Monday, July 9, 2018

Fascist Australia - You're Standing in It, Mate.

Howdy dear availees, welcome to TMGI and a super short post to kick-start things after another short hiatus...I have been struggling a bit with the Crash And Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy stuff (CABIN Fever), but do fully intend to continue with this 'ere blog, etc...also, have still been chasing my 'Appeal Application Process' nonsense, and cannot even get a basic response from Attorney General Vicki Chapman, etc, so all that keeps on keeping-on...

Today's post is all about y'all dear availees doin' some homework on other websites...(unless of course you've already realised the rank Fascism motivating and inherent in the latest Federal 'National Security' legislation-Ed)...indeed Ed...(not to mention the extraordinary Fascism of the SA ICAC Act section 56, and the rancid Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution prosecuted against ya' good self!-Ed)...well indeed mate, the Rann/Weatherill Labor government conspiring with the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and SAPol (police) and the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Solicitor, et al...(via your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', more than 3 years at 'Trial', etc, etc-Ed)...yep, all that stuff mate, regular availees will be well awares of the issues as covered in previous posts...(some would call it Fascism-Ed)...

Indeed Ed, Fascism is a popular word to sling-about, and it's a short hop-skip-and-jump from there to saying 'this is how Nazi Germany got started on the 1930's', but if the shoe fits...this Federal legislation is openly targetted at journalists and most particularly social media users like bloggers...(like us?-Ed)...exactly like us mate, where-in you could get gaoled for not 'revealing a source', etc...the motivation and intent are cynically obvious, this is about shutting-down reportage of issues our government don't want discussed, and most particularly that reportage which uncovers political corruption... 

And the perfect example is the extraordinary circumstance where-in the former spy turned Whistleblower who exposed that we were 'bugging' the East Timorese Parliament to gain info about pending Gas Field boundaries, etc, that Whistleblower and his lawyer are being prosecuted...(and the lawyer?-Ed)...yep...(and doesn't SA ICAC legislation state that a private citizen requires written permission from the ICAC Comm Lander to be allowed  to even speak with a lawyer?-Ed)...indeed, as evidenced in my rancidly corrupted prosecution, and including where-in The Citizen doesn't actually even need to have been officially charged...again, even if not yet charged, y'all need written permission from My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, written permission to be allowed to speak to your lawyer...and it don't get much more Fascist than that...(and wasn't it Foreign Minister of the time, Liberal Alexander Downer, who was involved and then went on to work for/with a company directly involved, etc, etc?-Ed)...oh yeah mate, all the good stuff... 

So dear availees, please to be checking-out these website page thingies;
1)  Australian Lawyers For Human Rights, under 'Problems Remaining With ESP FI Bill', and;
2)  Kangaroo Court Of Australia, under 'Accusing A Judge Is Not A Crime', and;
3)  The Australian Institute, and what they have to say about setting-up a Federal ICAC, and;
4)  whilst y'all are there, check-out the latest story on New Matilda about the rape of a Jazz Academy student, and the extraordinary statement, 'she brings this up every year'...(nooo?!!-Ed)...oh yeah, absolutely charming...and I remind availees that my mate and alleged lawyer Bill DeGaris has been doing stirling work attacking the young woman involved, and her friends, and New Matilda, etc, etc....gidday Billy, mate, still waiting for you to sue me for defamation, mate...

Given how SA ICAC has been used as a Political Weapon against a Private Citizen, namely moi, this/my outrageously corrupted proceedings and outcome are absolutely relevant to the current debate about establishing a Federal ICAC-style body...SA ICAC is definably about 1) protecting high-level corruption within government, not least of all by 2) attacking Whistleblowers, even if they are private citizens...(and it very much looks like that's what the Federal Parliament is trying to establish as well, outrageously Fascist legislation to control/stop Whistleblowing, and an ICAC to hide the real corruption!-Ed)...well quite...

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff Latest

Fell off my shreckin' chair laughing when Labor's Jenny Macklin announced her retirement from Federal Parliament, and all the Labor Stoogeratti are falling over themselves to praise her...what a joke...(nearly as funny as when Labor leader Bill 'Will He, Won't He' Shorten recently appointed her to address Liberal Julia Bank's dopey comments about being able to live on the $40/day of Newstart (unemployment payment)-Ed)...indeed, it's a wholly stupid and disparaging thing to say, but the real humour lies in Jenny's appointment by Billy, because Jenny, mate, made the exact-same ludicrous statement when she was Families Minister under Labor PM Julia Gillard...(omg, she did too-Ed)...yep, so it could quite rightly be argued that Billy mate quite appropriately sent-in the person with the most experience on the issue, having uttered the same moronicism herself!...

Found it equally hilarious that someone got a prize for a photo of Labor's Penny Wong supposedly breaking-down and crying when the Same Sex Marriage thingy passed...what I saw was a person realising that they couldn't spontaneously emulate actual emotion, but knew that they had to show something, so they threw their hands over their face to hide the fact that they actually weren't crying or me a rabid cynic, sure, both hands up from me...(and me-Ed)...but first go Google that footage, then tell me I'm wrong...(it very much puts me in mind of that footage where-in (then) PM Julia Gillard was giving a sob-punctuated speech from the lecturn in parliament, but with the camera angle you could see her eyes flicking from side-to-side as she carefully monitored the response around the room...100% fake sobbing, bloody disgraceful-Ed)...indeed Ed, and dear availees could probably find that footage as well, what was it about?...(can't remember, ummm, maybe announcing the Child Abuse Royal Commission?-Ed)...wouldn't surprise me...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...   

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