Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ebsewloot Cornidge - My Court Stuff Latest

Howdy to Egypt, Ireland, Phillipines, and Pakistan, and of course China, and welcome y'all to TMGI...and what a jolly week in socio-political commentary with like words and stuff...(in a context where you've taken SAPol's (police) own words and semi-politely stuffed them back whence they came-Ed)...well yes, that was going to be my joke thankyou, but I'll instead go with 'when push comes to shove me, I've been known to stand my ground and when pushed further, to shove back quite politely but thoroughly, and particularly when it comes to words and shoving them back whence they came, etc...(and most, most particularly when them words are lies-Ed)...indeed, then push-me becomes shove-back comes ebsewloot cornidge, absolute carnage...(as said in an atrocious South African accent, please-Ed)...indeed...but first this...

Me Ol' China:...plate ('china plate' is Oz-slang for 'mate') ol' china, my mate, Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee was just on the ABC South East Radio (this morn) re his latest Ratepayer funded personal business junket to China, along with fellow China-based businessman and MGCC CEO Mark McShane, and a retinue of stooge Councillors...said it before, said it often...(say it again-Ed)...this Council, MGCC, is rankly corrupt when functioning right here in Mt Gambier, almost their every decision riven-through with gross Nepotism and/or Insider Trading, deals for mates, needless and massive works to syphon-off Ratepayer's monies, etc, etc...and that's what they're like right here, what are they capable of away away wherever that may be?...(doing personal deals about buying-up local wineries but not declaring it and/or the income, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, and now this rancid li'l  junket to China...

And no, I'm not using deliberately 'China-based' punnage, eg, 'me ol' China', and terms like 'junket', etc, because Mr Lee is 'Chinese', and the problems I have sometimes understanding Mayor Lee's very strong accent, etc, that's not 'rascism', that's just what it is...I don't give a fat rat's clacker...(fattus rattus rattus rattus cloacus...that's the scientific nomenclature...for a Fat-clackered Rat...........hello?-Ed)...I don't care where Mayor Lee is from, what he sounds like, whatevs, what really concerns me is his extraordinarily rambling and self-contradictory account of his purchase of that Coonawarra winery with a 'Chinese business partner', an account played-out largely on the ABC Radio...first Andy didn't go and/or couldn't remember a certain meeting in China, etc, and that changed to (eventually) 'yes, I was there at that dinner/meeting, but I didn't discuss that winery purchase thing with my business partner, who was also there'...(wow-Ed)..indeed, wow...

Today, I did not hear the ICAC stuff even mentioned, nor was a question about the extraordinary cost to Ratepayers of this junket...the closest thing was a mind-numbing 'Dorothy Dixer' question re 'what do Ratepayers get out of this?'...(yeah, the ICAC stuff, how fundamentally bizarre and rankly corrupt was that?-Ed)...I don't know what to tell you, apart from this, what Mt Gambier City Council did in having that 'Secret Meeting' (January 31st 2017) about 'reporting Andy to the ICAC', that meeting is-and-of-itself a direct breach, dare I say it multiple breaches, of Section 56 (a) and/or (b), the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act (ICAC) Act 2012...and they damn well know it...and to report it in the media? what the shreck is that?...(I thought you said it was a deliberate set-up to deceitfully tell Ratepayers that Council was right on it, gone to ICAC, etc, etc, and excuse ignoring it for a coupla' years because no-one is allowed to talk about ICAC, etc, etc?-Ed) on, I covered this at length a few posts back...the whole set-up absolutely reeks...

When Selina Green asked Mayor Lee what was happening re this winery 'allegations' stuff, Andy waved it away as irrelevant and as being 'over', and that was it...(nobody actually mentioned the ICAC stuff?-Ed)...not one word, although Andy went-off on one of his now famous verbal-rambles which I think was an extension of his original answer, something about how 'if it's not sensible, it's probably nonsense, not real' (very loose paraphrase)...whatevs, he seemed to be saying that his personal credibility/honesty defined these 'allegations' as nonsense...whatevs...and not one word about the cost...(perhaps I can help with that, I seem to remember reading that it was $20,000-Ed)...only $20K?...for 6 of them?...(if you'll let me finish Nick, I was going to say, I distinctly remember thinking to myself, 'bollocks, it's costing another local Council $15,000 to send 2 people, this will cost easily twice that and then some'-Ed)...your math is faultless, 3 times as many will likely cost at least twice as much, well done genius...

Don't care who from MGCC is going or what it costs, etc, etc, if this Council, if Mt Gambier City Council is involved, then this is a deeply corrupted and worrisome junket, paid for by Ratepayers who can't even catch a bloody bus on weekends or public holidays, etc, etc...haven't ever seen a Council work-team in my street in the 13years I've lived here, it's currently a disgraceful mess left to the Housing Trust/Bedfords, who do what little they can with the pitiful funding they get to do's a bloody past the Gladigau Rd playground and check-out the 2-swing, 2 seesaw park that hasn't seen Day One of improvement in that 13 years, etc, etc, etc...whole streets in Mt Gambier are getting whole new surfaces because they were a bit patchy, and here in the North-East we're all but ignored by a corrupt, self-focussed, self-involved Mt Gambier City's a bloody disgrace across the board...

Still cannot get past the empowering rage of watching that squatly corrupt excuse for a man, former Mayor and current MGCC Councillor Steve Perryman, when watching/listening to this person, this key player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, I will never forget or forgive Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...for his mocking and contemptuous denigration of disabled persons and 'political correctness' during his extraordinarily corrupt involvement in getting Ratepayers to fund his (Stevo's) self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier group...(you mean when he deliberately rammed this $160k per annum funding for TMG through Council whilst normal procedures were 'suspended', then immediately following that when Council went back into 'formal procedures' to vote yes to Ratepayers handing Stevo/TMG that $160kpa, and he then left the Chamber citing a 'Conflict of Interest' re his position as Chair of TMG, returning once the vote passed?-Ed)...Stevo maaate...(geez you've got a lotta' mates mate-Ed)...I get around...(around like a very polite tornado-Ed)...indeed...

And because there's so much stuff re Court, and the lengthy Council/China stuff above, today I'll stick to the specific concerns I have re the actual costs, etc, and just churn-out a series of posts re the Court proceedings in detail...suffice to say that I politely but persistently dismantled the Prosecution case and/or their witnesses, for 3 days, and we ground to a halt 1300hrs Friday 17th March, with SAPol mired in yet another massive lie, caught-out in real time right in front of Magistrate White, who is saying to me 'what's the relevance?'...('what's the relevance?' of the SAPol lead investigator lying, let alone right in Court? re the costs... 

It is well documented/reported the problems with massive backlogs in the South Australian Courts, problems gathering-up upon themselves, ie, not getting through even 70% of last year's Court lists means that 30%+ goes into this year, which is only going to get 70% done again...(if all goes well-Ed)...indeed, if all goes well...(and SAPol/the Courts don't spend lunatic amounts of time on a Large Angry Hippy-Ed)...indeed...(or Large Angry amounts of time on a lunatic Hippy-Ed)...steady on, but a fair point I guess...actually, that's pretty damn accurate, 'large, angry amounts of time on a lunatic hippy'...but that's a very brief, broad summary of a raft of harsh realities, namely 1) the problems with Court backlogs and/or overloaded Gaols and/or overworked SAPol officers, etc, etc, so-on-and-so-forth, and all that, and 2) the extraordinary time and energy expended on 'getting Nick Fletcher'...

For example, SAPol witnesses were in the stand here in Mt Gambier Courthouse from Trial Day One, then again on Day Two, and a couple were also present via audio/video from Adelaide, and then again, several personally present Day Three, including a coupla' ICAC reps who never saw Second One on Day One nor Two nor Three...(not one on One, Two, or Three?-Ed)...not one...there were to my understanding, at least 5 SAPol/ICAC/OPI/whatevs witnesses present in Mt Gambier for at least a coupla' days each, and that they travelled to Mt Gambier in at least 2 vehicles...(didn't Court pull stumps at 1300hrs on Day Three so's Magistrate Ian White could drive back to Adelaide-Ed)...indeed, and I'll get back to that, but just with these witness persons that's at least 5 officers/staffers/whatevs going here and back at roughly 5 hours each ways...(not counting time in Adelaide just getting ready/organised/whatevs on those days-Ed)...sure, purely in actual travel time, 450kms each way,   so's basically 5 hours each way, 10 hours return, 10 hours return per officer/staffer...(but that's a minimum of 50 hours of 'police time' lost just to get these people in Court at 'Trial'-Ed)...yep...(and this all happened of course back in the disastrous and collapsed 'Trial' of November 2nd-4th 2016? they all came down then?-Ed)...yep, and not one saw the witness stand, as we just discussed above...

This relatively minor aspect of the process, the transport of a few witnesses, has now cost over 100 hours of SAPol time, and half of them haven't even got to the shreckin' stand...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...and assuming they can only get minimal other stuff done whilst hangin'-about waiting, that waiting time is also SAPol time lost...and that time runs to days, several days per witness, so potentially anywhere between 15 and 30 full days...(really? that can't be right-Ed)...5 or 6 people hangin'-about for 2-3 days in November 2016 and again now for another 2-3 in March 2017?...(mmm, fair enough, 5-6 people for 4-6 days, that is a minimum 20 days and potentially 36...omg wtf, 36 full days of cops just hangin'-about-Ed)...yep, more than 7 full weeks of SAPol time in just hangin'-about, plus more than 2 weeks (nearly 3) simply on goin' back-and-forth...(wow-Ed) a total of at least 10 weeks of SAPol time, just to get these peeps in Court, and a couple still haven't been in the witness box yet...

And that's nothing compared to the time and resultant cost of the bizarrely vast 'Operation Baritone' and the unfathomable amount of time SAPol has spent shrecking about with that ludicrous nonsense...(what in the stone-cold Universe is goin' on? this is a ludicrous and outrageous expenditure, and to what end?-Ed)...well, the harrassment and stress, etc, of constant Court appearances, etc, that's all part of heaping shizzle on me, all part of 'getting Nick Fletcher', and cost is not an issue to a vindictive and retributional Labor government, clearly behind this obvious political persecution, clearly obsessed with li'l ol' me and my li'l ol' blog, this 'ere blog...(koochy-koo, who's a cute little blog then?-Ed)...get off me you idiot...   

(And they ain't sleepin' under a shreckin' bush or curled-up cute as bugs in the back seat of their cars-Ed)...what?...(well there must be some sort of accommodation cost re these SAPol/ICAC peeps and where's they sleeps-Ed)...well quite, and do they get an overnight allowance and/or overtime bonuses, whatevs, for these overnight stays in Mt Gambier?...and it all adds-up to what? how much just on the logistics of getting a literal handful of their staffers/witnesses here? 10 weeks going on to 4 full months?...(and that's not counting the actual Court staffers/Sherriffs/whatevs who are fully occupied for those 6 days of 'Trial' thus far-Ed)...absolutely, and all their time/costs chewed-up re the 23-odd previous Pre-Trial Conferences/Mentions/whatevs...(and then there's the actual Magistrate's time-Ed)...absolutely, what does it cost per hour for a Court to operate, staff/sherriffs/Magistrate, plus the utilities/facilities, the whole kitten-kaboodle?...(dunno', but it can't be cheap, probably well into the $100s per hour, I mean, with at least 4 support staff/sherriffs and a Magistrate, wages alone would run to $100s p/h-Ed)...indeed...

My Main that there are people on remand in this state, effectively in gaol, in gaol awaiting basic hearings re their detention/charges/whatevs, and they cannot get those hearings for many weeks often months because of this 'funding crisis', yet there's all the resources in the world for li'l ol' me...potentially innocent people are rotting in Remand whilst SAPol/Labor pursues's a devastating joke and entirely unacceptable...     

Not A Word Of A Lie:...'cos just now on Channel 7 Today Tonight (Adelaide), yet another story re the catastrophic state of this State's Courts and/or Corrections (gaols) due to a gross lack of funding, etc, and the increasing problems, both administratively operationally and actually structurally due to this fiscal failure...(whaaa?-Ed)...due to SA being broke and broken, the Courts are clogged (as are the prisons) and Court buildings themselves are actually in need of fairly major repairs...and this latest story was mostly re a Labor government 'strategy' of minimal if any actual gaol-time for violent offenders, major drug dealers, etc, in a program SAPol (police) are apparently referring to none too affectionately as 'Catch and Release'...

And there's my besty Premier Jay Weatherill in the ad-break, using Taxpayer's money to lie to us about this ludicrous $550million Emergency Gas Plant and Battery Bollocks that Weatherill/Labor last week spewed onto an ever-suffering SA public...(yay-Ed)...and following on from that farcical 'shirt-front/ambush' embarrassment with federal Liberal Josh Frydenberg, that pathetic pantomime from the damp squib that is Jay Weatherill...(a damp squib admonishing a soporiphic blancmange, entirely unbelievable and wholly embarrassing-Ed)...indeed, but today Jay-baby didn't look quite so macho when he thin-lipped then ignored a journo for pushing on some issue today...didn't like the question, glared at the journo, then snapped at them, then ignored them...absolutely pathetic...

Come to Mt Gambier Jay Weatherill, come to Mt Gambier and try that pseudo-macho shizzle on with me and a coupla' other fathers/families involved in the perpetual nightmare that is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...come to sunny Mt Gambier and bring all your king's horses and all your king's men, and we'll all set down in an officially recorded format and we'll politely discuss what it is you've knowingly done to cover-up the abuse of our children and dozens of others at St Martins...come to Mt Gambier and try bullying us in a press conference stunt, see how that works-out for you...  

Seriously though, Premier Weatherill, please come to Mt Gambier and put-paid to the vicious rumour-monging and diabolical defamationings continuously circulated by I and/or other families...come to Mt Gambier and prove us so tragically and delusionally wrong, surely hardly a testing task given that we parents are apparently so criminally conspiratorial and maliciously manipulative and obviously devious and deliberately deceitful in our outrageous...(dare I say it 'notorious'?-Ed)...notorious behaviours...and bring your lawyers and your mate/office manager Mr Winter-Dewhirst, can't wait to meet him, so gather all your posse and mosey-on down to li'l ol' Mt Gambier...(yeehah!-Ed)'s cowboy for 'yay'...

And the crowning glory in a burgeoning tiara of Trially gems, was the brief but illuminating encounter as I left the Courtroom on Day Three, Friday 17th March......(with whom?-Ed)...oh, with the head honcho of SAPol Prosecutions...(nooo?!-Ed)...yeah, my other besty, good ol' Andrew Paesch...(you're not serious?-Ed)...dead set, right in the doorway, right past each other, me and good ol' Andy McP, the P-man...(the clown who tried to glare you down that day in Court in September 2016, and got a wailing wall of stare right back at him-Ed)...right back at him and right on through him...(mmm, for such a gentle, polite and quiet person, you surely can be one very scary individual, and duly deserving of your reputation as a political head-kicker-Ed)...and always the head mate, always the head...(fair enough-Ed)...and it is my nature to be quiet and gentle, etc, that's true, and as part of that I'm super-careful to not be that Angry Man other than directly at those whom have earned it..and Mr Paesch has surely earned it.... 

Tomorrow: Nick Fletcher - More Court Appearances Than Wimbledon

(And rapidly also becoming an annual event-Ed)...well indeed...(starting sometime in the ICAC in February 2014, possibly January even, maybe back even into 2013, dunno, but from ICAC through to SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch in Feb 2014, who went through your home May 2014, and then into Court in February 2015, albeit without you being Summonsed or even charged, and now on your third Magistrate, in what is effectively the third 'Trial', and 3 days of that, and now still going, going on into at least 2 maybe 4 more days in May 2017-Ed)...and at what cost? much does it cost/has it cost thus far?...(well, we've sortta' covered that above just there-Ed)...I know, that's my point, that the cost factor itself highlights the genuine motivation of this 'Trial' process...(get Nick Fletcher?-Ed)...exactly, and at any cost...

Given that it's all been discussed in open Court, and to a large degree reported in the media, it's not 'Contempt of Court' for me to state, 1) that this entire 'Trial' process is undeniably Malicious Prosecution, and 2) that Magistrate White has a definable bias against me, and 3) that I have proven SAPol Prosecutions and SAPol witnesses have lied, there in Court, right to Magistrate White...all this and more tomorrow...  

Just in Closing:...the ABC just mentioning yet another of my besties, Kirby Shearing cookin' toxic mud-suckin' fish at Carp-a-thon, and feedin' them to the kiddies...(good ol' Kirby, husband of RDA Tourism Officer and former MGCC Councillor Biddie (Tietz) Shearing, and how's it all going with those businesses he walked-out on?-Ed)...dunno', not seen or heard anything at all about it in the local media...(well that'd be the rankly nepotistic and metaphorically incestuous nature of the relationship between MGCC and The Border Watch and the ABC South East, more than happy/prepared to attack their mate's enemies and/or completely ignore their mate's criminality-Ed)...exactly, and this extraordinary raft of corruption re Mayor Lee and the winery and MGCC and ICAC, etc, etc, is just the latest's a bloody disgrace...  

Always The McBride:...a certain Mr McBride has apparently won Liberal pre-selection for the seat of McKillop, and it looks like we'll be getting this dude shoved down our throats via the ABC for the next 12 months...(well one assumes, given that the ABC has very specific self-imposed guidelines, semi-backed by somewhat powerless legislation/administration/whatevs, re providing all candidates equal air-time/coverage, and 2) that this dude is now the formally nominated official Liberal candidate for the seat of McKillop for the March 2018 South Oz election, that given this, the ABC will be keeping very close account of Mr McBride's air-time/coverage and affording that same exposure/coverage to other candidates, eg, the Nick Xenophon candidate-Ed)...excellent point most eloquently made...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Watt New Lunacy As Weatherill Trumps Reality - The SA Power Debasco

Yo' ma' homies, welcome y'all, and can I just say how excited I am to have been unfortunately so correct re my dire predictions as per this farcical Weatherill/Labor $550m 'Energy Plan Thingy''s just fundamentally ludicrous to spend what will undoubtedly exceed $1billion on stop-gap, 'emergency measures', a massive battery set-up and 'emergency only' government funded/built/owned gas turbine plant thingy, both of which will apparently only be accessed/utilised when the Electricity System is failing due to non-production from 'Renewables' like Solar and Wind Turbines...South Australia, completely vulnerable to the whims of the weather/climate, remains so because these 'measures' do nothing to address the Base Load failure/frailty of the current system... 

OMG OMG OMG:...Donald Trump says/tweets some truly bizarre nonsense, often in a basically incoherent way, but he's just President of the USofA...(your point being?-Ed)...well at least he's writing whatevs nonsense it is, here in South Australia we develop our state's Future Electricity Supply Policy based on a 'tweet' that happened last week...(taboomtish-Ed)...after the latest series of rolling black-outs and/or 'load-shedding' (which is a politically expedient way of saying 'rationing'), Premier Jay Weatherill has decided that gas and batteries are the solution to our multiple problems, and that 'batteries' thingy seems to have originated from a 'joke tweet' between two USofA 'battery-billionaires'...(wow-Ed)...

Couldn't Stand The Weatherill:...before, what with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and all, but this is just an embarrassing, expensive, and farcically dangerous nonsense that does absolutely nothing to protect South Australians from the foibles of the weather...apparently, this proposed Battery Storage Thingy, the BST, will last not 30 minutes, not even 20 under full demand, eg, immediately after dark during a heatwave and everyone's home with lights on, air-con going, tvs and computers on, etc, etc...hopefully/maybe 20 minutes under optimum conditions, how is this going to save anybody from anything?...(well it won't, and particularly in a context where both of these are supposedly to kick-in/operate/whatevs when the system is already under stress/in danger, ie, when there is an 'emergency' already happening-Ed)...indeed Ed, and that's exactly how Weatherill et al have described them. 'emergency measures'...

Furthermore, how is it going to re-charge when it is the source of power and there's no other production and/or importing of electricity?...what happens when there's a week-long heatwave and not a breath of wind in South Australia and South East Oz, and Victoria/New South Wales are desperately clingin' onto every Megawatt they got and there's nuthin' comin' down/up the line to Adelaide/SA through the Heywood Interconnector, etc...(or heaven forbid, the HI goes down/is damaged/whatevs, and there isn't even the capacity to transfer even if there is the energy-Ed)...well indeed...and that's just re Domestic Demand/Supply, and doesn't even start on the problems industries/producers are having with such an unreliable and massively expensive electricity supply...(yay-Ed)...and this farcical $550m plan addresses none of that...(how do you spell 'home-generator retailers'?-Ed)...I don't know, look it up yourself... 

And I am sooooooooo sick-and-tired of hearing often deeply compromised/involved persons/parties, constantly bangin' on about how great Wind Turbines are, and now the same with batteries, and they never ever acknowledged the massive energy/pollution footprint created by these 'technologies'...(you could include SVPs in there too-Ed)...and I will, including SVPs, Wind Turbines/batteries/SVPs, time and time and time again, promoters/supporters of 'Renewables' conduct their gushing adulation in a context where Turbines, SVPs and batteries in particular, just seem to have dropped out of the sky...(nah, you're getting confused with Hydro-Ed)...nice one Ed, and I thank you for making that most excellent point...where's Hydro?...(and what about Geothermal?-Ed) on! where has Geothermal gone in the debate?...(yeah, and what happened to the Kanawinka Geothermal World Heritage area thingy?-Ed)...well it's still there, but it's now referred to as the Kanawinka Geopark...

Lonely Paranoia Seeks Like-Minded Reality:...because sometimes it's a trap to see something because just seeing isn't always believing and it certainly ain't always proof...(whaaa?-Ed)...well it occurred to me some time back when that name/title for the region was changed, because years back it was specifically referred to as 'Geothermal' which is very specifically and geologically definitive, there is 'Geothermal activity' somehow related to volcanoes/whatevs, but now it's just 'Geopark'...has the term 'Geothermal' been deliberately removed so as to diminish and even remove this most obvious source of 'Base-load Renewable Energy' from the debate?...(indeed, Geothermal is the only Base-load Renewable energy source that isn't reliant on 1) the weather, and 2) storage-Ed)...absolutely, because Geothermal is basically just pumping water through 'hot-rocks' deep underground, and using the returning steam to drive Turbines...this is a closed, non-polluting and constant, reliable power's Geothermal people! get on board, we live on a shreckin' volcano for crikey sake!...

And as for Wind Turbines, Solar-Voltaic Panels, and particularly batteries, where do they come from? they don't just grow on bloody trees or magically appear courtesy of the Renewables Fairy...dear availee, check for yourselves on the Inter-Google the pollution footprint of all of these things, and not just in the production, installing, etc, but particularly with the post-use refuse...(I thought they came from chickens-Ed)...what?...(I though they came from chickens-Ed)...who came from chick.........if you dare say ba...(battery hens.....................................hello?-Ed)...piss-off...(fair enough-Ed)...

Dear South East,
                       You are Fracked...and I mean like really Fracked...don't believe me? look at the points raised in this $550m farce, eg, $24m incentives for gas exploration, and the focus on gas in general...(didn't Weatherill just recently, like only a few weeks ago, announce about $24m for exploration-Ed)...could be, I think this is more/different money, gourd knows, but I'm particularly concerned with 1) the Labor government's position re '0% Royalty Deal' on extracted gas, 2) the very affectionate Labor relationship with those Mad-Frackers at Beach Energy, and 3) the $360m for this bizarre 'not to be actually used' state-owned gas generator, etc, etc, and then listening to the ABC Radio interview with the SA Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME)...the woman straight-out denigrated South East residents, who have fought politely but insistently to stop the lunacy of Fracking...(indeed, get stuffed SACOME-Ed)... 

You Want Bribes With That?:... to force it through...10% Royalties for land-holders' is a straight-out bribe, the same as for land-holders with Wind Turbines getting a payment per Turbine, in a context where you as neighbour can have these truly massive Industrial Plants (100m+ high towers plus 60m+ blades, etc), several of these, only 1km from your home, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, whilst your neighbour, often absentee land-holders, gets paid...(and right there, there's another parallel with this 'royalty bribe', namely, Fracking can start on the surface on one property, but the very nature of the process is to spread-out underground well-away from the original well site-Ed)...well quite, the drill goes on one property, but the 'mine' goes under the entire surrounds...this 'royalty bribe' is exactly that, conceived and designed by a soulless, Adelaide-centric Labor to try and circumvent SE opposition to Fracking... 

And just now on the ABC South East is Beach Energy supposedly doing a 'Conventional Gas Well',  supposedly targetting a 'conventional gas reservoir' 3500m down, about 8kms from Penola, and bingo, Beach are 'negotiating with the landholder'...(and didn't they just get given $6million of Taxpayer's money re this new Labor $550m Energy Plan bollocks to do this 'exploration'?-Ed)...indeed, and won't be paying any Royalties on any gas they extract...(charming...and didn't Beach Energy get 'given' a swathe of the Glenside site right on the Adelaide parklands?-Ed)...that's them, clearly very good mates with Labor...

Get The Fork our super-dooper plan is we're forkin'-out $360m for a back-up Gas plant at a time of 'gas shortages'...(albeit due to massive export contracts-Ed)...well indeed, but domestically we do thusly have 'shortages' and resultant spiralling gas prices, etc, and that's where we're going...and sorry, is that someone screaming "WHAT ABOUT THE WHITE ELEPHANT MASQUERADING AS A SHRECKIN' $2BILLION+ PART-TIME DESALINATION PLANT AT HALLET COVE?" right in my ear...(ah yeah sorry, that's me-Ed)...ahh right, well at least I'm not crazy and just imagined it then.................(moving on?-Ed)...probably best...(mmm-Ed) having dug ourselves a $2billion Pit of Despair that Rann/Weatherill Labor's continue to shovel cash into just to keep it 'running' if not actually producing, because to not use it at all would be even more expensive!...(wow-Ed)...on top of that debasco, now it's $360m for this bollocks...

Apparently, so I've heard, Rann/Weatherill Labor poured over $2billion of SA Taxpayers dosh right into a giant damp hole in the ground at Hallett Cove, and then christened it 'DeSal Plant', and what little water does actually dribble out of it now, is massively expensive to produce, to the point that it's never going to be economically viable to run it properly, and there are media reports that the whole shebang is fundamentally flawed/dysfunctional and has a snowball's chance of ever producing it's alleged capacity, not anywhere near it...(and if it could/does produce to capacity, the water would still be hugely expensive? does price drop with volume, therefore greater return/income, etc, etc?-Ed)...good, because it relies on 'Renewable Energy' don't you know, and every drop is worth it's weight in coin just to produce, if and when it can!...(wow and yay-Ed)...

Weir I understand it the DeSal Plant has been promoted/conceived/constructed and continues to be presented/explained/excused as an 'Emergency Measure', to be utilised only as a last resort when the Murray River literally runs dry...(dear availees, Adelaide gets the bulk of it's water via pipeline from the Murray, and only a few years back because of drought, Rann/Weatherill Labor went 'this close' to trying to construct a weir in/on the fathomless mud at Wellington, to grab what little water was flowing, to grab that for Adelaide, thusly destroying the Lower Murray Lakes and extraordinary Coorong, which were clearly irrelevant to what suits the suits on North Tce-Ed)...indeed Ed, SA Labor clearly demonstrated just exactly how un-important anything non-Adelaide is, including vast swathes of the environment, and we went 'this close' to that incompetent debasco, and now this...

Home Solar Panels:...are terrific if you're an Adelaide-based home-owner, your employment highly likely involved with the vastly bloated Adelaide-based Public Service Sector, as compared to the rest of South Australia where we're constantly having services removed and with them the jobs, etc, sorry, I'm rambling now, but in that 'home-owner' context, terrific, good on ya's, I'm sure you've worked very hard for it, etc, etc, whatevs, don't really care, not my business, but the unavoidable and irrefutable issue for me is the 'Middle-Class Welfare' of state-subsidised Solar Panels...the vast majority of renters, and almost all Housing Trust (Housing SA/public housing) like myself, are immediately removed from the can't say ci to SVP if you don't own the roof it's going on...(why hasn't the Housing Trust invested in SVP?-Ed)...sorry?...(if SVP are so super re the environment, etc, and a fiscal positive for the owners, why haven't the state government invested in SVPs for their many Housing SA properties?-Ed)...Ed, you monkey genius...if SVPs are so super, why hasn't Labor created a massively profitable generator by putting SVPs on Housing SA tenants roofs?...Housing SA could be creating and selling onto 'The National Grid', an excellent little earner for SA...

Tomorrow: Ebsewloot Cornidge

In one's bestest worst South African accent please...(whaaa?-Ed)...say 'ebsewloot cornidge' in your bestiest South African accent...('ebsewloot cornidge'...ah, I see, 'absolute carnage', mmm, it must be about the latest installment in the sweeping saga that is your ludicrous Court case-Ed)...absolute carnage, including the extraordinary observation by Magistrate White on Friday 17th March 2017, that he wasn't 'wasting another second of the Court's precious time'...(wow-Ed)...I know...(this started when?-Ed)...well the SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch 'Operation Baritone' stuff started February 2014, after 'it' originated in the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) some time before that, and SAPol ACB raided my home May 8th 2014, and the first 'Court hearing' was in February 2015, but I wasn't even charged or Summonsed/informed, so the first one I was told about/attended is March 2015...(and how many 'hearings'?-Ed)...I'd have to check, 23? 24 maybe, counting the bizarre collapse of the November 2016 'Trial'...(and the Magistrate has a go at you about 'not wasting the Court's 'precious time'?

And both The Border Watch and the ABC South East continue to report these exchanges in a deeply biased and specific way, specifically to try and discredit me...out of all that's happened, out of 3 days of deeply disturbing admissions by prosecution witnesses under my cross-examination, including SAPol witnesses, the local 'media' have carefully picked the few minutes where the Magistrate is in effect bullying me from the Bench, repeatedly waving 'Contempt of Court' in my face, telling me what questions I can and cannot ask, telling me to 'move on' when the current 'witness lie' hasn't been resolved, etc, etc...and Mt Gambier media want to talk about my 'profanities', including such scandalous blasphemies as 'geez', 'christ', and occasionally accidentally calling people 'mate'...(you bastard!-Ed)...and how I've been 'warned about my behaviour', etc, etc...rankly biased bollocks from a corruptly complicit 'media'...(what a disgrace-Ed)'s not great is it?...

I have caught SAPol in the middle of a massive lie, again, a huge lie, and we're still stuck in the middle of that massive lie as 3 days of 'Trial' moves to 2 possibly 4 more dates in May 2017...(wow-Ed)...and do the Mt Gambier/South Australian media report the inextricable reality of the lie and the exchanges between myself and SAPol Prosecutions, their SAPol witness, and the Court, etc, etc?...(I'm going to hazard a 'no'-Ed)...well hazarded...ded...hazardeded?...Ed...well hazarded Ed...trying saying that 5 times, just this morning (Monday March 20th 2017) ABC South East is reporting my 'being warned'' and my 'profanities', etc,'s a joke...yet another massive lie from SAPol, again proven by me, in real time in front of Magistrate White, and this is what Mt Gambier/SA gets to hear's a disgraceful joke...

Barnett Slips Disc Standing On Record:...WA's now former Premier, Liberal Colin Barnett has just been turfed-out, along with his government in a West Australian state election...the last thing I saw of Colin was him not-so-confidently stating that he stood on his 'record' and was duly confident that said record would carry him to victory, glorious victory in the West Australian state election...(what, the one where he/Liberal done just got massacreeed?-Ed)...horribly massacreeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Out Of The Lying Stand, Into The Liar

Woohoo, I do exist...(I'm just like a real boy-Ed)...steady on...(I am a man, and also an animal-Ed)...enough of the mangled movie references, but yes, I'm not worthy, because just now there was a quick news-bite re my Court stuff on the ABC South East...(sorry, did you say ABC South East?-Ed)...yep...(the Australian Broadcasting Corporation?-Ed)...that's the one...(their South East station here in Mt Gambier?-Ed)...indeed...(so let's see if I've got this right...the rankly corrupt ABC, deeply and complicitly involved as a key player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and who have routinely censored you out of state/local elections, have suddenly out-of-the-blue started reporting it?-Ed)...yeah, but their 'reporter' didn't ask me a single question even though I was standing right there...(just like TBW, not one question-Ed)...not one question...        

And thankyou ABC because I wasn't sure that I should be doin' this 'ere blog during the 'Trial', but you've opened that gate, and particularly by identifying on the airwaves that this is about alleged comments I allegedly made on this 'ere alleged blog re an alleged ICAC investigation...(hang on, you just said that this is about ICAC?-Ed)...yeah...(well previously you've used the title/pseudonym of Club GoGo Bananas for the ICAC, and 'Banana Lord' for ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander because it may potentially possibly might be yet a further breach of the ICAC legislation under which you've already been charged?-Ed) ...yes, and in the absence of anything even resembling actual legal advice on this point, even after I repeatedly, specifically asked SAPol, etc, and now that the ABC has broadcast to the nation that this is about ICAC, ICAC ICAC ICAC... 

I apparently 'accused police of lying'...(you didn't accuse anyone of anything, you caught them right -out, again, trying to again run this lie about when you were allegedly charged, which never actually happened!-Ed)...indeed Ed, still hasn't...all this and a bunch of other very specific lies and /or deceitful omissions that will be addressed when and if I get to cross-examine...but as for that specific and repeated lie, I was never charged and/or even Summonsed between the SAPol Anti-Corruption two-part raid of my home on May 7th/8th 2014, and the start of my farcical 'trial' on February 3rd SAPol are repeatedly simply lying about it in Court, and Magistrate White is just letting them do it...not my opinion, this is exactly what's happening...I have caught SAPol Prosecutions repeatedly lying and Magistrate White has repeatedly just waved it away as irrelevant...(wow-Ed)...    

Fletcher repeatedly laughed:...(well it's better than swearing-Ed)...well actually I was swearing plenty under my breath and/or in my head, and I actually got chatted by Mag White for (quietly) uttering a 'profanity', to which I replied 'apologies if during this ludicrously inappropriate conduct from SAPol Prosecutions I let slip a mild profanity' a context where SAPol Prosecutions were clearly lying, whilst introducing 5 new documents and 1 possibly 2 new electronic discs (CD), and Magistrate White just let all that happen, and I get worded for an exasperated 'geez'...(what a joke, no wonder you were laughing-Ed)...indeed...    

I did 'refuse to enter a plea', and as I explained to Magistrate White, I'd been through all that stuff with Magistrate Anderson back in February 2016...I have committed no crime, there is no 'crime', and I refuse to plead to a 'non-crime'...

SAPol Prosecutions, a rankly corrupt division of the rankly corrupt SA Police, have conducted the most amateurish, embarrassing and corrupt prosecution against me, repeatedly and deliberately acting to trick, deceive, and undermine my legal rights in a thus far farcical attempt to 'get me'...justice, truth and professional morality are clearly and provably irrelevant in this Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution masquerading as 'justice'..

Carry-on Up The Court:...despite me catching both SAPol Prosecutions lying, yet again, and catching-out their first 'witness', SAPol ACB's Gardner also lying, in real-time in Court in front of Magistrate White, nothing happened, not nothing, again...Magistrate White also allowed SAPol Prosecutions to table not one, not two...(three?-Ed)...5 'new documents' and at least one new 'dsic...("5"?-Ed)...yep, and better still, SAPol Pros casually 'fessed-up that these documents were actually ready to be used at 'Trial' in 2016...(which trial date? it was meant to go to 'Trial' in August 2016 but that went ballistically pear-shaped when you got those Summons issued against SAPol Commissioner, the ABC, and the Banana Lord-Ed)...if it wasn't so serious it'd be hilarious...(hence all the laughing-Ed)...indeed...but anyhoos, no, apparently SAPol Pros were referring to the November 2nd-4th 2016 'Trial'...(the actual 'Trial' that went balistically pear-shaped when SAPol Pros tried to change their entire 'Charge Sheet' on Day One, and then completely collapsed Day Two as Magistrate Anderson suddenly withdrew?-Ed)...yep, that one...  

(Hang on, SAPol Prosecutions reckon these very slick 'new documents' were ready for Court back in November 2016, so lets say they were ready late October at least-Ed)...fair enough...(and SAPol Pros have just sat on those 'documents' ever since?-Ed)...yep...(sat on them through the 'Trial' November 2016, then the bizarre whatevs 'hearings' on November 24th 2016, February 8th 2017, and March 8th 2017?-Ed)...yep...(and then dump them en masse on you on Day One of what is effectively 'Trial 3'?-Ed)...yep...(but this is clearly an entirely inappropriate stunt to deliberately deny you any chance to have legal advice on those 'documents'!-Ed)...indeed, and when I vehemently protested this crass and deliberate denial, and my need for new legal advice, etc, etc, Magistrate White finally gave me the lunch adjournment...(wow-Ed)...and actually had a go at me about how 'people work through their lunchbreaks'...(wow-Ed)...

Me again just now on the ABC...police lying, ICAC investigation on blog, police hadn't provided documents, Mr Fletcher called it a corrupt farce...  

(Don't suppose that the fact the ABC are up in Court some time soon to give evidence to their rankly corrupt Affidavit, don't s'pose that that's motivated the ABC to suddenly cover this stuff, to my knowledge previously entirely not acknowledged by the ABC-Ed)...good point Ed, it would look a little odd if the one and only story they ran on this was their version of their evidence...(why are you smiling?-Ed)...because I cannot wait to get these ABC clowns in the Chair of Despair some call the Witness Box, and metaphorically rip them to shreds for their corruption and lies, and running this stuff this morning is clearly a lead-in set-up stunt so's they can run their undoubtedly rankly corrupted version of events...(the same way The Border Watch constantly does?-Ed)...exactly like that...

Tomorrow: Is Another Day

And so is today, so until tomorrow...and the title today? the Witness Stand has produced lies, and I've got stuck right into the liar...(nice-Ed)...

Magistrate White has demonstrated a clear and definable bias against me, not least of all evident in the deliberately derogatory 'Reasons for Ruling' as posted that, Magistrate White has straight-out called me a liar re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and therefore further directly inferred that I'm also somehow delusional about it, and actually attacks me as being 'defamatory of Premier Weatherill'...his conduct yesterday was extraordinarily inappropriate and further demonstrates an unacceptable bias against me...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Latest Bizarrity Re My Court Stuff

Welcome dear availees in the EU and you's who's there and there abouts, and yes I'm looking at you Spain...(isn't Spain in the EU?-Ed)...gourd, I don't know, probably, I think, whatevs, howdy all...on Tuesday March 8th 2017 in Mt Gambier Court, albeit via videolink from Adelaide, Magistrate White ruled that I had not proven 'Abuse of Process' and that I had not provided evidence and/or testimony to prove any Child Abuse Cover-up Conspiracy, and that my bizarre 'Trial' would continue/start/proceed???...I say '???' because I literally have no idea what is going on in this regard anymore, 'cos we were at 'Trial' in November 2016 and that went just massively bizarrely wrong but we've just continued-on regardless and then there's been 3 more 'hearings' of one day each, November 24th 2016, February 8th 2017, and this latest one March 8th 2017...(I don't understand-Ed) does mate, no-one does...

I understand that this 'Reasons for Ruling' is a 'Public Document', having been 'handed-down' in open Court, and what little 'discussion' was allowed, occurred in front of the journo from The Border Watch...(ah, so there was someone there this time?-Ed)...I'm fairly sure that's who it was, and we spent a hilarious 10 minutes waiting out in the foyer, just the 2 of us, as TBW yet again steadfastly refused to actually acknowledge the very real and rather large presence of Nick Fletcher, let alone ask him what he thinks/feels/knows...(it's not all about you mate-Ed)...well yes actually it is, mate, in the context of this Court stuff, and particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, where-in every effort has been made to hide and ignore the realities and instead attack parents, particularly me...(and how have TBW reported this latest shenanigans?-Ed)...haven't...(well now there's a surprise-Ed)...there's only one thing worse than being talked about, not being talked about...(ahaha, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...actually, I think that is Oscar Wilde...(well there you go-Ed)...   

In the attached 'Reasons for Ruling' regular availees will immediately recognise the 'Template of Deceit' re official documents as I have outlined in previous posts...this document is grossly and deliberately erroneous, and has definably been very carefully drafted to isolate, denigrate, belittle, humiliate, and discredit me...this document very, very carefully ignores the vast amount of my testimony and evidentiary documentation I provided to the Court on February 8th 2017 (as per Magistrate Anderson's 'Orders' of September/October 2016), evidence/testimony that exactly proves the rank institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption openly controlling all levels of South Australia, the Legislative and the Executive and the Judiciary...

This 'RfR' carefully,deliberately and grossly misquotes me, carefully identifying supposed faults/failings/frailties in what I have said/done/whatevs, and completely deliberately misquotes or simply ignores official 'responses' me, as a layperson, this reads as a deeply biased document that appears to have been prepared for use by other parties...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, Magistrate White has very carefully and specifically identified 2 letters where-in the Crown Solicitor openly threatens me with 'gaol for defamation', grossly misquotes those letters completely out of context, and then jumps a full 7 years to one of my many letters to Premier Jay Weatherill, a letter which Magistrate White has personally editorialised as being 'defamatory'...

This document reads as though it's been prepared for others to try and use against me...(how so?-Ed)...well, it attempts to establish a pattern of my supposedly deliberately 'defamatory' behaviours, and then editorialises yet another supposed is an official SA Court document that says 1) the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up doesn't exist and by definition abuse didn't happen, and 2) Nick Fletcher is 'defamatory', even the Court says so...  

I am deeply concerned that Magistrate White has very carefully and deliberately grossly misrepresented the timeline and context of letters I provided, and has cherry-picked minute, miniscule sections of only 3 documents out of 100 (in a context where he knows there are literally 1,000s of documents), and completely ignoring huge swathes of my testimony/evidence/documents...this document carefully and deliberately completely misrepresents and minimises the nature of Magistrate Anderson's original 'Orders/directions' to me, namely, Her Honours descriptors of firstly 'Abuse of Process', that then became 'Malicious Prosecution'...this is not my descriptor or my 'application' or anything else, I was 'Ordered' by HH to present re 'Malicious Prosecution'...   

When this 'RfR'was delivered March 8th 2017, Magistrate White immediately dismissed the 'Abuse of Process', refused me addressing the 'RfR', and I wasn't even provided a copy until partway through the 'hearing' and after I asked, therefore not getting a chance to even read it until after the 'hearing' was concluded...this follows on from February 8th 2017 when Magistrate White flatly refused to allow me addressing my 100 documents individually, documents that HH had 'Ordered' me to provide and explain...

This 'RfR'document straight-out and quite deliberately calls me a delusional liar who has been repeatedly warned...this document tries to yet again deny the realities of the rank pro-paedophile corruption crippling SA, particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

A few genuine errors would be annoyingly understandable, but there are no 'genuine errors' here, this is very specifically and deliberately erroneous document, worded to support a clearly pre-conceived desire to present a particular and deeply manipulated version of events and of me...and you expect that from the rankly corrupt SAPol Prosecutions, but not from the Court itself...

I also note that on February 8th 2017 I caught-out SAPol Prosecutions yet again grossly lying, this time about the failure to 'charge me' real time, right in front of Magistrate White, red-handed, SAPol lying to the Court...and Magistrate White has chosen to completely ignore and indeed excuse this extraordinary conduct...can y'all imagine what would/will happen if I was proven to lie to the Court, particularly in such a deliberate way...

This 'RfR' document clearly illustrates a gross bias against me, and availees will immediately see that, given the realities repeatedly exposed across this 'ere blog...I note that Magistrate White has completely ignored the 2 letters I provided and spoke to on February 8th, the 2 letters from then Premier Mike Rann and then Minister now Premier Jay Weatherill, letters officially shutting-down the investigation of St Martins that Commissioner Ted Mullighan was conducting, 2 letters availees have regularly seen in these electronic pages, 2 letters that alone prove exactly the realities of St Martins and the related corruption...2 letters completely ignored...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, March 13, 2017


Hello again y'all, and immediate apologies because I ain't feelin' much in the way of humour today so this post could well be a bit dour, dire, downright mired in the tiers of tired tears uncried and ranks of crass corruption...(well a bing and a bong and a buzzbuzzbuzz to you too sir-Ed)...don't quote BBC's BlackAdder at me mate, it ain't helpin'...(just tryin'-Ed)...just sayin'...(fair enough-Ed)...not in a great mood to get around that a li'l bit, here's just a quick nod to the life of extraordinary privilege and luxury that I have lived and have effectively come to expect as being somewhat my 'right', albeit a 'right' I have for being born a White man in this stolen land...(it just sounds so very wrong when you say it like that-Ed)...what, correctly?...(yeahhh, like that, it doesn't sound great, "stolen land", mmm, sounds a bit, you know, accurate-Ed)...don't it though...

As I understand it, there have been at various times during the various early stages of the European Invasion of this continent, various different 'contracts/treaties/whatevs' signed by 'European Settlers' with 'Aboriginal Peoples' re land settlement, etc, which puts the game right in the ES court, 'cos contracts/treaties/whatevs are ES constructs introduced by ES for ES...(and I don't see many if any of those 'contracts' being 'honoured' today-Ed)'s part of why I find so offensive the Weatherill Labor government's recent announcement (late 2016) that Labor will be doing 'treaties with Aboriginal people'...(but is a treaty a contract? and whatevs, don't we have an obligation to acknowledge and at least attempt to rectify these injustices?-Ed)...sure, absolutely, it's exactly what I'm doing, and I'm saying that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's treatment of Aboriginal peoples has been woeful, tokenistic, and shamefully self-serving...said it before, this announcement is a callous and calculated stunt leading-up to the March 2018 State Election, to give Labor the moral high-ground on this issue, 'ooo gee whiz, look what we've done, we helped the Aboriginal people'...(mate, I don't think Labor waves it's arms about madly, pulling stupid faces, and whining in a stupid voice when it talks-Ed)...have you seen them?...(fair enough-Ed)...whatevs...

Rann/Weatherill Labor, via then Attorney-General Michael Atkinson, immediately appealed the very first 'Stolen Generations Compensation Case'...(I'd forgotten-Ed)...well do you remember only a coupla' years back when Rann/Weatherill Labor forcibly bussed a number of Aboriginal people out of the West Parklands late on that Friday afternoon because they were making things look unsavoury for the Festival Of Like I Give A Damn...(no, I do distinctly remember the panicked/distressed voice of the Elizabeth City Council Councillor/employee/contractor/whatevs on ABC Radio, stating that several busloads of people had just been dropped-off literally right in the City Centre and just left there, were still just there as he was speaking, and he/Council didn't know what was happening, hadn't been informed/warned/whatevs, not nuthin', and didn't know what he/Council were going to do because all offices/services/whatevs were now closed for the weekend-Ed)...exactly, to save Adelaide the embarrassment of having that unsightly mess cluttering-up it's precious parklands...

Only that wasn't 'unsightly mess' was it, that was people, and furthermore those people weren't just camping or hangin' about lookin' scruffy, they were technically/actually Internally Displaced Refugees from Yuendumu in the Northern Territory, literally/actually fleeing gang-style, community-wide violence...and so when I hear/see Jay Weatherill and/or any other Labor stooge mouthing-off about how they're going to work tirelessly to do wonderful things for Refugees, only taking time out to work tirelessly on doing wonderful things for Aboriginal people, I like to not-so-politely hurl this li'l reminder at them...this is what you are Jay, these are your actions and your lies, this is what you did when Aboriginal Refugees lobbed on your doorstep...(disgraceful-Ed)...

(But I don't understand-Ed)...what?...(when are Labor going to have time to tirelesly work on doing wonderful things for The Gays, like they promised in that extra special extra week of State Parliament that we apparently had to have late last year, after the year of actual State Parliament had ended?-Ed)...that's purely a stunt...(no-Ed)...yep...(no?-Ed)...yeah...(nooo?-Ed)...yes, I'm telling you...(but they seemed so sincere-Ed)...see, now you're just takin' the piss...(sorry, I get what you're saying, and I agree, why the need for a massively costly extra week, what the shreck were these clowns doing for the actual year in Parliament, let alone the 16, oh my gourd count them, 16 years they've been ruining, sorry I mean running South Australia-Ed)...nice...(what the shreck have these clowns been doing, or rather, not doing for 16 years, that we suddenly needed an extra week?-Ed) I say, it's a stunt, a cynical stunt conducted at taxpayers expense and given it's own Special Week so that Labor could milk maximum Moral Goodness from it...      

Secondly, as per last post, I take a certain degree of pride in what I have managed to achieve in my extraordinary Court saga thingy...(not least of all given that you don't actually know what's going on most of the time-Ed)...shut it!...(no I mean, like 'cos you ain't no lawyer with no book learnin's, but are still being forced to self-represent in this precedent case of a massive piece of hugely powerful yet fundamentally undefinable piece of legislation, and have not just survived but have achieved rather extraordinary things, eg, successfully arguing for those Court Summons for info from SAPol Commissioner Grant Stevens, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and the Banana Lord...that's some impressive stuff right, we're all really impressed down here I can tell you-Ed)...yeah, nice try buddy, but quoting Monty Python at me ain't helpin' either-...

Anyhoos, here again is The Border Watch version of what happened in Court February 8th 2017, where it is I is bein' done for the heinous crime of allegedly talking about something that apparently is all just fine, everything having been appropriately investigated by the appropriate Authority...(you can't prove that!-Ed) I cannot, nobody can, not even the Authority involved can prove it...(wow-Ed)...I know, but that's a whole different cuttlefish to be tipped into the fire and fried another day, a dish best served cold...(errr, sure-Ed)...

Following straight-on from the previous post, we were up to line 10, I think...(yep 10, we'd just got to the really good stuff, where you catch SAPol Prosecutions lying in Court, right in front of Magistrate White, who just dismissed it as irrelevant-Ed)...and all of which has somehow managed to not quite make it into The Border Watch version of events...(well I for one am totes surprisé-Ed)...what?...(totes surprisé, totally surprised-Ed)...yeah yeah, I get that, I don't understand why you'd be surprised...(I'm not mate, it's a flamin' joke, I'm being sarcastic-Ed)...ah right, sorry, told you I was off my game today...Line 10...

Line actually referring to the as-proven-in-Court albeit bizarre stuff re me not ever being charged or even Summonsed to my original, dare I say it, inaugural Court hearing ways away back in February 2015...(ahhh, a simpler time, a happier time, and other nostalgic musings-Ed).........mate, is this about that Fringe shizzle? it better not be...(I'm sure I don't know what you mean, unicorn frollicking in a Buttercup meadow-Ed)...right, that's it, I heard that and I warned you, the next person to get whimsical all up in my grill and shizzle, well, they're gunna' cop this, whack!...(stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself-Ed)...damn, I forgot for a moment, you're a damn confected literary device!...(a devised literary device if you will-Ed)...well obviously I will and I have and I do because here you/we/me are/are/is, I think...hang on a second...(pssst, availee, let's just skip to line 11, this could take a while-Ed)...but if I created Ed and write all Ed's stuff, am I Ed? am I actually Ed channelling through this empty vessel called Nick Fletcher?...(riiight, ummm, line 11 availees?, yeah? probably best-Ed)...   

Line 11:...this was said in general re the entire conduct of SAPol Prosecutions across the whole 2 years plus...(but they lied right in front of him, you caught them right out right there in the Court in real time, right in front of Magistrate White-Ed)...and I was going to say, and specifically includes the outright lie that 'Mr Fletcher was charged on December 18th 2014', as stated by SAPol Prosecutions, in Court, February 8th's an outrageous lie from SAPol that comes after 2 years of being asked ín Court, including with SAPol Prosecutions head honcho Andrew Paesch either on the phone, in Court but sitting-up the back, or even as in September 2016, at the bench next to me, as the actual acting Prosecutor...(and didn't he have fun that day?-Ed), he tried to glare me down from a metre away and I glared him right back, a glare removed of all the usual self-imposed constraints on my anger and trauma and suffering and did I mention anger, and I simply let it flow, and simply looked it all right at him...right at him...poured it right into him...(and how'd that go for him?-Ed)...and within moments he was struggling, within seconds floundering, and in less time than it takes to read this line, he broke and looked away...(sorry, I shouldn't laugh, this is serious-Ed)...indeed...

I have repeatedly caught-out SAPol Prosecutions just straight-out lying, in Court, which to me as a layperson, is Perjury, 'giving false evidence in Court', and particularly given that some of these lies are also in documents supplied to the Court...(I'd agree that's Perjury, but what do I know, I ain't a lawyer-Ed)...sure, you and me I stated to Magistrate White in February 2017, it seems like it just doesn't matter what happens, how much SAPol just lies, screws-up their ludicrous charge Sheet, etc, or the litany of lies from the ABC South East and their Sydney-based lawyers, etc, etc, not to mention the Banana Lord/Club GoGo Bananas extraordinary conduct, eg, the BL/CGGB response to that Summons, etc, etc, etc, not none of it is going to be allowed to impact on the self-defining reality that we're just carrying-on regardless (with prosecuting me)...

Line 12:...this is almost exactly what I said...(so what's your problem?!-Ed)...with a couple of critical omissions...(ahhh, sorry, should have known, it being TBW and all that-Ed)...indeed, good ol' TBW...1) I used the term 'Malicious Prosecution', as per Magistrate Anderson's direct wording/direction, a technical point but critically important, and 2) Magistrate White straight-out refused me going through my documents individually to establish their relevance, therefore denying me an opportunity to present my case/argument, as I was originally Ordered to do by Magistrate Anderson...

Here again are the 2 Magistrates to have responsibility for my case since it was returned to Mt Gambier Court from Adelaide, returned amid the bizarre blizzard of as yet still unresolved Constitutional Law issues that saw it moved to Adelaide originally in June/July 2015, etc, here are 'my' Magistrates again, to my layperson's eyes, completely contradicting each other...firstly I'm Ordered, by Her Honour, to prepare any and all documentation to support my repeated statements/claims of "pro-paedophile political persecution", and I said 'there's many hundreds of document, it'll be a pile a foot high', and HH responded 'so be it, make it so, be ready to go first re your Malicious Prosecution stuff on Day One of Trial, November 2nd 2016'...and I did a lot of work, with a lot of help, and went into Court as fully prepared as possible, but got to use virtually none of it because of the SAPol Charge Sheet debasco on Day One, and Her Honours sudden self-excusing first thing Day Two...

Secondly, both Her Honour and South East Community Legal Service have identified to me and I think/thought I understand the multiple problems still clearly present in SAPol's already frequently changed Charge Sheet...(wow-Ed)...these problems, SAPol's problems, stopped the Trial on Day One, and SECLS Legal Eagles exactly concurred with Her Honour's extensive explanations, including SECLS providing me copies of the relevant legislation with the words "prejudice" and "dismiss" high-lighted, etc, etc...but then Magistrate White has completely contradicted/reversed/dismissed all of that as being not an issue now, and on we plough...what hope do I have when I get such vastly differing even contradictory advice/decisions/conduct from the very Court itself?...

Line 13:...having been initially refused discussing my documents, I did what I could to present my Malicious Prosecution stuff, culminating in an 8-15 minute diatribe/soliloquy to the Court where-in I carefully outlined the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the rank pro-paedophile corruption in SA and how that was 'behind' my prosecution/persecution, etc, etc, etc, directly referencing maybe a dozen of my 100 documents, eg, the letters from then Premier Mike Rann and Minister Jay Weatherill to Commissioner Ted Mullighan (in 2006), closing down/stopping Comm Mullighan's active investigation of the St Martins Cover-up, etc...and I even put it to Magistrate White that it was "unfair" on him to be expected to make a ruling that declares him, his bosses, and all his legal mates, SAPol, the Banana Lord/CGGB. etc, etc, unfair on him to have to make a ruling that declares all of these Authorities/persons to be corrupt...8-15 minutes of impassioned, eloquent, informed and supported presentation, but none of that mentioned in TBW...

And here's also where SAPol straight-out lied about when I was supposedly charged, as above, and again simply not mentioned in TBW...Magistrate White clearly appears to have already made his 'ruling' as per Line 11, a 'ruling' confirmed last Wednesday 8th March 2017 when Magistrate White dismissed the Malicious Prosecution stuff, declaring that there is no conspiracy re St Martins, etc, etc...(and wasn't that your idea? to have this further extra hearing day?-Ed)...indeed...(and gourd knows there's been plenty of them, 'extra hearing days'-Ed)...indeed again...but yes, Magistrate White was going to deliver his 'decision/ruling' Day One of Trial Two...('Trial Two' are a riot-Ed)...when I politely interrupted and suggested that we might do it previous to that to avoid repeating the costly farce of Trial One, what with numerous SAPol staff/witnesses (at least 4, maybe 7) being flown to Mt Gambier, accommodated for days, and the cost of an 'entire Court' paid for for 3 days but only used for less than one in total, no witnesses called, idea...(and Magistrate White said?-Ed)...'that's a good idea'...(and fair enough...but again, I don't see that mentioned here anywhere-Ed)...indeed...

Line above, on March 8th 2017, Magistrate White ruled 'no Child Abuse Cover-up conspiracy, no Abuse of Process, no Malicious Prosecution' and ahead we plough...(wow-Ed)...I was only provided a copy of that 'decision/ruling' part-way through the 'hearing', via the Court Clerk via the Court Sherriff, when I arced-up about what was happening...(wow-Ed)...indeed, a stunningly fortuitous outrage...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, it's absolutely outrageous to make the 'ruling' and then provide me a copy only when I ask, partway through the 'hearing'...(sure-Ed)..but it's incredibly fortuitous that I hadn't read it just prior to or immediately during the 'hearing', because I would have spoken-out most effervescently about this 'decision/ruling'...(ahhh-Ed)...but instead, I've had a real if short chance to come to terms with my disbelief and disappointment and distress, etc, etc, before I have to front Magistrate White again...(most fortuitous indeed-Ed)...

I've heavily truncated this last bit 'cos it's already a long post, so's there's obviously much more to come on this stuff, along with stuff about SA's chronic electricity problems...  

Tomorrow: Watt Fresh Lunacy? Labor intend to unleash on ever-suffering South Australian energy consumers?...having all but destroyed SA's credibility and/or ability to reliably provide for ourselves power-wise, and amid the ongoing and unavoidable reality of future 'black-outs', with all their negative Socio-Economic impacts, etc, SA Labor via Minister Koutsontonis is apparently going to, tomorrow morning, suddenly and miraculously conjure some 'Hail Mary' play to save the day...(oh gourd-Ed)...indeed...(here we go again...let me guess, it's going to somehow massively increase reliability and yet simultaneously drastically reduce costs-Ed)...indeed...(people people people, if Labor had/have a plan, any plan, if they have any sort of genuine plan, then why hasn't Labor applied it already, months if not years ago...just shreckin' do it and do it now-Ed)...well indeed...

But because it's a farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco), this 'Super Dooper Plan' announcement made over 5 weeks ago, is one made out of sheer desperation mid-debasco, an empty announcement that Labor have then desperately sought to backfill...gourd only knows what sort of disaster we're about to have relentlessly propagandaed at us, but us mere mortals will apparently find out tomorrow morning...(yay-Ed)...there's been a bunch of reportage about a Tesla-supplied Battery Storage, but this is yet again, at best a stop-gap attempt to treat only some small part of the symptoms of a fundamentally flawed system that has no base-load production...we are screwed and this sort of moronic grandstanding helps no-one but Labor themselves...gourd knows I hope desperately to be wrong, but I smell a costly stunt that achieves little if anything, from a Labor Party well-practised in such self-promotional self-delusion...buying a gas plant, batteries, whatevs, because if SA Labor are doing it, it's going to be a disaster mired in ideology rather than a resolution cemented in reality...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...   

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Perpetual Pro-paedophile Political Persecution Of Nick Fletcher Doesn't Exist, Apparently

Howdy y'all and welcome to TMGI...not too proud to admit that I am completely lost with my Court stuff...we are now in the third year of my 'trial process', and I'm still trying to digest and process the bizarre adjournment of my 'actual Trial' on the first day November 2nd 2016 due to SAPol (police) Prosecutions trying to change almost every one of the the 19 'Counts/charges', followed by the complete collapse of the 'actual Trial' immediately on Day 2, Nov 3rd 2016, when Magistrate Anderson suddenly 'excused' herself, having read the 100 documents I had provided re the "Malicious Prosecution" that HH had identified from my repeated claims of "political persecution"...(and all of that bizarreness has only been gazzumped for bizarreness by the fact that 'the Trial' just continues-on regardless-Ed)...well indeed, it's hardly my fault I'm lost...(well indeed-Ed)...

I repeat, when SAPol prosecutions tried to 'Amend' (change) the Counts/charges (Nov 2017), Her Honour straight-out stated that 'Count 10' was fundamentally flawed, not amendable, and that SAPol must withdraw it or HH would Order it withdrawn...amid this blinding flurry of bizarreness, of SAPol Prosecutions coming to Court with a wholly flawed 'Charge Sheet' that I was required to plead to before they attempted/applied to 'Amend' almost all of the charges thusly requiring the Court to Order/allow/grant/whatevs SAPol Prosecutions a 30min adjournment to go off and alter/'Amend' their shambolic 'case', etc, etc, amid all that, I managed to stay vaguely in touch with the debate between SAPol and HH...I certainly thought I understood the problem with the Counts/charges, if not the rest of the bizarreness of changing them after I was required/forced to plead, etc...

(Deadset, that is truly bizarre...just by fundamental application of an undeniable reality, changing the Counts/charges means they are no longer the ones you've just plead to, forced/required or not!-Ed)...I know, right?!...but leaving that specific issue aside for a moment, albeit unresolved and to be frequently re-visited, HH carefully explained to SAPol what was wrong/happening (and later herself identified further problems with specific Counts/charges)...SAPol shuffled-off and finally came back a full hour later with an entirely new 'Charge Sheet' (basically the same Counts/charges, but an entirely new/different document I haven't seen before then) that was covered in hand-scribbled notes and arrows and flouro-highlighted bits, etc, looks exactly like what it is, an embarrassingly amateurish last-minute attempt to cobble together some sort of prosecution...(wow-Ed)...yeah, I know...(20+ 'hearings' starting February 2015, your own SAPol 'Operation Baritone' starting at least a full year before that, in a critically important precedent case/application of a vastly sweeping and omnipotently powerful piece of openly Fascist state government legislation, and SAPol haven't even bothered to put together a proper 'Charge Sheet'?, wow alright...

As a layperson I do not understand how any of this can be allowed in Court, but it has been allowed and that's a brief but exactly accurate synopsis of what happened up to that point...when Day One re-commenced, after SAPol Prosecutions deemed to grace us with their presence and swanned-back into Court an hour later, the debate continued re these multiple problems with apparently virtually every Count/charge, and after a further lunch-break, continued some more...HH asked me if I 'approved of these changes', and I said 'no'...(of course-Ed)...citing HH's own statements re withdrawing 'Count 10'...(fair enough-Ed)...and HH was ultimately required/forced to call a further and final adjournment for that day...and in closing said, 'I'm going to use the spare time this afternoon to read those 100 documents re the Malicious Prosecution stuff', and then we adjourned...when we started next morning, Her Honour immediately 'excused' herself, and the trial stopped dead...fact, fact, fact... 

It is an irrefutable reality that Day One of my November 2nd-4th Trial was mostly spent discussing SAPol Prosecutions clumsy attempts to change their 'Charge Sheet'...fact, not up for debate...and I ain't a lawyer with no book learnin' nor nuthin', but HH, as required under law, carefully explained to me and SAPol both, just exactly what was wrong with the Counts/charges...(advice exactly repeated by the Legal Eagles at South East Community Legal Service later that same arvo-Ed)...exactly...(when the Leagles gave you those copies of the exact legislation involved, with the words 'prejudiced' and 'dismiss' flouro-highlighted-Ed)...that's the one...anyhoos, following HH's explanation/direction all I had to do was say 'sorry, I don't really understand what's happening with this Change-the-Charges shizzle, but I do follow your most excellent explanation re the specific multiple problems with those Counts/charges, and I see/hear you your Honour about to remove 'count 10', and I surely need to get some sort of legal advice don't I?''...not a lawyer, all I did was point at it and say that doesn't look right, and HH was required/forced to call the day adjourned...

Even though I was effectively forced to ask for this adjournment, and obviously I did, it's not my adjournment and I ain't takin' responsibility for it...(orrr come on!-Ed)...nah, SAPol Prosecutions dropped the Court right in it with this ludicrously inappropriate Change-the Charges shizzle...(orrr, fair enough-Ed)...thusly placing HH in an untenable position where-in HH was required/forced to grant/allow that adjournment the moment I spoke the magic words...("the magic words"'?-Ed) above, 'I don't understand, I want an adjournment'...(shazzam!-Ed)...this is a fundamental illustration of just exactly how flawed/problematic that whole scenario/issue/process/conduct/whatevs is!...not a lawyer, just me, just me just standing there saying/asking 'what's goin' on with that?', and it all grinds to a halt, Day One...(wow, either you're some sort of unfathomable genius, or this whole thing is a farce!-Ed)...I agree, it is also a farce...(taboomtish-Ed)...

And gourd bless the good ol' The Border Watch newspaper for yet again 'reporting' my trial as only TBW can, namely, vilify and belittle and discredit li'l ol' me, Nick Fletcher, and studiously avoid acknowledging anything that might possibly expose and/or the support the realities of 1) what I write in this 'ere blog, much of which has been discussed/exposed in Court, and 2) the actual Court proceedings/outcomes/whatevs...and I say this title, The PPPPONFDEA, particularly in the context of the extensive documentary evidence I have presented the Court, at the Court's specific direction, re my repeated claims/statements/whatevs, as made at every hearing in 2016, that this entire 'trial process' is motivated by a desire to get me because of this 'ere blog, because what I'm saying in this 'ere blog is 'true' and therefore effectively not vulnerable to the blizzardous litany of Defamation Threats I've had hurled my way, pretty-much ever since the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up officially kicked-off in June 2002...but apparently I'm wrong about all that...but I also digress, here's the TBW article from February 2017...    

Snuck, Duck And Covered:...yet again this an anonymous article, and I did not see anyone in Court that day, not a single person, not no-one, not even TBW...dunno', I guess it is potentially possible that a TBW reporter somehow snuck-in un-noticed immediately after we started, then ducked-out again before I saw them, etc...(what? counting the adjournment? 4 times?-Ed)...I know, whatevs, who knows and what can I do about it?...(fair enough-Ed)...just another bizarreness adrift in the Sea of Bizarre that is my 'trial'...(I'm gettin' seasick again-Ed)...anyhoos...

Line 1:...over 2 years 'on trial sort-of', on my third Magistrate, not least of all because the second one suddenly bailed during the 'actual Trial', so I now get my own FIFO (Fly-In, Fly-Out) Magistrate, and all at what extraordinary expense?...and apparently it's me what's "notorious" don't you know...(you bastard!-Ed)...

2)...there is a world of difference between Magistrate Anderson's original identification of my claims as being "Abuse of Process", and her final descriptor of "Malicious Prosecution"...Her Honour's own terms/words...the first relates to how the prosecution is conducted, the second refers to the intent behind even commencing the prosecution, and may or may not...(but likely does-Ed)...include specific Abuse of Process issues...I would argue that I successfully argued/proved both, but apparently I'm wrong...(apparently-Ed)...

3)...true, no documents, not my phone, no personal effects, not nothing, because I fully expected to get arrested for 'Contempt of Court'...(and bingo!-Ed)...yeah, but, as I later stated in Court but isn't reported correctly, I was warned/threatened with 'CoC' in a different context to what I expected...(nothing can ever just 'happen' with you, can it?-Ed)...warned/threatened not for talking about the rank institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption in the Legislative, the Executive, and...(oh oh!-Ed)...exactly, and in the Judiciary...(you said that to a Magistrate? in Court?-Ed)...repeatedly and inevitably, but I didn't get worded-up for that, it was very early on when I was questioning what happened with the previous trial, etc, and was 'interrupting' Magistrate White...

4)...I have been repeatedly officially legally advised, not least of all by Her Honour on Day One of the November 2016 'Trial', that, as defendant, I am under no obligation to answer any questions...(and outside of that, your relentless co-operating with the Court has only seen SAPol take advantageous liberties and repeatedly change their Affidavits, 'Charge Sheet', etc-Ed)...well yes, I'm well aware of that, and others have advised/made comments on this same is what it is, and if I don't speak-up and defend myself I'm just going to get convicted anyway, in silence...I've been left no happened here...

5)...again TBW tries to portray me as some sort of Machiavellian Forrest Gump by cherry-picking some colloquial, jingoistic throw-away line, and again deliberately failing to acknowledge whole swathes of my informed, document-supported, critical testimony/discussion/whatevs...

6/7/8)...this did happen, as I've described it above...I was absolutely resigned, still am, and the many issues I raised remain unresolved...

9)...we were in Court discussing Malicious Prosecution, including my belief that just being in that discussion/hearing already proved my MP argument, an MP motivated by this 'ere blog, etc, etc, and that this MP started long before it even got to SAPol...and again, I've never been charged and wasn't originally summonsed...hello 10)...

10)...this refers to the hilarious shenanigans of February 2015, when, having not been charged or Summonsed, I found out about my first hearing in this whole bizarre process, found out via an unrelated phonecall when someone alerted me to a TBW article about my failure to appear for 'my Court hearing' the day before, apparently...I note that TBW have not reported where SAPol Prosecutions tried casually to state officially that I had been 'charged on December 18th 2014'...(wow-Ed) outright lie that I immediately jumped on, but Magistrate White dismissed as 'whatevs'...(wow-Ed)...

Dear availees, sorry, I'm gunna' pull stumps rather randomly right abouttttt here! because it's late and there's heaps to go, including the latest, the 22nd? 23rd? 24th? hearing thingy last Wednesday March 8th 2017 where-in I was informed, via videolink, that I am apparently wrong about the Malicious Prosecution, and apparently also wrong about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and by definition apparently therefore a liar and/or lunatic...("or"?-Ed)...shut it!...

Tomorrow: The PPPPONFDEA Part Deux

(Ah mon dieu!-Ed)...frankly, I've had just about a gutful...(nonsense, you hunger for the thrust and parry, you hasten to the chase and hanker for the clash, you thirst for the engagement-Ed)...damn straight I do, well in this specific context's pretty much become my life to the extent that I sure as heck don't need any damn documents in my hand anymore to tear this shizzle apart time-and-time again...and it's not like I'm being left any choice, these clowns are coming after me...

Sure it's tiring, sure it's frustrating, and sure, sometimes it's outright depressing with all those hilarious affectations, eg, the social isolation, the Crash And Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy (CABIN Fever), etc, but it's happening whether I like it or not, and just look at what I've achieved, largely by just standing my ground and being 'truthful'...I've not just 'survived' a full year self-representing against SAPol Prosecutions et al, I've pushed back real hard, managing to argue successfully for Court Summons (for info) for the SAPol Commissioner, the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and the Banana Lord* themselves...(wow, that is actually quite a remarkable achievement-Ed)...and then also successfully generated the Malicious Prosecution stuff...(so you're confident of acquittal then?-Ed)...nope, I clearly don't have a snowball's chance in heck...(and fair enough-Ed)...    
            (*the synonym I have to use for the Authority involved re my Counts/charges because
               simply naming that Authority might also be an's a ludicrous nonsense)

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, March 6, 2017

Mt Gambier Airport Concourse Discourse and Landing Slanderings

***, well that went well....I promise to stop promising daily posts 'cos I wrote 80% of this 'ere post last Wednesday (it's now Monday 6th March 2017) and then, dunno', just didn't want to, couldn't be bothered, whatevs...(bollocks! don't try and be stupidly stoic, it helps no-one, least of all yourself! Friday was an absolute shocker!-Ed)...calm down...(no I won't! Friday was a shocker courtesy of all the usual suspects, a completely bullshit story on the South East ABC about a 'Child Protection Forum' that apparently happened in Mt Gambier last week and 'over 50 people attended and the MGCP Sector agrees that they're coordinating wonderfully and doing a great job'...bollocks!-Ed)...slow down mate, we're all upset...(upset! upset! the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up! as fully supported by a rankly corrupt Australian Broadcasting Corporation! read your own bloody blog mate!-Ed)...ok, ok, no, fair enough, let me though...(sure! whatever!-Ed)...cheers...

Firstly, sure, Friday was a shocker, and it takes a few days to get back a sense of equilibrium, a want to post and/or ability to produce anything 'postable', etc, but it was already 0800-ish Friday, from Wednesday...(fair enough-Ed)...but it is true that this ABC SE interview was yet another mind-numbing stagger through a 'pro-System/pro Labor state government' version of events, via/from a broadcaster definitively capable of gross pro-paedophile corruption...dear availees, The Mount Gambier Independent has proven beyond contradiction that the Rann/Weatherill Labor SA government and agencies like SAPol, Crown Solicitor, DPP, etc, are all knowingly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, upto and including attacking parents/families of the children, and that that continues to happen...and right at the forefront of that systemic corruption is the Mt Gambier/South Australian media, particularly the ABC...(can I say 'bastards!'?-Ed)...well alright, fair enough, but just one...(bastards!-Ed)...that's twice...(I know-Ed)...fair enough...

And the ABC has operated as the 'National Broadcaster' in that this corruption has extended itself to the ABC's most senior staffers in South Australia, various national programs, and on through to the ABC's head office in Ultimo, Sydney, NSW, etc, etc...(and here yet again they're all trying to present the image, the very false image that there's a thorough and effective 'Child Protection System' in place and functioning in South Australia!-Ed)...and the reality's very, very different...(absolutely!-Ed)...just look at the multiple 'Child Protection Royal Commissions' in SA since the St Martins Cover-up kicked-off on the June long weekend 2002 when parent complaints and/or children's statements saw teacher Glyn Dorling finally but suddenly removed...each one has been promoted as a thorough and revolutionary review of the 'Child Protection System', with promises of vast funding attached, but has actually focused on a very specific corner of CP, usually within familial situations... 

This forum/interview was again about abuse in care and/or families, apparently didn't include members of the public, they certainly weren't mentioned, and I didn't hear raised the issue of 'protecting kids in schools/whatevs from staff/whatevs'...a very specific 'closed' forum very specifically reported...(um, 'finally but suddenly'?-Ed)...there had been many, many complaints about Dorling's behaviour/conduct in the several years he was at St Martins, literally from his first week, and including from early 2002 onward, but then some specific children's statements finally forced the school's/the Lutheran's hand, and Dorling was there teaching Friday, gone Tuesday, June long weekend 2002...finally but suddenly...

Anyhoos, that was my Friday shot-to-shizzle right there, and a coupla' days recovering...all the anger and trauma and suffering of parents/families, etc, etc, all dredged-up and spewed onto the surface thanks to an orgy of sanctimonious self-congratulation and deliberate deceit...please note that, whilst I have inevitably grown deeply cynical of the ABC and the 'CPS' in any and all of their manifestations, I still recognise that there are many relatively decent people involved who are motivated and try to operate appropriately, etc, etc...but this forum/interview is exactly as I have described it, deceit upon deceit...but I digress, to the original post bit...*** 

Howdy y'all to an entirely 'fresh' post, in so much as it ain't some part-finished, half-baked, bit-of-a-post from months ago, clumsily and foppishly pounded into some vaguely presentable format, then shoved crudely onto a largely unexpecting Universe, it's completely new material...(yeah, sure-Ed)...that's probably gunna' sound a bit like a lot of previous material...(that sounds more like it-Ed)...because that's how we all roll here at TMGI...(well true, except, it's not 'we' is it? 'cos I'm a confected literary device, not an actual 'sue-able' person-Ed)...well yes, of course, except for that...

Prematurely Self-Ejected:...because at the latest Mt Gambier City Council full meeting, Tuesday 21st February, awash in a sea of the latest wave of rank corruption as led by Councillor and former Mayor Steve Perryman, I just couldn't stomach it, it was too much for even stoic ol' idiot me, and when Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...presumptively asked for extra time to speak and kept right on talking, I got-up, walked-out, and listened to the last bit from the foyer...(wow-Ed)...and as per usual, Council's own Minutes fail to correctly report what actually happened, and The Border Watch similarly...(I thought you said this was gunna' be all new material, it's just there, you wrote it just there!-Ed)...and indeed it sounds like every other post about MGCC, it's conduct, and how that is 'reported' in the Mt Gambier media...(ah right sorry, I see what you mean, you were being ironic and/or sarcastic-Ed)...indeed...

Emotions With Some Notice:...(and tell me, did your departure go unnoticed?-Ed)...well I didn't say anything or whatevs, but I'm fairly sure it was noticed, I was like fully leaving dude but stopped in the foyer, realising I was gunna' miss Stevo's inspirational words re his $1,000,000 'Motion Without Notice'...(sorry what?! $1,000,000 in a 'Motion Without Notice?-Ed)...oh yeah, I'll be getting to that...anyhoos, re dropping $1m to the District Council of Grant, with no strings attached, re the latest debasco re the Mt Gambier Airport re proposed expansion...or not...('or not'? what do you mean 'or not'?-Ed)...well, as per usual, almost all parties involved are pointedly preaching about the specific merits of their personal/professional/political position, and why whatevs is going wrong and/or not happening at all, well it's all the fault of that guy there...(what, this guy?-Ed) no, that one...(him?-Ed)...yeah, and her, and they're all doing it too...

And then there's my poor li'l ol' brain stuck in the middle with you, dear availee, tryin' to sort the shizzle from the even bigger shizzle...(it's like looking for a small pile of shizzle in a large pile of shizzle-Ed), what it is is, it's exactly like sorting through a combined avalanche of shizzle, in search of a truth that may well not exist...but the issue is irrelevant in context of how it was broached, presented, and then voted on...(yeah, I didn't see any 'MWN' in the MGCC meeting Agenda-Ed)...that's because it's not there, and that's part of why I say the issue is irrelevant because it's the way it's been done that is super-shonky, and that shonkiness itself is the main issue...(and the repetitiveness of the shonkiness, the perpetual shonkifications of the Mt Gambier City Council, I'd argue that right there's the main main issue-Ed)...indeed... 

This is only the latest in a series of deeply questionable and concerning issues in recent months, to be covered next post, but here's a teaser...MGCC awarded a contract whilst crowing that their choice was '$1,000,000 less than the other Tenders so we've saved Ratepayers $1m', only for that business to go bust, owing $$$millions, but not a squeak from Council in it's recent meetings...(so hang on, at the very least, that's another $1m that Ratepayers need to stump up for that supposedly urgent project-Ed)...indeed...(but on the ABC, didn't Mayor Lee wave it all away as unimportant and having no impact on Council's budget?-Ed)...indeed he did...but we digress...

Slow-Motion Snow-Job Without Notice:...when Cr Steve Perryman stood up at 1835hrs on 02/21/2017 and proposed that Mt Gambier City Council effectively 'give' the District Council of Grant $1,000,000 re Mt Gambier Airport...he stated that this was in support of the DCG application for funding under the (federal) Building Better Regions Fund*, and spoke of 'phonecalls and emails to and/or between Councillors and/or others across the weekend', but didn't specify to whom exactly, and several Councillors appeared not aware of this 'Motion' at Stevo started, Councillors were passing paperwork around the room...he actually said 'I've spoken to someone who knows all about this stuff and they say it's a great idea', but again, didn't provide any name, credentials, or actual document/letter/whatevs, not nuthin'...(yeah, but if Stevo says it's true-Ed) point exactly...

(*I believe the BBRF is the same fund that MGCC were referring to when they made their bizarre announcement about the '$20m Regional Recreation Centre that may or may not include a 25m indoor pool' thingy...(oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that, that's what, 2 years ago now?-Ed)...yep, January/February 2015...(and wasn't it re the National Stronger Regions Fund, not the BBRF?-Ed) do you remember all that?...(I didn't exactly, I just 'Googled' it and, bingo, up came a post from this 'ere blog with a copy of how it was reported in TBW attached, etc, as per TMGI February 12th 2015-Ed)...well I'll be...(I know!-Ed)...and?...(and apparently the BBRF is basically just the follow-on re-badging of the NSRF-Ed)...super!...*) 

(So anyhoos, Stevo's come in, at the last minute, too late to get on the Agenda apparently, but having been discussing it for days outside official channels, apparently, and presents Councillors with a 'Motion Without Notice' that several of them appear to be just receiving as he's speaking to it?-Ed)...yep...(that gives the DCG $1,000,000 with no conditions attached-Ed)...that was the original proposal, yeah...($1m? and some Councillors were just receiving that 'MWN' in the meeting?-Ed)...that's what it looked like...(wow-Ed)...and through-out, particularly in his closing diatribe, Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...listed-off all the things wrong with this whole set-up, and in a manner designed to address but drastically minimalise the problems, a manner that defines the practicedly-corrupt nature of his every functioning...

One by one Stevo went through these things in the same way, 'yeah sure it would be good if we had received this earlier', 'yeah sure it would be good if we had more time to consider it', etc, etc, and then the directive manipulation of 'I'll leave it to Councillors to decide whether the benefits outweigh these minor issues'...and so on...and it was all a little convenient for my liking because it rapidly turned into a stoogefest of confected indignation and rehearsed faux-opposition from several specific Councillors, in what appeared to be a carefully orchestrated opportunity for said stooges to try and establish some sort of 'independent credibility' where none exists nor ever will...(kapow! take that stoogey types!-Ed)...whatevs, the way this was introduced and pushed by Cr Stevo is all wrong, so very, very wrong...( a million bucks wrong!-Ed)...yeah, it's truly extraordinary that MGCC handles such huge sums of Ratepayers' monies with such casual incompetence...(gay abandon even already-Ed)...whether that incompetence is real or affected to hide the institutionalised corruption at the core of Mt Gambier City Council's functioning...whatevs...

Labor Minister Leon Bignell was on the South East ABC yesterday spruiking the Labor government's latest $1m contribution to DCG/the airport, in what is just the latest in a series of cheaper-the-better stunts from Labor as we lumber toward the next South Oz state election in March 2018...Steven Marshall/the Liberals have been advertising for months already, and there isn't a sanctimoniously hypocritical stunt that SA Labor haven't pulled, rushing to chuck chump-change at whatevs might give them a purchase on the moral high-ground, starting late last year and pork-barrelling along ever since...and all the good stuff, Aboriginal Rights, Gay Rights, Legalising Medical Marijuana, etc, etc, it's a cynically manipulative joke aimed squarely at critical inner-Adelaide seats...and now, on the actual very last day of the BBRF Application round, it's another pitiful $1m dribbled-out...whatevs the issue, it's a contemptuously pathetic $1m pat-on-the-head that doubles nicely as a spit-in-the-face...

This morning it was federal Liberal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin, basically contradicting and/or correcting what Neon Leon was gibbering about, and I can only apologise that try as I might I still lost track of exactly what money has or hasn't gone where exactly, but here goes...most of the money ($3.8m?) already promised by SA Labor to DCG re the airport is money tied to the $28m Forestry Sale Fund that Labor promised after corruptly flogging-off the South East Forestry Estate for only $670m, under 1/3 it's value, and then calling it a 'lease', etc, to build the ridiculous Adelaide Oval, etc, etc, etc...I understand that that claim is ostensibly true, that is where that original money has come from...there was also further discussion re Labor's refusal/failure to support/fund the Penola Bypass, but that's not for here today in this post...and I don't thank Neon for placing me in the very unpleasant position of having to agree with the vast majority of what Tony was saying...

I don't know who exactly has and/or hasn't contacted whoevs, or whether serial Liberal candidate and Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi's version of events is true, or Leon's or Tony's, whatevs, but it's all just political squabbling/slandering that doesn't change the realities as they currently appears that DC of Grant haven't organised a proper 'Funding Partnership', not with anyone, despite discussing this for months apparently, and then have waited until literally the last minute to lob this on MGCC Ratepayers, apparently 1645hrs on the Monday before the MGCC meeting the next evening, with the Labor state government doubling-down on that stunt by waiting until the last day for BBRF Applications' before flicking another $1m chump-change into the political gutter in a crass attack on the Liberal Party...and there's a distinctly conspiratorial stink to the seemingly synchronized timing of these various airport funding issues...disgraceful...

Noticed By Not Mentioning:...not even mentioned let-alone discussed, at MGCC's February 21st 2017 meeting were, 1) the Mayor Lee/Chinese Business Partner/ICAC debasco (debacle/fiasco), as per recent posts, or, 2) the China trip that appears to be going ahead despite this rank Mayoral corruption/dodgy China-dealings business, or 3) the aforementioned $1m blow-out on that Asbestos-related Tender...(hang on, if Council reported Lee to ICAC, as bizarrely discussed in that MGCC Special Meeting January 31st 2017, and then equally bizarrely reported by TBW, if that 'report' has happened, how can Lee be in the Chair there for that meeting'?-Ed) tell me...(and MGCC clearly have no choice but to make that report because that's exactly what the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 states must happen...must-Ed)...yeah yeah, I know...and they're also certainly not allowed to have a meeting and discuss it...(which is exactly what they did!-Ed)...exactly...(geez, no wonder you get headaches sometimes-Ed)...orrr, I like to think I cause a few too...(nice-Ed)...  

(Mayor Andy did mention January 31st, but only re the visit of SA Governor Mr Van Le on that date-Ed)...indeed, and something about a 'new Chinese Ambassador in Adelaide', but not a breath about the Winery/ICAC stuff and/or the MGCC Council trip to China...even the official remonstration of Cr Josh Lynagh lasted as long as it took for him to identify a 'Conflict of Interest', 'because it's about me', leave, for Council to vote for 'it as presented' but without any discussion, and for Cr J to return...2 minutes tops...all of MGCC's actual business, including this official reprimand, lasted just on 30 minutes, but Stevo's 'MWN' took nearly another 30!...absolutely disgraceful... 

Tomorrow: Just More Stuff


No attempt at a witty closing today, but I am still Nick Fletcher and this is still my blog...cheers and laters...

***...and back to today, and there's no such thing as Climate Change either, here's a photo to prove it...(nice flower, what is it?-Ed)...that my friend, is ginger...(ginger? flowering in Mt Gambier?-Ed)...yep, lovely tropical fragrance as well...(ginger, in February/March, in Mt Gambier?-Ed)...yep, someone gave me several clumps/roots/tubers/whatevs probably 6 years ago, and they quickly (1 year?) came up in bamboo-like stems about 1m high that unfurl into large leaves, and now this...(it is a beautiful flower-Ed)...yep, no such thing as 'Climate Change'...***