Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Unbearable Shiteness Of Being Nick Fletcher

...(ahaaa, nice one, a play on the film title, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being?-Ed)...absolutely, and a bit of 'Being John Malcovich', yeah?...(oh yeah, I can see that-Ed)...and overall, just a lovely descriptor/metaphor for the past fortnight, and why last week's just a bit of a write-off really...(yeah, and fair enough given the week before-Ed)...indeed, and that's where we all, dear availees, that's where we're goin' again today 'cos we're gunna' cover what happened on the Third Day of my 'Trial', Wednesday 29th 2017...again, no apologies that my sense of humour is somewhat lacking if not entirely absent, still mentally and physically recovering from my extraordinary 'Trial', etc...you don't lose 5-6kgs in a coupla' days, particularly when it's largely due to the stress of the scathing abuse being levelled at you from the Bench, etc, you don't just 'get better' from that trauma and the frustration and anger, etc, etc, it takes weeks...

Dear Availees:...given that I've covered a lot of this stuff in recent posts, here's a very brief synopsis for those who may have just joined us, cheers...on Monday 27th November 2017 my 'Trial' on 18 'Counts' of breaching the SA ICAC Act 2012, Section 56 (a) and/or (b), being the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, etc, that 'Trial' continued, and SAPol Prosecutions (police) immediately introduced their SAPol Lead Investigator, Anti-Corruption Branch Det Gardner, who was meant to be absent on 'Sick Leave', meaning I was completely unprepared, leading to an 'exchange' that ended with Magistrate White abusively forcing me to ask Det Gardner questions, before suddenly removing her again, etc...

This continued Day Two, with Magistrate White roundly abusing me about 'delaying murder investigations', then denying me any further questions of that ICAC/SAPol witness, Det Schaeffer, before again suddenly changing his mind and recalling her...and we concluded at 1530hrs because SAPol Prosecution's next/last witness, the ABC's Stuart Stansfield, had already been sent home...it was two full days of Magistrate White refusing to acknowledge his own 'Orders' and/or the 'Orders' of previous Magistrate Teresa Anderson, with Magistrate White just straight-out abusing me, at one point directing me to answer his questions even after I identified that I was asking the questions not giving evidence (my ICAC/SAPol Cross Examination), and that I wasn't about to start incriminating myself by answering his, etc, etc...

And of course there was the incredibly unseasonal heat of that week, me not sleeping, I think I mentioned the 'not eating' stuff, etc, and by lunchtime Tuesday, immediately post Magistrate White's extraordinary tirade about me 'delaying murder investigations'...(yeah mate, I just can't believe that one, of all the shizzle that he's allowed and/or done himself, to angrily abuse you like that, let-alone to accuse you of delaying murder investigations, wow-Ed)...oh yeah, I won't forget in a hurry the look of shock on Det Schaeffer's face...(hilarious if it weren't so extraordinarily concerning-Ed)...well indeed...(but nowhere near as hilarious as the reaction from ICAC/SAPol witness Det Shaw when ya' politely said, 'no disrespect mate, but I don't really remember saying much to you during that October 2013 chat we had at that cafe, etc, because Det Schaeffer was leading the discussion'-Ed)...absolutely, I have never seen anyone respond with more relief at being relieved of responsibility...Det Shaw actually audibly and visibly exhaled his relief, his shoulders dropped relievedly, etc, etc, etc...

Again, if it wasn't so serious, it'd be hilarious, but what it absolutely is is an indication of the extraordinary pressure everyone is/was under in that Courtroom...(deadset!-Ed)...as covered repeatedly in Court and/or the media and/or this 'ere blog, my 'Trial' is an undisguised Political Persecution as retribution for this 'ere blog, and Magistrate White's conduct has been extraordinarily Biased to the degree that defines 'Corrupt'...for example, Magistrate White's bizarre refusal to acknowledge his own 'Court Orders' because he knows those 'Orders', his 'Orders', including his own 'Orders' to himself, as all in the official Certificate of Record right there on the Bench in front of him, he refuses to acknowledge those 'Orders' because he knows that they prove exactly what I am claiming about Det Gardner's presence/absence, his own 'Orders' about failing to give me 'Pre-Trial Transcripts', etc, and most importantly, the still un-resolved Constitutional Law issues...  

When Magistrate White chooses to ignore my repeated pleas of 'why won't you pick up the Certificate of Record and read those 'Orders'', that's not just being a bit Biased, that's straight-out corrupt against me because it is a hugely distorted 'Corruption of Appropriate Process', ie, if the appropriate processes of Fairly Considering all evidence are 'corrupted' by accident or incompetence or whatevs, that's just a 'Corrupted Process', but when a Magistrate deliberately acts against the interests of either Party to a Proceedings, when the Magistrate acts to undermine one of the Parties by ignoring evidence and allowing inappropriate conduct from the other Party, etc, if a Magistrate deliberately acts like that, with a deliberate intent to cause one Party to be disadvantaged, that is not just a 'Corrupted Process', it's not even just 'Bias', that's 'Corrupt'...   

And it was during this maelstrom Tuesday arvo, post Magistrate White's attack on me about 'delaying murder investigations', then suddenly changing his mind about Det Schaeffer, and then denying me an adjournment for my Health Issues and forcing me to continue Cross Examining firstly Det Schaeffer then Det Shaw, etc, that the bizarrely corrupted debasco (debacle meets fiasco, at speed) that is my 'Trial' descended into High Farce...(can one actually descend into a High Farce?-Ed)...whatevs, it was High Farce when Det Shaw asked to refer to his notes/log book thingy, and I said 'I ain't seen that before', and I was just handed said A4-sized notebook/logbook, and started reading about a Mr B*****, before stating, 'hey, this bit ain't about me, should I be reading this?', at which point it was taken back and there was an adjournment whilst they photocopied it...(wow-Ed)...it gets better...

My stuff, all several hand-scribbled lines of it started an inch-or-so down the page, so I'd read none of that through properly, only the first bit about someone else, who's name I've chosen to ****, it was right there...so I've said 'hey?' and they've taken it, copied it, and I get back a bit with the top gone but also the bottom half, which SAPol Prosecutions have decided I shan't be allowed to see, aha!...(so hang on, first they just hand you the entire book thingy?-Ed)...yep...(and then they take it back only after you point-out that you're reading someone else's stuff?-Ed)...yep, yep and yep...(and then what you get re-given, that's now got half of your stuff missing?-Ed)...roughly half, I'd reckon...(yep, I'm gunna' have ta give you that one, that is High Farce indeed-Ed)...and not a waste-at-all of the 'Court's precious time', as Magistrate White repeatedly refers to when chastising me for 'wasting it'...(ooo, you are a bastard-Ed)...apparently, allegedly, actually...

In the absence of SAPol Prosecutions final witness, Magistrate White concluded proceedings at approx 1530hrs, and I was told to prepare to Cross Examine SAPol's Det Gardner first thing next morning, again ignoring the fact that she wasn't meant to be there, and with Stuart Stansfield to appear at some point after that but possibly even on Thursday, and still no date/time even organised for my one witness, etc, etc, and with Magistrate White quietly observing/conceding that the 'Trial' may well even continue past the Friday 1st December deadline that he had completely inappropriately set-down only the day before, stating 'this Trial will finish this week'...

It was at this point, after just previously forcing me to continue, that Magistrate White re-visited my earlier request for an adjournment, and I stated that I now wanted to continue whilst I felt a bit better...(but you didn't feel better, you just wanted to get at Stansfield-Ed)...absolutely, and it was that motivation alone that drove me on, I just wanted to get through it, and with glorious hindsight it would have likely been a disaster because I was completely knackered, but whatevs, we were going to continue until SAPol Prosecutions said they'd already sent Stansfield home...having been abused for 2 days about how I was 'wasting Court time', we stopped at 1530hrs, at least an hour lost for that day, because SAPol again hadn't/couldn't organise their witnesses properly...and in the context of how I have been treated, this is very important later-on... 

So's, as in previous posts, I got home Tuesday evening after 2 long days of that extraordinary shizzle in Court, tried to eat a bit and sleep some, etc, and at 0400hrs Wednesday 29th, woke-up and gave-in, decided that it just wasn't happening, that I just wasn't happening, that I was at a point of such Physical and Mental Exhaustion and that I needed to get away from Magistrate White's extraordinary abuse and grossly biased conduct, and I did what I could to do that appropriately, and I thought I had, but apparently I'm wrong about that too...(you're wrong? or others have acted incompetently and/or corruptly?-Ed)...well 'corruptly' is maybe too strong a word for it, but the calamitous result has been further exacerbated for me by the woeful 'non-response' of all concerned...excuse me dear availees, I digress-off into a bit of a rant there, but it is entirely relevant and we will get back to this...anyhoos...

As covered in previous posts and clearly identified in The Border Watch November 30th 2017 (attached below) on 29/11/2017 I notified the Magistrates Court in Adelaide and Mt Gambier, by email, well before business hours, that I was attending a Medical Practitoner, which I did at 1000hrs, and then immediately emailed them well-before noon, what I thought was a 'Certified Medical Certificate' that excused me from Court for the remainder of the week, etc...and by about 1400hrs I'd heard nothing at all, assumed that the 'Medical Certificate adjournment' had occurred and I'd be duly notified of the new date/s, etc, and then took my family's repeated advice to 'tune-out' and check into a cheap motel room with air-conditioning, etc, as covered in previous posts...

But let's deal with the article first, and we'll round it all up toward the end...   

First problem I have is that I wasn't there, and The Border Watch has proven to be less than reliable when it comes to reporting my Court stuff, etc, so's I'm gunna' have ta' assume that anything in quotations is actually an accurate quote, and just wing-it with the rest, so here goes...the first few paragraphs are reasonable, I guess, and do confirm that I emailed the Court, etc, and where I was and most importantly why, eg, my Medical Appointment was at 1000hrs...

The reportage about Magistrate White's assertion that he offered me an adjournment seems to refer to this exchange Tuesday arvo, as described above, where-in he flatly refused me my request for an adjournment, forced me to continue, etc, and then eventually adjourned early because the next witness was absent...this is the fact, regardless of how Magistrate White and/or TBW has tried to re-define that...the only 'summaries of my health' were me repeatedly saying I was increasingly unwell and asking for an adjournment, with Magistrate White 'summarising the opposite' that I was just fine to continue, which he/we did, and then I half-lied about feeling better, and that was it...then next day I went to a doctor, which is where I was at 1025hrs...

Despite knowing where I was and why, and even before receiving the promised Medical Certificate, and apparently without 'adjourning' to ascertain exactly what was happening, etc, Magistrate White is immediately talking about just continuing without me or even having a Warrant issued, an action that is in-and-of-itself either so extraordinary that an allegedly experienced Magistrate must check whether or not they can and/or it's appropriate and/or even 'legal', or Magistrate White simply can't remember...I'd suggest it's the former, but whatevs, here is clear insight into the mindset of Magistrate White, just completely ignore my genuine Health Issues, and look to force me to attend or just continue without me...

And here also is Magistrate White clearly discussing my Health Issues in 'Open Court', openly discussing/dismissing the contents of the Medical Certificate that I had immediately provided, as promised...how is it appropriate for Magistrate White to discuss my personal Health Issues and/or Medical Certificate in 'Open Court'?...this is a bloody outrage, and yet further undeniable evidence of the extraordinary Bias and Corruption that I have been subjected to... 

I again note that 1) I have been provided no documentation about Det Gardner's or Magistrate White's absences on 'Sick Leave', over-lapping 'Sick Leave' that caused the multiple and lengthy delays that saw the 'Trial' repeatedly adjourned from March 2017 through to November 2017, nor 2) was there any exploration in the Court of those Health Issues and/or of the alleged associated Medical Certificates I don't have copies of, etc...it's literally one rule for Nick Fletcher, and whatevs for everyone else...      
It is an extraordinary hypocrisy for Magistrate White to make any comment on how long this 'Trial' has taken, given the conduct of this 'Trial' by both themselves, the Magistrates Court, and/or by the bizarrely incompetent SAPol Prosecutions, let-alone to comment in a context where Magistrate White is clearly again defining his intention to conclude 'this week' regardless of what might be otherwise dictated by 'Appropriate Process' regarding a Defendant's right to a Fair Trial...

Just gunna' pull stumps here because this post is dragging-out, and I'll conclude this stuff...

Tomorrow: More Trial and Retribution

Again, no apologies for just dragging-through this stuff in such detail and sans any real humour and then just randomly stopping, etc, but I feel it is all important, particularly in establishing the context in which this is occurring and/or being reported...(hey, we'll get there-Ed)...indeed we will...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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