Wednesday, May 2, 2018

An Appealing Prospect - Yes, It's More Court Stuff

Howdy y'all in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and France, and to y'all else too, welcome to TMGI...regular availees will be well aware of the shonky shenanigans of my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, Nov 2017) and it's equally bizarre conclusion, as held across 3 separate 'hearings' February 28th, March 9th, and then finally April 20th, welcome to the extraordinary shenanigans of trying to Appeal that farcical 'judgement'...and just on that point, I know some people are challenged by the language I use to describe Magistrate White and his extraordinary conduct, because some are restrained by Social Imperatives of respect for the Judiciary/Authority, etc, and I fully concur that that is how things should be...however...

Respect Must Be Earned Not Demanded:...and for all of my whingin' and bitchin' here on this 'ere blog, there ain't nuthin' y'all will read here that wasn't first aired in Open Court and to Magistrate White's face, eg, his definable bias against me was raised with him in Court back in February 2017, and as reported in the local official complaints about his conduct have repeatedly and  bizarrely been referred back to him to decide on...(and amazingly he decided he wasn't biased against you-Ed)...well indeed, and weren't we all shocked by indicates that some find my 'disrespect' to be 'distasteful', but all I can ask is that y'all try to read-past my anger and sarcasm, etc, and involve y'allselves purely in the Court Processes and Magistrate's conduct, etc, and see in those things the gross and deeply disturbing distortions of Appropriate Process...

Forget who or even what this is about, on a purely procedural level, on a purely judicial level, the conduct of my "bizarre trial" is a cause for concern for all South is the official conduct of my 'Trial' in any way appropriate?...would y'all like to get treated like this by SAPol?...(and more concerningly, by the Courts?-Ed)...well indeed, and if the Courts are capable of this, then what does that say about literally everything else that goes through SA Courts?...currently, my complaints to Chief Magistrate Hribal (which will be the next coupla' posts, promise) keep getting referred on to Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bruce Lander...(but didn't you write explaining that Bruce, mate, is the original complainant against you and the instigator of this "Malicious Prosecution*"?-Ed)...yep, sent me back to him again anyway...but we digress...
 (*Magistrate Anderson, October 2016)

As I write this, Tuesday 1st May 2018, I have managed to technically engage with the 'Appeal Process', and cannot think of a better way to explain that stuttering start than including the letter I yesterday emailed the Courts Administration Authority and Legal Services Commission in Adelaide and provided to Mt Gambier office of Correctional t'is...

Dear Madam/Sir,
Thankyou for your email of Friday 27th April 2018, in response to my Application to Appeal my conviction in the Magistrates Court (MCMTG-15-72) to the Supreme Court, emailed on Thursday 26th April 2018.

Because I have been refused Legal Aid I have been forced to self-represent, and thoroughly researched this Application with both the Courts Administration Authority and the Legal Services Commission by phone. On Tuesday 24th April 2018 I spoke with the CAA and LSC and was told that I needed to provide a Form 38 with a Form 2 (Front Page), but could not access that document with my computer.

On Thursday I went to the Mt Gambier library to download Forms 2 and 38, filled them out as best I could, and tried to lodge them at the Mt Gambier Courthouse, but was told that they/we do not have a 'Supreme Court Registrar' and that I would have to email or post them.

I went home and again rang CAA and was told that it was appropriate to email the forms and that there were no fees attached to that. Minutes later I received a return phonecall saying that actually there was a $232.00 Filing Fee, but that it was appropriate to email my forms and then post a cheque/money order.

It was critical that this lodgement was done correctly because I also took copies of the forms to Correctional Services to have my impending 260hrs of Community Service suspended, and as far as I was aware this had all been done correctly.

As you are aware I received several emails on Friday, yours included, stating that,
  1. the Forms 2 and 38 were the wrong forms, and;
  2. that they could not be submitted by email, but must be posted.
Could you please clarify this for me as best you can and are allowed?
  1. Do I still need two forms, Form 2 and 52, or just Form 52?
  2. Is there a waiver provision for Pensioners for these 'Application Fees'?
I find it extraordinary the immediate financial burden placed on ordinary citizens to just lodge an 'Application', as this clearly immediately denies many people even getting that far with an Appeal Process.

In my matter, the Constitutional Law implications were clearly identified and defined throughout my 3 year 'Trial', including that they should have been resolved by a COAG (Attorneys-General) meeting before the 'Trial' even commenced, but Magistrate White chose to just ignore all this and proceeded to 'Convict' me in my absence.

Why do I have to pay to lodge an 'Appeal' to address the gross and deliberate failings of Magistrate White? In this context, it is absolutely appropriate to suspend all 'Fees', and I formally request that.

Yours, Nick Fletcher

**note to self, those emails were received Thursday 26th, mid-arvo, not Friday 27th, oops** there you go, deadset, I repeatedly rang to ensure I was using the correct forms and then that they were lodged correctly,  etc, and yet somehow I've managed to take my own Appeal Process several steps backward, albeit whilst following the path laid-out for me by CAA and LSC...both quickly responded to rectify these 'errors', and have already forwarded me the correct Form 2 and Form 52, and a lengthy Application to Waive Fees form, cheers to y'all for that...

Please note, whilst I do find it unusual that my attempted Application was responded to so quickly, given that I was told it could take weeks and that nothing would happen at least until 'they' received that $232.00 Filing Fee cheque, I don't consider this to be in the same 'Definable Collusion' ballpark as the reprehensible conduct of Magistrate White, SAPol, and these 3 rankly corrupt 'Suppression Order''s a bit like back in February/March 2015 when I was having all sorts of shenanigans with SAPol initially not Summonsing me to Court, then repeatedly coming to my home to re-Summons me, etc, and I was also pulled-over right in front of my I posted at the time, that was simply a perfectly average traffic stop entirely separate to the Court nonsense whirling around it all...

So it is a bit odd that my Appeal Process was processed so rapidly, but not necessarily any sign of collusion..(well I'd have thought with the enormous implications and extraordinary length of your "bizarre trial", that the CAA and others would have been given some sort of heads-up about the likelihood of an Appeal-Ed)...well sure, possibly, could be that my File Number sets little bells-a-ringin' and li'l flags-a-flyin', but whatevs, to my experience of what's happening, this is just fairly basic bureaucratic 'bungling', for lack of a better word, and not an indicator of a specific plan to stuff me around deliberately...and it is important to differentiate between the 2 things, because there's a world of difference between Mistake and Malice, and I have proven in Court that my "bizarre trial" is a "Malicious Prosecution" that originated with ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...  

Regular availees will also recall I'm sure, that Magistrate White slapped 3 deeply corrupt 'Suppression/Intervention/Restraining Orders' on me, albeit without any explanation/justification, and despite my protestations about my current (pending) complaints to the Local Government Minister about the abusive and harassing behaviours of at least one of these people toward me...all 3 'Orders' are a complicit collusion between Magistrate White, SAPol (police) Prosecutions, and the deeply corrupt individuals involved...these 'Orders' are Magistrate White colluding with SAPol to hide the rank corruption of these 3 people...

It is my understanding that my Appeal Process renders those 'Orders' as irrelevant, but y'all will excuse me I'm sure if I err on the side of caution until I have that irrefutably confirmed...(well it's not like it exactly stops you blogging shizzle about the rankly corrupt Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Mt Gambier City Council and SAPol-Ed)...well indeed, there's an unfortunately fathomless well from which to draw stories about the rank and often Pro-Paedophile corruption of SAPol, the ABC, and MGCC...anyhoos, as stated, until otherwise confirmed, I'm gunna' stay right away from those 'Orders'... 

Tomorrow: My Official 'Complaints' About Magistrate White

Dear Availees:...please never lose sight of the realities of what has been done to me in the Magistrates Court and the starkly Fascist motivations and outcome...the South Australian government and Courts have given themselves the power to control exactly what you say and where and how you say it, and if they don't like it, you'll get attacked using the rankly Fascist ICAC Act 2012/14 Section 56, and fined $540,000 for telling the truth about a Public Office (the ICAC) supposedly doing exactly what it's supposedly meant to do and exonerating all involved...

Just to re-iterate, I've been found 'Guilty' of writing the truth about something that actually happened, a Public Office investigating Public (elected) Officials mis-use of Public Monies, but apparently the Public musn't know about it...furthermore, I proved in Court that that deeply secretive 'investigation' involved 2 'unrecorded chats', namely, 1) with MGCC CEO Mark McShane in a corridor in the Adelaide Convention Centre, and 2) with me in Metro Cafe in clear earshot of at least 6 random I've been persecuted via the Magistrates Court for more than 3 years, for writing about a farcical non-investigation that is supposedly so sacrosanct that no-one is allowed to even discuss it, even though it was held in a cafe...farcically corrupt and openly Fascist persecution...welcome to the SA Courts...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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