Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Latest Pathetic Pro-Paedophile Pantomime From SA's Rankly Corrupt ICAC

Howdy dear availees in Iraq, Indonesia, Canada, and Saudi Arabia...(and of course, 'Unknown Region'-Ed)...well indeed...and please y'all to be coolin' ya' jets, I know I promised the next post, this post, would be about the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council's farcical lies about the supposed 'New Pool', but this equally farcical pantomime from the rankly corrupt Sow Strayn (South Australian) Independent Commission Against Corruption is just too good...(sorry? how is another litany of rankly corrupt lies from the corrupt ICAC anything to be celebrated?-Ed)...well, for one, the hilarious comment from the corrupt Ombudsman Wayne Lines that this supposed current 'Inquiry' is necessary "to ensure public confidence"...(hang on, didn't we do a hilarious post about the rank institutionalised corruption of Wayne, mate, as evidenced by his extraordinary exoneration of the rankly corrupt MGCC Mayor Andrew Lee?-Ed)...indeed we did my confected literary device friend, back in January 2018 I think...(ah yes, here t'ís-Ed)...thanks mate...

Dear availees, if y'all haven't read it already, please check it out, 'Lines Clearly Defines Fine Line By Clearing Lee', TMGI, January 2018...(and while we're on the subject of previous posts, what happened with those posts that just disappeared completely from within the draft section of this 'ere blog?-Ed)...dunno', no notifications from the Googles, not nuthin'...(nuthin'?-Ed)...nuthin', and I still maintain that it was/is the rancidly corrupt SAPol (police) using my 'stolen' laptop to access the blog and/or emails, etc...(they still got the laptop then? how long is that now?-Ed)...ummm, well the rancidly corrupt SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raided my home on May 8th 2014, took the laptop, etc, so that's 4 years plus change...(and I noticed that despite over 3 years at 'Trial' you're not even mentioned anywhere on the ICAC website where it lists-off the status/conduct of various ICAC investigations/prosecutions-Ed)...well indeed, yet further indication of the rankly corrupt agenda of the rankly corrupt ICAC Commissioner...

Rather than trawl through all of the various rankly corrupt aspects of ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander's conduct, simply go onto ICAC's website and/or Twitter feed and read the fundamentally schizophrenic directions about 'Workshops for Public Officials to do Internal Investigations', and then compare that to the rankly Fascist ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a) and (b) what I done be 'Convicted' of by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(I thought you said that he'd corruptly changed the SAPol 'Charge Sheet' for them post-Trial, because it was such an incompetent and self-contradictory shambles, and that therefore you were only 'Convicted' of breaching Section 56 (a)-Ed)...I sit duly corrected, thankyou Ed, indeed my mate Magistrate White did change the 'Charge Sheet' exactly as you describe and for those reasons...

The 'original' Section 56 (a) and (b), as handed to me by SAPol ACB, in an interview room at Mt Gambier Police Station, 8th May 2014, states;
     ICAC Act s56 - Publication of Information and Evidence
     A person must not, except as authorised by the Commissioner or a court hearing proceedings
     for an offence against this Act, publish, or cause to be published -
        (a)  information tending to suggest that a particular person is, has been, may be, or
              may have been, the subject of a complaint, report, assessment, investigation or 
              referral under this Act; or
        (b)  information that might enable a person who has made a complaint or report under
              this Act; or  
...well at least that's what it used to state...I note that multiple 'Amendments' in 2014 and 2016 now address/allow the specific failings of the legislation that my Legal Eagles at the South East Community Legal Service identified, eg, now you are allowed to get 'Legal Advice' without direct written permission from the ICAC Commissioner...(well isn't that generous of them, you're allowed to speak to a lawyer, yay-Ed)...settle mister...

And again, again, when I was raided by SAPol and went to SECLS (May 2014), I identified to SECLS that 1) the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 states that no-one can ever say anything to anyone about anything because it "may" end-up in ICAC, and subsequently 2) were they (SECLS) even allowed to speak to me as their legal client...their immediate and quite justified skepticism lasted exactly as long as it took for them to read Section 56...(well in fact, they were so shocked that they actually read it twice because they didn't believe their own summation after the first perusal-Ed) on Ed, I'll never forget the look on that Leagle's face as they slowly lowered the page after their first reading, stared at me with bemused disbelief and then slowly raised the page and read it again, before finally putting it down on the desk, just looking at it for some time, and then stating, 'I think I'd better write to Comm Lander and ask for an explanation'...(maaate, absolutely hilarious if it weren't so frighteningly Fascist-Ed)...well indeed...and of course SECLS found it necessary to write to Bruce mate twice because of his deeply facetious and dismissive first response...

And of course, from there, Bruce mate went to his mate Labor's Attorney-General l'il Johnny Rau and had the ICAC Act 2012 changed via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, in the exact manner to address my Leagle's inquiries/concerns and to allow me to be prosecuted...this bizarrely corrupt series of events is covered/documented in my equally "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) and reported in TBW, etc, but was initially ignored by Magistrate White until he was outed by TBW's reportage, at which point my mate Mag White issued a series of bizarre 'Addendums' that acknowledged but dismissed the fact that when I was raided, etc, the 'Crime' I was ultimately 'Convicted' of was not actually a crime...(oops, better change the law and then prosecute you-Ed)...indeed...   

I done get very excited indeed early last week to read that a QC (Queen's Council) had bagged ICAC as being a 'Starchamber*' that 'conducts trial by ambush', etc, etc...(really? give the dude a call, maybe he can help you with your rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the direct instigation/direction of ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, as conducted by SAPol, and as described as "Malicious Prosecution" by Magistrate Teresa Anderson in October 2016-Ed)...that's what I thought mate, and then I read that this clown, a Mr Abbott QC, was the lawyer for both Labor Minister Tom Koutsontonis re the rancidly corrupt albeit ultimately failed Gillman Land Sale Scandal...(you're joking, right?-Ed)...'fraid not, and he was also the lawyer for Labor Minister Leesa Vlahos re the Oakden Nursing Home Scandal...(but I thought that we here at TMGI had described those farcical pseudo-investigations as being the rankly corrupt ICAC acting to protect the equally corrupt Labor government?-Ed)...that's exactly what we said and it's exactly what happened and that's what defines this pathetic pantomime as being, well, a pathetic pantomime...

*Starchamber:...a medieval Court noted for it's secret hearings, arbitrary nature and often severe punishments...for further info, do what I did to get this official summary, Google it baby...anyhoos, y'all can well imagine my mirth at reading that a key player in these farcical pseudo-investigations is whinging about how ICAC treated his clients, when the reality we all know is that ICAC protected Mr Abbott QC, are a sick joke, mate, and I look forward to the vacuous 'Defamation Threats' that I'm likely to receive from you for having exposed the rank hypocrisy and deeply corrupted collusion demonstrated by your farcical bleating about ICAC...(you're right mate, whatta' sick joke, and now Wayne Lines is crudely rollin' down the same Hypocritical Highway-Ed)...well quite... 

So here's how In Daily is reporting some of this current pantomime as these rankly corrupt clowns take fake pot-shots at each other to try and create a false sense of independence...

Integrity agencies need major independent review: Ombudsman


The State Ombudsman has called for an independent public review of the most powerful integrity agencies that scrutinise government, including his own office and ICAC.
Bension Siebert @Bension1
Ombudsman Wayne Lines addressed the committee this morning. Photo: Bension Siebert / InDaily
Ombudsman Wayne Lines says there should be wholesale review of the activities and funding of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC), Ombudsman SA, the Auditor-General and the Electoral Commission.
He argued the review was needed to ensure public confidence in the institutions and proper allocation of public funding.
He told Parliament’s Crime and Public Integrity Policy committee this morning that the review should be independent of Government and involve extensive consultation to discern community expectations of the agencies.


“I think this independent review should be involving consultation with the public (to answer the question) what does this state really need in order to bolster confidence in our laws, our public institutions and our government agencies?” he said.
“It’s time that we have an independent review of what all of those integrity agencies are doing – and what are their needs, what resourcing should be given, and what should their priorities be?”
Lines also questioned the “value for money” taxpayers were getting out of the ICAC – and why it was about to receive a $14.5 million funding boost.
The State Government announced this week it had held aside an extra $7 million for spending on the ICAC and would invest a further $7.5 million over four years to help the ICAC manage public hearings – one of the key policy promises of the Liberal Party at the March state election.
“ICAC’s been in place for five years and (it is) meant to be focussing on corruption,” Lines told the committee.


“Where are the big cases of organised corruption within government?
“In terms of value for money, real questions have to be asked.”
He said budgetary pressures on his office meant that important investigations were being delayed.

...and we're that's obviously a 'paste-across' directly from In Daily, 'cos it's easier for dear availees to reference if it's here to look at, but please also to be Googling ICAC's Twitter feed and/or other related reportage about this farcically corrupt 'Review' currently underway in State Parliament...(have we mentioned how the Liberals/Parliament have changed (are changing?) ICAC legislation to allow 'Open Hearings', and introduced that almost immediately after you were 'Convicted' in February 2018?-Ed)...cheers Ed, because yes, what it looks exactly like is that State Parliament ignored the Fascism and "Malicious Prosecution" of my "bizarre trial", then changed the ICAC legislation specifically to prosecute me retrospectively, then waited until literally the week I was 'Convicted', and then started fart-arsing about with vacuous public statements about 'Open Hearings'...

And pardon me if I also view as direct reference to me and my "bizarre trial" when Wayne talks about "value for money"...(you mean the vast sums committed to your "bizarre trial" of 35-40 'hearings' across 40 months, including the dozen actual 'Trial dates' where-in a full Magistrates Court was solely involved with your "Malicious Prosecution" for an entire day-Ed)...indeed, a dozen+ entire days of a full Magistrates has been put to me that this would have run to several $100,000s...(and that's not including your very own and quite extraordinary ICAC/SAPol ' Operation Baritone', all the SAPol Prosecutions time, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed mate, people are spending months running into years 'on remand', pleading guilty because they can't get proper legal advice, the buildings are literally crumbling, etc, etc, and I get $100,000s burned just on l'il ol' me...(it's because you're special mate-Ed) special... 

Tomorrow: Diving Into The Towering Platform Of MGCC Pool Deceits 

Dear Peter Dutton:...I'd like to employ Bradley Manning as an Au-pair, so here's a large purse of monies, expect to hear from you with that 'Visa' by close of business tomorrow, sorted...(ooo, nice one man, I'm assuming you're referring to P-Dutty's extraordinary corruption re granting a 'Humanitarian Visa' to a French au-pair, after the AFL boss Gillon McLachlin petitioned on behalf of his family, the proposed employer of said au-pair and regular donors to the Liberal Party-Ed)...indeed Ed, our mate, the very, very angry P-Dutty showing just exactly how the rules don't apply if you're a Minister for Immigration and/or a Liberal Party, Peter Dutton, are an absolute shreckin' disgrace...and just to put that in real-time context, there are Afghani translators, our allies and comrades-at-arms in that horrendous war, who are waiting years for 'Humanitarian Visas' from Peter, mate...(maaate-Ed)...whilst they are hunted by the Taliban back in Afghanistan...again, you sir, Peter Dutton, are a bloody disgrace...  

Again, in case I haven't made myself clear, this current carry-on about supposed conflict between Koutsontonis and Abbott and Lines and Lander, et al, is all entirely absolute conspiratorial bullshit pantomime designed and conducted to try and deceive and distract from the base and proven reality that SA ICAC is a rankly corrupt construct for protecting the truly corrupt SA Parliament...(and where have we seen that proven?-Ed)...well right here on this 'ere blog, mate, on TMGI, where else would you expect?...(nowhere mate, absolutely nowhere else, that's exactly my point-Ed)...and what a great point it is mate...

And as others have put it to me;
     The Mount Gambier Independent - Speaking Truth To Power Since January 2013
...(and in a manner entirely unseen previous-Ed)...absolutely Ed, because I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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