Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Australia: The Best Fascist Democracy That Money Can Buy

Take one 'yee' and add a 'ha' to y'all dear availees in the USofA, the UK, the UAE, and here in li'l ol' Oz...please y'all to be considering this post as a lead-in to the promised post about Journalism Is Not A Crime, Etc, but I started on that one and found myself rambling through this distended pre-amble by way of extended explanation...(whaaa?-Ed)...this is that, just the bit that comes first to explain the rest...(as I said, whaaa?-Ed)...I started that 'Journalism' post thingy, but it blew-out to this post which is more specifically about the conditions that have led to and/or allow the growth of Fascism in our supposed liberal society, as evidenced by these recent 'Media Raids' and charges against various 'Whistleblowers', etc...(ahhh, I get it-Ed)...indeed, and we're all gunna' get it before too long if we continue down this very twisted and pot-holed political path...anyhoos, for this title I've appropriated the old saying's about 'Democracy Isn't Perfect, But It's The Best We've Come-Up With Thus Far', and 'The Best Government Money Can Buy'...(nice...I also like the one about the rise of China-Ed)...mmm?...('What Capitalism Can Achieve When Unencumbered By Democracy'-Ed)...sweet...

The May 2019 Federal Election is a case-book study in media manipulation and electorate-control, in a context where there is a widely acknowledged rise of Fascism in 'Democratic' societies...and in that spirit, just to kick it right off, here's a delightful piece that I found floating around Twitter...apparently it was a first-draft email that was subsequently just printed without alteration, but not sure whether that was deliberate or just a bit of a stuff-up...just for the record, I can't stop laughing...enjoy...*** 

No but tell us how you really feel The Guardian
11:54 PM · Jun 15, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone
*** that right there's some truth in advertising, simply brilliant...(I didn't know you were running for the position of British PM?-Ed)...charming, but I'll give you that one...(I myself like how people on Twitter refer to our illustrious PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison and his Merry Band of God-Botherers as "Happy Clappers"-Ed)...indeed, and I also like the debate created by the  ludicrous Israel Folau and his bigotted self-righteous bullshit that got him quite rightly sacked from Rugby Australia...his ridiculous statements about who is and/or isn't going to this alleged Hell place, are obviously pig-ignorant hypocrisies, as he joyfully cherry-picks from his Bible book thingy all those bizarre bigotries that supposedly support his personal biases, whilst simultaneously ignoring that which doesn't suit him...(whatta' prick!-Ed)...ah now Ed, one mustn't infringe on Israel's 'Right to Freedom of Religious Speech'...(no no, as a committed Agnostic, I'm expressing my 'Right to Freedom Of Religious Speech' to state that he's a bigotted, vacuous hypocrite who deserves to be vilified in the exact same manner he's seen fit to behave-Ed) Agnostic you say?...(indeed, and I've always said, as have Monty Python, that there's nothing an Agnostic can't do if he's not sure whether he believes in anything or not-Ed)...well hurrah...

So let's get that farcical debate sorted, Israel Folau was sacked for doing what he'd agreed to not do, and thusly he breached his contract with RA, and it wasn't the first time...(well exactly, his bigotted and hypocritical Happy Clapper lunacy is fundamentally irrelevant, this is a Contractual issue-Ed)...I for one would enjoy a little Freedom From Religious Speech myself, and better still, just plain ol' Freedom From Religion...(oh here we shreckin' go, is this about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...well it wasn't specifically, no, I was referring in general to this blasé notion that we live in a society where there is a responsible and appropriate divide between Church/Religion and the Political State...(well clearly that's not the case, particularly in South Australia-Ed)...indeed, and I re-refer dear availees to that Lateline interview from several years ago, where-in the British interviewee was discussing Theocracies, ie, countries/states run by religious organisations, and he identified firstly Iran, and then said, "and of course, there's the Lutherans in South Australia"...(wow-Ed)...Australia's general Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption aside, eg, as witnessed in the farcical Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, all of that aside, the ease with which the Lutherans have conducted the St Martins Cover-up clearly illustrates the influence they have politically...(fair enough, I mean, they didn't get asked a single question by the FCARC, and that didn't happen by accident-Ed)...indeed...
Mandate My Arse:...apologies if I've done this joke before, can't recall, but it is a particularly witty word-play referring to the repeated statements by Scummo & Co that they have a "mandate" to pursue their various punitive lunacies after the May 2019 Federal Election...(ah yes, using the fact that you're a 'Man', although I use the term in it's loosest possible definition-Ed)...charming...(then combining that with the time-honoured Aussie euphemism of 'date' for a 'sphincter', all that aligning with your personal assertion, get it? 'ass'ertion, that this alleged 'Election Mandate' thingy is simply untrue-Ed)...indeed, by any and all definitions my arse is a Man Date, and equally unequivocally the Liberal Party's supposed mandate is just a joke...the Liberals gained one extra seat, one, and only managed that due to their 'alliance' with the National Party, thusly the LNP are in government...(but it wasn't just that alliance was it, you forgot to mention the transparent collusion between Clive Palmer's $60-70million Anti-Labor advertising blizzard and associated Preference Deal-Ed)...well quite...(and the Preference Deal with One Nation-Ed)...and that also...(and the sickly deceitful and complicit Main Stream Media, with the fundamentally corrupted ABC leading the charge-Ed)...absolutely, and worthy of succinct review...

It took the Liberal Party and their combined vote with the National Party and the support and preferences of Clive 'Trust Me' Palmer and Pauline 'One Notion' Hanson, and the support of virtually the entire Main Stream Media and Australian Broadcasting Corporation peddling their combined deceits and manipulations to defeat Labor by effectively one seat...(what hope?-Ed)...indeed, and there's been so much discussion about so many examples of the MSM/ABC collusion with the LNP that I'm not going to drill-down into the minutiae, you either accept or don't that that pro-Liberal/Nationals bias occurred...(and largely is still occurring-Ed)...indeed, you's either agree or disagree, but I'd offer as perfect example the farcically compromised interview by rank Liberal stooge Annabelle Crabbe with Home Affairs Minister Peter 'Spud' Dutton (ABC Insiders, Sunday 16th June 2019) where-in Annabelle off-handedly raised the issue of the extraordinary corruption evident in the $420million Paladin contract re Manus Island, etc, then allowed 'Spud' to deny any knowledge of and/or responsibility for both 1) that original bizarre 'contract', then also 2) the apparent re-awarding of that 'contract' to Paladin, again without any 'Tender Process', and happening within weeks...(pathetic and complicit, Annabelle certainly knows what side her gravy train boards from, and it's no wonder she gets her own political 'matey' puff-piece TV shows-Ed)...indeed...
'Spud' was totally unfazed, knowing full-well that his pathetic non-responses and/or denials were more than sufficient and were not going to be further examined...(and Annabelle didn't let him down-Ed)...none of the typical seething fury or spitting indignation from 'The Angry Spud' because he knew those 'tough questions' were going to go nowhere, it looked every bit like exactly what it was, a carefully rehearsed pro-Liberal propaganda piece sans accountability...(mate, it looks like Crabbe's 'research process' involves going onto 'Social Media' to ascertain what exactly it is everyone's talking about, then pseudo-addressing those issues via matey-chats with whatevs LNP stooge is in the frame-Ed)...exactly, pretend to address the unavoidable issue by first raising it, then dilute that issue with innocuously soft questioning, then dismiss entirely that issue by just walking away from it...'ooo look, I did ask about that rancidly corrupt thing, yes I did'...bollocks, it's completely complicit, deviously deceitful, and transparently obvious...       
But let's face it, Labor didn't help their own cause by having a raft of Actual Policies, allowing 'Scummo' to just attack those issues without actually having any policies of his own...(well except for Tax Cuts, largely benefitting the already wealthy-Ed)...indeed, and again the MSM/ABC was absolutely complicit in failing to hold the LNP to account for this 'Policy Vacuum'...the 'No Policy Policy' also allowed 'Scummo' to hide virtually all his team of disastrous incompetents, and instead spew his Cult of Personality jingoistic jibberish...(and yet a further example of the complicit nature of the MSM/ABC because they let him do it, supported him in doing it, rarely if ever asking 'where are these invisible Ministers? where are your candidates?-Ed)...well quite, again the sort of discussion/debate that was being had widely on 'Social Media' but ne'ery a mention in the MSM/ABC...'Scummo' was also allowed to relentlessly lie about the LNP's 'Fiscal Management/Economy' skills, rarely if ever confronted with the dual realities that 1) they've doubled the National Debt in six years, and 2) the 'Economy' is flat/stalling/tanking, however you want to present it...(another classic example covered on 'Social Media' was the MSM/ABC's relentless use of the term 'Retiree Tax' to refer to Labor's plan to reform Franking Credits-Ed)...precisely, the complexities of that issue aside, describing Labor's plan as a 'Tax' is a deliberately provocative and alarmist deceit... 
These MSM/ABC deceits and/or failures proved critical, only to be further defined and compounded by their collective bleating post-election about how they could have done better...'oh golly, sorry, we should have asked those questions about the state of the Debt and/or Economy', etc, etc, etc...(orrr boo-bloody-hoo, yelling hoarsely at the shut gate after giving the electorate the euthanistic electoral bolt right to the forehead!-Ed)...mmm, that's a particularly eloquent albeit extremely violent picture you paint there mate...('KIN-BOOM, orrr gee whiz, I didn't know it was loaded officer'...pathetic-Ed)...mmhmm, I think you've made that point quite thoroughly...but having said that, and not entirely discounting Bill Shorten's short-comings with personal popularity...(or a lack of-Ed)...Labor did themselves no favours by stating that 'if you don't like our Franking Credits Plan then feel free to not vote for us'...(yeahhh, not a brilliant move, much better to have said 'we believe that the few Australians affected will see the merit in our plan and altruistically support the many positives for the wider community, because Aussies are great like that'-Ed)...absolutely, a far better approach that appeals to people's sense of self-approval, community support, etc, rather than just irretrievably alienating them...maybe wouldn't have changed many people's views/vote, but far better than 'if you don't like it, feel free to sod right off '...(agreed-Ed)...and speaking of which... 
A Triumph Of Greed, Fear, And Ignorance:...are how quite a few people have described the electorate's response to this unwavering pro-LNP bias in the MSM/ABC, but I think it's far more involved than that, which is why I've chosen deliberately to cover these issues after my observations about how the media has manipulated and deceived the electorate...(and continues to enable and protect the LNP-Ed)...well exactly, as we've discussed, that pro-LNP agenda is clearly alive and kicking post-election...anyhoos, whilst there is a perfectly reasonable argument to be made in support of the above discourse about personal greed and ignorance-driven fear, etc, because these are genuine factors in the 2019 Federal Election outcome, I believe that stopping at these realities is only to excuse or ignore those other realities I have described about the role of the MSM/ABC...(ahhh, I see what you're saying-Ed) you go then...(well, sure, some people are always gunna' be greedy or ignorant or fearful, etc, but given the complicit deceits of the MSM/ABC, even those who have tried to be informed and make responsible even altruistic decisions, etc, even those people would be hard-pressed to reach genuinely independent conclusions/decisions-Ed) on mate...(even if they tried to thoroughly examine the facts as presented and dissect the often conflicting political discourse, etc, when the MSM/ABC are all headed down the same pro-LNP road, reporting with the same agenda-ed bias, etc, etc, what hope does the average punter have?-Ed)...or even the above-average punter mate... 
And that's why Australia is the best democracy that money can buy...and that's why...
Tomorrow: Journalism Is Not A Crime, But Being Nick Fletcher Is
What has happened in recent weeks, with these raids and other direct threats to media outlets, etc, it's old news in this 'ere house, because SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch detectives were in this 'ere house aways back on 7th/8th May 2014, as part of ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', going through my documents, etc, and seizing my laptop as 'evidence', etc, then persecuting me via a 3 year 'Trial', etc, all in response to and/or justified by me blogging the absolute truth about the Court-proven fake ICAC alleged investigation of Mt Gambier City Council, October 2013-January 2014...(etc, etc, etc-Ed)...well quite, we've been through most of this stuff in multiple previous posts, but it is what it is...(politically motivated retribution for exposing corruption?-Ed)...exactly...(you know mate, I reckon that not many availees would begrudge you doing a bit of the old 'I told you so' stuff-Ed) so?...(well, you've been speaking openly about his bare-faced persecution and it's motivations and the obvious implications, etc, etc, but almost no-one's done anything about it-Ed)...other than abuse and criticise me...(fair enough, but not everyone's been like that-Ed)...true...(and remember that those who did approach local and/or interstate media on your behalf, etc, they were wholly rejected by the MSM and ABC-Ed)...that is true...(and now here we are, with those same Rejectors bleating about the Fascism of police raids on journalists, etc-Ed)...I see your point...
It is somewhat tempting to engage in a chorus of 'I Told You So's', but there's more to be achieved by addressing these issues, rather than wallowing indulgently in self-pity or boastful pride...yes, I have been identifying this potential, and yes, now those who have rejected my story see fit to complain about the exact same issues 'cos it's happening to them, but the main issue is that it's happening at all...(right on dude, right on-Ed)
I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog and we'll be back here soon with another attempt to resolve some of this stuff...cheers and laters...      

Friday, June 21, 2019

Why Intelligent, Informed, Caring People Who Give A Damn Will Suffer Depression

Howdy dear availees in Germany, Ukraine, Norway, and Poland, and to y'all elsewhere...following directly on from the last post, I've titled this one with a brief synopsis of a longer conversation I've had with several people, not least of all my own child, in trying to counsel and support them about the stress and dis-ease and depression they experience in their lives...(tried following your own advice/counsel?-Ed)...Ed! mate! are you calling me intelligent and informed and caring?...(certainly, and I'd suggest that this 'ere blog is proof enough-Ed)...orrr, cheers mate...(I mean, you don't claim to be the sharpest tool in the shed-Ed)...riiight...(but then you're hardly as dumb as a box-a'-hammers either-Ed)...hmmm, high praise indeed...(come on, you know what I mean, you are clearly a reasonably intelligent person who tries to be correctly informed about issues, and you also try to do something about those issues, and you've paid an extraordinary price physically, mentally, legally, and financially, and pretty much every other 'ally'-ly-Ed)...ain't that the truth, the price I've paid for being truthful...and I ain't claiming to be a 'better person' than you dear availee...(nor admitting to being 'worse'-Ed)...exactly, but this is my blog and these are very much My Truths...

Now, I also ain't stating that this bit of advice is in anyway a definitive study in 'Depression'...(well obviously, people suffer all sorts of traumas and life experiences that can trigger or create 'depression', there are a myriad of different catalysts and/or motivators, and within that vastly varying expressions/experiences of 'depression', etc, etc, it is hardly a singular issue-Ed)...well exactly, but as I said, I've found myself supporting others with this advice/observation and I belief that it does apply to many people...(fair enough-Ed)...and I genuinely believe that this can help people to not only accept but also counter the 'depressions' they do experience in this I'll say it again in it's broadest form, if you are a reasonably intelligent person who tries to educate and inform themselves, and is genuinely caring for the plight of others, the environment, etc, etc, then it is inevitable that you will become 'depressed' by the realities, but don't let these 'Depressions' drag you down because they are a badge of honour to wear with up-lifting pride...(and who wouldn't be depressed in the current political climate, particularly here in Australia-Ed)...indeed, out recent election was an absolute farce, a Mockery of Democracy supported by a complicit 'media'...we'll look at this in future posts...

Last post I promised to copy-paste the article about Grant District Council Mayor Richard 'Mumbles' Sage being supposedly "vindicated"/exonerated by the SA Ombudsman...(sure that isn't a typo, shouldn't it say 'Indicted'?-Ed)...nice one man...(it's only a 'VA' away-Ed)...well quite, but anyhoos, there are many issues I'd like to also cover today, so instead I refer y'all back to the previous post, and provide this very brief synopsis with supporting quotes from The Border Watch newspaper...the relevant Ombudsman's Report is not yet available on their website...TBW reported this on it's front page as,
...and further on page 2 as,
     Grant leader cleared of any wrongdoing by ombudsman
...actually, upon review, that reporting is rather unclear as to the involvement of successive CEOs Mr Singe and Mr Maxwell, and given that there's nothing on the Ombudsman's website yet, I will provide the full TBW reportage, thusly...

...and I can only apologise that I have read that through several times and have been unable to clearly establish in my mind a specific timetable of events, as I said, particularly at which point CEOs Singe and Maxwell were involved...(well this report has Maxwell amending a Council Report at Sage's request, a Remuneration Report that Singe then signed, apparently in ignorance of those changes, but I thought Maxwell had replaced Singe, so how could Singe sign a Maxwell-altered document?-Ed)...I know, and thusly guess that there must have been some sort of cross-over period when both were employed...(well I suppose that's sortta' possible-Ed)...but what I'm reading here is that Sage and Maxwell changed that Council-sanctioned document and then 'tricked' Singe into signing it...(it's also unclear as to the connection between and/or timing of Singe's relevant complaint and subsequent 'unexplained' dismissal-Ed)...indeed, but if "Acting CEO Maxwell" was involved, that would seem to indicate that Singe had already been sacked/replaced...(fair enough, but why was Singe then signing that altered document?-Ed)...yeah, look, I dunno', that's part of the confusion I was identifying, is this how it actually transpired or is it clumsy reportage and/or have they used the wrong CEO's name somewhere somehow?...

I'll leave that one to you to sort out for ya'selves dear availees, but what's clear is that Mumbles took it upon himself to alter an officially Council-sanctioned Report/Document, and that the farcically irrelevant Ombudsman ain't gunna' do nuthin' 'bout it!...(hurray for Accountability in Public Office-Ed)...well quite, and I'll join the celebrations when and if I ever witness it...(fair enough-Ed)...but if this weren't bad enough, what really concerns me about that front page is the other story,
     Drug case dumped - Accused traffickers walk free as court runs out of patience with delays
...referring to "ongoing delays in the Major Indictable Brief Unit (MIBU)", and how MIBU and the Director of Public Prosecutions have failed "to reach a charge determination" following their initial extension to do so...this follows a "12 month drug investigation by the Serious and Organised Crime Branch (SOCB)" that led to, "A total of 43 officers (conducting) dawn raids on a number of different premises in Naracoorte, Mt Gambier and Penola to complete the arrests."...(wow, and 11 months after that massive and costly exercise MIBU and the DPP are still shreckin' about to the extent that the charges have been dropped-Ed) indeed...

(And if that weren't bad enough, let's consider in contrast that SAPol, ICAC, the DPP and the Magistrates Court raided your home in May 2014, then took monthly 'Pre-Trial' Court appearances from February 2015 until November 2016 to actually bring you to 'Trial' for the farcical ICAC Section 56 'Charges', then that collapsed in disarray, and then it was another year until your 'New Trial' finally completed December 2017, albeit in your absence, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, but that's something we'll cover in detail in the next post about the recent Fascist Media Raids, etc...what immediately concerns me is the further story from page 3 of that same TBW edition, namely this...

...I've previously referred to this case and my concerns that it would all quietly just 'go away', and there's nothing here that gives me any hope that there will be appropriate action taken against this "teacher" for the "persistent sexual exploitation of a child"...the reportage seemingly indicates that this 'child' was a student of the teacher, "He was in a position of authority as a teacher"...I am deeply concerned by 1) the distinct parallels between this failure of the MIBU and subsequent reaction of Magistrate Anderson as witnessed in the above 'Drug Trial', where-in a teacher has raped a child, and "Magistrate Teresa Anderson considered dismissing the charges due to the non-compliance with court-ordered timetables"...secondly, I refer dear availees to SAPol's abject and clearly deliberate failures to investigate, charge, or even interview "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, and the subsequent wholesale cover-up of those abuses by a definably complicit SAPol, Courts, several SA Premiers and State Parliament, the DPP, the Crown Solicitor, lawyers Stephen Lieschke, Bill DeGaris, Peter Humphries, and Tim Bourne, etc, etc, etc, and the relentless attacks on us parents, etc, etc, etc...

The deeply disturbing parallels are immediately obvious between how SAPol are mis-handling this child-raping teacher and SAPol's unwavering commitment to protecting "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Unit) teacher Glyn Dorling, and the Lutherans who knowingly employed him and knowingly put our kids in harms way by exposing them to Dorling...I remind dear availees that SAPol failed/refused to charge Dorling...(didn't even interview him-Ed)...well quite...(and then lied repeatedly to parents about that, providing families with at least 6 different 'versions' involving different officers, differing alleged locations, etc-Ed)...indeed they did...(and relentlessly attacked/blamed parents for SAPol's deliberate failures-Ed)...wholly corrupt, wholly complicit, rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption from your Mt Gambier/State Police Force...(yay-Ed)...Language Warning...and now this farcical fucking-about where SAPol haven't taken a proper statement from the child, and then fail to rectify that even after they get a 2-month extension...(strewth, it almost looks like they're deliberately trying to fuck it up-Ed)...End Language Warning...that's exactly what I'm saying mate, in the same way they deliberately refused to pursue Glyn Dorling...and believe me, nothing would make me happier than being completely wrong and this teacher gets 10 years minimum...but I ain't holding my breath... 

(Ummm, I'm sorry, that ad there next to that story, does that say "Graeme Lyall" and beneath that "Academy Big Band"?-Ed)...yep, it surely does...(and didn't this event also happen last year?-Ed)...indeed it did...(and didn't we do a post about it entitled, No Apologies For Being Angry About This, 18th August 2018?-Ed)...yep, and I'd suggest we're not far-off writing a post titled Morrison Jazz Academy Knowingly Exposes Students To Rapist, Again...(mate, can you imagine the half-wits who would stampede past that reality to attack you and this 'ere blog-Ed)... don't need to imagine it mate, I've lived it for many years now...(fair enough-Ed)...and if you's reckon I'm over-steppin' the mark with this title, I invite y'alls to go visit the New Matilda website and just search 'Graeme Lyall' and peruse the extraordinary interview they've done with Graeme where-in he doesn't deny the rape, but instead complains about how the student's remarkable strength in seeking appropriate action, etc, how that has affected his (Lyall's) career...(I note that he also acknowledges that the student has received a compensation payment, apparently from the Catholics and/or Tennyson Woods College-Ed)...yep, and whinges about that as well...(what a guy-Ed)...certainly a class-act and absolutely appropriate role-model for aspiring musicians...

I guarantee we will go very hard down this appalling path in the most brutally realistic terms in a post in the very near future.

Also, in the previous post I stated that the Ombudsman had declined to take action against former Robe District Council CEO Roger 'Whim and Fancy' Sweetman regarding multiple issues of "Maladministration" because Roger was retiring/not running again, whatevs, and I do believe that that was part of the 'official decision' to do sweet bugger all about it, let him resign, etc, but the Ombudsman's website states that that was the specific reason for not pursuing action against former Pt Pirie Councillor Darryl Johnson...(is that the one where the Ombudsman ludicrously dismissed one glaringly obvious Conflict of Interest issue, but still made the specific finding that Johnno had, and I quote, "acted in a manner that was contrary to law" on another CoI, but that there would be no action taken because, 
     "As Mr Johnson did not seek re-election at the local government elections in November 2018,
      the Ombudsman made no recommendations." that the one?-Ed)...yep, that's the one, and I re-refer dear availees to read those two reports re Pt Pirie and Robe Councils on the Ombudsman's website...

I also note that the 'official report' on that website re Robe Council/Roger Sweetman does not specifically identify a finding of "Maladministration", indeed, it's a very different, highly sanitised version of events compared to the realities involved...(as we covered in great length in our wonderful post, Ombudsman Lines Sublimely Declines To Act On Robe Probe, 14th April 2019-Ed)...well quite, including a very thorough story by journalist Kate Hill...(yeah, compared to that story, the 'Official Report' is farcically vague and obtuse-Ed)...indeed it is...and I readily admit that I've struggled to keep track of all the farcical shenanigans at Robe Council re the $1million Marina Loan that disappeared then re-appeared then apparently never existed in the first place, then this 'Auditor's Issue' of 2014, then this 'Carpark Wall' issue, and all of the bizarre Council retaliation/retribution against former Mayor William Peden for his extensive efforts to hold them to account on these very concerning issues, etc, etc, but rather than trawl through it all again, again, I do refer y'all to our various previous posts on these issues, eg, 14th April 2019, cheers...(well what's glaringly obvious is that the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC have no intention what-so-ever of taking appropriate action against Robe Council, on any issue-Ed)...indeed...

Tomorrow: Fascist Media Raids In Australia

Which we will amusingly cover under the title, Journalism Is Not A Crime, But Being Nick Fletcher Is...(nice one man, using the popular catch-phrase to highlight the reality of your rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the hands of SA ICAC and SAPol (police), where-in you have been pursued and persecuted and prosecuted for the heinous crime of telling the truth about a fake ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...indeed, and in a context where 2 of the 'Counts' I've been 'Convicted' of are about speaking to the media, namely ABC South East and The Border Watch...(well quite, and where-in the ABC South East and TBW were both SAPol Prosecution witnesses against you-Ed)...indeed they were...(and in a context where you/we/this 'ere blog are more 'journalist' than those two combined-Ed)...well, they're not all bad, I've met journos who are trying, but as others have put it to me, regardless of what anyone else does or doesn't do, I am every bit a 'journalist'...(when you're not being the actual news-Ed)...well quite, and this 'ere blog is a scythingly accurate source of news...   

Many A True Word Spoken In Just Fear-Mongering:...couldn't help but laugh to hear our Home Affairs Minister Peter 'The Spud' Dutton ramping-up the hype about the Medivac Bill and refugees in general, etc, by describing 'people smugglers' thusly, 'they will twist any truth to take money from vulnerable people'...(well to my mind that's the potato calling the kettle black, 'cos that's exactly what the Liberal/National Party do-Ed)...and hence my mirth...(ahhh, fair enough-Ed)...

And we will get to the oft-promised post about MGCC's bare-faced deceits re the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, not least of all, the latest ludicrous announcement that MGCC plans to spend $1.8million on re-vamping and deepening, etc, the 50m outdoor pool...(as part of the $40m FARC project?-Ed) no, this is extra money that's just gunna' appear from somewhere, somehow, no probs mate...(but don't MGCC therefore Ratepayers still owe $2m on the New Library, nearly 10 years after it opened?-Ed)...yep...(and Ratepayers are FARC-ly committed to a barest minimum $15m funding for that literal hole in the ground?-Ed)...yep...(and Council reckons it's gunna' spend $800,000 on the Old Rail Station in the next 2 years?-Ed)...ah yeah, I'd forgotten about that, more money that's gunna' miraculously materialise from gourd-knows where...I guarantee this post is comin' up soon dear availees... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

Sunday, June 16, 2019

There's Nothing Like Official Accountability, In South Australia

Howdy dear availees in Egypt, Estonia, Japan, and United Arab Emirates...welcome to a post that is largely revisionary...(is this part of your 'Keep On Posting' strategy, in a context where deeply draining 'Depression' continues to dog you?-Ed)...exactly correct young Ed, continuing forward as best possible given the circumstances...(well it's been a coupla' fairly full-on months-Ed)...indeed it has, and I note with some sense of vindication that I've seen several people on Twitter say much the same things I have about politically-motivated depression, etc, and that they've felt driven to withdraw from 'electronic media', albeit briefly...(but I note that you force yourself to try and stay somewhat engaged-Ed)...well quite, and as I described in the last paragraph of the previous post, it is important to me and to the very nature of this 'ere blog that I remain 'actually correct' rather than 'think I'm right'...(and there is quite a difference-Ed)...indeed, and to that end I forced myself to sit through the farcically depressing pantomime that was Annabelle Crabbe 'interviewing' Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on the ABC's The Insiders this morning...(oh gourd, I don't want to know-Ed)...oh you know mate, you exactly know, we all know, and Language Warning, 'cos ya' didn't need to watch it to know that it was a farcically biased 'Dorothy Dixer Cluster Fuck'...End Language Warning...(ah, so better than I was expecting then?-Ed)...well quite, it was absolutely appalling... 

And I'll get into that more next post, but today I'd just quickly like to acknowledge a coupla' very supportive 'Comments', the first from 4th April 2019, when 'Unknown' wrote;
     "You have a particularly interesting way of writing and I am in complete agreance with
     you on Dear Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman, "Whim And Fancy" This Champ  
...and as previously explained, I don't blame people for showing their support anonymously...(given how popular you aren't in this political climate and/or town, can't blame people for not wanting to expose themselves to similar bigotry, abuse, and/or discrimination-Ed)...exactly, I only question the crassly cowardly halfwits who anonymously sling pig-ignorant personal abuse and derision and deeply often deliberately misinformed opinions...(like that bright spark who anonymously demanded on 12th September 2018 that you go 'onto social media' so that other like-minded drongos could 'hold you to account'?-Ed)...a perfect example Ed...anyhoos, only 2 days later, 6th April 2019, an 'Unknown' left this 'Comment' indicating that they have extensively read and understand this 'ere blog...
     "A list of organisations with nothing better to do than to conspire against Nick Fletcher.
     South Australia Police The Border Watch The ABC Tony Pasin Mount Gambier City
     Council Hawkins Medical Clinic Judge White Probably the entire legal system ICAC
     Corrections SA The Education Department Bill Degaris Google People who are actually
     actively working against Nick Fletcher Nick Fletcher" on Brief But Important Interim Post

(Ummm, yeahhh, not so sure that that's supportive-Ed)...really?...(yeahhh, I think you'll find that that's actually a very average attempt at mocking sarcasm, trying to concurrently belittle you and undermine the reality of your blogging about these various people/Authorities/organisations, quite probably based on having read only a very few posts-Ed)...oh, right...(yeah, sorry-Ed) no, not your fault mate, and now that you point it out to me, I see what you mean, this 'Unknown' is trying to imply that it is somehow ridiculous for me to discuss the collusive Pro-Paedophile Corruption that I have so very clearly identified and defined and been subjected to...(yeahhh, I think that's their intent-Ed)...mmm, indeed, and in that context it is self-evidently ridiculous to say this, because clearly and definably, it's not the issue that those listed have "nothing better to do", the reality is that this is just what they do...(my thoughts exactly-Ed)'s not a question of them colluding "to conspire against Nick Fletcher", they by their very nature 'conspire" to protect SA's Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption...(and in that context "Nick Fletcher" just happens to be the rabidly angry bunny caught in those Pro-Paedophile headlights-Ed)...absolutely, and I'm hardly the first and almost certainly not the last...

(Well hopefully not the last-Ed)..."hopefully"?...(yeah, this whole process of relentless Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution via the farcically undefinable and openly Fascist Section 56 of the SA ICAC Act 2012, your "bizarre trial", etc, that's all about silencing not just you, but anyone else who thinks about speaking-out about the Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption they witness/encounter-Ed)...well observed Ed, that is precisely correct, yet again it ain't just about 'getting Nick Fletcher', it's about threatening/preventing any 'Future Fletchers' behaving the way I do...(behaving the way you do? I hardly think that's gunna' happen, you are a very unique, very special unit-Ed)...well cheers mate...

And another thing too, dear Anonymous Dickhead...(I thought there might be-Ed)...I have never ever accused Google of 'conspiring against me', the well-documented evidence on this 'ere blog proves the exact opposite...(well I'd argue that this 'ere blog itself is proof enough that The Googles ain't conspiring against ya'-Ed) point exactly, as often made through-out this 'ere blog, but I'll say it again 'cos it bears repeating, if it weren't for The Googles providing this 'ere 'Free-of-Charge Blogspot Forum' thingy, I'd be effectively voiceless, given that I'm currently 'banned' from the National Broadcaster (The ABC)...(wow, you bastard-Ed)...and equally unwelcome in the local media...(still wow, and still a bastard-Ed)...and furthermore, I have repeatedly identified directly to The Googles themselves how they are being manipulated by those listed, eg, the litany of vacuous 'Defamation Threats' and/or various other lies used to have my posts 'pulled-down'...(yeah, get it right Anonymous Dickhead-Ed)...anyhoos, moving on...     

A goodly part of my 'Depression' is effectively forced on me by these harsh and very unpleasant realities about South Australia's Institutionalised Corruption that present themselves on a daily basis...(I thought you said it was "SA's Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption"?-Ed)...well indeed, it is my intensely personal experience and subsequent belief is that South Australia is a state run by and for paedophiles...(eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...exactly, but apparently some people struggle with that reality, so for the sake of this particular post, let's just deal with the definable Institutionalised Corruption of the farcical 'Authorities' in SA, from Local and State Governments, to SAPol (police) and the Judiciary, and on to their supposed 'Overseers', the Office of Public Integrity, the Ombudsman, and the extraordinary debasco (debacle/fiasco) that is the SA Independent Commission Against we're gunna' stick with the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC, and there's no better place to start addressing some recent farcical issues involving this lot, than to revisit this absolute classic, below...(didn't we cover this previous under the hilarious title Fines Clearly Defines Fine Line By Clearing Lee, back on 16th January 2018?-Ed)...indeed we did...

Apologies that I didn't record where exactly I got these two pieces, and they've been sitting in my Drafts section since first published...(one says "December 2017"-Ed)...yeah, but there's no direct byline or title bit, anyhoos, whatevs, if dear availees want to review the above mentioned post and combine it with this stuff, it gives y'all a fairly thorough discourse/explanation about how truly pathetic the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC can be when it comes to addressing the definable Institutionalised Corruption in SA...(does it or do we mention that former Mayor Lee was in China on a Ratepayer-funded trip when he was doing these personal business dealings?-Ed)...well you just did mate, but read-on dear heart, find out for ya'self...sees y'all on the other side...***        
A REGIONAL mayor “walked a very fine ethical line” in his role as mediator during the $13.2 million sale of a Coonawarra winery, the public sector watchdog has found, but cleared him of using his position for personal benefit.
In a report released yesterday, State Ombudsman Wayne Lines found Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee acted “inappropriately” in his elected position to help broker the sale of Rymill Coonawarra Winery, near Penola.
Mr Lines investigated Mr Lee’s use of his mayoral email in his dealings with the winery’s owner John Rymill and Chinese-owned Landbridge Group representative Gang Ye, as well as whether he used a taxpayer-funded trip to China to pursue personal business interests.
Mr Lee acted as an intermediary between Landbridge Group and the winery during its acquisition.
But Mr Lines said “these mistakes are not serious enough for a finding of misconduct”.
“As principal officer of his council, Mayor Andrew Lee walked a very fine ethical line dealing with the Landbridge Group as intermediary in a large commercial transaction,” the report said.
“Although Mayor Lee did send two emails from his mayoral account and inappropriately used his business card in his dealings with Mr Rymill and Mr (Gang) Ye, these mistakes are not serious enough for a finding of misconduct.

“He has admitted his error of judgment and stated his regret for his actions. I note he took action at the time to remedy the mistake with the use of his mayoral email account.”
The Advertiser reported in January last year, Mr Lee had met Mr Gang Ye on a State Government-organised Shandong Business Mission in April 2016.
At the time, Mr Lee told The Advertiser he had no recollection of meeting Mr Ye, saying: “That trip I didn’t see him,” before adding: “Let me think … I can’t remember.”
During the Ombudsman’s investigation, Mr Lee admitted he had met with Landbridge Group chairman Cheng Ye twice and his brother Gang Ye once in 2015 to talk about acquiring the Rymill Coonawarra Winery.
He also admitted he met Gang Ye during the trade mission, but denied any wrong­doing.
“Mayor Lee admits he gave Mr Gang Ye his business card in Shandong, but realised later that ‘it was not right to do that’ in the context of their other business dealings,” Mr Lines said.
He found that Mr Lee and Gang Ye became business partners in the company Furunde Wine Co Pty Ltd, which was registered three months after the mission. The company – a subsidiary of Landbridge Group – bought the winery six months after the mission, which Mr Lines said “raised questions that warranted further investigation.”
Mr Lines found Mr Lee did not use his mayoral position for personal benefit, but acknowledged it was “not difficult” to see why some had concluded Mr Lee’s business dealings were “suspicious”.
“I advise the Mayor that in the future he should examine and clarify any actions that may give rise to a perception that he is using his elected office for personal gain,” he said. 

December 2017: City of Mount Gambier – Failure to disclose business interests – Mayor Andrew Lee
The Ombudsman received an ICAC referral about allegations involving the conduct of Mayor Andrew Lee of the City of Mount Gambier relating to his involvement in a State-funded trip to China and his subsequent acquisition of an interest in a South Australian winery.  The matter was subject of an article in the Advertiser on 30 January 2017, since which time it has attracted significant attention.  There were two allegations that were investigated.  First of misconduct by Mayor Lee in conducting personal business while representing the council when attending the Shandong business delegation in China in 2016.  The Ombudsman found no evidence of personal business being conducted; therefore, there was no finding of misconduct.  The second allegation concerned Mayor Lee’s use of his mayoral position to gain a personal benefit by acquiring shares in the Rymill Coonawarra winery.  The Ombudsman found no evidence of inappropriate use of mayoral position in the acquisition; therefore, there was not finding of misconduct.

*** there you go, "walked a very fine ethical line", what a shreckin' joke...(but those reports don't even mention the stuff about Mayor Lee failing to report to Mt Gambier City Councils' Register of interests either 1) his purchase of and/or stake in that winery, or 2) his subsequent income from said winery-Ed)...indeed, it's a pathetic joke from start to finish, a joke where-in Accountability and Ratepayers get punched right in The Fine Line by a farcically irrelevant OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC...and since then we've had the multiple farcical involvements of these 'Authorities' with the deeply compromised Robe District Council and/or their snipingly abusive former CEO Roger 'Whim And Fancy' Sweetman, eg, regarding multiple aspects of the Robe Marina, eg, their proven 'Maladministration' of Non-Tendered Contracts for a vastly over-priced carpark wall...(is that the one where the Ombudsman stated that they weren't gunna' do anything about it 'cos Roger was retiring from Local Government?-Ed)...indeed, which somehow exonerates him from his actions whilst CEO...(well that's just ludicrous-Ed)...not just ludicrous mate, it's conspiratorially corrupt inaction from the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC...(and just reminding dear availees that the legislative structure dictates that all matters/issues must go through the ICAC, therefore through Our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander-Ed)...exactly...

Then we've had the equally farcical 'exoneration' by The Three Amigos...(que?-Ed)...the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC...(ahhh, of course-Ed)...well, I just thought it was more respectful than The Three Drongos...(and if we're about anything here at TMGI, it's respectfulness...ness-Ed)...indeed, The 3A's 'exoneration' of Grant District Council's Mayor Richard Sage...('exonerated' of what exactly?-Ed)...of altering a critical Council document...(oh well, so long as it's no biggie, just altering critical official Council documents, I mean, what's the harm? what's the fuss?-Ed)...I thought we agreed 'off-blog' young man, that we'd leave the moronic sarcasm stuff to Anonymous Dickhead & Co'?...(I never signed not nuffin'! you got nuffink on me copper!-Ed)...settle down...Mayor Sage took it upon himself to alter a Council-Approved Draft Document to the Remuneration Tribunal, then got the then CEO David Singe to unknowingly/unwittingly sign the document, before Interim CEO Graeme Maxwell was also involved...(wasn't Maxwell there because Singe got sacked?-Ed)...indeed, and it was Mr Singe who reportedly lodged the complaint with The 3As...(so it looks like Singe was deliberately duped, then quite rightly reported that Gross Maladministration, only to be promptly sacked for his troubles-Ed)...that's what it looks like...I'll post the actual The Border Watch article in a future post...

Anyhoos, following that farcical 'vindication/exoneration', we charge ahead to the recent The Border Watch report/acknowledgement of the multiple Code of Conduct complaints that Mt Gambier City Councillors have lodged about their colleagues...(well everyone's been talking about this stuff for ages, so what's new?-Ed)...that the 'complaints' have been sent back to MGCC and/or their new CEO Andrew Meddle to sort out...(isn't that what happened with your very detailed 'complaint/report' back in December 2017, about the multiple abuses/confrontations/threats that you were subjected to by various Councillors/staff?-Ed)...yep, where-in my 'complaints' specifically identified, amongst other things, 2 grossly inappropriate incidents of harassment involving then CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane, one at my gym and a second at the September 2017 Full Council Meeting...(and those 'complaints' were sent back to CEO McShenanigans by the Minister Geoff Brock, for McShenanigans to sort out?-Ed)...exactly...(your 'complaints' about McShenanigans were sent back to McShenanigans for him to address?-Ed)...yep...(and?-Ed)...and what?...I'm still waiting...(well hurrah-Ed)...yeah, apart from a 'Your concerns have been noted' letter from McShenanigans aways back then, not nuthin', no action, no repercussions, it's a sickly corrupt joke...      
And given this has blown-out I'll have to do another post with those reportages/documents, etc, particularly the MGCC Code of Conduct stuff, so...

Tomorrow: Yet More MGCC Dodginess

Yes sirree, McShenanigans may have shot-through in spectacular fashion, but all the other shenanigans continue unabated...(does this include the gross deceits of the Fabulous Aquatic Recreation Centre debasco?-Ed)...ah, I see you're gettin' on board with the whole 'Naming Game' for the ludicrous $40million+ Hub thingy...(absolutely, and some people apparently want The ARC, so I've just expanded on that by adding 'Fabulous/Fantastic'-Ed)...well to my mind it's 'Farcical'...(yep, that still works-Ed)...hang on...The want to call it The FARC...(right on, and then all this stuff about 'Fundraising' could be promoted like, 'Donate For FARC's Sake', ya' know, stuff like that-Ed)...oh dear gourd...(I knew you'd like it-Ed)...   

I am Nick Fletcher, and that is Ed...(cheers-Ed)...whom might be a confected literary device but is still an integral and invaluable part of this 'ere blog...(oh mate, stop that-Ed) no, it's true, you are a confected literary device...(oh-Ed)...and this here is my/our blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, June 10, 2019

Mighty McShenanigans Rides Again

Howdy dear availees in Canada, Italy, Switzerland, and Ireland, and y'all elsewhere, welcome to a very short post...I'm a bit shocked myself to realise that it's been 12 days since the last post, and it's a clear indicator of the level of 'depression' that I'm currently enduring/experiencing...not proud that all I've managed for that time is to 'function'...(is that the Eat/Sleep/Bathe stuff?-Ed)...yeah, with a bitta' gym thrown in for good measure...(well hurrah-Ed)...and not proud, but hardly embarrassed, and I reckon it's genuinely helpful almost healthy to discuss such unpleasant realities...(indeed, there is a space where 'not coping' is effectively 'still coping'-Ed)...and as illogical as that sounds, you're exactly right...not proud, not embarrassed, and certainly not has been a very confronting coupla' months, and regular availees may well remember that the June long weekend is the anniversary of the sudden removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School, aways back in 2002...(2002? has it been 17 years?-Ed)...yep, 17 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, 17 years and counting...

Be that as it may, I'm gunna' keep trying to move forward with this 'ere blog by doing short, sharp single topic posts on a hopefully daily basis, 4-5 days a week, by way of politely forcing myself back into of the biggest 'confrontationings' that I am constantly grappling with is the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...(and effectively Australia, if it comes to that, just look at the definable 'corruption' of the supposedly wonderful Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission-Ed)...well quite, and St Martins parents are very well acquainted with that FCARC Corruption...(what with the FCARC refusing to even look at the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...exactly, but I was referring to the local manifestations of corruption, eg, the relentless litany of Nepotism, Insider Trading, Fraud and/or Theft, Official Deceit, etc, etc, that defines Mt Gambier City Council...(and that brings us of course to today's topic, the miraculous resurrection of former MGCC CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane-Ed)...indeed it does...  

Mighty McShenanigans clearly stated that he was "retiring", largely motivated by his desire to protect his own health...I suggest that y'all Interweb search if you are so inclined, but everything I've looked at very specifically states "retire", as per this bit just below...***

Mark made the decision to retire last year after seeing friends suffer through chronic illnesses and decided to reassess his personal priorities moving forward.
“I haven’t stopped, it has been successive decades of quite challenging and demanding jobs. So that was my reason for saying it’s time.”
“It really is a great job, it’s a great organisation but ultimately you’ve got to make the call and I had to consider what I’m going to do for the rest of my life. When you’re working all the time often it can be too late, then you haven’t got the health that you want to be able to do the things that you have always planned for in retirement.”
Mark will now find the time to slow down a little to enjoy travel, fishing and the gym.
“My family will stay here this year, I’ll slip quietly into some relaxation and a bit more gym work, I’ve got jobs to do around the house that haven’t been touched for several years and some travel plans have been made and flights booked in April and September.”

***...note that this piece, taken from MGCC's own web-page, very specifically says "retire", not 'resign', but it does not mention that McShenanigans has "retired" 3-4 years early on a recent 5-year extension of his contract...I've searched extensively and cannot find any mention of this Breach of Contract in any reportage, but then again, MGCC's own website does not have any reference either, and there's a distinct absence of any 'CEO Review' info from 2018, the last entry is June 2017...(that's a bit odd-Ed)...ain't it though...I also tried to search 'MGCC CEO Contract Renewal' but again without success...perhaps you, dear availee, might have better luck...anyhoos, then there's this from the Northern Argus...***

Kingston CEO heads north

Kingston District Council CEO Andrew MacDonald will take up the same role with Wakefield Regional Council.

Kingston District Council CEO Andrew MacDonald will take up the same role with Wakefield Regional Council.
Wakefield Regional Council is set to have three Chief Executive Officers in the space of three weeks before a permanent appointment fills the role.
Current acting CEO Steven Griffiths finished up in his role with Council on March 22 and at a special Council meeting on Monday night, his replacement was decided.
Nominated by Mayor Rodney Reid, Mark McShane will dip his toes back into local government after recently retiring from his role as CEO of the City of Mount Gambier.
However due to personal reasons, Mr McShane will not start in the role until April 1.
With an ordinary Council meeting scheduled for next Wednesday and a CEO needed, one of Wakefield's managers will fill in as a stop-gap until Mr McShane takes the helm.
Mr McShane was willing to take the job on the condition that he could spend four days in the office and one out of it to spend time with family at Mt Gambier.
Alternatively, he was willing to work five days in the office but use Monday and Friday as half days for travel.
Mayor Reid said Mr McShane was willing to stay in Balaklava during the week at his own cost and not that of Council.
Councilor Peter Bowyer spoke on the motion, saying he was happy to support it.
"It is an incredible offer for someone to consider coming from that far away, up and back, each week," he said.
"Clearly the person is willing to make a commitment to do that, so i think that is an indication that he is very keen on helping us out."
Elected members also voted on the appointment of Kingston District Council CEO Andrew MacDonald as the new permanent CEO of WRC going forward.
Mr MacDonald has been in his current role since May 2014 and has previously held managerial roles with Adelaide City Council and City of Onkaparinga.
Mayor Reid said in a statement that Mr MacDonald would bring fresh energy to Council.
"During his time at Kingston, Andrew has created a high performing and respected organisation with a strong collaborative culture and effective workforce," Mayor Reid said.
"Andrew showed himself to be a real 'people person' - a passionate leader who engages effectively with all stakeholders, including politicians, Elected Members, key stakeholders and the wider community.
"Council was exceptionally impressed by Andrew's knowledge of our region and our challenges and opportunities, as well as his commitment to become part of the Wakefield community."
Mr MacDonald's official start date was to be confirmed in the coming days.
Monday's special Council meeting was the last for the outgoing Mr Griffiths.
Mayor Reid acknowledged his commitment to the role in such a short space of time during the meeting.
"We thank you for your input, your willingness to come and work with us and for us in this Council," he said.
"You have gained the respect of the elected members, you have gained the respect of staff and of those in the general community as well.
"We do wish you well with the appointment in your new placement."
In response, Mr Griffiths said he loved his time in the role and stated that it brought him back to his roots.
Mr Griffiths received a round of applause from those in attendance at Phil Barry Chambers before the meeting was closed.

***...and if that is not a clear enough indication he hasn't retired at all, he's now employed by AME Recruitment...(hang on, isn't that the same company that the Local Government Association and/or MGCC used (still use?) for recruitment?-Ed)...apparently, yes...(well that's all rather cosy isn't it, McShenanigans sells Mt Gambier Ratepayers down the river with a lie-laden litany of deceits about the farcical $40million Recreation Hub, jumps ship like the rat that he is, then goes straight into another CEO role, albeit temporary, then to a company that he and/or MGCC engaged and/or worked with, it is my understanding that AME Recruitment have worked directly for MGCC, but I cannot find any direct reference to them on MGCC's website..again, this could be my failing, or just yet another deletion/absence from MGCC...regardless, McShenanigans has dealt with them via the LGA...and here 'tis...***

 Mark McShane joins AME Recruitment

*** McShenanigans has hardly "retired" from anything, he's just skipped from one position to another via that temporary CEO position...and I reckon that a thorough explanation of the ways that he and MGCC have deceived MG Ratepayers about this Hub nonsense deserves it's own post, so...

Tomorrow: MGCC's Recreation Hub Deceits

And again it'll be a relatively short post because it's fairly straight forward the various deceits involved and how they've been perpetrated...(I remember when McShenanigans was on the ABC South East Radio last year, just prior to the farcical Postal Vote thingy, urging Ratepayers to vote 'Yes' because if Mt Gambier didn't get this vast White Elephant, the li'l ol' Mount was, and I quote, "going to die"...ludicrous, just absolutely ludicrous-Ed)...indeed...and I will briefly part-apologise for 1) an abundant lack of humour in this post and potentially those to soon follow, and 2) any failures on my behalf to successfully 'research' what I is bloggin' about...regular availees know that I pride myself on taking great care to be 'accurate' rather than simply 'right', even if that research contradicts my own personal position...(and I'd suggest that the litany of vacuous defamation threats made against you by government departments, lawyers, etc, etc, prove exactly how hard and how effectively you have worked to be accurate-Ed)...well cheers mate...('cos if those pricks thought they could sue you for being malicious or even genuinely erroneous, sue you without tipping a ripe bucket of rancid truths on themselves, they'd have done it by now rather than bleating empty threats to you and/or Google, etc-Ed)...exactly Ed, a great point well made...anyhoos, until the next post...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...