Wednesday, June 28, 2017

TMGI Scoop - MP Accuses Forestry Owner Of Prostitution

***howdy availees, 'cos this post has really blown out size-wise it's a bit chunky and means a Part II tomorrow...cheers***

Howdy to Czechia, Japan, United Arab Emirates, and the Philippines, and welcome y'all else as well of course...I understand that 'Czechia' is a new/alternative name for what I grew-up calling Czechoslovakia, and I still ain't sure what's what with that, so respectfully I have included both, cheers...but now Ed, what's this amazing 'scoop' you've got? this had better not be another one of your stupid titles again, remember last time?...(not really-Ed)...when I let you do the title for that post 'Just For Art's Sake' and you turned that into 'Just Farts Ache'...(orrr come on mate, it's not actually even mine, it's the front page from local paper The Border Watch, from last Friday 23rd June 2017, which I've attached just below there, and all I've done is just encapsulate the real issues for this 'ere blog-Ed)...yeah sure, TBW put that on their front page, I find that very hard to believe...(well they did have that banner headline back in December 2014, 'Drug Use In High Places'-Ed)...true, an extraordinarily inappropriate pun to make re the devastating 'Ice scourge' in Mt Gambier...

However...(oh here we go-Ed)...I still find it very hard to believe that local Liberal state MP for the Seat of Mt Gambier, Troy Bell, that Troy would make such a provocative and specific criticism and/or allegation...(mate, what can I tell ya'?-Ed)...well, you could just tell me what's really going on...(now where's the fun in that?-Ed)...mate, we ain't here to have fun!...(although we occasionally do-Ed)...well true, but that's hardly the main motivation, so tell me what's goin' on here...(well, Mr Bell has aired concerns that the 'new owners' of the South East Forestry Plantation, OneFortyOne Plantations, that 141P are somehow creating massive profits far beyond anything that Forestry SA ever managed, and that 'profit' is derived from excessive felling/exporting-Ed)...hey, hang on...(yes, this is exactly what we've been bangin'-on about right here on this 'ere blog-Ed)...absolutely, here at TMGI we've been outlining our concerns about the transparent 141P agenda of clear-felling the entire SEFE as fast as possible...

Regular availees may well have noted that I have steadfastly stayed right-the-heck away from going Troy Bell via this 'ere blog, particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, having always considered that Troy is the unfortunate inheritor of the rank corruptions of those who have preceded him, particularly the rankly pro-paedophile corruption of Rory McEwen, Tony Pasin, Steve Perryman, et al...however, I was deeply disappointed to hear Troy's comments on the ABC last Friday re this clear-felling issue...(but it's still 'great' to see/hear him and this issue on the front page and on the radio-Ed)...oh absolutely, and we all here at TMGI have hardly been some sort of super-seers for identifying this clear-felling issue, it first raised it's ugly head within a year of 141P taking over the 'lease', and there were multiple calls to the ABC 3 years ago about an entire coop of 15-20 year old trees being clear-felled out Tarpeena and/or Nangwarry way...a 'forestry cycle' is meant to be 30-35 years, with occasional thinning work...these are self-established truths...   

Hang on, excuse me mate, but I've just skipped ahead to that TBW article and sure, it is about 141P and Troy Bell's concerns re over-clearing, etc, but the actual title is Profits Soar, how the heck do you get from there to MP Accuses Forestry Owner of Pros...oh gourd...'Profits Soar' - 'Profits Whore'...that's it, isn't it? 'Profits Whore'...and due apologies to all sex workers, whom I would not personally refer to as 'whores', but please to be joining me in ironic laughter as I hurl this usually derogatory nomenclature right at people who truly deserve it...

'Profits Whore' that they'll do anything for profit?...(yeahhhh, but now that I look at it, ain't it us what's gettin' screwed?-Ed)...well in a certain context, certainly...(but we were the ones what got paid, remember?-Ed) mean when the rankly corrupt and criminally incompetent Rann/Weatherill Labor government sold-off the SEFE for less than a third it's actual worth, merrily lying all the way?...(exactly, so if we're the ones what got paid and we're the ones what got screwed...-Ed)...oh...(yeah, 'oh'-Ed)...when you put it like that...(when I put it like that it is us what is the whores-Ed)...yeah, not all metaphors bear you have any others?...(haaa, "do I have any others?"-Ed).........well do you?...(oh yeah sure, sorry-Ed)...

('Profit Sore'?:...the chaffing one gets hauling huge bags of cash out of the South East after clear-felling the SEFS-Ed)...or perhaps it's the sort of callouses one develops when callously destroying communities and economies with your relentless deceits and selfishness...(well put sir, corrupt thieves and liars, all round-Ed)...may I borrow a 'yay'?...(oh please do-Ed)...yay... 

(How's About 'Profit Saw'?:...the mechanised marvel that allows you to clear-fell whole coops of under-sized trees and reap a tidy profit, thanks very much-Ed)...super, that's it?...(ummm, Whore, Sore, Saw, yeah, I reckon my work here is done-Ed)...I'm gunna' need another 'yay'...(sure-Ed)...yay...

And kudos to me for at least trying to dilute the bitterly corrupt realities with some sugary silliness and fuzzy punnage, but there's absolutely no doubt what irretrievable damage that the rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill has done to SA with this deeply corrupt sale process to 141P...(do you think Adelaide really has the faintest idea?-Ed)...not really, and those who do largely don't care, but I do re-refer to that recent Letter to the Editor (don't have a copy, sorry) from an Adelaide-based paper, where-in the writer identified the Forestry Sale as a disaster, so, who knows and whatevs... 

But I'm sick of talking about that State-crippling corruption, so let's talk about how Mt Gambier City  Council has kicked the Country Women's Association out of the beautiful little hall building thingy in Lawrence St and is now going to demolish it, and when it was reported that the CWA was leaving their premises, a CWA rep on the ABC stated that 'the landlord has other uses for it'...(and that landlord turns-out to be Council?-Ed)...yep...(and that other 'use' is demolishing it?-Ed)...oh yeah...(wow-Ed)...and having been at the latest Vacuously Corrupt Pantomime That Masquerades As A Mt Gambier City Council Meeting, it truly looks like Council is searching for 'projects' to justify their raft of new highly paid 'Managers'...

Ringmaster CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane led a jolly jaunt from one Council official to another, succinctly seeking each-and-every highly paid opinion...(but why? why kick-out a perfectly decent tenant, let alone the CWA?-Ed)...I said, to demolish it...(but why demolish it-Ed)...because, and I'm paraphrasing McShenanigans again, 'so there won't be any illegal accessing of the empty building'...(but it wasn't shreckin' empty until Council kicked-out the CWA! and why not just re-lease it rather than leave it empty?-Ed)...and again, like I say, it looks like Council just trying to find yet more dodgy projects to 1) justify their massively bloated and wholly corrupted bureaucracy, and 2) tip just a li'l bit more Ratepayer's hard-earned into the cavernous pockets of Councillors and/or their mates and/or families...(well everyone needs a hobby-Ed)...   

And yet more vacuous and entirely disingenuous bleating from MGCC re the closure of the South East Community Legal Service as Council yet again collude with the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile SA Labor Party...(I see that that career slug Don Farrell is furiously advertising in TBW)...truly?...(and doesn't Don 'The Godfather of Labor' Farrell pride himself on running the SA Labor Party?-Ed)...absolutely he does, and it's fundamentally unbelievable that Don Farrell has not played a key role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...more than happy to have a wee chat with Don about a whole range of stuff, but I'd particularly enjoy the opportunity to discuss the Rann/Weatherill/Farrell/Lutheran cover-up of the abuse of dozens of 7 year old kids at St Martins...(good ol' SA, The Paedophile State, run for paedophiles by paedophiles-Ed)...and good ol' Mt Gambier, the Paedophile capital of the Paedophile State...(yay-Ed)...but we digress... 

Just hilarious to hear Mayor Andrew Lee's voice break as he referred to his recent trip to Adelaide to meet Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau...(do ya' reckon that's the stuff about you happening to happen upon our illustrious leader at Mt Gambier Airport a coupla' weeks back, and what's Andy gunna' think when he reads you were standing right there listening to him say 'hello Councillor Lynagh', etc, etc, all that stuff?-Ed)...I don't care if it is or not, 'cos it is in my mind...(and that's what counts, right availees?-Ed)...(GET ON WITH IT!!!-Availees)...anyhoos, Handy Andy Lee re-iterated what we all already know, namely, that he had a chat with li'l Johnny, whom assured him that the part-time service to be run by the South Coast Justice Centre from Christies Beach in Adelaide will not be just as good as the soon-to-be-axed SECLS, but probably better...(well that's just bollocks!-Ed)...well indeed, and a clear indicator of the weak knee-ed and corruptly self-serving approach from MGCC...

Then Andy brought all the ducks home to roost in a row, with his stunning declaration that he's 'going to liaise with li'l Johnny and monitor what happens and see in the future'...(pathetic! absolutely pathetic!-Ed)...pathetic and disgraceful betrayal of the entire South East...(what happened to the outrage? what happened to 'this is a disaster for vulnerable people'? what about the gaping holes in the current 'plan' by SCJS?...these are all things that Mayor Lee previously cited as being immediate and unavoidable and unacceptable-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, but apparently li'l Johnny has explained to Andrew that everything's fine...(that explanation didn't happen to arrive in a large brown paper bag perchance?-Ed)...mate, everything that Mt Gambier City Council does, literally ever Tender, every project, it's Brown Paper Bag Politics...for example, the latest expansively expensive and emphatically over-engineered escapades all over the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre, which has already blown-out  from $900,000 to $1.4million with a raucous chorus of accompanying lies from MGCC, particularly CEO McShenanigans...(lies? from Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...I'm going to assume that's a very poor attempt at sarcasm, or a very poorly worded rhetorical question...(well it's either and/or both-Ed)...fair enough...more on this...  

Tomorrow: And Probably Some Court Stuff-Up Stuff

Oh, and just in closing, and yet again, given the rank corruptions and/or rank incompetence of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government re their abject deceits and outright lies re the South East Forestry Estate Sell-off, the undeniable privatisation of the SEFE, given that it is irrefutably either gross incompetence or gross corruption that has lost South Australia at least $1.3billion, etc, etc...(and yes dear availees, we do defer to the 'Forestry experts' that that is an accurate and even conservative figure, $1.3billion just gone, but it's a well established 'conservative estimation' of the value of that land, those trees, and the associated Intellectual Property, etc, conservatively estimated to total over $2billion-Ed)...indeed Ed, valued at over $2billion, but 'sold' to 141P for only $670million, that's a loss of $1.3billion minimum...

This absolutely reeks of the exact Rann/Weatherill Labor corruption that triggers the involvement of the  Independent Commission Against Corruption, or ICAC...(or as we at TMGI like to call it, ICARC, the Ind Comm Against Resolving Corruption-Ed)...indeed, SA ICAC is the personified/institutionalised epitome of exactly what it claims to combat...Labor MP Jennifer Rankine, Gillman Land Sale, Naracoorte High School Child Abuse Cover-up, Mt Gambier City Council, Me...why isn't ICAC looking at the gross incompetence and clear corruption in the $1.3billion loss re the South East Forestry Estate sale?...(maybe it is already but we plebs won't know until it's suddenly announced as fully reviewed with all involved exonerated-Ed)...fair point Ed, unfortunately, how the shreck would anyone know if no-one knows because y'all ain't allowed to know or speak about it, etc, etc, ad nauseum, straight into the rankly corrupt and definitively Fascist South Australian ICAC Act 2012, Section 56 (a) and/or (b)...

Just Hilarious:...former Prime Minister Tony Abbott...what a sick joke to criticise others for their lack of loyalty to him...(but he's a serial almost pathological liar himself, who routinely betrayed us Ozzie peeps with his relentless deceits!-Ed)...indeed he did Ed...and he's still pushing for a 'Marriage Equality Plebiscite' rather than a straight 'conscience' vote in Parliament...('straight vote', teeheehee-Ed)...anyhoos, in his gibbering criticism of Labor leader Bill 'Tricky Dicky, Will He Won't He?' Shorten, my mate Truthful Tones said that Bill was a swinger...(sorry what?!-Ed)...who always swung from one opinion to another opposing one...(oh right-Ed)...and was doing some more swingin' re Bill's/Labor's position in now opposing a MEP, something Labor apparently supported previous...(I can't keep up-Ed)...gourd knows mate, but what Tones actually said was 'he's changed his position on this, "like everything else he does"', before concluding, 'he has "no consistency"'...(I don't get it-Ed)...

Right, Tony had a go at Billy, saying Billy always changes his position, that's what Billy always does everytime, "like everything else he does", right?...(yeaaah?-Ed)...but then Tony states that Bill has "no consistency"...(still don't get it-Ed)'s what he always does? he has no consistency?...(ahhh! ah yes, Billy is consistent in his inconsistencies, he's always inconsistent which ironically makes him consistent...that is funny-Ed)...well not now that I've had to spell it out it ain't...but I digress, because the real issue is the Plebiscite itself, it's a straight-out recipe/plan for deeply devisive disaster mired in religion-backed bigotry, and will cause massive trauma for many people, 'Conservatives' included...

Personally, I don't care who marries who, within reasonable age limit, etc, etc, but gender/race/religion/whatevs, well, just own deep personal cynicism screams quietly at me from the peripherins (that's The Mighty Boosh talk for 'peripherals') because of what I see of people's behaviours, gay/straight/whatevs, re relationships and how rancidly piss-poorly many people treat their 'spouse'...(didn't you say that half of Mt Gambier's Tinder users are married?-Ed)...well, don't use it myself, but I certainly trust my source re this info...I defer to comedic character Ronny Johns, 'marriage is the mistake two people make, gay marriage is the mistake two gay people make, gay prairie dog marriage is the mistake two gay prairie dogs make'...(sweeet-Ed)...  

Last week, famous baller of the foot, Australian Rules Football (AFL) champ Garry Ablett Jnr reportedly was injured therefore not picked and was therefore 'going to miss his 300th game due to injury'...(well that's not funny, an injury isn't funny-Ed), but it ain't his 300th if he ain't in it, so he can't miss it if he ain't in it, when he actually plays his 300th, that will be his 300th...(ah, I see-Ed)...well thank gourd for that...(but, if he was picked for the game but got injured in the warm-up, which happens, he would technically miss his 300th, having not actually played in it-Ed) now you grow a brain...terrific...

I am Nick Fletcher, and that's Ed...(actually availees, I'm him, really I am-Ed)...and this is my blog, cheers and laters...(laters-Ed)...

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