Saturday, August 18, 2018

No Apologies For Being Angry About This

Dear regular availees will be well aware of the 'issues' I have with this attached article from The Border Watch, Wednesday 15th August 2018...

I can only apologise to those others mentioned in this TBW article, particularly the Red Cross, and do not infer or allege any sort of collusion or intent...(well except from those who are directly responsible for allowing Graham Lyall near students again, knowing full-well the ongoing issue with the 'alleged rape' of a previous jazz student-Ed)...well those are the people I'm pointing at, albeit without naming them specifically...

I have been repeatedly and very specifically advised and/or requested to 'go easy' on anything 'jazzy' because 1) it's all too important to Mt Gambier, etc, etc, but mostly 2) that my credibility and resultantly that of this 'ere blog, would be badly damaged by those charming individuals who continue to refuse to engage with the issues here-in, and choose instead to attack me as being the problem...(ahhh, yeah, I get it, they'll just go nut-sack crazy about, you know, 'ooo ooo, now he's having a go at the jazzy things, what an arsehole!'-Ed)...exactly Ed, and therefore further justify their righteousness in expressing their gross ignorances and/or deliberate deceits about me personally, whilst simultaneously ignoring the actual issues...

And I've had to endure this bigotted and ignorant abuse for so long now I cannot really remember a time it was not part of my life...needless to say this latest article has had a devastating effect on me personally, knocked me through a hoop for days, and I can only imagine how it must concern and sadden the student involved...I continue to struggle with my own weakness and failings around this issue and particularly my failure to support this person properly by trying to "not upset the drooling idiots", as it was put to me...but that is no longer my concern because I have explained my position in excruciatingly simple terms, and my actions, my "Malicious Prosecution", my "bizarre trial", my very own 'Operation Baritone', the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc, etc, ad infinitum, and despite this, some people simply refuse to discuss/address the issues and instead attack me...I do however acknowledge the advice/request that this 'ere blog is also "too important to risk"...I appreciate and accept that position...  

But what am I supposed to do with my anger? what is a man supposed to do when none of this advice means anything in the moment when you read about an 'alleged rapist', about a retirement-age jazz teacher who is 'alleged' to have raped a teenage student, and the 'jazzy people' have him performing with students...even I'm not sure exactly what to do with that much anger...(so you go to sleep for a coupla' days?-Ed)...pretty much, sure-as-shreck ain't goin' near this 'ere blog...(one of the smartest things I've ever heard you say, don't post angry now-Ed)...well quite...

And I use the word 'alleged' with 'quotey things' quite specifically for specific legalistic cautions, eg, as I understand it SAPol (police) still have not investigated this 'alleged' rape of a student by a teacher, etc...and of course, my ol' mate, the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt 'lawyer' Bouncin' Billy DeGaris...(Billy! maaate-Ed)...Billy's still spewing his usual brand of abusively incoherent Defamation Threat Letters to the student and/or her supporters and/or website New Matilda...(and us-Ed)...yes well, of course us, when it comes to ludicrously pathetic incoherent DTLs, we're on Billy's email list I'm sure...(top of, top of, not just 'on'-Ed)...yeah, sure, one certainly likes to think so...

And I further remind availees that it was Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh who re-raised this jazz story on his website thingy, Limestone Coast Community News, early 2017 (April?) which had people then comin' to me and askin' "what's this about the rape of a jazz student?"...(and dear availees can easily go to New Matilda and search 'Lyall' and see the stories there-in-Ed)...indeed, if they haven't already, and it's been referenced in other mainstream media, and we've covered this several times-over in posts from the last year or just beyond, say, 14 months...TMGI will return to this issue...  

Tomorrow: Mt Gambier City Council Lies About The Pool

(Ummm, does that mean, 1) a statement of fact that MGCC is tellin' porkey-pies about the pool, or 2) is it referring to some sort of list about those MGCC lies, or 3) are they reclining relaxedly poolside on some sortta' tropical soiree somewhere at Ratepayer's expense?-Ed)...errr, (1) yes...(ok-Ed)...(2) is also yes, but not just a list, a litany...(ooo nice-Ed)...and (3) not a tropical one, but I understand they've toured Sow Straya (South Australia) to look at other pools...(*well I looked at a hedge once, what's your point?-Ed)...don't go quoting *The Mighty Boosh at me mister, I will not suffer lame attempts at cathartic humour when I'm trying to be angry...(well then, learn to be both at the same time-Ed)...indeed...

And many a true word spoken in jest, because this is how I find myself functioning,, sleep, be angry, laugh genuinely, move on, do it again before it does me again, etc, etc, and on it goes...exercise is an excellent catharticism, so I go bench-press 130kgs, that seems to take the edge-off...(130kgs? strewth!-Ed)...yeah, though it's not free weights, it's on a bench thingy...(but it's actually 130kgs still?-Ed)...well yeah, but I'd only try half that in free weights, and it's only 2, and I only did that this week, once...(once thus far-Ed)...sure...(and 130kgs, even just 2, that's some serious weight dude-Ed)...actually, whilst I don't write stuff down, etc, I did sortta' crunch the numbers on the bench-press thingy, 'cos it's just about the only exercise I do...ok, across 10 sets, warm-up at 40kgs x 25reps, then 2 sets of 12reps x 70kgs, then 90kgs for 10reps, then three sets of 100kgs (8-8-10reps), then 5-6reps at 110kgs, 3-4reps at 120kgs, and now 2 x 130...(wow-Ed)...that's a total of 95 reps and 7350kgs, or 7.35tonnes, give-or-take a coupla' reps and 200kgs...(that's bizarre-Ed)...can barely walk for a buggered knee, barely leave the house, but I can drag my sorry carcass into gym and bench-press 7.35tonnes...welcome to being Nick Fletcher...

And just to restate the obvious, my biggest problem with my anger is how much it affects me, I am clearly not a danger to anyone else...anyone close to me knows exactly how gentle and quiet I am, particularly in light of the extraordinary stressors/issues involved, and they occasionally even comment to that effect, eg, 'strewth, how is it you haven't thumped somebody yet?'...simple really, it ain't me, and that's all there is to that...this bench-press stuff is great as a distraction, and I do deliberately and genuinely 'exhaust' myself as a way of minimising my own personal trauma and depression, works both as a sense of achievement and as a vent for all those negative vibes, man... 

I am just under 100kgs of Nick Fletcher, got plenty of weight to throw-around if I so choose, but I don't because I ain't, yeah?...(well I'd suggest you've landed some serious blows via this 'ere blog-Ed)...hmm, maybe, anyhoos, cheers and laters y'all...

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