Tuesday, June 5, 2018

More threats

Howdy Estonia, Bangladesh, Netherlands and Colombia, and here's one of the letters I found recently whilst looking for the Crown Solicitor's 'Threat Letters' from 2005/06...(whilst rescuing from an avalanche of paperwork you mean-Ed)...indeed Ed, it is somewhat symptomatic of my 'exhaustion' that I still haven't re-sorted paperwork dragged-out and jumbled together during the past 12-15 months...(don't see the point? can't be bothered?-Ed)...indeed, bit of both and one leads into the other...I've run into the same issues with trying to progress my 'Appeal Process'...(having trouble trying to engage with a wholly corrupt System from which you quite rightly expect nothing but more rancidly corrupt conduct and bias and abuse and threats as they continue to Politically Persecute you, a "Malicious Prsoecution" motivated by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...very succinctly put Ed...(the St Martins Cover-up that reaches it's 16th anniversary this June long weekend-Ed)...indeed Ed, where's my Court/Appeal process ever going to be appropriately resolved in a State so Pro-Paedophile Corrupt?...

So here's a letter from former Labor Minister Stephanie Key...please note that it identifies that other parents have already contacted her, meaning that she knows the Lutherans are already acting to 'Cover-up' the gross abuses committed by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling against our 7-year old kids, abuses committed daily in the classroom at St Martins Lutheran School...(but if she knows/knew that the Lutherans were 'Covering-up' those abuses, why would she send you back to those rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt criminals?-Ed)...Language Warning:...well exactly Ed, it's a straight-out 'Fuck You Parents' from a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Labor government, effectively one lot of Professional Paedophiles protecting other Professional Paedophiles...End Language Warning...

Please also note that this letter was already 16 months after the June 2002 'removal' of Glyn Dorling, and over 6 months into the stalled Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor Inquiry into Dorling, an Inquiry that eventually commenced on June 1st 2004, an Inquiry that only happened because us parents forced it, a TRB/CSO Inquiry that was so Pro-Paedophile Corrupt that it exonerated Dorling on his evidence that the kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't stop them...(what a pack a' corrupt bastards-Ed)...indeed Ed, how sickeningly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt is this sad, sick State we call home, where-in the Lutherans and the TRB and the CSO and SAPol (police), et al, conspire to protect a "text-book grooming paedophile", and do so by attacking parents of the abused children...which brings us to the latest Pro-Paedophile threats I've had flung my way by the gutless, corrupt shrecks in the CSO... 

And here's the email response I received late afternoon on 21st May 2018, after I had posted that morning about my unanswered letters/emails of the previous Wednesday 16th May 2018...regular availees will be well aware of the various questions asked in my letter/email and it's there in recent posts...(the stuff about 'how do I remove stuff if you's at the CSO haven't even identified it?', all that stuff?-Ed)...indeed, so here's the CSO's response to those questions...(but this anonymous 'Receptionist' hasn't answered your questions-Ed)...indeed, and why is an 'Anonymous Receptionist' responding on behalf of the Crown Solicitor, let alone in such an important case...

Dear Mr Fletcher,

I refer to your email sent to this office on 16 May 2018. I confirm that the attached letter dated 9 May 2018 was sent to you by this office. It is standard practice that letters of advice prepared by solicitors engaged in the Crown Solicitor’s Office are written in the name of the Crown Solicitor.

                Yours faithfully,

Crown Solicitor's Office

And because this 'ere is my blog and it is my life and I for one am sick and tired of me constantly gettin' threatened and attacked by South Australia's Rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Authorities, here t'is a concise dissection of the umpteen threats from that recent bizarre anonymous letter claiming to be from the Crown Solicitor...I remind dear availees that my attempts to verify the veracity of this ludicrous missive...(by writing to the CSO Mr Wait and to SA's (Liberal Party) Attorney-General Vicki Chapman?-Ed)...yep, that be they, well those letters generated a deafening silence from my mate Vicki, and that further bizarrely anonymous response from the CSO 'Reception'...

Threat One: CONFIDENTIAL - if you print this on your damn blog, ooo, will you be in big trouble or what Mister!
Threat Two: "I act for..." - I'm a lawyer and this is a lawyer letter, and you are currently or about to be dragged into Court, again, by me;
T3: "...may amount to contempt of court." - a general threat, riding in on the back of the perpetual Contempt of Court Threat as made at/to me by Magistrate White at literally every hearing of my corruptly "bizarre trial";
T4: "A finding of contempt..." - just straight-out threatens to 'fine and/or imprison';
T5: "The purpose of this letter is to warn you..." - should just read 'to threaten you';
T6: "I caution..." - is a threat;
T7: "...this warning letter..." - is another;
T8: "...subsequent proceedings..." - again threatens Court action;
T9: "...you have been warned..." - apparently I've been warned;
T10: "...seek legal advice." - because you're going to be in Court again;
T11: "On behalf of my client..." - I'm a lawyer and you're going to Court again, again;
T12: "...contents of this letter are not to be published without the permission of the CAA." - book-ending with another vacuous threat to try and stop me doing exactly what they know I'm gunna' do...

And so there you go, at least a dozen specific 'Threats' in an anonymous CSO letter that is itself just one long threat...and so here's a coupla' those other threats from aways back in 2005/06...there's a coupla' other letters in between these two, but these give a good indication of both the time frame and the attitude of the CSO...first letter straight-out threatens me, second one applies the more subtle techniques, eg, 'I'm not your lawyer, but...' and the straight-out but very politely worded threats about "criminal defamation" and "criminal liability", etc, etc... 

So there ya's go, deliberately misrepresenting and trying to discredit the issues I raised, with ridicule and dismissive abuse about how I don't know 'cos I ain't no lawyer with no fancy book-learnin's, and all served with a nice assortment of threats, to the parent of an abused child...that folks, that is your/our Crown Solicitor, rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt...

Tomorrow:  Bringin' The Big Angry

I am Nick Fletcher and I am a very, very angry man, at certain times, and in my own gentle ways, but this 'ere remains as always the best way to deal with it, this 'ere being my blog...cheers and laters...

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