Monday, May 21, 2018

Just More Corruption Stuff

Howdy to Belarus, Ecuador, Canada, and United Arab Emirates, and to y'all else, welcome to TMGI...just a shortish post about moi, because I've still gotta' post all the documents that went with the previous post...(the one about your most recent letter to SA's Chief Magistrate Hribal?-Ed)...yep...(strewth, that is a doozy-Ed)...and apparently you ain't the only one what thinks that, but I wanna' quickly address this stuff... know who you are the people who have stopped me in the street, have been happy to be seen talking with me in public, have been polite and respectful and even concerned...just the other day I happened upon a 'senior public official type' and we strolled and chatted and shared a mutual joke where-in they lamented lacking my "notoriety", to which I responded that could "borrow some of mine, 'cos I got plenty"...(ahaha, I see what you've both done there, they praisingly acknowledged the elephant in the room by referring to the giant grey mouse that is your 'notoriety', and you've countered with self-deprecating pride about being the big moose with the thick hide who feels like he's that elephant in every room in this town-Ed)...Ed! that is possibly the most eloquent and insightful thing you've ever said, mind if I use it?...accept/acknowledge being the big beastie in the room and then take pride in being it...

And because I can take genuine pride in standing my ground despite the relentless torrent of personal vilification and legal and political abuse and corruption that I have been deliberately subjected to, because I've held my ground, it's no longer me feeling confronted by these people when I encounter them, it's not me looking at the ground or over there, was years of being subjected to this public abuse and vilification in the street/supermarket/wherevs that fuelled my descent into the Agrophobia stuff, eg, multiple incidents with senior Lutheran employee Cherylanne Perryman, not least of all in front of my child...(yeah, she's a class act ol' Cherylanne-Ed)...and sure, it would be ludicrous to say that I'm suddenly better, and recent behaviours indicate that's not the case, and I am admittedly also just 'exhausted', etc, etc, blah blah blah, but it's a fundamental shift in my own responses to certain people that I take enormous pride in and succour from...

It's a shift from self-blame and doubt, etc, to a position of belief in proven realities...and it's never been a case of having to 'hold myself back' in a physical sense, I'm just not like that, in fact, it's partly because I don't have that 'option' that I've taken-on huge amounts of anger and guilt over particular issues...(St Martins?-Ed)...particularly that, sure, but just questioning my own behaviours in general...(is this the 'Lack of Self-Esteem' stuff we've discussed in early posts, eg, 'Self Esteem - The Issue I'd Love To Have'?-Ed)...yeah, all that stuff...but it's very different now, where-in I'd be personally confronted by the presence of certain people, probably word them-up about whatevs issue they're involved in, and at very least I'd get emotionally wound-up about it and go home and stew-over stuff, etc...but things have changed...

More and more these days I find myself passing gently through these sort of encounters, even though they are encounters hard to avoid in a small is the foundation of accountability and that resultant conflict, etc, that has slowly built an un-challengeable foundation on which I can stand my ground, to the extent that now I don't need to say a word, just need to look at them...(and sometimes not even that-Ed)...indeed, just need to be in the room, to be that elephant, to cause all manner of consternation...(it's why Mt Gambier City Council have conspired with a deeply corrupt Magistrate White to have you effectively banned from MGCC Meetings via that rankly corrupt 'Suppression/Intervention/Restraining Order'-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, a classic example of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia, and the problems this 'ere blog is causing that Institution...for example...

Still waiting for the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile alleged lawyer Bill DeGaris to make-good his years of vacuous threats that he's gunna' come get me for speaking the truth about his atrociously corrupt conduct, as covered in recent posts about the threatening letters from his office and my responses, etc...(where-in Billy straight-out repeatedly threatens you, but then refuses to meet you and sort this all out via an 'In Camera' (recorded) meeting at his office in the SERDE Building?-Ed)...that's the stuff...(including the pathetic threats about 'Defamation' and 'Concerns Notices' and then refusing to act on those threats?-Ed)...exactly...(but then concluding with more vague threats-Ed)...text-book Billy bullying and cowardice, hide behind someone else and make vacuous threats...come on Billy mate, let us to be gettin' it on mate, let's show everyone the reality of your atrociously corrupt behaviour...(well I'd suggest that his own appalling letters full of vacuous threats, and refusal to meet you, etc, that all proves that reality already-Ed)...excellent point Ed...  

Also, been listenin' to the ABC and Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee was recently on, spewin' spurious misinformation about the push for this '$40m Indoor Sports Complex', and all the good gear about ANZAC Day, etc, and it is frustrating and even maddening, because it's all just completely disingenuous from a man who is intimately involved in ripping-off Ratepayers, just another corrupt Member of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...(well not just any old 'another', he is Mayor, he's the one organising these rancidly corrupt Ratepayer funded junkets to China to further his own business interests, etc-Ed)...indeed, as exonerated by the apparently equally corrupted Ombudsman Wayne Lines, who allegedly investigated Mayor Lees multiple lies and deceits and failures to declare business interests and/or income, etc, etc, all referred to him by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander after MGCC supposedly reported their own Mayor, etc...(and then Wayne, mate, made the extraordinary observation that 'I can understand how Mayor Lee's behaviour may appear corrupt to people in Australia'-Ed)...sure, followed by 'he has gone very close to crossing that line', etc, etc...another farcical pantomime where-in corrupt public officials report themselves to the rancidly corrupt ICAC, knowing they will get's how SA ICAC operates... 

All Aboard The Gravy Train:...and this is the stuff that just punches all my buttons, and will do the same for many others who know the connections between particular people, and in such a small town is in many circumstances, just channel surfin' on Sunday arvo coupla' weeks ago, when I happened upon one of these SA-promo TV shows, SA Weekender, and it was a story mostly about singer Louise Adams, starting at her 'favourite' cafe in Mt Gambier, which happens to be owned by a member of Tourism Mount Gambier, the self-appointed but Ratepayer funded 'Tourism Group'...a long promo for that cafe was followed by her 'second fav', the Centenary Tower, but showed spliced footage where they were driving along pointing to the tower, then cut to a shot of the tower, then back to the made it look like you can just drive-up to/past the tower, which is actually several hundred very steep metres from the nearest went on to mention/show Umpherston Sinkhole and Engelbrecht Cave, and then went to Louise's husband's winery, where they were dining with my mate Kirby Shearing...(omg-Ed)...exactly...and concluded with a promo for Tourism Mount Gambier and Louise...

This program was a vehicle for a handful of 'mates' to cross-promote, and a fascinating study in the nepotistic functioning of these various bodies...I remind availees of the deliberate, cynical and rank corruption I witnessed in the Mt Gambier City Council meeting that voted to hand $160,000pa of Ratepayer's money to Tourism Mt Gambier...(are you allowed to talk about that stuff now?-Ed)...sorry?...(can you talk about that extraordinary MGCC Budget Meeting because of these extraordinary 'Suppression Orders' from Magistrate White?-Ed)...well mate, 1) those 'Orders' are currently 'under Appeal', or at least I've tried to start that process, see recent posts, but 2) because I'm not a lawyer so I'm not sure, I'm still very specifically not identifying that 'Suppressed Person' and/or their specific conduct in that meeting, and 3) it's about the conduct of the entire Mt Gambier City Council who were present for that extraordinarily corrupted 'debate' and then voted to provide that funding, and 4) beyond that, it's a further illustration of the ludicrous nature of these entirely unproven and unsupported and deliberately undefined 'Suppression/Intervention/Restraining Orders'...       

Who Ordered The Censorship With A Chip On The Shoulder?...Magistrate White has made these 'Restraining/Intervention/Suppression Orders' without any supporting documentation, justification, and/or explanation...particularly, there is no explanation as to why my 'Charges/Conviction' relating to 'talking about an alleged ICAC investigation' should result in Restraining Orders that stop me going near explanation, just whack!, there ya' go...this Restraining Order aspect is a deliberate attack on me personally, to infer of me problematic behaviour that simply doesn't exist, ie, these people need to be protected from me...I've never been anywhere near these people's homes, or threatened them, or done anything other than hold them to account for their definable and rancid corruption, and most particularly how they relate to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...these rankly corrupt 'Orders' are yet a further manifestation of the Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher, a persecution that Magistrate Anderson officially described as "Malicious Prosecution" (Oct 2016)... 

But I digress...on the following Monday I was momentarily stunned to hear my other mate time Biddie Tietz/Shearing mentioned...unfortunately I didn't hear much of it and didn't recognise the voice until it was over and the ABC South East said, 'that was Biddie Shearing, Tourism Officer for the Limestone Coast Local Government Assoc'...(omg, again-Ed)...yep, from Regional Development Australia Tourism Officer to LCLGA, and following on from the as yet still unresolved debacle with her 'original position' with that 'Tourism Group' that was supposedly operating for multiple local Councils, but was actually fraudulently ripping them off...just another example of a rankly corrupt person being protected by their mates, then promoted to various Publicly Funded positions despite their definable incompetence and/or's the exact situation that occurred with my mate Grant King and the collapse of Green Phone, with $$$millions just 'disappearing', but no investigation...

The exact same thing has happened with Biddie (Tietz) Shearing and her 'Tourism' career, rankly corrupt conduct leading to collapse of her first 'position', but no investigation what-so-ever, then appointed to Regional Development Australia, where-in her very first act was to hand $140,000 to her personal friend Kent Comley of 'The Barn', etc, and now it's Limestone Coast LGA...Grant King de-frauded $$$millions from Green Phone, then was appointed by the rancidly corrupt Labor government to both the rankly corrupted RDA and the equally dubious Health Advisory Council...I feel absolutely confident in identifying these rancidly corrupt people and their Nepotistic employment histories because that is why they got those jobs, Corrupt Jobs need Corrupt People...(take the MGCC CEO position, it requires someone at least as corrupt as Greg Muller to keep that corrupt gravy train on the rails, and in Mark McShane, they've found their corrupt man-Ed) on Ed, all of these positions are perpetually self-defining as 'Corrupt', and ironically it's the corruption of those appointed that defines those positions as 'Corrupt'...(mmm, corruption was never more hilarious I'm sure-Ed)... 

Welcome To Your First Slice Of Crunch:...regular availees will remember no doubt the hilarious MGCC meeting that I posted about aways back in 2013, where-in there were 2 motions regarding the Main Corner, one of which was in 'Exclusion of Public' at the end of the meeting...(is that the one where several Councillors had to leave because of their 'Conflict of Interest' issues, including Cr Des Mutton who's son Lachlan was the 'Main Corner/Town Hall Leasee', but Des only left after you pointed to him, and Cr Harfield was forced into the Big Chair as 'Acting Mayor', and they were crackin' jokes about not having a quorum*?-Ed)...yep, and here comes The Crunch...(and then they crunched those numbers and it wasn't quite so funny anymore because so many had left due to 'CoI' issues that they didn't have a quorum and therefore the 'Motion' collapsed and they all traipsed back in?-Ed)...indeed, and Biddie was one of those who stepped-out because her hubby Kirby was 'involved with a cafe', yet when I was booted-out for the 'Exclusion of Public' Motion at the end, Biddie remained in the Chamber to vote...     (*quorum- enough Members to vote)

And of course I cannot prove it, because I was excluded and it's all super-secret, but I believe that that second Motion was when MGCC transferred the Main Corner/Town Hall Lease from Lachlan Mutton to Sam Rothall, and as corruptly nepotistic as that process was/is, Biddie remained in the Chamber for that vote, in direct contravention of the Conflict of Interest she herself identified just previous...and it's because I've personally witnessed and even influenced so many of exactly these sort of deeply corrupt incidents that I've been banned from attending meetings...(it's because this is how Mt Gambier City Council functions, in it's entirety, and because there's only one place you'll read these gob-smacking realities, namely, right here on this 'ere blog-Ed)...well exactly...which runs naturally into the rankly Fascist benality of 'banning me' when I already have such a Deep Pool of Realities that I can dip into because I've been to just so, so many MGCC meetings...

And I know this post is all a bit dis-jointed, but it's all still relevant in the broader scheme of things, outlining the structures of Institutionalised Corruption that undermines our community, resulting in horrendous situations like the St Martins Cover-up...I'm gunna' pull stumps here and move onto the next post, and hopefully that'll be a little more coherent...      

Tomorrow: More Court Document Stuff

Fell off my chair laughing to hear new Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman bangin'-on about 'ICAC and the need to protect journos about their use of confidential info', etc...this from the person who won't even acknowledge my emails about the rancidly corrupt ICAC Persecution I'm being subjected to...and on that note, it was 18 months ago that someone contacted me claiming to be liaising with Vicki about my ICAC stuff...(and?-Ed)...still waiting, and no response to recent emails...(well that sums it up nicely-Ed)...indeed, so apologies to those genuine people who have tried to contact me but I haven't responded, don't want to drag you into my shizzle, but beyond that, I'm sick of hearing about how so-and-so is doing such-and-such, whilst nothing happens...  

Also, last Monday 14th May 2018, received a truly bizarre threat-laden letter claiming to be from the Crown Solicitor, claiming to be acting on behalf of the Courts Administration Authority...("claiming"?-Ed)...yep, I've had multiple Threat Letters from the CSO, particularly relating to their rankly corrupt involvement in the St Martins Cover-up, but this letter is so bizarre that even others I've shown have questioned it's veracity...the 'letterhead' is not quite right, the language is extraordinarily unprofessional and deliberately vague, but it threatens me repeatedly about undefined 'Contempt of Court' issues, demanding I remove unidentified material from this 'ere blog, etc, whilst repeatedly using the word 'warn/warned/warning'...but the ultimate concern is that it ain't signed, it's got a 'CROWN SOLICITOR  Per:' with a one-loop scribble, but no actual name...I contacted both the CSO and Vicki Chapman about this bizarre correspondence on Wednesday 16th April, but thus far, no response apart from auto-responses to say those emails were received...similarly, no response at all from Vicki to my letter of a month ago...

This supposed CSO letter also has bizarre threats attached about how it's "Confidential" and I'm supposedly not allowed to discuss any of it unless I get permission from the I say, it's such a problematic letter that others have questioned it's origin/veracity, and my unanswered attempts to verify/clarify would seem to confirm that there is "something very wrong" with this letter...

I am Nick Fletcher and this isn't my best post but this is my blog and I'm still trying...cheers and laters...

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