Tuesday, May 29, 2018

European Law Changes Acknowledged By TMGI

Howdy y'all dear availees in The Europes, and here's a quick acknowledgement of the notification we all here at The Mount Gambier Independent recently received about changes to your laws about 'data collection' and 'consent', etc...(well just let them read it for themselves-Ed)...ahhh, sure, ummm, here t'is...and just in case I didn't notice, this notice was/is on the 4 main pages, that is, the Draft Page, the Statistics Page, etc...as I say, here t'is, as pasted directly across... 

***European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used and data collected on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.

As a courtesy, we have added a notice on your blog to explain Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies, including use of Google Analytics and AdSense cookies, and other data collected by Google.

You are responsible for confirming this notice actually works for your blog, and that it displays. If you employ other cookies, for example by adding third party features, this notice may not work for you. If you include functionality from other providers there may be extra information collected from your users.

Learn more about this notice and your responsibilities.***

So there you go...now, Dear Availees, s'far as I am aware, the only 'Data Collection' that I'm doing is what The Googles do for the Statistics Page for this 'ere blog, and that only includes generic 'Blogger Topics' that cover Country, Post Name, etc, and isn't traceable back to the availee...(well not by us anyways-Ed)...well indeed, the only info I have is that available to me through the Blogger Topics/Statistics Page, but I cannot vouch for what The Googles and/or any other non-permitted players may do...admittedly I ain't gone to "Learn more" just yet, but I have checked with my Tech Support and apparently I don't "employ other cookies" and/or any other sort of 'data collection'...(and we ain't advertising nuthin' neither-Ed)...well indeed...

I'm not exactly sure where that leaves me with the whole 'informing availees', other than that's exactly what I'm doing here with this 'ere post...(well at least trying to do-Ed)...well indeed, so here's me, Nick Fletcher...(and Me, Ed-Ed)...saying that TMGI 1) acknowledges that I/we received that Euro Law notification, 2) that I/we am/are passing-on that acknowledgement to dear availees of this 'ere blog, and 3) to state that I ain't collecting anybody's anything nor have any intention of doing so...

(Just checked 'Learn more" and I reckon we might just leave that 'Official Google Notification' right there where it is until we get further 'Tech Support advice-Ed)...erring on the side of caution?...(well indeed, The Googles reckon everyone's gotta' be notified, etc, and their own notice identifies what they're doing, so best to just leave it there and acknowledge that we all at TMGI at least are trying to do and/or are doing what we're supposed to do-Ed)...and if we need to modify/notify anybody of anything further, we'll get right on it right here...(exactly-Ed)...sounds like a plan...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Stuff, Yay.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and apparently it's read in a coupla' places in The Europes, so's cheers and laters to y'all... 

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