Monday, May 23, 2016


Hello Spain, United Arab Emirates, Poland, and China  and welcome to this 'ere blog, the Mount Gambier Independent...and just when you thought that Mt Gambiers' The Border Watch newspaper was trying hard to be the reliable, balanced, honest purveyor of information that they keep saying they are, to be the cornerstone of the fine Mt Gambier community they keep saying they are, they conjure this amazingly masterful piece of journalistic up-chuck (attached below)...(yay-Ed)...please to be checking-out this latest effort from TBW Friday 20th May 2016, page 5...(sweet baby cheeses, TBWs' unambiguous dislike for you aside, this is appallingly random and vague reportage-Ed)...indeed...shall we?...(lets-Ed)... this specific article has been immediate, absolute, and very uplifting...cheers...funny thing, whilst I expect no better from TBW, clearly others fact, others seem far more pissed-off than I am at TBW for this latest load of biased, manipulative dross...(what I find so hilarious is that TBW is not just doing everything it can to ignore the realities of your Court case, they're also doing their level best to denigrate and belittle and discredit you-Ed), you have a very strange idea of what constitutes "hilarious"...(let me finish...TBW's trying so hard to discredit you that they're deliberately trying to ignore anything that supports your case, using language that deliberately denigrates and discredits you, etc, but all they've ended-up doing is promoting your argument and making themselves look like absolute dills-Ed)...indeed, they've got themselves in a right pickle...

Dining Out On the Feedback:...followed by a hearty serve of Just Desserts...because I've already encountered several people who have expressed their displeasure with how this matter was reported (as above), and none of them even read the blog...they have observed to me pretty much my own thoughts on the broader issue, namely, if TBW is so fast and loose with the truth re Nick Fletcher and The Mount Gambier Independent, and is deliberately ignoring specific critical issues like the extraordinary St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc, etc, if there's so much deliberate distortion and agenda-driven manipulation of these few realities by TBW, then what else?...what else does TBW attack because it suits? ignores because it suits? what else?...and if "what else?"then it's a very crooked hop, one very dodgy skip, and no jump at all to, 'what can you actually believe?'...

And the startlingly embarrassing reality is that TMGI has a very tangible, genuine and undeniable if not absolute credibility entirely separate from that which I do not...(nice-Ed)...I don't know anything about having personal credibility, but what I do have is a public persona, per se, and a reputation some would call notoriety...(hurrah!-Ed)...and whilst TMGI has in many ways made me these things what I am, 'It' stands by 'Itself just as 'It' is...and compared to TBW, strewth! where to start?...

In all of this Court stuff, as often witnessed by TBW journos in Court, and as reported in The Border Watch February 2015, March 2015, April 2015, etc, into February this year, and now this piece as above, in all of that, not once has a 'journalist' bailed me up outside the Court to harangue me with probing enquiry, let alone contact me for a statement...(well why would they? perhaps for once it's not all about you mate-Ed)...ummm, I think it is...(why would TBW need to know what you think? it's not always all about you, ya' know-Ed)...actually, yeah it is, this article's all about me...(just because, on this particular occasion, it is all about you-Ed)...well exactly...furthermore, I know that ABC Local Radio have been present in Court on occasion, but I am unaware of any subsequent reportage...whatevs...

Here's A Headline:...that might have appeared in a local media that wasn't so rancidly corrupted by its' own agenda... 
                         SAPol Operation Targets Controversial Blogger 
In a sensational development in Mt Gambier Magistrates Court yesterday, Tuesday May 10th 2016, controversial blogger Nick Fletcher revealed that he had been the subject of SAPol 'Operation Baritone' re comments made on his blog, The Mount Gambier Independent. Mr Fletcher is in Court defending 19 charges re those comments.
In response to extended questioning by Magistrate Anderson, Mr Fletcher explained that he became aware of 'Operation Baritone' in May 2015 via a SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch officers' Affidavit to the Court, and that it was his understanding that this 'operational status' gave SAPol legal right to monitor and/or record his phones, computers, etc. This was not challenged by either Magistrate Anderson or SAPol Prosecutions.
Mr Fletcher stated that the Affidavit (as sighted by our journalist) identifies that 'Operation Baritone' was in place as early as February 2014, but it is unclear as to who exactly initiated it, and whether it has concluded at some point or is still active.
Mr Fletcher re-stated his request for all information re 'Operation Baritone', and was directed to apply to the SAPol Commissioner, as with his other requests for specific information from SAPol.
The trial was set down to start, etc, etc, etc...
(Now see, that wasn't difficult, was it?...and just for the record, can I say that the one thing about this 'ere blog is that it may itself be massively 'agenda-ed', but it's greatest strength has always been the foundation of fundamental truths upon which it is based-Ed)...well cheers Ed...(no no, you were sayin' before, it's true, it's not just about you in-so-much-as it's about the simple truths that make themselves obvious when put on the page-Ed)...good point...(it's just you what's putting them on this 'ere page-Ed)...absolutely Ed, a good point well made and well worth making lack of personal credibility aside, the reality of what's on this 'ere blog withstands any scrutiny...

So knock yourselves out TBW, because trying to portray me as a trouble-making, paranoid nutter who thinks his phones are tapped is only impressing those who will never think otherwise of me...but everyone else is going 'WTF? what the shreck is Operation Baritone?'...seriously...and regardless of what I do and/or don't do and/or say, some will always clamour to devour the undisguised vitriole in your clear and unambiguous bias against me and dislike for me, but all it does is fuel the spreading embers of distrust of what you've got to say, on any subject...and dear availees, if you think I'm being a tad triumphal...(and boastful-Ed)...yes, sure...(and gloating-Ed)...yeah, a bit...(and vain-Ed) this gunna' take long?...(not to mention arrogant, oo, it sounds very arrogant-Ed)...ok, ok, enough, all that stuff acknowledged, but put to one side for the moment, because the bottomline is, yes, I am having a right go right now right at TBW...and they have it comin' spades...(fair enough-Ed)...   

The Cat-A-Nick's-Tales:...because there are those whom have felt the lash of this 'ere blog across their scurvy backs as I flog the tales I tell, arghhhh...but there's a world of difference between 'lashing-out' and what I'm doing here, 'pushing back'...and when that 'pushing back' follows an extended period of 'defending self' and 'holding ground', then that push can very quickly turn to shove...(and when the worm turns to shove, well, look out-Ed)...what?...(doesn't the worm turn to shove? isn't it the worm?-Ed), it's 'when push comes to shove', sometimes said 'when push turns to shove'...('push'? not 'shove'?-Ed), it's 'push turns to shove'...(what does the worm do then?-Ed)...there is no worm...(there is mate, and you're it, and you sir, have definitely turned-Ed)...fair enough...(turned to a certain verbose shoving-Ed) mean this 'ere blog?...(absolutely-Ed)...

Tomorrow: More Of The Same

And whilst I still have this 'ere blog, I'm just gunna' go at TBW again and again and again...over and over...relentlessly shredding and systemically dissecting every corrupted utterance...gotta' whole pile of posts pending from previous people have zero credibility in the broader and informed community and you've no-one else to blame but yourselves, and it costs you sales because people genuinely just don't believe you...(yeah, but that's your fault isn't it?-Ed)...orrr yeah, probably...heaven forbid these people should take responsibility for the consequences of their own conduct...(you really are a very angry man aren't you?-Ed)...yep...(a very large very angry man-Ed)...yep...(good thing you're a genuinely gentle very large very angry man-Ed) certainly helps...

(Well you know man, you've got to learn to deal with these Negative Vibe Merchants a bit better-Ed)...I know...(it's not good for your health-Ed)...I know...(absorbin' all them Bad Energies and stuff-Ed)...yeah yeah...(take me for example...when I'm expecting bad news, or indeed if I've just received some bad news, I like to have my Cocaine served on a small silk pillow-Ed)...sorry what?...(thus cushioning the blow-Ed)...actually, that's not bad...(yeah, my dealer gets it straight from the cops, so you know it's gunna' be quality-Ed)...what?...(what?-Ed), I meant that's actually not a bad joke, 'Cocaine on a pillow...cushioning the blow'...(errr, a joke, yeah, it's a, errr, joke, sure, whatever you reckon...I have to go-Ed)...yeah, catch ya' laters and we'll...Ed?...oh, he's gone already...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. Quote : 'Oh, what I wouldn't give to be spitted at in the face. I sometimes hang awake at night dreaming of being spat at in the face'. TBW and others clearly lack the salivary fortitude to hoike up anything worthy. Hence their pathetic dribbling.
