Tuesday, June 19, 2018

And What Does Mt Gambier Think Of SA's ICAC?

Troy Bell is the Member for Mt Gambier...(Stage Direction:- Nick Fletcher holds computer keyboard out at arms length, drops it, and walks-off, stage right)...(bahahahhaahhahaahaha, nice one man-Ed)...

Short post to say that I was in Court yesterday (18th June 2018) for Troy Bell's 'Plea Hearing', where-in I, I mean he, sorry, force of habit, 'he' pleaded Not Guilty to all 24 charges (23? sorry)...and the obvious reality being referred to in my hilarious opening number, is that Mr Bell was returned as the Member at the March 2018 State Election...(with I believe an increased majority-Ed)...returned despite the fact that he was/is facing these 23/24 ICAC charges, relating to allegedly de-frauding just over $2,000,000...so what does that tell ya' about what the SE thinks of ICAC?...(ahahahaahahaahhhhh, hah-Ed)...indeed Ed, and I'm quietly confident you ain't the only one havin' a quiet chuckle over that...

One genuinely believes that one has contributed...(or two have, there's two of us-Ed)...whatevs, I genuinely believe that this 'ere blog has played some small part in that opinion of ICAC...(well I'd suggest that ICAC's own conduct defines itself as a corrupt joke!-Ed)...well indeed Ed, but where does one go to read about the farcically frightening and wholly corrupt conduct of ICAC Comm Bruce Lander?...(well, right here on this 'ere blog I'd reckon-Ed)...exactly, right here on this 'ere blog...(it's certainly where Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh goes for his info when he's bangin'-on about us and/or ICAC-Ed)...indeed Ed, and I'm not sure exactly whether that's 'irony' or not...(but it'll do 'til sumthin' better happens along?-Ed)...well indeed...

Apols, haven't checked it out in months, but no need really because I hear about it often enough, and it's all rather sadly predictable anyway, whatevs, but some time back I did see where MGCC Cr Josh Lynagh's web-page thingy had the lad himself sycophantically summarising My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce Lander as being, 'like totes the best and completely in charge of everything and like the police even, and you even need like his written permission to speak to a lawyer, even'...(wow-Ed)...indeed Ed, and yes, of course, I'm being mercilessly mocking of my main man Josh, mate...(maaate-Ed)...but that's exactly what he was saying/doing, and that last bit is damn near a quote, and said in praise of the Powers of Bruce...(wow-Ed)...oh yeah, not as a shreeeek! of concern about the rank Fascism of needing permission to have a lawyer, but as a jubilant quantifier as to how important MBAAIHSTIC Bruce is...(if it weren't so sad, and so genuinely concerning, it'd be hilarious-Ed)...

But what is undeniably hilarious, and hilarious not just despite of but also because of the extraordinarily serious context, where'd the li'l Josh man get his info from?...(ummm, what?-Ed)...how is it that Josh, mate, knows that you need written permission from MBAAIHSTIC Bruce to speak to a lawyer? my mate Bruce didn't tell him, so where did he get that from?...(I'm gunna' guess, from the look on your face, that it's us...it's us isn't it?-Ed)...yep...(and those letters where-in the South East Community Legal Service wrote to Bruce, twice, asking if they, your Legal Eagles, actual lawyers, if they were even allowed to speak to their 'client', even though their 'client' hadn't even been 'charged' with anything yet?-Ed)...that be they, the Leagles, the letters, the questions about all that, and the truly extraordinary response from MBAAIHSTIC Bruce, a written 'Authorisation' allowing me to speak to my family, friends, a doctor, and very carefully not stated by name but directly inferred, a lawyer...written permission to speak to a lawyer for a civilian who hasn't actually been charged with anything...

And we know, dear availees, that we supposedly need 'Written Permission' to speak to a lawyer, 'permission' to have legal representation, we know that as fact because of my willingness to challenge the extraordinary ICAC legislation, because of my letters about my trial, and as provided many times by me on this 'ere, my blog...(it's always 'me me me' with you-Ed)...yeah, and it's always 'me me me' when it's you, remember?...(orrr right, yeah, good point, I am a confected literary device, not an actual person-Ed)...well just so long as we both remember that...anyhoos, my mate Josh knows this stuff about 'permission for a lawyer' only because it's what I've exposed about the rankly Fascist corruption of the SA ICAC, and as 'published' here on TMGI, where he done read all about it...(I still reckon that's irony, and pure irony at that, layers of pure irony-Ed)...don't have the energy to argue with you mate, and you're probably right anyway...  

(Of course OurBAAIHSTIC Bruce's other response was to collude with Labor's Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau to change ICAC legislation in a manner directly addressing the exact issues raised by those SECLS Leagle's letters-Ed)...say that 3 times fast...(changed the ICAC Act 2012 via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, including the addition of a specific definition of 'To Publish', etc-Ed)...exactly, meaning that what I have been 'convicted' of was not actually a crime for the 'Charge Period' of late 2013-April 2014...(wow-Ed)...and only when backed into a corner by media coverage of the ICAC MAA 2014 change of legislation, only then has Magistrate White finally and bizarrely acknowledged it, via an Addendum, where-in he blames me for not explaining it to him correctly, then dismisses it as irrelevant anyway, and 'Re-Convicts' me...(well hurrah, just like a real trial-Ed)...not really, no...  

And I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog...and if I'm tellin' lies, if I'm actually bein' scurrilously libellous, then why is it that not one single person has actually engaged with me and held me specifically to account for those heinous mis-truths and devious deceits...(well except for all them threats what you done keep gettin'-Ed)...well yeah, sure, except for the over a decades-worth of 'Defamation Threats' from Bill DeGaris, the Education Dept, the Crown Solicitor, Piper Alderman lawyers on behalf of the Lutherans and St Martins Lutheran School, et al, but other than that...(well ICAC/SAPol did raid your home, 'steal' your laptop, persecute you for more than 3 years in the SA Magistrates Court, etc, and all for the apparently far more heinous crime of 'talking the truth about an alleged ICAC investigation'?-Ed)...mmm...(no-one's held you to account other than all those 'Defamation' threats, and your "bizarre trial"*-Ed)...well sure, but that's not 'Being Held To Account', that's just the standard Pro-Paedophile Political and Legal Retribution that you can count on receiving in South Australia, a Pro-Paedophile State run by a Pro-Paedophile Parliament, Police, Public Prosecutor, et al, with a Judiciary that is either compliant or complicit...                   (*The Border Watch March 2018)

I'll do Magistrate Teresa Anderson no favours by congratulating her on both her conduct of various cases prior to Troy Bell's, and of her conduct of my 'Trial'...I cannot reconcile how my 'Trial' started before the Constitutional Law issues were resolved, but Her Honour was definably under extreme external pressure to 'progress' my 'Trial' under whatevs circumstances, and at least HH treated me with respect and was absolutely scrupulous in her direction and conduct of my bit of 'Actual Trial' what actually happened aways back in November 2016...(ooo, HH ain't gunna' thank ya' for that-Ed)...the short bit before it collapsed in complete disarray on Day One when HH was forced to call another adjournment because SAPol Prosecutions were trying to change literally half of the 'charges'...(and the 'charges' weren't done propers either, multiple 'counts' in each 'charge' instead of one each-Ed)...yeah, and that, nearly 2 years at 'Trial' and the whole thing goes ping! Day One as SAPol Prosecutions tries to change a 'Charge Sheet' riddled with errors...farcically incompetent...

I'll mention just as routine, that that was only Day One, before the "Malicious Prosecutions"* shenanigans the next morning that saw Her Honour 'recuse' herself and the 'Trial' effectively stopped until recommencing in March 2017 with Magistrate White...    (*Her Honour's definition for my allegations of Politically Motivated Persecution) 

And sure, Her Honour and I, we did have a coupla' mildly terse exchanges because I kept correcting HH, but being an intelligent person, HH quickly realised that it was the deliberately false information that she was being handed by SAPol Prosecutions that was making her look foolish...and a coupla' times it really did, a coupla' times HH made statements of fact relying on the info provided by SAPol, and I made her look 'foolish' by correcting her...fortunately for me, those exchanges only illustrated exactly what I was saying about SAPol's conduct, etc, and HH knew exactly who it was making her look 'foolish'...and that indicates intelligence, a definable lack of bias, and a respect for the defendant...HH did not heap blame on me, and quite frankly, considering their continuous incompetence and deceits, etc, HH was remarkably patient with SAPol Prosecutions...

Her Honour did that again yesterday, where-in she acknowledged a defendant's genuine efforts to comply with Home Detention, albeit in a manner that partly contradicted/contravened HH's previous Orders, and therefore HH gave him 24 hours to secure further appropriate but alternate accommodation...again, it was the inappropriate intervention/actions/approvals of a third 'official' party that complicated the matter, placing HH right in the proverbial, and HH was quite reasonably 'disappointed' by that 'third-party intervention', but gave the defendant due credit and acted accordingly...don't know what exactly he has allegedly done, but the processing bit I saw by HH was absolutely 'fair' to the defendant...I went from frowning at this man's impending imprisonment for bail breaches, despite his efforts, to nodding agreement with what I considered to be almost exactly the appropriate outcome...

And I'll apologise to Troy Bell as well while we're all here being all nice and shizzle...(and why?-Ed)...because I've accused him of 'rolling over', but I was mis-spoken in my anger, he's 'been rolled'...(and there's a difference?-Ed)...a world of difference mate...we'll see how brave I am when and if the Crown Solicitor et al make good their numerous threats to gaol me for my supposed 'Defamationings' and/or 'Contemptings' ...it's one thing to show the bravery of staring-down vile threats one doesn't believe will be acted upon, it's another to be standing in the dock facing actual gaol time...(mmm, fair point, but you've been constantly threatened, for more than 15 years now, including Magistrate White's dozen+ threats about 'Contempt of Court' including his straight-out threat in Court, 1st February 2017, to have you "taken into custody", and that latest bizarre effort supposedly from the Crown Solicitor...mate, it takes something to just 'stare-down' that li'l lot-Ed)...touché Ed, fair point yourself, and cheers because I do take pride in what 'courage' I have shown, because I have been deeply concerned at times, as have peeps close to me, and not just for my freedom but also my safety...  

But just to close out this eclectic collection of vicious sniping barbs and drooling self-congratulation, it is truly remarkable to me that I have done these things, and yes I do have 'pride' in what I've done, yet achieving these things has also taken a massive toll on my Mental and Physical Health, Personal Relationships, etc...but know this, ah-hem...as per the bizarre 'anonymous' Crown Solicitor letter in recent posts, just check-out 2 things...firstly, the bit about "Unfounded allegations"...(but what you've said, anywhere, about any aspect of your 'Trial', it's all as accurate as can plausibly be expected of a non-lawyer who has been refused transcripts, etc, etc-Ed)...well that's my point mate, "Unfounded", I am confident that I have said only that which can be proven because I have stated only that which has happened...(back of the net!-Ed)...and furthermore...(ooo, you know how I love a "furthermore"-Ed)...when I'm being threatened with gaol, that means Legal Aid, and that means a lawyer, what I done get to choose...

(So what you're saying is, is that when others tell you how brave and intelligent and wonderful and whatevs you are-Ed)...and they do do that dear availees, increasingly if not yet frequently...(and you coyly wave away the praise, it's genuinely because of the sense of confidence and commitment rather than faux-humility-Ed)...indeed, but there's a certain very twisted reality where-in, if I do get done for supposed Contempt of Court, I get a cashed-up opportunity to legally address the extraordinary conduct of my entire 'Trial', and particularly of Magistrate White's appalling conduct toward me...and in my Angry Place, in that time and place, I want to be taken to Court for Contempt, because that would in effect be giving me exactly what I want...(so you're sayin', because there's gaol time possibly involved, that's what's threatened, that means you do get Legal Aid, and therefore a lawyer, to get a proper go at Magistrate White, on the record?-Ed)...exactly...(to address his constant threats without his constant threats?-Ed)...precisely...(I can see how you might come to linger in a place where you might want that-Ed)...as I said mate, an Angry Man sitting on his Angry Chair...

And see, now that's what I call irony, me being threatened by those who don't want to see happen exactly what it is they're threatening to make happen to me, give me my many days in Court to address my many days in Court...(as they challenge you to 'found' your supposed "allegations"-Ed)...nice, 'cos the only problem the Crown Solicitor et al will have with my "allegations", is that they are entirely 'found', I done found them, they were everywhere, all over the Courtroom floor, fallin' outta' my mailbox, pollutin' my emails thingy, everywheres I tells ya'!...(a big box of just 'Found'-Ed)...mate, I could open a bloody gallery with the collection of Found I got...(mmm, Arty reference, mmm, oh I've got one too-Ed)...enlighten us do...(well, with all the times you tried to 'Object' about the shizzle goin' down in your 'Trial', albeit to no avail-Ed)...yeahhhhs?...(well, we'll put all that 'Objects' shizzle with all the 'Found' stuff-Ed)...oh gourd no, if you s...(and have a 'Found and Objects' Exhibition-Ed)...you bastard...

Dear availees, but seriously, it's why the Crown Solicitor hasn't got the gumption to put his own name to his own threats...(and when challenged hides behind anonymous 'Reception'-Ed)...well indeed, hurl abuse and threats and intimidation and then run like shreck from any accountability...and we all know exactly what it's all really about...(St Martins?-Ed)...and it's ilk, yep,' cos it's not the only thing unfortunately, but in this instance, it is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that is entirely exactly what all of this is all about...     

Anyhoos, as I mentioned previous, I'm Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...   

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