Wednesday, April 17, 2019

SA ICACs Farcical Pseudo-Investigation Of Playford Council

Howdy y'all dear availees, and I know I promised more Robe Council Shenanigans, but here's a super-quick post just to get this on the blog and therefore the record...(yeah sure, "super-quick"-Ed) no, I understand your skepticism given my many previous similar statements...(that were then followed by voluminous ventings-Ed)...yeah yeah, I concede, fair dues, but honestly, today it's just this and then a quick review there-of...(just what?-Ed)...just this...***

SA corruption watchdog to probe council

South Australia's anti-corruption watchdog will probe an Adelaide council following a number of complaints about the organisation.
Deputy Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Michael Riches said an evaluation will be conducted into the City of Playford's practices, policies and procedures.
"It is critical that (the council's) functions are carried out appropriately and in a manner that is free of corruption, misconduct and maladministration," he said on Wednesday.
"An evaluation is a useful means of gaining an in depth understanding of a public authority's operations and how it guards against risks of corruption, misconduct and maladministration."
Mr Riches said the evaluation is not an investigation of individual conduct, and if matters of concern are identified they were be dealt with separately.
He said the Office for Public Integrity had received a number of complaints and reports about the council.
The public will be invited to make submissions to the inquiry, and the evaluation may be broadened in light of the information received.
The announcement comes after the council's former chief executive, Mal Hemmerling, was last stood down for alleged bullying and misconduct.
Mr Riches said he hopes to deliver a report to parliament by the end of the year.
"I am hopeful that my report, together with any recommendations made, will be of assistance not only to the City of Playford but to the 67 other local councils in South Australia," he said.

***...(but hang on, wasn't your whole "Malicious Prosecution" (Magistrate Teresa Anderson) and relevant 3 year long "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) and subsequent wholly corrupt 'Conviction', etc, etc, all that stuff, wasn't that for talking/blogging about the ICAC's alleged-but-actually-fake October 2013-January 2014 investigation of Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...indeed it was Ed, indeed it was, and Michael Riches is one of the people I dealt with directly, still got the emails, etc...(but here's the ICAC openly discussing it's own alleged investigation of the very problematic Playford Council-Ed)...ah, it's not an 'investigation' Ed, it's an "evaluation"...(bollocks! that's bureaucratic weasel-words, for shreck sake, it even states there's been "a number of complaints and reports"-Ed)...fair point...(and then argues against itself by stating that "if matters of concern are identified they (will) be dealt with separately", well what are all those shreckin' complaints and reports?-Ed)...again, fair point...(and where/when were the good people of Mt Gambier "invited to make submissions to the Inquiry" into MGCC?-Ed)...again, spot on, they weren't were they, 'cos, as I proved in Court, the entire ICAC investigation of MGCC was a brief unrecorded chat with me in a cafe, albeit in clear earshot of several people, and another brief unrecorded chat with MGCC's then CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane in a hallway at Adelaide's Convention Centre...(so, no stone left un-turned then-Ed)...well quite...(and as for this latest nonsense, I mean, honestly, it's just another orchestrated ICAC cover-up looking for somewhere to happen-Ed) so dear heart?...

(Well, mate, ICAC has a well-documented history of 'investigating' SA's institutionalised corruption and then excusing it, eg, the ludicrous Gillman Land Sale debasco (debacle/fiasco)-Ed)...that was indeed a beauty...(indeed, and this is ICAC looking to address the many well-publicised issues in Playford Council, pretend to 'investigate', and then dismiss it all as nuthin' really, it's all fine, just fine, honest-Ed)...all of the issues?...(well it sure-as-shreck ain't just my pal Mal, eg, there's the super-dodgy re-development issues centering around our other mate Rory McEwen's former parliamentary Chief of Staff, Stephen Campbell-Ed) that the stuff about the Ice Rink thingy that just got shelved/axed...(axed? really?-Ed)...yeah, just last month, axed/shelved/dropped/whatevs, not exactly sure why, but here's some of Stevo and Rory's earlier work...***

A-G defends staffer over union election claims

South Australia's Attorney-General, Michael Atkinson, has defended one of his staff members amid allegations he was involved in a deal to influence a union election.
Facing more questioning in Parliament today, Mr Atkinson said neither he nor his staffer, George Karzis, had any knowledge of an alleged deal to get a candidate to withdraw from the Shopworkers Union elections.
Mr Atkinson says he was not even aware Mr Karzis attended meetings with the union, until after they happened.
"When I became aware that Mr Karzis had attended two meetings I can tell you, he didn't attend any more," Mr Atkinson said.
The election candidate concerned is Stephen Campbell, a staffer for Minister Rory McEwen.
Deputy Premier Kevin Foley told Parliament of other concerns related to the election campaign.
"I told Mr Campbell that Minister McEwen was uncomfortable with members of his staff participating in election campaigns as candidates while attached to his office," he said.

***...(classic!-Ed)...I particularly like the bit where the rankly corrupt Michael Atkinson says he had no idea what was happening, but gee-whiz, when he found out, by golly, "I can tell you, he didn't attend any more"...(bahahahhhaahhaa-Ed)...absolute shreckin' bollocks from the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Atko, mate...(don't like Atko much, do ya'?-Ed)...seething loathing for a horrendously corrupt Paedophile Protector...(look, mate, just because he took the St Martin's kid's Flinders Child Protection Service Reports off of FCPS and handed them to the Lutherans and their lawyers to edit/censor before those also heavily-redacted report remnants were then released to parents, that doesn't make him a paedophile-Ed)...I said "rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt" and "Paedophile Protector", I never said 'Michael Atkinson is a Paedophile'...(ah, so you're saying he is "rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt" and a critically complicit "Paedophile Protector" intimately involved in the horrendous St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...absolutely...(but you're not specifically saying that former Labor Attorney-General Michael Atkinson is himself a paedophile?-Ed) opinion of him is my opinion, but correct, officially and legally, I am not in a position to say he is a paedophile...  

But we digress, because the real issue here is obviously the farcical contradiction between this alleged ICAC "evaluation" of Playford Council being publicly reported, and the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt "Malicious Prosecution" I was subjected to...("was"? don't you mean 'am being'?-Ed)...sorry?...(well, aren't you still trying to 'Appeal' but are still being ignored by current Liberal AG Vicki Chapman, the Dept of Corrections, etc, etc, effectively a continuation of the rank bias and open corruption of your "bizarre trial"?-Ed)...mmm, fair point, I am still trying to 'Appeal'...(and chuck onto that stuff the repeated SAPol (police) harassmentings on your front step in November-December 2018, that's all a part of the broader Pro-Paedophile Persecution-Ed)...well sure, you make a valid point, again...(no need to sound quite so surprised-Ed)...not surprised, as always I'm very appreciative of your critical role in the narrative, you are invaluable and indispensable...(even for a confected literary device?-Ed)...well sure, but still, when you're right you're right and now is one of those times, I am very much still being 'Maliciously Persecuted/Prosecuted'...

And dear regular availees, I'm sure y'all are rather over me repeatedly setting y'all homework...(orrrrr, homework? agaaaaain?-Ed)...but those of you's what already done do it previous like, will now not have to do it again...(whaaa?-Ed)...because y'all will already know that when I say 'dear availees go to the SA ICAC website thingy and search for any mention of either Mt Gambier City Council or Nicholas (Nick) Fletcher', that that right there is an exercise in furious and abject futility...(ahhh, you mean the stuff where ICAC claims to have investigated and subsequently exonerated MGCC but there ain't a single mention not nowheres-Ed)...exactly...(and similarly, your extraordinary Precedent Conviction under the wholly bizarre ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, that don't rate a mention either-Ed)...not in any Official Statement, not in any Yearly Report, not in any form what-so-ever not nowheres...( they mention where ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander conspired with Labor's AG li'l Johnny Rau in September-November 2014 to change the ICAC Act via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act November 2014, by including that 'To Publish' definition that directly addresses your Legal Eagle's specific questions on that issue, and therefore retrospectively criminalises your actions in a manner to specifically 'allow' you be prosecuted?-Ed)...lovin' the sarcasm Ed, but no, ICAC surprisingly does not acknowledge that the ICAC Act was changed as to allow me to be prosecuted for what was technically therefore 'Not A Crime' when I did it...

Anyhoos, I'm just venting now because regular availees will be well aquainted with this rankly corrupt conduct by My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time Comm Lander and his wee pally li'l Johnny Rau...(as eventually acknowledged but corruptly dismissed by Magistrate Ian White-Ed)...indeed, and if y'all ain't familiar with all that stuff, please to be reading all the relevant posts from February-April 2018, eg, Addin' Dem Addendums...(well it's 'Addenda', the plural of Addendum is Addenda-Ed)...yeah, ok! I think everyone gets the point...

Tomorrow: The Robe Probe Debasco

(I wonder if that Ice Rink development collapse/cancellation has anything to do with this ridiculous ICAC pseudo-investigation?-Ed)...I'd be truly gob-smacked if it weren't, and I guarantee ya's that ICAC won't look at that issue 'because it ain't happening now'...(like there's gunna' be no action against the former Pt Pirie Mayor Johnson 'because he ain't in Local Government since November 2018'?-Ed)...yes Ed, exactly like that...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...............see Ed, that wasn't that long...(yeah, fair enough, that's reasonably short-Ed)...  

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