Monday, December 4, 2017

I Am Nick Fletcher And This Is The Mount Gambier Independent

Just a super-quick post to say 'cheers'...I am genuinely shocked but absolutely buoyed by the number of people who have stopped me in the last week/s, and/or contacted me, and/or 'Facebooked' me particularly regarding the extraordinary shenanigans in the South Australian Magistrates Court last week...ummm, bit embarrassing that I've had a coupla' messages I haven't specifically responded to 'cos I just don't use 'Social Media' at all, but, drum roll please, I'm gettin' in the Tech Support, and I will figure something out, so cheers for that...(does 'Tech Support' know they're helping you yet?-Ed)...hell no! I'm going to use the traditional 'HALO and Maccas Trap'...(ah, clever-Ed)...

Seriously though, I was literally stopped in my tracks by someone actually stopping me in my tracks to ask how I was doing "with that Court crap", their words not mine...and on the bus...(and the bus driver-Ed)...oh yeah, and them, and several others...cheers y'all...there's been an increasing and unsettling trend of people being nice to me, and I'm not sure I like it, I'm not sure I like it at all...(you idiot, you were beaming like the Cheshire Cat on Acid when that woman asked you if you were ok-Ed)...yeah yeah, it is a joke I am playing at you, yes?...(what?!-Ed)...just sayin', I've become somewhat more accustomed to my customary accosting and associated apopletic abuse from frothy-mouthed Councillors and the like...(aaaaahhhhhh, fair enough-Ed)...

Rarely do I read my own posts post-posting...(mate! you are the Poster Boy of Own Post Ignoring Post-Posting-Ed) quite done...(yep, reckon I nailed that one-Ed)...reaaally?...(yep, nailed it to a post in fact-Ed)...yeees, anyway, I was reading the last post and I'd just like to give myself a huge shout-out for how I handled last week, given that I had said I 'gave-up' on Tuesday arvo', November 29th 2017, mid-abusive tirade from Magistrate White, and that's not strictly true, as I sortta' covered in the last post, but not enough for how I feel about it...(there's a shreck of a lot of "I"s in that sentence-Ed)...aye...

Going home Tuesday about 1715, after two full days of being abused by Magistrate White, and after shopping quickly and fetching some documents from storage, etc, I was driving up Penola Rd just opposite KFC, and there was this old dude with a walking frame and he was rooted, literally staggering in the heat, and for 10-15 seconds I kept driving because I had important Court stuff I had to do, as 'Ordered' by Magistrate White...and then I just couldn't do I hung a left at Maccas...(that's 2 free plugs now for those burger-slingin' bastards-Ed)...not their fault, just part of the narrative, anyhoos, hung a left, went aways 'round the block and came out by the Old SERDE building, and back over the rise into town and a young woman had already stopped and was standing with the dude in the middle of Lawrence St...he was literally stuck there, couldn't get the next 15 feet to the shade...oh yeah, it was approx 35C...

I stopped anyway and as soon as I offered my arm in support he abandoned his frame and let me gently steer him up that only-gentle slope, that last only 15 feet to the shade...and I could barely feel his weight on my arm, there was nuthin' of him...and it's only 15 feet and it's only a gentle slope and it's only 35C...('only'?!-Ed)...but what a difference between me half-carrying him on my arm and not having to push-drag that frame, and being in the shade, etc...and the young woman rolled her car back to us, she chucked his frame in, I helped him in, and she asked me to follow to his digs just 'round the corner to help get him out, etc, and they were already out when I got there...and on the way home it hit me as a Reality Check, and from there I started weeping, I thought I was having a rough day, strewth, look at this poor bastard...(and that's where it started?-Ed)...pretty much...

Got home to my gorgeous li'l sweatbox, forced myself to eat a tiny bit of chicken and a thimble of frozen vegies whilst walking around in small circles, literally, and made the conscious decision to try and get some sleep and re-evaluate first thing in the morning...I've gotten very good at finding ways around the extraordinary stressors I am being quite deliberately subjected to for doing this 'ere blog, of finding appropriate 'outs' or 'pressure-relief valves', eg that stuff about sittin' near the door at meetings with a pre-decided decision to leave if that's what's necessary, using a false phone message or whatevs to politely leave, etc...and about 2000hrs last Tuesday I was forced there again...Magistrate White had abused me all day and was forcing me to cross-examine SAPol's (police) Det Gardner first thing next day, Wednesday 29th November 2017, and had told me to 'get ready', etc...I don't apologise to anyone that I decided/conceded, about 2000hrs (8.00pm) that I simply wasn't going to get anything ready, I tried to 'slow-down', went to bed, and by about 2300hrs 'passed-out' for 4-5 hours...

Again, no apologies, I was absolutely rooted, physically exhausted, and deeply traumatised not to mention furious about Magistrate White's outrageously biased conduct and constant attacks in Court, forcing me to cross-examine a witness who's not even meant to be there, etc, etc...when I woke-up/regained consciousness/whatevs at 0400, that was it, with the looming prospect of another full day of Magistrate White's abuse and SAPol lying and being caught-out by me but ignored by Magistrate White, etc, etc, it was then only that I finally conceded that my own health, mentally and physically, were now seriously threatened to the point where I could not cope and that I simply couldn't do apologies for making that decision, in that state of mind and/or body, at 0400hrs...and I went to a doctor and got what I thought was a Medical Certificate that excused me from Court for the rest of last week, and I had let the Magistrate Court's Adelaide and Mt Gambier Registrars know by email hours before Court started and then again as soon as I had that Medical Certificate they had a copy, well before noon, etc... 

And that took until noon, whatevs, and by about 1500hrs I'd heard nothing from the Courts, and so finally allowed myself to be persuaded by family, to 1) switch my phone off, and 2) check into the cheapest motel room available with air-conditioning, and 3) use my recent birthday and approaching Christmas money to pay for it...they've suggested/offered several times before, but this time I readily agreed, and spent Wednesday arvo through to Thursday check-out in air-conditioned luxury with a pool...(and air-conditioning?-Ed)...did I mention the air-conditioning...I came back from the pool, and it was was cold...on a 38C day, it was cold...and because I was down in town, I went up to the Old Hospital there to watch that extraordinary lightning storm, was an amazing night...

And again, no apologies, and most certainly not bragging about it, because that night in air-conditioned comfort with cooling pool was an absolutely necessary self-imposed Medical Intervention...if I thought I could claim that on Medicare I bloody well would...I feel so good about 1) how I let myself be persuaded by 2) the support I had around me, and 3) how hard I worked to relax, as ridiculous as that sounds y'all know what I mean, and 4) how quickly I turned that all around...and today Monday 4th December 2017, I've been through the most bizarre and extraordinary week only last week and this week I'm still 'exhausted', but 'mentally' I feel so strong compared to where I've ended-up in the past...

At both the 2010 State Election and 2014 Mayoral Candidate's Forums I lost 4-5kgs and took months to recover from the stress of public speaking, etc, yet last week I was subjected to a relentlessly corrupted Court process, relentlessly abused by Magistrate White, etc, after 3 years of SAPol's lies and incompetence, in a bizarre pseudo-Trial that's been solely about causing me distress and threatening me, etc, etc, and by extension, sending a massive message to everybody else about what sort of Governmental Retribution you can expect in South Australia if you take-on the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption, etc, etc, etc...(take a breath dude-Ed)...anyways, all that last week after 3 years, etc, and I did have a 'nervous/physical breakdown', right there in Court, etc, but I feel like I'm months ahead of where I've been in the past in recovering from lesser incidents/occasions...

Got up Thursday feeling greatly 'cooled', both physically and mentally, and I'd eaten heaps of pizza and crisps and bar-fridge nuts, etc, after losing 5-6kgs from Saturday through to that Wednesday morning, etc, but then spent most of that Thursday chasing the bizarre Medical Certificate shenanigans in Court with Magistrate this time, I was actually semi-scared to attend the Courthouse for fear that Magistrate White would unravel completely and Sherriffs would be 'Ordered' to 'arrest' me and they'd have no choice, etc...given his outrageously abusive conduct the previous 2 days, I'm fully prepared to own what part of that Get Arrested Fear is only my paranoia...(nah, I'm gettin' that dude, this guy hates you, openly abusing you and stuff, and how many times has he threatened you with Contempt of Court, etc-Ed)...and as it turns out, he did apparently discuss issuing a warrant to get the cops (SAPol) to drag me back in despite the Medical Certificate...(wow-Ed)...just like a real trial............(don't look at me-Ed)...

I did what I could and I'm doing what I can, and this 'ere is my blog and my name is Nick Fletcher...and cheers y'all for the amazing feedback/support...see y'all tomorrow...laters...

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