Thursday, July 13, 2017

Winter Binds Us All Together, Powerless In Still Chill Weather

Winter binds us all together, powerless in still chill weather
Because Wind Turbines are altogether f***ing useless in still chill weather.

...(sob, that's just beautiful man-Ed)...cheers, one tries to bring a little Art to one's Anger...(witty word play, sniff, that perfectly encapsulates the intricate, sob, yet obvious realities-Ed) I say, one does one's best...(and the, sniff, almost inspired use, sob, of an emphatically and exquisitely semi-deleted gratuitous expletive, wahhh, it's beautiful man, sniff, it's just beautiful, wahhhhhh-Ed)...ok ok, get on with it, cue the intro montage.........(ummm, sniff, we don't have an opening montage-Ed)...well, just play the music then...(ummm-Ed) music? right, just cut to the witty word-smithery and insightfully inspired political discourse...(ummm-Ed)...damn you Ed, dear availees, here's the bloody blog...   

Howdy to the USofA, Argentina, Canada, and Ireland, and to everyone else elsewhere, welcome all to TMGI and the latest farcical Power Failure from the rankly corrupt and fundamentally incompetent pro-paedophile Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill Labor Party, a massive $50m-$100million 'Lithium Battery' to be built at the Horndale Wind Turbine Industrial Estate near Jamestown...and it appears that it's going on the same property as the host of at least some of the Wind Turbines...(nice little earner for that landowner, particularly if they have got Turbines as well-Ed)...indeed, a landowner whom I saw saying that they decided with 24hrs notice and virtually without looking at it, etc...

Reckon This Helps SA? Bollocks:...because the French-owned Hornsdale WTIE is, to my understanding, contracted to provide 'Green Energy' to Canberra, some 1200kms away as the crow flies, to help achieve this ridiculous Renewable Energy Target nonsense...I fully support genuine efforts to Reduce, Re-use, Re-cycle, whatever it is, and specifically when it comes to pollution and other environmental degradations that we humans inflict on the environment, but setting arbitrary RET numbers not grounded in realities of Base Load Production, well it's all very brittle and terribly fragile and altogether vulnerable and will inevitably cause us massive grief again, and not just in SA...(so where does Canberra get it's 'Leccy when the wind ain't blowin'?-Ed)...well exactly...(what?-Ed)...well exactly, where does Canberra otherwise access any power let alone it's 'Green Power', and has this push toward 'Renewable Energy' caused the recent huge spike in Canberrian power prices?...

As I understand it, the Hornsdale WTIE just dumps whatevs electricity it does produce straight into 'The Grid', supposedly a 'National Electricity Grid', and Canberrians then 'buy' that 'Leccy with 'Green Certificates' that are related to their RET (20% of production I think, here in SA it's at 40% and rising)...(does that '40%' include all the times that Turbines are non-functional or under-producing due to unfavourable weather conditions?-Ed)...well exactly, but we digress a bit, because the RET percentage stuff is important, but let's look at the realities first, the Ideologies after that, and then the actual percentages...(fair enough...but I do have a question-Ed)...sure...(those power-line pylons that collapsed back in September 2016, supposedly a critical element in the State-wide Blackout 2016, some of those lines weren't from Hornsdale to Canberra?-Ed)..errr, dunno, I'll try to find out...(and is that battery going at Hornsdale to support that line and/or to back-up Canberra's supply and give them the 15-20mins they need to switch to their other suppliers?-Ed), unfortunately that makes perfectly reasonable sense, but I really dunno...(sure, just cobbling together some random facts, just a vague theory-Ed) unsettlingly plausible theory might I say...(but a theory none-the-less-Ed)...indeed...more tomorrow...

Watt New Lunacy? a title I've used before, but there's our illustrious leader, Jay 'The Shiny Man' Weatherill, blithely monotoning his way through the rhetoric like some sort of lunatic Hypno-Toad (from Futurama)...(hasn't Jay Baby done voice modulation training and basic psychology, etc, all with a view to being soporifically deceitful with his attempts to redefine the fine mess his shreckin' Labor Party have got us into?-Ed)...apparently, all that shizzle, from psychology to body language/posture, eg, always look in one place and don't blink, and of course, never change the pitch/speed/tone of your voice, etc, etc...I ain't no expert, but it's pretty easy to spot...(I remember the September 2016 State-wide Black-out press conferences and Shaky Jay, glasses on, couldn't handball fast enough to Energy Minister Tom Koutsontonis, who equally quickly referred it back to Jay, as they repeatedly intercepted each others questions, didn't answer them anyway, and then flicked back again-Ed)...hilarious... 

Someone's Been On the Lithium Alright:...let's never forget that the Jay Weatherill Labor state government started this 'World's Biggest Battery' farce off the back of a Twitter-feed joke between Elon Musk (Tesla) and his mate...this is where SA Labor gets it's Energy Policy from, Twitter...after 16 years of Rann/Weatherill Labor's rank pro-paedophile corruption and epidemic levels of public Service Nepotism, and all the rank incompetence that that unleashes, etc, etc, etc, Labor have taken us to the world's most expensive electricity if and when we can get that 2017 we are wholly vulnerable to the whims of the weather, and have taken with us are those whom reckon they'll be gettin' their Green Leccy from SA...I understand that Canberra plans to go 100% Renewable Energy by 2020...(ludicrous-Ed)...and achieve that by getting 40% of it's Green Leccy from Hornsdale...what will Canberra do when there's 0% Production at Hornsdale?...

Federal (and SA) Labor's Mark Butler was recently on the ABC Radio blathering away about how this ludicrous battery set-up has 'solved South Australia's energy problems'...(what a lotta' rot!-Ed)...well indeed, and just another example of just how deliberately moronic idealogues can be when trying to justify/excuse their latest act of sub-intelligent dickheadery...I'll make it simple for those highly intelligent folk like myself who still get things wrong...(hang on, so you're saying that although you are a reasonably intelligent person, you still make mistakes, and so when you're taking the piss outta' people, as in that last sentence, you're also politely mocking yourself?-Ed)...indeed, I know some very intelligent people who literally will not see the failings, the massive and unavoidable failings with Wind Turbines, but we digress...

On July 1st 2017 good ol' SA, the Paedophile State, officially became No.1...(woohoo, well done SA, No.1, I knew we could do it, I just knew we were special-Ed)...No.1 as the most expensive Electricity Market on the planet...(ahhh, shhhh-No.2s!-Ed)...well exactly, good ol' SA, where being No.1 means being right in the No.2s...on every other shreckin' list we're last, Economy, Unemployment, Health Services...(and try livin' outside of the gilded cage that is a wholly self-obsessed Adelaide, where-in everything in this State gets sacrificed to fund Adelaide!-Ed)...well exactly Ed, hardly a jingoistic and parochial catch-phrase, SA is run to fund Labor's pork-barrelling efforts in inner-Adelaide suburbs to get themselves re-elected, etc, etc...  

Turbines, Not A Fan:...although, maybe, just maybe a fan is the solution...(oh gourd, here we go-Ed) no, stay with me...(like I gotta' choice!-Ed)...because pre Premier Jay 'The Shiny Man' Weatherill, it was Mad Mike 'The White Elephant In The Room' Rann and his obsession with constructing massive monuments to his own incompetence and corruption, eg, the 'New Royal Adelaide Hospital', the 'New Adelaide Oval'...(and didn't Premier Mike do a huge song-and-dance because wasn't Olympic Dam gunna' be the biggest mine or the most somethingest something, whatevs?-Ed)...yeah, that was a beauty, but they're thick on the ground here-abouts, and he and Ray-Jay are just fully erect to every opportunity to farcically spruik Adelaide as the centre of the known Universe and whack-up some stupendously superficial and superfluous structure and although it's literally always complete dribble, say it's 'the biggest in the whole world'...(so?!-Ed)...your idea, remember? the World's Biggest Fan?...

Turning The Problem On, it's not a paragraph about how well I've done in dismantling the alleged 'case' against me re the ICAC charges, etc, using with brutal effect the ICAC's and the ABC's and SAPol's own documents/evidence/testimony against them, for over 2 years now, no, it's not about that...(well thus far it is-Ed), it's a chance for Ed to share his superb idea that will undoubtedly turn the debate on it's head...(ah, cheers-Ed) away...(sure, ahh, it occurred to me that we're missing the most obvious solution re a lack of energy production due to a lack of wind-Ed)...I love this bit...(the solution being the World's Biggest Fan blowin' on Hornsdale...don't need no battery...well except to run the fan...yeah, I haven't really though this through properly-Ed)...well that's the No.1 criteria for an Energy Policy in South Australia, not thinking it through properly...(yeah, it's a stupid idea-Ed)...nah nah, don't give up yet, it's all there, the World's Biggest Battery Fan...    

(Eureka, I've Got It!-Ed):...go...(Perpetual Energy-Ed)...what?...(Perpetual Energy, point the WBF straight into the Turbines and use the power created by the WBF blowing on the Wind Turbines, use that Leccy to power the WBF-Ed)...oh my gourd, that actually makes sense in a truly bizarre way...(or even better, just use half the Turbines, which have motors, use half as fans to blow on the others, like you said, 'turn the problem on itself'-Ed)...nice reverse segue sir...(but yeah, the World's Biggest Fan, that's an idea what's got legs I reckon-Ed)...maybe, maybe not, because, whilst you're nicely close to the mark there with your 'World's Biggest Fan' idea, it's a cracker no doubt, but I reckon I got the cure for what ails us...

Call Me Iva Biggun:...what SA needs to invest in next, having bought a $50m+ battery, the World's Biggest Battery, now we all need to invest in 1) the World's Biggest Torch, 2) the World's Biggest Box Of Matches, and of course 3) the World's Biggest Candle, then it's easy as 1,2,3...(whaaa?-Ed)...because when the lights go out, and they will go out, we can shove our WBB into our WBT and quickly find the WBBOM and get the WBC lit before the WBB runs out...(how long will all that take?-Ed)...well apparently the WBB, this wonder what gunna' save us from the power goin' out again, this WBB what's gunna' protect us from the dark and the cold and most dangerously, the heat, that WBB reportedly lasts 30 minutes tops under ideal conditions, more likely 15-20...(so we'd have 15mins say to get the WBB in the WBT and get the WBC wick lit wit' de' WBBOM-Ed)...  

Fun With Da' Mental Realities:...because I'm sick of watching otherwise intelligent people's eyes rollin' back in their heads as they furiously refuse to challenge their beliefs/support of Turbines, who refuse to acknowledge let alone actually apply the simple truths re the failings of Wind Turbines...
   1) obviously, No Wind - No Power...and this means when it's millpond-still across SA during 40C+ heatwaves, or as happened this month past, when it's crisp and chill and very, very still...for days at a time...(solar panels-Ed)...and at nights?...(batteries-Ed)...which you recharge with?...(mmm, I take your point, on a hot summer's night when the beach is burnin', or there's fog rollin' in 'cross the sand, there's little or no power being generated to re-charge anything with-Ed)...well firstly, apologies to Meatloaf, but yes, whether the weather is stinkin' hot and still or freezin' cold and still, it's still still...and when it's still, there's no power produced...

Dear Availees:...check whichever Interweb site you want re the Energy Production from Wind Turbine Industrial Estates across South Australia for the past 6-8 weeks...(or rather, the lack of production-Ed)...well indeed, that's the point...we've had weeks of unseasonally very calm and dry weather, cold calm weather, and there's been a respondent/resultant massive drop in Energy Production...No Wind, No Power...(and in Summer it's even more problematic because in Winter we seldom dip below -2C or thereabouts, but excessive and extended Heat Exposure courtesy of an average Adelaide 40C+ heatwave is even more of a killer-Ed)...yeah, even here in the South East it's the heat that'll do for ya'...and during said heatwaves, Regulators/Operators/Whoevs are forced to do Rationing or Controlled Rolling Blackouts, whatevs, to protect fragile and fractured Production and/or Supply Systems, Rationing often prettied-up by being called 'Load Shedding'...

Problem that Turbines also don't work when there's too much wind, because they have to be wind, too much wind...these are simple truths...Turbines produce no power when conditions are not suitable...which leads to Problem 3:...that Turbines are also supposed to be shut-down during Extreme Fire Danger Days because it's impossible to combat a fire in a Turbine 100+meters off the ground...I am genuinely concerned that these EFDD restrictions can and will be ignored due to this obsession with forcing Wind Turbines on South Australians...

Yeah sure I've made some stupid jokes in this post, but it is naive in the extreme and certainly wrong to solely blame Wind Turbines for the disastrous and genuinely deadly Leccy problems we are having now and will continue to have into the future...the ideology and rank Labor corruption re Turbines certainly hasn't helped, eg, the 2011 Development Plan Amendment that effectively denies Turbine opponents access to Court appeal processes, much more to cover here, the battery nonsense, gas prices, etc, etc, so more...      

Tomorrow: The Beast Unburdened

Dear previous posts I have repeatedly referred to issues that I felt I couldn't discuss...(and a couple you've been asked to not discuss-Ed)...yeah, a couple, but usually it's a self-imposed restriction...(fair enough-Ed)...but now 2 specific issues have been publicly exposed/discussed so's I'm gunna' jump right into those...and one is Mayor Andrew Lee refusing to pay a building contractor, and the second refers unfortunately to enquiries made of me back in April 2017, questions re 'the alleged Child Abuse cover-up at Generations in Jazz' (paraphrase but damn close)...and before y'all jazz lovers lose ya' syncopated shizzle at me for daring to question the beloved GIJ,  I'm gunna' jump right on the sanctimonious outrage of all involved...(orrr strewth! can you imagine?...'ooo ooo, that bloody prick Nick Fletcher's havin' a go at GIJ now, what a bastard'-Ed)...absolutely, so I'm gunna' stomp politely all over that shizzle and say that it appears people were asking me about this because of that article that Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh put on his shreckin' Limestone Coast News web-page...

I referred to this previously, but check it out for ya'selves, Limestone Coast Community News, April 7th 2017, it was there last time I looked, posting/referencing the article from The Advertiser story that ran days before...and I believe that the story run by ABC South East, September 14th 2012 re a letter sent to Tennison Woods College parents refers to this same issue/incident...problem is, there's so much 'Child Abuse' stuff going on, reported or otherwise, and when reported it's in such vague terms that it's often difficult to know exactly which case/incident is actually being referred to...I've tried to stand right back from this one, and duly do consider that this is exactly what's happened, Josh Lynagh, Cr Lynagh has for some unknown reason decided to randomly whack that on his LCCN website, and then people have asked me 'is this about that Child Abuse thing at GIJ?'...tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

PSssst:...hey, pssst, availees, over here...psst...just between you and me and everyone else who already knows anyway, I nearly forgot to mention as indeed have they, that Weatherill Labor has also invested in $100million worth of Diesel Generators to jam-up the gaping holes in their alleged Power Plan...there's so much goin' on here, more tomorrow as well as the other stuff...($100m for diesel back-ups?-Ed)...yep...(on top of a $50m, 20min battery?-Ed)...well probably next to it rather than actually on top of it, but yes...(you idiot...$100m diesel back-up for the $50m+ battery and another $350million for a State-owned 'Emergency' Gas-Fired Power Station?-Ed)...yep, like I said, more tomorrow...(cheers-Ed)..laters...

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