Monday, December 18, 2017

Australia's Child Abuse Royal Commission Is A Cynically Corrupt Pro-Paedophile Farce

Howdy to y'all everywhere, and just a super quick post to just take the edge-off the boiling rage and bitter sadness I feel about how carefully the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission explains to us just exactly what sort of control that Political and Professional Paedophiles and their Pro-Paedophile supporters have over the Federal Parliament...this deeply twisted and cynical farce exposes nothing, resolves nothing, it-is-and-of-itself The Official Federal Cover-up of issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well not everyone's fooled mate, there are a few voices in the wilderness about the gaping omissions, rejected complaints/submissions, grossly cynical manipulation of abuse survivors, etc-Ed)...true, but the mainstream media like the ABC are all falling obediently into line about it...(what's that? the ABC? the ABC is willingly complicit in a Child Abuse Cover-up? the deuce you say!-Ed)...yeah yeah, you're hilarious...

The Royal Commission has run to a Tried-and-True formula of trotting-out poor traumatised Abuse Victims to tell how they feel better for getting to talk about it, whilst trawling-over well-known historical abuse cases, usually/preferably with a deceased perpetrator, and there'll be all manner of righteous hand-wringing and well-rehearsed brow-furrowing and 'oh-my-goodness-ing', and it's all really a sick's just not feasibly plausible that the entire Commission, every Commissioner, all 5-6 of them, all 5-6 of them for 5 full years, and they didn't think to look at the Lutherans...(well actually, if you mean the St Martins Cover-up, they didn't just fail they flatly refused to look at the Lutherans?-Ed)...disgraceful...  

More Circle Work:...'cos it is my personal experience, and to my mind irrefutably proven by this 'ere blog and it's voluminous documentation, that it was the South Australian Pro-Paedophile Party, what we otherwise loosely refer to as State Parliament, that it was that Pro-Paedophile Sanctum that manufactured and delivered Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who, as an act of sheer desperation, called a Child Abuse Royal Commission that never called the Lutherans...(it's like you said, it ain't a short, sharp line straight from the St Martins Cover-up through Julia Gillard to the Royal Commission, it's a vicious circle-Ed)...indeed, I find it hard not to see the St Martins Cover-up as being one of the prime drivers for this rankly corrupted Child Abuse Commission, and the Commission's refusal to look at St Martins in turn proves how Pro-Paedophile Corrupt the Commission truly is... 

And because I know how people just love facts, here's a coupla' doozies...

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and most particularly ABC South East Radio, are intimately complicit in covering-up Child Abuse at St Martins Lutheran School.  

The Royal Commission chose to reject several parent's/families' lengthy and document-supported submissions detailing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

The Commission rejected us and our Submissions because we have lived, documented, and carefully explained the exact reality of just how Pro-Paedophile Corruption controls the Lutherans and/or SA Parliament and/or SAPol (police), etc...we were rejected because the Commission couldn't manipulate and/or successfully redefine our Realities to a more Politically Palatable Pro-Paedophile position...  

The Royal Commission does not appear to have held any hearings involving the Lutherans.

I 'search termed' my way around the Royal Commission's Final Report, and this is about all I could find about the Lutherans, under a graph on page one of the 'Final Information Update'...
    Figure 1 – Survivors as a proportion of all survivors who told us they were sexually abused in
    a religious institution, by religious organisation, private sessions 7 May 2013 – 24 November
    2017. Note: ‘Other religious organisations’ includes Baha’i, Brethren, Buddhist, Churches of
    Christ, Eastern Orthodox, Hindu, Islam, Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
    (Mormons), Lutheran, Miscellaneous religions, Oriental Orthodox, Seventh-day Adventist,
    Spiritualism and unknown religions.

It is an extraordinary farce that the mighty Lutheran Church rates as 'Other Religious Organisations'...dunno', there may be something somewhere that I've missed, but this was all I could find apart from several lengthy 'Submissions' that the Lutherans have provided on various subjects within the Commission, but these are just the Lutherans holding-forth about what they reckon should and/or shouldn't happen with various aspects of the Royal Commission...looked but I cannot find any evidence of any sort of investigation into the Lutherans by the Commission...(wow-Ed)...

The Child Abuse Royal Commission has completely and quite deliberately failed/refused to include the Lutheran Church, up to and including the choosing to ignore the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

(And why not, this Commission was bought to you by the same people who have instigated South Australia's litany of rankly corrupt Paedophile Cover-ups we call Royal Commissions-Ed)...well indeed, SA, home of the Paedophile Protecting Royal Commission...there's a certain sickness about SA...

Tomorrow: How ICAC Defines South Australia's Corruption

...(by being it?-Ed)...absolutely, SA ICAC is the pinnacle of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia, rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption, protected by a rancidly corrupt's a ludicrous nonsense that Nick Xenophon is pushing for a Federal ICAC whilst coming back to SA to supposedly sort out Whistleblower stuff, but he won't even answer my's a joke...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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