Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Nick Fletcher - A Law Unto Himself as I seem to have my very own special set of rules when it comes to how a Court case will be conducted...(I'll say!-Ed)...anyhoos, howdy Russia, Spain, Ireland, the USofA, and to y'all here in good ol' Oz, wha's-up mofos? li'l ol' me was in Court again this week...(what do you mean 'again'? I thought Court wasn't on again, 'again',  for several weeks-Ed)...well the Trial is still on then, yeah, continuing on from the unmitigated disaster it was for SAPol (police) Prosecutions and the Court when we stopped after the first 3 days, back on March 17th 2017...(what a corrupt joke-Ed)...yeah, we'll get to that, but let's do this first...(no no, I mean the entire thing, from start to if-it-ever-finishes, the entire intent and conduct of this ludicrous farce, from 'Operation Baritone' right through to this 'Trial', it's all heavily corrupted, you yourself have repeatedly described it as a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution" have you not?!-Ed)...indeed I have, and it led to Magistrate Anderson first identifying my claims as "Abuse of Process", which progressed to Her Honour specifically directing me to 'prepare to present my argument/case for "Malicious Prosecution" because I would be 'going first' at trial, immediately following the formalities of explaining Court processes, etc, and SAPol presenting their charges/allegations, etc... 

And I'll just double-down on that point...after multiple hearings, in February 2016, March 2016, etc, etc, basically every month and occasionally twice per month, Her Honour Magistrate Teresa Anderson was convinced that I had shown enough evidence to support my repeated claims of "Pro-paedophile Political Persecution", and effectively put it to me that I was describing/claiming Abuse of Process, Her Honour's the last Pre-Trial Conference thingy in October 2016 HH specifically directed me to 'get ready to go first' with my stuff about Malicious Prosecution, again HH's own words...and also that I needed to provide copies of any documents I intended to use, copies to both HH/the Court and SAPol at least 2 full days before the Trial started, etc...when I identified that that might involve 'a pile of documents a foot high', Her Honour said 'so be it, get ready'...obviously I'm paraphrasing here because my repeated requests for these transcripts continue to be ignored, but these are very near actual quotes...

Furthermore, although HH Anderson had made that specific Order and said we were set to do this within the Trial, etc, when that November 2nd-4th Trial collapsed in chaos early on the second day, at the next 'Whatevs Type Of Hearing You Call It When A Trial Collapses And You Have To Get In A Replacement Magistrate' Hearing of November 23rd 2016, replacement Magistrate White moved the Malicious Prosecution to it's own separate date, February 8th 2017, stating that he was 'not going to do it as part of the Trial'...(but hang on, on November 2nd-4th you were at Trial already, so what's with being 'not in the Trial'?-Ed) idea mate, no-one does, absolutely no idea, we're in Trial, we're not in Trial, whatevs, at this point we are simply making-it-up as we go along, and by 'we' I do of course mean the Court itself...

Magistrate White has repeatedly contradicted himself by repeatedly 1) dismissing any previous hearings/rulings/shenanigans as being irrelevant, but then 2) telling me that he has skipped appropriate guidance re Court procedures, my rights, etc, because HH Anderson told me at the first 'Trial'... I refer to my rights as defendant, and most particularly my rights and responsibilities in giving evidence, and moster particularly-lier any guidance as to how I'm meant to proceed with my 'Self-Representation', cross-examining witnesses, etc, etc...and this referral/dismissal behaviour is interwoven between different hearings, we pendulum back-and-forth...(where are we this week?-Ed)...strewth, don't ask me...(so's what's happened?-Ed)...I said, when I did bail him-up about this 'Failure To Advise', (mid-Trial March 2017), Magistrate White facetiously responded that I seemed to have remembered plenty of what Her Honour had told me and therefore it wasn't necessary anyway and therefore no probs, moving on...again paraphrasing, but this is the discussion...

But again I digress, because in November 2017 Magistrate White, having re-set the Trial for March 15th-17th 2017, specifically assigned a different date of February 8th 2017 for the Malicious Prosecution, and then on February 8th, flatly refused to allow me to present my argument/case, refusing me a chance to address specifically any of the 100 documents I had spent weeks collating and cross-referencing and whittling-down from the many thousands of pages of documentation in my possession...(how does one turn a mighty Oak into a toothpick?-Ed)...what?...(how does one turn a mighty Oak into a toothpick?-Ed)...I don't know!...(whittle by whittle-Ed) I was officially denied an opportunity to address the Malicious Prosecution stuff, and had to just literally stand up and start talking about specific documents, etc...whatevs, Magistrate White's 'Reasons For Ruling' of March 8th 2017 denigrates me as a defamatory and delusional liar whilst denying the existence of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, before simply dismissing the Malicious Prosecution...  

At this point I'm going to flick unceremoniously back to Monday's shenanigans, but the very next post will be specifically about the many ways in which Magistrate White has contradicted both Magistrate Anderson and the South East Community Legal Service...(well he hasn't just contradicted them, he's straight-out said that they're both completely wrong!-Ed)...fair point Ed, in fact you're spot-on, but we'll do all that...

Tomorrow: When The Left Hand Calls The Right Wrong

(Tomorrow? Tomorrow? we haven't even done today yet!-Ed)...oops, my bad, no probs, here we approx 2030hrs on Thursday April 27th 2017, 3 hours after dusk, my front door copped a cop-a-knockin' (SAPol-police) with a new Summons for li'l ol' me to attend at Mt Gambier Courthouse at 0930hrs Monday May 1st 2017...(hang on, you said that the trial is still set to continue in a coupla' weeks, why did you have to go on Monday?-Ed)...I'm getting to that, slow down big fella'...I had to go Monday because SAPol Prosecutions wanted to excuse the current witness whom I'm in the middle of eviscerating I mean cross-examining, their SAPol Lead Investigating Officer and lead witness, SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch detective Caroline Gardner, excuse her from continuing her evidence because she is apparently unwell and won't be able to re-join us until at least August 1st 2017...(so the Trial's now adjourned until August?-Ed) no, we're still going ahead in a coupla' weeks...(, I'm very confused-Ed)...who could blame you mate, I surely don't...

On Day Three of Trial Two, on Friday March 18th 2017, I had Officer Gardner floundering neck-deep in an inescapable quagmire of self-contradiction, missing documents, and outright was an undignified disaster for SAPol, both as Prosecutor and as witness...for example, Ms Gardner is now perpetually bogged-down in an irretrievable lie about where she was during the May 8th 2014 raid of my home, as conducted by her the Lead Investigator, an Anti-Corruption Branch detective from Adelaide, in a context where it dead-set looks like she's trying to blame her junior ACB partner/colleague for a potentially botched raid!...and that's about the politest thing I have to say about that...there's also the issue of her referring to me as "the crook" in an email to another colleague, an email sent only 5 days after she raided my home!...

When I put it to her that this was grossly improper and showed a clear bias against me, Officer Gardner replied that it was just a colloquial term commonly used by SAPol I said 'indeed, therefore you'll have no problem providing me copies of other emails/correspondence where-in you've used that term?'...(mouth-hanging open, deep blushing, stony silence, followed by 'errr, ahhh, ummm', etc, etc-Bunny In The Headlights)...whom in this instance is/was Officer Gardner set there blankly staring into the glaring realities bearing-down on her courtesy of her own lie...(oh, so it's not common then?-Ed)...well exactly, absolute bollocks, and the moment I called her on it, she went to pieces...(wow...and what does/did Magistrate White make of 1) the clear and unacceptable bias of "the crook", and 2) the bare-faced lie that it's 'common', a lie clearly proven right in front of him?-Ed)...nothing, waved it all away as irrelevant and we're just continuing on regardless, whatevs, as per usual...(wow-Ed)...

ACB Detective Gardner has also stated on the record that I was charged...(but that's a lie!-Ed)...hang on, yes, it most definitely is a lie, and one that SAPol Prosecutions have continued to spew-forth, despite the clear documented evidence that I was never charged and indeed never Summonsed to Hearing One, aways back in February 2015...(wow, February 2015, and we're now in May 2017, and you said it's going to be adjourned until, when?-Ed) least August 2017, Officer Gardner's "new" Medical Certificate apparently says end of July 2017...("new"?..."apparently"?...if you wouldn't mind?-Ed)...sure..."new" because apparently the original MC was only until a few days after the Trial dates for May 2017, just coming up, but there's a "new one", good until August 2017, apparently...(and, "apparently"?-Ed)...because I was not provided a copy of either...(at all?-Ed)...the closest I came was SAPol Prosecution's Batten putting a heavily redacted 'Certificate' on the table between us, leaving it there briefly, but then picking it up again before I'd even read it...(so you don't have nor have you seen any document that explains ACB Gardner's sudden but lengthy absence?-Ed)...nope...(nothing? nothing at all?-Ed)...mate, here's what I've got, this from the Summons...

SAPol Prosecutions, Limestone Coast Prosecution Unit, have sought several 'Orders' and under  'Grounds of Application' have stated 'Medical Reasons'...then under 'Details of order applied for', SAPol have stated;
     1. To have the Investigating Officer excused on the next occasion due to Medical Reasons
     2. To have witnesses interposed
     3. Thereafter to have the trial adjourned to a date in the future at the expiration of  
         GARDNER's Medical Certificate

(So what is this mystery malady that lays Officer Gardner low until at least August 2017?-Ed) idea...(what? why not?-Ed)...well apparently that's her private business, and her privacy is not to be impinged upon by moi...(hang-on, back-it-up a second, so you don't have any documentation provided to you or even an actual verbal explanation from SAPol as to why they've suddenly pulled their own Lead Investigating Officer in the middle of her crucial-if-catastrophic evidence?-Ed)...nope...(pulled for at least 3 months?-Ed)...yep...(mmm, must be serious, when was that Certificate issued?-Ed)...dunno'...(didn't you ask?-Ed)...I tried, no answer...(but hang on again, didn't that other officer have to get a MC to give evidence via the audio/video link from Adelaide because he had/has deep-vein thrombosis or some-such?-Ed)...sure, and I readily agreed to that request aways back before HH Magistrate Anderson, back last year, just because if the guys actually crook, ya' know? and SAPol Prosecutions gave me a letter/certificate thing, which I'm assuming is kosher...(no, you're missing the point mate-Ed)...enlighten me...

(That dude has provided a letter/certificate/whatevs that explains exactly what's happening, sans any redacting-Ed)...sure, it's what HH Magistrate Anderson told SAPol to do...(so why is that any different to another witness?-Ed)...I actually couldn't tell you Ed...that is, as they say, a very good question...(why does he need to provide a MC just to appear via the telly, yet the key witness Investigating Officer can provide nothing to explain her sudden absence?-Ed)...well it doesn't sound great when you put it like that...(why could this specific issue of 'why?' have not been discussed under a 'Suppression Order', never to leave the Courtroom?-Ed)...good point...(furthermore, how do SAPol's/Officer Gardner's rights somehow entirely trump the defendant's?-Ed)...right! why? and you know these clowns have been prodding around in my Disability Support Pension stuff whilst investigating me...(nooo?-Ed)...oh yeah, and that's not only not irrelevant, that's exactly the game we're playing...         

Language hilariously, diabolically disastrous their case may currently be...(and it is, oh my good gourd, my how it is-Ed)...ultimately these clowns just don't care because a huge part of this has been about harassing me and trying to stress me out...let's see if we can't bring the stupid fucker's Cancer back by making his life an absolute stress-laden misery of endless bias and innumerable Court appearances...and it worked...up to a point...(and then?-Ed)...and then it became 'well done dickheads', because the stupid fucker cannot stop the stress and the anger, does not even try, instead he goes into Court and quietly lets fly in an almost majestic maelstrom of muted malevolence and polite malcontent...(back of the net!-Ed)...indeed, said it before, say it again because it is the near-perfect metaphor, I am the broken, fractured creature forcibly cobbled together, animated, and shoved into the spotlight by Masters now suffering at the hands of their own Monster...(just pass that ball here again will ya'?...cheers...WHACK!!...back of the net-Ed)...but again I digress...   End Language Warning

From several paragraphs back, the point being, I have proven repeatedly to Magistrate White, in real-time, right in front of him, that SAPol Prosecutions have lied...not open to debate, it's a stone-cold slam-dunk lay-down misere...lying, caught, done...and the exact same with Officer Gardner, caught outright lying, more than once, and absolutely nothing...Magistrate White has waved it away as irrelevant, despite my repeatedly stating that this proven propensity to be deceitful, that that pattern of behaviour, that that mode of functioning, whatevs, that this proven lying goes to the very heart, the very substance of SAPol's fundamental credibility as either Prosecutor or witness, and having fundamentally failed that test, then fundamentally undermines everything there-after...which means their entire alleged case, every shred of their alleged evidence, their testimony, etc, etc...and Magistrate White has just waved it all away as irrelevant...(and they've changed the 'Charge Sheet' repeatedly-Ed)...yeah, all that stuff...(and repeatedly withheld/not disclosed documents and then tried to introduce them at Trial, etc, in a constant attempt to undermine your ability to get whatevs very limited legal advice you could, and/or try to trip you up, trap you into some bogus pseudo-confession, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, and not least of all after receiving a Magistrate Anderson issued Court Summons for exactly that sort of documentation...(wow-Ed)...

No-one in that Court is under any illusions that SAPol Prosecutions and their SAPol witness have lied and are going to lie and Magistrate White is going to let them...stating this is not Contempt Of Court, it is a statement of fact already proven by their own actions, and as continues to play-out right now in the South Australian Magistrates Court...(isn't this fun, just like a real Trial-Ed)...the lies ACB detective Gardner has told cannot be retrieved, they cannot be resolved/explained/escaped whenever SAPol deems to have her return...I cannot imagine a scenario where-in Officer Gardner can somehow successfully extricate herself from her current predicament, it's all just sitting there festering away, ready to be ripped ripely open the moment she returns to the witness box...pardon me availees, but I'm done with this ludicrous nonsense for another day, so's here's some ludicrous nonsense...

Great Presidential Quotes:..."I'm afraid the only thing we have to fear is not fearing fear itself" and "Ask not what you've done to get your Country in this doo-doo, ask who ya' gunna' blame now?", and of course, "That guy there gets it, USA, USA, USA, USA"...

Just listening on/via the ABC South East to a highly enlightened debate about the great advances in 'Whistleblower Protections'...(ahahahaahhhaaahaaaa-Ed)...'tyeah, I know...including Nick Xenophon droppin'-in his two-bobs worth...(and?-Ed)...dunno, wasn't listenin', too busy laughin'...(and fair enough-Ed)...still waiting for a returned email about this Court farce, Nick, mate...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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