Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Too Angry For Words...Oh Wait, Here's Some

Howdy y'all in Tanzania, Ireland, Poland, and Brazil and to y'all all elsewhere, welcome to TMGI...more of my own Court stuff to catch you up on, and plenty of other related shizzle with the ICAC livin'-it large in the local media...(what happened to Mt Gambier City Council's shenanigans re referring the rankly corrupt MGCC Mayor Andrew Lee?-Ed)...yeah, that's one of them and we'll get to that...latest though, is the announcement that the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will be investigating the Oakden Nursing Home Abuse Cover-up/Scandal...  (**some minor sync problems in this post, some referrals to 'today' which is now last Friday, etc, but should be alright...also some minor over-all Language Warning for a bit of 'f***' work...you'll understand why when y'all see it I'm sure...anyhoos, cheers...**)

No Apologies:...for goin' a bit nutso at a coupla' Class A Clowns in the last post, namely Wattle Range Council Mayor Peter 'The White Wizard' Gandolfi and alleged surgeon Barney 'McClusterF***' McCusker...I've had a very long week of having those names shoved repeatedly into my face and/or earholes...(a-holes in your earholes? that can be very annoying-Ed)...and they're just a relatively randomly picked crop from a field of corrupt candidates...li'l McCluster isn't the only local medico I've had problems with, not least of all with the extraordinary series of events re my Lymphoma multiple mis-diagnosis and eventual Chemo/Radiotherapy treatment in 2004/05...Gandolfi isn't the only selfish liar I've met in politics...(not to mention the ones you haven't actually met!-Ed)...well indeed...(and in a small town even the big minds can be so incredibly small-Ed)...not just in a small town mate, not just in a small town...(and then there's all that 'character assassination' shizzle with people repeatedly and relentlessly attacking you behind your back, eg, what happened sortta' recently at the gym you got kicked-out of-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's hard not to feel like a walking target when you are...

**Mr McCluster was also interviewed last week on ABC Radio National re experimenting on his patients, and was glowingly applauded by a woman guest...(apologies, she was head honcho or whatevs of some medical organisation or similar, sorry, never actually heard that bit)... but when Barney was politely pushed to provide specific data, he couldn't really...(now that's some top-notch sciencing right there-Ed)...and further apologies to keep bangin'-on about him, but my knackered knees daily remind me of just how much McClusterF*** I've had in my life...(and fair enough-Ed)...at best he just didn't care and was grossly incompetent, but I believe that his bigotry and bias led to him deliberately mis-treating me, and I'd sue him sideways-into-next-week if I thought I had a snowballs chance in one of those lovely little backyard, wood-fired, brick kiln-style pizza ovens, you know the ones...(ooo I do like them-Ed)...they're nice, aren't they...(GET ON WITH ITTT!!!-Availees)...sorry, I'd sue if I thought I had any chance of proving it in a South Australian Court...(and again, fair enough-Ed)**  

Going Round In Circles:...if I've been at all unfair, it's to have only named these 2 stooges...as availees are well aware, across many posts, I've fundamentally defined the rankly complicit corruption, particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up starting June 2002, of a bewildering blizzard of local, state, and federal politicians and various government Authorities/Departments...in my corner of reality, I can draw a very short, very straight, very thick, very dark line directly from the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, through local MP Rory McEwen and the pro-paedophile faction of the South Australian Labor Party...(sooo, the South Australian Labor Party-Ed)...indeed, and from there, straight to our first female Prime Minister, SA Labor product Julia Gillard, who instigated a Child Abuse Royal Commission that refused/failed to look at the St Martins case, and didn't officially ask the Lutherans one single question...(hey, whatta' ya' know, it's a circle not a line-Ed)...indeed, a very short circle from St Martins, through Labor/Gillard, via a Royal Commission and back to St Martins...but I digress...  

Clutching At An Oval-Shaped Straw Liferaft:...as The Advertiser journo Daniel Wells has written a hilarious piece about just exactly how fundamentally rooted South Australia is...(there's nothing funny about that-Ed)...except he offers as his exception to that observation, the good news story that is the New Adelaide Oval, apparently, and that's just hilarious...(but I thought you said that the 'new' Adelaide Oval is a piss-poorly designed and ugly embarrassment, and a fiscal disaster for the State, a disaster born of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's knee-jerk 2010 Election promise to match the Liberals 'New Oval' plan, an un-funded Labor promise that therefore forced the corrupt sale of the South East Forestry Estate? I thought you said that?-Ed)...indeed I did, and here I go again, a corrupt joke that has destroyed a huge chunk of SA's income, a corrupt joke conjured by an irretrievably incompetent and rankly corrupt pro-paedophile Labor Party...(so your point is that young Danny's highpoint is a fiscal debasco (debacle/fiasco) mired in standard Labor Party corruption, and that continues to cost South Australians literally $$$millions per day?-Ed)...spot on...and although I generally don't follow Twitter or Facebook, Instagram, etc, I note that this article was supported, as tweeted, by Senator Nick Xenophon...

Elephant? What Elephant?:...ABC South East continues it's fine tradition of lying to South East residents on behalf of a corrupt Labor Government and a deeply corrupted SAPol...and as for today's latest load of complete shizzle, saying yet again that violence is no greater issue here than anywhere else...and for a SAPol spokesperson to state that a recent assault/brawl/murder is "a one-off, not common to the area at all", wow...(but that's absolute bollocks! as long as I've lived in Mt Gambier, 20 years, exactly this sort of violence has occurred almost every weekend in Mt Gambier, and it barely ever gets reported, the only difference is that this time someone was killed, and it therefore can't be just ignored-Ed)...or can it?...it's not safe on Mt Gambier streets and hasn't been for quite some time, and for all I know, never has been...across 20 years, I am personally aware of several people who have been violently 'bashed', including a current Mt Gambier City Councillor, but it's rarely-if-ever hit the Mt Gambier media...this latest interview follows-on from the extraordinary ABC SE interview last week with a woman from Centacare or AC Care or wherevs/whatevs, speaking from Adelaide I think, saying 'ít's all just fine in Mt Gambier, everything's fine'...ludicrous...

Obviously it is already being widely discussed/expressed across Mt Gambier, but because someone is facing a murder charge and the investigation is still current/active/whatevs, it's not appropriate to comment on this case specifically...I'm more than happy to comment on the sheeting shower of shizzle re my own Court stuff re talking about ICAC, etc, but I ain't gunna' set myself up to be blamed for a failed investigation/prosecution/whatevs, ie, interference on 'social media' has already been reported, eg, threats against witnesses, etc, etc, and it is a well-publicised issue that comments made on 'social media' can potentially compromise legal proceedings, etc, etc...I ain't settin' myself up to be blamed for a failed investigation, whatevs, but this official response that everything is fine, just fine, as being profusely pissed right in my ear by the ABC, that's just not gunna' fly...(well clearly it's not fine!-Ed)...exactly...

And many people are questioning SAPol's response...(so what exactly have SAPol done?-Ed)...well they've apparently 'spoken to those involved' and sent Social Workers or some other shizzle-laden idiots into schools 'to talk to the distressed kids about feeling safer'...(why? what the shreck has that got to do with SAPol? get the shreck out of our classrooms and go charge the perpetrators!-Ed)...indeed, SAPol very much appear to be trying to appear to be doing something, but talking to people appears to be the extent of it thus far...(want to make the kiddies feel safer? yeah? how's about just charging and gaoling all those responsible for this violence?-Ed)...or how's about when a teacher molests and abuses a class of 7 year old kids, you charge the teacher rather than attack the parents...(that sounds just like what SAPol did re the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, exactly that, that's exactly what I was referring to, and round we go straight back into my Court stuff where-in SAPol are clearly committed to persecuting me in retribution for this 'ere blog, but particularly for the St Martins stuff...

**and of course this persecution involves multiple involvements by the ICAC, namely, that's what I'm in big twubble for mister, for talking about whatevs, and then I have apparently been investigated myself by ICAC, whom/what done refer it to SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch and 'Operation Baritone', etc, etc...(you're a Double Dipper buddy-Ed)...a what?...(a Double-Dipper, you've been twice into the ICAC over the one issue-Ed)...not really, when the ICAC probed me personally, that was because I allegedly breached...(arghhh, thar she blows!-Ed)...well I'm a man, but sure, I've allegedly breached the otherwise undefinable ICAC Act 2012 by allegedly discussing ICAC's alleged investigation of Mt Gambier City Council, etc, etc...(there's a lot of 'allegedly' going on-Ed)...yeah, it's just legal jargon, you wouldn't understand...(apparently-Ed)...no no, 'allegedly'... ** 

Breaking News:...because it's just been announced in Adelaide that Premier Jay 'The Shiny Man'  Weatherill and Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling, and Mental Health Minister Leesa 'Definitely Not A Union Stooge' Vlahos are all absolutely guilty and are going to be charged for their complicit role in the horrendous abuses committed against elderly high-needs Mental Health patients at Oakden Nursing Home...(really? Ray Jay, Jumping Jack Rat, and 'The Third Stooge' are all getting charged? that doesn't sound at all likely-Ed)...oh yeah, it's all going to be fine, just fine...(ok, here we go, I know that tone, I know that look-Ed)...nah, come on, it's all just goin' to be just fine...(get on with it-Ed)...well, mate, my new bestie and in his spare-time also ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander is going to investigate the Oakden Nursing Home scandal...(oh gourd, I knew it was something, I knew it just couldn't mean what you said, we all knew, right availees?-Ed)...(GET ON WITH ITTT!!!!-Availees)...yeah, fair enough...

Having A Whale Of A Time:...following-on from the bizarre calls by the Sow Strayn Law Society (the SALS) for ICAC to get amongst it re Oakden...(ah yes, we discussed this previous, where-in just discussing the potential of any ICAC investigation is in fact a full flukes-out, back-slapping breach of the ICAC Act 2012, section 56 (a)&(b)-Ed)...indeed...(being the exact section of the ICAC Act 2012 what you is charged with-Ed)...mmhm...(so in just publicly suggesting that ICAC get involved, regardless of the issue or where it might be re an investigation, etc, just by saying this the SALS have breached the ICAC Act 2012-Ed)...again, yes...(but what does that mean re Mt Gambier City Council's extraordinary Special Meeting of January 31st 2017 when they discussed/voted on whether or not to take Mayor Andrew Lee's blatant and lie-laden 'winery purchase/ownership' corruption to ICAC? isn't that also a breach?-Ed)...mate, that's more flippin' breaches than an Uber-pod of Viagra-ed Humpbacks could manage in full day of flukes-out frisky frollickings...(well f*** me-Ed)...a simple 'strewth' would have sufficed...(well, I'm sorry, but honestly...and ICAC's gunna sort out Oakden? sure-Ed)... 

Nah, hold on, fair go, Bruce reckons that there may possibly be some mismanagement issues...(orrr strewth, f*** me again-Ed)...Ed! language young man! what has gotten into you?...(orr, you know, the fact that ICAC/Bruce are now 'investigating' Oakden to me confirms exactly that the Weatherill Labor government is fully complicit and absolutely responsible for the running of and conditions at Oakden and therefore need their collective incompetence and cowardice and corruption officially hidden-Ed)...and?...(and enter ICAC-Ed)...exactly, this is exactly what the South Australian ICAC was conceived, designed, constructed and implemented to do, to cover-up the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines this sad, sick State...(and I thought that's what we had Royal Commissions for?-Ed)...a most excellent point Ed...

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff

And yes I know, we didn't quite get there today, again, but given that it's now been adjourned and/or postponed to August 2017...(so we're still going ahead?-Ed)..apparently...(and SAPol Officer Gardner will be back from Sick Leave to continue and eventually conclude her evidence under your stern and terse cross-examination?-Ed)...dunno', just know that it's set-down for another 5 days in August...(another 5 days? 5 whole days? but there's only SAPol's Gardner and 3 other important but relatively minor witnesses to go-Ed)...which you'd think might possibly run to a full day...(are we starting again from scratch or something?-Ed)...dunno, don't think so, the phone line wasn't great, the call lasted only minutes, and then the Magistrate (Dixon? sorry) hung-up, but there was no mention of re-starting or anything like that that I heard...(5 more days?-Ed)...tomorrow dude, tomorrow... 

Breaking Wind News:...apparently the latest 'report' re the September 2016 State-wide black-out, states that Wind Turbines weren't to blame or were somehow responsible, again referring to them as some sort of sentient beings that are conciously responsible for their own actions...(whaaa?-Ed)...you know, this discussion about how the Turbines 'shut themselves off', and 'the system did what it's supposed to do to protect itself'...(what is this, The Freakin' Terminator Vs The Shreckin' Matrix? 'nobody quite knows exactly when the Turbines self-realised, but Humanity was doomed from that day'-Ed)...well quite, yet the fundamental reality that saw South Australia completely 'blacked-out' in September 2016 was that AEMO (NEMO?, whatevs) pulled the plug on SA because our frailties/failures threatened to 'crash' Victoria and even NSW, we've covered this stuff repeatedly in TMGI...(and isn't that fundamental reality still very much, well, reality?-Ed)...as I understand it, yes, and no number of Interconnectors and/or Mass Battery Storage and/or Emergency Gas-fired Plants is gunna' stop it happening again...and Reality 2 - the unreliable and intermittent and often wildly fluctuating production of Wind Turbines make us vulnerable... 

COAGulation:...is the collective and/or descriptive noun for the meeting of Premiers, First Ministers, the PM, etc...(ah, COAG, the Council of Australian Governments-Ed)...yep...(so a gathering of said Premiers, Ministers, etc, with the PM, that's a 'COAGulation', nice-Ed)...nice? or a pack of bloody clots?...(ah maestro, 'COAGulation - a pack of bloody clots', it almost writes itself-Ed)...almost...

Well Shiver Me' Timbers:...as the ABC South East Radio talks Forestry Planting with John Stoke of the Australian Forestry Products Assoc...(but haven't we here at TMGI been repeatedly bangin'-on about how there's never any discussion about planting during these many stories about record log exports via Portland, etc, and associated logging and/or trucking jobs available, etc? we're always on about it, 'where are the planting jobs?' we say-Ed)...indeed we do...but apparently John's job is new to him and involves 'policy and advocacy', and his main focus is on 'the need to open many new areas for logging' and pursuing that policy agenda with government...(why new areas? what about all of the recently cleared ground available?-Ed)...dunno, not mentioned that I heard, just stuff about low planting rates and high demand and how that logically affects future availability of forest products, etc, and pursuing good policy re his main 3 issues, 1) water, 2) energy affordability and security, and 3) infrastructure, ie, roads, and that he'd be pushin' this stuff re politicians re the March 2018 state election...   

When asked about SA Labor government's disastrous 'Energy Plan', he said something about how the SE is working on it, potentially a SE gas turbine and/or a range of sources, but that there's not enough focus on bio-energy...asked if the acknowledged low numbers of new plantings meant it was too late for the SE, Mr Stoked said no, just do what we/AFPA says and address this now and that he  encourages government to act/invest/whatevs re the SE before that small planting window closes thus irretrievably compromising future availability, and he straight-out identified that a small supply means an increased cost ...(I didn't here him explain exactly how that shortage/cost would affect availability for local SE mills, etc, and therefore impact on local SE jobs-Ed)...no, I did not hear mentioned the final step of that local supply/cost/job chain...(well thank gourdness though, I was gunna' say that this looked like one of those rankly agenda-ed media responses to stuff from right here on this 'ere blog, ie, address our concerns about the lack of discussion or even mention of planting jobs, by doing a story that covers that stuff but without actually addressing the fundamental issues/problems-Ed)...well sarcasmed Ed...(ta'-Ed)...

I struggle to believe that it's purely by accident that this interview 1) acknowledged but avoided asking directly about 'planting jobs', 2) didn't seem to include mention of 'pines' or 'logging' specifically, what I heard was almost all about hardwood (woodchips), mostly from Victoria...then 3) didn't ascertain as to what strategy the AFPA has to address the lack of planting, his '3 Main Points' didn't include planting, and then 4) didn't ask the ultimate and damning question about where this is unavoidably headed, namely, unaffordable log prices for local mills and therefore closures and massive job losses, entire communities across the SE collapsing, etc, and 5) that it's looming on the horizon because if the trees ain't in the ground round-about now, there ain't gunna' be not nuthin' to log/chip real soon...and remember that 141 Plantations are reportedly clear-felling trees well below the usual 'Rotation-age' of 30+ years, often well below, so that cycle could come round and run us over from behind well inside 20 years...(yay-Ed)...    

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

***Broken News:...the South East Community Legal Service is being shut-down by the rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government, whom in best fashion, are blaming the Federal Liberals...services close in only 1 month...(what?!-Ed)...orrr yeah, end of June 2017, with the loss of at least 5 jobs and catastrophic effects for low-incomers, single parents, pensioners, etc, and particularly in the areas of Social Security Law, Family Law, or Domestic Violence...this is a corrupt cowardly disgrace from a corrupt and cowardly government, allegedly all over a relative pittance, less than $2million state-wide...Attorney General John Rau, you are a cowardly and lying disgrace, typical of your lying and cowardly Labor Party...corrupt, cowardly, disgraceful...this is yet a further step in the definable Labor government agenda of isolating and undermining the South East as a community...this will now be tomorrow's subject...(and fair enough!-Ed)...bloody disgrace...***

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