed/refused to charge Dorling...(didn't even interview him-Ed)...well quite...(and then lied repeatedly to parents about that, providing families with at least 6 different 'versions' involving different officers, differing alleged locations, etc-Ed)...indeed they did...(and relentlessly attacked/blamed parents for SAPol's deliberate failures-Ed)...wholly corrupt, wholly complicit, rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption from your Mt Gambier/State Police Force...(yay-Ed)...Language Warning...and now this farcical fucking-about where SAPol haven't taken a proper statement from the child, and then fail to rectify that even after they get a 2-month extension...(strewth, it almost looks like they're deliberately trying to fuck it up-Ed)...End Language Warning...that's exactly what I'm saying mate, in the same way they deliberately refused to pursue Glyn Dorling...and believe me, nothing would make me happier than being completely wrong and this teacher gets 10 years minimum...but I ain't holding my breath... 

(Ummm, I'm sorry, that ad there next to that story, does that say "Graeme Lyall" and beneath that "Academy Big Band"?-Ed)...yep, it surely does...(and didn't this event also happen last year?-Ed)...indeed it did...(and didn't we do a post about it entitled, No Apologies For Being Angry About This, 18th August 2018?-Ed)...yep, and I'd suggest we're not far-off writing a post titled Morrison Jazz Academy Knowingly Exposes Students To Rapist, Again...(mate, can you imagine the half-wits who would stampede past that reality to attack you and this 'ere blog-Ed)... don't need to imagine it mate, I've lived it for many years now...(fair enough-Ed)...and if you's reckon I'm over-steppin' the mark with this title, I invite y'alls to go visit the New Matilda website and just search 'Graeme Lyall' and peruse the extraordinary interview they've done with Graeme where-in he doesn't deny the rape, but instead complains about how the student's remarkable strength in seeking appropriate action, etc, how that has affected his (Lyall's) career...(I note that he also acknowledges that the student has received a compensation payment, apparently from the Catholics and/or Tennyson Woods College-Ed)...yep, and whinges about that as well...(what a guy-Ed)...certainly a class-act and absolutely appropriate role-model for aspiring musicians...

I guarantee we will go very hard down this appalling path in the most brutally realistic terms in a post in the very near future.

Also, in the previous post I stated that the Ombudsman had declined to take action against former Robe District Council CEO Roger 'Whim and Fancy' Sweetman regarding multiple issues of "Maladministration" because Roger was retiring/not running again, whatevs, and I do believe that that was part of the 'official decision' to do sweet bugger all about it, let him resign, etc, but the Ombudsman's website states that that was the specific reason for not pursuing action against former Pt Pirie Councillor Darryl Johnson...(is that the one where the Ombudsman ludicrously dismissed one glaringly obvious Conflict of Interest issue, but still made the specific finding that Johnno had, and I quote, "acted in a manner that was contrary to law" on another CoI, but that there would be no action taken because, 
     "As Mr Johnson did not seek re-election at the local government elections in November 2018,
      the Ombudsman made no recommendations." that the one?-Ed)...yep, that's the one, and I re-refer dear availees to read those two reports re Pt Pirie and Robe Councils on the Ombudsman's website...

I also note that the 'official report' on that website re Robe Council/Roger Sweetman does not specifically identify a finding of "Maladministration", indeed, it's a very different, highly sanitised version of events compared to the realities involved...(as we covered in great length in our wonderful post, Ombudsman Lines Sublimely Declines To Act On Robe Probe, 14th April 2019-Ed)...well quite, including a very thorough story by journalist Kate Hill...(yeah, compared to that story, the 'Official Report' is farcically vague and obtuse-Ed)...indeed it is...and I readily admit that I've struggled to keep track of all the farcical shenanigans at Robe Council re the $1million Marina Loan that disappeared then re-appeared then apparently never existed in the first place, then this 'Auditor's Issue' of 2014, then this 'Carpark Wall' issue, and all of the bizarre Council retaliation/retribution against former Mayor William Peden for his extensive efforts to hold them to account on these very concerning issues, etc, etc, but rather than trawl through it all again, again, I do refer y'all to our various previous posts on these issues, eg, 14th April 2019, cheers...(well what's glaringly obvious is that the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC have no intention what-so-ever of taking appropriate action against Robe Council, on any issue-Ed)...indeed...

Tomorrow: Fascist Media Raids In Australia

Which we will amusingly cover under the title, Journalism Is Not A Crime, But Being Nick Fletcher Is...(nice one man, using the popular catch-phrase to highlight the reality of your rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the hands of SA ICAC and SAPol (police), where-in you have been pursued and persecuted and prosecuted for the heinous crime of telling the truth about a fake ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...indeed, and in a context where 2 of the 'Counts' I've been 'Convicted' of are about speaking to the media, namely ABC South East and The Border Watch...(well quite, and where-in the ABC South East and TBW were both SAPol Prosecution witnesses against you-Ed)...indeed they were...(and in a context where you/we/this 'ere blog are more 'journalist' than those two combined-Ed)...well, they're not all bad, I've met journos who are trying, but as others have put it to me, regardless of what anyone else does or doesn't do, I am every bit a 'journalist'...(when you're not being the actual news-Ed)...well quite, and this 'ere blog is a scythingly accurate source of news...   

Many A True Word Spoken In Just Fear-Mongering:...couldn't help but laugh to hear our Home Affairs Minister Peter 'The Spud' Dutton ramping-up the hype about the Medivac Bill and refugees in general, etc, by describing 'people smugglers' thusly, 'they will twist any truth to take money from vulnerable people'...(well to my mind that's the potato calling the kettle black, 'cos that's exactly what the Liberal/National Party do-Ed)...and hence my mirth...(ahhh, fair enough-Ed)...

And we will get to the oft-promised post about MGCC's bare-faced deceits re the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, not least of all, the latest ludicrous announcement that MGCC plans to spend $1.8million on re-vamping and deepening, etc, the 50m outdoor pool...(as part of the $40m FARC project?-Ed) no, this is extra money that's just gunna' appear from somewhere, somehow, no probs mate...(but don't MGCC therefore Ratepayers still owe $2m on the New Library, nearly 10 years after it opened?-Ed)...yep...(and Ratepayers are FARC-ly committed to a barest minimum $15m funding for that literal hole in the ground?-Ed)...yep...(and Council reckons it's gunna' spend $800,000 on the Old Rail Station in the next 2 years?-Ed)...ah yeah, I'd forgotten about that, more money that's gunna' miraculously materialise from gourd-knows where...I guarantee this post is comin' up soon dear availees... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

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