Saturday, June 17, 2017

Best Post Eva. That Guy There Gets It

Hello Switzerland, Nigeria, Ireland, and Poland and welcome to TMGI...welcome y'all to a sort of rolling post re the closure of the South East Community Legal Service, and why our political overlords of all persuasions, Liberal/Labor/Xenophon/whatevs, are deliberately isolating and vulnerablising the people of the South East...this self-evident agenda is further highlighted by my Court stuff where-in some uppity pleb*...(often manifesting as a Large Angry Hippy-Ed)...well quite, as in this case, where-in some LAH dares to question the rankly pro-paedophile and institutionalised corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, South Australian Labor and Liberals, our rancidly rotten State Parliament, corrupt SAPol (police), etc, etc, and is duly being punished via a bizarre Court case...     
        (*an 'uppity pleb' is a peasant whom dares to rise above their station, cheers)

Dear Availees:...cheers for the feedback and/or comments, etc, but a quick note...I routinely have people contact me re 'starting a political party' and/or 'running as a candidate', and/or wanting to tell me such-and-such re various corruptions in Mt Gambier/Sow Straya/whatevs...whilst I genuinely appreciate any-and-all responses, I have to draw a line somewhere with how I respond, so here t'is that line...I'm already burdened with multiple un-usable examples of MGCC corruption, etc, stuff that I can know but know that I cannot use because that would immediately identify who told and/or is involved, etc...(is this your concerns about causing others to suffer the same vicious, corrupt retribution from a wholly, pro-paedophile corrupt MGCC and sickly dysfunctional State government/Parliament?-Ed)...well exactly, and call me paranoid that I feel that way, then come join me at Trial Day 11 in August...('Day 11'? really?-Ed)...yep, 3 days in November 2016, albeit we didn't get past Morning 2, then 3 days in March 2017, and there was meant to be 2 days in May 2017 plus 2 'emergency days'...

(Strewth, so's even if you've only been actually in Court for a total of less than 4 days, there's been 10 days set-down for it-Ed)...yep, 10 full days of a full Magistrates Court with said Magistrate, Court Clerk, Sherriff staff (usually x2), and then there's the SAPol (police) Prosecutors, there's usually been at least 2 present, and the witnesses repeatedly brought to Mt Gambier, etc...(well just with the cost of running a Court for the day, what's that?-Ed)...not sure, but that Day Count doesn't include the extra 'hearings' of November 24th 2016 and February 8th 2017, then March 8th 2017, then May 1st 2017 and May 10th 2017 and the 'phone hearing' of May 26th 2017...(my head how many 'hearings' have there been?-Ed)...well, since February 2015 when this all kicked-off...(without you being invited, and by 'invited' I mean Summonsed or even Charged!-Ed)...indeed, since my Trial started in February 2015 without me being Charged or Summonsed, then there's been approx 25 'hearings', not including Trial Days...(wow-Ed)...      

I have also unfortunately routinely been approached by people who seek to undermine and/or trick and/or manipulate me and/or the blog, not least of all with claims that they're going to help me...some of these 'exchanges' have been deeply problematic and some have been transparently corrupted and some have clearly been seeking to set me up and/or betray me, and I have engaged many times with people who were going to do such-and-such and it never happens, etc, etc...on other occasions I have returned calls, emails, etc, but to no this point in time I'll continue to generally acknowledge and try to address this sort of feedback, but I hope y'all will appreciate that I'm just me and whilst I'm doing the best I can, there's only so much I can do and/or will attempt...beyond that, please to be checking-out what I have already achieved, and thankyou for contacting me, cheers...(and beyond that, there's your inability to use a computer properly which means messages sit un-noticed in Google Account, etc, sometimes for days even weeks-Ed) I say, trying to do my best, and cheers...

Some Court Stuff:...anyhoos, here 'tis finally, the transcript of the ABC South East Radio news story from Monday March 20th 2017, following on from the rolled-gold debasco (debacle/fiasco) that was/is the 3 days of Trial from March 15th through 17th 2017 and previous mentions of moi on the ABC South East on the Thursday and Friday...I caught some of the Thursday story/item but missed Friday's completely, was a little rushed, but was ready for this...enjoy...(I know I do-Ed)...    

     "A Mt Gambier man has verbally sparred with the Magistrate at the Mt Gambier Court over
     testimony given by a witness in his trial over allegedly publishing confidential information.
     Thea Halpin reports."
     -  In Court, 50 year old Nicholas Fletcher of Mt Gambier accused Detective Brevet Saergent
        Caroline Gardner of 'lying through her teeth' regarding her testimony in his case on Friday.
        Fletcher is defending himself against allegations he published confidential information
        relating to an ICAC investigation on his blog between 2013 and 2014. The witness was
        asked to leave the Court several times by Magistrate Ian White. On one of those occasions
        the Magistrate reprimanded Fletcher for use of a profanity. Fletcher protested to which
        Magistrate White replied "do not treat my politeness as weakness". The trial will resume
        on May 15.-

Dear Availees:...please to be noting the two most critical points here...(amongst a litany of critical points-Ed)...well quite, but focusing first on these 2, namely;
  1) that the ABC has publicly reported that I'm in trouble for talking/blogging about confidential information 'relating to an ICAC investigation"...(but isn't reporting that it's about ICAC, isn't that talking about ICAC, and isn't that a breach of the ICAC Act 2012?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and that's one of the litany of undefinable lunacies that is the ICAC Act 2012, particularly the section that I'm 'charged' with, Section 56 (a) and/or (b)...and;
  2) even if the ABC has one of these ludicrously Fascist 'Written Approvals' from my new bestie and also in his spare time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, even with an official ICAC  'Authorisation', how does that announcement be monitored/policed in the general populace?...(ah, I get it, if just talking about the potential of an ICAC investigation and/or report, etc, etc, if just doing that is a breach of ICAC Act 2012, then what is it when people start discussing what they just heard on the radio?-Ed)...exactly, and furthermore, what if one of them says 'hey, I know of another crime that person committed', that person is now in breach of ICAC Act 2012, etc, etc...     

(Please also note that unless we've missed it, the ABC SE have never before reported the Court stuff despite having a 'journo' present, particularly at the hearings aways back in 2015-Ed)...indeed Ed, ABC persons were spotted at numerous hearings but ne'ery a whisper that I'm aware of...more Court tomorrow...

And I'd just like to say cheers for the gong, one never really expects such a prestigious accolade, especially on the Queen's Birthday long weekend...(mate, that looks like the flattened-out alfoil wrapper off one of those chocolate gold coins, with a bit of tatty ribbon stapled to it-Ed)...are you suggesting that I have dodgied-up some crappily fake replica medal and pinned it on my own chest because I know there's a snowball's chance in heck that I'll ever get a real one?...(dude, if they tried to give you one, you'd politely hand it back-Ed)...only because it's a vacuously politicised and agendaed process that sees grossly unworthy persons awarded, which then fundamentally undermines any genuine people awarded for their genuine efforts...(it's a bit like Sandra Morello of The Border Watch receiving a 'journalism award'-Ed)...not a bit, it's exactly like that!...(or the ABC South East being awarded for that extraordinarily and deliberately deceitful pro-Labor series re the Mt Gambier Gaol-Ed)...another perfect example...what are these awards truly worth if these people are recipients?...

We here at TMGI note that former MGCC Councillor 'Swervin'' Merv White has just received a Queen's Birthday gong...(what for, Services to Merv White?-Ed), no, I think it was for Services to Declaring A Conflict Of Interest After You've Just Voted On It...(ha yes, if not quite a pioneer I'm sure, still a Master of his Idiom-Ed)...mmm, are we just being deeply sarcastic idiots?...(I do believe we are, although, there are all those times we sat there and silently watched El Swervo vote for awarding of tenders/contracts and then say, 'oh yeah, I probably should have declared my Conflict of Interest because my wife's family own that company and/or I'm on that Board', etc, etc-Ed) you said Ed, Master of his Idiom...  
Times like this I seamlessly and respectfully defer to my Mum, and her hilarious observation that awards don't mean what they used to, stating, 'a real OBE like they gave your grandfather, not these ones they give to musicians and actors'...a paraphrase damn near a quote, I nearly fell over laughing...(I know of another accolade that your other grandfather received-Ed)...'accolade'? I know he received Service Medals, but 'accolades'?...(when that family wrote to him and thanked him and his AIF mates for spending 2 days fighting their way through the No Mans Land outside Tobruk to retrieve their mate's body, that family's son, to retrieve him for burial back home-Ed)...indeed, that's an extraordinary circumstance and an accolade beyond merely medals...and that's how my family does ANZAC...and we'll be going there on this 'ere blog real soon too, the cynical mockery that ANZAC Day has become...(and the June long weekend just passed is of course the 15th anniversary of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yep, 15 years of Mt Gambier covering-up the gross abuse of dozens and potentially hundreds of junior primary school children at St Martins Lutheran School...(well done Mt Gambier-Ed)...mmm, you hide your fury well Ed...   

Soft Lee Hardly Worth It:...because MGCC Mayor Andrew Lee reckons he will 'work with the State government and be monitoring the new structures rolled-out after the destruction of the SECLS' (South East Community Legal Services)...(whaaa?-Ed)...well Andy reckons he's had a meeting with SA Labor Attorney-General John Rau and that li'l Johnny reckons the Adelaide-based South Coast Justice Centre (SCJC) part-time service replacing the SECLS service, apparently Li'l J is absolutely sure that SCJC's service will be 'as good if not better' than SECLS...(sorry?! you're saying that Andy said that John said that this closure will make services better?-Ed)...apparently...(this from the man, and I use the term 'man' in it's loosest possible definition, this from the AG who has shutdown SECLS?!-Ed)...according to Mayor Lee on the ABC...(oh well it must be true then-Ed)...well indeed...(and what happened to Mayor Andy's and Council's supposed outrage about the 'obvious damage to the community' and the 'many unanswered questions re how the new service will operate', etc, etc, where's all that outrage?-Ed)...gone apparently, solid gone...(dorrrr, Language Warning, WTF?!!!-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed...       

Did Mayor Andy charge fearlessly unto the breach and challenge li'l Johnny on the outright lie that this will improve services, etc?...(well no, obviously not-Ed)...yeah ok, no, it was a rhetorical question...(well no it's a redundant question because you've already answered it just there in the previous paragraph, and...-Ed)...ok! ok! point taken...Mayor Lee's courageous response to this abject lie from the AG, Andy's new response is 'we'll wait and see'...(tcha! you're shreckin' jokin'!-Ed) I look like I'm joking?...(no, you look very, very annoyed-Ed)...and it gets better...(and somehow we knew it would, right availees?-Ed)...because Andy's new position, despite the fact that nothing has changed and this SECLS closure is still the Social Disaster it was 3 weeks ago when announced, etc, etc, Mayor Lee's abjectly pathetic new response is to "ask the community to be patient"...(what the?!! mmmmmshhh...LW...fuck me!-Ed)...well indeed, sometimes there are only so many ways to say some things...(and there's only one way to say 'fuck me'!-Ed)...indeed Ed, this a cowardly betrayal of the Mt Gambier community, a rank betrayal from a corrupt and selfish man...

This absolutely reeks of the same lame betrayal of the notoriously self-serving Forestry Round Table, the rankly corrupted Labor-stooge laden betrayal of the South East re the wholly corrupt SE Forestry Estate Sale, this is exactly the same...(it wouldn't be that alleged meeting that Andy was returning from when you encountered him at Mt Gambier Airport recently?-Ed)...could well be Ed...dear availees, just happened to be alighting from my li'l vehicular transport at MGA, and bingo, there's Mayor Andy right there, on his phone, not sure he even saw me...(not see you?! you're 6'1" and big-as-all-outdoors!-Ed)...but he was head-down, on the phone, and I was just behind a large're right though, hard to tell because these people have a habit of not being able to see me, standing right there...(settin' right there in the Visitor's Gallery during Council meetings-Ed)...exactly...anyhoos, I was close enough to hear him say 'hello Councillor Lynagh'...(strewth, imagine he didn't see you, and then he reads that you were standing right there close enough to hear that, that's got to be a tad unsettling-Ed)...except that everyone knows it's an un-challengeable reality that I'm the Gentle Ben of SE Politics and any sense of 'un-settledness' is wholly derived from the actions of The Unsettled...

And you reckon that Andy's reading this?...(mate! if they're not reading it themselves, they're sure-as-shreck hearin' about it-Ed)...well I don't know that for certain, but it is put to me regularly that this 'ere blog features not infrequently in polite conversations here-abouts and down our way...and because I simply just can't just do just this shizzle just all the time, here's some nonsense just for the sake of it...apols if I've done this bit before, but I've lost track long ago of some ideas, cheers...

Chance Is A Circular Paradox:...(oh gourd, here we go-Ed)...whaaat?!...(well, as soon as I see the word 'paradox', I know it's going to be an avalanche of atrocious pun-ning and/or wantonly wondrous word wizardry-Ed)...yeah, fair call, but anyhoos, you know how you say those conflicting things about 'the likelihood of chances'?...(no, not really-Ed)...come on, you know, when one's chances are said to be 'very slim'...(ah ok, yeah, like in saying 'there's a very slim chance you'll ever get a medal for blogging mate', like that?-Ed)...exactly, or sometimes one might say that 'there's a fat chance you'll get a balanced and unbiased result in your Court debasco (debacle/fiasco)'...(ah, I see, the paradox being that one could use either 'slim' or 'fat' to describe a degree of 'chance'-Ed) on, but it goes further...(ah well, it always does with you, doesn't it?-Ed)...also a fair point, but please to be considering just exactly how 'slim' one's chances get before we actually reach 'fat chance', indeed, the slimmer one's chances become, the closer we get to 'fat', 'fat' being the finality...(ah yeah, one's chances get slimmer and slimmer until there is 'fat chance', being no chance at all-Ed)...and it's a circle because if your 'chances' get so slim that there is 'fat chance', having reached and/or started from that finality, if there is any hope at all...(your chances start to improve from 'fat' immediately to 'extremely slim'?-Ed)...exactly...ahh words, they are hilarious things...

Tomorrow: More Court, More ICAC, More SECLS 
Also featuring, the $150k that the Labor state government has apparently given MGCC to establish a Recycling/Scrap/Salvage Yard thingy, likely to go at the exact former site of the R/S/SY thingy that MGCC closed only a coupla' years back...(and what did happen to that huge hangar-style shed that disappeared off that site? where did that huge expensive shed go? is it at another MGCC site/depot. or was it taken by someone associated with that facility, as has been repeatedly 'alleged'?-Ed)...dunno' Ed, perhaps I'll have to ask Council, maybe my good mate and MGCC Councillor Des Mutton who was apparently running the facility when it closed, perhaps They/he might have some idea where that huge, expensive shed disappeared to...(well good luck with that-Ed)...feelin' lucky mate, feelin' lucky...

Also, MGCC unfurls another text-book corrupt contract right down the side of the Helpmann Theatre...(you mean the rank lies that MGCC CEO 'Mighty Marky' Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane trotted-out on the ABC SE yesterday re a massive cost blow-out on that project?-Ed)...yep, another corruptly incompetent MGCC contract/project pouring Ratepayer's money into the pockets of Councillors and/or their families and/or their mates!...and from the CEO, on the ABC, rank deceits about the costs, excused with lame lies about unexpected structural surprises, lies that are at best inexcusable is not incompetence that MGCC continues to engage in these undefined and open-ended tenders/contracts, it is the template by which they conduct their collective corruption...(and not one single word of concern or criticism from the ABC?-Ed) on, not one word, just trot-out the 'Dorothy Dixer' questions and not challenge a word of the clearly deceitful responses...pathetic and yet another basic betrayal of the community that the ABC continues to tell me that it represents "without bias or agenda"... 

Oh, nearly forgot, also gunna' have to have a bit of a poke at this rather bizarre Special Rules For An Ex-Mayor shizzle at the Robe Council...(alms for an ex-Mayor?-Ed)...sorry what?...(alms for an ex-Mayor sir-Ed) 'ex-Mayor'?...(yessir, 4 years under the robes and proud of it-Ed)...4 years? what happened?...(cured sir!-Ed)...mmm, is this a shameless, nay heretical rip-off of a classic Monty Python skit from Life Of Brian?...(not any more it ain't sir-Ed)...and for accuracy sake, I dunno' exactly what terms 1) he served as Mayor, and/or 2) prevailed in becoming ex-Mayor, but whatevs...('ex-Mayor' sounds a bit like a disease really doesn't it?-Ed) a kinda' rash...(that's the one-Ed)...are you suggesting that Robe Council is suffering from a nasty case of Ex-Mayor?...(yeah, you're laughing now aren't ya'?-Ed)...well sure, just occasionally I do get a small chuckle from some of the random nonsense we stumble into whilst writing this 'ere blog...  
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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