Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Very Moving Forward Experience

Hello Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, and Mexico and welcome to TMGI...how's things?...personally, been up and down over the same old ground but at least I'm still puttin' one foot in front of the other, metaphorically and actually...working hard but still struggling daily with the same issues, eg, re trying to get involved with the general media...(remind me-Ed)...when listening to the media means inevitably being exposed to those whom know about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and therefore just dredges all that crap-up for me day after day...(ah yeah, that stuff from recent posts re Robert Brokenshire, Peter Gandolfi, and Ian Hunter, et al, and listening to the ABC Radio, etc-Ed)...exactly, and if I may?...(please do-Ed)...to explain properly...(please-Ed)...

In February 2014 I spoke at length with Family First MLC Robert Brokenshire at the FF campaign launch for their Mt Gambier candidate Peter Heaven, and handed them several critical documents...(and weren't FF involved in establishing the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board (2007-2011), SARC Inquiry no.54?-Ed)...that's the one...and it was at this SARC Inquiry no.54 that I met Labor MLC and SARC Member Ian Hunter, when I gave evidence to that Committee...senior Liberal Rob Lucas was also present as fellow Committee Member...    

In February 2006 I and another parent met with Peter Gandolfi (the Liberal candidate for the SA State Election March 2006, here in the seat of Mt Gambier) and senior Liberal MLC David Ridgway, at Mr Gandolfis' electoral office in Ferrers St there...for an hour or more...all about St Martins and the Teachers Registration Board, etc, and particularly the complicit involvement of incumbent Rory McEwen...we gave the Liberals Rorys' head on a platter...(and?-Ed)...nought, nada, squat...election run, election lost, well done Liberals...not a whisper, not a squeak, not nuthin' until Davo bobs up in the Legislative Council (Upper House) in September 2007 when we parents were lobbying via MLC Nick Xenophon for the above SARC Inquiry no.54, and Davo stated 'we've been looking at this for some time'...(looking but not actually doing anything about?-Ed)...exactly...several times in recent weeks I've had those dulcet Davo tones grace my ear as he has been repeatedly on the ABC re various issues...whatevs...

Here Comes Another One:...because last/this week SA Labor MLC Kyam Maher was/is Premier due to the absence of Jay Weatherill (France) and John Rau (wherevs)...and for me, it's straight back into Labor stalwarts Jim and Viv Mahers' kitchen as they, Kyams' parents, tried to pseudo-politely talk myself/parents out of pursuing the St Martins Cover-up...and from there it's a wrenching lurch back onto the stage of the Sir Helpmann Theatre, at the March 2010 Election Forum, and I'm looking back across stage from the podium, having just addressed the St Martins/Child Protection question, and there's my fellow candidates, heads bowed staring at the table, arms and legs tightly folded...and there's Labor candidate Viv Maher, head bowed, not hearing, not seeing...she didn't even address the issue of Child Protection, not at all...none of them did...

And so too on that stage that night, and as equally motionless and silent on the issue of Child Protection, the soon-to-be-Member for Mt Gambier (2010-2014) Don Pegler, and Family Firsts' candidate Henk Bruins, and of course the Liberal candidate Steve Perryman who was then concurrently still Mt Gambier Mayor (currently Councillor)...all of them set there tightly knotted like zombie meat-pretzels...been through this a few times recently but it remains thoroughly worth saying...

Choices Bro:...because I chose to put myself on that stage, in that Election Forum, to offer myself-up for the direct abuse and humiliation I apparently deserve for my supposedly scurrilous slanderings and delusional derisionings of the saintly St Martins Lutheran School...(and all who sail in Her-Ed)...and right there on that stage I offered Stevo the opportunity to literally crucify me for my outrageous behaviour, and prove me wrong, and shut me-up once and for-all...(and?-Ed)...and nothing...he didn't even move, not one word...just by attending and standing there and speaking a few simple truths I froze my opponents in their places and carried the day/evening...and again, I think it says not so much about how wonderful I am, rather, it shows the power of the Truths, the veracity of the Truths, Truths so powerful as to render 4 candidates knotted in seized silence...and there's Henk and Steve...

Garden Shear Madness:...and so another unsettlingly seamless segue from one rank Stevo dodginess onto this next piece (attached below)...and please consider this in context of the creamy-bunfight that Council recently had re Councillors using 'Social Media' to criticise Council decisions, and here's Stevo criticising a Council decision, front page (and page 2) of The Border Watch newspaper Thursday 24th March 2016...(and with props mind you, not just a spur-of-the-moment tit-for-tat social Media spat, dude's so organised he's got a journo there and 'is own props-Ed)...good point Ed, this little stunt has clearly taken some organising, it's not off-the-cuff...(that's a lovely sash though-Ed)...at first I thought it was an ad for some weight loss program thingy, ya' know? "my cumberbund used to be this big, but since I discovered GoThin I've lost this much", etc...(it brings out the red in his eyes-Ed)...

This front page of course followed the lengthy interview that Stevo gave on this issue on the ABC Radio that morning (previous morning? sorry, can't find my notes), and the mention that evening on the WIN TV News-In-The-Ad-Break, as sourced from/provided by The Border Watch...(hang on...it's a problem for other Councillors to squabble about and/or criticise Council on SM, but Stevo can go into all media, Print-Radio-TV, and all their relevant SM subsidiaries like 'Web Pages', 'Facebook pages', etc, and openly oppose a Council decision?-Ed)...ummm, yep...(ummm, wow-Ed)...so's there's that particular hypocrisy, wrapped-up indeed entwined with the deeply collusional ready access to local media and such extensive coverage for his personal opinion, and all lightly sauteed in a rich source of the rankest corruption, Local Government...

Stevo then took this matter back into Council at their meeting Wednesday 20th April 2016, as promised, with a 15 minute attempt to get support for his Motion To Rescind the original decision to not help fund this...and that Motion failed and Council, nay Ratepayers, won't be paying for these wealthy developers to get wealthier...(and whom might they be then, these developers?-Ed)...well Cr Perryman referred to an email received from developer Henk Bruins...(orrr shebang!-Ed)...indeed, Stevo's blathering away on behalf of his mate Henk, fellow meat-pretzel from the March 2010 Forum...and this land is part of the massively corrupt Land Rezoning deals that saw colossal collusion between Mt Gambier City and Grant District Councils, and directly profitted Councilors involved...and in, therefore, comes all the stuff about that rankly corrupt situation, and what it has done to destroy controlled and appropriate future planning for Mt Gambier...(yay-Ed)...   

A Very Moving Experience:...to spend 15 minutes of my life being subjected to Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...exasperatedly extolling the virtues of Council/Ratepayers paying for this bollocks...and he knows that I know that most people present knew that this is all just as-dodgy-as, mired in definable Council/Local Government corruption....this Re-Zoning Shizzle has been covered in early posts on this 'ere blog...it's a perpetual storm of wave upon wave of corruption crashing onto the shore...

Tomorrow: Some Court Stuff, To Be Sure

And you'd be hard pressed to make any of it up, but given that I'm not allowed to record my Court hearings, and apparently the Court/SAPol Prosecutions aren't recording anything either, at all, I pretty much could just make-up stuff...(but like you say, you couldn't imagine most of this shizzle, it's almost like the truth lies in the bizarreness-Ed)...indeed...

Not A Word Of A Lie, Either:...was a 'recent' conversation with someone who said to me, 'you don't remember me, do you?', and I replied, 'of course I do, you're such-and-such from so-and-so, etc', and they replied, 'yes, but before that, I was at that car dealership that day in August 2013 when you and Senator Nick Xenophon had a lengthy tete-a-tete off to one side, I can remember thinking that it was unusual that he'd spend so much time with one person, surely there were more important things to be doing'...(huh, life in a small town, eh?-Ed)...indeed...and I made the point that perhaps the length of the discussion defined the 'importance' of the subject matter...to which The Observer agreed...and it was that day that Nick looked me in the eye and specifically asked me to "back-off" re St Martins and give him some clear air for the September 2013 Federal Election...still waiting Nick, mate...    

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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