Tuesday, April 3, 2018

No, Sam Rothall, This Is Karma

Dear availees in Belgium, Brazil, Niger, and here in Oz, thanks for the heads-up, but I had already spotted that the extraordinarily self-satisfied serial-rorter, Sam Rothall, was/is part of Mt Gambier City Council's Cr Josh Lynagh's angry li'l mob milling about in it's own confusion on his webpage thingy, Limestone Coast Community News...

Cr Lynagh has been waging a selfish political campaign of wanton deceit and manipulation against his own 'followers', deliberately and subserviently trotting-out MGCC Propaganda whilst constantly bleating about how he isn't doing exactly that, and including repeatedly attacking me personally, again as part of the MGCC campaign to hide their Raft of Rank Corruptions...and now Sam Rothall has lobbed her half-witted tuppence onto the page with some snide comment about my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' being "karma"...

No Sam, mate, 'karma' is when you come back to Mt Gambier and are held to account for the multiple corrupt rorts that you are personally involved in...I may be hated in certain circles, but there's a bunch of people here-abouts Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed)...whom loathe you for the contemptuously self-involved and self-satisfied self-aggrandiser that you are, and would dearly love to see you and your shonky husband back-here to face the music...it's no wonder really that you and your equally cowardly husband have abandoned Mt Gambier and runaway to Adelaide, because your combined litany of rankly corrupt MGCC Contracts is only slightly less offensive and corrupt than your personal aggrandising over your highly-paid position with the Leukemia Foundation...and we'll be getting to that, but first, there's all this other Rothall corruption to wade-through, so let's start here... 

Dear Sam, mate, come back to Mt Gambier and let's put SMB Civil's books on the table, alongside the books/accounts from Mt Gambier City Council, and let us all bathe in the glow of this rancidly Nepotistic Bonfire...let's have a good look at the multiple gross irregularities and outright 'corruptions' that you and your husband, former senior MGCC employee and 'mate' of MGCC, have been involved in with SMB Civil...I mean, surely it can't be true that MGCC was awarding Tenders/Contracts to SMB Civil whilst you were 'insolvent', surely that hasn't happened with any Ratepayer-funded Projects...has it Sam, mate, did MGCC award SMB Civil any contracts whilst you were insolvent?...we know the answer, don't we mate...

Let's have a butcher's at the bizarre Harrald St Housing debasco (debacle/fiasco)...(is that those dozen houses jammed on one block on Harrald St, that were spruiked as being for Public Housing and that had Public Money involved for that reason, and then was announced as going wholly to Jazz Academy students, until you pointed at that situation on this 'ere blog, and it all went to heck-in-a-handbasket and those students were 'forced elsewhere'?-Ed)...yep Ed, all of that, dodgy as all get-out, and the Jazz Housing bit goes sproing! just because I point at it, and I've been blamed for that too...(well yes, I can see how that would be your fault, not!-Ed)...indeed...and I openly confess that I've lost track of what exactly did ultimately happen because of the contradictory and convoluted nature of this entire  'Tender/Project' and subsequent multiple/ongoing Sale/Lease attempts...(ahhh whatevs-Ed)...sure, whatevs...

Here is a classic study in how some people will steadfastly refuse to see Realities that they don't want to see, eg, all the definable dodginess of this SMB Civil Housing Estate Issue, and some people will ignore everything they need to to get themselves to where they want to be...(where it's Nick Fletcher's fault?-Ed)...exactly, and not necessarily me, but just whoevs speaks-out about this sort of stuff...whilst I'm clearly the most obvious 'Out-Speaker', there are others in our community who do try and therefore cop similar if not as extreme retribution from a rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt Local Government and State Government structure...(well just look at what's being done to William Peden out at Robe-Ed)...well indeed, the stench pouring out of Robe Council is positively palatable, a stench involving the rancidly corrupt SA Independent Commission Against Corruption and Comm Bruce Lander just hovering there in the peripherals, trying to hide his involvement behind the Ombudsman's work...and there's no better illustrator of exactly how corruptly compromised that situation is than the way Mr Peden is being vilified, denigrated, blamed, and attacked by a Robe Council that is clearly furiously keen for something very serious to remain seriously unseen...    

Tender Machinations:...then Sam, mate, after Harrald St, let's have a good look at the rancidly corrupt Tender process for that farcical Drainage Pond on the Rail Lands...again, let's get you and your husband, say, on stage at a public meeting, and you can explain to all those people you've ripped-off why that process isn't just another rancidly corrupt Nepotism from MGCC, another rankly corrupt MGCC Contract awarded in your favour and at the great expense of 1) those other Contractors/Tenders who go through the costly 'Tender' processes but don't have corrupt mates on Council to hand them these Contracts/Tenders, and 2) the ever-suffering Ratepayers of Mt Gambier, yet-again financing you, in yet another example of MGCC's litany of such Contracts/Tenders to MGCC's mates and/or families...it's corrupt from start to finish, and everyone involved knows it is, and you know it is...come on, let's "karma" that Sam, mate...

And then let us all have a jolly good look at the rancidly corrupt Main Corner contract, where-in control of that Ratepayer-financed Commercial Function Facility was handed directly to you from the original operator, Lachlan Mutton, son of MGCC Cr Des Mutton, handed to you at yet another MGCC 'Secret Meeting' without there being any Public Tender, etc, etc...just a litany of rancidly corrupt MGCC Nepotisms, handed from a MGCC Councillor's son to MGCC's mates, and all financed by Ratepayers...sickeningly self-interested corruption...and remember dear availees that the Main Corner utilities, eg, gas and electricity, are still paid for by Ratepayers, and that the 'Leasees' pay a "peppercorn lease" that does not cover those costs, let alone include any actual Rent for that $1m+ Commercial Kitchen in that $12m+ Function Facility...let's "karma" the living shit outta' that Sam, mate...

And hey, while we're there, lets open the books on exactly how much MGCC paid directly to you Sam, mate, for the multiple catered soirees that they put through the Main Corner/Town Hall facility...what vastly exaggerated prices did Mt Gambier Ratepayers fork-out for all those 'events' that we weren't invited to and/or allowed to attend?...and then of course Sam mate...(maaate-Ed)...was using the Commercial Kitchen facilities that Ratepayers finance, using that kitchen to prepare food for her cafe and/or catering business...(so Ratepayers were/are financing Sam's personal businesses?-Ed)...yep...(well that's very generous of us really, isn't it?-Ed)...and twice over when you consider that Sam, mate, was using the Main Corner kitchen for her cafe and/or catering business...(well hurrah-Ed)...

I remind availees that the Main Corner started at $4million, then went to $5m, then leapt to $9m, then $11m, and then I lost track, and a goodly part of that blow-out was $1m for suddenly adding a Commercial Kitchen part-way through the project, one of multiple 'additions' costing nearly $3m that Council approved without any Public Consultation, all done at just one MGCC Full Meeting, without any Public Consultation, etc, and then the 2 Tenders MGCC 'accepted' to run that Function Facility were the (then) Mayor Steve Perryman and Cr Des Mutton's son, and it went to Mutton Jnr, and initially free-of-charge...(wow, that's some rolled-gold Nepotism right there-Ed)...indeed, a litany of gross corruption, and as supposedly investigated and exonerated by the farcical and now notorious 'Chat-In-A-Cafe' ICAC investigation of 2013/14...(is that the farcical ICAC Cover-up that you've been 'Convicted' for talking about?-Ed)...that's the one, a 'Chat-In-A-Cafe' Investigation that I proved in Court did absolutely literally nothing to investigate, nothing recorded, not one document, etc, but then exonerated all and sundry associated with the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...

But what really had me spittin' chips was the interview a coupla' months back on ABC South East Radio, where-in some dude from the Leukemia Foundation stated very specifically that nothing had changed in Mt Gambier just because they've closed their office here, not to re-open anytime in the foreseeable future, no change because it was "purely a fundraising role", and "that position still exists in Adelaide"...(hang-on, that's the opposite to what Sam, mate, had to say about it! she was bangin'-on about how she needed that car, which they bought her with the $23,000 grant they received, because she was required to traverse the district to offer support, etc-Ed)...indeed, that is what she said...so this dude completely contradicted Sam, mate, and then confirmed that she's still on the payroll...(and all whilst very carefully not actually mentioning her name-Ed)...you spotted that then?...

There has been alot of discussion recently about the 'rorting' of donated funds within 'Charities', and the high-profile surgeon Dr Teoh has got so sick of it that he's started his own charity...(and there's all that stuff about the massive funding boost to Beyond Blue (Depression Charity)-Ed)...well exactly, where-in there's been a massive expansion in the bureaucracy, including a lovely job for former PM Julia Gillard, resulting in a 'Wages' total slightly more than was brought in by 'Fundraising'...(sorry? so all the 'Fundraising' money went to 'Wages'?-Ed)...as I saw it reported, yep, effectively that's what's happened, and it's a perfect template for Sam Rothall's position with the Leukemia Foundation, where-in it appears that every cent she 'fund-raised' went straight into her pocket...     

And I have been gifted the extraordinary good-grace of having survived a massive 'Leukemia' tumour aways back in 2004/05...(I thought it was Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma?-Ed)...well Lymphoma is a 'Blood Cancer', and therefore falls under the heading 'Leukemia'...(fair enough-Ed)...and it's in part because I survived that massive 16cm x 12cm tumour that I genuinely do not wish ill of anyone...(well partly that, but predominantly it is just your gentle nature-Ed)...fair call, and for example, rankly Pro-Paedophile Politician Rory McEwen should rot in gaol for his rancid corruption, particularly for his definable support for the Pro-Paedophile Culture that defines Mt Gambier and South Australia, etc, but that's exactly what I want to see, Rory rot in gaol, for as many years as possible...live to 100 Rory mate, you sad sick individual, and do it all in gaol where you belong...

So it's from that position of 'good-grace' that I point-out to Sam Rothall that it's a very precipitous position from which she flings abuse about "karma" at a Lymphoma Survivor...I so want to believe in "karma" so that I can watch a woman who has knowingly rorted the generosity of Cancer sufferers and/or survivors and their friends, families, and supporters, etc, to see that woman held to account for her rank hypocrisy and selfishness...someone who rorts a Cancer Charity for their own personal profit ought to be real careful about inviting "karma" into their li'l House of Cards, Sam, mate...

When Sam Rothall was encouraging young kids to come cut-off their beautiful hair and shave their heads, etc, she did that knowing full-well that every cent was going straight into her own pocket...and I've kept my mouth shut about that one, despite my personal opposition to this often very confronting 'head-shaving culture'...regular availees may well remember that, as a Lymphoma survivor, I'm also the proud owner of a plaited mane that we hacked-off just after my first Chemo aways back in late 2004, now stored in a plastic bag...I genuinely appreciate that people genuinely want to help and show support/solidarity etc, and that is fantastic, but please, if you gotta' do something with your hair, just colour it, please don't cut-off a beautiful head-a-hair, especially not in support of the Leukemia Foundation... if my mud-map calculations are correct, Sam Rothall actually drew more in wages than she 'raised', her 'employment' was a net-loss to the LF!...(and what about the cost of that office space?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and the running costs of that car, etc, etc...come on back to The Mount, Sam, mate, and let's crack a coupla' coldies and have a li'l shufty at your LF books, mate...(maaate-Ed)... 

Dear Googles:...because Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed)...is so loathed by so many here-abouts, it's potentially problematic to just take other people's 'statements' as fact, so I have contacted the Leukemia Foundation, twice, but they declined to discuss/confirm/deny any of the 'allegations' that have been made directly to me about Sam Rothall's employment/conduct, so I'll list some of them here, and if Sam, mate, has a problem with any of it, I'm sure I'll hear about it...
1) all the dodgy MGCC contracts with SMB Civil, eg, the Rail Lands, etc;
2) all the dodgy MGCC contracts with the Main Corner;
3) there was no 'recruitment process' for the Leukemia Foundation, the position was created/organised specifically for Sam Rothall by 'a mate'...(in the same way Mt Gambier City Council created two '$200,000pa Manager' positions specifically for it's mates?-Ed)...exactly like that; 
4) is Sam Rothall really getting paid $80,000 per annum as she was heard "bragging" at one of her li'l drinkey soirees she organised for her and her mates?

As I say, I've tried to have this stuff with the Leukemia Foundation confirmed/denied but they declined to answer those questions...also, I currently have no idea who is actually running The Main Corner/Town Hall at the moment because it's shrouded in secrecy, and it could well still be Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed)...but there may well have been any number of 'secret' Mt Gambier City Council meetings that have secretly transferred that 'Lease' elsewhere...

The shortest, sharpest, most reliable way to resolve all of these extraordinary allegations/situations/issues is for Sam, mate, to come back to Mt Gambier and we'll just flop the lot onto the table next to MGCC's books, the Main Corner's books, SMB Civil's books, the Leukemia Foundation's books, etc, all of Sam's dodgy dealings piled-high, rort-upon-rort, and let us all sort all that out, that'd be Karma...

Tomorrow:  More Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, soon to be 'Suppressed' by the rankly corrupt South Australian Magistrates Court via the extraordinarily corrupt Magistrate White, apparently...oh, and apparently I'm not allowed an opinion about Magistrate White's definably corrupt conduct, because me calling him-out about his rancidly abusive and rankly biased and grossly corrupted conduct toward me is apparently something I'm supposed to just put-up with, apparently, and clearly identifying his entirely skewed and biased conduct, well apparently that's 'Contempt of Court'...apparently I'm just meant to just stand/sit there and put-up with it...(and what do we say to that availees? we say "bollocks"-Ed)...indeed Ed, that's exactly what we say...

Magistrate White's conduct is definably well-beyond mere 'Bias', he has acted in a definably 'Corrupt' manner with a clearly pre-conceived outcome in mind...his extraordinary conduct when I was ill during the November 2017 'Trial' dates, is in isolation, 'Grounds for Appeal' on multiple counts...anyhoos, I'm Nick, etc, and cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. Well this was an interesting read ! I'm amazed its not on any Mt G FB pages!
