Saturday, April 28, 2018

More ICAC Court Stuff - Hope You Like The Words 'Farcical', 'Corrupt', and 'Ludicrous'

Because you'll be reading them a lot from here-on-in...howdy y'all in Moldova, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, and Thailand and to y'all else all elsewhere, welcome to TMGI...(so we're still here then?-Ed)...what do you mean "still here"?...(well weren't you in Court again last Friday 20th April 2018?-Ed)...ahhh, right, yes...(and wasn't Magistrate White going to 'Suppress' this 'ere blog?-Ed)...well sure, he did raise the issue during his li'l chit-chat with SAPol Prosecutions (police) back at the end of the second 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing' on 9th March 2018, following on from the farcical first 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing' of 28th February 2018...

I refer to recent posts about these extraordinarily farcical 'Judgement/Verdict Hearings', and here's a brief reminder...on 28th February, Magistrate White finally appeared at 1000hrs via Videolink from Elizabeth Courthouse, a full 30mins late, and with SAPol Prosecution's Batten somewhere unidentified calling-in by phone...he pronounced me 'Guilty on all Counts' before adjourning again until 9th March because we were now 'in Magistrate Anderson's List time'...he didn't read the 'Judgement/Verdict' onto the Court Record, and did not acknowledge my written questions in my submission 21st February 2018, about how the ICAC Act 2012 had been very specifically changed via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act (November 2014), changed to allow me to be prosecuted...even when I questioned him in Court he initially ignored me before just waving me away, saying 'you have my judgement and it's written in there', but again he didn't read it out or even direct me to where he'd supposedly covered the issue... 

I was handed that 'Judgement/Verdict' partway into that hearing, therefore being denied any opportunity to read it, then he referred to it but didn't read it...then when the 'Law Change' issue was exposed in The Border Watch on Thursday 1st March, I suddenly received an 'Addendum' via email from Magistrate White the next day (2nd March), where-in he suddenly acknowledges the reality of that ICAC MAA 2014, and how I was correct that the law was changed after my home was raided by SAPol Anti- Corruption Branch (7th/8th May 2014)...(and blames you for not explaining it to him properly-Ed)...indeed, a ludicrous denial of responsibility that is also a provable my submission of 21st February 2018 I thoroughly explain everything about the ICAC MAA 2014...Magistrate White only addressed the ICAC MAA because he was outed in the media...(and wasn't there then a second 'Addendum' only days later?-Ed)...yep, as covered in those recent posts...

In Court Magistrate White tried to ignore the realities of the ICAC Act MAA 2014, changes which are  irrefutably motivated by my Legal Eagle's (lawyer's) July 2014 letters to My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, etc, etc...(tried to ignore all that until outed-Ed) on! then blamed me for not explaining it, then acknowledges that I was prosecuted under the wrong definition of 'To Publish'...(and then dismisses it all as irrelevant!-Ed)...indeed, and makes-up his own definition that is actually/partially from 'Defamation Law'...(and says you're guilty anyway-Ed)...indeed...he acknowledges;
1)  that my 'Charge Period' precedes the ICAC MAA 2014 changes, and therefore my alleged crime
     wasn't actually a 'crime' until November 27th 2014;
2)  that I was also therefore prosecuted under the "wrong definition" of 'To Publish', but;
3)  then 'Convicts' me anyway...

When we returned 9th March 2018 Magistrate White was again 15 mins late, threatened me yet again with 'Contempt of Court', then had a li'l chit-chat with SAPol's Batten, a chat that introduced farcically corrupt 'Suppression Orders' which involved 3 people and effectively banning me from Mt Gambier City Council meetings...(on what grounds?-Ed) grounds, no explanation, not nuthin', just another randomly incoherent attack on me as fully supported by a Magistrate openly colluding with SAPol Prosecutions...(is this them? these 'Suppression Order Applications' don't even make sense-Ed) they don't Ed, but how is that relevant in my farcical 'Trial'?...(fair point-Ed)...

And if you thought my 'Trial' process had thus-far been a farcically embarrassing indictment of the South Australian Courts system, then hold-on to your horses and bolt your gates...(and put your cart wherever you like-Ed)...absolutely, because Friday was another staggeringly bizarre and fundamentally corrupt display...Magistrate White long-ago gave-up even pretending he was acting in a balanced and respectful manner, openly colluding with SAPol Prosecutions and their list of SAPol witnesses, and has continuously ignored everything I've raised that supports my 'defense'...his undisguised collusion with SAPol is self-evident, and no example more definitive than those bizarre 'Suppression Orders' that were first discussed at the very end of 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing II'...but here's the latest...

I've held back this post just to see what local media The Border Watch and ABC South East reported...(let everyone nail their colours to the mast?-Ed)...exactly, and certainly the ABC SE didn't let me down, not reporting a single word I said in Court, but making multiple references to Magistrate White's latest round of cowardly bullying and vacuous threats about 'Contempt of Court'...(I didn't hear the 'Suppression Orders' mentioned at all-Ed)...nope, nor the issues I raised about how "ludicrous" they are, eg, telling me I must "not allow another person" to breach these 'Orders', and the 'sly sideways attempt' to ban me from Mt Gambier City Council meetings by granting a 'Restraining Order' against a Councillor, whom apparently I cannot name or go near their home/work/whatevs...(well how are you supposed to address the litany of gross Corruption, Nepotism and Insider Trading that defines their involvement with MGCC?-Ed)...well that's the point isn't it, stop me talking about the rank corruption evident in these three people's conduct...

Anyhoos, here's a brief run-down of Friday 20th April 2018, the latest/last? farcical hearing in my rancidly corrupt "Malicious Prosecution", a fundamentally corrupt 'Trial' that has been wholly about 'getting me' with a complete disregard for the Truth or Legal Propriety...
1)  as per usual, I rocked-up at 0915hrs for a 0930hrs start;
2)  Magistrate White and SAPol Prosecution's Batten were again via Videolink from Elizabeth Court;
3) I argued that the 'Suppression Applications' were/are "ludicrous", identifying a) that there are no reasons/justifications provided, and b) the stuff about how they say that I must "not allow" another person to "do anything forbidden" by these 'Orders';
4)  I identified the sly attempt to ban me from MGCC meetings;
5)  I also identified that I have current complaints (from October 2017) still pending with the Local Government Minister and the Local Government Assoc and MGCC CEO Mark McShane, about the outrageous bullying, abuse, and harassment that I have been subjected to when I attend MGCC meetings, including identifying specific occasions when the relevant Councillor has harassed and abused me;
6)  Magistrate White dismissed this, stating that the 'Applications' don't say I must "not allow", and completely ignoring my points about banning me from MGCC meetings, and my current complaints;
7)  he then launched into a sneeringly abusive review of my supposedly awful behaviour.

Magistrate White is a seriously angry and deeply unbalanced individual when it comes to me, and he made no attempt to disguise his hatred for me, banging-on about how I had 'repeatedly been warned', but how I 'didn't like the advice', and how I 'went ahead and did what (I) wanted', and I 'knew what I was doing was wrong', etc, was/is Magistrate White carefully redefining his own rank and relentless bias against me...and he was just getting into his very angry and embittered stride when the sound dropped-out briefly...I stood up and said so, but he just kept going about what a bastard I am, eventually stopping me and having a go at me about how I wasn't to talk...I said it again, 'the sound dropped out and I missed that bit', and he was furious...dripping animosity and hatred, he snarled through literally gritted teeth that he'd start again...and he did...

Off we go, what a bad person I am and I've said not nice things about people, etc, etc, carefully manipulating slivers of Reality into farcically overblown outrage, all whilst carefully ignoring the vast majority of contradictory evidence supporting my defense, and most particularly his own biased and therefore corrupted conduct...and then it happened again, the sound dropped-out, and I stood up and said so...and my mate Magistrate White was absolutely furious, literally speechless for a moment, but clearly gathering himself to hurl yet further abuse at me...and then the Court Sherriffs stepped-in and spoke-up, 'yes, sorry your Honour, but we are having problems at this end with the sound, we'll check it out'...and didn't that improve Magistrate White's mood no end...he was clearly rabid about it, that thin-lipped hatred and fury etched into his countenance, and then he dead-set lost it...

He sat silent for a moment, literally going red, and then something just went sproing! in 'is lí'l mind tank and he quite literally snapped...he furiously stated something about 'another matter to hear', said he was 'calling an adjournment until 1000hrs' (it was about 0945hrs), and then he actually reached over and hung-up/disconnected the link, and the screen went blank...just like that...the Sherriffs and I were left there just looking at each other in disbelief and mild confusion...the Sherriffs/staff then scrambled to re-organise a 'link', stating that whatevs the problem was, it was not uncommon and clearly at the Elizabeth end...we ended-up in a small side room, in the Vulnerable Witnesses Suite, with the TBW and ABC journos sitting only feet behind me...and when we resumed at 1000hrs and Magistrate White yet again graced us with his presence, off he went again...I was frantically trying to scribble down notes, and I'm waiting for the Recordings and Transcripts so I won't try to quote what he said exactly, but it now included 'Sentencing' me to 260hrs of Community Service, delivered with a snide gouge about how I can contribute something positive to the community I've said such nasty things about, etc...

He then approved the farcically corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', along with further threats about 'Contempt of Court' if I breach them, etc, then stating 'that concludes(?) my involvement with this trial', and then just hung-up, again...his parting shot was one last cowardly threat about how he'd referred me to the Court Registrar (Adelaide? Elizabeth?) about 'Contempt of Court' supposedly on my posts from April 2018...availees will remember no doubt, that on March 9th he threatened and abused me about 'CofC' and 'stuff on the blog' he'd apparently "been shown" and 'assumed was me', but that's all gone now apparently, and he's moved on to April now...regular availees will also remember that from his very first involvement in my 'Trial', Magistrate White has repeatedly used these 'Contempt of Court' threats to bully and harass and intimidate me...literally every single 'hearing', starting with the straight-out threat from February 8th 2017, when he directly threatened to have me "taken into custody"...

Magistrate White has openly abused his position to abuse, harass, threaten and silence me, and there is no better illustration than his outrageous mis-use of 'Contempt of Court'...he has also repeatedly just ignored me and/or talked over me, which by regulation forces the poor Sherriffs to intervene and ask me to sit down, be quiet, etc...Magistrate White has deliberately manipulated this regulation as a tool of his abuse and harassment of me...he has also withdrawn to the relative safety of Elizabeth, from where he has hung-up on me every time, and on 20th April he took this to a bizarre new extreme by hanging-up on me twice in the one brief a purely procedural sense, his conduct of my 'Trial' is farcically unprofessional, and in a practical sense, definably corrupt...         

Then on Tuesday 24th April 2018, I learn via The Border Watch that I have also been fined over $3,000 for 'Court Costs and Victims of Crime levies'...this was not mentioned at all in Court, and is yet another example of Magistrate White's gross bias and deliberate incompetence toward is also another instance where-in TBW somehow has access to information that either 1) wasn't discussed in Court, and/or 2) they weren't in Court to does TBW come to be in possession of this info? t'is as though someone from within the Courts system is feeding them info...

Book Ends Of Hilarity:...are that my 'Trial' began with a hearing I wasn't even told about but learned of via TBW the day after, and now ends with their reportage of 'Costs and Levies' never even mentioned in Court...and secondly, Magistrate White's vacuous threats and cowardly bullying re 'Contempt of Court', starting with his first 'hearing' in February 2017 and then his parting threat right at the end of last week, and every 'hearing' in between...

I note that on April 20th 2018 Magistrate White suddenly found his words when it came to identifying my personal details, albeit delivered with his trademark snide lies...mid-abusive tirade, he stated that I have "refused to discuss (my) personal details", which is a straight-out lie trying to address the deliberately mocking and derogatory and belittling language he has used before to try and undermine and discredit and humiliate me...he very quickly mentioned "the DSP" (the Disability Support Pension) and then actually used the word "Agoraphobia"...previously he has carefully avoided identifying these realities in an attempt to diminish/deny what it is I have suffered over the past 10-15, in his rankly corrupt 'Reasons for Ruling' about continuing my 'Trial' in my absence in November 2017, he deliberately doesn't mention the DSP at all and uses the deliberately mocking term "an Anxious condition"...nasty, spiteful, bitter little word games from a nasty, spiteful, bitter little man...

I currently find myself in the bizarre situation of trying to define those bizarrely corrupt 'Suppression and/or Restraining Orders', and everyone I've shown agrees that they do (ludicrously) say that I must stop others doing what I'm banned from doing, as farcically undefined as that is, and that I must 'police' these 'Orders' to stop anyone going near or contacting the ABC or Mt Gambier City Council, etc, and that I must monitor the Internet in case something appears on's a farcically corrupt and ludicrous nonsense, and when I clearly identified these problems/faults to Magistrate White, he just angrily waved it away...why is it that everyone who isn't Magistrate White can see those glaring faults, but he cannot?...or rather, will not...

A Bizarre Example:...was Wednesday's ANZAC Day Dawn Service at Vansittart Park, where I stood at the back, but heard MP Tony Pasin and Mayor Andrew Lee mentioned as wreath-layers, and where-in this other MGCC Councillor may well have been do I stay 5metres away from someone who may not even be there, and do so at a Public Function held in a park? I to leave the park and stand across the road 5metres away?'s a farcically Fascist attack on me, ludicrous 'Orders' not backed by a single word of justification and as handed-down by a wholly biased Magistrate who isn't interested in what's 'Just' or even 'Legal Appropriate' and is simply doing what he was clearly sent to do, get me at whatever cost...  

Tomorrow: My Latest Official Complaint About Magistrate White 

I'll post the long letter I sent Thursday 19th April 2018 to Chief Magistrate Hribal and Magistrate White and Attorney-General Vicki Chapman and my mate Treasurer Rob's a fundamentally fascinating read about the litany of gross corruption that defines every aspect of my "bizarre trial", supported as it is with several critical documents, eg, Rob Lucas stating in Parliament in 2015 that the (then) Weatherill Labor government were using ICAC to attack Public Service 'Whistleblowers''s a direct reference to exactly what has been done to me, a corrupt Labor government utilising it's corrupt ICAC to attack their Political Enemies...welcome to the "Malicious Prosecution" of Nick Fletcher According To Rob Lucas...

And as part of this "Malicious Prosecution", everything has been done to move the discussion to what a bastard I supposedly am, and I say not nice things, etc, etc, moved well-away from the rankly corrupt realities of my 'Political Persecution' and/or the rankly Institutionalised Corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, and/or pretty much everything that I write about...but never forget dear availees, this is all about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of South Australia as exposed by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and despite raising the issue of "suppressing the blog in it's entirety", at the 9th March 2018 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing', Magistrate White never mentioned any such thing last week...the only 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' that I am aware of are about those 3 individuals, and of course the deliberately sly 'banning from MGCC meetings and/or any other Civic Functions' that I raised with Magistrate White and that he confirmed by not despite and/or because of all that, cheers and laters...

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