Friday, December 1, 2017

A Man-Bear Stuff-Pig's Gotta' Know 'Is Limitations

Excuse my absence wont y'all I'm sure, oh, and howdy, excuse me but I haven't been writin' much recently 'bout the news 'cos I've been kinda' busy being it...(get in my son-Ed)...oh it demands it's tythe of me, takes it's toll on me, for sure, but in this case it is truly better to be spoken of than not...but everyone has limits... 

And I reached mine just a'fore luncheon adjournment Tuesday 28th November 2017, Day number 'I've Lost Count', of Hearing no. 'No Idea Any More', in this the Year of Our Gourd Knows, 3rd or 4th? Year of the Extraordinary Spectacle that I will very loosely describe as my 'Trial'...amid a torrent of abuse from Magistrate White about how I was wasting the Court's time and 'delaying murder investigations', etc, and after two full days of similar abuse, I gave-up.........(I'm not seeing you apologise, normally you apologise-Ed)...none offered 'cos there's none needed...(and fair enough-Ed)...and ain't that a healthy thing mate...(damn straight it is-Ed)...

Even after I identified repeatedly to Magistrate White that I was struggling, not least of all due to the recent heat, etc, he angrily berated me about how I was wasting the Court's time and the witnesses', and he actually pointed at the SAPol/ICAC witness and said,
      "...they're from Major Crime and are in the middle of two murder investigations..."
...and on he went...(wow-Ed)...yep...

And I've put it like that because until I get the transcripts of this week, which I never will, until then that right there is a damn quote of what this person hurled at me...and I gave-up...and then Magistrate White refused to allow me to ask any further questions of the witness, and sent them out...(wow-Ed)...and then straight after lunch Magistrate White came back and said,
     "I've changed my mind, and (you/Mr Fletcher) can ask the witness more questions."
...( know, I know, just take a breath, use ya' words...

...('s...-Ed), you're right mate, you ain't the only one struggling to process this shizzle...(and he knows you're on the DSP right?-Ed)...yep...(for all that Agoraphobia/Depression/Anxiety Happy Fun Times?-Ed)...yep, told him repeatedly, he knows SAPol knows, they all know...(and, I mean, even if you weren't-Ed)...yeah, exactly, what a way for a Magistrate to treat any defendant, let alone one forced to self-represent...(let alone one on the DSP, etc, etc-Ed)...mmm...(and he knows about the Lymphoma and the truck-load of Chemo and Radiotherapy you had?-Ed)...yeah yeah, all of that, and how it has affected my health in numerous other ways, etc, etc, etc...(, sorry, just, wow-Ed)...I appreciate your support...(yeah, I mean, absolutely, this is just bizarre-Ed)...welcome to my world...('welcome'? oh I didn't know I had a choice-Ed)...yeahhh, nahh, ya' don't really do ya', sorry 'bout that...

Following Magistrate White's extraordinary tirade against me and subsequent complete reversal on that exact issue, I tried to get through the remainder of the day, but basically only because despite my protests, I had no choice because Magistrate White continued-on the end of Tuesday I was physically and mentally exhausted, and walked out of that Court half-dazed into another baking hot day...and a dozen times that evening I forced myself to push forward and 'I can do another day', etc, etc...then I sortta' passed-out for 4-5 hrs, and woke at 0400hrs, totally rooted...and I made a decision, and it was unashamedly about me and protecting me and my health, absolutely no apologies...(absolutely none needed-Ed)...

I attended a doctor first thing Wednesday 28th November, having emailed both Adelaide and Mt Gambier Magistrates Courts at least 2-3 hours before my 'Trial' re-commenced at 1000hrs, which is when the appointment was, to let them all know well in advance exactly where I was and what I was doing, etc, and after a lengthy-ish consultation and extensively reviewing my unfortunately extensive file, the doctor wrote me a formal Medical Certificate that I thought excused me from Court for the rest of the week...but apparently I was wrong...(but it's a Medical Certificate-Ed)...well apparently that's irrelevant and/or it isn't a Medical Certificate, because Magistrate White has apparently 'over-ruled' it somehow...(what?! but why? it's a real Certificate?-Ed)...yes it's real...

According to the ABC South East Radio news broadcast this morning (01/12/2017), my Medical Record/History was clearly discussed in open Court, in front of the media, etc...(but you discuss your Cancer/Chemo/Mentalness/Whatevs stuff all the time on here-Ed)...absolutely, and that's my choice to share what I want to share and for my reasons and when I choose, etc, and allegedly it's 'not uncommon' for Magistrates to investigate Medical Certificates, etc, etc, whatevs, but it is a completely different thing for a Magistrate to conduct a hearing about someone's Medical Record in 'Open Court', surely it must be a 'Closed Hearing'...(mmm, good point, even if it's very common to 'review' a Medical Certificate, it's atrociously irresponsible to do so in public earshot-Ed)...absolutely atrocious, and yet another deliberate attack on me by Magistrate White...but not just on me, on the doctor too...

A Very Rude Joke...You've Been Warned:...'cos if I thought for a moment that my 'Medical History was going to be up for discussion in 'Open Court' and subsequently distributed about the region via local media, if I'd known that, I'd have deadset lied to the doctor that I was unable to attend Court because my syphilis was playing up...(ooo mate, sorry, I didn't know, is it painful? -Ed)...nooo! it's a lie!...(so your syphilis isn't playing-up then?-Ed)...nooo! I don't have syphilis, the whole thing would have been a lie...(I'm confused-Ed)...look, fair enough, if I had known that my Medical History and particularly this Medical Certificate were going to be discussed in 'Open Court', and the reasons for the Medical Certificate in particular were going to be raked through in 'Open Court', etc....(ohhh, I see where you're going here, cheeky-Ed)...go on then chuckles...(well, with the benefit of hindsight, by telling the doctor that it's syphilis, Magistrate White et al would have had to say 'Syphillis' in Court-Ed) the media too-Ed)...bango, bingo bango... 

And come on, you know I don't have syphillis, you've seen me naked...(well nah, I always avert my gaze-Ed)...fair enough mate, what you do with your gaze is your business...(is that another rather 'off' joke?-Ed)...I'm not really sure, it sort of feels like it a bit, but if we can't make fun of the Gays, who can we make fun of?...(ooo you are wicked sometimes, you and I both know that you genuinely consider a person for a person, absolutely regardless-Ed)...yeah yeah, alright, no need for everyone to know...(just everyone who's ever met you?-Ed)...yeah, cheers...anyhoos, enough random nonsense, back to the Pit...

So please find attached the two articles from The Border Watch...all I can say is that these articles are...are...they are...(go on say it-Ed), no I won't...(dooo it-Ed)!...(ah! we've talked about this, remember?-Ed)...yesss...(come on then-Ed)...hmmm, these aren't terrible...(ah!-Ed)...they're ok...(ah!-Ed)....they're actually pretty good...(there, you see? that wasn't so bad, hey?-Ed)...I've gone a bit numb down the left side...(ah!-Ed)...ok, yes, sorry, another joke in very poor taste, but a perfect metaphor none-the-less...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: I'm On A Limitations Diet

A jolly run-down of just how rundown I get and yet how I get up and go again again and again...of how hard this shizzle affects my health, yet still I go hard, so hard...and this week was a humdinger and it ain't yet over and yet already I gather myself again to go again again and again, to go so hard...and I know other peeps get a giggle or two outta' this 'ere blog, and sometimes so do I, it's the best thing I ever did for my Mental Health...cheers dear availees, giggle on dudes...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...        

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