Monday, May 30, 2016

SAPol Operation Targets Controversial Blogger

Hello Mexico, Ukraine, India, and Poland and welcome to TMGI...hard to believe it's been a week again already...won't bore y'all with the mundaneness of my usual struggles with various things...(Reality, for instance-Ed)...and of course, hello to Ed, you confected literary device you...(cheers-Ed)...and what a wacky week of madly fluctuating feedback re the attached The Border Watch article about moi...(and speaking of being pretentious, what's with the self-quote of this posts' title, as pinched from the last post?-Ed)...because it sums-up best what's been coming back to me re this article, and the point I made in the last post, that this should have been the headline, the next day...(and not a brief and vague mention on page 5, ten days after the event?-Ed)...exactly...

And what always challenges me the most about this behaviour from TBW, is that a balanced and responsible local paper is a vital community asset...and ABC Local Radio is in exactly the same position, with the added responsibility of being publicly funded!...and particularly with the outrageous withdrawal of locally produced programming by WIN TV a coupla' years back...(disgraceful-Ed)...each regularly spruik their own position as fertile fountains of community concern and responsible, reliable, supportive reportage...(is it the ABC that runs that bollocks about 'without bias' in their ads?-Ed)...probably, whatevs, they all do it, we've all heard/read them all doing it...however, it is the rank Editorialising by Mt Gambiers' local media that makes them fundamentally untrustworthy...and talkin' right at ya' TBW and ABC, you run the very real risk of having no genuine credibility, and you bring it on yourselves...

I remind availees that both TBW and ABC Mt Gambier tried to literally censor me out of the 2014 Mayoral Election, including the hilarious Second Snubbing by TBW 'reporter' Anelia 'Oh My God Here Comes Nick Fletcher I'd Better Pretend To Interview The Back Of This Strangers Head' Blackie...I was mentioned once on the ABC...(once?-Ed)...once...(but not interviewed?-Ed)...nope...(what about after your triumphal performance at the September 2014 Mayoral Candidates Forum?-Ed) that's right, when fellow candidates tried to discuss it in their ABC interviews, presenter Stuart Stansfield went right past those references, never to mention it again-Ed)...absolutely...and all due respect availees but I don't care what others may think, I know that that was about me, and not talking about me, and not giving me any oxygen what-so-ever, let alone any credibility...despite several references by 2 guests, Stuart didn't even ask 'hey yeah, how did that Forum thingy go?'...(because he knew exactly how it went and who went well and he wasn't having that discussed-Ed)...exactly...

It was about me, because the Forum itself couldn't be discussed without addressing the hairy elephant in the dark suit that ruled the room that night...(and that's you, right?-Ed)...yes, that was me...and I ain't losin' sight of the fact that my wonderfulness that night was largely foisted on me by the woeful performances of most of the 7 other candidates...(no, you did pretty well, but yes, the real issue is how poorly some others did, and how that made you look even better?-Ed)...exactly, I'm really pleased with my effort, but not gettin' too carried away about it...anyhoos, the ABCs' avid avoidance of the Forum is a specifically perfect illustration of the ABCs' broader and rabid bias against me, and as further fueled by certain local personal animosities...and so I get 'banned' from the ABC airwaves, and then censored right-out of the news...don't know if the ABC even attended that Forum...(the plausible deniability of not even showing-up...don't go, can't know, and they do the same thing with Mt Gambier City Council meetings-Ed)...indeed... 

(And was TBW at the Forum?-Ed)...yeah, I said, Anelia twice snubbed me, once just before and then again right after when we were walking toward each other...(ah yes! hence the nick-name-Ed)...exactly...after the Forum and me doing really well (and as put to me, considerably better than even my closest rival) when she sees the story of the night walking toward her down the hall, 'Scoop' Blackie wrenches-on the handbrake and swerves hard right into a swarm of innocent bystanders, effervescently accosting the back of some old mans' head with her microphone...(classic-Ed)...yep, really skull-miked the dude like a professional...(that's some quality old-school journalism right there, that is-Ed)...COPY!...   
And I do not carry my resentment as well as I'd like, and guess that in that sense...(in that context-Ed)...I can be effectively a vindictive person, sure, but I used to feel quite bad about the damage that I've been told I'm doing to these august media organisations, used to carry a lot of guilt about it, which, in itself is ironically a good thing...(meaning that, despite all that conflict and unpleasantness, it's good to feel not triumphal or gloaty, but rather, to be concerned about the potential damage being done? the jobs potentially lost? threatening the reliable local media covering the local news that will otherwise disappear from the collective view and then consciousness?-Ed)...yeah, all of that...I used to feel bad, but now it just is what it is...

Not just big-noting myself about my 'influence', etc, because it wasn't that long after I started this 'ere blog that Anelia Blackie and I had a li'l tete-a-tete in the Library carpark, where-in she became quite upset about the damage I was doing to TBW with the potential for job losses, etc...her words, not mine, ain't proud, just is what it is... 
Said It Before:...but it's easy to discredit someone in such a small and insular and often biased and bigoted community like Mt Gambier...(particularly with someone as unlike-able as your good self-Ed)...well there's just so much to work with...(I'll thank you to let me do the self-deprecating humour around here sir!-Ed)...but the same social paradigm inevitably and ironically turns-out to be equally effective in defending oneself...(if oneself is seen to be relatively rational and respectful and reasonable and not altogether the complete nutter and utter bastard as portrayed-Ed)...well quite...what does it say when people, least some of them, are discussing this article in terms of how poorly I am being treated with this type of reportage, and that it proves how unreliable TBW can be...

Fluctuating that I did actually have one person, well-familiar with my various escapades re TBW, the ABC, the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up stuff, etc, etc, who did say that this article was actually not too bad...(until it was explained that it was anonymously written (Friday 20th May) 10 days after the event (Court, Tuesday 10th May), and then clearly only in response/retaliation/whatevs to the post of 4 days previous on this 'ere blog, and used all the same carefully-worded, quite deliberately derogatory language/phrase-age from previous TBW articles, all whilst studiously avoiding any harsh truths that might challenge/compromise their unambiguous 'Anti-Nick Agenda Regime', or ANARchy as I like to call it-Ed)...if you must...(ooo yes, I must-Ed)...

The standard response I've had to this article is, 'oo, they don't like you very much, do they?' , 'they' being TBW...(well quite, it's hardly a subtle bias being applied here, this is 'Character Assassination 101', not bloody lawn bowls-Ed)...and it has also been directly linked to the St Martins stuff, ie, this Court stuff and the way TBW reports it, et al, it all goes back to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and this coming from someone who doesn't read the blog, but is broadly aware of it's content, motivation, etc, and also local politics, etc...what can I say, there is no victory in this...14 years after the event, the cover-up of Child Abuse at St Martins is still in the public consciousness, people are still talking about it...but it's the fact that any of it's happened at all that's the real waking nightmare...14 years this June long weekend... 

And I also get blamed and abused for the damage I allegedly do to St Martins with my wickedness and wanton mischief...only it's not mischief and I am wicked...(don't you mean ''not wicked'?-Ed)...shhh, only it is true and all of what I've done is simply expose those truths...I've Editorialised, Opinionated, Hypocrisised, even Theorised, and inevitably if rarely, Mistaked...(say it isn't so!-Ed)...shhh, but I've always worked very, very hard to remain accurately engaged with the various issues here-in this 'ere blog...and some of these truths become self-evident, eg, why am I writing about me?...(because you're the subject of all this Court stuff and rubbishy reportage, etc?-Ed)...exactly, and why are they writing about me and this 'ere blog, but not what it is I've written about here-in? why is it that the only 'something' being done about all of this is me?...I'm the sole something...(and you are surely gettin' done-Ed)...indeed...

(Sorry, which way did Reality go when it left?-Ed)...yes...(pardon?-Ed)...yes...(yes what?-Ed)...yes, it went left...(oh oh, right, I see, ta'-Ed)...if you leave now and travel hard through the night you may catch it up around dawn...(and Reality always looks so good draped in a new dawn, I love that-Ed)...what?...(I adore a dawn adorning Reality-Ed)......what's really scary is that that sentence just happened, at all...(try saying it 5 times fast! 'I adore a dawn adorning Reality', 'I adore a...'-Ed)...ok, that's enough...  

Tomorrow: Oh Dear, These Are Troubled Times We live In

(But then again, what times haven't been really? there's always somethin' happ'nin'-Ed)...well look, that's factually and historically correct, but whatevs! is that stuff about me and my woes?...(ummm-Ed), the answers no, and I've got some shizzle goin' on and I will stamp my little bloggy foot and snort harrumpff...(mate, don't let me hold you back-Ed)'s tomorrow I'm gunna' go back to this article again and shred it for the piece of anonymous dross that it is...sentence by sentence, line by line, error after error, omission upon omission...(grrrrrr-Ed) bet, grrrrr...

And some apologies that today this 'ere blog was a bit of an exercise in re-venting about some common themes, but please consider the issues at hand and the very important reality that any of this exists at all, starting with the blog itself, through it's dis-contented content, right on out to the bizarre horizons of facing 19 charges for 'talking about stuff'..(yeah, it is all rather quite extraordinary-Ed)...and in a context where I'm fundamentally irrelevant because these truths here-in, once raised, remain stoically unchallengeable...(it just remains for someone to raise them-Ed)...indeed...(in a context where the Messenger knows they're the one who's likely gunna' cop-it-Ed)...indeed, and so will I instead always be the target...(geez, that's a bit grim-Ed)...tell me I'm wrong...(I'm not sayin' you're wrong, just sayin' that that's a bit grim-Ed)... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...(I can't believe that they use your actual name as your 'Criminal Alias'-Ed)...what?...(hilarious-Ed)...what is?...(where TBW uses your name as your 'Criminal Alias', in this article and those previous ones-Ed)...oh, the whole 'Nicholas "Nick" Fletcher' thing? yes, you're not the only one who finds that rather amusing, it's been commented to me elsewhere...(yeah, you've turned the name 'Nick' into a 'Criminal Alias'...who are you, bloody Rasputin or somethin'?-Ed)...nice one, yeah, it does feel a little like that sometimes...cheers...(cheers-Ed)...laters...('ron-Ed).........'I adore a dawn adorning Reality'...seriously?...(I thought you were leaving-Ed)...yeah, just off now, laters...(yeah, laters-Ed)... 

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