Sunday, September 27, 2015

What's Large, Angry, And A Hippy?

*apologies for brief 5 day hiatus and brief post, but still moving forward and here we are and here we go...cheers*

Hello Canada, Romania, India, and Portugal and to y'all else out there, welcome one and all to this 'ere blog...cheers to the fantastic feedback re this 'ere perpetual piece of angry literature that I've been suggested might go by some other names, eg, The Hippy Critical Report...(nice-Ed)...The Frequently Odd and Angry Shot or that one of mine from many posts ago, Crazy Like A Fox News...(yeah, I like the a self-deprecating bad pun about 'hypocrisy', nearly as much hypocrisy itself-Ed)...yeah, sure I ain't claimin' to be any sortta' angel or nuthin', but I'm not too sure about that, where-as the 'Angry/Crazy' stuff is quite relevant and stuff that I've covered in many posts...

I appreciate that it is apparently conflicting, but it isn't hypocritical or even contradictory for me to talk about a complete lack of self-esteem in posts like Self Esteem: The Issue I'd Love To Have, and also how generally gentle and relatively shy I am, etc, and then elsewhere talk about issues of bewildering arrogance and mega-ego...(I believe the terms you used sir, were "drug-fueled egomanic rampage", and, "ManBear StuffPig", if I'm not mistaken-Ed)...ah now well, there you go Ed, putting my words in your mouth again...(your mouth sir-Ed)...yeahhhs, my mouth, but that's only because you're a confected literary device...(your confected device sir-Ed)...ok, ok, that's enough homaging BlackAdder BBC TV thankyou, let's move on...please understand the concurrent realities that a true and thorough lack of self-esteem can produce the pure arrogance of which I'm occasionally capable...(I'd believe it-Ed)...well yes Ed, but that's only because you know it to be true...

And whilst these two concurrent, occasionally convergent realities may rule my own little personal parallel Universe, and that arrogance and stubbornness is partly involved in how and why I produce this 'ere blog, none of it makes not a jot of difference re the factual content of what I write...sure, there'll be occasional mistakes and/or omissions, but I guarantee that it won't be the sort of agenda-driven deceits riven through by rank self-interest as witnessed with the local media...(speaking of which, did you hear those ABC interviews re the WIN TV campaign SaveOurVoice-Ed)...some of it, yes, a dude from RMIT and one from WIN TV...(yeah, and the RMIT bloke was criticising the campaign as disingenuous and being about ownership laws, but the WIN TV dude was all 'it's about keeping local content' which is apparently under threat because other media "are infiltrating our market", his words, making it financially challenging to produce local content, etc, issues allegedly amplified by 'Reach' and/or 'Two Out Of Three' rules re ownership of TV, Radio, and Print interests in the same market, etc, etc-Ed)...your point?...

(Well, he seemed very much to be refuting claims like yours that this was about allowing big media organisations to get bigger and more powerful by buying media outlets they currently can't, eg, print interests where they already have TV and Radio, and controlling more markets, etc-Ed)...hardly surprising from the WIN TV dude, and I maintain my belief that this is 1) a self-evident hypocrisy given the way WIN TV has all-but shutdown the Mt Gambier station, with their current "local content" a 90 second news service in an ad-break, with 2 items, as provided by The Border Watch...(strewth!-Ed)...and 2) a campaign duplicitously misrepresenting the genuine intent, which is to promote removal of these restrictions...that's my opinion, that's what I reckon is really happening...(I did though hear campaign spokesperson Tim Fischer give you a big shout-out-Ed)...I very much doubt it, unless when you play his audio backwards it says in warbling, moany tones 'Die Dirty Hippy, Die'...(nice, but no, he just keeps stating 'how important our local media units are', and you are one loose unit after all, one loose local media unit-Ed)...ta'...

**just running this stuff now on ABC News 24 re the Federal (pixillate) Inquiry into (pixillate) issues re Ownership Laws, etc, (pixillate) and the (squelch) piss-poor Digi-(pixillate, freeze)-tal TV reception (screech, squelch) in Rural/Regional (pixillate) areas, areas, areas (freeze, pixillate, squelch)...(no signal)...and how (squelch, pixillate) annoying it (freeze, pixillate, squelch) is trying to watch (pixillate, squelch, no signal) missing most of (squelch) trying to watch...(that's a great paragraph, written to convey just how annoying it is trying to watch anything when the program/reception keeps (squelch)......don't do that please-Ed)...what do you mean (squelch, pixillate)?... (I mean don't do that and put (squelch), that, don't put that (pixillate), or that...don't do that, don't put anymore 'squelchs' or 'pixillates'-Ed)...sorry (squelch)...the 2 issues of ownership and reception were linked in saying that with changes to ownership comes better Regional coverage via improved investment, etc, but it reeks of disingenuous justification for law changes...**

Also a big cheers for further feedback about this 'ere blog...whilst the availee/reviewer again didn't necessarily agree with some of my opinions/views/whatevs, and did observe that I'm capable of the occasional diatribe veering-off into rant, they also very much appreciated that I make an effort to present something that is relatively readable...(hardly a glowing commendation-Ed)...but still a respectfully truthful one that encapsulates exactly what I'm trying to achieve...(which is?-Ed)...present frequently confronting and unpleasant issues, lovingly marinated in a rich mix of rage and spices, served on a platter of's a bit of a running joke with some peeps I know about the juxtaposition between the quiet, gentle me they meet and see and know and the angry man whom frequently lets go on this 'ere blog...(and well acknowledged too, that whilst you might occasionally let your rage have it's head on the page, in-and-of-yourself, you're a genuinely calm and gentle person-Ed)...well thankyou Ed...

I very much appreciate the continuing support received 'off-blog' re my own personal issues, and continue to work hard at addressing by confronting a few personal demons...(it's true, I was there!-Ed)...and I'll continue to address these many and varied and frequently very unpleasant things as covered in this 'ere blog, including the dialogue about how those who know me know me to be a calm and controlled if angry person, defined by my passion not by violence, and by my ability to still laugh despite all this, and particularly to laugh at myself as much as anyone else might...and occasionally I even make myself laugh when stumbling into a joke without fore-thought...and so, enter The ÜberUnderbusser...

Ü a super-silly word about some supercilious shenanigans from our political Party-pigs, a word I made-up that's rapidly becoming my favourite word refers to the frequently used phrase trotted-out during last weeks Prime Ministerial/Liberal leadership coup, where-in colleagues said/seen to be betraying each another were described as 'so-and-so throwing such-and-such under the bus''s a verb that's a noun that's a vocation that's a strategy that keeps on giving...Verb: To Underbus - the act of betraying a colleague/leader, ie, to throw someone 'under a bus'...Noun: Underbusser - one whom Underbuses...Pronoun/Title: ÜberUnderbusser - the senior Underbusser...(isn't Scotty Morrison the current title-holder for his superb effort of Underbussing exPM Tony Abbott by dishing the dirt on Abbott's offers to Scott of Julie Bishop's and Joe Hockey's positions?-Ed)...almost... 

Sure that's a superb effort, Underbussing Tones with Tone's own Underbussings of Jules and the J-Man, but not to be outdone by any Junior ÜberUnderbusser, outgoing PM Tony Abbott reached out from under said bus and clutched Scotty 'I'll No Take It Captain' Morrison by a greasy ankle, and attempted to drag Scotty under the bus with him, stating outright that Scotty had "misled" the people of Oz by saying that he'd warned Tones of an impending coup for the leadership...(it's like some teen horror flick franchise where the kids think they've just escaped unscathed but the zombie's hand suddenly snatches the heroine by the leg, threatening to drag her down and away, episode after episode-Ed)...nice...

But First And Last:...I note that Melbourne Transport Workers have moved like Mogadoned lightning to agree to not strike during this approaching Grand Final week...(really?...they seemed very committed to strike action, so how have they reached that position?-Ed) striking a deal with the state government...(so, they've agreed to not strike by striking a deal with the people they've agreed to not strike against-Ed)...exactly...(and all that whilst the iron was hot, no doubt-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Back To The Courts

Apart from a quick review/refresher of shenanigans to date, there's ultimately nothing particularly new that I can share re my own Court stuff...(but even just that stuff is bizarre enough-Ed)...some of it certainly is, I'll give ya' that...(I mean, you've got a small flock a' Leagles chasing this 'Legal Aid' stuff down for you via Appeal, whilst acting pro-bono (without charge), but without 'LA', you'll effectively have no representation-Ed)...and indeed that would compromise the whole sorry shenanigans...

Please note that I have been provided no specific directions as to what I can and/or can't say by any Authority, not SAPol (police), the un-nameable Authority involved, not no-one...the closest thing I have is the broad guidelines bordering on personal requests of my Leagles, namely, that I don't discuss the specifics of various documents...(and I think that discussing specific proceedings in/of 'closed Court' hearings is potentially problematic-Ed)...sort of, but anything I'd have to say about that becomes self-evident via future hearings and associated media reportage, etc, and there's some issues that it's incumbent of me to discuss because it balances if not counters what I might say elsewhere...

For example, there were 2 hearings in June 2015...the first was 'closed', no media, etc, and I was there all day, including leaving and coming back because there was a lengthy adjournment due to 'technical issues' which then meant that SAPol (police) Prosecutions didn't have an opportunity to fetch my files from the Police Station before my case came-up, etc, and then later there were phonecalls made to SAPol in Adelaide for further directions, etc, and ultimately the whole thing was adjourned again until June 30th 2015...the whole day was one of delays, one wasted hangin' about the Courthouse, but it was originally a genuine cock-up as can, does and will happen...I'll explain more tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Caught In The Act Courtin' Disaster - Part II

Hello Finland, Ecuador, Barbados, and Ireland and welcome to the TMGI...(yo!-Ed)...and hello still bemuses me greatly that 1) people across the planet sometimes read this 'ere blog...(cheers-Ed)...and 2) that I can read about that on my li'l statistics page all involved, I continue to move apologetically forward with this 'ere blog, aware that I've left several recent posts half-finished, eg, the one re the letter from the former Crown Solicitor Simon Stretton where I actually am half-way through eviscerating that particular litany of abuse, denials, lies and bare-faced threats for exactly what it is...(uh uh, come on, you promised, not another diatribe about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, we're sticking to the Courts stuff today, get that sorted-out, yeah?-Ed)...sure...I did promise that...

However...(here we go-Ed)...I would argue that the rankly legion and clearly deliberate failures of the Crown Solicitor/Teachers Registration Board Inquiry (March 2003-November 2004) into "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling is a Courting Disaster of the highest order, where-in a self-investigating self-invested CSO/TRB Tribunal completely exonerated a grooming paedophile and justified that finding by accepting Dorling's defense that the kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't stop them...(point taken mate, sorry, that CSO/TRB hearing/finding is indeed a screaming indictment re Court decisions and the conduct of the Crown Solicitor, etc-Ed)...indeed, theirs is corrupt conduct to protect a paedophile teacher, and corrupt conduct compounded by 1) repeatedly threatening me, but then 2) refusing to meet me to sort it out...and now Simon Stretton's a Magistrate...charming...

I would further argue...(geez, didn't see that comin'-Ed)...that the litany of betrayals and failures associated with parent attempts to pursue legal action against St Martins/the Lutherans and Glyn Dorling, are an irrefutable indictment of all concerned...every lawyer that betrayed, every lawyer that lied, and the Court system that acted to support and allow this deceit and betrayal...more than happy to discuss with anyone involved, any of the lawyers, the Courts per se, who-so-ever's stupid enough to show-up...(ooo, callin' people 'stupid', that's gettin' a little bit beyond 'push', almost to 'shovey'-Ed)...yes, and?...let's all get together you Legion of Legal Champs, lets all get together and have a great big public hearing...(well that's a cheap shot 'cos ya' know that ain't ever gunna' happen-Ed)...a great big hearing about how/why I'm wrong and how/why I say bad, wrong things, and how/why I'm the problem here...(not just here, oi!-Ed)...

The point I make Ed, is that I have earned the right to demand this satisfaction, this public resolution, because I have endured a decade plus of direct threats and bullying and harassment and abuse and denigration, etc, etc, from these gutless clowns as they 1) corruptly act to knowingly, willingly protect a "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher, and then 2) act even more corruptly to hide that original corruption...(and I'd suggest that the 'original corruption' as you describe it, was actually preceded by a self-protecting, wholly corrupt pro-paedophile 'System' that acted to protect Dorling in acting to protect 'Itself'-Ed)...fair point Ed, and cover-ups like St Martins don't just happen by accident, let alone in a decent State, in a clean 'System'...sorry, I'm off again aren't I?...(a bit, but it's quite understandable given the circumstances, dare I say it, given the context-Ed)...and you know how I love a good context Ed, but moving on...

To quickly review CITA Part I, it was about the Bernard Finnigan trial, a trial recently back in the news because the Magistrate had announced he was off on holidays until November 2nd 2015... in April 2011, whilst Labor's Acting Police Minister, Bernie was busted by SAPol (police) on numerous Child Pornography charges...then followed 4 years of adjournments...(30 adjournments for gourd sake, 30!-Ed)...through numerous Courts, and the charges have been changed, dropped, re-instated, etc, etc, over and over, until finally in March/April 2015 the case finally hit Court, albeit with only 2 charges remaining...then in April 2015 the Magistrate retired to consider his decision, then ne'ery a word merry or otherwise, until this announcement, and now he's choofed-off on hols...(charming...again-Ed)...

And Bernie was effectively Caught In The Act by SAPol (police), and that's then turned into a Courting Disaster lasting well over 4 years with the Court In The Act of fudging this along without resolution, and I myself continue to be possibly Courting Disaster by talking about what a disaster this whole sorry saga has been from start to, well, whenever it eventually finishes...if it ever finishes...and that's the main point today, I think it will finish, and very soon...

(Soon?...we'll still not get a decision now until at least November 2nd?-Ed) no, and call me a cynic, but I'd predict that we'll know before then...(well now you're just talkin' can we find out whilst the Magistrates away on holidays?...what's he gunna' do, send us a bloody postcard?-Ed)...yes, exactly that...(you're the only 'card' around here mate, you jolly japester, a postcard indeed-Ed)...that's what I said...(and you're not laughing either are're're honestly saying that he's going to send a postcard-Ed)...well not quite a postcard I'm sure, but a written decision delivered whilst away on holiday is certainly a possibility...(it is? is that even possible?...the look on your face is telling me 'yes'-Ed)...apparently it wouldn't be unheard of and/or inappropriate for a Magistrate to be physically absent for whatevs reason...(Mardi Gras darling-Ed)...whatevs, to be absent and still hand-down a written decision...

(And knowing you as I do, knowing that look on your face, as I do, you think that that's exactly what's gunna' happen here with the Bernie trial-Ed) know me as well as I know myself Ed, because it's exactly what I reckon is going to would suit many people's purpose should this decision be delivered whilst the Magistrate is away aways somewhere...(why?-Ed) get the trial over with and any criticism/fallout/whatevs all done before the Magistrate returns...(but that only really makes sense if the decision is really controversial-Ed) mean like exonerating Bernie despite the evidence, and simply walking away from the ludicrous 4 year process, etc, all without proper explanation?...(oh my gourd, you've put a lot of thought into this-Ed)...nope, it leaps furiously off the page clawing at me, screeching it's conspiratorial shenanigans right in my is a self-evident potentiality...

And in what's as close to a plan as I can muster, I've deliberately left this observation/prediction until the week when I think it's likely to happen, about 3 weeks into the Magistrates hols, with 4-5 weeks for the furore to blow itself out, and then back comes said Magistrate and on goes South Australia, supporting and protecting paedophiles wherever and whenever possible...(and if it takes 4 years, 30 hearings, and then an absentee exoneration, well it's all just part of the rich tapestry of pro-paedophile corruption that blankets SA-Ed)...yay...

So that's my prediction, may I live to see me proven wrong...(you mean that whilst you consider that this is a deliberate set-up to distance the Magistrate from a Bernie exoneration and it's subsequent fall-out, you'd much rather be wrong and see Bernie convicted whenevs/howevs that actually happens?-Ed)...that pretty much sums it up...may I be wrong...this also leaves a heap of other Caught Courtin' things to cover so's I'll dedicate a further post to them bits,

Tomorrow: CITACD Part III

Doing The Bus Stop:...the Liberal Party have re-developed, redefined and deployed an exciting new piece of political munitions, the Underbus, which carefully slays the one person ahead of you whilst selectively mowing-down half of those left standing behind...(nice-Ed)...and so, so hilarious to see Liberal's Scotty 'ÜberUnderbuser' Morrison throw his alleged close mate, former PM Tony Abbott, right under the recent leadership bust-up by spewing forth allegations that a straw-clutching Tony offered him (Scotty) one of his (Tony's) last attempts at a Captain's Pick, namely that Scotty would be Treasurer and Deputy PM if he backed Tones...but Scotty wouldn't be a party to that particular attempted pick-up line...(I'll no take it Captain!-Scotty)...and so, in denying that new PM Malcolm Turnbull offered him those positions in a similar deal, Scotty ditched Tones right Underbus by stating he (Tones) had himself intended/attempted to Underbus 'Smokin' Joe Hockey' (Treasurer) and Julie Bishop (DepPM)...(sweet-Ed)... 

Redefining Push Comes To the Aussie Parliament, particularly re the possie of PM...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, with the recent trend to deposing 'elected'* PMs, it's become the norm that the person who pushes to the front of the line, does so only to get shoved under the next bus...(I wish I was a cartoonist 'cos I'd draw a picture of a very smug Malcolm quipping wittily to his amassed media chums whilst swanning about a bus stop, furiously selfieing himself, and gushing about the wondrousness of his beloved 333 Route, whilst a maniacal Tony bears down on them all in a careering double-decker bearing that number, with Conductor Joe swingin' from the rear step-Ed) write a beautiful picture Ed...and now Tones is puttin' the boot into Scotty too...(it surely is gettin' crowded under that there bus-Ed)...                           
(*note please, that in Oz we technically elect individual politicians with an understanding that Candidate ??? is the leader of that Party and will therefore be PM should they have the numbers, but the actual PM is the decision of said Party, not voters...personal popularity of a potential PM might gain general support for that Party, but the PM remains the will of the Party) 

Not A Word Of A Lie:...that I don't read/watch/listen to rabid Right-wing nutter Andrew Bolt because he's a pig-ignorant shock-jock who takes obvious pleasure in being belligerently biased and deliberately offensive...this year I've read maybe 2 paragraphs in total, and what a hilarious enlightenment it's proven to be...first time, it was a randomly chosen paragraph in a long rant about the falsehoods of Climate Change, etc, and Andy cited extreme and unseasonal flooding in New South Wales as proof positive that Global Warming is a myth...(but isn't the increase in these sort of extreme/unusual weather events exactly what boffins are stating as a proof and/or consequence of changes to global weather patterns?-Ed)...absolutely, except in AndyLand of course where proof of what it really means is in the one-eye of the beholder...

Months later I waded into the middle of another mind-numbing Boltathon, again randomly picked a paragraph, and this time he was sarcastically spruiking his affections for 'a good conspiracy theory', including, and I quote, "...flouride, the Jews, and 9/11."...(wow, I didn't realise that "the Jews" were a conspiracy in-and-of themselves-Ed)...well that's because you're an intelligent and balanced observer...(well at least when compared to this clown I am-Ed)...I told you, it's all about context...but then knackers took it to a whole new level of pant-wetting hilarity in his recent list of reasons why we don't owe Syria/Syrians not nuthin', stating that 'we are not bombing in Syria'...and this article/list was printed in The Advertiser/Sunday Mail on the very day it was announced that our Airforce was going to start bombing in Syria...(yeah, there's nuthin' funny about any of that really is there-Ed)...not really, more bitter, biting irony than any actual humour...

I'll pull stumps here, and wish y'all well...I am Nick Fletcher, and that's Ed...(cheers-Ed)...and he's also Nick Fletcher...and thus this is my blog that is our blog that is my blog...cheers and laters...

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I Have Problems With Wind...Turbines

Hello and welcome to the blog...because I promised someone elsewhere, today's is a quick post re the problems I feel make Wind Turbines a burden not the saviour when it comes to Energy Production and Renewable Energy Targets, etc...not least of all, I feel bad that I've fallen right-off covering Turbines as only one of a number of other issues I've fallen behind on, eg, all the recent Rail Lands shizzle, as I struggle to push forward with the blog...(but you are still pushing though?-Ed) all directions...forward, back, uphill, boundaries...(pushing to where push comes to shove?-Ed)...pushing to the very edge of 'shove'...just seems like the right thing to do...playing my hand by pushing forward by pushin' back 'cos it fits like a shove...(how on gourd's green earth do you manage that, to make that last ridiculous sentence make sense?-Ed) living it...(fair enough-Ed)...

But First:...was looking-up Mt Gambier City Council's agenda/minutes stuff and accidentally found a link to a site called '' (the Petition site), where-in was a 'petition' calling for Councillor Josh Lynagh to resign because of his support for Gay Rights/Marriage Equality/whatevs...(really? with all of the rank corruption and fraud and crass incompetence evident in virtually everything Mt Gambier City Councol does, some clown wants to complain about a Councillor being relatively compassionate and respectful...whatta' joke!-Ed) do you know it's 'a clown', not 'clowns' plural?...(because the petition's got the complaining dude's name attached, and it has only one signature, one clown-Ed)...fair enough...  

Thursday evening September 17th 2015 there was a meeting/info session/whatevs at the City Hall/Main Corner/whatevs re Wind Turbines, and for a number of reasons I specifically chose to not go...however, I have given an undertaking to cover the main issues via a quick review post, so I'd like to push the 'Courtin' Disaster Part II' post to this afternoon/tomorrow, so's a post re Turbines 'cos I promised, and then 'Courts' later...

Firstly, this was a pro-Turbine meeting organised by Community Action for Sustainability, and out of respect for the group and it's general premise and attitude, conduct, etc, it wouldn't be cool for me to go there and hang-it on these people...(yeah, but that's hardly a respect that you've been shown yourself, they booed you at the last CAS meeting thingy you went to, remember? you very politely and even jovially made some statements about/critiques of Turbines that the guest speaker was fine with, but there was glares and mutterings from the audience-Ed)...well, indeed, there was a couple of drawn-out 'uuurghs' and a few glares, but you're not going to go into any group/meeting/info session/whatevs that's already decided it's agenda like that, and not run into urghs and glares from some...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...there are people in CAS who are more than happy to engage if not ultimately agree with me on any issue, and have done so and will hopefully continue to do so...

In any situation you're bound to run into idealogues/zealots/whatevs who jam their fingers in their ears whilst glaring angrily at you through a chorus of loud 'laalaalaas', but you have a point Ed, and that's the second thing, why would I go to a meeting and speak-up when all I'm going to achieve is further piss-off people who aren't listening to what I'm saying anyway...there's no-one in that room I would have convinced of changing their mind about anything, and those already prepared to be questioning and flexible just get caught in an uncomfortable conflict between their group zealots and rational debate...(and may I just observe how bizarre albeit accurate it is that you would refer to yourself as the 'rational debate' in this equation-Ed)...observe away my good man...  

And of course my highly publicised reputation as a scurrilous troublemaker always proceeds me, so's it ain't gunna' matter what natter comes outta' my chatter, there's a gunna' be haters waitin' just hangin' to hang their hate on me...(do you mean that it doesn't matter what you say, your 'natter', if it comes from your mouth, from your 'chatter', then there are going to be people present who will 1) hate you for opening your mouth at all, and/or 2) hate you for what you're saying in dissin' (disrespecting) their views and opinions?-Ed)...and those who hate me just for showing-up in the first instance...(but yet, at the same time, in the same crowd, there are people who begrudgingly respect you, through to some who even like you possibly just a little bit-Ed)...indeed...and I ran the risk of potentially alienating them as well...

In this context...(oh here we go, "it's all about the context, I said", we'll be off to The Crunch next*-Ed)...shut it...anyhoos, so's it rapidly becomes a lose/lose/lose for me to attend this meeting because all I'm guaranteed to do is piss people off before I've even opened my mouth, and then really, really piss them off when I politely shred the lies of their guest speaker Frank Boland from Infigen Energy...(you mean like the rampant liefest that was his ABC Local Radio infommercial interview earlier this week?-Ed)...yeah, exactly those lies about production levels, etc...this shredding would then thusly fuel the character-assassination stuff about me being someone whom just shows-up to things to create hassles, and completely compromises those who are more moderate and accepting...(dare I say it, more intelligent-Ed)...a little harsh Ed, but I also feel that way sometimes...                   (*The Mighty Boosh- BBC TV)

I am completely biased, I'm sure, in that my first up-close experience with Wind Turbines in situ, was the Cape Bridgewater Turbine Industrial Estate near Portland, operated by Pacific Hydro...that was over 3 years ago and I still cannot forget the shock of seeing what has been done to such a beautiful coastal area by randomly slamming-down these massive towers with attached huge fans, that now completely dominate the landscape...(I find the Lake Bonney/Millicent Turbines just as unpleasantly imposing and confronting-Ed)...yeah, that's pretty crook too, but Cape Bridgewater, wow...even standing there looking at it, even standing there in it as you sortta' do 'cos the road runs between Turbines, I found it difficult to process that people would 1) even consider let alone 2) allow this horrendous is truly, really surreal...

(Was that the time you drove 100kms to Portland, then Cape Bridgewater/Portland and back, approx 260kms round trip, for that public meeting with Pacific Hydro and Acoustics expert Steven Cooper?-Ed)...yep...(and politely from the floor during question time gave your li'l speech thingy about the definitive Fascism of the South Australian 2011 Interim Development Plan Amendment?-Ed)...indeed...(a point which Pacific Hydro's Lane Crockett generally conceded in the meeting?-Ed)...I don't remember him saying 'yes, that's Fascism' exactly, but yes, he did agree in broad terms...(and that was confirmed/reported the next day in the Portland Observer newspaper, including where you were positively described as "passionate"?-Ed)...all true Ed, and as covered in many previous posts...please availees, rather than trawl through it all here again, please view post from January 22nd 2013 and/or any post with a stupid 'Wind' pun in the title...

However, one specific point must be re-visited because it remains with us, because it is the room and the is the rank Fascism, the dictionary definition application of Fascism, as witnessed/exercised/legislated by the Mike Rann Labor government in the SA 2011 Wind Turbine IDPA...the 2011 IDPA legislates to remove citizen's rights to oppose Turbine developments in any way, to remove the right/ability for citizens to utilise/access the Courts...and that right there is Fascism...not my opinion, not my poetic license, that there's Fascism at it's most fundamental...(and wasn't the 2011 IDPA in direct response to local farmer Mr Paltridge's extraordinary win in the Environment, Resource, Development Court re Visual Amenity?-Ed)...yep...(a win that stopped the outrageously corrupted Acciona Turbine development at Allendale East, where-in Premier Rann's brother was/is involved with Acciona?-Ed)...indeed...
(And Fascism as cemented in place by the 2012 adjustment to that IDPA that then further denies any possible Appeal Rights re Visual Amenity via the ERDC, by saying that VA can be mitigated by planting some trees near/around the 120m-high Turbines?-Ed)...well synopsised Ed, the 2011 IDPA completely removes Rights/Ability to Oppose and/or Appeal Wind Turbine developments...not a slogan, not an opinion, not a scurrilous inaccuracy, this is fact...(in fact, the IDPA is exactly what it appears to be and does exactly what the IDPA is meant to do-Ed) is what it is, and it's a very real Thang, and that Thang is Fascism...
I note that this is how I choose to roll...the Portland meeting was an appropriate forum to air my grievances, and when I calmly and intelligently did, even those who initially were scowling at me and quietly scoffing my claims of Fascism, many of those faces were ultimately clearly understanding the basic point I was making re the 2011 IDPA and it's consequences re opposing Turbine developments, and the further repercussions/implications that a Labor government, any government that legislates to deny opposition is a government that legislates to deny Democracy...I received a small round of applause...last Thursday's meeting was wrong place, wrong time...simple as that...

I don't understand a bunch of the very specific and often very technical stuff that relates to some of the many issues that people criticise Turbines about, but I know some realities as self-evident...for example, when the wind ain't a blowin', Turbines themselves require power from somewhere to maintain their own internal operations, eg, basic heating, motor power, etc, so then 'production' goes slightly into the negative, adding to the mainstream demand for electricity supply from these figures are explained to me, even on good 'windy' days many Turbine sites struggle to maintain their 'optimum output'...I don't need anyone to explain to me that pro-Turbine statements that they provide 'base-load supply' energy because "the wind's always blowing somewhere" simply aren't is an undeniable reality that the peak energy demand season in SA, in Summer, that's when SA is likely to experience extended windless periods, and anyone who's been there knows what a windless Summer week is like in Adelaide/SA...(absolutely stinkin' hot and everyone who can has their air-conditioner goin' flat-out-Ed)...and such heatwaves cause deaths, it's an accepted fact...

Moving some energy demand to individual Rooftop Solar only drives-up the price for those reliant on the mainstream supply models, and SA already has utility costs through the roof, most particularly for electricity...another fundamental reality, if Turbine electricity is so efficient and cheap then why are our bills so massive given we have so much production, allegedly?...everything I hear from Turbine proponents about cost are statements that 'sure, prices are high now, but demand and supply will drive-down prices, eventually'... (and there's still no reliable storage options that don't require huge banks of batteries-Ed)...and related to that, the habit of proponents to ignore the vast mining/manufacturing processes involved in producing these massive towers and Turbines, any batteries, etc...(and the handling of used/redundant infrastructure, eg, there's currently no way to recycle the massive blades-Ed)...indeed, across many issues, proponents make statements spruiking the green credentials of Turbines in a context where these other issues are ignored and the discussion starts with Turbines apparently just sprouting-up and providing endless free energy... 

(So, if you get past the gross inefficiency of Turbines re their wind-reliant and therefore randomly unpredictable production/outputs, a fundamental flaw that guarantees a 100% capacity real-time reliance on other generation methods, eg, Victorian Brown Coal powered stations, many 'supply contracts' mean that electricity is being transported great distances, through infrastructure like the Heywood Interconnector, which is specifically designed to cater for two-way flow, outta' South Australia when it's windy here, and into SA when we need that Victorian coal power-Ed)...exactly...the proposed new Turbine development near Jamestown is under contract to supply electricity to Canberra, a minimum 1,000kms as the crow flies...(does that mean that 'Canberra' or the supplier/producer have an obligation to access the base load back-up supply from coal?-Ed)...I guess so, whatevs, this transmission distance guarantees energy losses that will force-up the price of the energy that reaches Canberra...

There are also the environmental issues re bird-strike, the as yet untested Human Health Implications, the previously mentioned Visual Amenity issues and legislative bastardry, etc, etc...across many posts I've detailed my opposition to Turbines...particularly with the Health Issues, Turbine companies/proponents continue to spew the line that 'there's no proof that Turbines cause health Issues', in a context where they know damn well that there has been no testing, these Turbines are going-up wherevs without any testing what-so-ever...they know that Steven Cooper's base-line study at Cape Bridgewater 1) proves that there are noise/vibration/pressure emissions from Turbines that 2) are experienced inside dwellings near Turbines, and 3) that there has been no appropriate scientific testing of these emissions and their effects...

And it's this sort of deliberate misrepresentation of the truth with the intent of grossly deceiving and  manipulating people that really pisses me off big-time...companies/proponents take the reality that there's been no scientific testing of Emissions and their affects, and carefully wordsmith it into a statement about how 'there's no evidence to support claims about Health Issues'...the evidence doesn't exist 'cos the testing hasn't ever been done...(it reminds me very much of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, where-in authorities like SAPol (police) flatly refused to investigate and then later started lying about 'there's no evidence anything happened'-Ed)...yes, it's exactly like that, and no doubt a big of part of why it pisses me off so much...

Across multiple issues, I cannot support Turbine development as it currently exists in SA, but like many 'opponents' I believe that there may well be a time and/or place for appropriate Turbine development/placement after these issues are addressed, particularly the 2011 IDPA...but until then, I will continue to dissect the deliberate lies and deceits and manipulations of the truth perpetuated by Turbine Industry proponents, the SA Labor government, etc...thankyou for your patience today, and...

Tomorrow: CITACD Part II

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Caught In The Act Courtin' Disaster

*** put the last first, just got back from Council's meeting...(yay-Ed)...only person there, no Agendas printed/available, Mayor Lee and 2 Councillors absent, they're furiously 'Activating the nearly completed Rail Lands', and then they kicked me (the public) out for their Special Secret Squirrel time together re a Motion Without Notice...(charming-Ed)...give a shreck really...I'm just doin' what I need to do as and when I can...(piss 'em off just by attending?-Ed) say it like it's a bad thing...cheers...!!!  

**apologies....had this full post done yesterday, and then computer went schitzo, putting-up a small and very dodgy looking notice asking "Please prove you are not a robot", then something about 'because you've put up so many posts today'...then later the blog refused to save or publish, and I found 50 partial copies of the current post in 'Drafts', then whilst trying to retrieve/post, the computer/blog dumped the lot...(weird as-Ed)...2200 hours 5 hours of work and 1/2 hr of stuffing-about, and all for nought...very frustrating...(cut to footage of lounge-room tantrum?-Ed)...go on then...(at least you maintain the control to fling things that won't break against other things that won't break-Ed) mean like shit into this fan...(look, it does get in-Ed)...but mostly straight back out...(I didn't know you had a Dalmation-Ed)...sorry sorry, availees, sorry...been a long, long 24hrs spent largely at the Keyboard of Doing, Losing and Then Redoing all this stuff below...anyhoos***

*Doin' the Robot:...turns out this is actually a thing...(oh gourd-Ed)...and it just happened again, please tick the box "I'm not a robot", etc...mentioned it to someone and they said it's not uncommon...apparently it's some new security protocol thingy with/from Google re automated generation of material...(I've certainly not seen it before on this 'ere blog-Ed)...for those as unawares as I was, it comes up in a 4 inch square window mid-screen, stating/headed, "Please prove you are not a robot", and beneath that, "Since you have made a large number of posts today please prove that you are not a robot by clicking the following checkbox."...and next to that in blue, "Learn more"...underneath that a 'box to be clicked' with "I'm not a robot" alongside the bottom right corner, "re CAPTCHA", with "Privacy Terms" beneath, and below that a final larger 'tick box' with "Proceed" alongside...(you should have taken a photo-Ed) time perhaps...

I went via the "Learn more" and found that it was actually a genuine Google site...(or at least it looked like one-Ed)...well indeed, but it did have confirmation stuff about automatic generation of posts, etc, and when I went back to the little notice box and hit the "I'm not a robot" box and then "Proceed" it all went just fine and I've not had another problem...(yet-Ed)...anyhoos, given that it is apparently a genuine thing, it appears that my refusal to co-operate with this notice last evening 'cos I was concerned that it was some sort of Trojan virus thingy, that my ignorance and paranoia combined to guide me toward very effectively if unwittingly deleting my own post...(oh dear-Ed)...*     

So, hello Portugal, Netherlands, Germany and Russia and welcome to this 'ere blog and a series of shocking puns about peeps who get Caught In The Act, through those who get caught-up in The Act, to others whom are Courtin' Disaster, not least of all by gettin' caught in the act...

But hilarious to see former Nationals Party leader Tim Fischer on WIN TV as part of WIN TV's ad campaign about 'losing your Regional voice if we don't change Media Ownership laws'...(but didn't you say that this entire campaign is about relaxing restrictions so's that those companies like the massive WIN TV can just purchase/own even more media businesses, and exercise even greater power than they already have?-Ed)...I believe I did say that, yes, that is the discourse on the footpath, right there next to the word on the street...(and furthermore, you said, this 'scare campaign' is a disgraceful hypocrisy from WIN TV who have systematically dismantled TV production in Mt Gambier, axing all locally made programs where Mt Gambier once had it's own fully functioning, bustling station with a week-daily, fully locally produced daytime lifestyle show and evening news service, and even a Saturday morning kids show-Ed)...correct again Ed, I said all of that and then some...and now?...(and now there's absolutely bugger-all made here and the station building is virtually a ghost-town-Ed)...

And again, I remind availees that WIN TV are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, just prior to the March 2006 State Election giving incumbent Member for Mt Gambier, the wholly corrupt Rory McEwen, gave that scumbag a platform to attack and denigrate us parents as being 'Liberal party people...playing gutter politics'...(but in response didn't you/parents go up there to WIN TV and ask for a right-of-reply and were interviewed, etc?-Ed)...indeed, I/parents did organise and do that, but then WIN TV flatly refused to air that interview or even a brief statement that I/we had contacted WIN TV to challenge Rory's gutless deceits, so's Rory's corrupt lies went entirely unchallenged...(almost just like what The Border Watch did in May 2005 when they gave Rory front-page to defend teacher Glyn Dorling and attack you parents as nutters-Ed)...indeed, I've covered both of these thoroughly in previous posts...

Equally hilarious, these repeated statements from (Lower House) Speaker and former Labor Attorney General Michael Atkinson, that the Daws Rd Repatriation Hospital protesters camping on the steps of Parliament House, do so with his 'permission and forebearance', because they 'lower the tone and gravitas of the Institution'...(deadset?...from the stinkingly corrupt rat at the heart of the St Martins Cover-up, who, as AG, took children's and parent's interview statements from Flinders Child Protection Service and handed them over to Lutheran lawyers, Piper Alderman, who duly altered/edited/censored those statements and then handed them back, all actionable evidence carefully removed?-Ed)...yep, that stinkingly corrupt pro-paedophile prick, please don't excuse my language...(no, you're right mate, I he's holding forth about how the behaviour of others lowers/damages the reputation of the Institution of Parliament?-Ed)...yep...(wow, well I guess he'd know, given that his very existence let alone position as Speaker is a shattering indictment of the entire State of South Australia, let alone it's pro-paedophile Parliament-Ed)...indeed...

Still Laughing?:...'cos whilst matters in Adelaide re the Independent Commission Against Corruption are hidden behind ICAC Suppression Orders as issued by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, eg, the current farcical case where a Public Board member is arguing that the ICAC rules don't apply to him because of his nepotistic appointment by his mate Mike Rann, etc, all details about this person, the Public Board involved, the specific allegation/charge, etc, all these details are suppressed, meanwhile here in Mt Gambier there's no such respect/luxury/suppression for former Forestry SA CEO Adrian Hatch, who yesterday pleaded Not Guilty to a single charge in the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court, and then is named in the media today...(charming-Ed)...again, the obvious disparity re disclosure is self-evident, as is the control that the ICAC Commissioner wields...

I further re-state my belief that this disparity is a deliberate attempt to address concerns about these 'Suppression Powers' and how they have been applied by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander to cases like the near-entirely suppressed exoneration of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine...(what a farcical joke that is-Ed) point being that Mr Hatch is gettin' hung-out to dry by the ICAC to try and give the ICAC some credibility on this 'suppression' stuff...I also repeat my concerns that several very high-profile issues/cases appear to have just 'disappeared', and I am aware, as best one can be given the bizarre circumstances, that one huge local case looks to have been consumed and suppressed by the ICAC, which means, given the relevant bizarre ICAC legislation, I probably cannot/should not even identify that issue/case...(wow-Ed)...we apparently live in a Democracy don't ya' know...(but if you're not sure that it's been hoovered-up by ICAC couldn't you just talk about it in a future post without actually mentioning ICAC?-Ed)...oh, most excellent point Ed...(and furthermore, if ICAC hasn't publicly declared these issues to be like the school Cormorant*, Right Out Of Bounds, then how's anyone to know to not talk about it?-Ed)...I think I love you Ed, you monkey-genius...
                                                                                                    *Monty Python - Meaning of Life

Caught In The Act Part when SAPol raided the home of Bernard Finnigan in April 2011, seizing several computers/devices and arresting Bernie on multiple (20?) Child Pornography charges, and this raid/arrest occurred because SAPol knew that Bernie was accessing those sites...somehow a TV News crew were there, and hence there's footage of Bernie being led to a police car and driven away, etc...and the reason this is such a huge story? Bernie was the Mike Rann Labor government's Acting Police Minister at the time of his arrest...Bernie was Acting Police Minister...(yeah, yeah, you've been through all this before, but why is this CITA Part I?-Ed)...well SAPol didn't just randomly lob on his door step, they went to his home specifically on that issue because they knew he was accessing those sites, therefore Bernie was effectively Caught In The Act...(ah right, of course-Ed)...

Caught In The Act Part II and III: is the farcically corrupted progress (and I use the word 'progress' in it's loosest definition) of Bernie's case through the South Australian Courts...arrested in April 2011, the case has since been through multiple Courts of different jurisdiction, before a range of Magistrates, including a panel hearing of 3 Magistrates, with multiple changes to the charges before most were dropped completely, some re-instated then dropped again, etc, etc, over and over, for a total of 30 adjournments across a full 4 years...(strewth-Ed)...and when the hearing does finally commence, there's only 1 SAPol witness, only 2 charges, and the Magistrate suppresses all relevant details, eg, the names of the Interweb sites that Bernie searched, etc...and then in early April 2015 the Magistrate retired to consider his decision...(you have mentioned that occasionally before too-Ed)...and other than that, there has been a deathly silence ever since...(until last week-Ed)...until 2 weeks ago, the first week of September 2015, when the Magistrate suddenly declares he's off on holidays for 2 months thanks very much if you don't mind...(wow-Ed)...back on November 2nd 2015 or there-abouts...

(Can I do my joke here?-Ed)...sure, hurry up...(I say I say I say, this Magistrate suddenly hoofing-off to Ibeeeeetha or Bali or wherevs, causing much consternation and confusion, it reminds me of the very sad case early last century where that famous Circus, who's name escapes me, they had to cancel their show when they lost their main attraction, the world famous death-defying Dynamo, the Exploding Man, when he unexpectedly went-off on holidays-Ed).........are you quite done?...(argh, they're oldies but they're goodies-Ed)...if you say so...

(Anyhoos, so's absolutely nuthin' for nearly 5 months, then he's off on holidays...that very unfortunately looks almost exactly like complete contempt for the people of South Australia-Ed)...what it looks like Ed is CITA Part II, the entire proceedings are the wholly compromised actionings of a deeply compromised apparently pro-paedophile Judicial system in this sad, sick, rotten State we call is your Courts getting Caught In The Act of apparently acting to protect a paedophile, a paedophile who was Acting Police Minister...(strewth, I take your point, it does look like far more than just rank incompetence and/or barefaced contempt from the Judiciary, it is clearly an orchestrated campaign to not reach a decision that appears otherwise're right, the Court's/Judiciary's own actions show them to be Caught In The Act of deliberately stalling this case...but what's Part III?-Ed)...

Part III Ed, is a terrible pun based around the fact that the Court has been Caught In The Act of being a Court (Engaging) In The Act (Of Apparently Covering-up Paedophilia)...a Court In The Act of...(oh very nicely done sir...a shocking pun that almost but not quite distracts from the realities of the gross corruption of appropriate process that epitomises this case, a case that exposes the true nature of the control paedophiles and/or corrupt pro-paedophile actors have in the South Australian Parliament (the Legislature), within SAPol (the Executive), and the Judiciary, (um, the Judiciary)-Ed)...and which unfortunately segues beautifully into...

CITA Part IV:...being the rank pro-paedophile corruption of our State government, a government wholly compromised by the depth/breadth/history of paedophiles in their ranks...the Mike Rann Labor government only stopped bleating about how Bernie was "innocent until proven guilty", stopped spewing that line only long enough to immediately turf 'im right outta' the Labor Party...(and Bernies's been settin' there in the Legislative Council (Upper House of State Parliament) ever since, as yet another alleged Independent-Ed)...indeed, drawing down a full-time Taxpayer funded wage with associated multiple benefits, allowances, superannuation, etc...(super-Ed)...

Ya' don't have to travel far in this 'ere blog to find ample evidence of the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the SA Labor Party...(perhaps as far as, say, those recentish posts containing the letters from Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill blocking Comm Ted Mullighan from officially investigating the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed...and there we slide seamlessly into CITA Part V, via the pathetically complicit silence from the SA Liberal Party re this Finnigan debasco (debacle meets fiasco) and the St Martins Cover-up, etc...

CITA Part the Unified Bipartisan Parliamentary support for paedophilia as witnessed re the St Martins Lutheran School case...all complicit, all corrupt...this is your State Parliament, South Australia, all wholly committed to ultimately protecting paedophiles because as an Institution and as it's constituent Parties, all are completely compromised by the rank pro-paedophile corruption and attitudes that contaminate their past and control their present...and previous corruptions so bad that they demand even worse corruptions to keep them hidden...(and previous corruptions unaddressed guarantees further similar corruptions-ed)...good point my reality, the St Martins case is clearly not just about hiding these horrendous histories, this is about the contemporary paedophile control of South Australia and maintaining that control...and onward spiralling downward, lower and lower, and there at rock-bottom you'll find the SA Parliament...whatta' disgrace...   

Tomorrow: CITCCD Part II

(But we didn't even get to any of the 'Courtin' Disaster' stuff-Ed)..ok, how about, say, the whole Finnigan farce is a Courtin'(g) Disaster, and by writing about it and criticising the Judiciary, well, I'm Courtin' Disaster myself...2 in 1, there you go...(cheers-Ed) does what 2 can...(is that a dig at me about being a confected literary device, not a real boy?-Ed)...not a dig mate, just a gentle reminder that you, Ed, you don't actually exist...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Friday, September 11, 2015

Child Protection Week, Apparently

Hello India, Georgia, Ukraine, and Indonesia and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent and possibly the most rankly hypocritical piece of political grandstanding that even this sad, sick State can produce, Child Protection Week...(what? the State that legislates to make children vulnerable, preys on it's children with institutionalised regularity, and attacks parents so as to defend and protect paedophiles!-Ed)...well I'm not sure whether that's a question, a statement, or just a rant...(take ya' pick!-Ed)...I'll have 'All Of The Above' for 800 points thanks Ed...(wise choice-Ed)...

And y'all 'll excuse me if I have a bit of an angry stress-out (with associated fruity language) about the fact that from Sunday 6th September to the 12th September is/was Child Protection Week, and with-in that week also falls RUOK Day re depression, and Out Of The Shadows Day re suicide, and the whole dialogue is about reporting and speaking-out and caring and asking and such and there's our illustrious leaders spewing all these usual platitudes, and yet these same clowns openly attack and harass and denigrate me for the heinous crime of genuinely acting to address the gross and institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption of our Child Protection system, indeed, of the entire state of South Australia...(I knew you were a complete bastard-Ed)...ta', high praise indeed coming from you ya' git...('ey, 'ey, settle...focus...get ya' anger back in it's box-Ed)...

And 'cos I ain't barely heard not no-one else say it this week, there are clear and definable psychological traumas that often if not always result from abuse experienced as children, particularly sexual abuse, and these abuses impact on, exacerbate, and/or straight-out cause major depressive conditions, drug addiction issues, relationship/trust problems, self esteem issues, etc, etc, upto and including suicide...I'm not a medical practitioner of any description, but these issues are well researched, documented, etc...      

I try to listen to the ABC as much as possible, and I heard next to nothing about Child Protection issues apart from 1 main story/interview from Monday...(best part of stuff-all in local newspapers The Border Watch and/or The Advertiser either-Ed)...well particularly when you consider the vast number of high-profile paedophile cases in SA in the 12-18 months, and/or the issues re the Mt Gambier Gaol...(ah yeah, all those ridiculous propaganda pieces from the ABC Mt Gambier about how all the sex offenders get vast amounts of super-dooper therapy/counselling, and not one of them moves to Mt Gambier when released, and hardly a one re-offends, and there's no drugs due to super-dooper policing, etc,'s gotta' be the superest-dooperest prison on the planet, yeah?-Ed)...well, if you were to believe the ABC, yes, superest-dooperest...

And quietly sliding by entirely un-accosted by uncomfortable questions from the local media, again, the very quiet announcement that the gaol is going to be "double-upped" from the proposed 500 prisoners re this recent series of rapid and massive expansions...(sorry, do you mean that these expansions up to 500 inmates is the "double-up", or is it going to be 1,000 inmates total?-Ed) I understand the dialogue coming from the Labor government, the strategy is "heaps more beds but no new prisons" to be achieved by "doubling-up" in existing facilities, and that this decision comes into effect after the current expansions...(so that means?-Ed)...that means 1,000 all up...(yay-Ed)...

I did read some stuff about Queensland based Child Protection Advocacy group Bravehearts trying/wanting to open an office in Adelaide/SA, and some minor bits and pieces, but pretty much bugger-all compared to the time spent on, for example, yet another extraordinary ABC infommercial, today, about somebodies Home Handyman book or some went on and on...(and you'd know!-Ed)...well quite..(oh, and don't forget those extraordinary interviews about refugees, etc, with Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin, where-in Tony just couldn't say often enough how amazingly "compassionate" the Liberal Party is...not once or twice, but over and over-Ed)...indeed, this wasn't even a traditional ABC 'Dorthy Dixer' interview for which they're so famous, this was just 'off you go Tones, knock ya'self out mate'...(ah, the Compassion of lucky we are to have the amazingly compassionate Liberal Party to slash funding for health, education, and destroy what's left of manufacturing in Oz, etc, whilst attacking the unemployed, those like myself on the Disability Support Pension, etc, etc, and thusly  teach us 'leaners' what true compassion looks like-Ed)...such obvious sarcasm does not flatter you sir...

One of the most confronting things I face in every and any day...(in every and any week let alone Child Protection Week-Ed)...well true, unavoidably confronting everyday of every week, is that virtually every media report about anything contains footage/interviewage/whatevs of some corrupt sack-a-crap directly involved in covering-up the gross abuse of dozens of 7 year old children at St Martins...interviewer and/or interviewee, over and over, again and again, issue after issue, day in day's a constant grinding on a very raw nerve...(and you've got some nerve sir-Ed)...for example, just listening to ABC Mt Gambier exposes me to Stuart Stansfield whom has taunted and mocked me, laughed at me...or going to a Council meeting and there's the rankly corrupted Frank Morello and the wholly corrupt Steve Perryman, two of the key players in the St Martins Cover-up and currently Councillors in the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...(run into Rory McEwen at the supermarket-Ed)...indeed, another good example...

With this Time Zone Change Debasco I've had to listen through multiple interviews with Martin Hamilton-Smith, Rob Kerin, and Rob Brokenshire, all of whom I have personally explained the St Martins Cover-up to, and whom have all promised action but then produced nothing but more cover-up...(yay-Ed)...

Former Liberal Leader Rob head of Primary Producers SA, is just another soulless traitor to this state, just another corrupt politician wholly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up who has then been appointed to a plum position by the Labor government...if you trust anything Rob Kerin has to say on any issue, then more fool you...(but no more a fool than you-Ed)...good point well made Ed...having already met him here in Mt Gambier in September (October?) 2004, in February 2005 I met with Rob in his 'Opposition Leader's' office in Parliament House, Adelaide, and he was all 'gee whiz that's terrible, I'm right on it, no probs', then took until early December 2005 when he asked a single question in Parliament, and the then Premier Mike Rann reportedly just got up mid question and walked everytime I hear this corrupted halfwit mouth-breathing his way through yet another vacuous ABC interview about PPSA issues, all I hear is another rankly corrupt pro-paedophile politician who has done very nicely thanks very much after being complicit in the St Martins cover-up, just another SA politician spewing out the Labor Party line on whatevs...(you don't like Rob Kerin very much do you?-Ed)...prick!...(hey, don't blame me-Ed)...not you, that Kerin idiot...

(Didn't the exact same thing happen when former Speaker Peter Lewis, hounded from that position only weeks before by his pro-paedophile colleagues in both Liberal and Labor, raised the St Martins Cover-up at the Parliamentary sitting in Mt Gambier in May 2005?-Ed)...most excellent point Ed, across several points in fact...1) just before Mr Lewis rose to name both St Martins and teacher Glyn Dorling, Rory McEwen walked down to and spoke with Mike Rann, and Mike got up and just walked off backstage somewhere, and 2) when Peter Lewis was stood-up there exposing these terrible realities, of which they were entirely aware via us parents, the Liberal Party all just sat there in complicit silence...not one bloody word...what a bloody disgrace...

And the ABC's effort for Child Protection Week is pretty much one pathetic pseudo-interview on Monday (mentioned last post) where-in some clown from Centacare or Anglicare or whatevs rabbited-on about a range of issues, lurching from Foster Care to Child Protection and back again, inanely bangin'-on about what great services we have in the South East and how Mt Gambier is in a prime position to lead the way in demonstrating to other communities how a community can unite to protect it's kids...(bollocks! and who the shreck are the Catholics or the Anglicans or whoevs, who the shreck are they to tell anyone about Child Protection issues?...institutonalised child abusers telling us what we should do...piss-off!-Ed)...indeed Ed, but the real kicker was the comments about how 'we shouldn't criticise CP Workers because that damages faith in the system and stigmatises/traumatises CP workers themselves'...denigrating as troublemakers those who question the system...

In My Reality: the Child Protection reality that Mt Gambier has brought to the Universe, is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff, Honest

I was going to do my Court stuff today, honest, but this got away from me, as it does, often...(I thought you were in Court today, up in Adelaide?-Ed)...well technically and legally yes, but physically I was here in the Mount, having been excused (from attendance today) by the Magistrate at the last hearing in June 2015...and I'm enjoying the very liberating Trust Freefall of being represented by Legal Eagles, some of whom I've not met personally 'cos they're in Adelaide, I'm here, etc...(fair enough-Ed)...and at this point in time I'm waiting to hear what's gone-down today...

In yet another bizarrely ironic chapter to this whole shenanigan, because I had my Legal Aid application denied/refused/whatevs, technically I don't have any lawyers in my direct employ, but still there's a small flock a' Leagles kickin' this 'round the Courts for me as I/they 1) appeal the Legal Aid refusal, and 2) try to figure out exactly which Court should perhaps be handling this matter, given various Constitutional issues, etc...(so you've got Leagles, of some description, some of whom you haven't even met, working 'pro bono' to help you out?-Ed)...absolutely...literally waiting now on a phone call/email/delicious, plump-breasted pigeon called Speckled Jim to inform me as to what happened today, but it's my understanding that another adjournment is/was the almost unavoidable outcome...

This part of proceedings is basically out of my control, and until the Legal Aid issue is resolved, I have no choice but to trust people I've not met (at the Adelaide end), and trust not just people but lawyers...(gasp!-Ed)...something I do have a little trouble with, what given the rank corruption and/or incompetence of almost every half-wit lawyer I've crossed paths with...(didn't you say you'd never needed/used a lawyer until you moved to Mt Gambier in 1998/99?-Ed) do listen Ed...indeed, never needed/used a lawyer until I moved to this town, and since then, wow...the Family Court, the Industrial Relations Commission (where I won) and then WorkCover, Residential Tenancies Tribunal...and then of course the debasco of being sued by Chris Ryan for his farcically and disastrously erroneous 'advice' re the IRC...(that was actually quite hilarious...infuriating but hilarious-Ed)...indeed, Ryan couldn't provide a single document, claimed to have lost stuff, changed computer programs, etc, etc, and Magistrate Paul Rice, he of the recent 'death-threats plot by inmates' fame, he was coaching Ryan from the 2 different hearings...

(And then onto St Martins and the extraordinary pro-paedophile corruption of Bill DeGaris and Tim Bourne and Peter Humphries and Stephen Lieschke and Piper Alderman lawyers and Attorney General Michael Atkinson, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, I just love lawyers, particularly political lawyers...never had a lawyer, never had anything to do with a lawyer...before I moved to this town...but I'm sure it's just me that's the problem...

In contrast, I can only thank 'my' current Leagles for what I can only hope they are doing to genuinely help me...(find out soon enough-Ed)...yeah, and I know it's a big call so early, but for what it's worth, I think they are genuine, I think they've looked at enough of it to go 'strewth'...but it's so much more than is a massive exercise in letting-go, in trust, for me to have completely surrendered this to Leagles...and in a local context it's the smartest thing I've done for a while, 'cos they have been fantastic...(and apart from that, on a purely functional level, can you imagine how ridiculous some of those letters would have looked had you written them yourself, eg, 'am I allowed to speak to a lawyer, even though I haven't been charged?''s a whole different cuttlefish though when those questions are posed by Leagles, on Leagle's stationary-Ed)...well I think it's 'kettle of fish', but I take your point...

And my Leagles know that I have argued/discussed every piece of advice they've given...(I find that very  hard to believe-Ed)...ah, sarcasm again Ed, sarcasm...but I have ultimately followed nearly all of it, eg, when I refused to plead at all at the April 2015 hearing because I/we'd not yet received Affadavits, etc, from SAPol (police) Prosecutions, but my Leagles were concerned about doing 'the right thing by the Court' and insisted I plead something to expedite my case...I refused, Leagles insisted, I relented...sure enough, just as we sit down in the Court, up walks the SAPol Prosecutions officer, hands a thick roll of documents to my Leagles, and minutes later I'm up standing on The Spot Marked X (literally, with masking tape) and pleading "Not Guilty" re undefined charges and unseen Affadavits, etc...more tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and I'd readily sit down in a room with Humphries and DeGaris and Lieschke and Bourne and Atkinson, et al, but I'm sure they'll just have a bitchy whine to Google, again, and try and get this post taken down, again...but anytime gentlemen, anytime...(I think it far more likely you'll get the cops in ya' home again-Ed)...possibly...

To Dear Google:...before you pull-down anymore of my posts, please read this 'ere blog and ask yourselves why 1) I keep saying this stuff, and 2) no-one's actually realising any of their very many 'defamation' threats, threats evident in the very complaints they've lodged with many of these clowns have cited 'advice that Nick Fletcher's post gives me grounds for defamation action'? many?'s a vacuous threat wrapped in a pathetically cowardly whinge...not your fault Google, but this is how you are being manipulated to help censor the unpleasant realities these bastards want each and every case, with each and every one, I have earned the right to name the reality of their corruption...

I am Nick Fletcher...this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Just Stuff About Nonsensical Realities

***doin' a lotta' apologisin' of late to genuine availees, but I'm genuinely still tryin' to keep going forward, 'moving forward' and all that, but still having days where I sit down to do this 'ere blog and simply can't and get-up and don't come back to it for 24hrs or's just a Thang...(a sortta' ragey kinda' depressivey kinda' exhaustionish Thang...the sortta' Thang that one might expect to see from someone who has for 13 years fought tooth, nail, and last shreds of sanity to try and get something done about the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that runs this sad, sick state-Ed)...indeed Ed, and today was nearly forfeit to that exact same Thang courtesy of the absolutely tepid story on the ABC Local Radio about Child Protection Week...(oh dear gourd-Ed)...oh yeah, and there-in was all the usual vacuously inane hypocrisy from the ABC who are absolutely complicit, upto and including at a national level, absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

When Shove Comes To Push-Back:...I am a huge supporter of the ABC and local media like The Border Watch...(oh yeah, I'm readin' the love-Ed)...wait for it, wait for it, and it's this support that fuels a good part of my rage toward them because they have an absolute obligation to fulfill their often self-promoted position as responsible, independent and important purveyors of knowledge to local communities...(yeah, fair enough...but most of your displeasure is about the way they've shoved you, shoved you repeatedly upto and including once too often, and then the way they whinge, bitch and moan when you gently shove back-Ed)...absolutely...(and can I just say that, for such a gentle man, you do a very good line in pushing back-Ed)...cheers...

So's genuine availees will please excuse me my repetitively raging indulgences and/or repeated bloggy absences...(and the days where the two are indistinguishable 'cos the anger and disappointment and depression just make it personally imperative to walk away for a day or three-Ed)...yeah, all that too...and to everyone else who's tuning-in to see what sin they can accuse me of next, what heinous crime I've supposedly committed now...(eg, talking about stuff-Ed)...indeed, the gross aberration of talking about stuff...well, welcome one and all...

And yet again apologies that this post did originally start to be about my Court stuff and never got near it and maybe tomorrow, yeah?...(I'll believe it when it happens-Ed)...but this Child Protection Week shizzle threw my's anyhoo, here's where I started and then I'll finish with some other stuff...cheers...***)

Howdy y'all in India, Ukraine, China, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...just a quick post to dot point my Court stuff as best I can given the bizarrely all-encompassing yet completely undefined legislation that I'm being prosecuted under, legislation that makes literally everything 'illegal' should the State decide to prosecute...(wow-Ed)...indeed, but some quick feedback first...(*and yet another 'Network Error - another computer on this network has the same IP address', etc, notification has just popped-up...(don't the cops still have your laptop what they done seize when raiding your home on May 8th 2014?-Ed)...yep...your point?...(just sayin'-Ed)...*)...(***and yet another "Network Error", etc, today 7th September***)

In my own defense, because it's come-up yet again, again, it is not my fault that someone screwed-up the Jazz Academy student housing stuff in those Public Housing units...apparently the push is on to hang-it on me that I've 'damaged' the Jazz Academy and somehow threatened it's future, etc, as part of the broader agenda to denigrate and discredit me personally, and potentially also to justify this push for student housing in town somewhere, but all I did was literally point at it...(via this 'ere blog-Ed)...via this 'ere blog, and say 'hey, that doesn't look right, what's goin' on with that then?', and it all went to crap...even I don't believe that this 'ere blog has the power to shred and dismantle any such deal/issue/whatevs if everything was hunky-dory, if everything was bonza mate...(maaate-Ed)...clearly there was a whole bunch of shonky shenanigans goin' on re that housing shizzle...

I have not 'potentially damaged' anything, the whole thing was clearly a top-heavy card-house of corruption and/or incompetence and all I did was breath on it and it collapsed, and bottom-line, I'm not even sure what exactly actually happened...all I know is that they were built using some public money and were/are meant for Public Housing, but it was very specifically reported in The Border Watch that JA students were going in there, 3 to a home, at $130 per week each, with Interweb connected, etc, etc...I went past there a couple of times to check it out and once spoke to a resident in the driveway, but they didn't know anything about JA students either...I don't know why there was a huge For Lease sign out the front either, particularly if 1) they were for Public Housing, be it Housing Trust/AC Care/whatevs, and/or 2) the housing was already supposedly taken by JA doesn't make sense...

Aiming High When Kickin' Heads:...please note that I didn't/haven't named the Realtor who had that sign up because for all I know they were an innocent party in this farcical shenanigans, possibly co-opted unwittingly into yet another dodgy Mt Gambier real estate deal...(you mean in the same way that Malseeds were manipulated and ripped-off by SERDE and Herbert Real Estate in the highly corrupt sale of the SERDE building to corrupt lawyer Bill DeGaris...Billyyyyy-Ed)...yep, Billy...hello Billy, still waitin' for you to make good your multiple written threats to sue me for telling the truth about 1) this farcically corrupt sale and 2) your rank pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(are you imputing that Billy's an incompetent coward who's only skills are complicit corruption re protecting paedophiles and then slinging gutless defamation threats about?-Ed), I'm stating it outright...

Please find attached the hilarious complaint that Billy lodged with Google to have my original posts of March 26th and 27th 2013 re his corruption pulled down...(hilarious? I'd say a laughable confirmation that what you've been saying is/was true...I mean, the opening line alone...whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed Ed;
     "The process involved in the sale of the building, whilst unusual, was not corrupt, and not a favour
       for a mate."
...(ahahaaahhahaa...'whilst unusual wasn't a deal for a mate'...ahahhhahhaa-Ed)...and all rounded out with 11 equally hilarious "imputations"...(mate, I don't know that I've ever seen you 'impute' anything about anyone...I've seen you name specific public officials as corrupt, and often pro-paedophile corrupt, and name corrupt acts directly, eg, virtually everything that comes out of Mt Gambier City Council, eg, the $345,000 that former Council CEO just 'took' from the Main Corner Project-Ed)...I concur Ed, 'impute' is really quite the insult considering how specific I am, how careful I am to get my facts straight, how I apologise for and correct any possible mistakes/errors, and how I fend-off the plethora of gutless 'defamation threats'... 

Furthermore, I don't understand how and cannot see why there would be a push to put JA student housing/accommodation on the Oatmill site...(or anywhere else in the CBD-Ed)...indeed, but apart from the Oatmill's adjacent carpark, there isn't a single metre of free ground, meaning that this accommodation would require massive renovation and possibly/probably demolition of at least some of the Heritage listed buildings...(well that wouldn't be a problem I'd reckon, what with the rank corruption of other Heritage issues around town, eg, the removal of part of the Kings Theatre re the Main Corner debasco (debacle/fiasco)-Ed)...indeed Ed, and the massive holes carefully gouged in the side of the building to accommodate the cross beams for the 'Annex/Entry' thing that no-one knows what it's for, etc, etc...Heritage Whatevs SA looks like yet another nepotistic mates-club doing deals for each other and bullying everyone else into submission...(whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)'s all a bloody disgrace...      

(***and that's as far as I got, so here's some stuff...

The ICAC: continues to bring the hilarity into my world with 1) some bizarre nonsense about a dude whom allegedly tried to set-up fake identities to access and/or sell state government info, and he pleaded-down to a single charge...whatevs...but secondly, I see ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander again in the news bangin' on about how he reckons his own legislation is too 'secretive' and needs modifying so's he can share all the good news with us plebs...(bollocks!-Ed) it's true, I read it in The Advertiser...(no, not you, bollocks that the ICAC Commissioner needs any change to his own powers to address any 'secrecy' issues...nobody other than Comm Lander is responsible for what does and doesn't get publicly aired, these are decisions made at his discretion, eg, the farcically corrupted alleged investigation by ICAC of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine, where-in everything about a 2 year investigation of the clearly defined nepotistic corruption committed by Jennifer Rankine, everything is suppressed-Ed)...excellent point...

(And it stopped for a full year as well-Ed)...indeed...(the primo Anti-Corruption Watchdog operates as farcically as all the corrupt systems it's supposedly meant to root-out-Ed)...indeed...and Comm Lander was proudly announcing that in nearly 3 years of operation, he/ICAC has found no evidence of 'systemic or institutionalised corruption'...(ahahahaaaa-Ed)...but here's the real hilarity spewing outta' the ICAC this week...(oh this is a beauty-Ed)...indeed...even though former Forestry SA CEO Adrian Hatch is being openly identified in the media re his alleged ICAC charge...("hung-out to dry" is how I believe you described it, "hung-out to dry to try and give the ICAC some shred of credibility"-Ed)...I resemble that remark sir!...(get on with it-Ed)...

Anyhoos, there's this other dude who is facing some sortta' charge for alleged whatevs as a $45,000 per annum Board member of a Public Board of some description, but Mr Lander has suppressed both the dude's name and the name of the Board...(hilarious...on one hand Comm Lander's suppressing this that and the Rankinely other, and then he's complaining that his own decisions make his own decisions too secretive-Ed)...oh, but that's not all matey, here's ya' puddin'...(ooo puddin', I love it when there's puddin'-Ed)...

Mr Dude is arguing that he ain't coppin' to nuthin' 'cos the ICAC legislation don't apply to him because his mate Mike Rann gave him the job and his other mate Jay Weatherill renewed that deal...(hang on, so's he's not saying that he didn't do whatevs, that he's not guilty 'cos he's innocent like, he's sayin' that the legislation doesn't even apply to him?-Ed)...correct...(that is hilarious, but still, as a Public Board member, surely that does make him responsible under ICAC legislation?-Ed)...true, the 'I'm not guilty 'cos the law doesn't count re me' stuff is fairly funny, but you're missing the point...(well point it out then-Ed)...sure...

Mr Dude is stating that he doesn't fall under the auspices of laws that govern public officials because he didn't get that Board position under normal Public Board provisions/protocols/processes/whatevs, he is stating that it was his personal relationships with then Premier Rann and current Premier Weatherill that got him this position...(omg!-Ed)...yep you spotted it...(omg, he's saying that he isn't technically a Public Servant because he didn't go through the normal application processes, etc, his mates gave him that job-Ed)'s he's sayin' that the ICAC legislation doesn't apply to him because of the rank nepotism of his mates giving him the job-Ed) on...(his primary defense to a charge of corruption is his own, nepotism as a defense against corruption-Ed)'ve stopped laughing Ed...(yeah, that's quite breath-taking isn't it-Ed)...

Tomorrow: The Bernard Finnigan Case

Four years and 30 adjournments after his April 2011 arrest on multiple Child Pornography charges the case finally hit the Court proper in March/April 2015 and the sitting Magistrate 'retired to consider his decision', then a deafening silence for over 4 months, and now, late last week, the Magistrate suddenly declared he was going on holiday for 2 months...(you're shreckin' kiddin' me-Ed) I look like I'm kidding?...(no, no you don' fact, you've got the same look on ya' face as when you ran into Rory McEwen at the supermarket last week-Ed)...not that he'd look at me the gutless prick...   

I am Nick Fletcher and when I run into pro-paedophile corrupt politicians like Rory McEwen at the supermarket I just walk on by 'cos we both know and there's a time and a place and the supermarket ain't it...(go you good thing-Ed)...and the cowardly bastard dropped his gaze and pretended not to see me...pathetic...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and later...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Today's Weather - Everything's Fine, Just Fine

***please excuse disjointedness of this post, it's been repeatedly reworked over many weeks, shelved, redone, etc, etc, and shelved's a sortta' 'feedback post' too so it covers stuff from previous's a bit all over the place but there's some interesting stuff here I hope..cheers...***

***Why Bother With This 'Ere Blog?***
...Hello and welcome to the blog...not a day passes that I'm not conflictedly confident about the impact that this 'ere blog is having, and why that's such a sad thing...(oh gourd, we're not off on another rambling diatribe about how corrupt the media are and what a scything inditement it is that this 'ere blog is the voice of reason and accurate reportage in this community...mind you, I tend to agree that it's an atrocious state of affairs when the The Border Watch and the ABC South East continually operate with such intentional deceit and collusive corruption-Ed) long as you don't lose sight of the fact, Ed, that it's you, me, and this 'ere blog what's the only real problem...(speak for yourself-Ed) are...(***what with Ed bein' a confected literary device I use to create discussion, use to set-up jokes, etc...(I feel so used-Ed)...and so I***)

There's Ya' Problem Right There:...and that's why I come onto this 'ere blog and unload on certain people like Rory McEwen, Grant King, Greg Muller, Bill DeGaris, Steve Perryman, et al, because these people are the problem...(aaah, there's ya' problem right there mate, all them super-dodgy clowns rortin' and stealin' and coverin'-up paedophilia and such-Ed)...indeed Ed...and yet, somehow, it's all apparently someone else's fault, namely this one, somehow it's my fault that these corrupt people are destroying our community with their greed and fraud, etc,'s come 'round again that it's my "fault" about the Jazz Academy student accommodation stuff-around...(***more tomorrow because it's happened yet again***)... the TBW's latest 'article' re my Court stuff...(you mean that farcically flawed piece of journalistic jetsam that they tried to float recently, and that you ever-so politely eviscerated a few posts back? the one full of wrong dates and deliberate lies?-Ed)...well that hardly narrows it down, but yes, that's the one, from TBW Thursday July 2nd 2015......(and the feedback?-Ed)...oh yes, sorry, someone commented to me how well written and how balanced that article was, that it didn't seem to attack me the way some other stuff in the local media has, particularly in TBW...(I'm sure they were thrilled when you explained the multitude of faults and failings there-in-Ed)...over the moon...(do you mean mad almost beyond lunacy?-Ed)...almost Ed, almost...

Once I'd explained that the dates are wrong, the inferred 'Dirty Perpness' of putting my actual name as my criminal alias, (Nick), and the deliberate and repeated lies about my 'failure' to appear for the initial hearing, lies that are 'defamatory' because 1) TBW know they're wrong, 2) they are therefore deliberately printing falsehoods, 3) TBW is doing it deliberately to try and discredit me...(well stop whinging about it and sue the idiots-Ed)...I can't see what that would achieve, particularly in a State where the Judiciary is so corrupted and collusive, particularly with their extraordinary pro-paedophile attitudes/decisions...(yeah, fair the very least, even if you ignore the vast raft of 'Suspended Sentences' and/or 'Good Behaviour Bonds', etc, handed to Child Abusers, it's impossible to take the SA Judiciary seriously with that rankly corrupt pro-paedophile unit Bill Morris as a State Magistrate-Ed)...unfortunately, that's a very accurate and fair commentary...     

(Are you also talking about the rank corruption of the Regional Development Board whom launched what turned out to be a 5 year Defamation case against Robe Council and/or their representative/s, just because RDA were politely and appropriately asked to explain what it is exactly they (RDA) do with the multiple $millions of taxpayer's money that the government give them, apparently without any accountability?-Ed)...yep, that's the sort of corruption I'm talkin' about...(geez, that Court action must have cost a small fortune-Ed)...absolutely Ed...banks of lawyers farting about for years as Taxpayers and/or Ratepayer's money was heaped-up and burned, all in the name of hiding what? corruption?...who knows...I openly if not happily question Grant King's appointment to positions at both RDA and the Health Advisory Council as being heavily corrupted appointments, and the conduct of the RDA as being simply by definition wholly corrupted...I've gotta' bunch of people literally chewin' my ear off re the rank corruption and fraud, eg, at Green Phone...(yeah, they're not happy about that, are they?-Ed)...not happy at all Ed, not happy at all...

There are Monarchies, there are Hierarchies, there are Meritocracies, even Democracies, and in South Australia we live in what I call a Corruptcracy...(***I recently saw a program describing Vladimir Putin's governance of Russia and the wholesale theft of state assets by Putin and senior officials/oligarchs/whatevs, describing this as a Kleptocracy...(Kleptocracy...I like for me-Ed)...apparently works pretty well for Putin and Pals too***)...Corruptocracy - when one has proven one's corruptability and/or willingness to engage in corruption, one is heavily promoted regardless of actual professional suitability/credibility...the more corrupt you are, the more readily complicit you are, the more likely you are to be promoted...enter people like Grant King...and he's just one of a plethora of wholly questionable Labor appointments across the State...

(Yeah, what's happened to that Labor stooge Mia Handshin whom Labor made the head of the Environmental Protection Authority despite the fact that she had absolutely no experience in the field?-Ed)...dunno', heard nuthin' recently, but I remind availees that Labor circumvented the established convention of approaching a range of experts to seek their nominations/candidates for a short-list process, etc, and instead chose their own appointee who doesn't technically compromise those conventions because she is a complete novice with no experience what-so-ever in the field...(wow-Ed)...I also remind availees that we also have a SAPol officer...err...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison there, well he's running the Education Dept and/or Families SA, and counselling Families SA staff, etc,'s an absolute dog's breakfast... 

Regional Development Australia, Mt Gambier, looks like an open artery of corruption, perpetuating the State Sickness of syphoning Taxpayer's and/or Ratepayer's money straight into the pockets of corrupt public officials and/or their mates, etc, etc...(who the hell do they think they are? Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...hilarious segue Ed, because it was then (now former) City Councillor Biddie Tietz (now Shearing) who was suddenly appointed as RDA Tourism Development Officer (Limestone Coast or whatevs) and literally first thing she did was hand $140,000 to her close friends at the very wealthy thanks very much if you don't mind Barn Palais, and a Barn rep went on the local ABC Radio glibly stating that the $140k was going to buy some "shiny new taps" for their $million extensions/expansion/whatevs...(just priceless-Ed)...$140k's worth of priceless...

It is absolutely unbeshreckin'lievable and inexcusable that Grant King was appointed to these critical positions with RDA and HAC, concurrently, fresh from the rank corruption of the Green Phone collapse and the disappearance of $millions, a fraudulent failure that remains entirely un-investigated...(well that's because Authorities know exactly what's happened and who's responsible and, again, that's why people get these jobs running RDA and the Health Advisory Council, etc, because of a proven track record of corruption and deceit, and that's who Labor wants because that's how they operate, that's what Labor are, corrupt to the pro-paedophile core-Ed)...ouch...

Just listening to Minister Gail Gago blah blahhing her way through another ABC Radio 'Dorothy Dixer' interview re Labor's latest job cuts to TAFE (Tertiary And Further Education), some 500 jobs to go, allegedly/apparently, and the obvious concern is that most if not all those jobs will be axed in the Regional centres like Mt Gambier, potentially leading to campus closures...(but didn't Labor only a few months ago, suddenly wrench-back over 90% of all training positions and the associated funding, simultaneously stating, and it was Gail sayin' it, 'we don't know what impact it will have on private providers, etc, but we're doin' it anyway'-Ed)...indeed she/they did Ed, dismantled the current system, for all it's possible faults and failings, but dismantled it with an acknowledged lack of knowledge about what they were doing or what it would result in...(so are these job cuts related to that 'wrench-back', or just standard Labor bastardry as they scramble to stem the Budgetry bleed-out that exists as a result of their rank corruption?-Ed)...dunno, both probably...

Just remember what Labor did a few years back with the Shared Services (Public Service) job cuts in the name of efficiency, axing nearly 50 full-time positions in Mt Gambier and even moving some of those jobs to Adelaide, jobs that some families were forced to follow...(and that whilst maintaining a massively unnecessary and unwieldy Public Service in Adelaide of some 100,000, a heavily Unionised support base for Labor-Ed)...orr you're not playing politics are you Ed? you know how much politicians like myself hate it when our counterparts 'play politics'...(you mean whilst you all play politics?-Ed)...exactly, it absolutely shizzles me when pollies use this moronic phrase to try and discredit an opponent and/or their opinion/'s all 100% Playing Politics, 100% of the time...(yeah, it's right up there with don't be confused by "the mere fact of words", State politician Bernard Finnigan's lawyer's defense strategy for Bernie's Child Pornography Trial re the search terms that Bernie had used-Ed)...indeed...(***more tomorrow...and it's unbeshreckin'lievable***) 

(I was stunned to see PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott delivering South Australian Premier Jay 'The Shiny' Weatherill's recent speech to the National Press Club-Ed)...ummm, that was actually Ray Jay himself, Ed, not Funky Tones...(are you sure?-Ed)...'fraid so...(but he was wearing a Liberal blue tie with his shiny expensive suit, and there were all the robotic hand claspings and stilted mannequinnish gesticulations...he looked exactly like The Mad Monk-Ed)...and that was the idea Ed, genuine political allegiance is extinct and in SA has been for over a decade as the completely corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor state government morphs into a Liberal clone out to woo swinging Liberal voters by embracing Liberal policies, attitudes, and mannerisms, most obviously, Privatising everything that moves...

(Yeah, but that Privatisation stuff is not ideologically driven, it's, 1) a smorgasbord of corrupt deals for Labor Ministers and their mates/supporters, eg, South East Forestry Sale, the Gillman Land Sale, Mt Barker Re-zoning, Motor Accident Commission sale, WorkCover, etc, and 2) the only income Labor can generate due to their absolute incompetence as Managers-Ed)...and of course those 2 go hand in hand...for over a decade Labor has been unsustainably propping up the State by corruptly flogging off valuable state assets to their corrupt mates... 

And then of course there's the no.1 Bipartisan issue in SA politics, Hiding Paedophilia...(are you referring to the wholesale unified and rank political pro-paedophile corruption of South Australia's parliament, especially of Labor and Liberal, both parties being riddled with paedophiles, or more specifically to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...throw a dart at the shreckin' board and wherever it lands mate, wherever it lands...

(***and that's why I do this 'ere shreckin' blog***)

Tomorrow: The TRB/CSO Letter       

(***apologies again for what I know is a bit of an average post...'pushing forward still' and all that and plenty of shizzle to come in future posts, please bear with me...cheers***)

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...