Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Dear Google, In His Own Words, Here's How Bill DeGaris Deceives And Manipulates You

Howdy Bahamas, Ukraine, Poland, and Turkey...(Turkey? woohoo, they're back!-Ed)...I know! Turkey had issues with 'Internet Bans' and it's great to see them availees back on this 'ere many Australians, I have an undefinable affinity with Turkey because my great-grandfather landed with the New Zealanders at Gallipoli, in what was us invading them on behalf of the British Empire...anyhoos, further apologies for these breaks in posting, but I have been seriously unwell with a full-on fluey-thing followed by an infection in a busted tooth...whilst I'm over-joyed to be here to whinge about it, all that Chemo 14 years ago really 'rooted' my teeth, and whilst I'm damn lucky to still have as many as I do, I suffer through 'busted teeth' several times a year...I'm also extremely lucky that I can go to my family cap-in-hand for the $350 it cost to save that particular tooth, because most people on the Disability Support Pension or similar, they do not have that emergency familial financial support, and therefore don't get the choice, they suffer until the offending molar gets yanked-out...

Following directly on from the previous post addressed to The Googles, I have received a response from Jonathan Brohier of DeGaris Lawyers to my request for a formal In Camera (recorded) meeting with him and his client/employer Bill DeGaris...and here t'is...

Here, defined in his own words, are the lies, deceits, bullying and threats that Bill DeGaris has been using to manipulate Google and/or threaten me...and here's my response to Billy, mate, emailed to them this morning, Wednesday 11th April 2018...

Jonathan Brohier                                                                    Wednesday 11th April 2018

c/- DeGaris Lawyers
19 Penola Rd
Mt Gambier SA 5290

Dear Mr Brohier,
I refer to your recent correspondence (28th March 2018) on behalf of your client and employer, Bill DeGaris; my initial response of 4th April 2018; and your response to that, dated 5th April and received by post Monday 9th 2018.

Mr Brohier, I do not understand why you;
  1. continue to deliberately misrepresent the many unpleasant realities of your client/employer's conduct, as often covered in my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, then;
  2. continue to threaten me about my supposed 'defamation' of your client/employer, but then;
  3. refuse to take any action regarding these alleged 'defamations', and;
  4. also refuse my request to resolve these issues In Camera in a formal meeting at your office.
You have abused and threatened me and attacked my blog, all apparently because I am allegedly defaming your client/employer, but when I have requested to attend at your offices, and put myself officially on your record to resolve this, you flatly refuse. This is a clear indicator of the disingenuous nature of your various allegations and threats.

This refusal is a clear indication that you know the veracity of my statements about Bill DeGaris's extraordinary conduct, and therefore also understand that a formally recorded meeting only serves to expose the reality.

Your client/employer has refused to meet with me because he knows what he has done and thinks he can simultaneously avoid the repercussions of his outrageous conduct whilst still trying to attack me and/or my blog via other means, eg, these constant 'defamation threats' to Google.

Why have you refused to provide copies of your alleged complaints to Google? This is between me and you and your client/employer, and you are the ones manipulating Google. Furthermore, I have still not received a single 'official Google Notification' about your alleged complaints.

Do you not understand, Bill Degaris was not representing Glyn Dorling, the “text-book grooming paedophile”* teacher from St Martins Lutheran School, I am not angry at Bill DeGaris for his conduct whilst acting for and thereby protecting the paedophile teacher.
(*Flinders Child Protection Unit, August 22nd 2002)

Bill DeGaris was supposedly representing us parents and our abused children, he was supposedly my lawyer. I am irretrievably traumatised by your client/employer's complicit and deliberate betrayal of us families, his clients, thereby protecting the paedophile teacher.

You state;
“We note that you have not apologised for any of your defamatory allegations and
imputations outlined in our letter dated 28 March 2018.”

When I state that 'Bill Degaris betrayed me and my child', that is not an 'allegation' or an 'implication', that is a definable, provable statement of fact. Bill DeGaris did betray me and my child, and your client/employer knows exactly what he has done, and that he has also done it to many other families, and dozens if not potentially hundreds of children.

I have never “alleged or at least implied that Mr DeGaris is a paedophile.”, rather, I have stated across multiple posts that I consider Bill DeGaris's conduct, his deceits and his betrayal, I consider that to be far worse than the behaviour of paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling.

Some would argue that “text-book grooming paedophile” teacher Glyn Dorling was/is suffering some degree of 'Mental Illness', for lack of a better term, and therefore was not entirely responsible for his atrocious conduct at St Martins Lutheran School. 

In stark contrast, your client/employer was a legal professional in full possession of his faculties and supposedly representing families of abused children, and he has made multiple conscious decisions to act against us families and our abused children, to definably betray his own clients.

Your client/employer knew exactly what happened in that classroom at St Martins in 2002 and several years previous, and then was intimately complicit in deceiving and manipulating his own clients into a vulnerable position, causing our 'case' to collapse in chaos.

As your client/employer is fully aware, in early 2006 Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan stated to parents that police had approached him expressing concerns that Glyn Dorling was back teaching in a Lutheran school in Victoria.

Bill DeGaris knows that as fact because that meeting between his clients and Comm Mullighan took place in your client/employer's office in his old office building on Wehl St Sth, with Bill sitting right there. Has your client/employer not told you this?

Even Comm Mullighan acknowledged that it was inconceivable that an unrepentant “text-book grooming paedophile”, who officially blamed the children for the abuses he committed against them at St Martins, would simply stop abusing children. Regardless, there is clear evidence of Glyn Dorling's conduct from his several years at St Martins prior to his sudden removal mid-2002, let alone conclusive proof of his abuses against our 7 year old kids.

The ultimate reality is that a “text-book grooming paedophile” teacher walked away absolutely unscathed to go and 'teach' elsewhere because of your client/employer's betrayal of us, his clients.

I fully stand-by and repeat my assertion that Bill DeGaris's conduct is far worse than that of the paedophile teacher he conspired to protect. Furthermore, I have repeatedly explained this position through-out the blog, but you have tried to take part of a single paragraph from one post of 900+, and then try to say that that it is somehow proof that I have called Bill DeGaris “a paedophile”;
“At least by imputation you clearly allege that Mr DeGaris is a paedophile.”
That sentence is self-contradictory. What does it even mean?

I repeat, Bill DeGaris's conduct is far worse than the paedophile teacher's, and I am more than prepared to defend that position In Camera at your offices or anywhere else of your choice, but I do not believe that meeting/hearing will happen because your client is aware of what awaits him in that situation, the explicit reality of his own conduct.

You further state
“Mr DeGaris is limited in pursuing civil defamation proceedings against you as the
remedy for defamation is an award of damages. As you are a “man of straw” (i.e.
have no capacity to pay legal damages) there is no point in pursuing that line of
redress. We will however, be pursuing alternative legal means to ensure that you
can no longer make these allegations.”

This is a lie on multiple levels, and yet further indication of your entirely disingenuous conduct on behalf of your client/employer. Why have you mentioned 'civil' but not 'Criminal Defamation'? You have previously repeatedly accused me of “malicious” actions designed to cause harm, is this not the legal definition of what constitutes 'Criminal Defamation'?

Bill DeGaris is not sueing me because he knows that any such legal action serves only to expose the realities of his betrayal of his clients, to expose his definably corrupt conduct as an active participant in the cover-up of the abuse of my child and dozens of other kids at St Martins.

It is absolutely appropriate and plausible that your client/employer sue me for either Criminal or Civil Defamation, and having proven that alleged 'defamation' in Court, you can then apply for Suppression Orders to stop me blogging my supposed falsehoods. Indeed, you yourself have repeatedly stated and/or threatened exactly that in your original letter, and I quote;
“This letter represents a Concerns Notice pursuant to section 14 of the Defamation Act 2005.”

Why repeatedly threaten me with 'Defamation Action' in one letter, then in the very next, dismiss that potential action as being 'pointless'? This is yet further proof of the disingenuous nature of your various allegations, threats, deceits and manipulations.

Why do you try to mock me about my personal situation in trying to justify your lie? All you have done is identify and acknowledge the extreme trauma that your client/employer's betrayal has bought into my life and that of my child and family and the lives of so many others. Indeed, I am a broken and a broke man, and a good deal of that is directly attributable to your client/employer's betrayal.

Furthermore, I note that you have focussed solely on the St Martins Cover-up and have not included further threats about how your client/employer came to be the owner of the SERDE building, and/or various other business relationships he is involved in.

Tell your client/employer that he is a coward and a liar and a betrayer and that his own despicable conduct, his deceits and his betrayals, they never ever go away for him, in the same way that they never go away for the deeply traumatised children and families he betrayed.

In these two letters you and your client/employer define your own deceits and manipulations of Google by refusing to meet In Camera and resolve this horrendous issue, choosing instead to continue to hide behind hyperbolic yet undefined bullying and threats and spurious 'defamation' accusations.

I offered you an appropriate way to resolve the many issues of your clients/employer's conduct, (ie, via an In Camera meeting at your office) but you have refused my request because you know that it will only expose your client/employer. Instead, you have chosen to hurl further base threats and abuse at me, carefully trying to avoid any possibility of your client/employer being held to account.

You have clearly chosen to join your client/employer Bill DeGaris and involve yourself in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and in that context you have made a mistake, but your persistent blatant attempts to threaten and bully me, one of the traumatised parents that you know was betrayed by your client/employer, this shows you to be of the same calibre as your client/employer.

I am advised that Google's own 'Complaint Guidelines' direct potential complainants to first contact the person they wish to complain about and attempt to resolve the situation before lodging requests for removal of posts. Making these same bullying threats about 'Concerns Notices' back in 2013 does not constitute 'contacting me to sort it out'. I put my name on every post and you have my contact details on file since 2005, so why have you not followed that primary Google protocol? Why have you attacked the blog without contacting me first? Why refuse me copies of your alleged complaints when that's exactly what Google tells you to do before lodging complaints with them?

As a result of your recent actions, and using your own recent letters as evidence, 'official complaint notices' have now been lodged with Google, citing your deceits, bullying, threats, and the multiple 'defamations' you have made against me to Google. These 'complaints' include a thorough explanation to Google of how you and/or your client/employer have been using 'false defamation allegations' to deceive and manipulate them.

Ironically, I have been threatened with defamation so many times by your client/employer and so many others, that I do not need a lawyer to tell me that your “malicious” and provably false allegations against me are 'defamation' because you have made these claims to a third party, namely, Google itself.

You and your client/employer have acted with deliberate deceit and “malicious” intent, to a third party, and that is the legal definition of 'Criminal Defamation'. Your “malicious” lies have then been publicly displayed, technically a further 'Criminal Defamation' of me by both you and Google, but Google is legally exempt because they have acted with genuine intent and good faith in response to your deliberate lies.

I repeat my requests for you to immediately provide me;
  1. copies of your alleged complaints to Google, and;
  2. an In Camera meeting with you and your client/employer.

...and there you have it dear availees...

Tomorrow: More "Bizarre Trial" Stuff And/Or Renewables Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, and apparently it gets in, right in, and that's why there is a definably concerted effort to try and shut me down...cheers and laters...

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