Tuesday, May 16, 2017

This Doesn't Happen, Apparently

Howdy there to Taiwan, India, Portugal and Russia...and a special howdy to Tunisia, welcome for the first time I think...anyhoos, howdy y'all, today we're just gunna' pause momentarily on the Court stuff...(not that it's going anywhere anytime soon-Ed)...other than to say...(dugh, should have seen that coming-Ed)...that yet again I find myself not actually really knowing what's happening in my own Court case, what's now been runnin' since February 3rd 2015...(well obviously, when you say it like that, it doesn't sound great-Ed)...because at this point, I am effectively in limbo, not knowing why the SAPol Investigating Officer has gone on 'sick leave' halfway through my cross-examination, nor why  Magistrate White is also on 'sick leave' as of last Monday/Tuesday May 8th/9th, forcing the Trial dates of yesterday and today (May 15th/16th 2017) to be vacated...  

I don't know why they've called in crook nor exactly when either is likely to return nor when my next hearing/Trial date is...the only thing I know is that Magistrate White is indisposed for a coupla' weeks at least, and SAPol Officer Gardner won't be back before August 2017...apparently I will receive a phonecall in 2 weeks (next week?) to let me know what's happening, and I think that it's Magistrate White who is going to call, so apparently he'll be back by then...again, I cannot say with any certainty what has happened nor where this is headed nor when...

But to the meat and 3 veg of today's post, please find attached this here article from The Border Watch, Friday, May 5th 2017...please note the line "released from prison on Sunday and placed on a bus to Adelaide", and in particular 'placed on a bus' indicating that some 'Authority', presumably associated with the Mt Gambier Gaol, has been directly involved...I have heard direct testimony about this happening in reverse, with releasees being dropped literally right at the bus terminus in Adelaide and getting on the next bus back here, but this is the first actual instance of this 'policy' that I've heard publicly acknowledged...(going either way-Ed)...well indeed...and that's a public bus with parents sending their often unaccompanied kids, elderly, etc, particularly on the Sunday service...and I don't care even if this guy has no previous convictions or even history re violence/child abuse/whatevs, he was known to be an alcoholic allegedly being "placed on a bus...to attend rehabilitation", and he has been in company of other inmates, many of whom are sex offenders...    

...(wtf? but that doesn't happen!-Ed)...and that's the point of the title, that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government and it's various Authorities, eg, SAPol (police) and the private gaol operators G4S Custodial Services Pty Ltd and the rancidly corrupt stooge-like Mt Gambier media, etc, etc, et al, including Grant District and Mt Gambier City Councils, have all been equally complicit in denying the unpleasant realities of being a 'Gaol Town'...(ah right, yes, well that's a fair point, in that the stout yeomen and yeowomen of this fine borough have been duplicitously duped by all concerned-Ed)...and yet, ironically, no-one who lives in Mt Gambier needs anyone else to tell them what is and isn't true...(and only in the last 6-8 months have there been several severe swerves away from this denial agenda/strategy-Ed)...and then this little gem...I do not recall but may well have missed, any story anywhere that so errantly strays from the path of denial so-to-go straight under the hooves of stampeding reality...                                

So, so many things going on here in this article, and regular availees are going to spot most of it without my help...in numerous previous posts TMGI has identified the lies and manipulations dumped on/committed against the Mt Gambier community re the privately operated Mt Gambier Gaol...who here remembers that hilarious series about the MGG that ABC South East Radio did?...(the award winning series?-Ed)...sweet baby cheeses, don't get me started on that, but just quickly...(strewth-Ed)...the ABC SE won some 'journalism gong' for this story, a story that was a fatuous propaganda piece at the time, and has been proven wrong repeatedly since...(what? the ABC South East getting awarded for an error-laden piece of pro-Rann/Weatherill Labor propaganda? how could that possibly happen?-Ed)...and some people say that sarcasm doesn't work and is at best a cheap shot from a feeble mind, but, I dunno'?...

And that's why any 'award' that ABC South East and/or The Border Watch receive is hollow to it's core and fundamentally guts the credibility of said award and renders irrelevant that award and by default any actual decent...(and actual-Ed)...journalism that may have been thusly acknowledged, be that previous or since, even within said organisations...and in mentioning this topic, it cannot go unmentioned nor unchallenged...(and I'm sensing won't-Ed)...that Sandra Morello received a prestigious award only last year...I remind availees that in February/March 2010, in the lead-up to the March 2010 South Australian State Election, TBW was extremely embarassmented into removing Sandra from the 'political rounds' because she was sprung printing candidate Don Pegler's press releases verbatim but under her byline, like they were articles by her...(and weren't those press releases written by her husband Frank, former TBW Editor and now Country Arts boss down here?-Ed)...my mate Frank...      

But I digress...repeatedly recently, even Mt Gambier City Mayor Andrew Lee has made public comments about how "disappointing" it is that Council has been told untruths by G4S (MGG operators) that incidents like this don't happen because these sort of 'on the buses' practices just don't happen, and inmates aren't released here and/or their families don't move here, and there's world-leading treatment/counselling services, etc...(wasn't it 240hrs counselling per perp?-Ed)...I think you're right Ed, 240 hrs...(and wasn't it the new Mt Gambier SAPol (police) head honcho, Supt Moyle, fresh from a 3 year stint in the ICAC, wasn't it he that said 'families of inmates do move here'?-Ed)...one of the first things I heard him 'say' after he moved here himself in (in Aug/Sept 2017?)...but apparently this doesn't happen, none of it does...(except when it does-Ed)...exactly...    

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff

Ya' know, with this Court stuff, sometimes I feel like I am actually The Answer...(how so?-Ed)...just blowin' in the wind, mate, just blowin' in the wind...

Priceless:...the look on that dude's face the other day when mid-political chat I said 'I'm the Nick that's been in the paper about blogging and Court, etc'...recognition, apprehension, curiosity, and here come the questions 'why? what? when?' etc...stunned, slack-jawed struggle to process the vast raft of procedural shenanigans, and inevitably, 'how much does that bullshit cost?'...(ahhh, the most frequently asked question-Ed)...indeed, that most, but always first 'but why?'...(what has it cost exactly?-Ed)...mate, no idea...extensive involvement of the Independent Commission Against Corruption through to SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch and 'Operation Baritone', all ways back in February 2014, and then 20 hearings starting February 2015, not including 6-8 actual Trial days, witnesses back-and-forth repeatedly from Adelaide, etc, etc...how much exactly does all that cost?... 

And more Rann/Weatherill SA Labor carpet-bagging/pork barrelling leading up to the March 2018 State Election...amended registration requirements and/or restrictions so as to allow mildly modified motor vehicles to be used pretty much as normal unmodified cars...and also, suddenly after 15 years running SA...(into the ground-Ed)...suddenly our illustrious leader Jay 'Shiny Man' Weatherill reckons he's gunna' be paying all public school's utilities bills...apparently school's have had to find part-funding for their utilities...(in the state-run public system?-Ed)...yeah, apparently, but Ray-Jay the Shiny Man, he's gunna' fix that das pronto, just in time for the looming March 2018 State Election...in previous posts we've covered the series of self-aggrandising stunts that Labor has been dumping through SA Parliament leading toward March 2018, eg, a grandstanding extra week of parliament last year re rights for Gays, then announcements about 'Treaties with Aboriginal people', 'Medicinal Marijuana trials and 2-monthly prescriptions', seatbelts and air-con for country school buses, etc... 
Language Warning:...because apparently, reportedly Liberal Treasurer Scott Morrison has 'declared war on drug addicts and cheats and bludgers'...(oh dear-Ed)...along with his deeply compassionate mates Minister for Social Services Christian Porter, and Human Services Minister Alan Tudge...(here we go-Ed)...yes here we go, you, you low *           *, again attacking those whom suffer the most, those whom already have the least, and those whom have the least ability to retaliate...you *     *! you are an absolute disgrace...end Language Warning...(are you sure, we've got a ways to go with this yet-Ed)...nope, I'm fine, just not bottling-up this stuff, it's what I really believe and think, and I'm not beyond hurling abuse in the face of those whom treat others like this...(as indeed you would never even think of abusing an ABC or TBW receptionist or a traffic cop or a Court staffer or whatevs/whoevs, because it's simply just not in your nature-Ed)...absolutely, and an undeniable reality about me as a person that hopefully really pisses-off those whom don't like me...(back of the net!-Ed)...

*And ultimately I've removed the swearing, but if you dear availee, if you feel like cuttin' crook about this, please note that we have accommodated y'all by leaving a space for you to insert your own very special message for ma' main bro Mal Mal and his Malicious Pals...cheers*

And it's just so very, very absolutely Liberal to have Ministers attack the people they are meant to be representing...Social and Human Services...have these rabidly disconnected dickheads acted to support the most disenfranchised?...(well no, attacking people is rarely supporting them, generally it just exacerbates and compounds genuine issues, particularly with Mental Health issues, chronic unemployment, etc-Ed)...well exactly, but it is ultimately about political expediency and having a scapegoat to strike-down at, and introducing Mandatory Drug Testing and a National Welfare Card that part-quarantines Social Security payments, etc, etc, these are punitive measures that deny the realities of chronic Service/Treatment Provision failures, and does so by further stigmatising people already suffering...

(And remember that absolutely hilarious The Border Watch banner headline from December 12th 2014, Drug Use In High Places, referring to SAPol's Top Cop in the South East, Supt Trevor Twilley stating publicly (and on ABC Radio) that he was 'aware of people in positions of influence/polite society/whatevs, whom were using the drug 'Ice'...remember that?-Ed)...indeed I do Ed, indeed I do...(and what came of that?-Ed)...Ed? mate, really?...(ah, so absolutely nothing then-Ed)...  

Given what I've seen of the Federal Liberals and their collective conduct, the complete absence of genuine morality, of any empathy, of anything other than rank ideology, and the relentlessly sanctimonious self-satisfaction, I find it very hard to believe that the chronic problems with and/or caused by this outrageous 'Automated Debt Notification' disaster is an unfortunate error or malfunction...this would seem to be a proven proposition given that the Federal Libs haven't just not apologised for the stress-laden bollocks that's been tipped on many people whom have no debt what-so-ever, but the Liberal Party have defended and supported this class-laden bastardry...and now it's 'compulsory drug testing' and a potentially massive expansion of the wholly obnoxious 'Welfare Card'...
And on good ol Sow Straya we just have to take it to ludicrous extremes in that sanctimoniously Fascist way that this SA Labor Party represents/embodies...Star Chamber-style ICAC with massive powers that has already demonstrably defined itself as the bastion of State Government corruption, not the resolution; virtual 'open powers' to SAPol officers via 'go anywhere, do whatevs' perpetual Search Warrants, as issued by the SAPol Commissioner every 6 months, etc...and these same Labor clowns have been crowing about Medicinal Marijuana trials yet at the same time raiding and prosecuting Jenny Hallam who is/was supplying approx 200 patients...and now these same rankly corrupt and selfish idiots are holding-forth again in that biliously sanctimonious way about 'automatic 3 month license loss for a positive drug test, be it grass/meth/whatevs'...(well that's just wrong and stupid and stupidly wrong on so many levels-Ed)...indeed...more next post...

And the South East's most prestigious horse racing carnival thingy got a tad bogged-down last week when race officials were initially fogged-out and their poor wee li'l planey thing couldna' land until later...(after all of the problems with multiple cancellations in recent years, including that time a meeting was moved to Keith or Bordertown 'cos the Glenburnie (Mt Gambier) track was a treacherous swamp, and then the whole thing got cancelled when the officials plane either didn't leave Adelaide or couldn't land, whatevs, due to extremely high winds-Ed)...indeed, you'd reckon that with their very poor track track-record, that gettin' everything in place the night before just to be absolutely sure, ya' know, it wouldn't hurt...(has anyone done a hilarious joke yet about how the track is so vulnerable to moisture that it doesn't actually have to condense beyond mist to really root things-up? anyone?-Ed)...all yours mate...   

And just when you'd thought you'd seen every low and cowardly act that Premier Jay Weatherill could conjure, this pathetic refusal to accept responsibility for the Oakden Nursing Home scandal is indeed a new low...disgracefully and wholly cowardice of the lowest order...and to then whinge about how it's some-one else's fault and that somehow he's been kept in the dark, like somehow he/Labor are the victims here, 'it's just not good enough that apparently no-one in the entire Labor government knew anything about it' bleats Jay...(so he's saying that nobody in the Labor Party had any idea at all about the Oakden issues?-Ed)...yep...(nuthin' at all, ever, until it when ballistically pear-shaped just a few weeks ago?-Ed)...that's what he reckons...might have said 'Cabinet' rather than 'Party', not sure...(whatevs, but no-one knew nuthin'?-Ed)...no-one......(bullshit!-Ed)...ah Ed, witty and insightful as usual, cutting political commentary with an almost Monty Python-esque economy of language...(nah mate, 'bullshit' defines itself and there is no other descriptor needed here-Ed)...fair point...

Yet another rancidly corrupt privatisation by the SA Labor Party...lead gibbering stooge, Energy Minister Tom 'Road Rules Apply To You Not Me' Koutsontonis, unquestionably the most fundamentally incompetent minister in the entire realm...(and we do have some doozies-Ed)...indeed we do...anyhoos, according to Anastasias K, the Lands Title Office sale will go ahead despite a Labor Sub-Branch voting against it...the Sow Strayn Labor Party, a criminally corrupt, pro-paedophile organisation that cannot govern beyond stop-gap privatisations to fund their corruption...(you mean like funding the Adelaide Oval with the deeply corrupt fire-sale of Forestry SA/South East Forestry Estate to 141 Plantations for less than a third of the book value, $670million rather than over $2billion, a sale that was accompanied by a litany of Labor lies about it being a '3-rotation lease for 110 years', maintaining control of the log supply via Forestry SA, etc, etc, and then privatising Forestry SA into 141 Plantations after less than 3 years into a supposed 10 year FSA-run Management agreement, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, a wholly corrupt 'deal' that deserves many-a-post all to itself...

I am Nick Fletcher and this here blog is my blog, I done it, just me...(hmmghmmmm? said Ed clearing his throat-Ed)...with mentionable if immeasurable support from my colleague Ed...(cheers...I think-Ed)...and of course those whom entrust me with their shizzle...(but I thought you said that it can be quite the burden to be lumbered with others' stuff that you can't use because it will immediately identify who said it?-Ed)...indeed, and/or because they've asked me not to, etc, although that's basically the same reasoning, 'cos they don't want to fall fowl of the thuggish and corrupt Mt Gambier City Council and it's various rankly corrupt stoogey-type mates...

(And boy have we seen that look!-Ed)..."that look"?...(that thin-lipped, pig-ignorant seething of those whom find it inconvenient to be challenged on their corruption-Ed)...ahhh, yes, that 'look', tres familiar with that...I am Nick Fletcher, etc, etc, and cheers and laters...

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