Tuesday, April 24, 2018

New Pool - Mt Gambier City Council's Latest Corrupt Lie

Dear Availees and Residents of Mt Gambier,
                                                              Howdy y'all, and welcome to a super-short post about the latest farcically corrupt and deeply deceitful manipulation from the rancidly corrupt MGCC...

For the last 2-3 months there has been a huge flurry of absolute bollocks pouring outta' MGCC about an 'All Weather Sporting Facility', based around an 'Indoor Pool'...and it's all an absolute lie from serial liars and frauds and thieves...(what makes you say that?-Ed)...because I've been to their meetings and they are serial liars, frauds, and thieves...(fair enough-Ed)...

Three Words:...this 'Indoor Pool' push is a farcical deceit motivated by 3 words, Local Government Elections in November...(that's 5 words-Ed)...yes, alright, 5 words that are the reality of what's happening here...I've been to the MGCC meetings in recent years where the 'Pool' issue was not just pushed to the back-burners but shoved unceremoniously onto the floor, allowed to congeal, then kicked into a dark corner, never to be discussed again...there is no 'Pool' anywhere in MGCC's various ludicrous 'Plans' until suddenly they need some popular issue to try and garner some sort of credibility where none exists otherwise...

I'll say it again, this is a crass manipulation based on an outright lie...(a $40million lie-Ed)...well indeed, and accompanied with carefully manipulative lies about how the extraordinary cost won't affect Rates...(well denying that is also a way to stir-up opposition-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, the whole thing is a deceitful manipulation yet again using people's genuine desire for Community Improvement to try and project the idea that MGCC give a rat's arse about anyone other than themselves...(whilst actually driving a wedge into the community-Ed)...absolutely Ed, and it's already happening, with some people rightfully skeptical and already copping abuse from those who can't see the realities for the bright lights of Council's disingenuous promises for a 'shiny new plaything'...

And then there's the farcically corrupt and incompetent MGCC projects that precede this latest deceit...remember how these clowns corruptly and incompetently burned $$$millions on the Library, supposedly $5m that went over $12m, the ludicrous Main Corner that was $4.5m and again went past $12m and costs a fortune to run but without any actual purpose, the Helpmann Theatre 're-vamp' that went from $900,000 to nearly $1.5m, and has left major structural damage to the Theatre building, etc, and the mind-numbing Rort-fest that was the Old Hospital Demolition and the pathetically unusable Rail Lands, where MGCC promised a $10m Parklands Concept that included a major 'Sound Shell' and renovated iconic Old Rail Station, neither of which has happened...I understand that Council has already spent that $10m and then some, not least of all due to multiple re-workings of the drainage issues...(or rather lack of drainage-Ed)...indeed...(and of course with all it's associated missing monies, eg, the $345,000 that former CEO Greg Muller stole/defrauded/whatevs from the Main Corner Project-Ed)...exactly Ed, a perfect example...

And now these same corrupt clowns are trying to get their grubby mits on $40m of your money, and the vast majority of it will go directly into the pockets of MGCC family members and/or their mates...(well it's what MGCC does, steal Ratepayer's money-Ed)...that's exactly what they do mate, and if I never attend another MGCC meeting, their definitive litany of previous frauds, lies, and rank Nepotisms clearly flag where they are headed with this deceit...

And on that issue, MGCC is having a 'Special Meeting' tonight but I won't be attending because my rankly corrupt 'Trial' has produced farcically undefinable 'Suppression Orders' that deliberately ban me from attending any 'Civic Functions'...(on what grounds?-Ed)...no 'grounds', no explanation at all, and ignoring the fact that I still have 'Official Complaints' pending about these rankly corrupt clowns appalling conduct toward me, etc...(so Magistrate White has banned you from all MGCC 'functions', but not provided any explanation as to why?-Ed)...exactly, because that's not Fascism at all is it, using the Courts to pursue a Political Agenda of Punishment and Retribution...(well actually that's the dictionary definition of Fascism-Ed)...yeah, I was being sarcastic...

And why did MGCC pay a 'consultant' $30,000 to do this farcical 'Pool' design? what about Council's vastly bloated and deeply corrupted bureaucracy of highly paid 'Managers'? what are they for? where are they?...(and I don't suppose that that 'consultant' is a Councillor's relative or some-such?-Ed)...you mean like when Council gave Councillor Des Mutton's son control/operation of the Main Corner for free?...(no, I was referring to when they gave Cr Mutton's grandson $10,000 for 'consulting' about solar panels-Ed)...mmm, my bad...(well it's highly understandable given the relentless litany of corruption from MGCC, the endless supply of Insider Trading and Nepotism and straight-out theft!-Ed)...indeed, my confusion is understandable... 

Yet again, MGCC has deliberately left this 'Federal Funding Application' to the last minute, cobbling together a farcically overblown 'project design', and shoving it in before the April 30th deadline...

Pardon my lack of motivation, but I'm finishing here because I'm just so sick-and-tired of watching these corrupt clowns lie and manipulate and steal your/our money...

This 'Pool' is a farcical over-reach designed to self-undermine with it's ridiculous cost, and in the unlikely event that MGCC gets the multiple 'Grants' necessary to make it happen, Mt Gambier will end-up with a $20m embarrassment that actually costs $50m+ whilst the bulk of those monies go into the pockets of Councillors and/or their families and/or friends...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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