Thursday, April 4, 2019

Brief But Important Interim Post

Howdy dear availees everywhere, and humblest apologies for this very brief interim post, but I have been very unwell...(physically and mentally-Ed)...well indeed, and I've found that even trying to blog has been very confronting and traumatic...(is this tied into the counselling stuff you're currently doing?-Ed) part, absolutely, as helpful as some of it has been, it has also been incredibly confronting when re-hashing the many traumas of the past 16 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and being re-assessed in terms of what a devastating impact that has had on me personally...(let alone the impact on the dozens of 7 year old kids abused by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, and those kid's families, etc-Ed)...and how it's affected my perception of our society and Mt Gambier, etc, etc, all that stuff...(so if the counselling's so bad for you, why do it?-Ed)...let me answer that in 9 parts...(oh gourd no!-Ed)...nah nah, just kidding, 2 main reasons...

Firstly, I was 'ordered' to do this by Corrections SA who flatly refused to accept my Disability Support Pension diagnosis and repeatedly demanded that I get "a more current one"...(and what's happened with all that stuff about your rankly, definably corrupt 'Trial', and the bizarre 'Conviction' and $540,000 fines what was changed to 260hrs of Community Service, and the changed ICAC legislation, etc, etc?-Ed)...nuthin'...(nuthin'?-Ed)...nope, still trying to 'Appeal', no-one returns my emails or phonecalls and I've heard nuthin' at all from Corrections for nearly 6 months...(and what about those multiple SAPol (police) visits to your humble abode in November/December 2018 and all of that harassment about supposedly breaching the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders, etc, etc?-Ed)...nope, nuthin'...(nuthin'? but what about those repeated statements about how "you'll receive a Summons in a coupla' months", what about that stuff?-Ed)...yeah, sure, that's what I was told on 2nd November 2018 and again on 27th December it was "a month", but I've heard nought since...(wow-Ed)...

And then there was also all that stuff about how I had to submit to a DNA Swab and Fingerprinting or else I'd be arrested and forced to submit, etc...(ahhh, I'd forgotten about that-Ed) apparently have SAPol...(oh I don't think they've forgotten, I just think that were caught-out lying and harassing and intimidating you, and when called-out on that stuff, they've just withdrawn to re-draw their plans and to find new and exciting ways to harass and attack you-Ed)...and there's plenty of people who think exactly the same as you Ed...(you for example-Ed)...yeah, but I think all your stuff, what with you being a confected literary device and all...(fair enough-Ed)...but I believe that you are correct in so much as SAPol have definably lied so much in this FIO Breaches process, that to attempt to pursue that issue is just making huge problems for themselves...(eg, why insist on videoing you when it suits them, but failing to do so when they are lying about the DNA stuff-Ed)...a perfect example Ed, only exacerbated by their bizarre claim on 27th December that now they didn't need to do that Swab, etc, because my DNA and Fingerprints are supposedly "already up on the system"...but we digress...

I'm doing counselling because it was demanded of me by Corrections SA who refuse to accept my DSP situation as "current enough", but secondly, I have previously engaged positively with counselling and managed to achieve some positive advancement...and that's how I've explained it to said Counsellor, '1) I'm here because I have to be, and 2) I don't believe that there's a single thing you can do to change the realities that cause me such trauma, etc, and thirdly, given how I and other families have been so relentlessly betrayed by people claiming to helping us, I find it fundamentally impossible to trust you...(wow, way to endear yourself-Ed)...sure, but I very carefully explained my position, eg, what Hawkins Clinic did to me to destroy my 'Trial', at the behest of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White, where-in my "Medical Certificate" was retracted/discounted in my absence and my medical details discussed at length in Open Court, to then be reported on the rankly corrupt ABC South East Radio and The Border Watch newspaper...across several appointments, my Counsellor has shown the maturity and good-grace to respond specifically to my initial statements, accepting the veracity of my position and motivators, and accepting my included repeated apology that none of it is their fault...

Regardless, I have found the process incredibly confronting because I am being asked to consider and accept the traumas and consequences that pursuing the St Martins Cover-up have had on me personally...and they are effectively absolute and definably unrelenting...and that brings us directly back to the undisguised Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my rankly corrupt 'Trial' and subsequent corrupt 'Conviction', etc, etc, all motivated by a corrupt Parliament and corrupt Police and corrupt Judiciary's desire to punish me for speaking-out about the St Martins Cover-up...which then leads directly to the one topic I really did want to cover today, the TV program, Crime Investigation Australia - The Family Murders...on telly just this week, please search it and view it, it explains exactly what South Australia is...(I thought you said it was a giant crock-a-shizzle designed and aired to obfuscate and deny the high-ranking connections to the Family Murders?-Ed) no, that was the ludicrously corrupted farce City of Evil starring The Advertiser newspaper's Sean Fewster and Nigel Hunt...(ah, I was gunna' say, because you stomped all over that particular piece of absolute bollocks-Ed)...indeed I did Ed, and it's exactly what it deserved, it was a deeply cynical and corrupt piece of propaganda...

Crime Investigation Australia - The Family Murders looked to be headed down that exact same path, blaming Bevan Von Einem as the sole perpetrator, etc, but it suddenly did a huge 180 and slammed-down a series of absolute and damning truths in the last 15-20 minutes...a parent told by SAPol that they couldn't touch the real perpetrators because they were 'too powerful', etc...a brother of a victim stating that Adelaide is the centre of global paedophilia, etc...statements about the realities known that there were many others involved and undoubtedly many more 'undiscovered' victims, etc...the murder of witnesses, etc...I was stunned to see a lengthy interview with Ms Wendy Utting, currently still pursuing The Family Murders and other issues of SA's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption, and formerly one of the Child Protection Advocates involved with former Speaker Peter Lewis and the notorious 'Paedophile Dossier' released by his office in 2005, etc...(was that the stuff that named high-ranking paedophiles and led to that bizarrely corrupt 'Defamation/Treason Trial' stuff that we've discussed in several posts?-Ed)...that's the one Ed, but previously we've chosen to exclude her name because we were unawares that she was still involved in this stuff, had moved-on, etc...(wasn't it Ms Utting whom you were with that time that that rat-fink Nigel Hunt rushed at her in the Parliament House courtyard, threatening to "expose" her, etc?-Ed)...yeah, when I thought she was being attacked again, and I went within a hair's-breadth of body-slamming him into the side of the building, etc...

Please dear availees, watch this program because it exactly defines what I and other St Martins families have been fighting against, a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Lutheran Church colluding with a willingly complicit Pro-Paedophile South Australian Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary...(is this program so different to that City of Evil dross because it was produced outside of South Australia?-Ed)...dunno', but even as you ask that question, it rings so very very true...again dear availees, as disturbing and SA-disgraceful as this program is, please watch it...if it is likely to cause you discomfort and trauma as it has me, please be sure to have some sort of support-person with you or easily accessible...

Tomorrow: Hopefully The Recreation Centre Corruption Stuff              

And I say 'hopefully tomorrow'  because I've just suffered through a chronic tooth/gum infection, have had to do a course of antibiotics, etc, and am lookin' down the barrel at a double extraction early next week...usually I can motivate myself with all that stuff about being grateful to be here to whinge about it, etc, now nearly 15 years after all that Chemo, etc, and how lucky I am to still have all my front teeth, etc, but losing more teeth is still really unpleasant in the moment...and now not far from requiring some sort of back-denture, it brings into sharp focus 2 issues, namely, 1) as widely discussed, why isn't all Dental Care, a critical aspect of general health, why isn't Dental covered by Medicare?...which leads directly on to 2) dentures are not covered under the Public Clinic system, so how is someone on a Support Payment or Minimum Wage, etc, meant to cover the minimum $300-$400 for a basic partial denture? what if you need extensive denture work running into $1000s?...what do these people, including many 'Working Poor' and pensioners, etc, what do they do? suck food for the rest of their days?...

I refer to this in the context of this week's Federal Budget, farcically claiming a 'Surplus' based in-part on under-funding the National Disability Insurance Scheme, etc, and the Liberal/National Party's relentless demonising of the Unemployed, Pensioners, etc, and the cynically dysfunctional National Redress Scheme for Child Abuse Survivors, etc, etc, etc...contrast this with those like our Allowance-Guzzling politicians and non-taxpaying 'Franking Credit' retirees and non-taxpaying corporations, etc, and ask yourselves who is that is really the burden on this deeply broken nation we cannot rationally call The Lucky Country...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...     

1 comment:

  1. A list of organisations with nothing better to do than to conspire against Nick Fletcher.

    South Australia Police
    The Border Watch
    The ABC
    Tony Pasin
    Mount Gambier City Council
    Hawkins Medical Clinic
    Judge White
    Probably the entire legal system
    Corrections SA
    The Education Department
    Bill Degaris

    People who are actually actively working against Nick Fletcher
    Nick Fletcher
