Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Shortish Latest Court Stuff Post Thingy

Howdy y'all dear availees, and welcome to a shortish post dedicated solely to this, my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, March 2018)...this stuff falls into the same 3-Step category as everything else on this 'ere blog...(you mean the stuff about, 'Step One - Read This 'Ere Blog; Step Two - Show Where You're Wrong; Step Three - Show Where You've Lied', all that stuff?-Ed)...exactly...and a brief apology for another long hiatus because I've been literally floored by blowing-out my knee...(ouch!-Ed)...which would be less annoying and concerning if 1) I could actually identify what I did to stir it up so badly, and 2) it weren't the worst flare-up since dodgy surgery knackered that knee 27 years ago...feelin' quite sore and a bit sorry for myself quite frankly...anyhoos, I'm back up and about, sort of, and here's this...

Regular availees will be well aware that I have been subjected to the most extraordinarily corrupt "Malicious Prosecution" (Magistrate Anderson, October 2016), a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution directly instigated by the rankly corrupt ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, and involving a rancidly corrupt SAPol (police), both as Prosecutions and witnesses, and involving a truly corrupt 'Trial Process' that even TBW described as a "bizarre trial"...Magistrate White's extraordinarily abusive and corrupt conduct of the last 18 months of my "bizarre trial" (Nov 2016 - April 2018) is in it's entirety part of the "Malicious Prosecution"...his reprehensible behaviour is well documented, eg, his outrageously abusive tirade about how I was wasting everyone's time by asking very specific and critical questions of SAPol's witnesses, because "...they're Major Crime in the middle of investigating two murders!"...(wow-Ed)...

Magistrate White has 'Ordered' me to serve 260 hours of Community Service, and, well, here's my latest letter to the relevant Minister, this time it's Minister for Corrections Corey Wingard...(heard back from Attorney-General Vicki Chapman yet?-Ed)...nuh...(nothing?-Ed)...hasn't even acknowledged my repeated emails...(so what makes you think that Minister Wingard will be any different?-Ed)...nothing, but what choice do I have? fact, I'm so none-hope-filled that I've only just emailed him this 'ere letter below, and I'm immediately posting it on this 'ere blog!...(well it's your damn letter, I'd suggest you can use it where and how you choose-Ed)...and as identified in the letter, posting about this ongoing 'Special Treatment' that is being meted-out to me is literally my only defence...

For example, former Labor Attorney-General John Rau and Premier Jay Weatherill completely ignored my emails about my "bizarre trial"...(but still found plenty of time to change the ICAC Act 2012 in the exact specific manner that then allowed you to be prosecuted via 3 years of "bizarre trial"-Ed)...well indeed, can't answer an email but can organise to change the law to persecute a private citizen...for another great example, this letter below identifies the extraordinary coincidence where-in I posted (Monday 30th July 2018) about the advice I'd received about how I was supposed to receive 'Three Written Breach Warnings', etc, and that very same day a letter is drafted by Corrections Mt Gambier telling me to get in there the following Monday...(wow, that is a heck of a coincidence, particularly given what you'd originally been told about 'Breaching/Summons'-Ed)...well indeed, so here's my latest attempt to get the South Australian Parliament to take responsibility for their extraordinary ICAC legislation and how it has been used against me as a political weapon...

Minister For Correctional Services
Mr Corey Wingard
c/- Email:

Dear Minister Wingard,
I refer to my recent prosecution, SAPol v Fletcher MTGMC-15-72 (3rd February 2015 - 20th April 2018), and subsequent 18 convictions for allegedly breaching Section 56 (a) and/or (b) of the ICAC Act 2012 and/or ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014.

Magistrate Ian White convicted me and then fined me the maximum of $30,000 per count, totalling $540,000 of fines, but because I have no money, then commuted/changed that to an Order of 260hrs of Community Service, to be served at the Correctional Services office here in Mt Gambier. As Ordered, I went in to Correctional Services within 3 days (Monday 23rd April 2018) and was directed to attend my first full workshop session on Friday 27th April 2018.

On Thursday 26th April 2018 I received a letter from Correctional Services Mt Gambier, dated 23rd April 2018, 'Ordering' me to attend the “Friday's Workgroup” on “Wednesday 18th April 2018”. This is clearly nonsense, a letter written/dated 5 days after the date that it directs me to attend the previous Wednesday's 'Friday's Workgroup'.

Also on Thursday 26th April I lodged my Appeal Application and provided copies of that to Correctional Services Mt Gambier, along with the requested medical documents I had retrieved from Centrelink. These were the various medical reports/diagnosis that Centrelink assessed when placing me on the Disability Support Pension in November 2011.

Correctional Services acknowledged the Appeal Application and granted me a one month leave, making me another appointment for Friday 25th May 2018, which I mistakenly attended at 0900hrs instead of 1100hrs, but was told that my appointment was going to be cancelled anyway because of several staff absences due to illness. While I was there, a few other people arrived and were told the same thing, 'sorry, text messages are just being sent', etc.

It was several more weeks before I received two phone messages from Correctional Services, (starting 11th July?), but I was still trying to resolve multiple issues with my Appeal Application. This included letters/emails to Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal, and the Courts Administration Authority.

Eventually a Correctional Services Mt Gambier letter (dated Monday 28th June 2018) arrived Thursday 31st June 2018, stating that I was “directed to attend” an “appointment for supervision on 05/07/2018 at 10.00am”, which is then repeated in bold type; “Thursday 5th July 2018, At 10:00am”.

On Thursday 5th July 2018 I attended at 0945hrs and was reprimanded for being “late” for my “9 o'clock appointment”. I showed the letter that twice states “10:00am”, and was made yet another appointment for 0930hrs on 12th July 2018.

On Thursday 12th July 2018 I attended as Ordered and re-provided what information I could about the disastrous state of my attempted Appeal Application process, the refusal/failure of Vicki Chapman to acknowledge let-alone answer my letters/emails, etc, and was duly informed that I had “breached” or had “been breached” because I had not yet started my Community Service.

This was a very specific discussion, where-in I asked if I was about to be arrested by SAPol (police) and dragged away there-and-then, and was told 'no, this now goes back to the Magistrate who will issue a Summons to re-appear before them and explain why you haven't started, etc'.

I was very specifically told two things, namely, 1) 'you have/are breached', and, 2) 'you will see the police but only when they deliver that Summons to your home', and that was where that appointment concluded. There was no ambiguity, and I have been waiting to receive that latest visit from SAPol serving me that Summons.

This is obviously an extremely concerning and distressing situation for me, where I believed that, despite my best efforts, I was about to be sent back before the deeply problematic Magistrate Ian White, about whom I have lodged multiple official complaints regarding his open hostility and bias toward me in Court, and therefore, with the prospect looming that this angry and biased person would likely gaol me.

However, in the interim, I was very specifically advised that Correctional Services Mt Gambier had made “a massive mistake” by 'Breaching' me in this manner, because they were meant to provide “three written warnings” before issuing an actual 'Breach Notice'. On Monday 30th July 2018 I wrote about this in a post on my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, identifying this advice and how it related to how I was being treated generally.

On Wednesday 1st August 2018 I received a letter in the post from Mt Gambier Community Correctional Centre, again directing me to attend their office for “your (sic) interview with a Community Corrections Officer”.

This letter is from a different 'Officer' to the one I have been dealing with, and very different to the relatively standard letter of 28th June 2018. This letter appears to be the 'Official Form', with blacked-in heading blocks and everything in capitals;
and it concludes with a very specific warning;
“Failure to attend or to contact me may result in your order being breached and the
matter being referred back to the Court.”

This letter/form is also dated Monday 30th July 2018. I find it an extraordinary coincidence that I have blogged about this issue, of Corrections apparent errors regarding 'three warnings', and then that same day a letter/form is sent to me, a letter that effectively negates or reverses everything I was told on 12th July 2018.

Again I attended as directed, and was again told by my new officer that I was about to be 'Breached' for failure to commence, etc, which obviously generated a discussion about my previous appopintment and those very specific statements about my 'Breaching' and the issue of the Summons, etc. However, my new officer informed me that there is 'no note to that affect' in my file.

Also apparently missing from my file are the personal medical documents I originally provided back in April 2018. This is totally unacceptable on both counts; 1) where have my personal medical documents gone; and 2) why is there no record of any sort in my file that identifies what I was told about Correctional's alleged actions in 'Breaching' me, and the resultant impending Summons?

Where has all this information gone? Where are my medical records? Why is there no mention of the very serious 'Breaching/Summons' discussion and/or action? How is this appropriate? These are very serious 'breaches' against me and against my rights, and I have a right to know 1) why I was told such erroneous information about 'Breaching/Summons', and 2) why is there no record what-so-ever in my file, and 3) again, where are my personal medical records?

On Monday 6th August 2018 my 'new officer' was unable to provide any explanation as to the disappearance/removal of these documents from my file, but eventually accepted my otherwise unprovable statements about both the missing documents and what I was told about 'Breaching/Summons', etc, and has now granted me a further one week extension to re-retrieve and re-provide those medical documents.

However, having 'ordered' me to provide those same medical documents, again, my new officer also stated that they would not be good enough anyway and that I need a more current report; just being on the DSP is apparently not proof enough. Even after accepting that I had already provided those now-missing medical documents, and also acknowledging that there are no Mental Health specialists in Mt Gambier who can provide an appropriate 'medical review' of my current diagnosis, my new officer insisted I re-provide 'current medical proof'.

Apart from that bit of a hiccup in July 2018, I have done exactly as asked/directed when asked of me. That is, I have attended all 4-5 appointments on time, and, even despite the extraordinary 'disappearance' of these various critical documents from my file, have been absolutely polite and respectful, because that's just how I conduct myself in general.

Given that the first set have just 'disappeared', I am loathe to hand-over yet another set of my personal medical documents to the same people who lost them originally. It is also extremely concerning that the very serious 'Breached/Summons' discussion/action is apparently not even noted in my file.

I request that you as Minister immediately intervene in this situation, and put in place a temporary halt to this deeply flawed process, and then resolve these completely unacceptable and critical errors ocurring with Correctional Services and their handling of my case file and medical documents.

I also request that you contact me immediately and advise me of your actions/intentions because I have been 'directed' to attend CSMG again next week, and again with the associated 'threat' of being 'Breached', again.

Magistrate White knows full-well that his 'Orders' directly conflict with the medical evidence that saw me placed on the DSP, and to my experience of him, it is why he has done this to me, to cause me as much distress as possible.

Regardless, the actions of Correctional Services are your responsibility, and I formally request that you exercise your Ministerial responsibilities and powers to resolve this clearly unacceptable conduct of my case.

Yours, there you go...that's what I've been goin' through with regards to Correctional Services...dear availees, please note that I have very intentionally not named the general staff/officers whom I have been dealing with because, as I've discussed with them, they are not responsible for any of this broader "Malicious Prosecution", they are caught-up in matters entirely beyond their control...however, this does not excuse the misinformation I was told about 'Breaching/Summons', nor the alleged loss of the vast majority of my 'file', being 1) my medical records as provided, and 2) any mention of the 'Breaching/Summons' discussion and/or action...ultimately though, however this has happened, whoever is responsible, it is unacceptable on multiple levels and is clearly requiring Ministerial involvement/intervention...

Tomorrow: Dunno' Yet, But There'll Be Somethin'

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and I'm still tryin' and still not givin'-up and all that other stuff...(get in my son!-Ed)...yep, all that, so's all that remains to be said today is, cheers and laters...(laters-Ed)... 

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