Monday, May 16, 2016

Nick Fletcher - Paranoid, Or Operation Baritone?

Hello and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent...and welcome to another post where I try to not make it all about me, and yet it is, so y'all will excuse me I'm sure if somehow it does end-up that way...(sure sure, whatevs, I just wanna' know what the shreck is 'Operation Baritone'?-Ed) and Magistrate Anderson both...(whaaa?-Ed)...don't you mean 'whommm'?...(no no, I know who Magistrate Anderson is, she's the Magistrate for your Court case re 19 charges of 'talking about' The Banana Lord* and Club GoGo Bananas* stuff, but what/whom/whatevs is 'Operation Baritone'?-Ed)...that, my friend, is what we all discussed in (open) Court last Tuesday 10th May 2016, at my latest Pre-Trial Conference Process hearing...    
(*pseudonyms I'm forced to use for the Authority involved and its' head honcho, forced because me just saying these names might be further breaching of the CGGB legislation...seriously, me merely identifying the legislation I'm charged with/under is possibly a further breach)  

(Right...I don't want to know who or where or when or even why, I want to know, what is 'Operation Baritone'?-Ed)...actually, it is a whom...(a what?-Ed)...not a what, a whom...a person...(a person?-Ed)...yeah, it's me...(you?-Ed)...yeah, me...(you're 'Operation Baritone'?-Ed)...yep...(I'm sorry, but I'm completely lost, please explain, what and/or who the shreck is 'Operation Baritone'?-Ed)'s the SAPol (South Aussie police) Operation' that's involved with these CGGB charges against me...(what?!-Ed)...yeah, a SAPol 'Operation' all my own...(just about you?-Ed)...yep, well me and this 'ere blog...well, comments on this 'ere blog, and I am this 'ere blogger, and that's what 'Operation Baritone' is about...(comments on this 'ere blog?-Ed)...yep...(but not defamation or libel or anything? just talking about Club GoGo Bananas and/or the Banana Lord?-Ed)...yep.........("Operation Baritone'?-Ed)...'Operation Baritone'...

I feel like the old, naked hermit dude in the pit (Monty Pythons' Life Of Brian) who's been keeping a Vow of Silence for 27 years until Brian jumps on his foot...I've been like so bursting to say 'Operation Baritone', to yell it out loud on this 'ere blog since I first found out in May 2015, after the 4th hearing where SAPol Prosecutions handed-over some Affidavits re their case against me...(yeah, but how do you know about this 'OB'?-Ed)...again, that's exactly what Magistrate Anderson asked...(and the answer?-Ed)'s in one of the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch detectives' Affidavits...(sorry what?!-Ed)...yeah, one of the 2 SAPol ACB detectives who visited then raided my home back on 7th/8th May 2014...(is that 2 years ago now? wow-Ed)...I know...(and they were 'Operation Baritone'?-Ed)...well I guess so, the actual statement doesn't clearly say whether this is a SAPol Operation that was handed to Anti-Corruption, or what ACB have called it when handed the case back in February 2014, whatevs...(hang on hang on, slow down, 'Operation Baritone' started in February 2014?-Ed) least then, could have been earlier...

(Hang on, let me get this right...there's a SAPol operation called 'Operation Baritone', and it's about you, and it's been running since February 2014?-Ed)...well, yes...(and it's just you, it's all just about you?-Ed)...well it's about 'comments made about The Banana Lord on a blog '...(what?-Ed)...the Affidavit doesn't identify me specifically by name until partway-in, but it earlier identifies this 'ere blog, comments made on it, etc...also, I don't know the actual specific wording of the process leading-up to the 'Operation' itself...(hang on, if it's about this 'ere blog, does that mean me too?-Ed)...I guess so...(ah crap, terrific, thanks a bunch, you've dropped us right in it haven't ya'?-Ed)...well more a case of it sort of landed on me rather than I've dropped us in it, but yes, the results are very similar...(I need to sit down-Ed)...but I already am...(is that a hilarious jibe pointing-out that I am not an actual person, just a confected literary device utilised to create dialogue, set-up jokes, etc?-Ed)...mate, be that as it may, I'd be lost without you...(mate, you'd be an angry ol' blogger ragingly diatribing at peoples' faces-Ed)...what, instead of one who's having conversations in his head with an imagined voice?...(and that's my fault is it?-Ed)...not apportioning blame, just sayin'...  

(Yeah, whatevs...this 'Operation Baritone', is it still going? or did it stop when you were 'raided' in May 2014?...or when the Court case started in February 2015?-Ed)...sorry I just dunno, no idea, all I know is that there was an 'Operation Baritone' and that it started at least in February 2014...(and was still current, I'm guessing, when that Affidavit was written-Ed)...probably, but that's still in May/June 2014, so from there to here I've no idea my dear...

I have now twice (thrice?) raised in Court my beliefs that 'Operation Baritone' gives SAPol the official right to do what I reckon they've been doing for years anyway...(and that is?-Ed)...'tapping' my phones and computers, etc, and those of my family and friends/associates...(well that's just terrific, not like a pro-paedophile Fascist State at all-Ed)...not at all, gourd bless gourd bless...(and don't SAPol still have your laptop as was seized for 'Evidence' back during the 'raid' May 8th 2014?-Ed)...yeah, I've asked for it back, but gourd knows if it'll even be usable when-and-if I ever see it again...(you're not turning blue-Ed)...that's 'cos I ain't holdin' my breath!...

Alludin' To Colludin':...(when have you ever 'alluded' to anything?-Ed)...whatevs, this stuff about being 'monitored' via an 'Operation', etc, 1) it's what I've been saying for years about the rank corruptions within South Australian Parliament and SA Authorities, particularly SAPol, and as specifically motivated by the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...there has been unrelenting collusion and corruption re St Martins...of all of the issues covered on this 'ere blog, SAPol et al appear to have ignored all of that to come after me for some truthful statements of fact re the Club GoGo Bananas...(comments that apparently justify nay demand the costly coordination of an 'Operation'-Ed)...indeed...ridiculous and collusive and corrosively corrupt in the Rust Bucket State...(yay-Ed)...

And 2) I've believed for many years that my phones were/are tapped, my computers monitored, etc, and 3) I have repeatedly stated in previous posts that I was recently aware of a certain intense level of effort by SAPol et al to come get me, and have alluded to but felt unable to actually disclose that such problem's SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch 'Operation Baritone'...(shazzam!-Ed)...

For The Record:...I have twice raised the issue of 'Operation Baritone' in the Court (April and May 2016 hearings) and officially in writing requested any and all info, documents, etc, etc, as part of the Discovery Process, etc, and have also repeatedly expressed in Court my belief that this 'Operational' status allows SAPol to officially/legally/whatevs tap my phones, monitor my computers, record me as-and-when they want, etc...(which could mean that you were being 'secretly' recorded all the time back in May 2014 even though you kept asking 'am I being recorded?', and were repeatedly told "no"-Ed)...whatevs, the point I'm making here is that I've repeatedly made these observations in Court re 'Operational' status and me being recorded, etc, and it's gone completely unchallenged by either the Court or SAPol Prosecutions themselves...(and this silence apparently/potentially confirms your statements/questions/accusations-Ed)...indeed, potentially but apparently... 

Furthermore, I've repeatedly raised the issue of 'Operation Baritone' and it was briefly mentioned previous in 'Closed' Court, but nothing specifically discussed...until 'Open' Court May 10th 2016 I re-raised the issue of 'Operation Baritone' and after enquiring of SAPol Prosecutions, who didn't know, Magistrate Anderson asked me specifically 'what is 'Operation Baritone'?', which I explained as above...(and then?-Ed)...and then I was asked, 'how do you know about it?'...(to which you replied, 'it's in one of the ACB detectives' Affidavits'-Ed)...indeed I did Ed, indeed I did...

The point here?...(well to discuss 'Operation Baritone' I'd have said-Ed)...indeed, but the point specifically?...this was all discussed at length, with the term 'Operation Baritone' repeatedly used and clearly identified in 'Open' Court, not least of all by Magistrate Anderson herself, and in front of several SAPol officers, some lawyers, some random perps, and of course The Border Watch journo (and other media?)...and that this discussion included me, in response to Magistrate Andersons questions, identifying the 'Operational Number'...'Operation Baritone' is not a secret, it's been discussed in 'Open' Court and is public property...

Furthermore, whilst there were some statements from Magistrate Anderson re the media not identifying the CGGB/Banana Lord stuff (as was also discussed openly in Court) and the requirement for 'Suppression Orders', etc, no specific 'Orders' were deemed necessary and none issued...and 'Operation Baritone' didn't even rate a mention...discussed openly, with media present, and not even mentioned re potential 'Suppression'...and it's name be 'Operation Baritone'...

(Hang on...if SAPol were/are listening to your phones, watching your emails, etc, does that mean they've had access to privileged information between you and your Leagles?-Ed)...oh Ed, you Monkey Genius...(because surely it can't be appropriate for SAPol, being also the Prosecuting Authority, surely it's highly problematic for them to access/gather that privileged information, because it's, well, privileged, between a lawyer and their client-Ed)...Ed, if you were real, and a woman, I'd kiss you...seriously, why did I not think of this sooner?...seriously availees, it literally just occurred to me that SAPol have potentially been listening to and/or reading my various discussions with various Leagles, and that that stuff is all 'privileged' info, and now I'm being prosecuted, albeit deliberately amateurishly, by the same SAPol...(wow-Ed)... 

So there you go...know anyone else who has their very own 'Operation'?...(my, you are a bastard!-Ed)...South East Community Legal Service, my Leagle Eagles from back then (May 2015), they certainly hadn't experienced/encountered any such thing...(true, it is rather amazing and extraordinary and directly does infer both those things of you-Ed)...well apparently, I'm amazing and extraordinary enough to warrant an 'Operation'...(fair enough, but that's sortta' my point-Ed)...what? that it's sublimely ridiculous to have my own SAPol 'Operation'...(not least of all because it's just you-Ed)...but also because of the ludicrous expense involved, particularly when Policing Service Budgets are being cut, etc, and Police Stations 'civilianised' (replacing sworn officers with civilians) or even closed, etc...and I won't risk quoting the Affidavit directly, just in case, but it's all about 'comments on a blog', comments apparently 'allegedly in breach of Club GoGo Bananas legislation'...  

So there you I paranoid?...absolutely, at least a bit...and who wouldn't be...whatever, whoever I am, this is the reality that exists alongside my various other realities...

Tomorrow: More Court Of Course

And a massive shout-out to those other charming individuals who have had all manner of 'interesting' things to say about me and my behaviours, I truly look forward to you personally presenting in Court the evidence that supports your claims/Affidavits so that it may all be intensely debated and thoroughly tested...(but that's not what you said just before...just then, before, you said something about how you're going to 'verbally dismantle and publicly humiliate', and I quote, "these bastards"-Ed)...shhh, those musings are for the private Ranting Times, Ed, not for public consumption...(ah you're not going to do that then?-Ed) will be what it will be Ed, and I don't need to do anything other than bring myself and my version of reality...(and a lawyer might help-Ed)...might...(well hurrah!-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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