Monday, July 30, 2018

A Brief Self-Justification

Howdy dear availees and welcome to TMGI...still goin' with all this 'ere blog and stuff, but a small apology from the previous was put to me that it would be self-defeating even stupid to be trying to do 5 posts per week when I've just managed to effectively achieve some semblance of balance by doing one or so...however, even I'm surprised that it's suddenly a full week later that the next post bobs-up...(and you're the one writing them!-Ed)...indeed, and although I have taken others' advice in taking/achieving the very healthy step of 'removing/retrieving' myself from TMGI, I wasn't planning a whole is a short, sharp indicator that I'm still struggling...(achieving whilst struggling or struggling whilst achieving?-Ed)...orrr gourd knows mate, both?...(fair call-Ed)...but first, an attempt at humour...

I'm writing a book about the rise and fall of Ancient Minoan Crete and the Mycenaean Empire and all that stuff...(mmm?-Ed)...yeah, it's called, The Rise And Fall Of Ancient Minoan Crete...(well it's a reasonable title I s'pose, given the subject matter, just a fraction dull, you need something a little more, you know, 'punchy', to grab people's attention on a crowded bookshop shelf-Ed)...ummm, well, I do have this...(what's that then?-Ed)...arguably the worst historical pun in the history of puns and history itself...(sounds promising, whattcha' got?-Ed)...The Rise And Fall Of Ancient Crete - The Best Laid Plans Of Mycenaean Men...(mmm, I can taste vomit, top effort-Ed)...cheers...and further cheers to my child/adult/person whom roundly chastised me for conjuring a pun that 'approximately 50 people on the planet are going to even get'...(and in making that observation identified themselves as one of that 50-Ed) on mate, exactly that, but I'm also quietly confident that most availees would get it, and for those whom didn't, whatevs...    

My 'Appeal Application' remains effectively stalled, with the Courts Administration Authority claiming that I don't even have one...(orrr yeah, really? and what's their excuse for telling you the wrong forms and wrong way to submit them and all that shizzle from back in April 2018?-Ed)...well no excuse provided, just 'you've done it wrong, do this instead' and then 'it's too late baby, now it's too late'...(even though you really did try to make it?-Ed)...stop that!...(you started it!-Ed)...and now I'm finishing it...(fair enough-Ed)...SA Liberal's Attorney-General Vicki Chapman is refusing to even acknowledge my letters about 1) the clearly identified but still unresolved Constitutional Law issues, and 2) the associated extraordinary "bizarre trial", and 3) where former Labor AG John Rau and ICAC Comm Lander changed the ICAC Act specifically to prosecute me, and, etc, etc, etc...I am not going backward into years of trying to justify/self-represent/whatevs my way through multiple Courts, 'Appeals', etc, etc, to 'Appeal' a "bizarre trial" that should not have even occurred before the Constitutional Law issues were resolved...

Chief Magistrate Hribal has repeatedly referred my official complaints about ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and Magistrate Ian White back to me for me to sort-out, apparently, and it's supposedly for me to go to Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bruce Lander and Magistrate Ian White and get them to address their extraordinarily corrupt collective and/or individual conduct with regard to li'l ol' moi...("li'l"?-Ed)...figuratively speaking...and I can hurl otherwise 'slanderous allegations about corrupt conduct' because these acts define themselves!...(it's just so fundamentally simple really-Ed)...well really it rather is isn't it...(and of course that directly relates as to how it is that you blog relentlessly about the Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the Lutheran Church, et al, as evidenced by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and do so without getting 'Actually Sued For' Defamation-Ed)...indeed, and as opposed to 'Being Repeatedly Threatened In Writing With Being Sued, For Years, More Than A Decade Now, But It Never Seems To Actually Happen' Defamation?...(yeah, that's the one-Ed)...ain't it though...

Reality 2002, at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier, a class of grade 2 (7 year old) students were physically and/or emotionally and/or psychologically groomed and/or abused by their class teacher Glyn Dorling...starting Day One, every day, for months...following multiple parent complaints and specific disclosures by some kids, the Lutherans suddenly removed Glyn Dorling on the June 2002 long weekend...there Friday, gone Tuesday...SAPol have offered multiple versions of their alleged 'interview' of Glyn Dorling, but never charged him and dropped their investigation within weeks, early-mid July 22nd August 2002 Flinders Child Protection Service were still interviewing parents and/or kids, and were stunned to learn, from me, that SAPol had bailed-out more than a month before...FCPS expressed their grave concerns, identifying Glyn Dorling as a "text-book grooming paedophile" who had "due to the very specific and broad nature of his behaviours, obviously researched them", and was "well placed within the system to abuse kids and get away with it", that is, 'Teachers Union representative in a religious school in a small regional town'... 

And so on it goes from there, read the blog if y'all ain't done so already...that's what happened, that's what's happening, it's why this 'ere blog even exists in the first instance, and it's why I have been Politically Persecuted via this "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, March 2018)'s why I have my very own 'Operation Baritone', and my own 3 year trial, etc, etc, etc...if you cannot come to terms with that Reality, with the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, and/or cannot see how that leads inexorably to my "Malicious Prosecution" (Magistrate Teresa Anderson, Oct 2016), then I literally don't know what to tell ya's...

(And what an extraordinary coincidence that the ICAC and Judicial Conduct Commissioners would have the same name, what are the odds?-Ed)...well 100% Odds-On I'd suggest when they are the same person, My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Libellous Tempest In A Teapot' Lander...("Libellous Tempest In A Tea Pot"?-Ed)...'Brews Slander'...(nice, not just hilarious but an actual real-time descriptor of what ICAC/SAPol/Magistrate White, et al, have tried to do in attempting to shift the whole focus of your Political Persecution, shift it away from the deeply disturbing motivation for this "Malicious Prosecution" and toward a discourse solely about you and your supposedly 'Contempt of Court' conduct during your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...well indeed Ed, another excellent point, and let's not forget the media coverage in that vein, particularly the grossly corrupted reportage of the rankly corrupt ABC...(but they're your "most trusted source of news, without bias or agenda", apparently-Ed)...well according to them they are, but my experience of the ABC is one of deeply entrenched Pro-Paedophile Corruption, upto and including attacking me in Court via a spuriously deceitful Affidavit and grossly distorted reportage carefully ignoring the facts and instead focussed entirely on demonising me as a bad person who behaves badly and says bad things, etc, etc...

Magistrate Teresa Anderson found the ABC's Affidavit about me so problematic that Her Honour accepted my request that they (ABC) substantiate the claims made there-in, particularly the assertion that the ABC's 'security guy' (unidentified) had written to me in early 2014, apparently telling me 'not to come near the ABC again' is fact that the ABC responded to HH's Summons (August 2016) with their top lawyers, via phone from Ultimo, saying it was all too difficult, it was "oppressive" and "fishing for information", etc, and when HH 'Ordered' that the ABC provide a copy of that alleged letter and any footage of an 'incident' alleged in their Affidavit, the same lawyers ignored HH's specific timetable and emailed the Court on the next Hearing Date, not a week earlier as 'Ordered', video, no letter, not even a single email, but they've spoken to some anonymous guy and he's dead-set honest 'cos they know him and he's a top bloke, etc, etc...abject lies from Taxpayer funded lawyers in attacking a parent for speaking-out about the ABC's rancidly complicit role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...that's my experience of the shreckin' ABC...

I remind availees that Her Honour also approved my requests and issued Summons (For Information) to SAPol Commissioner Grant Stevens and ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, and that SAPol provided me a pile of 'junk' internal emails and other nonsense whilst demanding that all of it be 'suppressed'...not one word about where and/or how 'Operation Baritone' came to exist, or who ordered the 2014 raid of my home by Adelaide-based Anti-Corruption detectives, or why I wasn't 'Charged' or even Summonsed to my own 'Trial', etc, etc, etc, nuthin' but gibberish emails...and ICAC of course responded by mimicking the ABC with bleating about how it was all too hard, all too difficult, how the Summons was "oppressive" and "fishing for information", etc...regular availees will no doubt remember that the ABC and the ICAC, despite everything they've done to me and had to say about me and/or my conduct, etc, etc, despite all that, between them they could not, or rather would not produce a single document in response to the Summonses...and so on it goes...   

Some Very Specific Feedback:...after I posted about being 'Breached' by Correctional Services for apparently failing to commence my 260 hrs of Community Service, etc...I attended my appointment and was told verbally that I have supposedly 'breached', and that I'll be Summonsed to appear before Magistrate White has been put to me in very specific terms that 'breaching' is supposed to occur only after three (3) written warnings...I ain't got nuthin', not one document, not one warning, not nuthin...I have attended my Correction appointments as directed, albeit the second was cancelled by them...(and the third told you in writing to attend at 1000hrs, but had you booked for 0900hrs, leading to the fourth/second appointment-Ed)...exactly, fourth/second, and I have received no other written notifications or 'warnings'...and just for the record, being told 'attend your appointment or else' is not an 'official written warning', it's actually failing to attend that generates those...  

And Because I Apparently Still Need To:...I still find it bewilderingly sad that my best efforts to explain the fundamental issues of my Court case and how it relates to this 'ere blog, etc, etc, those efforts have failed in some quarters, so's I'm gunna' give it another very quick go...and it's very the blog, read the 950 posts, and obviously regular availees won't need to...(well some won't-Ed)...sorry?...(well some actually will need to read it all again-Ed) so dear heart?...(well because there are some whom claim to be reading this 'ere blog, yet continue to abuse and denigrate you as being the only genuine problem-Ed)...damn straight they do Ed, excellent point most pointedly made...(one does what one can-Ed)...indeed one does...anyhoos, it's this simple...

Step One:     Read this 'ere blog....(ah well, done that, check!-Ed)
Step Two:     Show me where I'm wrong....(ummm, give me a minute-Ed)...   
Step Three:  Show me where I've lied...(errr, again, just a...-Ed)...

My Justification Reads Like the blog and show me where I am wrong or where I have is truly just that simple...

Tomorrow: Just Because I Need To, Apparently

Because some availees still don't accept/understand/whatevs, so it's back to some of those fundamental basics about why my "bizarre trial" occurred; the ICAC legislation and what it does to destroy/control Free Speech; etc, etc...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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