Friday, June 23, 2017

Just More ICAC Court Stuff

Howdy y'all in Switzerland, Romania, Russia, and India and welcome to y'all's another small step forward in trying to accurately describe the vast bizarreness of my Court stuff, from the motivation, through the 'prosecution', and with all it's many players...I recently had to go to the Mt Gambier Courthouse to ask for the latest Certificate of Record re the May 26th 2017 'phone hearing' and the 2 previous 'post/mid-Trial hearings' where-in firstly the SAPol (police) Prosecutions main witness and SAPol's Chief Investigating Officer Caroline Gardner went on Sick Leave (May 1st 2017) and then secondly Magistrate White went on Sick Leave (May 10th 2017)...(why do you need to ask for it, isn't the Court sending you that stuff automatically?-Ed)...ummm, I dunno', they have sent me the COR a coupla' times, but I dunno' what's meant to happen..whatevs...

(And that COR is wrong too-Ed)...wrong?...(well I've spotted one critical error already-Ed)...mmm?...(yeah, where it says that you've been provided a copy of SAPol Gardner's 'Sick Certificate'-Ed)...oh yeah, during that bizarre pseudo-hearing in the tiny side room via TV-Audio link with Adelaide, SAPol Prosecutor Batten put a heavily redacted 'something' in front of me, but retrieved it again minutes later before I'd even had a chance to read what little info was on there...(and you were refused any explanation at all as to SAPol Gardner's illness because she had 'a right to privacy'-Ed)...indeed, I don't know why, nor do I have any 'certificate', redacted or otherwise...(and I further note the COR also records that you were warned for Contempt of Court, again...that's quite a collection of COC warnings/threats you've accumulated there-Ed)...indeed, that's the fourth, and it led directly to the fifth...(fifth? do tell-Ed)...I will...

Going Off Half COCed:...prior to the 'exchange' as described/quoted by the ABC (just below) there was an 'exchange' on Trial Day 4, being the first day of Trial Part II with replacement Magistrate White (Wednesday 15th March 2017), when Magistrate White said 'you've already been warned about interrupting, etc', and I responded 'that's the second time you've threatened me', referring to Contempt of Court and the first time he threatened me with it on February 8th 2017...(as reported in The Border Watch-Ed)...indeed...the exchange the ABC refers to is therefore the third COC threat, each getting further away from actually saying COC, each finding more poetic ways to threaten me that don't actually identify that I am being threatened...(but why?-Ed)...because Magistrate White has already fired that salvo, has already spent that charge, and having failed to follow through, now finds himself holding a large, empty threat...and he knows it and I know it and it's why all he can do is vaguely and opaquely threaten me...(but they're clearly still threats-Ed)...oh absolutely, clearly still threats...

Everything I Say In Court Has A COC-Ring To It:...following on from this third threat came yet another threat during the TV/Audio link-up re SAPol Gardner's sick leave, etc, being the fourth threat...(what happened?-Ed)...Magistrate White dismissed my question about whether it was even legal, for whatever reason, to just skip a witness partway through their evidence/cross examination and move onto other witnesses as SAPol Prosecutions was requesting, dismissed/ignored this question in approving that request, and I said 'there's a surprise'...Magistrate White immediately stated 'you've already been warned', and I stated 'that's the fourth time you've threatened me', to which Magistrate White replied, 'and there won't be a fifth', to which I immediately responded, 'and there's the fifth'...(ahhh, I get it, in saying there won't be another warning, that is in itself a warning-Ed)...warning, threat, whatevs, that's exactly what it was, and I take genuine pride in the moment of brief brilliance that was my controlled and clinically crushing response, 'and there's the fifth'...

And I deliberately use the term 'threat' because that's exactly what's happening here...when Magistrate White doesn't like what I'm saying or is 'losing' the discussion, etc, I get this posturing from the Bench...I have now been threatened 5 times with Contempt of Court...I have attempted to address Magistrate White's undisguised bias against me in the appropriate forum, in the Court, and he himself dismissed it, all as reported in the local media...

And to finish this stuff re the ABC South East radio report re my Court again then is the transcript of that report;
     'A Mt Gambier man has verbally sparred with the Magistrate at the Mt Gambier Court over
      testimony given by a witness in his trial over allegedly publishing confidential information
      Thea Halpin reports':
      - In Court, 50 year old Nicholas Fletcher of Mt Gambier accused Detective Brevet Saergeant
        Caroline Gardner of 'lying through her teeth' regarding her testimony in his case on Friday.
        Fletcher is defending himself against allegations he published confidential information
        relating to an ICAC investigation on his blog between 2013 and 2014. The witness was
        asked to leave the Court several times by Magistrate Ian White. On one of those occasions
        the Magistrate reprimanded Fletcher for use of a profanity. Fletcher protested to which
        Magistrate White replied, "do not treat my politeness as weakness". The Trial will resume
        on May 15.-

1) First things first, here 'tis again, standard Mt Gambier media manipulation of the reality to carefully portray me in the most critical light possible and steadfastly avoid anything that might give me credit, as these wholly corrupted organisations continue to attack me rather than accept the responsibility for their own rankly corrupt behaviours, particularly their knowingly, willingly complicit involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...rather than identifying and/or describing any of the many, many times I proved that SAPol's Gardner was lying, the ABC have me making an otherwise extreme and paranoid and slightly unhinged accusation...(well the ABC ain't just ya' local media though, is it?-Ed)...good point Ed, and also, the ABC have submitted a formal Affidavit 'against' me, alleging 10 years of problems with me and citing a specific incident at the ABC Mt Gambier station in January 2014 and a resultant official letter 'banning' me from the ABC, etc...(and that Affidavit was spuriously furiously defended in Court by the ABC's most senior Sydney-based lawyers-Ed)...indeed, lawyers who actually argued that my Court-issued Summons for all that alleged correspondence, emails, etc, security video of 'the incident', and most importantly that 'banning letter', etc, the ABC's highly paid lawyers whinged that that Summons was "oppressive" and "fishing for information", and that 'it would take "20 hours" to find any documents', etc...

Another Irony To Bite Down On:...because you're paying for these sanctimonious, self-satisfied and deeply corrupted stooges that call themselves ABC lawyers to defend the relentlessly self-praising ABC...the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the national broadcaster, who you don't have any choice but to fund from your taxes, etc, etc, please insert here all the rabid Right Wing criticism of the ABC as being a rabid Left-Wing broadcaster, etc, etc, and then dear availee say 'whatevs', and forget the shreckin' Wings and focus on the foul mess in the middle, the ABC...(how is it that the ABC is allowed to air their deeply manipulated version of events?-ed)...well it's 'open Court' so it's open slather on who says what, eg, I can now identify that I'm 'charged' with talking about an alleged ICAC investigation of MGCC...(yeah sure, but 2 things, haven't the media been politely warned a coupla' times about not printing stuff in breach of the ICAC Act 2012?-Ed)...ummm, well Her Honour Magistrate Teresa Anderson mentioned it twice I think, but I don't recall Magistrate White saying anything specifically, and I'm assuming that the ABC and TBW each must have a bizarre and openly Fascist ICAC Commissioner-issued 'Authorisation'...and so again, here is the classic problem with this farcical law that makes talking about stuff illegal, 'cos once the cat's outta' the bag and the media have aired the story, that bag will remain pitifully kittyless...

(Ummm, sure, once the issue is aired publicly, how does that relate to policing that discussion and/or the person originally charged, etc, sure, but I was referring to the fact that the ABC is a critical prosecution witness who have already appeared in Court, albeit via their lawyers via telephone from Sydney-Ed)...Ed! a most excellent point!...(well cheers, but no need to sound quite so surprised-Ed) no, pardon, I'm surprised at myself that I didn't spot that myself...(well given that I'm not actually an actual person but a confected literary device for creating a sense of discussion as opposed to lecturing and brow-beating, and/or to set-up jokes, etc, etc, you did spot that yourself-Ed)...another excellent point, but let's focus on that first one, if the ABC en masse is a witness, how is it appropriate for the ABC to air any version of the case they are witness in?...(let alone such a drastically skewed, manipulated and agenda-ed version-Ed)...indeed...(and what about TBW? they're so provably rabidly biased and corrupted re li'l ol' you, but they're also a witness, but they also report their deeply distorted and deliberately denigratory dross about your case, what about them?-Ed)...again Ed, a most excellent point...

As discussed repeatedly in 'open Court' and as defended/addressed by ABC lawyers from their Ultimo, Sydney headquarters, Stuart Stansfield of the ABC South East has lodged a deeply problematic Affidavit with the SA Magistrates Court, making numerous allegations against/about me and my alleged conduct, etc, whilst deliberately omitting critical realities, etc, and yet after the Court issued Summons for any supporting info, a Summons I made happen merely by addressing some of the issues re Stuart Stansfield's Affidavit, blah blah blah, the ABC's official response to that Summons is to say 'orrr, gee whiz, it's all a bit difficult really, here's not one single bloody document you clown and'...(whoa whoa whoa, you're gettin' a little off-topic there-Ed)...cheers, it's just a wee bit frustrating, and beyond that, deeply deeply disturbing and concerning...this is my ABC...

It's Braised Irony In An Irony Reduction, Served On A Bed Of Irony With Roasted Seasonal  Ironies:...(you idiot-Ed)...cheers, but even I can spot the extraordinary irony of me complaining about the ABC actually including me in the news cycle...(as opposed to censoring you out of the news, for example, even when you're a Mayoral candidate who gives the others a polite but thorough pantsing at the official October 2014 Candidates Forum-Ed)...yeah Ed, as opposed to censoring me out of the news...the ABC, 'your most trusted source of news, without bias or agenda', apparently...  

2)  As covered in previous post, when this clearly states that I'm in big twubble mister for talking about an ICAC investigation, this does the very thing I'm 'charged' with...(well it actually is doing it twice-Ed)...twice? how so?...(well you've supposedly breached the SA ICAC Act 2012 by allegedly discussing an alleged ICAC investigation into Mt Gambier City Council, et al, which has apparently led to you yourself being the subject of an ICAC investigation-Ed)...ahhh, yes...(which means that in stating that you're in big twubble mister, the ABC and/or The Border Watch are at the very least 'tending to suggest' that someone 'has been, might be', etc, etc, the 'subject of an ICAC investigation and/or complaint and/or report', etc, etc, etc, all of that nonsense that is the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, this ludicrous legislation which means that literally any reportage of literally anything is yet a further breach-Ed)...and so to report about me and me Court stuff at all is to discuss at least 2 ICAC investigations?...(spot on-Ed)...and does that make me the first civilian to be prosecuted under SA ICAC Act 2012?...(you'd have to reckon that it's a fair bet, and I'd go even further, 'cos I reckon you're definitely the first person ever charged under Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012!-Ed)...fair enough...

(And even if the 'media' has one of those truly Fascist and quite bizarre 'Authorisation' letters from the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, what happens once this info is released publicly and peeps start discussing it?-Ed) they do...(as they do, how does that relate to 'tending to suggest'?-Ed) idea mate, and it's a question I'm frequently asked and have myself asked in Court, and there's also the issue of how does one report 'corruption' without my February 8th 2017 hearing I raised the issue of MGCC holding a formal Council Special Meeting (January 31st 2017) to discuss reporting the rankly corrupt Mayor Andrew Lee to ICAC re that corrupt winery purchase...(how many breaches is that of ICAC Act 2012, Section 56?-Ed)...Uber-pod of randy Humpbacks, etc, etc, that many breaches...(whale oil beef hooked-Ed)...cheeky, but yes, it is quite amazing that MGCC, who apparently had this all carefully explained to them, again, by MNBAAIHST ICAC Comm Lander in November 2016, only months later engage in this fabulous flukes-out frenzy of breaching...(and to what end? what's happened?-Ed)...shhhh! strewth, we can't talk about that...(why not?-Ed)...because I have no idea what's happened so I can't comment...(never stopped you before-Ed)...sorry?...

Still waiting for SAPol Prosecutions, the Court, the ICAC, whoevs/whatevs, to provide me with any definition of the legislation I'm charged with, and when I originally asked (2013) I was repeatedly sent a one page 'info sheet' which just re-quotes the actual legislation, doesn't explain it at all...(and isn't that specific 'Information Sheet' the one that SAPol Prosecutions have tried to use as a critical and damning document against you?-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, and indeed they have...(and how did that work out for them?-Ed)...not well mate, not well at all...(is there any part of the SAPol Prosecutions work that is working out well for them?-Ed) Ed, no there isn't, it's an unmitigated disaster, and I truly wish it was solely because of what a monkey genius I am...for example, here are some random issues I feel I haven't covered previous, issues that define themselves, all I need to do is point at them and say, 'wtf?', and it all goes horribly wrong...  

1) Am I not obliged to correct my apparent mistake, an apparent mistake I apparently make in pretty much every post...(which is?-Ed)...that Mt Gambier City Council is a rankly corrupt, basically criminal organisation systematically and routinely rorting Ratepayers readies...ICAC says I'm wrong so surely I must acknowledge that because I've routinely and un-repentantly 'wrongly' accused and therefore defamed MGCC...
2) Re my claims that that alleged ICAC investigation of MGCC never actually happened, etc, ICAC's own Court evidence was that 'it's irrelevant because you're charged with identifying a complainant, etc, not with discussing the investigation itself'...(but MGCC state in their May 2014 Minutes that they have been investigated and exonerated-Ed)...never happened, this is the complicit corruption personified in the ICAC Commissioner and ICAC's true role, hiding the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australian politics and particularly Mt Gambier City Council... 
3)  (But why hasn't ICAC declared publicly that it has investigated and fully exonerated the Mount Gambier City Council? this is a huge issue, an entire Council investigated and exonerated, surely that's exactly the sort of thing that ICAC would be trumpeting to justify their existence?-Ed)...well exactly Ed, why hasn't ICAC publicly reported this huge investigation/result? simple really, it never's exactly how corrupt ICAC is in SA, wholly lying about investigating an entire Council...(and when held to account in your Court case, suddenly it's "irrelevant" and there's not one single document to support the claim that this investigation ever happened! outrageous-Ed)...indeed Ed, corruption SA ICAC-style...
 4) MGCC supposedly have written permission from My New Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander to state in their Minutes from the Full Meeting May 2014 that they have been investigated re allegations made online, and fully exonerated, so why haven't they reported this through their complicitly compliant mates at the ABC and TBW?...(absolutely! like you say, why haven't these collective clowns at MGCC shut you down with a blizzard of ICAC-backed hackery and associated defamation threats?-Ed)...exactly...(what's 'hackery'?-Ed)...ah yes, if a dodgy journo is a 'hack', what they produce is 'hackery'...  
5) Not least of all to shut me up and/or down...(which is really the same thing-Ed)...well indeed, given the bizarre but undisguised Fascism of the ICAC Act, gourd only knows what future Fascism this rankly pro-paedophile corrupt SA Rann/Weatherill Labor government has in store, but in the here-and-now we have rankly Fascist ICAC legislation that the government can and will use to attack those who criticise them, even private citizens...(and again, I can't understand why ICAC and/or MGCC didn't just or even don't just now release that info re that investigation/exoneration of MGCC and put an end to your scurrilous slanderings of these thoroughly robust organisations-Ed)...

Slight apology that this has blown-out a bit, so's I'll pull stumps here for today...

Tomorrow: Yet More Court Stuff

And again this morning (*Monday), first cab-off-the-rank on the ABC South East is a long 'article' about how people trust the ABC way more than anyone else...(there's been a few of these 'who do you trust?' type stories about the ABC on the ABC-Ed)...and I fully concur with the discussion about how important the ABC is, particularly in Regional Australia, and again identify that this importance is largely what drives my relentless critique/commentary...the ABC and SBS are both excellent resources, but must be accountable... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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