Friday, July 21, 2017

Tidying-up A Few Loose Ends

Howdy to the new besties USofA and Russia...(and what is goin' on there?-Ed)...dunno', I just, dunno', whatevs...and also howdy to France where they've all just been G20ing it up or whatevs, and of course to good ol' availees here in good ol' Oz, howdy and welcome to TMGI, the Antipodean Bloggin' Machine (The Mighty Boosh - Killeroo, The Antipodean Killin' Machine)...(I love TMB, it's ridiculously absurd and deeply philosophical all at the same time-Ed)...indeed, but we digress, to the issues Ed...

Please Note Dear Availees:...that because of the very sensitive nature of the following, I've deliberately tried to tip-toe right around using any names, other than absolutely necessary to describe where/what/why/when, etc...

More About Child Abuse Allegations:...that were put to me and/or that I was asked about back in April 2017, enquiries specifically citing Generations In Jazz (held in May), and how that appears to relate to an article from The Advertiser from April 2017, and as re-produced on Limestone Coast Community News, the Interweb page thingy run by Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh...this is an unmitigated disaster that I'll try my best to explain, but always in the contexts that 1) there's often so much deliberate misinformation and/or misreporting and/or partial reporting, and so many incidents overall, etc, etc, that it's often difficult to sort the shizzle from the chaff from the grain, and 2) I've already copped heaps about apparently being responsible for the farcical housing stuff-up with jazz students, etc...but here goes...again, please note that I'm trying to be sensitive to the many elements here...(not least of all to the young woman involved-Ed)...indeed Ed, not least of all to the young woman involved, that I might have her courage...

I believe that this article and the subsequent questions asked of me, refer to an incident or incidents that occurred at Tennison Woods (Catholic) College and did apparently involve a senior figure associated with GIJ but I understand not at GIJ the event yes, to respond directly to what was asked of me, this may be referring to that specific person and those incidents, which fall with-in that time-frame, etc, but I do not know specifically about the GIJ or the Academy or anything and/or anyone else...please again note that I have specifically not used any names here, not even correctly identifying the Academy, etc, but not least of all because appropriate authorities, eg, the school, SAPol, etc, do know exactly what happened and who's involved...and they knew then too...(knew then?-Ed)...absolutely...

Unless of course it was in reference to a different but near-identical major Child Abuse issue, I vividly recall hearing the Tennison Woods Principal David Mezinec at the time (2010), on the ABC South East Radio, emphatically denying any problem, nothing to see here, followed literally immediately by a senior SAPol officer (Supt Mark Fairney?), nuthin' to see here, and literally with-in 24hrs the rumour had reached my ears about 'what a slut that girl is, and she's done it before, etc'...(oh, so it's definitely a cover-up then-Ed)...what Ed? the Catholic Principal and a senior SAPol officer say it's all fine, and The Rumour says she's a slut...(yeah, so it's a cover-up-Ed)...Ed, are you suggesting that the Principal and the SAPol officer were being deliberately untruthful, and that that 'slut' rumour was immediately and deliberately spread to denigrate and demonise the victim, are you suggesting that that was all quite deliberate and planned to try and cover-up Child Abuse? is that what you're suggesting?...(I believe the truth always suggests itself best, I need suggest nuthin'-Ed)...

Sorry folks, can't remember if I have previously mentioned this particularly bad case of Official Denial and Official Underground Rumour (ODOUR) on this 'ere blog, reckon I might have, whatevs, this is the sort of shizzle, the sort of rank ODOUR I've got just a-bangin' away inside me ol' noggin but am super cautious about addressing...(well this and all the institutonalised pro-paedophile corruption of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...and 15 years of that, yeah, cheers, thanks for reminding me...(and 15 years of the same 'Victim Denigration' by rankly corrupt people-Ed)...indeed, and 15 years and this very official Catholic/SAPol/Lutheran/whoevs strategy of Victim Blaming and/or Victim Denigration and/or 'Slut Shaming' to try and cover-up abuse/corruption/whatevs...and apparently this strategy is unfortunately becoming increasingly popular, and hence the segue straight into...     

Footy Flings:...have apparently undone the careers of several senior AFL (Australian Football League) officials in the last coupla' weeks, and various 'Sex Scandals' continue to dog our leading 'Football Codes'...apologies, I've barely looked at this stuff, but apparently 2-3 AFL officials (men, married) have resigned due to 'affairs' with junior staffers (female, single), and it's being commented/identified that the young women involved have been publicly exposed and almost viciously targeted or 'Slut Shamed' re their role in these 'affairs'...dunno', don't really care, alleged adults having affairs, whatevs, but the attitude of the response, this Slut Shaming Strategy is a genuine concern...and it's a strategy only too often employed when powerful institutions and/or the men who run them fall foul of their own foolishness...there are concerns that whilst these men, who have established careers, expertise, etc, will likely return to high-profile positions, albeit possibly in different organisations, the young women's career opportunities/potential may be much more drastically affected...

Whatevs the gender, regardless of their marital status, it is a reasonable and professional position to place the onus of responsibility on the senior executive, and I share these concerns that ultimately the young women involved will be the ones who wear the worst of the fall-out, who bear the brunt of this situation...and amid this blizzard of righteous indignation spewing out of the AFL apologies for going back to a particularly bad case, the following is quite graphic and unpleasant, again sorry, but it's worth remembering and in many respects should never be forgotten what happened in Adelaide some 20 years ago when 3 AFL players drugged a young woman at a nightclub, took her into the Parklands adjacent, and raped her...again I've left out the names, but SAPol, etc, know exactly who it was and many will recall I'm sure, and it's probably somewhere on the charges ever laid and the woman openly denigrated as somehow responsible, etc, etc, but then reportedly received a $200,000 'compensation payment'...turns out that one of the players involved had a known history for drugging and assaulting woman...but apparently never charged for any of it...    

So when the shreckin' AFL is holding forth about how much they respect woman and we all politely forget/ignore what has actually happened over the years, when all that is ignored, never ever forget that we are talking about big, big bucks here...(mucho mucho dinero?-Ed)...mucho, the AFL is a massive industry...and look at how this Uber-Clown Jeff Kennett, former Victorian Liberal Premier, head honcho at Hawthorn AFL club, and self-appointed head of Beyond Blue, an alleged 'Depression Foundation', check-out how unhinged he got in attacking the young woman who had an affair with the senior Channel 7 executive, as currently going through Court, etc...Lord Jeff let his true colours hang right-out in being publicly and balistically abusive of this young woman, abuse awash with open hostility and his bitter gender-bias...and another painfully seamless segue straight back to the opening paragraphs, because Jeff's trying to get his grubby mits on GIJ, and the thought of that man being involved with anything to do with vulnerable people and/or kids makes my blood run cold...

For F-F-Forestry Sake:...I ain't happy with my own tendency to drift tangentially into unrelated topics...(croutons?-Ed)...and/or be easily distracted...(ooo, look at that over there, it's shiny-Ed)...and feel that I've failed to properly explain the disaster that is the rankly corrupt Lease/Sale of the South East Forestry Estate to OneFortyOne here's goes...
1)  was meant to be a '3 Rotation Lease', lasting approx 100years, for which the Rann/Weatherill
     Labor government received $670million;
2)  when this 'Lease' was signed there was reportedly no Nursery component, until Labor literally
     gave 141P the Glencoe Nursery;
3)  Forestry SA was meant to manage the SEFE for the first 5 years, with a 'first refusal option'
     for another 5, but Labor ended this FSA management after only 3-1/2 years, forcing dozens
     of public servants to either join 141P or be effectively unemployed;
4)  at this time 'expert opinions' argued that because Labor had now effectively handed full
     control of the SEFE to 141P, the trees, the land, Glencoe Nursery, etc, plus all the staff, the
     'Intellectual Property', etc, it effectively effected a 'Sale' rather than a 'Lease', and therefore
     Labor had 'Sold' the SEFE to 141P for $670m;
5)  'expert opinions' also 'conservatively valued' the trees, land, IP, etc, combined, at $2billion;
6)  this puts South Australia's loss immediately at $1.3billion...even wildly parred-back, let's call
     it $1b straight, yeah? that's absolute minimum $1billion Rann/Weatherill lost SA;

Floggin'-Off Our Log-Stocks:...this is where the New Shreckin' Adelaide Oval comes in, because it's being widely stated by people like Labor and the SACA/SANFL, etc, etc, whatevs, that this oval has 'payed for itself already'...(well that's if you ignore what Rann/Weatherill did to pay for the damn thing, namely, floggin'-off our shreckin' trees!-Ed)...well quite, and that stuff we have covered thoroughly, but just quickly again...
1)  at the 2010 SA State Election, the Liberal Party Labor promised approx $450million for a
     'Covered Sport Stadium' on the Rail Yards where Labor has built the New Royal Adelaide
     Hospital, and to match that Labor promised (unfunded) to re-vamp the Adelaide Oval;
2)  to achieve this re-vamp, Labor promised the SA Cricket Assoc that it would pay-off
     SACA's $90m debt, and SACA complied/agreed...this is a $90m bribe, nothing less;
3)  this unfunded promise and attached bribe led directly to the immediate SEFE Lease/Sale;
4)  the SEFE 'Fire' Sale, for $670million, was voted through SA Parliament the very day after
     the SACA meeting that approved accepting the $90m bribe and redevelopment...(well
     technically it's a much bigger bribe than that because there's all the new SACA facilities
     and swank dining rooms, etc, etc, don't ya' know-Ed)...yes, and the tap-less golden faucets
     gushing Moet 24/7, whatevs, but you are correct, the SACA and it's various and often
     nefarious associates, acolytes, and attendees have all done very nicely thankyou very much!    

Dear Availees:...I believe that the events re the SEFE 'Sale', what motivated it, etc, and the timing and/or chronology of said events, well, either one accepts that the unfunded Labor Adelaide Oval re-vamp forced the SEFE 'Sale', or one doesn't, that that funding somehow came from somewhere else...ultimately though, it's not even relevant given the massive loss re how Labor have conducted that 'Sale'...(I get it, it's basically irrelevant what the $670m was spent on because of the $1billion minimum Labor immediately lost in the process, the $1b absolute minimum that never made it into state coffers-Ed) on Ed, and it is closer to $1.3 billion, that's what I understand to be a reasonable figure...

Dear Availees, Again:...I haven't gone into the details again of what Forestry SA were making profit wise, etc, and what that costs SA annually...($30m clear per year?-Ed)...yeah, $40m maybe, it's money not coming in, whatevs...not gunna' mention that other than to remind y'all of the recent flurry of activity re 141P's massively expanded profit, $120m+, and how that relates to apparent clear-felling of parts of the SEFE, etc, etc...these are realities, these things are not my opinion...(if I may sir?-Ed)...please...(ta', I've just had this niggling annoyance in the back of my head for a while-Ed)...I do not know what that is like, Ed............(anyhoos, re the article in The Border Watch from a few weeks back when 141P's Linda Sewell countered/addressed these 'clear-felling' allegations and 'planting re future log-stocks', etc-Ed)...yes, I do recall...(well in that article Ms Sewell states that 'this year alone we're planting 5million trees'-Ed)...sounds like a lot, sure, but what's your point?...(well Ms Sewell doesn't say and/or the article doesn't say anything about how many trees 141P have already planted, it says 'we're gunna' plant like squillions this year', but neglects to mention how many thus far-Ed)............

(Well, and I just thought, given that the whole debate is about appropriate logging/clearing rates, etc, and very specifically concerns about the apparent failure to re-plant enough now, about 'experts' concerns re the future of log supplies, etc, as it relates to low planting rates now, etc, etc, well I thought 141P would be bang-up for a bit of 'hey, in the 5 years since The Sale we've whacked-in approx 12million trees, we've planted so many damn trees like you wouldn't believe it'-Ed).........(I just thought that it was a bit odd not to mention it at all, that's all-Ed).........(hello?-Ed)...sorry, sorry, just can't quite hear you clearly for the retreating resonations of that resounding clang! right there where a very large penny dropped, a penny worth $670m...but wait, we're getting an email, no, sorry, a tweet... 

Best Planting Regime Eva? Even That Guy There Doesn't Believe does seem rather odd an omission, either 141P not stating and/or TBW not asking and/or not reporting how many trees planted thus's a major part of what the debate is about, of what that article is about, but ne'ery a mention...dear availees, I'll try to check on exactly what 141P have and/or haven't planted thus far, and I'll get back to ya's...

Tomorrow: More Loose Ends re Wind Turbines

And some Court stuff...(yeah, what is happenin' with that?-Ed)...'cos I've been in Court again this week...(this week? I thought it was 5 more days in August?-Ed) was, until I got a phonecall Monday re being called-in early for a very brief hearing Wednesday 19th July 2017, where-in it was further adjourned to October 2017...(but why?-Ed)...tomorrow mister, tomorrow...

Serious But Funny:...was the TV news ticker thingy across the bottom re police apprehending a dirty perp in a suburban driveway after a long car chase, car-jacking, etc, with no-one badly injured but still probably highly traumatising for all the civilians concerned...whilst the infra-red footage showed the man being taken into custody, the ticker seemed to indicate that police had killed him, Police Coronered Suspect In Driveway...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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