Monday, July 16, 2018

Moby Nick - The Great White Wailer Breaches

Howdy Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Israel, and Ireland, and welcome y'all else to TMGI...just gunna' dot-point a quick calendar catch-up from recent weeks of Court shenanigans, leading to last Thursday's (12th July 2018) appointment with Correctional Services here in Mt Gambier, where-in I was 'unavoidably Breached' on the issue of Community Service...but first...

Fell off my chair laughing last Wednesday (11th July) to hear yet another farcical Tourism Mount Gambier interview with the South East ABC, where-in TMG Founding/Board member Kent Comley of The Barn, explained how TMG is going to use the recent $20,000 they got from Mt Gambier City Council, to develop a 'Guides of Mt Gambier training and support program' thingy...and that $20k will go with the other $20k 'grant' they've just received from Building Better Regions...(but I'm reading here where Kent says that it's TMG that is 'matching' the BBR cash-Ed)...hang on, here it says that it was MGCC that received $20k from BBR, specifically for "Guides of Mt Gambier - An Inclusive Visitor Economy Project...WTF Ed?...(dunno', but haven't Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast also given $20k?-Ed)...nah wait, think I've got it, MGCC got the $20k from BBR, as reported by the RDALC, then MGCC handed that $20k to TMG, who are apparently claiming it as theirs...

Mt Gambier currently has at least 3 official Tourism Co-ordinators/Managers/ highly paid Tourism Manager who doesn't seem to leave her office and certainly hasn't visited numerous tourism facilities/sites around the Mount, eg, it is my understanding that she hasn't even been to the Blue Lake...(strewth-Ed)...then there's the rankly corrupt former MGCC Councillor Biddie (Tietz) Shearing, a wholly talent-less incompetent who was mysteriously employed by Regional Development Australia as Tourism Development Officer after the fraud-riddled collapse of her first publicly-funded tourism enterprise, and is currently Tourism Officer at the Local Government Assoc Limestone Coast...(wow-Ed)...and of course TMG, the self-appointed, self-serving succubus of self-interest, as wholly funded by Ratepayers, and in the most crassly bigotted and rankly corrupt manner, that is, via the usual Nepotism-riddled cluster-fiasco we call a MGCC Full Meeting...(hurrah!-Ed)... 

These positions/groups are either entirely or heavily publicly funded, by either Ratepayers and/or Taxpayers...for example, anything to do with RDA is 100% Taxpayer's money, or MGCC is 100% Ratepayer's money, and that $40k that TMG is flingin' about, every cent of that belongs to Ratepayers and/or Taxpayers either via MGCC using Ratepayer's to fund TMG or the hand-over of that $20,000 from BBR, a federal fund using Taxpayer's cash...(oh joy oh rapture, it looks like one long slick gravy train for mates-Ed)...chooo-bloody-wooh Ed, chooo-bloody-wooh...

I don't know exactly why MGCC et al have such a bee-in-their-bonnet about the Blue Lake Tours and/or the operators there-of, but it's definably present every time the Blue Lake is carefully not mentioned in one of these interviews...(perhaps it's from that hilarious clash aways back in early 2010 when the then MGCC CEO Greg Muller went to the Tour Operators and requested that a film crew be allowed into the site and then onto the lake itself-Ed)...ah yes, when Greg mate...(maaate-Ed)...made reference to their 'lease' in first bribing then bullying then threatening the Operators, then when he didn't get his own way, stormed-off and did an angry burn-out away down the street..sadly, I missed that li'l exchange, but have spoken to various witnesses...and just for the record, the Blue Lake is the Mount's water supply, controlled by SA Water, and any access is strictly restricted to approved personnel and/or tour groups with their guide, with almost no-one allowed on the water itself...

And why was Greg havin' a big ol' hissy-fit? because his precious film crew weren't allowed into the Blue Lake, the crew doin' his farcical $750,000 Volcano movie, that currently shows daily in the equally farcical Main Corner...(and a lovely synchronicity there too, because that $750k movie was voted for in that infamous MGCC Full Meeting where-in they unilaterally voted for the movie, nearly $1million in coloured lights, etc, for the Cave Gardens, and of course, the $1m Commercial Kitchen for the Main Corner re-development-Ed)...indeed Ed, classic MGCC corruption, nearly $3m added to the Main Corner Project, without any Public Consultation, to then all be handed free-of-charge to Councillor Des Mutton's son, Lachlan....rancidly corrupt, typical MGCC...(and another hurrah!-Ed)...   
So Kent mate...(maaate-Ed)...himself the recipient of Biddie Shearing's gross corruption at RDALC, namely, Kent/The Barn were the very first business in the SE to receive RDALC Funding when Biddie handed her close friend an extraordinary $140,000, which Kent quipped on the ABC that he would spend on 'shiny new taps for our multi million dollar expansion'...(wow-Ed)...I know, well Kent got through an entire interview about TMG/MGCC training and employing 'Tour Guides', and he mentioned the "Craters Precinct", and even "some tour operators", but never mentioned by name the Blue Lake and/or their tours, or even Engelbrecht Cave, which also does was a farcical attempt to justify the otherwise crassly corrupt de-frauding of Ratepayer's money via a self-appointed group of self-involved stooges, Tourism Mount Gambier...

I won't need to remind regular availees of the rank corruption and nepotism of the debate in MGCC that saw Ratepayers signed-up for the $160,000pa minimum funding that we provide the self-involved TMG...and of course, because of the rancidly corrupt and wholly politicised and openly Fascist 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' made against me by the corruptly biased Magistrate Ian White, 'Orders' made without a single word of justification or necessity, and motivated and designed solely to silence my commentary on the rank corruption of MGCC and the South East ABC and of SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch, etc, etc, well due to those 'Orders' I cannot specifically identify the Councillor who lead the 'debate', but it's ultimately irrelevant because Council en masse voted to fund TMG...   

Quick! Get A Lesbian To Stick Her Finger In Me!:...(whaaa?-Ed)...well I'm breached, apparently, and the time-honoured remedy is for a lesbian to stick her finger in it...(no you idiot, that's the story about a boy plugging a leak in a dyke with his finger-Ed)...oh whatevs, I have apparently 'breached' or 'been breached' or whatevs the correct technical term is, but at my meeting with Correctional Services Mt Gambier, last Thursday 12th July, they stated that technically they 'have to' breach me because I haven't provided any specific evidence about my 'Appeal', and to a much lesser extent, anything 'current' about my DSP and Agoraphobia stuff, etc...(but what about that letter to Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, didn't you show them that?-Ed)...well yeah, look, here's a quick chronology...
  1)  Friday 1st June, attended Corrections Mt Gambier appointment but officer absent, will call me;
  2)  had extension from Fines Dept until 29 June 2018;
  3)  6th June, emailed Courts Administration Authority again, CAA respond next day;
  4)  26th June, wrote to AG Chapman, again, and received phonecall from Corrections that arvo;
  5)  29th June, email my AG Chapman letter to Fines and Corrections as promised;
  6)  2nd July, receive letters from Fines Dept and Corrections...Fines Dept letter dated 27th
       June says 'Overdue', fine increased - Corrections says 'appointment Friday 6th July at 1000hrs';
  7)  ring Fines who acknowledge their mistake and give me further 2-week interim extension;
  8)  3rd July, email AG Chapman letter to her Electorate office after talking to them over phone;
  9)  4th July, received formal response from Fines Dept, allowing extension until 31st August;
  10)  5th July, attend Corrections Mt Gambier at 0945hrs, told I was late, re-booked for 12th July;
  11)  12th July, attend Corrections, 'breached'...   

Now to my mind, the Fines Dept people have read my AG Chapman letter, as posted recently on this 'ere blog, and as also sent to Corrections, well I reckon they've read that and sortta' gone, 'this looks a bit complicated, eh, will probably take some time to sort-out, let's give him 2 months' the very least, they have given me a generous extension, and at the rate this shizzle is draggin' along, I'm gunna' need every damned minute...also, Corrections stated that they had received that letter and accepted that I was making genuine efforts to try and 'Appeal', but that because I couldn't provide a specific Court document as such, then they were obliged by their own guidelines to 'breach me'...

Now I was admittedly not thrilled about this but I did accept the bureaucratic realities/restrictions, and acknowledged that process as being beyond the control of Corrections Mt Gambier...also, I believe that these multiple hiccups involving the Fines Dept and the Corrections getting my appointment time wrong, etc, these are just standard mistakes/confusions, not specifically part of the clearly defined rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial"...for example, Corrections here had me penned-in as being 0900hrs but my letter from Adelaide said 1000hrs, so they wanted to check my letter, fair enough, then we made another, the Fines Dept has increased my fine several days before I was due to contact them, but then immediately reviewed and increased my extension...

I did ask specifically, because I was genuinely concerned that I was about to be nabbed by SAPol (police), but Corrections stated that I don't get arrested, the process is that they notify the Magistrate of my 'breach', and then the Magistrate will issue a Summons to me requiring I attend a hearing to ascertain what is happening...(sorry, is this going back before Magistrate White?-Ed)...well apparently...(how the shreck is that appropriate given his outrageous conduct previously?-Ed)...dunno' mate, still trying to get some action about that too... 

All I can say is that this 'breach' is not a stunt by moi, but I couldn't help a small laugh at what my mate Magistrate White would say upon discovering that he ain't quite rid of me yet...(there is a certain subtle humour to that, isn't there-Ed)...indeed, but that's just all it is, an accidental humour, because this ain't no stunt, it ain't no plan, it is just exactly what it is, li'l ol' me stuck goin' in small circles, subjected to a wholly unjust Justice system, unrepresented and under attack from the highest offices in the land...(are you talking about Our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander?-Ed)...yeah, my mate Bruce, and my mates former Premier Jay Weatherill and his AG li'l Johnny Rau and SAPol Comm Grant Stevens and Crown Solicitor Michael Wait, and of course, my very special friend, Magistrate Ian White...

Tomorrow: Some Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, cheers and laters...

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