Sunday, May 13, 2018

Documents For Previous Post - Letter To Chief Magistrate Hribal

Howdy dear availees, and here t'is some documents/letters/whatevs that were attached to my letter to Chief Magistrate Hribal, emailed 19th April 2018, and responded to that very day...(that very day you say?-Ed)...indeed I do say that to you...(by Chief Magistrate Hribal?-Ed)...yup...(well hurrah, aren't we the special one then?-Ed)...have you read that response?...(ahh, not yet, is that it there just below?-Ed)...indeed it is mate, and dear availees who haven't yet read my 7-page letter to CM Hribal, perhaps please to be goin' back to check that out first, because otherwise, when I go bat-crap crazy about this response, right there just below this letter below, well, if y'all haven't read my letter...(your own response is gunna' look bat-crap crazy-Ed) on...

And sorry to disappoint y'all, but I simply don't have the energy or inclination to waste anymore of my life/time on getting 'upset' about this sort of extraordinary denial of responsibility...perhaps I'm lost in the vast Reality of what is happening here, but I could swear that my letter carefully explains the deeply complicit, duplicitous and openly corrupt conduct of My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, and the specifically definable leading role he has played in the rankly corrupt application of SAPol and the Courts, etc, etc, etc, in this unambiguously retributional persecution of li'l ol' me, etc, etc, dear regular availees, you know that story...(and so does CM Hribal-Ed)...indeed, yet here again I'm being sent back to him, loitering under one of his many other hats, namely, as Judicial Conduct Commissioner...(although it does vaguely sort of allude to what you've said, "given it's previous history."-Ed)...vague is a very polite way of putting it...(yeah, but that right there is an official acknowledgement that there are problematic issues that do need to be addressed-Ed)...damn you Ed, well spotted, that's exactly what that says...(cheers-Ed)...issues involving Bruce that need to be addressed by Bruce, well done mate....

(And does this also mean Her Honour can "intervene" now?-Ed)...sorry what?...(well I assumed that HH answered immediately because to leave it until the next week or even morning would make redundant her denial of responsibility about 'it's still before the Court'-Ed)...possible I s'pose, but even then the letter indicates that if I choose to "maintain (my) complaint", CM Hribal intends to "forward it on to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner."...(ah, yeah, right-Ed)...and further indicates that once back with MBAAIHST Bruce, we all again run into the ludicrous and clearly untenable situation of the Biased/Corrupt/Whatevs public official deciding on their own Bias/Corruption/Whatevsness...("Whatevsness"?-Ed)...shhh, as was the case with my official complaints about Magistrate White's extraordinary conduct of and during my "bizarre trial", wholly unacceptable conduct that far exceeds mere Bias in it's deliberate intent...

And now, below, here's an absolute top-effort from my other mate, Liberal Treasurer Rob Lucas, whom I emailed my CM Hribal letter, but from whom I've received no response what-so-ever...(onya' Rob mate, cuttin'-crook at Labor about an ICAC you voted for, but you know what's happening with the Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher, and not even a response, well done champ-Ed) does he know?...(because he and Liberal Party lawyers looked at this stuff back in May/June 2014, remember?-Ed)...remind me?...(when SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch visited then raided your home on 7th/8th May 2014 and you went to then Liberal, currently re-elected as Independent Member for Mt Gambier, Troy Bell, and he responded weeks later saying he'd run the ICAC Act Section 56 stuff past several senior Liberals, naming 'Rob', and then onto party lawyers, etc, but that 'no-one wanted to give specific advice because 1) the legislation is so vague and 2) is also un-tested in Court'-Ed)...ah yes, I do recall...

Availees may remember that this led to one of my fav moments from Court, February 2016, and I was relating this contact with Troy Bell and the response, etc, to Her Honour Magistrate Anderson in what was Her Honour's first hearing of my then already 1-year old 'Trial', etc, etc, anyhoos, it was mid-bleat I realised I had not one iota of documented proof because 1) I'd dealt personally with Troy at his office, and 2) only really start 'writing stuff' to people when things don't happen and/or I don't trust the person, etc...and it just occurred to me in the moment, "and I take Mr Bell at his word"...(genius!-Ed)...even if we do say so myself, it was pretty cool...(maaate, it's damn near perfect, an honest statement that underpins it's own veracity, and shows you as a trusting person, whilst throwing the onus of trust/believability onto another person, the local Member no's near-genius born of action and honesty-Ed)...cheers mate, and cheers and a big hairy air-hug to the dear availee whom provided me this particular gem...(and squeeeeeeeeeeze, annnnd release-Ed)...ahh, good hug, good hug...and now this...

...(ahhhaaahhahhahhhahahahaaa, ahhh, nice one man-Ed) no, that's not me, that's Robbo mate...(maaate-Ed) taken from SA Parliament's Hansard, the official Parliamentary Record...(oh, so that's what Robbo, maaate, actually said in Parliament?-Ed)...yep...(wow-Ed)...and again it's fairly self-explanatory, and again, I just can't be bothered...regular availees will do doubt recall my multiple 'experiences' of Liberal MP Rob Lucas, not least of all his senior role in the ultimately pointless Statutory Authority Review Committee Inquiry no. 54 into the Teachers Registration Board where-in I and other parents gave testimonial evidence directly to Rob, mate, in the Old Parliament House on North Tce, aways back in 2008, testimony backed by reams of documents/letters/whatevs...(wasn't that entire 3-year long 'SARC Inquiry' motivated and/or justified by the TRB exoneration of St Martins Lutheran School teacher Glyn Dorling?-Ed)...yep, that's the whole St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up stuff, including the extraordinary conduct of the TRB, where-in they exonerated "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling on the strength of his statements that 'the kids were out of control and forcing themselves on me'...(wow-Ed)...well if by 'wow' you mean 'sickeningly corrupt', sure, wow...

To my understanding, this SARC Inquiry no.54 achieved effectively nothing other than stall proper consideration of the St Martins Cover-up, and clearly did nothing to resolve it and/or address the multiple problems with the deeply corrupted structures of the TRB...also please note the references in Robbo's statement to 1) ICAC having the power to force journos to reveal their 'sources', and 2) ICAC having the power to tap people's phones, and 3) ICAC being used to "scare the bejesus out of public servants", an issue I have identified as to how my prosecution is a 'Warning To All Potential Whistleblowers'...these are all gross and deliberate distortions of 'Democracy', yet further proof of the rancidly Fascist intent and nature of both the SA ICAC and the Parliament that spawned it...(like your extraordinary Political Persecution isn't enough-Ed)...well it's all the same animal isn't it...(woof, I mean wow-Ed) when Robbo's cuttin'-crook about bloody Labor and the bloody ICAC, just remember that he and the Liberals voted for the bloody thing in the first place... 

Tomorrow: More Documents

Including the stuff my Legal Eagles of that time wrote to ICAC, about the vast vagaries and undefined nature of many aspects of the ICAC Act 2012, particularly Section 56, and the extraordinary response those 2 letters generated, namely, where MBAAIHSTICACC Bruce and the (then) Attorney General, Labor's li'l Johnny Rau changed the ICAC Act 2012 via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act November 2014, in a manner specifically designed to 'get me'...these documents prove that what I was subsequently 'Convicted' of on 28th February 2018, was not a crime when I was 'raided and reported' by SAPol ACB back in May 2014, or for the related 'Charge Period' (December 2013 - April 2014) although I was never actually 'Charged' and/or Summonsed to Trial either (February 2015)...(just amazing-Ed)...and that Bruce Lander and John Rau changed the ICAC Act...(that really is quite extraordinary-Ed)...any more extraordinary than me being the subject of my very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' since "mid-February 2014"?...(not really, no, it's all quite surreal I'm sure-Ed)...

Not Sure Whom Should Be More Offended:...but recently it was put to me that a regular availee, having watched for the first time in a long time the Shaun Micallef show Mad As Hell, 'The Put-ter' would have believed me if I'd told them that I'd penned half of the atrocious puns and pretentious word-smithery...(heh! I quite like that show!-Ed) ya' jets gran'pa, so do I, it was one of those terrific 'praising mockery' type of jokes indicating that 'The Put-ter' is not one given to praise, but in this context is doing exactly that, and with a degree of humour that is to be appreciated...(nah, fair call, I can dig that-Ed)...they like my blog and what passes for my 'humour and style'...(sure, some don't, a few do-Ed)...exactly, indeed, I considered it such high praise that I acknowledged that by uttering the time-honoured traditional responding salutation, "You Bastard!"...(sob, that's beautiful man, sob, just beautiful-Ed)...

I am Nick 'Miscellaneous Amendment' Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

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