Thursday, December 28, 2017

More Court Stuff - Letters To/From SA's Chief Magistrate Hribal

Hello Ireland, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, and France, and to y'all else...after the extraordinary 'Trial' shenanigans of last month, I'm still bouncing like a dead cat, but am implementing several most excellent strategies for eating reasonably, sleeping, etc, and am stumbling through this 'ere blog by self-copy-posting my own letters, etc...(well if it's stuff that you're just gunna' blog about anyhoos, why not just put the actual correspondence? surely it's the quickest and most accurate way to cover stuff?-Ed)...yeah, good point, and they are my correspondence after all...(exactly, and in a context where the State Parliament has been proven, just a coupla' posts back, to have actually changed the ICAC Act 2012 just to come get you, and you've got your own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', etc, etc, and 3 bizarre years at 'Trial', etc, etc-Ed)...well indeed, what choice have I been left other than do what I can...(this 'ere blog-Ed)...where I can...(on this 'ere blog-Ed) defend/protect myself...(and this 'ere blog-Ed)...

So here is the 2-page Addendum to my letter to Chief Magistrate Hribal, as in the previous post, both of which were emailed by early Friday 1st December 2017...**

To The Chief Magistrate
Her Honour Judge Mary-Louise Hribal
MCMTG-15-72 SAPol v Fletcher

Please add this letter as an addendum to my original letter of yesterday, Thursday 30th November 2017, when I wrote requesting that Magistrate White be recused from my 'Trial' because of both his outrageous conduct toward me, clearly definable bias and constant verbal abuse, and also his apparent Health Issues, where-in he is forgetting whole hearings and his own Orders.

Any semblance of propriety and balance, any sense of a Fair Trial, was dashed yesterday when Magistrate White reportedly ruled that he was continuing with my 'Trial' despite my absence, an absence almost entirely due to his erratic and abusive conduct, and despite the Medical Certificate I have. He reportedly cited his own Health Issue Absence earlier this year as a 'delay', before stating that such 'delays' should be 'used sparingly'.

In real time, at 0745 Friday 1st December 2017, I'm currently listening to my personal Medical/Health information, including Dr McIntosh being named, all being reported on ABC South East Radio. Magistrate White has apparently cited both his and Det Gardner's Health Issue delays as reasons to ignore my Medical Certificate and continue in my absence. It is absolutely outrageous.

According to Magistrate White, it's alright for SAPol's Det Gardner to go off on extended Sick Leave mid-Cross Examination by me and causing multiple adjournments, without providing me any evidence of the veracity of that alleged malady, and it's alright for him to have Sick Leave causing adjournments, and again without providing me any documentation, but when I, a self-representing civilian defendant is unwell with a pre-existing and pre-diagnosed condition and provides a valid Medical Certificate, he has reportedly stated that 'we've had too many adjournments already, and I'm continuing'.

In my first letter I haven't covered the issue of Transcripts properly, and how Magistrate White's repeated failures/refusals/forgetting to provide me those Transcripts and Audio Recordings has completely compromised my right to a Fair Trial.

I am a 'civilian' who has been forced to self-represent, forced to try and write down notes and prepare/construct argument/questions and cross-reference streams of dialogue and documents and cross-examine, all whilst trying to deal with Magistrate Whites erratic and often self-contradictory 'Instruction', usually delivered with a serve of abuse for me, and all that in the moment whilst mid Trial, and for years now I have repeatedly requested the obviously critical Audio and Transcripts.

On Tuesday 28th November 2017, when I was struggling to construct a question, Magistrate White unleashed a flurry of abuse about how my struggle was 'stopping murders being investigated'. If this outrageous attack wasn't bad enough, it happened whilst I'm simultaneously trying to write stuff down and prepare the next question.

This is how I have been treated by Magistrate White whilst trying to self-represent. Whilst I'm trying to take notes about what's happening, scribble questions, etc, because I'm clearly never going to get that Audio and/or Transcripts, Magistrate White angrily harangues me from the Bench.

These Audio Recordings and Transcripts are self-evidently critical to my 'defence', particularly given that, 1) I wasn't in attendance at all for the several critical Adelaide hearings, and 2) that this 'Trial' is now 3 years long, but most importantly, 3) given the huge volume of Instruction/evidence/testimony that I miss mid-Trial whilst trying to write stuff down. For this reason alone I need immediate daily access to that Audio, along with the Audio and Transcripts from all previous hearings.

I have also repeatedly been refused the right to record hearings myself. I'm not allowed to record and Magistrate White's actions indicate that he has no intention of providing me that Audio or even Transcripts. This completely compromises my right to a Fair Trial.

Earlier this year Magistrate White said he would 'consider' my request to do my own Transcript from the Audio, in a room at Mt Gambier Courthouse, but that request also remains unresolved.

Now Magistrate White has repeatedly refused to acknowledge his own 'Order' to himself from 19th July 2017, flatly refusing to even look at his own Certificate of Record where it states that he will “consider” my application for “pre-trial” transcripts and “advise parties accordingly”. This has not happened.

This is a definitive illustration of how Magistrate White has conducted himself this week. It is one thing to genuinely forget things due to illness or the passage of time, etc, but it's an entirely different issue when Magistrate White straight-out refuses to even look at his own 'Orders' on the page right in front of him and I'm directing him to that Certificate/'Order'. Both things individually compromise my right to a Fair Trial, but in combination they completely deny me that right.

Again, I provide this letter as an addendum to yesterday's, and I repeat my request that Magistrate White be immediately recused from presiding over my 'Trial', and that I be immediately informed this morning, because despite my Medical Certificate he has indicated that he intends to proceed at 1000hrs without me.


Nick Fletcher

***...and that went with the other 6-page letter from the previous post, and here's the response that I received from Chief Magistrate Hribal at 1300hrs that same Friday afternoon, well after it was all over here in Mt Gambier...***

Dear Mr Fletcher

I refer to your two emails to me about a trial that is currently before the Magistrates Court at Mount Gambier. Any application for Magistrate White to recuse himself needs to be made by you to him in Court. Before I am able to further  consider your emails about the conduct of the trial, the trial needs to be finalised and at that point should you be unsuccessful you have an appeal process.

I will continue to monitor this matter and will consider it further when your matter is finalised.

As your emails relate to the conduct of the judicial officer in question, I will refer your complaints to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner. He will be in contact with you separately.

Yours sincerely


*** which I duly responded (below)...just noted dear availee, that I posted the original 6 page letter late on the Thursday night, 2230hrs approx, and the Addendum at 0830hrs Friday morning, but point being that both had been sent to and received by both Adelaide and Mt Gambier Registries by office hours Friday, and at least an hour before Magistrate White resumed my 'Trial' in my absence...***

To The Chief Magistrate
Her Honour Judge Mary-Louise Hribal
Re: MCMTG-15-72 SAPol v Fletcher

I refer to my two emails to the Adelaide Magistrates Court Registry and Mt Gambier Court Registry, Wednesday 29th November 2017, where-in I firstly advised of my ill-health due to Magistrate White's relentless abuse in Court, and intention to attend a doctor that morning, and then immediately after that 1000hrs appointment provided both Registries with the Medical Certificate the doctor provided me.

I also refer to my original 6-page letter to you, Thursday November 30th 2017, emailed to you and the Mt Gambier Registrar at approx 2230hrs that evening, and the 2-page addendum to you, emailed at 0900 Friday 1st December 2017, again to both, and your eventual response 1300hrs Friday afternoon.

In your response, you have failed to even acknowledge the extraordinary Constitutional Law issues that should be resolved before this 'Trial' even commenced, as you are aware, and completely ignore the outrageous conduct of Magistrate White, the reason for my Medical Certificate and subsequent letter to you (30th/11/17).

Why have you stated to me that you will not act until after this 'Trial' is completed? This completely ignores the Constitutional issues and ignores what you know about how Magistrate White's outrageous conduct have totally compromised my right to a 'Fair Trial'.

Why have you advised me that I must be the one to appear before Magistrate White and ask him to recuse himself? You are already aware that I have already done that twice, firstly at 'Trial' in March 2017 for his rank Bias, and again regarding his Health Issues and resultant memory lapses, November 28th 2017, and Magistrate White has just waved me away on both occasions.

You are also aware of many if not all of the rank biases, gross procedural irregularities, verbal abuses, and repeated threats that define Magistrate White's behaviour toward me, and conduct of my 'Trial' in general, and that as a direct result of that extraordinary abuse, that I was issued a Medical Certificate excusing me from attending Court for the remainder of that week, Friday included.

Knowing all of this, why would you direct me to go back into Court and yet again ask this definably rankly biased Magistrate to yet again sit in judgement of his own faults, failings, and/or biases?

You then continue to ignore what you are aware of about the Constitutional Law issues and the gross impropriety of Magistrate White's conduct, and state that you intend to do nothing at all until the 'Trial' is over. How is this appropriate?

You are aware that the 'Trial' should not have began at all before all State's Attorneys-General and/or the High Court review the bizarrely undefinable Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (South Australia), and satisfy themselves that a 'Guilty' verdict doesn't compromise Constitutional Law; which it clearly does.

Your statements about how I 'have an appeal process', is deeply disingenuous in that you know that I have been refused Legal Aid funding for this Prosecution, and am therefore already forced to self-represent, and that there is no Legal Aid for 'appeals'. This statement again ignores the Constitutional Law issues.

You then repeat your intention to do nothing at all about any of the multiple gross Judicial improprieties committed by Magistrate White, that you are aware of, and/or any other part of my 'Trial' process.

How is it appropriate for Magistrate White to 'over-rule' a medical practitioner's 'Certified Medical Certificate', and just continue my 'Trial' in my absence, when that absence is medically/legally ratified? It is an absolute outrage.

As you are aware, Magistrate White has cited his own Medical Absence and that of SAPol Det Gardner and their associated multiple adjournments and delays, as a reason to deny me an adjournment. It is an absolutely disgraceful hypocrisy at the very least, but also done in the context where I am the only one to actually provide a 'Certified Medical Certificate' to the Court. You know all of this.

How is it appropriate for Magistrate White to force that doctor to give evidence about my 'Certified Medical Certificate', let alone to then conduct that 'hearing' in Open Court, for the local media to broadcast the next day? It is an absolute outrage, on multiple counts.

How is it appropriate to discuss my personal medical details in Open Court? This is an outright attack on me and the doctor involved.

You conclude by stating that you have referred me to the 'Judicial Conduct Commissioner', who is Bruce Lander, who you know is also the ICAC Commissioner, and who you know is therefore the person responsible for my 'Trial' in the first instance.

I have carefully explained to you, if you were not already aware, that my 'ICAC Charges' did not go through any of the normal processes, but have somehow just 'appeared' at/with the ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, who is apparently therefore not just the person that referred me to SAPol for prosecution in the first instance, but also the original complainant.

Why would you choose to ignore so many things in refusing to act, and then refer me back to the person you know is responsible for the problems in the first instance?

Apparently Magistrate White has continued and 'concluded' my 'Trial', in my medically/legally ratified absence, and now intends to hand down his 'decision' on February 28th 2018, from Elizabeth via Videolink. This is an outrageous farce.

I would like reasonable explanations to each question posed in this letter, and re-iterate my request that you intervene and have Magistrate White immediately removed/recused from my 'Trial', whatever further delays that may or may not cause, and that you take that action because Bruce Lander has a gross Conflict of Interest and clearly cannot be in conduct of any matter involving me, let alone a matter that began with his own complaint to himself about me, that he then referred to SAPol.


Nick Fletcher

***...and I've had exactly zero response to that letter, not even a 'cheers mate, we'll get back to ya' real soon like'...nor have I heard not nought from My New Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce Lander from under his other hat as Judicial Conduct Commissioner...

And so the rankly Pro-Paedophile Farce that is the Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher marches, or rather lurches, on...seriously though dear availees, go back a coupla' posts and have a look at the Undeniable Realities of the SA Parliament passing the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act...I get my very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' sometime mid-February 2014, then my home raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Detectives in May 2014, leading to my (then) Legal Eagles having to write to ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, saying/asking, 'hey dude, like what's with this bizarre ICAC Act 2012 shizzle? can we even talk to this dude even though he ain't actually been 'charged' with anything yet? can you please explain your unintelligible ICAC Act 2012? etc, etc...

Then in November 2014 the SA Parliament, courtesy of Attorney General John Rau, rammed through in literally record time, the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, including previously absent definitions that specifically address the issues I/my Leagles had raised...I note that in the SA Parliament Hansard from November 2014, check it out dear availees, that my other bestie li'l Johnny Rau actually identifies the confusion the ICAC Act causes Officials and/or Authorities as being the motivator for this 'Amendment/Definition'...

And then, having supposedly sorted-out the legislation they need to try and Prosecute/Persecute me, my 'Trial' commences in the Mt Gambier Court on 3rd February 2015, but without me because I hadn't been 'Charged' or even my home, change the Law, start my 'Trial' without even telling me, and nearly 4 years later, here we's a rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile farce starring the Attorney General, the SA Parliament, the SA ICAC, and the SA Courts...oh, and moi...   

Tomorrow: Probably More Court Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Court Stuff - Letter To SA's Chief Magistrate Hribal 01/Dec/2017

**Howdy y'all in Germany, the United (sort of) Kingdom, China, and Spain...please to be availing y'allselves of this copy of the letter I emailed to South Australia's Chief Magistrate Hribal, early Friday 1st December 2017, in a desperate attempt to 'stop' the rancidly abusive and definably Biased conduct of my alleged 'Trial'...**

To the Chief Magistrate,
Her Honour Judge Mary-Louise Hribal,
MCMTG-15-72 SAPol v Fletcher

As per my previous emails of Wednesday 29th November 2017, to both the Adelaide and Mt Gambier Magistrates Court Registries, I attended a doctor on 29th/11/2017 at Hawkins Clinic and was issued a Medical Certificate, as supplied to the Magistrates Court Registries on 29th/11/2017.

I needed this appointment and resulting Medical Certificate not least of all because of the extraordinary abuse being repeatedly hurled at me from the Bench by Magistrate White. Magistrate White has clearly and definably been grossly biased against me in his conduct of this case, eg, I have twice caught-out SAPol Prosecutions telling direct lies about when I was supposedly 'charged', and Magistrate White has just waved it away as irrelevant, but that undisguised bias has now degenerated into straight-out abuse.

For the record, again, I was never actually 'Charged', and nor was I ever Summonsed to the first 'hearing' in February 2015; I found out via a phonecall the next day when someone told me I was in The Border Watch, reported as failing to show. And that's how SAPol Prosecutions have conducted themselves, did not ever 'Charge' me, never Summonsed me, and then come into Court and just lie. SAPol can find me no problems when they want to find me to raid my home in May 7th/8th 2014, but can't find me in exactly the same place when they are required to Summons or even 'Charge' me; and then lie about it in Court, and Magistrate White is letting them do it.

Another critical example of Magistrate White's extraordinary bias against me is when he refused me presenting any evidence or testimony or even addressing the 100 documents I had provided Her Honour Anderson as per HH's 'Order' that I present my evidence for“Malicious Prosecution” (Her Honour's own words) as the first part of the actual Trial in November 2016. I had stated to Her Honour that I had 1,000s of documents and that it could take ages to present, and HH's response was 'it takes as long as it takes'.

This 'Order' was a result of my repeated assertions through-out 2016 that my entire 'Trial' process was “a rankly corrupt Political Persecution by the Weatherill Labor government, motivated by the content of my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, because they can't get me for the content because unfortunately it's all true”, and that this Political Persecution was being conducted via a complicit ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander.

Having proven enough to Her Honour that it became “Malicious Prosecution”, I believe that I have also shown Her Honour exactly what I claimed, because after reading those 100 documents, Magistrate Anderson recused herself and the Trial stopped first thing next morning before a single witness had been called or I even got to formally present my Malicious Prosecution documents and testimony.

Despite all of this, Magistrate White moved the Malicious Prosecution to it's own 'hearing date', then flatly refused me presenting any testimony or addressing any of the documents I had spent weeks collating, etc, before dismissing my application, stating that 'no evidence or testimony was presented to support the Malicious Prosecution Application'. He flatly refused to allow me to do what HH Anderson had specifically 'Ordered', flatly refused to let me present my 'case/argument', and then dismissed it saying that no evidence or testimony had been provided.

But he didn't just dismiss it, he produced a Reasons For Ruling that cynically ignores all of the supporting documents/evidence clearly proving the Malicious Prosecution, and instead cherry-picks tiny fragments from several letters/documents to try and argue that I have somehow 'defamed' people. It is a specifically cynical attempt to try and set me up on behalf of the Weatherill government, an act well past mere 'Bias' and bordering on definable corruption.

In the Reason For Ruling he also dismisses the gross abuses committed by a teacher against my son and dozens of other 7 year old students at a Mt Gambier school as having not happened. It's been a massive trauma for all involved, and I have put it to him in Court, “who do you think you are to say that hasn't happened, it's not open to debate”. This is how Magistrate White has conducted himself through-out my case, deeply biased bordering on corrupt, and now any remnants of appropriate conduct have been abusively shredded.

I remind the Court that I am a private citizen, bizarrely charged under Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012, legislation supposedly only applying to Public Servants, Elected Officials, etc, and I have been investigated and raided by SAPol's ACB, although I've not committed an act of corruption, even as a private citizen, and I'm forced to self-represent because I have been denied Legal Aid.

Evidence presented during my 'Trial' shows that the 'complaint' about me did not go through any of the usual processes/Authorities, eg, the Office of Public Integrity, but instead somehow just appeared at/with the head of ICAC, Bruce Lander. I have been refused my requests to have the 'complainant' identified. It then somehow went from Bruce Lander to SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch, and all of this again allegedly without one single document. Not one document for all of that, in this massive and precedent case.

In May 2014 I was stunned to learn that I am the sole focus of an 'Operation Baritone', but yet again, after extensive coverage in my 'Trial', there's allegedly no documentation and nobody knows, etc, etc, whether this is even an ICAC 'Operation' or SAPol's ACB's doing, etc, etc, and I believe that 'Operation Baritone' is still current. This 'no documents exist' nonsense isn't incompetence, it's absolutely deliberate, its 'Plausible Deniability' on steroids. But I digress.

On Monday 27th November 2017, and as reported in the local The Border Watch newspaper (attached), Magistrate White forced me to interview a witness, SAPol's Caroline Gardner, who is supposedly on 'Sick Leave' and not meant to even be present in Court this week, as identified in the official Court Certificate of Record from Magistrate White's own Orders of 19th July 2017;
“Prosecution to provide an update of the witness's health via email by 8/9/17”

This 'Order' arose from a discussion about Det Gardner's (then) on-going 'Sick Leave' which had already necessitated several lengthy adjournments and vacating of 'Trial' dates, etc, a discussion where-in SAPol Prosecution's Batten stated, 'Ms Gardner may return in November if she gets a doctor's certificate to allow that', a clear indication that she was on 'Sick Leave' until some time past the November 'Trial' dates. Even when I repeatedly identified this 'Order' on Monday 27th November 2017, and SAPol's failure to follow that direct 'Order', Magistrate White flatly refused to even look at the Certificate of Record sitting right in front of him.

He has similarly flatly refused to look at or even acknowledge the 'Order' made by Magistrate Anderson to SAPol Prosecutions at the 'hearing' 2nd February 2016, now well over 18 months ago, namely;
“Pros undertakes to contact Mr Bonig who appeared last occasion in an attempt to see
the actual constitutional issues so the relevant Attorney General's can be notified”.

This 'Order' followed SAPol Prosecution's Ms Diamandi repeatedly identifying to Her Honour the need for a 'Special Meeting of all Attorneys-General because of the Constitutional issues involved'. SAPol Prosecutions have not done it, and Magistrate White refuses to look at it at all, any of it, either the 'Order' itself or the resulting Contempt of Court from SAPol Prosecutions for ignoring that Court 'Order'.

These multiple Constitutional Law issues are repeatedly identified through-out the Certificate of Record, and they remain unresolved, even though SAPol Prosecutions Ms Diamandi directly identified to Magistrate Anderson (02/02/16) that this Attorneys-General 'Special Meeting' was supposed to occur prior to my 'Trial' even commencing, and again, I have repeatedly raised this with Magistrate White, but he flatly refuses to even acknowledge it.

This 'Constitutional Law' exchange happened multiple times across 27th/28th November 2017, including first thing Monday 27th. Then, without notifying me in any way, Det Gardner was suddenly back in the Witness Box first thing after that (Monday 27th November), and even after I identified to Magistrate White that I was totally unprepared for this particular witness, because she wasn't even meant to be there, he continued to ignore his own 'Order' and began to berate me.

He roundly abused me, at length, about wasting the Court's precious time, etc, and then actually started counting-down the seconds at me, 'you've got to ask this witness a question in 40 seconds or I'm going to excuse them', etc. I continued to protest and Magistrate White continued to angrily count-down, and I was quite literally forced to ask a question of a witness who wasn't even meant to be there.

After nearly three (3) years of hearings and Pre-Trial Conferences and multiple adjournments, all due to either SAPol Prosecutions woeful albeit 'deliberate incompetence', and/or SAPol's and Magistrate White's own absences/adjournments due to their alleged Health Issues, for which I have see no supporting documentation, Magistrate White roundly abused me for wasting the Court's time. At best, it is an extraordinary hypocrisy.

At one point, and again as reported in TBW (attached), Magistrate White actually stated that “this Trial is finishing this week”, yet another gross infringement of my right to a fair Trial. A 'Trial' takes as long as a Trial takes.

With 'seconds to go' and given no other choice, I asked Det Gardner one question and her response was a carefully rehearsed lie in direct conflict with her original testimony back in March 2017 at 'Trial'. When I identified this clearly definable pattern of behaviour from SAPol Prosecutions, constantly changing documents and/or statements when their original efforts fail dismally and I catch them-out lying, etc, Magistrate White suddenly had a change of mind, and removed Det Gardner, and we went on to ICAC/SAPol witnesses.

Next day, Tuesday 28th November 2017, Magistrate White was even more aggressive and abusive, and even after I identified that I was really struggling with my health and therefore ability to self-defend, he again started looking at the clock, before launching into an extraordinary tirade against me that made Monday's effort look almost insignificant.

Even after stating I wasn't feeling well and was not coping, etc, and clearly identifying again my pre-existing and officially diagnosed Mental Health issues of Agoraphobia, Depression, Anxiety, etc, Magistrate White relentlessly abused me about wasting the Court's time, telling me that I could not ask the ICAC/SAPol witness any more questions for that reason, because I was 'wasting their time', them being the two (2) ICAC/SAPol witnesses.

After 3 years of delays, adjournments, etc, not one single one of which has been 'mine', and whilst I was clearly struggling to even form let-alone argue a coherent question, he actually abused me for 'delaying murder investigations'. It is an absolute outrage for a Magistrate to hurl abuse at a defendant in any circumstance, and to blame me for minutes of delay after years of 'official delays' is a crass hypocrisy, but to blame me for delays in murder investigations is just a low act.

Magistrate White actually semi-yelled at me, 'they are Major Crime detectives in the middle of investigating 2 murders', and that I would not be allowed to ask any further questions, telling the witness to leave. At this point I literally just shut-off/shutdown, whatever, finally succumbing to this torrent of deeply biased abuse, abuse and bias that has been evident in Magistrate White's conduct from the very first 'hearing' he conducted in November 2016, after the first 'Trial' collapsed in disarray weeks earlier.

If I had any reserves, any strength to continue after this latest and most outrageous attack in a long list of such attacks/abuses, that was destroyed when we returned from lunch and Magistrate White suddenly stated that he'd 'changed his mind' and that I could now ask more questions of that witness, but no apology or even mention of his previous outrageous attack on me.

As the Court is already aware, as a direct result of Magistrate White's highly erratic behaviour and relentless abuse I attended a doctor yesterday (29th/11/2017), and whilst Dr McIntosh (Hawkins Clinic, Mt Gambier) was quite rightly initially sceptical of the ragged-looking man asking for a Sick Certificate regarding an active Court case, she acted very professionally and appropriately reviewed my extensive file, eg, the huge amounts of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy I had in 2004/05 to treat a massive (16cmx12.5cm) Lymphoma tumour, hence the struggles I have with the heat these days, etc.

Dr McIntosh also reviewed my Disability Support Pension file and the various referral documents there-in, and is going to help me re-establish a Mental Health Care Plan, albeit via Portland, Victoria, because no such service/Health Provider exists in Mt Gambier. I also described the extraordinary abuses being hurled at me by Magistrate White and how that had affected me so badly, and by the time I left her office, Dr McIntosh had not only provided me the Medical Certificate I was there for, she genuinely wished me 'good luck'.

But now Magistrate White's clear Bias against me has reached a new and quite bizarre extreme, with Dr McIntosh dragged into Court by subpoena this morning (30th/11/2017) to 'explain' the Medical Certificate she had issued me. Apart from an attack on me, again, it is a directly inferred criticism of Dr McIntosh, directly inferring that she is either incompetent or worse complicit in producing/providing an irresponsible and/or unsound and/or even fraudulent Medical Certificate.

This is an outrageous attack on Dr McIntosh's professional abilities and/or ethics and directly impugns her and Hawkins Clinic, and now Magistrate White has apparently over-ruled and/or dismissed Dr McIntosh's specific professional legal opinion and resulting Medical Certificate, because he continued my 'Trial' today in my absence, despite the Medical Certificate.

Apparently, Magistrate White knows better than a Medical Professional. Of course this isn't true, Magistrate White is just so rabidly Biased against me that he's not going to let a mere Medical Certificate interfere with his unambiguous agenda. I have been provided no explanation for this outrageous decision to over-ride my Medical Certificate, but have been repeatedly directed to just 'show-up or else we'll go on without you'.

How is it appropriate for a Magistrate to ignore/over-ride a Medical Professional and just continue with a Trial in the self-represented defendants legally-ratified absence?

His absolute bias aside, Magistrate White has also suffered multiple and critical lapses of memory since his Health Episode, eg, in July 2017 he couldn't remember the May 2017 hearing at all, it's on the transcript/recording, and on Monday 27th November he continually contradicted his own 'Orders' from July, and these 'lapses' have severely compromised my right to a fair and thorough Trial.

These 'lapses' have also over-lapped each other, eg, on 27th/11/2017 Magistrate White forgot and then contradicted his own 'Orders' from July in failing to review and then notify me regarding my identified and repeated requests to be provided the Audio Recordings and Transcripts of my dozens of hearings. When I tried to address this forgetfulness/failure, Magistrate White became abusive again, said 'it wasn't about Pre-Trial transcripts, you've got the March 2017 'Trial' transcript', and again flatly refused to even look at the Certificate of Record right there in front of him, even though it states right there 'Pre-Trial', again in his own Order, to himself.

Magistrate White's bias toward me is one thing, and these 'lapses' do clearly compromise my right to a fair Trial, but potentially they also compromise the legal rights of every one of the “hundreds of cases” (his words) that he is currently presiding over, and leaves each case, mine included, open to Appeal on these grounds.

I formally request that Magistrate White be recused from my case for his Gross Bias against me, but beyond that I request that the Court act to recuse Magistrate White from every/any case he is currently involved in and/or presiding over, pending a full review of his suitability and/or ability to function appropriately.

I further request immediate action be taken because Magistrate White has indicated that he intends to continue tomorrow, 1st December 2017 at 10.00am, and will conclude the 'Trial' tomorrow, in my absence, and despite my Medical Certificate. Please also immediately notify me of the action taken.


Nick Fletcher

**and there you have it, as emailed early on Friday 1st December 2017...(and the response?-Ed) such, that came at 1400hrs that Friday afternoon, quite deliberately well after it was all over, and I'll put all that in the next post...please note there's no TBW attached, but that's on recent posts anyway, cheers...

Tomorrow: More Court Correspondence

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dear Availees, Please Avail Yourselves Of

Dear Availees,
                   Please read this blog - - and see what it has to say about Mt Gambier.

I'll let y'all get through it and see ya's back here on TMGI, say, later this arvo, when I'll ever-so not politely availee/assail y'all with my opinion about this...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, I am The Mount Gambier Independent... and I am also The Large Angry Hippy, I am The ManBear Stuffpig, I am ICAC/SAPol (police) 'Operation Baritone', and I even get my own Special Law, as ratified by State Parliament in November 2014, the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act...(where 'Miscellaneous' is actually Latin for 'shaft the shreckin' hippy', I think, or did I dream it?-Ed) idiot...(no no, from 'miscell', a 'shafted projectile' or 'missile' if you will, and of course, 'aneous', meaning 'right in the left buttock'-Ed)...oh aye? and where's the hippy' bit then?...(well that's just a given, the Romans hated hippies, everyone knows that-Ed)...and fair enough too...

As I say, please avail ya'selves of this extraordinary story about this extraordinary State we live in...for all I may or may not be, for all I may or may not have achieved, I feel humbled by this person's experience and extraordinary strength, and I marvel at what she has managed to achieve fighting against the Catholic Church and a Child Protection System and a State Parliament in South Australia, all of whom definably act to protect paedophiles and sex's what we are in South Australia, and we clearly need to change that...

'Cheers and laters' seems a little flippant in the circumstance, but where people continue to resist this rankly Pro-Paedophile Culture that defines and directs us all in South Australia, then there is cause for some optimism...    

Monday, December 18, 2017

Australia's Child Abuse Royal Commission Is A Cynically Corrupt Pro-Paedophile Farce

Howdy to y'all everywhere, and just a super quick post to just take the edge-off the boiling rage and bitter sadness I feel about how carefully the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission explains to us just exactly what sort of control that Political and Professional Paedophiles and their Pro-Paedophile supporters have over the Federal Parliament...this deeply twisted and cynical farce exposes nothing, resolves nothing, it-is-and-of-itself The Official Federal Cover-up of issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well not everyone's fooled mate, there are a few voices in the wilderness about the gaping omissions, rejected complaints/submissions, grossly cynical manipulation of abuse survivors, etc-Ed)...true, but the mainstream media like the ABC are all falling obediently into line about it...(what's that? the ABC? the ABC is willingly complicit in a Child Abuse Cover-up? the deuce you say!-Ed)...yeah yeah, you're hilarious...

The Royal Commission has run to a Tried-and-True formula of trotting-out poor traumatised Abuse Victims to tell how they feel better for getting to talk about it, whilst trawling-over well-known historical abuse cases, usually/preferably with a deceased perpetrator, and there'll be all manner of righteous hand-wringing and well-rehearsed brow-furrowing and 'oh-my-goodness-ing', and it's all really a sick's just not feasibly plausible that the entire Commission, every Commissioner, all 5-6 of them, all 5-6 of them for 5 full years, and they didn't think to look at the Lutherans...(well actually, if you mean the St Martins Cover-up, they didn't just fail they flatly refused to look at the Lutherans?-Ed)...disgraceful...  

More Circle Work:...'cos it is my personal experience, and to my mind irrefutably proven by this 'ere blog and it's voluminous documentation, that it was the South Australian Pro-Paedophile Party, what we otherwise loosely refer to as State Parliament, that it was that Pro-Paedophile Sanctum that manufactured and delivered Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who, as an act of sheer desperation, called a Child Abuse Royal Commission that never called the Lutherans...(it's like you said, it ain't a short, sharp line straight from the St Martins Cover-up through Julia Gillard to the Royal Commission, it's a vicious circle-Ed)...indeed, I find it hard not to see the St Martins Cover-up as being one of the prime drivers for this rankly corrupted Child Abuse Commission, and the Commission's refusal to look at St Martins in turn proves how Pro-Paedophile Corrupt the Commission truly is... 

And because I know how people just love facts, here's a coupla' doozies...

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and most particularly ABC South East Radio, are intimately complicit in covering-up Child Abuse at St Martins Lutheran School.  

The Royal Commission chose to reject several parent's/families' lengthy and document-supported submissions detailing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

The Commission rejected us and our Submissions because we have lived, documented, and carefully explained the exact reality of just how Pro-Paedophile Corruption controls the Lutherans and/or SA Parliament and/or SAPol (police), etc...we were rejected because the Commission couldn't manipulate and/or successfully redefine our Realities to a more Politically Palatable Pro-Paedophile position...  

The Royal Commission does not appear to have held any hearings involving the Lutherans.

I 'search termed' my way around the Royal Commission's Final Report, and this is about all I could find about the Lutherans, under a graph on page one of the 'Final Information Update'...
    Figure 1 – Survivors as a proportion of all survivors who told us they were sexually abused in
    a religious institution, by religious organisation, private sessions 7 May 2013 – 24 November
    2017. Note: ‘Other religious organisations’ includes Baha’i, Brethren, Buddhist, Churches of
    Christ, Eastern Orthodox, Hindu, Islam, Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
    (Mormons), Lutheran, Miscellaneous religions, Oriental Orthodox, Seventh-day Adventist,
    Spiritualism and unknown religions.

It is an extraordinary farce that the mighty Lutheran Church rates as 'Other Religious Organisations'...dunno', there may be something somewhere that I've missed, but this was all I could find apart from several lengthy 'Submissions' that the Lutherans have provided on various subjects within the Commission, but these are just the Lutherans holding-forth about what they reckon should and/or shouldn't happen with various aspects of the Royal Commission...looked but I cannot find any evidence of any sort of investigation into the Lutherans by the Commission...(wow-Ed)...

The Child Abuse Royal Commission has completely and quite deliberately failed/refused to include the Lutheran Church, up to and including the choosing to ignore the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

(And why not, this Commission was bought to you by the same people who have instigated South Australia's litany of rankly corrupt Paedophile Cover-ups we call Royal Commissions-Ed)...well indeed, SA, home of the Paedophile Protecting Royal Commission...there's a certain sickness about SA...

Tomorrow: How ICAC Defines South Australia's Corruption

...(by being it?-Ed)...absolutely, SA ICAC is the pinnacle of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia, rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption, protected by a rancidly corrupt's a ludicrous nonsense that Nick Xenophon is pushing for a Federal ICAC whilst coming back to SA to supposedly sort out Whistleblower stuff, but he won't even answer my's a joke...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Paranoia Has A Nasty Attack Of Nick Fletcher

Howdy y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Poland, Ireland, and China, welcome to TMGI...I've been using my name in a lot of recent titles because apparently a few people de-availed themselves of this 'ere blog during my lengthy breaks of a few months ago...(ah, so you're basically using your own name as 'click-bait?-Ed)...sortta', more like just as a link back to TMGI just by using my name, it's not all about me, although recent posts would seem to contradict that, but it is me that's doing it, etc, y'all know what I mean...(well not so fast big fella', 'cos ironically, it is apparently all about you, because the attached Fact Sheet states as Fact that the ICAC Act 2012 was changed in November 2014 in the exact manner that needed to happen to try and try you under ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a) and/or (b)-Ed)...what an extraordinary claim Ed, would you care to expand/explain...(sure, just as soon as you're done with the housekeeping-Ed)...wait here...

Dear Availees:...apologies to some people I've contacted saying 'call me', but I actually need a new home-phone, which I'll have soon, so's I'm putting that call to call me out there again, cheers...also, I reckon I may have minorly minimised the correct title of the ICAC Act 2012, as the Independent Commission Against Corruption, but it appears to be it's 'Commissioner', 'Commissioner'...but back to the Fact Sheet, take it away Ed...

(Cheers mate, and howdy y'all, as regular availees will well be aware, young Master Fletcher here has been well shenaniganising-it-up in the Magistrates Court, for the alleged heinous crime of allegedly Talking About Stuff That's All Okey-Dokes-Ed) gourd, I am a bastard!...(well quite, and a bastard 'charged' with 18 'Counts' of breaching the ICAC Act 2012, Section 56-Ed)...yep, that's me alright, the first civilian and I believe the first ever person charged under the Fascist lunacy that is the ICAC Act 2012, Sec 56...(and in that context, apparently very much the target of these 'changes', and I use the term 'changes' loosely because there was no specific 'previous definition' re the ICAC Act-Ed)...well sure, the ICAC Act 2012 is a rancidly Fascist piece of legislation, conceived, designed and implemented to attack Whistleblowers and protect the Rankly Corrupt, but in what way are these 'changes' about me specifically?...

ICAC MAA-self:...(well mate, look at the dates/timing-Ed)...errr, November 27th 2014 being one I assume, when the ICAC Act 2012 was amended by the ICAC (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2014, the ICAC MAA 2014...(yep, and when was your home raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch detectives Gardner and Mothersole?-Ed)...ummm, after it was referred through to SAPol ACB by Commissioner Lander in mid-February 2014 sometime...(yeah yeah, not the ICAC to SAPol referral-Ed) own personal ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' you mean? where-in apparently no-one knows who and/or how it was organised, but somehow in Mid-February 2014 I also have my very own personal 'Operation Baritone'?...(yeah, nah, that's all true, sure, but I mean the actual time/date you were raided for allegedly breaching the ICAC Act Sec-56?-Ed)...oh, that was May 7th/8th 2014, they took my laptop, etc...(sure, and when did your 'Trial' start, albeit without you being Summonsed or even being 'Charged'?-Ed)...ummm, that was February 2015......ahhhh...(yes, ahhhh indeed-Ed)...

So what you're suggesting Ed, is that the rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Weatherill/Rann Labor government, having realised that they couldn't get me with the ludicrously undefined and/or undefinable ICAC Act 2012, have then changed the legislation with a specific motivation of then being able to actually 'charge' me with something? is that what you're saying?...(you're raided in May 2014, legislation changed in November 2014 in the exact manner to allow/facilitate you being charged, and then those 'charges' are corruptly rammed into an equally corrupted Magistrate's Court in January/February 2015? and that's not about you?-Ed)...well I've got to say Ed, you do make a very convincing argument indeed, the chronology is certainly exactly right, and your reasoning and rationale are very sound...

And to be very specific, we all are referring to the 'changes' that have been made to the definition of 'publish', which have self-evidently been changed to rope-in/encompass all Social Media...(and in a context where it still appears perfectly legal to discuss ICAC shizzle on a billboard, paint-it down the side of your house, scribble-it on the road with chalk, tattoo-it on your forehead-Ed)...a cheeky but very reasonable observation given the specific 'definition' provided covers TV, newspapers, radio, and/or 'electronic means', but nothing else...(sky-writing-Ed)...ok that's probably enough, cheers......

So there you have it Dear Availees, either it's an extraordinary co-incidence of events in a very specific order, or it's exactly what it actually looks like, the rankly corrupt Weatherill Labor government changing legislation specifically to 'get me'...I'll leave y'all to decide just exactly what amount of 'Paranoia' is involved, and what is just blatantly obvious...and here's The Facts...       

So there y'all go, whatta' ya' think? just how Paranoid is Nick Fletcher, or just how corrupt is SA Parliament?...(I'm puttin' 20 bucks each way-Ed)...and fair enough...

Tomorrow: Yet More Jolly Court Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and I'm claiming this li'l gem, the ICAC MAA 2014, as mine...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Unbearable Shiteness Of Being Nick Fletcher

...(ahaaa, nice one, a play on the film title, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being?-Ed)...absolutely, and a bit of 'Being John Malcovich', yeah?...(oh yeah, I can see that-Ed)...and overall, just a lovely descriptor/metaphor for the past fortnight, and why last week's just a bit of a write-off really...(yeah, and fair enough given the week before-Ed)...indeed, and that's where we all, dear availees, that's where we're goin' again today 'cos we're gunna' cover what happened on the Third Day of my 'Trial', Wednesday 29th 2017...again, no apologies that my sense of humour is somewhat lacking if not entirely absent, still mentally and physically recovering from my extraordinary 'Trial', don't lose 5-6kgs in a coupla' days, particularly when it's largely due to the stress of the scathing abuse being levelled at you from the Bench, etc, you don't just 'get better' from that trauma and the frustration and anger, etc, etc, it takes weeks...

Dear Availees:...given that I've covered a lot of this stuff in recent posts, here's a very brief synopsis for those who may have just joined us, cheers...on Monday 27th November 2017 my 'Trial' on 18 'Counts' of breaching the SA ICAC Act 2012, Section 56 (a) and/or (b), being the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, etc, that 'Trial' continued, and SAPol Prosecutions (police) immediately introduced their SAPol Lead Investigator, Anti-Corruption Branch Det Gardner, who was meant to be absent on 'Sick Leave', meaning I was completely unprepared, leading to an 'exchange' that ended with Magistrate White abusively forcing me to ask Det Gardner questions, before suddenly removing her again, etc...

This continued Day Two, with Magistrate White roundly abusing me about 'delaying murder investigations', then denying me any further questions of that ICAC/SAPol witness, Det Schaeffer, before again suddenly changing his mind and recalling her...and we concluded at 1530hrs because SAPol Prosecution's next/last witness, the ABC's Stuart Stansfield, had already been sent was two full days of Magistrate White refusing to acknowledge his own 'Orders' and/or the 'Orders' of previous Magistrate Teresa Anderson, with Magistrate White just straight-out abusing me, at one point directing me to answer his questions even after I identified that I was asking the questions not giving evidence (my ICAC/SAPol Cross Examination), and that I wasn't about to start incriminating myself by answering his, etc, etc...

And of course there was the incredibly unseasonal heat of that week, me not sleeping, I think I mentioned the 'not eating' stuff, etc, and by lunchtime Tuesday, immediately post Magistrate White's extraordinary tirade about me 'delaying murder investigations'...(yeah mate, I just can't believe that one, of all the shizzle that he's allowed and/or done himself, to angrily abuse you like that, let-alone to accuse you of delaying murder investigations, wow-Ed)...oh yeah, I won't forget in a hurry the look of shock on Det Schaeffer's face...(hilarious if it weren't so extraordinarily concerning-Ed)...well indeed...(but nowhere near as hilarious as the reaction from ICAC/SAPol witness Det Shaw when ya' politely said, 'no disrespect mate, but I don't really remember saying much to you during that October 2013 chat we had at that cafe, etc, because Det Schaeffer was leading the discussion'-Ed)...absolutely, I have never seen anyone respond with more relief at being relieved of responsibility...Det Shaw actually audibly and visibly exhaled his relief, his shoulders dropped relievedly, etc, etc, etc...

Again, if it wasn't so serious, it'd be hilarious, but what it absolutely is is an indication of the extraordinary pressure everyone is/was under in that Courtroom...(deadset!-Ed) covered repeatedly in Court and/or the media and/or this 'ere blog, my 'Trial' is an undisguised Political Persecution as retribution for this 'ere blog, and Magistrate White's conduct has been extraordinarily Biased to the degree that defines 'Corrupt'...for example, Magistrate White's bizarre refusal to acknowledge his own 'Court Orders' because he knows those 'Orders', his 'Orders', including his own 'Orders' to himself, as all in the official Certificate of Record right there on the Bench in front of him, he refuses to acknowledge those 'Orders' because he knows that they prove exactly what I am claiming about Det Gardner's presence/absence, his own 'Orders' about failing to give me 'Pre-Trial Transcripts', etc, and most importantly, the still un-resolved Constitutional Law issues...  

When Magistrate White chooses to ignore my repeated pleas of 'why won't you pick up the Certificate of Record and read those 'Orders'', that's not just being a bit Biased, that's straight-out corrupt against me because it is a hugely distorted 'Corruption of Appropriate Process', ie, if the appropriate processes of Fairly Considering all evidence are 'corrupted' by accident or incompetence or whatevs, that's just a 'Corrupted Process', but when a Magistrate deliberately acts against the interests of either Party to a Proceedings, when the Magistrate acts to undermine one of the Parties by ignoring evidence and allowing inappropriate conduct from the other Party, etc, if a Magistrate deliberately acts like that, with a deliberate intent to cause one Party to be disadvantaged, that is not just a 'Corrupted Process', it's not even just 'Bias', that's 'Corrupt'...   

And it was during this maelstrom Tuesday arvo, post Magistrate White's attack on me about 'delaying murder investigations', then suddenly changing his mind about Det Schaeffer, and then denying me an adjournment for my Health Issues and forcing me to continue Cross Examining firstly Det Schaeffer then Det Shaw, etc, that the bizarrely corrupted debasco (debacle meets fiasco, at speed) that is my 'Trial' descended into High Farce...(can one actually descend into a High Farce?-Ed)...whatevs, it was High Farce when Det Shaw asked to refer to his notes/log book thingy, and I said 'I ain't seen that before', and I was just handed said A4-sized notebook/logbook, and started reading about a Mr B*****, before stating, 'hey, this bit ain't about me, should I be reading this?', at which point it was taken back and there was an adjournment whilst they photocopied it...(wow-Ed) gets better...

My stuff, all several hand-scribbled lines of it started an inch-or-so down the page, so I'd read none of that through properly, only the first bit about someone else, who's name I've chosen to ****, it was right I've said 'hey?' and they've taken it, copied it, and I get back a bit with the top gone but also the bottom half, which SAPol Prosecutions have decided I shan't be allowed to see, aha!...(so hang on, first they just hand you the entire book thingy?-Ed)...yep...(and then they take it back only after you point-out that you're reading someone else's stuff?-Ed)...yep, yep and yep...(and then what you get re-given, that's now got half of your stuff missing?-Ed)...roughly half, I'd reckon...(yep, I'm gunna' have ta give you that one, that is High Farce indeed-Ed)...and not a waste-at-all of the 'Court's precious time', as Magistrate White repeatedly refers to when chastising me for 'wasting it'...(ooo, you are a bastard-Ed)...apparently, allegedly, actually...

In the absence of SAPol Prosecutions final witness, Magistrate White concluded proceedings at approx 1530hrs, and I was told to prepare to Cross Examine SAPol's Det Gardner first thing next morning, again ignoring the fact that she wasn't meant to be there, and with Stuart Stansfield to appear at some point after that but possibly even on Thursday, and still no date/time even organised for my one witness, etc, etc, and with Magistrate White quietly observing/conceding that the 'Trial' may well even continue past the Friday 1st December deadline that he had completely inappropriately set-down only the day before, stating 'this Trial will finish this week'...

It was at this point, after just previously forcing me to continue, that Magistrate White re-visited my earlier request for an adjournment, and I stated that I now wanted to continue whilst I felt a bit better...(but you didn't feel better, you just wanted to get at Stansfield-Ed)...absolutely, and it was that motivation alone that drove me on, I just wanted to get through it, and with glorious hindsight it would have likely been a disaster because I was completely knackered, but whatevs, we were going to continue until SAPol Prosecutions said they'd already sent Stansfield home...having been abused for 2 days about how I was 'wasting Court time', we stopped at 1530hrs, at least an hour lost for that day, because SAPol again hadn't/couldn't organise their witnesses properly...and in the context of how I have been treated, this is very important later-on... 

So's, as in previous posts, I got home Tuesday evening after 2 long days of that extraordinary shizzle in Court, tried to eat a bit and sleep some, etc, and at 0400hrs Wednesday 29th, woke-up and gave-in, decided that it just wasn't happening, that I just wasn't happening, that I was at a point of such Physical and Mental Exhaustion and that I needed to get away from Magistrate White's extraordinary abuse and grossly biased conduct, and I did what I could to do that appropriately, and I thought I had, but apparently I'm wrong about that too...(you're wrong? or others have acted incompetently and/or corruptly?-Ed)...well 'corruptly' is maybe too strong a word for it, but the calamitous result has been further exacerbated for me by the woeful 'non-response' of all concerned...excuse me dear availees, I digress-off into a bit of a rant there, but it is entirely relevant and we will get back to this...anyhoos...

As covered in previous posts and clearly identified in The Border Watch November 30th 2017 (attached below) on 29/11/2017 I notified the Magistrates Court in Adelaide and Mt Gambier, by email, well before business hours, that I was attending a Medical Practitoner, which I did at 1000hrs, and then immediately emailed them well-before noon, what I thought was a 'Certified Medical Certificate' that excused me from Court for the remainder of the week, etc...and by about 1400hrs I'd heard nothing at all, assumed that the 'Medical Certificate adjournment' had occurred and I'd be duly notified of the new date/s, etc, and then took my family's repeated advice to 'tune-out' and check into a cheap motel room with air-conditioning, etc, as covered in previous posts...

But let's deal with the article first, and we'll round it all up toward the end...   

First problem I have is that I wasn't there, and The Border Watch has proven to be less than reliable when it comes to reporting my Court stuff, etc, so's I'm gunna' have ta' assume that anything in quotations is actually an accurate quote, and just wing-it with the rest, so here goes...the first few paragraphs are reasonable, I guess, and do confirm that I emailed the Court, etc, and where I was and most importantly why, eg, my Medical Appointment was at 1000hrs...

The reportage about Magistrate White's assertion that he offered me an adjournment seems to refer to this exchange Tuesday arvo, as described above, where-in he flatly refused me my request for an adjournment, forced me to continue, etc, and then eventually adjourned early because the next witness was absent...this is the fact, regardless of how Magistrate White and/or TBW has tried to re-define that...the only 'summaries of my health' were me repeatedly saying I was increasingly unwell and asking for an adjournment, with Magistrate White 'summarising the opposite' that I was just fine to continue, which he/we did, and then I half-lied about feeling better, and that was it...then next day I went to a doctor, which is where I was at 1025hrs...

Despite knowing where I was and why, and even before receiving the promised Medical Certificate, and apparently without 'adjourning' to ascertain exactly what was happening, etc, Magistrate White is immediately talking about just continuing without me or even having a Warrant issued, an action that is in-and-of-itself either so extraordinary that an allegedly experienced Magistrate must check whether or not they can and/or it's appropriate and/or even 'legal', or Magistrate White simply can't remember...I'd suggest it's the former, but whatevs, here is clear insight into the mindset of Magistrate White, just completely ignore my genuine Health Issues, and look to force me to attend or just continue without me...

And here also is Magistrate White clearly discussing my Health Issues in 'Open Court', openly discussing/dismissing the contents of the Medical Certificate that I had immediately provided, as is it appropriate for Magistrate White to discuss my personal Health Issues and/or Medical Certificate in 'Open Court'?...this is a bloody outrage, and yet further undeniable evidence of the extraordinary Bias and Corruption that I have been subjected to... 

I again note that 1) I have been provided no documentation about Det Gardner's or Magistrate White's absences on 'Sick Leave', over-lapping 'Sick Leave' that caused the multiple and lengthy delays that saw the 'Trial' repeatedly adjourned from March 2017 through to November 2017, nor 2) was there any exploration in the Court of those Health Issues and/or of the alleged associated Medical Certificates I don't have copies of,'s literally one rule for Nick Fletcher, and whatevs for everyone else...      
It is an extraordinary hypocrisy for Magistrate White to make any comment on how long this 'Trial' has taken, given the conduct of this 'Trial' by both themselves, the Magistrates Court, and/or by the bizarrely incompetent SAPol Prosecutions, let-alone to comment in a context where Magistrate White is clearly again defining his intention to conclude 'this week' regardless of what might be otherwise dictated by 'Appropriate Process' regarding a Defendant's right to a Fair Trial...

Just gunna' pull stumps here because this post is dragging-out, and I'll conclude this stuff...

Tomorrow: More Trial and Retribution

Again, no apologies for just dragging-through this stuff in such detail and sans any real humour and then just randomly stopping, etc, but I feel it is all important, particularly in establishing the context in which this is occurring and/or being reported...(hey, we'll get there-Ed)...indeed we will...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Sunday, December 10, 2017

More Of Nick Fletcher's Magical Mystery Trial

Hello to everyone in the Blogosphere, whatta' week at 'Trial', November 27th through December 1st 2017, and last week's just gone woooosh! past...doin' a bit of a 'dead cat bounce' health-wise, really exhausted physically, etc, been to gym only every other day rather than every day, still doin' my walking though, sort of, eating lotsa' rice and vegies, etc...(lotsa' eatin and sleepin'-Ed)...absolutely...(how much weight did you lose that 'Trial' week?-Ed)...ummm, 5-6kgs, and in my Ol' Brain Box I'm feeling equally exhausted, but rather than just 'depressed' it's more like calm, sort of, still 'depressed' and drained from all that Magistrate White abuse, etc, can't stop those 'Stressors' happening, but I've sortta' automatically rebounded to a certain point well-ahead of where I might have been in the past...trick I guess is not to just remain 'here', but to move forward with my 'Mental Health', particularly given what is still set to be a long battle...(don't you mean 'Trial'?-Ed), I mean battle...  

Just a coupla' quick points from the previous post, namely, I absolutely maintain that "I have been done over by a corrupt police force", not to mention a wholly biased-to-the-definition-of-corrupt Magistrate White who has openly harangued and abused me from the Bench, including his extraordinary display 27th November 2017 where-in 1) he stated that 'this Trial will be ending this week', whilst 2) he was counting-down the clock at me, whilst forcing me to question SAPol's (police) Anti-Corruption Branch Det Gardner, who was supposedly absent on Sick Leave and not meant to be there at all, etc...and this is where Magistrate White's conduct moves from rank 'Bias' to outright corruption...

I repeatedly identified to Magistrate White, his very own 'Orders' from July 2017 where-in he 'Orders' SAPol Prosecutions 'to notify about the witness's health by September 2017', but he refused to even look at the 'Orders', etc, and continued to force me to ask questions of Det Gardner, even after I identified that I was not prepared at all, because she wasn't meant to be there, as per his own 'Orders', which he then wouldn't look at, etc, etc...round and round it went, until we got to Magistrate White straight-out threatening me to 'ask a question of the witness now, 40 seconds, or that's it, you're done asking her any further questions at all, 30 seconds', etc, etc...(wow-Ed)...even after I clearly identified the multiple reasons that Det Gardner should not be in the witness box, and how these compromised my right to a Fair Trial, Magistrate White wantonly ignored all of those issues, and quite literally forced me to Cross Examine...and that's not Bias, that's Corrupt, and saying that is not 'Contempt of Court' because I've stated it repeatedly in Court...

Multiple times in 'Open Court' I have stated to Magistrate White that his conduct of my 'Trial' has become part of the Malicious Prosecution, that his conduct is definitively part of the Political Persecution being conducted against me by SAPol, apparently on behalf of ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, via the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a) and/or (b), etc, etc, etc...(you don't believe that this just started with Lander do ya'?-Ed), not really, but what I have proven in Court is that the 'complaint' against me officially started at/with ICAC Comm Lander, who referred it through to SAPol, albeit allegedly without any paperwork what-so-ever...(what? not one document?-Ed)...not one single document...(so your 'ICAC Complaint' didn't go through any of the normal official referral channels like, say, the Office of Public Integrity?-Ed)...nope, they reckon they'd have rejected it out-right because I'm a civilian, not a Public Officer or Politician or Public Servant, etc...(it just 'appeared' with Lander, and then just 'went' to SAPol? but not one document?-Ed)...yep and yep, but somewhere along the way it did become 'Operation Baritone'...(but again allegedly no-one knows who ordered that or even if it's an ICAC or SAPol 'Operation'? etc, etc-Ed)...and there's allegedly no paperwork, nothing, 'Operation Baritone' just sortta' materialised out of the Ether, and SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch just sortta' started investigating, and then they just sortta' raided my home, etc, and again there's allegedly no paperwork for any of this... 

And Magistrate White has allowed all this to occur, repeatedly refusing to even acknowledge what I am saying on these issues and my requests for these alleged documents what don't actually exist apparently, even though there's 'Operation Baritone', etc, etc...I still have not received any explanation from SAPol/the Court as to why I was never actually 'Charged' or even Summonsed to the original hearing aways back in February 2015...(and haven't SAPol Prosecutions repeatedly lied about this right in front of Magistrate White?-Ed)...indeed they have Ed, and twice very specifically, including once in collusion with their SAPol Lead Investigator and Chief Witness, Det Gardner...(indeed, with SAPol stating/agreeing that you were 'Charged' on December (17th or 18th?) 2014?-Ed)...yep, they sure did...(and didn't you catch them dead-to-rights on those lies, right in front of Magistrate White?-Ed)...yep...(and what happened?-Ed)...nuthin', when Magistrate White doesn't like what I'm sayin', he just ignores me, and if I continue, I get told to 'sit down'...

And when I get told to 'sit down', the poor bloody Sherriff/Court Officer is obliged to come stand next to me and politely tell me again...and as I did multiple times in Court, I again apologise unreservedly to all Court Officers/Staff for getting dragged into my shizzle due to my conduct, even though it's ultimately a result of Magistrate White's outrageous conduct and what it has driven me to do in trying to defend myself...and this is the Cowardice of Magistrate White's corrupt conduct against me...massively Biased refusal to address any of the huge inconsistencies, failings, and/or outright lies of the SAPol Prosecution, and then bully me and/or shut me down with repeated threats of 'Contempt of Court' and/or 'Sit Down', both of which drags the Court staffers into his Bias and is disgraceful conduct from Magistrate White, and done with very clear motivation and intent, done to harass and intimidate me whilst actively trying to deny me a 'Fair Trial'...   

So following directly on from the last post, I'm gunna' quickly run-through the media stuff, albeit in a context where that Tuesday 28th November 2017 is all a bit of a blur, and this story covers a coupla' points, but yet again The Border Watch has made massive critical omissions...I've pretty-much given-up trying to keep track of who is and/or isn't sitting in Court behind me during proceedings, and journos have been there in the morning but not the arvo, etc, but whatevs, when stuff's not published it critically compromises the Reality of what's happening...anyhoos, here's the TBW article from Wednesday 29th November 2017...

After Monday's debasco (debacle/fiasco) with SAPol's Det Gardner, that arvo the next witness was
SAPol/ICAC Det Schaeffer, who was one of the two ICAC Investigators I spoke with at Metro Cafe aways back October 2013...this continued on into Tuesday 28th November, and included Det Shaw, the other ICAC/SAPol was part-way through my Cross Examination of Ms Schaeffer on 28/11/17, that Magistrate White launched into his extraordinary tirade at me, stating that I was wasting the Court's time and the witnesses' time, and that 'murders weren't being investigated' because of me, etc...but first, some context...

And as I have repeatedly raised in Court, I am a private citizen 'Charged' under 'Public Administration Legislation' of the ICAC Act 2012, with allegedly committing the supposed crime of 'discussing' an alleged ICAC Investigation of Mt Gambier City Council, an ICAC Investigation that had already exonerated all concerned...and my personal experience of that alleged ICAC Investigation was a 30-40 minute chat in a cafe, with several people in easy-earshot, nothing recorded and nothing written down...and when I've pushed on this issue, on the extraordinary hypocrisy of charging a private citizen (me) for 'discussing' an investigation that is supposedly so Top Secret that said civilian (still me) needs to have their very own 'Operation Baritone', and have their home raided (May 2014), their laptop seized/stolen as 'Evidence', and a 3 year-long 'Trial', etc, etc, et bloody cetera, yet that alleged investigation was a chat in a cafe!...(wow-Ed)...damn straight 'wow'! and when I've pushed on that bizarre hypocrisy/dichotomy, I've been told 'it's irrelevant whether or not there was even an investigation because you're actually charged with identifying the subject of a complaint, not with discussing any investigation'...  

And at 'Trial' 2 weeks ago, SAPol/ICAC witness Det Schaeffer moved this bizarre rationale to a whole new level by stating that what happened with me at the cafe 'was not actually the ICAC Investigation, it was an "interview" to see if we'd do an investigation'...(wow-Ed)...oh yeah, but at least they allegedly 'spoke' to MGCC CEO Mark McShane, albeit 'briefly', albeit in some random 'hallway at a function at the Convention Centre in Adelaide', albeit allegedly again without anything written down and/or recorded, etc, etc...(wow-Ed)...before continuing on to say that that made discussing stuff in the cafe with me okey-dokes as well!...(sorry? not an investigation, an 'ínterview'?-Ed)...yep, they 'interviewed' me and McShane but no-one else allegedly, and they then apparently 'recommended No Investigation to Comm Lander'...(what?! what sort of nonsense is that? what the shreck is a bloody 'Pre-Investigation Interview'?-Ed)...indeed, it's patently ludicrous word-weazelling...

(And hang-on, even if you accept that ludicrous 'Interview, Not Investigation' proposition, that conflicts directly with both Comm Lander and MGCC who have both officially stated that 'MGCC have been investigated and exonerated'-Ed)...yeah, it is exactly what it appears to be, and those Truths are undeniable...ultimately, the only official ICAC Investigation of Mt Gamber City Council was a chat with me at Metro Cafe and a chat with CEO McShane in a hallway, with nothing recorded at is unequivocally an absolute and multi-facetted farce...(and you're the one who gets 'Charged', wow-Ed)...indeed...but let's get to the article itself...

I did ask Magistrate White to recuse himself, because he has entirely forgotten the May 2017 hearing, and most of Monday 27/11/17 was spent with me reminding him of his own 'Orders' from July 2017, apparently none of which he can recall, eg, Det Gardner's unexpected presence, and not least of all his 'Order' to himself about providing me 'Pre-Trial Transcripts' and 'notifying' me, etc...these lapses of memory, that actually seem genuine, do not excuse Magistrate White's refusal to acknowledge these 'Orders' when I'm quoting them to him directly from his own Certificate of Record...and anyone who actually knows me knows that I do not lightly engage with other's Medical Issues, and that whilst I am furious with Magistrate White, I have also been gifted the genuine good-grace of Absolute Empathy after surviving a massive Lymphoma Tumour that I had no right to (2004/05)...but my personal ethic/position aside, my genuine concern for this person's health is irrelevant, what's important is the Legal Implications for my and many other Trials if Magistrate White has suffered 'an episode' or 'side-effect', whatevs, that compromises his abilities and therefore a Defendant's right to a Fair Trial...    

I note that TBW has not specifically explained why I asked Magistrate White to recuse (excuse) himself, nor have they explained why I continued to pursue the Constitutional Law issues...TBW has covered SAPol Prosecution's Batten statement that 'a ruling has been made on the Constitutional Law stuff by a previous magistrate', being Magistrate Foley in Adelaide (December 2015), but TBW doesn't report my immediate and un-challengeable counter-point that at the very next hearing back in Mt Gambier, February 2016, the new Magistrate HH Anderson made that particular 'Order' to SAPol Prosecutions to sort out what they (SAPOL Pros) had just raised in that hearing, namely, all the stuff about a requisite Special Meeting of Attorneys-General before the Trial could/should start, etc, etc...I clearly stated this in Court, and it immediately cancels what SAPol Pros have claimed, yet there's no action from Magistrate White, and one gets reported, not the other...

This continual referral to 'the Rules' is yet another round of thinly-veiled threats following-on from numerous others, starting with the original and straight-out 'Contempt of Court' threat made back in February 2017...just because Magistrate White is tip-toeing around the actual phrase because he's already fired that particular broadside, that changes nothing, he and I both know that this is exactly what he's doing...(and when that doesn't fly, it's the 'sit down!' stuff which drags in the Sherriffs, etc, etc-Ed)...exactly...

The Border Watch then skips an entire and critical exchange between myself and Magistrate White, or rather, Magistrate White's extraordinary tirade against me about wasting the Court's and or witnesses' time...SAPol/ICAC's Det Schaeffer stated that 'no new documents or testimony were given during the unrecorded cafe chat', but that this chat lasted 75 minutes...(that's a very long chat about nuthin'-Ed)...indeed, and it's also not strictly true, because I handed her/them a copy of MGCC's Minutes from that Full Meeting in September 2013 where-in Mayor Steve Perryman identifies a Conflict of Interest with the Old Hospital Demolition Tender due to an "Accommodation Agreement" with McMahons, who only minutes after Steve leaves are announced the Tender winner, etc...this is in MGCC's Minutes, and when I handed a photocopy to ICAC/SAPol's Det Schaeffer, she pushed it back across the table at me, stating that 'we already have that'...

And as I was trying to argue that this was a critical error in Det Schaeffer's 1/2 page of hand-written notes that apparently constitutes the ICAC Investigation in it's entirety...(wow-Ed)...a critical error that defines ICAC's deliberate refusal to genuinely 'investigate' MGCC, no action despite claiming to have the very document that proves the Corruption involved...and it was then that Magistrate White started telling me to 'move on to the next question', and yes I was 'talking over him' about this, and then spotted him looking at the clock again, and I called him on it, 'you're looking at the clock, are you about to start counting-down the clock at me again?'...and then with the 'sit-down' stuff, but I continued, and it was then that Magistrate White quite literally 'lost it' at me...

Magistrate White was angrily castigating me about wasting the Court's and/or witnesses time, half-out of his chair, leaning forward over the Bench, when he actually pointed at Det Schaeffer, and berated me at volume, "they are Major Crime, in the middle of two murder investigations...", and I don't recall the immediate next few seconds because I was just gob-smacked...(as indeed was Det Schaeffer!-Ed)...indeed, wide-eyed surprise bordering on shock...I've covered this at length in recent posts, but there it is again, Magistrate White actually had a go at me about how my questions were delaying murder investigations, and then sent Det Schaeffer out, stating to me that I wasn't going to be asking her anymore questions, and that's roughly where we went to lunch...absolutely outrageous conduct from Magistrate White and yet not covered at all by TBW...

And when we returned from lunch, Magistrate White very quietly, very sheepishly said, 'during lunch I thought about it and I've changed my mind and you can ask that witness some more questions, get her back in please'...(but why?-Ed) explanation other than he'd 'thought about it'...(so before lunch it's angry abuse about 'you're delaying murder investigations' and 'no more questions', etc, but then he's just changed his mind?-Ed)...yep, but no apology for the abuse or anything, no apology for his wildly fluctuating behaviour and/or self-contradicting decision...and as previously posted, that's pretty-much where I gave-up...TBW does identify that I was repeatedly stating to Magistrate White that I was struggling to the point of not being able to function, but doesn't identify the highly abusive 'murder' comments or other outrageous conduct from Magistrate White that eventually drove me to that capitulation/collapse...

What TBW does report is that even after I identified that I was really struggling, and had asked for an adjournment, Magistrate White just continued-on regardless with Det Schaeffer, again, sort of, and then her junior partner ICAC/SAPol Det Shaw...the eventual adjournment at 1530hrs came about because we'd 'finished' with Schaeffer and Shaw, and SAPol Prosecutions had already told their next/last witness, the ABC's Stuart Stansfield, to go home...that adjournment was not for me at all, Magistrate White had already completely ignored/refused my request, but then adjourned only after hearing 2 more witnesses, and then only because SAPol couldn't provide their witness...       

And over the next coupla' posts I'll continue/conclude this very bland account of these extraordinary proceedings, an account sans any real sense of or even attempts at until...

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff, Yay

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Nick 'The Vibe' Fletcher - He Ain't Mabo, But He Is The Constitution

Howdy to Aotearoa (New Zealand), Turkey, Ukraine, and Poland again, yo' ma' homies, what-up mofos? And a traditional 'how the shreck are ya'?' to y'all else out there...(and in here-Ed)...sure, howdy to you too Ed, you confected literary device you...(yeah, ya' know, I used to resent the fact that I don't actually exist other than here in this 'ere blog, but I have very much warmed to the role I play in presenting The Mount Gambier Independent-Ed)...the critical role mate, the critical role, without you I'd just be left mono-whinging and listing-off pros and/or cons, and most of my attempts at humour simply wouldn't work...(cheers mate-Ed) probs, in the last few weeks I've been very much been reminded about the power of a few positive words...(indeed-Ed)...and furthermore, that I'm not alone in this otherwise bigotted and insular town...(well hurrah!-Ed)...

Only a week ago I was still embroiled in my alleged 'Trial', after days of being deliberately subjected to the most hateful and corrupted bastardisation of appropriate Legal Process, under undisguised attack in the Magistrates Court, openly and repeatedly attacked and abused by a deeply biased Magistrate White in an un-ambiguous Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, a Political Persecution motivated by this 'ere blog, but more directly, motivated by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and it ain't Contempt of Court for me to write this stuff about my 'Trial' because I've said it a dozen times over in 'Open Court', and it's been reported previous, eg, the issues of Bias raised in March 2017, etc...

As previously posted, I've had some doozies for sure, but last week was arguably the most stressfully bizarre week that I've ever experienced, certainly with regard to this endlessly bizarre 'Trial' process...

Please find attached the article from The Border Watch, Tuesday 28th November's not bad compared to the highly erroneous reportage from the ABC South East Radio that same morning, quoting me as saying my 'Trial' was "tyrannical" and that I 'threatened to take my case to the High Court', but I never actually said 'tyrannical' and I repeatedly stated that I had already referred myself and/or my bizarre 'Trial' to the High Court...TBW has in contrast, been reasonably accurate, but unfortunately there are still critical omissions...

Mr Fletcher refused to participate because my former/second Magistrate, Her Honour Teresa Anderson, HH Anderson specifically 'Ordered' that SAPol (police) Prosecutions find out about and attempt to resolve the Constitutional Law Issues, as specifically identified in the Magistrate Court's own Certificate of Record...HH Anderson made that 'Order' aways away back in February 2016 after the 'new' SAPol Prosecutor Ms Diamandi stated in Court that a 'Special Meeting of all State's Attorneys-General is required prior to any Trial beginning, in case the outcome compromises Constitutional Law'...(as others keep asking you, how do you know this stuff? you ain't a lawyer or a journo or nuthin' like that,  yet you know all this Constitutional Law stuff-Ed)...well sure, but like I just said, it ain't nuthin' to do with me knowin' whatevs about whatevs, I know this stuff because it was identified and explained to me (and the Court) by SAPol Prosecutions in that February 2016 'hearing'...(cleverrr-Ed)...what, being forced to show-up in Court and then told this stuff? how is that being clever?...(just sayin' mate, just sayin'-Ed)...yep, sure, sorry mate, just that after more than 3 years of watching 'the Court' repeatedly reference/acknowledge but then all but ignore the Constitutional Law issues, it gets a tad frustrating...('a tad'? wow, what's the opposite of hyperbole?-Ed)...

And just for the record, here t'is from the Certificate of Record, Magistrate Anderson's 'Order' to SAPol Prosecutions to resolve the Constitutional Law Issues...
     02/02/16 11.30am Hearing MAGISTRATES COURT OF SA MOUNT GAMBIER
       Pros undertakes to contact Mr Bonig who appeared last occasion in an attempt to see
       the actual constitutional issue so the relevant Attorney General's can be notified.
                       *('Order' 4 of 4)*
...this of course refers to a long discussion across the various Constitutional Law Issues, but it clearly identifies 1) that 'Pros' (SAPol Prosecutions) were aware of what it is they are being 'Ordered' to do, and particularly 2) the involvement of the Attorneys-General...

It is my recollection that I even read this-out in Court (27/11/17), and yet Magistrate White completely refused to even acknowledge it, only responding with his enquiry about an 'Action Number' for my self-referral to the High I explained, I've only just contacted the High Court and am still in the process of following their response/advise to re-submit via the appropriate channels with appropriate paperwork, etc...Magistrate White then returned to completely ignoring all of the actual Constitutional Law Issues, including the multiple other references in the Certificate of Record...

Magistrate White refused to acknowledge the Unchallengeable Reality that my 'Trial' was moved to Adelaide in June/July 2015 because SAPol Prosecutions and 'the Court' agreed with the SE Community Legal Service who were representing/helping me at that time, they all discussed and agreed that it would be necessary to address this very convoluted piece of legislation, the SA ICAC Act 2012, and the impending Constitutional Law Issues, in 'a bigger Court in Adelaide because it would require numerous Constitutional lawyers', etc, to sort it all out...again, this is writ-large in the Certificate of Record, and Magistrate White refused to even look at it when I repeatedly requested,
     "Why won't you look at your own Record right there in front of you?"        

Mr Fletcher continually talked-over Magistrate White because Magistrate White flatly refused to even acknowledge that 'Order' by HH Magistrate Anderson, and flatly refused Fletcher's repeated request to pick-up the Certificate that was right there in front of him and read the damn thing!...(you didn't say 'damn'?!-Ed)..well no, not quite, but it got pretty heated...(I bet!-Ed)...Magistrate White deliberately refused to acknowledge what was right there in front of him in his own Court's 'Orders' was an extraordinary display of wilful ignorance motivated by gross bias against me, from a supposedly independent Magistrate...not just once or twice, Magistrate White repeatedly flatly refused to even acknowledge Magistrate Anderson's 'Order'...

Magistrate White also completely ignored my repeated observations/accusations that SAPol's failure to follow that direct 'Order' by HH Anderson constituted 'Contempt of Court', and that if I'd just ignored such an 'Order' I'd be in all sorts...(of trouble?-Ed)...yeah yeah...(you're in twubble mister!-Ed)...well yes and no, in that I've never been in any such trouble re Contempt of Court because I'd always done exactly what was asked of me, or at least genuinely tried, etc...(it's kinda' ironic for you to be accused of thinking you run the 'Trial', when you've done far more of it than anyone else, Magistrate White included!-Ed)...oh yeah, including successfully arguing for Summons for Info from ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, SAPol Comm Grant Stevens, and the ABC (Sydney HQ), all for info that should have already been provided as part of a 'normal Trial' process...(what a joke!-Ed)...farcically laughable...

(And what was that response from the ICAC and the ABC?-Ed)...oh it's all too difficult mate, my Summons for info were/are apparently "oppressive" and "fishing for information", and between them they provided exactly zero documents to support/explain;
  1) ICAC Comm Lander's personal and unilateral decision to have me 'prosecuted' by SAPol; or
  2) Stuart Stansfield's (SE ABC) extraordinary Affidavit where-in he claims that I've been written
      to in January 2014 and told that I'm 'banned from the ABC' because I'm such a problem. 

It's All About The Context, I Said:...'cos this is the stuff that was being 'discussed' when Magistrate White talked-over me and called SAPol Det Gardner to the witness box...(but isn't she away on 'Open-Ended Sick Leave', unable to continue her lie-riddled testimony/evidence under your very cross Cross-Examination from 'Trial' aways back in March 2017?-Ed)...well exactly Ed, and as I indicated to Magistrate White, who again just ignored me...I repeatedly identified his own 'Orders' from 19th July 2017 where-in he 'Orders' this;
     19/07/17 9:30am Hearing MAGISTRATES COURT OF SA ADELAIDE
       Prosecution to provide an update of the witness's health via email by 8/9/17.

None of this exchange is mentioned in The Border Watch, but it does note that I identified, albeit somewhat sarcastically at that early stage, that I was already feeling unwell coming into the 'Trial' and identified my Disability Support Pension/Agoraphobia/Stress stuff as it related to the Health Absences of himself and Det Gardner...repeatedly through-out the hearing I identified this stuff and how I was struggling, etc, but Magistrate White all-but ignored me, in this instance also ignoring my protests that this witness wasn't even meant to be here, as identified in his own 'Orders', which he was simultaneously ignoring, etc, and that I had therefore done no prep for them, at all, and had only prepared for the other 3 identified witnesses, my single witness, and closing arguments, etc...

It was in this circumstance/context that Magistrate White started 'counting-down' at was immediately following this heated exchange where-in Magistrate White was clearly complicit in this very deliberate, rankly deceitful and ineptly transparent attempt by SAPol Prosecutions to try and trick me and undermine my Cross-Examination of their woefully incompetent liar of a Chief Investigator and Chief Witness, Det Gardner, by forcing her on me knowing full-well that I wasn't expecting her at all, etc...and the complicit nature of Magistrate White's involvement is self-evident, namely, he not only allowed it to happen in the first instance, but then he completely ignored me when I identified this, but most extraordinarily, he also refused to acknowledged his own 'Order' as above...

And Fletcher was talking about all these issues...(it was the Constitution, it was the In-Appropriate Witness Trickery, it wasn't Mabo, but it was your Health, etc, etc-Ed)...yep, all that, and Magistrate White just kept-on ignoring me and all of my absolutely valid inquiries/questions/accusations, and called in Det Gardner, and in she came with that sly, smug smirk on her face, and I was thinkin', 'here we go, get in the dodgy witness with carefully rehearsed changes to her evidence from March 2017, and shove it all through by trying to trick me', and I was exactly right...Magistrate White stated that if I didn't show-up at 1415hrs after the adjournment, and/or didn't ask any questions of Det Gardner, that they'd continue without me...(charming!-Ed)...ain't it though...

As reported, Magistrate White repeatedly stated that he was resuming the 'Trial' regardless, with Det Gardner as the witness, and he actually stated, 'this Trial will be ending this week'...(what?! how can he say that? that's absolutely outrageous!-Ed)...I know, I know...(how can he possibly say when this extraordinary 'Trial' will potentially end?-Ed)...indeed...(after 3 bizarre years of multiple adjournments, Health Absences, etc, and with at least 5 witnesses yet to be called, and your own evidence to be given, and you to give your own version/self-Cross-Examination/whatevs, and final summing-up/submissions, etc, how can anyone say when the shreck it's gunna' finish?-Ed)...that's what I said in Court, surely it takes as long as it takes...(absolutely, to put an end-date on it completely compromises a Defendants right to a Fair Trial, let-alone in this bizarrely bloated proceedings-Ed) on, this 'it will be ending this week' statement shows a clear bias against me and clearly compromises my supposed right to a Fair Trial...

Changing Of The Mind:..'cos, to completely contradict his own outrageous 'fixed timetable', just before adjournment on Tuesday 28th November, even Magistrate White started to question his own statement about 'ending this week', when he observed that with so many witnesses left, at least 3, and then all the rest of it still to go, he actually conceded that 'the Trial may well go past the end of the week'...(wow-Ed)...yeah, I know, it's pretty much where I gave-up, if not entirely or already, etc, but at that point, after the extraordinary Magistrate White tirades I'd already been subjected to, the stuff about how I was 'delaying murder investigations', etc, his repeated self-contradictions, and faced with 3 more full days of that abuse and/or contradiction, those were all critical issues in my ultimate capitulation approx 0400hrs Wednesday 29th November 2017... 

But back to the Monday, and with all of this extraordinary lead-in, and with Fletcher still profusely protesting, Magistrate White actually started counting-down the seconds at Fletcher, repeatedly, and as reported, threatened/forced Fletcher to ask a question of this witness whom Magistrate White knew was supposedly still on Sick Leave and should not be there at all, let-alone in the Witness Box...I was quite literally forced to ask a question, under absolute duress and whilst being subjected to harassment and abuse and threats from Magistrate is an absolute outrage that a Magistrate would conduct themselves in this disgraceful manner, and completely trounces any pre-conceived ideas of a Defendant's 'Right to a Fair Trial'...(let alone a Defendant forced to self-represent-Ed)...well indeed...

And my first forced question to Det Gardner, with only seconds to go 'who ordered you to raid my home in May 2014'?', and there immediately is the rehearsed lie, completely contradicting her woefully inept and deceitful testimony from the March 2017 'Trial' March it was mumbling and stuttering, 'err, I dunno', nuthin' written down, probably my boss Baulderstone', and last week it was straight into it without a moments hesitation, 'well, as Chief Investigator I make those decisions'...(but that's an absolute lie!-Ed)...yeah, that's what I'm saying, the whole thing was an absolute SAPol set-up, committed with Magistrate White's complicit blessing, a SAPol set-up to undermine my ability to properly Cross-Examine this rankly deceitful SAPol witness...

Det Gardner was only a few seconds into this lie when I called her on it, stating to Magistrate White the Undeniable Reality that this was a much-repeated pattern of deceitful conduct by SAPol Prosecutions, constantly changing/modifying/re-wording their arguments and/or 'Charge Sheet' and/or witness statements/evidence, etc, etc, on and on, over and over, hearing after hearing, adjournment upon adjournment, for 3 years, whilst they incompetently try to cobble together some sort of case against me...the entire process has been farcical...

Magistrate White stopped me and sent Det Gardner out again, and then promptly changed his mind, saying something about how it was not his 'preferred' option, but excusing Det Gardner from giving further evidence, and calling another brief adjournment until 1510hrs when we were going to start with the ICAC/SAPol witnesses, a directive accompanied with further 'or else' statements from Magistrate White...and that happened, we went on from 1510hrs, but that's a story for tomorrow, etc, and we adjourned for the day at 1630hrs...

Tomorrow: More Stuff 

Uber-Cheers again for the feedback/support this past few weeks, and I'm just stoked that I've recovered so well 'Mentally' if not quite yet 'Physically' from this extraordinary week, but it's all clearly a long, long way from over...and even if I'm being left no choice, I guarantee it...

I am Nick Fletcher and it ain't about The Vibe, it ain't about Mabo, it ain't even apparently about the Constitution, it is apparently all about me and this 'ere blog, my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent...cheers and laters...