Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Dear Google, Why Are You Letting Bill DeGaris Manipulate And Bully You With His Vacuous Defamation Threats?

Dear Google,
                  I thought we had this sorted-out, and I'm mildly disappointed that it's happening again...(mildly disappointed? mildly? wow, man I'd be berko-Ed)...yeah, sure, I ain't exactly celebrating but it's thanks to The Googles that I get to do this 'ere blog at all...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...and free of charge mind...(true-Ed)...and Google and their lawyers are being manipulated by wanton deceits from another lawyer, how else are they to respond?...(and gourd knows who else is slingin' abusive threats at them-Ed)...well exactly, eg, ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, infamous as being the Complainant, Judge, and Jury, in unilaterally referring me directly to SAPol's (police) Anti-Corruption Branch without following any of the appropriate processes within his own ICAC...(and all that nonsense with the ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' thingy'-Ed)...well if you call a private citizen being the sole subject of their very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation' what's all about them and no-one else, and all for the heinous crime of 'blogging stuff that's actually true', if you call that 'nonsense', well then sure...and of course Bruce is notorious for his use of 'Suppression Orders' and associated threats and retribution...

Beyond that, I only have this letter from Bill DeGaris's office, attached below, claiming that he is responsible for the 'Disappearing Posts, and no proof what-so-ever that it is The Googles doing it on his behalf, after he has supposedly lodged complaints...I have received no 'Google Notifications' of any sort regarding these latest 'removals', and with previous 'removals' back in 2013/14, 1) the Googles have sent me a 'Notification', and 2) the original copy of those posts have remained in this 'ere blog's Drafts/Publish section, and 3) those post's titles remain on this 'ere blog but with an attached notice referring me/availees through to Lumen (originally it was Chilling Effects) for details about the complaint, but these latest removals have been entirely deleted out of the Drafts, gone completely, and no 'Notification' of any sort...I remind dear availees that SAPol (police) still have my laptop, which they seized whilst raiding my home back on 7th/8th May 2014, and can therefore access the internals of this 'ere blog, and can therefore change and/or completely delete any post...

Dear t'is, the latest masterpiece from Bill DeGaris, what I done receive in the post yesterday, Tuesday 3rd April 2018, yet another litany of self-evidently unsubstantiated allegations and empty it's very existence, this 'ere classic exactly proves everything I've been saying about Bill DeGaris's conduct, and here-in lies the ugly bucket of fundamentally irretrievable reality that Bill, mate, has just tipped right on for the alleged author of this extraordinary document, Jonathan Brohier, for all I know he a) had it shoved in front of him and was told to sign-and-send, right through to z) he willingly and knowingly offered to become complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

Because that's what you've done, mate, and at any time, let's say this Friday 6th April 2018, let's sayyy, noon? yeah? I am more than happy to meet with you, Mr Jonathan Brohier, in your offices there in that SERDE building and In Camera, that is, fully recorded by me, and by you if you want to, whatevs, but In My Camera we'll have a wee chat about just exactly what it is you've waded into, mate...and we can start our little chat with one of my personal faves, namely, how it is you come to be sitting in that chair, in that office, in that particular building, that particular SERDE building that Bill DeGaris 'purchased' from me, you've got my number, you're apparently readin' this 'ere blog, let's chat, mate...and if you think that clown on telly 'Chats Hard'...oh, and do set out a few chairs, in the big room, and perhaps some refreshments, 'cause I know a coupla' other people wanna' swarm by and have a li'l chat with/about Bill and it will take quite some time...perhaps we should make it 0900hrs...

Anyone For Tea?:...and as much as I'm slingin' furious mocking abuse I am deadset serious, let's get serious, Mr Brohier, mate, and let's sit-down together in a fully recorded discussion, at your offices, at your earliest convenience...Bill DeGaris's office is clearly reading/monitoring this 'ere blog, and I will also now contact Mr Brohier/Bill DeGaris and make this specific offer/ is clearly the only way to resolve this extraordinary situation, a fully recorded meeting will provide final and definitive proof as to which party is being "malicious", who's statements are "baseless", who is making "defamatory allegations", etc...and I was ready to go yesterday, so any time you're ready, Mr Brohier, let's all sit-down together and resolve this, as soon as possible put the billy on, and I'll bring the heat...

Dear Google:...If Bill DeGaris thought he could sue me for 'Defamation', why is he running to you instead? 

Dear Google:...Bill DeGaris is a 'lawyer' himself, so why is he attacking me with his unproven statements claiming to be fact, rather than just sueing me for 'Defamation'? 

Dear Google:...I have not made "defamatory allegations", I have made provable statements of fact about Bill Degaris's actual conduct, statements that I am quite prepared to defend in an actual 'Defamation Trial', as opposed to this 'Trial By Threat'.

Ooo, And Dear Googles:...I ain't 'yellin' at ya' in bold font, nor you dear availees, I'm just doin' it for dramatic effect, pretty cool huh?

Anyhoos, the screechingly undeniable reality here is that this letter's mere existence proves exactly what I've been saying about Bill DeGaris and his conduct, yet another litany of threats and unsupported claims...and it's 'First Year Student Law Fail-Grade Nonsense', I mean, where are the examples? show me where I've done what, mate, 'cos this letter's got lotsa' threats...(real big on threats-Ed)...and is chockers with 'allegations'...(packed to the gunnels with 'allegations'-Ed)...but not one single actual shreckin' example...just one'd do, but it's all bluff and bluster...

And bang!, straight outta' the gate, an absolute lie...I have never called Bill DeGaris "a paedophile" me, Mr Brohier, exactly where in exactly which post I've stated that...has not happened...and you know that I haven't, Dear Googles, because you're readin' the damn things...(and so's Billy apparently-Ed)...what?...(and so's Billy, apparently-Ed)...not with you...(well apparently Billy's readin' this 'ere blog-Ed)...well don't be ridiculous Ed, nobodies readin' this 'ere blog, or talkin' about it, remember? back at that Mt Gambier City Council 2013/14 Budget 'Public Consultation thingy at the library?...(ahhh, when MGCC CEO Mark McShane mockingly said to you "no-one's reading your blog Nick", and you smilingly replied, "Yes they are Mark, and you know they are"-Ed)...yep, that's the one, to which he wittily repartee-ed with uncomfortable silence and an increasingly crimson countenance...ahhh happy days to be sure, but we digress, back to the Bill-mobile...

And when I say that's a lie, Bill DeGaris knows it's a lie, and so does Mr Brohier, and if he doesn't know then he's skated 'ímself right onto the thin ice of Lake Ludicrous, where-in he is technically 'defaming' me by presenting a very specific but false accusation as a statement of fact, either a) in ignorance, having taken no steps to verify the veracity of his statement, or b) where-in he is knowingly lying, and c) where he has defamed me by making these claims to a third party, namely, The Googles...again, Mr Brohier, where have I said that? in which post on what date?...and furthermore, how am I to defend myself against this spurious 'allegation' if you've already pulled-down that post, apparently...

Beyond that specific lie, the rest of this letter is unsubstantiated drivel unsupported by a single example, and I stand by every single thing I have had to say about Bill DeGaris and his deplorable conduct...

Please also find attached right here, a copy of the letter I have today sent to Mr Brohier requesting that In Camera meeting...and it goes a little something like this...

Mr Jonathan Brohier                                                                   4th April 2018
c/- DeGaris Lawyers
19 Penola Rd
Mt Gambier SA 5290

Dear Mr Brohier,
I refer to your letter of 28th March 2018, stating that you are responsible for having 24 articles (posts) removed from my Google blog, 'The Mount Gambier Independent'.

You have made a series of very serious but entirely unsubstantiated and unsupported allegations about my conduct, including the outright falsehood that I have claimed that “Mr DeGaris is a paedophile”. You know this has not happened, I have never claimed that, so why have you stated this as fact?

As I have received no Google Notifications about these removals, please immediately provide me with copies of the specific complaints you have allegedly lodged with Google.

Furthermore, and as you have identified, Bill DeGaris has been making these same unsupported claims and/or threats about 'Defamation' since early 2013, but five years later has yet to make good his multiple threats to sue me.

There is clearly only one way to resolve this extraordinary situation, and so I will make myself available, at your very earliest convenience, for an In Camera (recorded) meeting with you in your offices there in the SERDE building.

I formally request this recorded meeting happen immediately, and there is no reason why it cannot or should not.

I also reserve the right to have others attend that meeting so that they may also explain to you their experience of Bill DeGaris.

Please respond immediately with:
  1. the copies of your alleged complaints to Google, and;
  2. the time/date for my requested meeting. I'll see you soon, mate, and we'll get this sorted...

Tomorrow: The Mind-Numbing NIMBY-ism Of Adelaide's Renewables Obsession 

Let's have a quick review of the extraordinary and often blinkered obsession with Renewables and batteries and all that other nonsense, where-in supporters blithely ignore all of the compromising realities whilst stampeding toward ludicrous Renewable Targets...for example, where does all this Lithium come from for these ridiculous mega-batteries, or does it just drop out of the sky like Wind Turbines apparently do, supposedly Free Energy with Zero Pollution Footprint, what a load of rot...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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