Monday, May 9, 2016

Australia Has A Huge Election In Front Of It

Hello Norway, Mexico, the USofA, and Aotearoa (New Zealand), and welcome y'all to this 'ere, The Mount Gambier Independent...cannot tell you how much I've enjoyed not doing a post for 6 days, but at the same time, it's hard to believe it's been nearly a week since the last one...had stuff goin' on, got stuff comin' up, you know how it is...(well if they read the blog, they'll have some idea "how it is"-Ed)...indeed...and of course, there's also a bunch of stuff that I cannot and/or don't talk about because it involves other people and/or may expose them as the source of said information...(and particularly that second one, 'not exposing your sources'...not to big-up ourselves too much, but here at TMGI we believe/are aware that it could be 'socially' devastating for anyone who was seen to support us, let alone give us info-Ed) on, even mentioning some things would immediately expose who said it...

It Speaks For Itself:...that I am confident in saying the things I do on this 'ere blog because 1) they're fundamentally true, and 2) because I often know that there's other things goin' on and other issues that may well be exposed should any of these clowns actually actualise their accumulated assertionings and activate their collective expressed aspirations re suing me for 'defamation' others ask it of me, 'how is it you can get away with saying the stuff you do about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the Lutherans haven't sued you silent?'...or the Labor government or the Education Dept or the Liberal Party?, etc, etc...(I thought you said that your Court case was retaliation/persecution for what's proven on this 'ere blog?-Ed)...and that's my response to people right there mate...and in many instances, it's what others observe to me...    

The 'Net In Court:...of course there's my Court case re 'blogging' as being prosecuted by the same South Australian government and it's State Authorities with whom I and other parents have been furiously and bitterly engaged re the St Martins Cover-up...not least of all but certainly via this 'ere blog, I have proven irrefutably that said SA State Parliament and Authorities have acted to support the Lutherans actions re covering-up the abuses committed at St Martins in 2002...and now they've gone past what's on the blog to come get me!...(it's like running past the ball, across the ground, under the grandstand, out the gate, down the street, onto a bus, to the airport, fly out there, onto another bus, to the factory, up 3 flights of stairs 'cos the lifts are out, to shank the man who made the ball-Ed)...what the shreck!?!...(just sayin', it's a hell of an effort to get past all of the rank pro-paedophile corruption exposed/evident in this 'ere blog, to go past all that and decide the issue to be addressed is the messenger-Ed)...indeed Ed, stamp on the messenger not the message...  

I remind availees of this 'ere blog that I ain't some sort of raging anti-social activist or detective or gifted psychic or whatevs, what remains fundamentally real about what's in this 'ere blog is that it just happens and I just happen to be there...sure, there are occasions where I've been 'the news'...(eg, your current Court case-Ed)...well indeed, or when I've tried to engage in the political process, etc, but for the vast majority of the content of this 'ere blog, it's just stuff that's actually happened...the only issue, the only difference is that it's stuff that appears here and probably nowhere that context, the blog is my opinion, my version of what I consider to be 'reality'...(oh blah blah whatevs, get on with it-Ed)...but it's only ever a reality, not the reality, well not the only reality...whatevs...    

Off My Game:...but better late than is the sentence that should have been written in the recent post about Mt Gambier City Councillor and former Mayor Steve Perryman and his me, me, media campaign for Council/Ratepayers to pay for the moving of an Information Bay so that developers of the adjacent land wouldn't have to pay...uh-hum...Council As Unmoved As Info Bay:...Cr Steve Perryman moved a Motion To Rescind the previous Motion passed by Council to not move the Info Bay, but Council remained unmoved by the new Motion, and so too the Info Bay...ta-daaah...(gourd, glad I waited for that then-Ed) could have been worse...(I'm not sure how, but please don't explain it to me-Ed)...charming...

I'd thank you all to thank me for not doing my other excellent joke as the title of this 'ere post...(what? that title's not joke enough?-Ed) joke about the ginormous temporary marquee that has just housed/hosted the humongous jazz thingy event here in Mt Gambier...(why do I get that sickly sinking feeling that you're just gunna' say it anyway?-Ed)...Mt Gambier Has Huge Erection For Jazz.........(you're not funny...I know you think you are, but you're not, you're really not-Ed)...ahhh come on, we're all thinking it...(doesn't make it's actually the sort of thing one might expect from The Border Watch newspaper-Ed)...strewth, mate, you just can't let this stuff go, can you?...(no, remember their hilarious headline for that story about SAPol (police) Supt Twilley stating that he knew/knows 'influential/important local people who use the drug Ice', remember that?-Ed)...well yes, 'Drug Use In High Places", 12th December 2014, classic...(and hilarious I'm sure-Ed)...but perhaps more appropriate, say, on an angry, purile blog rather than the local newspaper...(exactly-Ed)...but where are we going to find an angry, purile blog?.................(oh look, here's the next paragraph-Ed)...thank gourd for that...

Feral Politics:...oops, I think we need Ed...Ed! get over here...ta'...(I'm not happy-Ed)...I know mate, but stand there please...much better...uh-hum...FEderal Politics:...(hey, look at that, I'm the man who put the 'Ed' in 'FEderal Politics'-Ed)...or more the case that without you Federal Politics is just plain Feral...(hooray for me!-Ed)...anyhoos, come on! who's excited about the upcoming Federal Election then?...woo!...yeah!...come on! yeah!...come on!...some one?......woo...(give it up mate-Ed)...dead set dude, what hope have I got?...yesterday, exactly 7 minutes into the 'official' 2016 Australian Election Campaign, I stopped believing anything any of them had to say, and I'm well over it already...(a whole 7 minutes? well at least you tried...better than I managed-Ed)...really?...(yep, gave up about 2 months ago when it was obvious that PM 'Off The Top' Turnbull had buckled to deflating Poll pressure and was carefully manipulating toward the Double Dissolution Election that now graces us with It's presence...all hail the DD-Ed)...I concur Ed, the obvious machinations and manipulations are so glaringly, well, obvious...

And as best I can tell, the Micro Party Preference Wrangling issue was so critical, was such a fundamental flaw in the very footing of Democracy, that it needed to be left unaddressed right until the end of this term of Parliament to then be suddenly the most important thing in the history of History itself...(settle down-Ed)...and then rammed unceremoniously through at the last moment, with the support of The Greens and Nick Xenophon...(ok, now get angry-Ed)...and our pal PM Mal Mal Turnbull was always rowing his ducks downstream to a rapidly approaching election...(getting his ducks in a row you say? I'm down with that-Ed)...always denying but always manouevering toward an early election, via an early Budget, the submarines contract announcement, stalling a Chinese-based land acquisition, etc, the 'unofficial' campaign has been running for months...
(What I don't understand is, if there were/are people who you can employ/pay to 'wrangle' preferences for the li'l bitty Micro Parties, why aren't the major Parties simply working a bit harder and doing the same preference deals themselves? even if they do it by themselves employing these 'wranglers'? why did the voting system need to be changed at all? particularly in ways that clearly disadvantage and even disenfranchise genuine Independent candidates? that a stupid question?-Ed)...well it's more a series of rambling observations than a question, but as chance would have it, you've nailed the head on've hammered the nail into've made a very valid point...why does some perfectly legal preference dealing, dealing that anyone could do/have done, why is that justification to shut-down on many peoples' ability to even participate in our alleged Democracy?...(well it's not, clearly-Ed)...  

So we've had a well-scripted, carefully choreographed pantomime clumsy in its' ponderous cumbersomeness glumly rumbling toward the inevitable faux-revelation...(not unlike one of your jokes really-Ed)...well exactly, so I should know what I'm talking about...(such flawless logic-Ed)...I know, right?......

Tomorrow: Couldn't Tell You, I'm Sure

But it'll be something...oh, did I mention that giant fossilised Sperm Whale tooth that a fossil-fossicker found on a Melbourne (Victoria, Oz) beach...(I know, amazing, 30cms long or something-Ed)...yeah, and it's going to the Melbourne Museum for safe keeping, including preservation measures with a specialised handling regime, etc, so as to reduce any potential damage from being touched...and I mean safe, no-one's to touch it...(can I have a look at it though first, before it goes to the Museum? pass it here?-Ed) no, you can't handle the tooth*...(well there's no need to yell-Ed)...   (*I had this joke said at me by mon enfant)

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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