Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Paranoia Has A Nasty Attack Of Nick Fletcher

Howdy y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Poland, Ireland, and China, welcome to TMGI...I've been using my name in a lot of recent titles because apparently a few people de-availed themselves of this 'ere blog during my lengthy breaks of a few months ago...(ah, so you're basically using your own name as 'click-bait?-Ed)...sortta', more like just as a link back to TMGI just by using my name, it's not all about me, although recent posts would seem to contradict that, but it is me that's doing it, etc, y'all know what I mean...(well not so fast big fella', 'cos ironically, it is apparently all about you, because the attached Fact Sheet states as Fact that the ICAC Act 2012 was changed in November 2014 in the exact manner that needed to happen to try and try you under ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a) and/or (b)-Ed)...what an extraordinary claim Ed, would you care to expand/explain...(sure, just as soon as you're done with the housekeeping-Ed)...wait here...

Dear Availees:...apologies to some people I've contacted saying 'call me', but I actually need a new home-phone, which I'll have soon, so's I'm putting that call to call me out there again, cheers...also, I reckon I may have minorly minimised the correct title of the ICAC Act 2012, as the Independent Commission Against Corruption, but it appears to be it's 'Commissioner', 'Commissioner'...but back to the Fact Sheet, take it away Ed...

(Cheers mate, and howdy y'all, as regular availees will well be aware, young Master Fletcher here has been well shenaniganising-it-up in the Magistrates Court, for the alleged heinous crime of allegedly Talking About Stuff That's All Okey-Dokes-Ed) gourd, I am a bastard!...(well quite, and a bastard 'charged' with 18 'Counts' of breaching the ICAC Act 2012, Section 56-Ed)...yep, that's me alright, the first civilian and I believe the first ever person charged under the Fascist lunacy that is the ICAC Act 2012, Sec 56...(and in that context, apparently very much the target of these 'changes', and I use the term 'changes' loosely because there was no specific 'previous definition' re the ICAC Act-Ed)...well sure, the ICAC Act 2012 is a rancidly Fascist piece of legislation, conceived, designed and implemented to attack Whistleblowers and protect the Rankly Corrupt, but in what way are these 'changes' about me specifically?...

ICAC MAA-self:...(well mate, look at the dates/timing-Ed)...errr, November 27th 2014 being one I assume, when the ICAC Act 2012 was amended by the ICAC (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2014, the ICAC MAA 2014...(yep, and when was your home raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch detectives Gardner and Mothersole?-Ed)...ummm, after it was referred through to SAPol ACB by Commissioner Lander in mid-February 2014 sometime...(yeah yeah, not the ICAC to SAPol referral-Ed) own personal ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' you mean? where-in apparently no-one knows who and/or how it was organised, but somehow in Mid-February 2014 I also have my very own personal 'Operation Baritone'?...(yeah, nah, that's all true, sure, but I mean the actual time/date you were raided for allegedly breaching the ICAC Act Sec-56?-Ed)...oh, that was May 7th/8th 2014, they took my laptop, etc...(sure, and when did your 'Trial' start, albeit without you being Summonsed or even being 'Charged'?-Ed)...ummm, that was February 2015......ahhhh...(yes, ahhhh indeed-Ed)...

So what you're suggesting Ed, is that the rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Weatherill/Rann Labor government, having realised that they couldn't get me with the ludicrously undefined and/or undefinable ICAC Act 2012, have then changed the legislation with a specific motivation of then being able to actually 'charge' me with something? is that what you're saying?...(you're raided in May 2014, legislation changed in November 2014 in the exact manner to allow/facilitate you being charged, and then those 'charges' are corruptly rammed into an equally corrupted Magistrate's Court in January/February 2015? and that's not about you?-Ed)...well I've got to say Ed, you do make a very convincing argument indeed, the chronology is certainly exactly right, and your reasoning and rationale are very sound...

And to be very specific, we all are referring to the 'changes' that have been made to the definition of 'publish', which have self-evidently been changed to rope-in/encompass all Social Media...(and in a context where it still appears perfectly legal to discuss ICAC shizzle on a billboard, paint-it down the side of your house, scribble-it on the road with chalk, tattoo-it on your forehead-Ed)...a cheeky but very reasonable observation given the specific 'definition' provided covers TV, newspapers, radio, and/or 'electronic means', but nothing else...(sky-writing-Ed)...ok that's probably enough, cheers......

So there you have it Dear Availees, either it's an extraordinary co-incidence of events in a very specific order, or it's exactly what it actually looks like, the rankly corrupt Weatherill Labor government changing legislation specifically to 'get me'...I'll leave y'all to decide just exactly what amount of 'Paranoia' is involved, and what is just blatantly obvious...and here's The Facts...       

So there y'all go, whatta' ya' think? just how Paranoid is Nick Fletcher, or just how corrupt is SA Parliament?...(I'm puttin' 20 bucks each way-Ed)...and fair enough...

Tomorrow: Yet More Jolly Court Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and I'm claiming this li'l gem, the ICAC MAA 2014, as mine...cheers and laters...

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