Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Just A Long, Random, Angry Post...Cheers

Hello availees goin' bonkers in Honkers (Hong Kong), cuttin' crook in Kenya, indicating indignant incredulity in Indonesia, and to you all in Ukraine whom have been conspicuous by your absence for many weeks, but I do appreciate that y'all got some shizzle goin' on...and a big shout-out to the poor li'l blighter in China who's likely job it is to monitor this 'ere blog...not quite exactly the same number, but near enough to 1 'view' per post in China to suggest that 'a person' is availing themselves of this 'ere blog...cheers mate/mate-ette...(oh dear, imagine trying to decipher some of your wondrous word wizardry with English as a non-primary language, strewth, the beloved Mother Tongue is complicated nightmare enough before you start friggin' about with it!-Ed) can talk!...

And it's why I try to be more than just a barrelling gale of gloomage and failuring, and occasionally make-up stupid versions of words just to break it up a bit...(poor mate/mate-ette in China'? what about poor bloody Spell Check? no wonder it looks the way it does!-Ed)...yeah, but we have some good times don't we? how's about Debasco: where a careening debacle tail-ends a lumbering fiasco, or, Pariahtisation: when the first priority is to isolate and attack the Whistleblower, Sow Strayan ICAC-style, or, Farticle: a farcical article that really stinks...what about them...(yeah alright, you have ya' moments-Ed)...and you Ed, you yourself are a confected (or created) literary device that/whom developed somewhat organically as a way of discussing opposing opinions/ideologies/whatevs rather than just writing lists of pros and cons or just lecturing at availees, etc, and to set-up conversations with availees and/or comedy routine-type exchanges, etc...('availees' is another one-Ed)...sorry?...(well 'availees' is another word you've made-up-Ed)...well quite, Availee: a person who avails themselves of this 'ere blog, likely to be a highly intelligent and very attractive person...    

Russian To Don's Defence;...just not really very hilarious because of the extraordinary seriousness of the whole situation, but concern aside, nearly fell off my chair to hear USofA National Security Advisor, (General) HR 'Puff-n-Stuff' McMaster, huffin' and puffin' his way through a statement about 'why it's alright for President Don to discuss sensitive Israeli-sourced intelligence material with the Russians'...(I struggle with the concept that Donald Trump was ever in possession of any intelligence of any description, from anywhere-Ed)...mmm, I think there's something in that for all of us...

Water-Sports-Gate:...or as suggested to me by my go-to source for my info re the Politiqué Americán, 'Weeweeleaks'...(nice-Ed) the circling rumours/reports/stories re Donald Trump having been recorded video-wise with some Russian prostitutes peeing all over his Moscow hotel room and/or him and/or them, whatevs, and it was allegedly the room where the Obamas stayed and that's why Don done do it, etc, etc...whatevs...what's so hilarious is that this is the least concerning of all the potential leaks re Don and the Russians...(yay...well you know what they say?-Ed)...hmmm?...(when you're in Russia-Ed)...well I don't know exactly when the 'urinating' incident happened...(no no, not 'when was the urine done in Russia', I meant 'when you're in Russia, do as the Russians do'-Ed)...oh right, yeah, I'm fairly sure that the average Russian doesn't go about just politico-protest peeing on places or people...(how's about, 'when you're in Russia, do urine on the Russian doona'-Ed)...I've not heard them say that, ever...(really? it is common parlance down our way-Ed) made that up...(mate! of course I made it up, I'm made-up!-Ed)...dah yeah sure, sometimes I forget...

Dear Ruskey Availees:...all jesting aside, at least your illustrious leader doesn't hide from you, so it's a massive Ozzie good on ya' Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull for skulking unannounced into Mt Gambier for a few hours on Monday May 15th 2017, attending a Liberal Party stoogefest, and then shootin'-off again...(he also went to the ABC South East and The Border Watch-Ed)...well ABC, ok, but TBW? why?...(good gourd, I don't know, perhaps local Federal Liberal, Member for Barker, Tony Pasin, perhaps Tony had explained how important TBW is in maintaining the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, and how TBW is suffering the fall-out of being so obviously and rancidly 'agenda-ed', biased, and corrupt that their credibility is all-but-shot and so-then their precious circulation and therefore their influence is plummetting!-Ed)...pathetic all 'round Malcolm, absolutely pathetic, and possibly the lowest point in an otherwise dismally disappointing PM-ship...

Local alleged surgeon Barney 'McClusterf***' McCusker appeared to be trying to use his forehead to check Mal Mal's prostate...and then there's this truly bizarre revelation that Barney the dinosaur has been not giving his patients antibiotics...and if dear ol' Barney wants to have a wee barney with me about his rank hackness, say for example, threatening me with defamation, then perhaps he need consider how much I would enjoy the opportunity to get his shonkiness onto the public record officially...and confident as I am that his provable incompetence and bias and self-important bigotry re me are defence enough to any claims of 'defamation', I can't imagine, Barney, that I'd be the only person to rock-up to give account to your arrogance and incompetence...(you say that almost as if you have specific patients/incidents in mind-Ed)...don't I though...

Barney's pig-ignorant bigotry and incompetence saw me, as his patient, wait well over a year for even an Initial Consultation, in which he asked/commented 'which is the bad knee?'...(meaning they were both pretty bad?-Ed)...well exactly, and from there it took nearly 3 years for him to not organise an MRI scan in Adelaide...when an appointment was finally made, it wasn't for a scan, it was with some specialist for some alleged 'referral' for a scan, thusly requiring a second trip for an actual scan, and even that 'referral referral' was suddenly cancelled only days-out, with the Royal Adelaide Hospital blaming Barney's office...(who in turn blamed the RAH?-Ed)...exactly again Ed...eventually, after nearly 5 years of being screwed-about, I asked for my records so's I could go elsewhere and actually get something done, and li'l McCluster wrote the most bigotted, biased and critical 'medical report' that his little Right mind could conjure...(what a dickhead!-Ed)...

And thanks to McCluster's powers to ClusterF*** everything he touches, I wound-up at Portland Hospital in Victoria, to immediately get sent to Warnnambool for an MRI, where I joked that this put Mt Gambier in Warnnambool Hospital's service catchment, etc, and immediately was placed on the waiting list for a Knee Replacement...and it was the way that the Portland crew reacted when I stated what had happened re Mt Gambier and Barney, etc, it was the look of pity and recognition because, as they stated, 'you're far from the first, we've heard it all before'...and thanks to McCluster's incompetence I went from a retrievable knee reconstruction patient to an irreparable-needs-replacing one...'postpone surgery as long as possible because you're still a young man' said the doctor re my now irreparable knee requiring a full replacement...(well done McCluster...did I mention 'dickhead'?-Ed) where near often enough mate, no where near often enough...

And now, now McCluster is getting nationwide coverage for experimenting on his patients by not giving them antibiotics...(nooo?!-Ed)...orrr yeah...(but of course, in some sort of carefully monitored clinical trial?-Ed)...absolutely not, just Barney deciding Barney knows better...(but surely his patients must have signed disclaimers/approvals/whatevs? he can't just not treat people because he chooses to, can he?-Ed)...dunno' mate, but I'm fairly certain that some of his colleagues are none-too pleased judging by the 'discussion' on the ABC South East Radio...(yeah, fair call...and wasn't he on Today Tonight as well, re the Australia Post practice of sending all Mt Gambier mail to Adelaide for sorting, meaning that letters can take a week or even longer to get from Mt Gambier to Mt Gambier? wasn't he on about that?-Ed)...yep, on ABC SE Radio in the morning and on Channel 7 Today Tonight that evening...a very odd coincidence...

And on down that rabbit hole because recently I stood on my set-top box remote control thingy, fixing it beyond repair and jamming the box and therefore telly on 'Initial Program', and had to get a new box, and was without telly at all for a coupla' nights...took the opportunity to check-out some BlackAdder, particularly the Series Three, Episode One re 'Rotten Borough'...(nice-Ed)...and The Young Ones, and The Mighty Boosh; all BBC TV I think...anyhoos, had the ABC Radio Adelaide evening program goin', not really listenin', then in bobs Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane commenting on the lack of media in the South East, mentioning particularly the pull-out/shutdown of WIN TV News services and the News In An Adbreak service we get now, to paraphrase mighty Mark McShenanigans, 'pinched from TBW'...not quite sure of over-all context or outcome, seemed just to be a chat about the bleedin' obvious importance of, but also lack of, local media coverage in Rural/Regional areas... 

"Your most trusted source of news...without bias or agenda"...I mean, really? what sort of egomanic, self-important dickheads talk about themselves in those terms?...(well yes, indeed we do try to be as accurate as possible, and generally succeed, and you certainly head-kick in any-and-all directions so there's definitely no specific bias, but your 'agenda' is clearly to have some if not all of these corruptions and criminalities addressed-Ed)...fair call Ed, fair call, but not us, I was referring to the relentless ABC/BBC Radio self-promotion ad, and as discussed this week on ABC South East re the latest 'Trust Survey' that puts the ABC marginally behind several commercial stations and Social Media...(are we Social Media?-Ed)...mate, I don't know how to define us...but anyhoos, a certain 'Prof Muller' from Uni Whatevs reckons it's a bollocks survey that contradicts all previous data, data going back 50 years+ that puts the ABC way-out in front re credibility/believability/integrity/whatevs...

(This Muller dude obviously hasn't dealt with the rancidly corrupt ABC South East and the likes of Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield-Ed)...or the ABC's equally corrupt and fundamentally incompetent Sydney-based lawyers...howdy fellas, you sanctimoniously self-satisfied second-rate public servants, your 'appearances' by phone in the Mt Gambier Court were unquestionably the most laughable highlight of this entire, deeply corrupted process...(I thought you said that the ICAC's bizzare effort was your highlight, when they failed/refused to produce a single document re the Magistrate Anderson approved/ratified Court Summons for any-and-all info, saying that the Summons was "oppressive" and "fishing for information", and stating that it was "irrelevant" whether or not they had actually conducted their alleged investigation of Mt Gambier City Council in 2013/14, irrelevant because you were charged with 'talking about a person subject of a complaint to ICAC', not for 'talking about an ICAC investigation'...I thought that was your highlight?-Ed)...mate, I'm reeling from the highlights...

Doing The Highlights the wee jig I'd do if I was a dancer...(mate, you're quite light on your feet-Ed)...sure, it's other feet that are at risk...(and fair enough-Ed)...but again, here we are with the Self Esteem and Pride Sans Arrogance stuff (SEPSA) as previously discussed, 'cos I have achieved extraordinary things in my Court case, but always in a context where I'm somewhat understandably the only person who really knows what's going on...(but that's hardly your fault-Ed)...well many respects I do have a long reel of highlights re my conduct in Court and the resultant carnage for SAPol (police) Prosecutions, but my genuine concerns remain for the broader implications...this Trial process has been an unmitigated 28 month long disaster, is this how dysfunctional our Courts usually are, or do I get special treatment?...and on that exact point...     

Local 'senior legal figure' Mr Thomas Rymill was also on ABC Radio re the unacceptably lengthy delays in the SA District Court, delays that see people locked-up on remand for months awaiting even basic 'committal hearings', etc, and that these delays are sometimes running-out to a full year or Mr Rymill stated, this means potentially innocent peeps in gaol for a year...Mr Rymill clearly stated that this delay could be used politically, saying 'if the government doesn't like you and wants to, they can charge you with whatevs and lock you up for a year'...(wow-Ed)...indeed, and obviously I'm paraphrasing because I didn't get to write it down, but that's exactly what he said...if the government doesn't like you, they can chuck some bogus charge at ya' and you're goin' away for a year...and whilst I don't think he was specifically saying 'this government' or 'Weatherill Labor' or whatevs, he stated quite clearly that the current backlog in South Australian Courts, particularly the District Court, means that potentially innocent people are in gaol awaiting basic Pre-Trial Conferences/Bail Application hearings/whatevs...(isn't that what you've been saying?-Ed)'s what everyone's saying, eg, the SA Law Society...

Just SA, I'm in Court charged with discussing an alleged SA ICAC investigation that 'secretly' allegedly investigated and exonerated Mt Gambier City Council, etc, but in Sydney, their ICAC is holding full, open Court-style hearings about a former Oz of the Year nominee/finalist charged with stealing/de-frauding/rippin'-off several $100,000s headed into potentially $$$millions, and she's sayin' that her accountant tried to set her up with some dodgy book-keeping, and that those bank accounts in false names and her own claims/receipts/cheques/whatevs, all that's unfortunate mistakes because she's 'not great at book-work', etc, etc...(wow, that all sounds very believable, not-Ed)...and that's all been adjourned 'cos she's apparently a bit stressed-out about it all...(more Tomorrow?-Ed)...damn straight...(mmm, everyone else's fault but never hers? she could get a top job with SA Labor-Ed)...indeed...

Get Those Thievin' Dole Bludgers:...'cos they're the problem, right?...well, laugh I nearly because kazzaam! the Aussie Deputy Tax Man is directly involved in helping his son and daughter and several others rip-off $160million from the Australian Tax Office...(let me guess this one...they all get massive bail and are seen leaving Court in luxury cars?-Ed) on!...and where's all the cash comin' from for that?'s a fundamental illustration of the 'Class-laden bias' of our Courts, where-in what sort of 'justice' you get depends on who you know and how much money you have...these are irrefutable truths...and can you imagine a gang of likely lads who pull-off an overnight jewellery heist worth $160m, a heist where-in there were no actual civilians or guards or any actual person ever present or in any sort of danger, etc, etc...(a nice safe safe-job?-Ed)...exactly, but can you imagine them getting bail?...but here we have some privileged little wanker and his sister and their Pa who's been seen careening-about in the son's sports cars, etc, etc, and it's $300,000 bail and Pa the Deputy Tax Man ain't even been charged...and tell me that dole bludgers and refugees are the problem... 

An ALDI Market? Super::...recently reported that German supermarket ALDI is going into the long dis-used and ugly-ly rundown Fiddlers building site with another 30 specialty shops...this might be great news potentially for a few local contractors re the demolition and then re-build, but most people quite rightly question the need for and/or viability of another '30 shops' in Mt Gambier where all 3 main shopping areas have multiple vacancies (The Main/Commercial St; Centro/Lakes Plaza area; Market Place/Penola Rd)...(I have a coupla' questions-Ed)...sure, fire away...(, number one you've already addressed re vacancies, etc, and it's an unavoidable reality that on-line shopping and reduced 'discretionary spending' means that small business/shop owners are doin' it especially tough, and there are many vacant properties already, etc, but 2) weren't we here at TMGI only just recently bangin'-on about another dodgy attempt to sell-off part of the Mt Gambier Showgrounds, the second such attempted dodginess?-Ed)...absolutely, and call me paranoid, but my first thought when hearing this announcement was that it's bollocks being broadcast to distract away from the Mt Gambier Show Grounds Shenanigans, but apparently contracts have been signed so, who knows?...

('Contracts signed', what does that even mean? the developers and/or ALDI could fudge this along for years, it's a known if not common practice to deliberately submit extravagant plans that a Council couldn't possibly pass, thus deliberately causing further delays, and then squabble about that for a while, etc, etc, it could go on for years-Ed)...I absolutely concur Ed, and given what's been happening over at the MG Show Grounds re the rankly corrupted attempt to flog-off a chunk to ALDI back in 2014/15, and the alleged recent re-attempt, given all that, I'll believe this ALDI/Fidlers malarchy when ALDI and the 30 shops open on that site...(and barely a mention of the Foodland supermarket about to open in the Centro (Lakes Plaza)-Ed)...indeed, we already have 2 Woolworths and a Coles and a coupla' small IGAs, and soon a Foodland, and Mt Gambier is already half-full of empty shops/ I said, call me a cynic, but this 'Fidlers development' announcement reeks of distraction and deceit...  

Some General Abuse:...Wattle Range Council Mayor Peter Gandolfi is a dim-witted and corrupt stooge who is wholly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well he's hardly Robinson Crusoe-Ed)...and was richly rewarded for his loyalty to the St Martins Cover-up with the Mayorship...(are you suggesting that the Electoral Process in South Australia is somehow as rancidly corrupted and manipulated as every other aspect of SA life?-Ed)...absolutely, it would be a ludicrous naivety to think that a State so fundamentally pro-paedophile corrupted as SA, in a State effectively run by paedophiles for paedophiles, in a State so deeply mired in that level of corruption, that that State somehow has free and fair elections? bollocks!...for gourd sake, the Mt Gambier City Council offices were/are the Electoral Office for Local Government Elections...(wow-Ed)...and Donation Declarations are addressed to the CEO of the local Council...(wow and strewth-Ed)...which is why I continue to refuse to lodge that form...more on that laters... 

And speaking of rank corruption in Local Government, I attended Mt Gambier City Council (May 16th 2017) for what turns-out was their 2017/18 Budget Meeting...(that's it?-Ed)...well apparently it's going out for 'Public Consultation'...(oh, so there'll be a series of public meetings at the Library where-in us lowly peeps get to rub opinions with the High and Mighty?-Ed)...not likely, remember the 2013/14 Budget Consultations at the MG Library? I went to all 5...(the ones where-in the then Mayor/current Councillor Steve Perryman twice tried to pick fights with you?-Ed)...hilarious...(and new-ish CEO Mark McShane laughed at you, stating that 'no-one's reading your blog Nick', to which you smilingly responded, 'yes they are Mark, and you know they are', which Mighty Mark McShenanigans in turn wittily parried with the Crimson Silence?-Ed)...'the Crimson Silence'?...(yeah, sat there silently whilst turning bright red-Ed)...clever...

The High And a hilarious reference I can't believe I haven't spotted before re the extraordinary The Border Watch banner from December 2014, Drug Use In High Places, referring to SE Top-Cop SAPol (police) Superintendent Trevor Twilly stating that he is/was aware of senior people in positions of influence and control apparently using the drug 'Ice', usage apparently obviously known to the SAPol Superintendent!...

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff

Puddin' For Sweet Just Desserts:...and yet another sweet slice of Hypocritic Pie with USofA President Donald 'Duck á l'Orange' Trump bleating about how he's the worst treated politician in history and that they're (the media) out to get him, etc, etc...just extraordinary to hear Donald describe someone else, in this case sacked FBI head honcho James Comey as 'a showboat' and 'a nutter'...and something about a 'witch hunt' by the media...(a hunt for who? the Orange Witch of the West Wing?-Ed)...nice one my pretty...oh, hang on, gettin' a tweet...'Gunna' Comey that man right under my rug. that guy there gets it. USA USA USA USA USA'... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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