Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Having Deja Vu About Groundhog Day

Howdy y'all, and brief apology that it's been 8 days since the last post, and that this one is basically a re-hashing of multiple recent posts, and is once again pretty much just my (attached) latest letter to our South Australian Attorney-General, Liberal Vicki my defense, I am thoroughly knackered and more than a little 'over it', and finding it difficult to even go near the computer, let-alone blog stuff...still havin' days where I find myself standing in the lounge just lookin' at the computer before turnin' and walkin' away thinkin', 'do I really need to spend another day of my life bogged-down in the horrendous realities of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the resultant Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial"*? do I really need that?...(mmm, now say what you really think-Ed)...                                                                      (*The Border Watch)

The St Martins Cover-up is not my fault, yet somehow I cannot divest myself of that sense that I feel responsible because I haven't manage to resolve it...(man! ease-up on yourself!-Ed)...I am mate, and this 'ere is how I try to do it, get on this 'ere blog and leave great wadding-chunks of that guilt shizzle here, so's I don't have to carry it round quite so much...I think that the relentlessly corrupt conduct of Mt Gambier City Council isn't my fault, yet somehow I feel responsible...and on it goes...not my fault that the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander chose to come after me, but now I feel responsible for addressing all of his gross corruptions and the institutionalised corruption his appointment and conduct confirms...and for me, it all just spirals back to the St Martins Cover-up, every time...(I can see how you might end-up there-Ed)...  

Not in any way embarrassed to say that I'm not coping properly, I'm not, I'm being forced to engage in an already deeply problematic 'Appeal Process', whilst quite clearly still recovering from the outrageous abuse I was subjected to by Magistrate Ian White aways away back in November 2017...(well, not least of all because that same grossly biased harassment, threat and intimidation by Magistrate White has continued through the extraordinary 3-hearing Verdict/Judgement process of 28th February,  March, and 20th April 2018!-Ed)...well that is true...(and then you've been constantly abused, threatened and harassed outside of that by rancidly corrupt clowns like our li'l mate lawyer Bill DeGaris-Ed)...well that is also true, he did straight-out threaten me in writing but then refuse to meet me...(and tried to have posts removed, and has threatened in writing to 'get' this 'ere blog somehow, etc-Ed)...mmm, yeah, all the good stuff, screech abuse and defamation threats, then run like the clappers from any actual accountability...gidday Billy mate, what a top human being you are...   

(And then there's the truly bizarre latest effort from the Crown Solicitor!-Ed)...indeed, in a firmament ablaze with vilely complicit threats, that is a stand-out...dear availees, if y'all haven't read that letter, please to be goin' back through the last several posts to look at it, etc, 'cos it's kinda' pivotal and it is also mentioned in the attached letter below, and for no other reason, just because it really is a jolly good wheeze...(and that brings us neatly to the attached letter to Attorney-General Vicki Chapman-Ed)...well indeed it does Ed, because that CSO letter is a goodly part of my latest letter, so's we'll let the letter explain itself, here t'is...

Vicki Chapman
Attorney General
Parliament House
North Tce, Adelaide, 5000

Ms Chapman,
I refer to my emails to you regarding my recent and precedent conviction on 18 counts of breaching the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, section 56 (a) and/or (b). I have not yet received any response from your office, not even a basic acknowledgement.

Those emails/letters ask you to act to resolve the many concerning procedural and legislative aspects of my “bizarre trial”, a 'trial' that ran from 3rd February 2015 until 20th April 2018, and that I have proven in Court to be a “Malicious Prosecution” originating with the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander.

As you know, “bizarre trial” is how The Border Watch newspaper described Magistrate Ian White's extraordinary conduct during my 'second trial' in November 2017; and it was Magistrate Teresa Anderson whom used the term “Malicious Prosecution” in October 2016; and that I did establish that Comm Lander himself directly referred me to SAPol.

As you are aware, I proved in Court that the sole apparent complainant against me and instigator of the “bizarre trial” was the ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, who did not follow any of his own ICAC internal processes, but instead unilaterally referred me directly to SAPol.

Her Honour Anderson used “Abuse of Process” and then “Malicious Prosecution” to legally define my repeated assertions that I was being politically persecuted in retribution for doing my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, and most specifically, for what I have been saying about the ongoing cover-up of the abuse of my child and dozens of other grade 2 children by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier.

And of course, you are fully aware of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up because you and I and another St Martins parent discussed it at length and in detail at the Liberal Party conference held in Mt Gambier in September/October 2004, discussions that included many other senior Liberals, eg, leader Rob Kerin.

The irrefutable facts are that I directly alleged to Her Honour Anderson that my trial was/is a “political persecution”, and that after several hearings, Her Honour was satisfied that I had proven enough of my claims to justify being provided an opportunity to prove it within the trial proper, and gave it a specific name, “Malicious Prosecution”.

As you are aware, that November 2016 'Trial' had to be adjourned on Day One because SAPol Prosecutions were trying to make multiple changes to their error-riddled 'Charge Sheet', and then collapsed in complete disarray on Day Two when Her Honour, having overnight reviewed my 100-document “Malicious Prosecution” submission, suddenly recused herself.

As you are aware, I have repeatedly requested that Chief Magistrate Hribal intervene in my 'trial' to address the extraordinary conduct of replacement Magistrate Ian White, but CM Hribal has repeatedly directed me back to either Magistrate White and/or to Comm Lander in his other role as Judicial Conduct Commissioner.

As you and CM Hribal are aware, Magistrate White's conduct has been fundamentally biased to the point of definable corruption, routinely threatening me and abusing me from the Bench and openly colluding with SAPol Prosecutions.

His extraordinary conduct in November 2017 led The Border Watch to that description, “bizarre trial”, and that bizarreness included subpoenaing my doctor and discussing my private medical issues in Open Court, before over-riding my official Medical Certificate and the doctor's stated concerns about my 'mental health', and proceeding to convict me in my 'absence'.

As you are aware, I required that Medical Certificate because I was physically and mentally exhausted after being subjected to two full days of outrageous threats and outright abuse from Magistrate White, two days of his undisguised bias and his corrupt collusion with SAPol Prosecutions, eg, I only recently realised that Magistrate White has helped SAPol Prosecutions address some but not all of the still-present and massive errors in their Charge Sheet by just changing the charges for them in his 'Judgement' of 28th February 2018.

Having taken every appropriate measure to protect myself from Magistrate White's vile abuse, I was then subjected to the extraordinary experience of hearing my Wednesday morning doctor's appointment and the relevant Courtroom discussion of Thursday, all reported on the ABC Radio early on the Friday, and then got to read about it in The Border Watch later that day.

In my most recent email I provided you with the latest extraordinary threat-laden but anonymous letter claiming to be from the Crown Solicitor Mr Wait, and the equally extraordinary anonymous follow-up 'confirmation' from 'CSO Reception', and I have asked you to act on this outrageous act of threat, harassment, bullying and intimidation from the Crown Solicitor.

Also, this CSO Threat Letter alleges to be on behalf of and in response to the Courts Administration Authority, whom supposedly contacted the CSO about unidentified “material” on my blog, TMGI, that might possibly be “Contempt of Court”.

Does this relate to Magistrate White's perpetual threats about Contempt of Court, threats made to me at virtually every hearing in 2017/18, and that was literally the last thing he said on 20th April 2018? As the Crown Solicitor has refused to do so, please define for me these alleged multiple Contempt of Court issues.

As you are aware, after having my first Application to Appeal rejected despite me correctly lodging the advised forms in the advised manner and well within the prescribed time frame, I am now currently bogged-down trying to re-apply to be allowed to 'Apply to Appeal' my “bizarre trial” (and extraordinary precedent conviction and subsequent fine of $540,000, as commuted to 260hrs of community service and Court fines of $3,300) in a context where I have no legal advice for this Precedent Appeal Process.

And, as this is the Precedent Appeal of a Precedent Conviction regarding the undefinable ICAC Act 2012 section 56, the legislation which remained undefined in Court despite my conviction, etc, because it is a precedent there is no relevant case law to refer to.

I remind you Ms Chapman, that when your former colleague and current Member for Mt Gambier, Troy Bell, asked your Liberal lawyers on my behalf (May 2014), those lawyers declined to provide any advise on those specific grounds, that even to them it was an undefinable precedent.

Therefore, I, as a private citizen forced to self-represent, am being openly 'politically persecuted' via undefined and undefinable legislation, with nowhere to go for advice or even some relevant case law to try and review; it is an impossible situation that should not be occurring at all.

As you are aware, the ICAC Act 2012, especially section 56, and/or the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 directly contravene Constitutional Law, and my conviction openly and completely criminalises factually accurate discussion of political issues.

It is not hyperbole to refer to the ICAC Act 2012 section 56 as Fascism; this is deliberately undefinable legislation, that, by application and as witnessed in my Political Persecution and subsequent conviction, is a purely political weapon being used against 'enemies of the State' via police and a compliant or complicit Judiciary.

As you are aware, and as Magistrate White and CM Hribal and former AG John Rau, etc, are all aware, this trial should not even have happened before the requisite COAG-style meeting ruled on the Constitutional Law issues, and that my 'conviction' directly impinges on Constitutional Law.

Furthermore, you are aware that Labor's AG John Rau colluded with ICAC Comm Lander to alter the ICAC legislation via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act in November 2014, and in the exact manner that addressed questions posed by my (then) lawyer.

As you are aware, ICAC Comm Lander and AG John Rau changed the ICAC legislation in that exact manner so as to allow me being prosecuted, and they did so after I had already been 'reported' by SAPol; they changed the law so that I could be retrospectively prosecuted.

Why, therefore, with all of this gross legislative and procedural malpractice is it my responsibility to 'Appeal' this outrageous travesty? As it clearly does contravene Constitutional Law, this trial should never have happened and you as Attorney-General should be appealing it on those grounds. 

I formally request that you intervene, as the legal representative for everyone in South Australia, and convene the COAG meeting that you know is required to review this legislation, and that the subsequent ruling by COAG be applied to quash my 'conviction'.

I also request an immediate official response from you acknowledging that you are pursuing this necessary COAG meeting, and that therefore all issues involving my 'conviction', including the Appeal Process, are deemed to be 'on hold' until that COAG review has concluded and approved or otherwise the South Australian ICAC Act 2012/2014, and in particular, section 56.

I need this response immediately please because I have to provide some sort of 'current documentation' to both Correctional Services and the Fines Dept.


Nick Fletcher
...and so there you new analogy for myself is the old bear shambling head-down into the blizzard, always into, never away from, wolf-pack snapping at it's heels, day in, day out, weeks into months into years, always head down but always shambling forward...(yeah, nice, and occasionally some dumb mutt gets cocky and gets all up in the bear's grill and shizzle, and the bear begrudgingly crushes it with a casual swipe-Ed)...not quite with you...(well, you're constantly under attack by these clowns, and almost always from 'behind', because when they get in front of ya' and try to engage with threatening letters, etc, despite how exhausted you are, you literally 'literally' pound them into the ground with the crushing brutality of your own truthful letters-Ed)...mmm, I can see that, nice...

Tomorrow: Mt Gambier City Council's Latest Lies

The latest lies from MGCC about the Rail Roundhouse, the $40million Sports Facility, the Rail Lands, you name it, we got it...(but don't those extraordinary Magistrate White Suppression/Apprehension Orders from your "bizarre trial", effectively mean you're banned from MGCC meetings?-Ed)...indeed, and that's exactly what that 'Order' is designed to do, but Ed, mate, I've been to so many MGCC meetings that I don't need to attend to be well aware of exactly how they conduct themselves...(and fair enough-Ed)...and there's been heaps in local and social media, more than enough to paint me a pretty picture...

I am Nick Fletcher and I haven't even mentioned in this letter and/or post that I am also 'Operation Baritone', an ICAC and/or SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch 'Operation' dedicated solely to li'l ol' moi, well, me and this 'ere blog...(may I just say, wow!-Ed)...indeed you may sir...furthermore, nor have I mentioned that it was ICAC's and SAPol's evidence in my "bizarre trial" that there is no related ICAC/SAPol documentation, not one single memo/email/whatevs, not nuthin' to indicate who instigated/approved/actioned/whatevs 'Operation Baritone'...(wow-Ed)...indeed, ICAC and/or SAPol have seen fit to convene an 'Operation', an enormous commitment of time and resources, to go after a private citizen for 'blogging', but there is not one single document, apparently/allegedly 'Operation Baritone' has just somehow manifested itself out of the ether sometime mid-February 2014 or just prior...(wow, and is it still current, 'Operation Baritone'?-Ed)...dunno', haven't heard otherwise...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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