Monday, May 31, 2021

Confused About Australia's Vaccine Roll-out? And More Christian Porter vs ABC Defamation Stuff

Howdy dear availees, just yet another stop-gap post directing y'all to some other people's excellent research, etc...Language Warning, through-out this post...and our first stop is the Scott 'Scummo' Morrison Liberal/National party perpetual cluster-fuck that is our national COVID19 vaccine roll-out...('stroll-out' more like it-Ed)...indeed, you ain't the first person to make that terrible but evisceratingly accurate pun, 'cos our roll-out is dragging along at an appallingly incompetent stroll, as opposed to an actual roll...(and with that the battering blizzard of conflicting information and contradictory denial and/or refusal of responsibility from the Scummo LNP-Ed)...indeed Ed, a massive serve of incompetent malfeasance with deceitful word-salad, and all the text-book 'gaslighting' you can eat, it's classic LNP fraud and failure...the LNP have absolutely fucked our vaccine roll-out to within an inch of it's life, sowing confusion and therefore distrust and disorder, etc, and then blaming the media and the 'victims', what is us folks... 

Below I've posted the link for the most excellent piece put together by 3 ABC journos I haven't heard of before, carefully explaining the endless unrealistic self-praising announcements from the LNP, particularly Scummo, and the relentless barrage of immediate denials, baffling contradictions and changes to the timeline...(changes that are inevitably presented as "what we always said it would be" by Scummo, Health Minister Greg Hunt, and career LNP stooge Brendan Murphy, et al-Ed)...indeed, in a cavalcade of deceits and outright lies, who can forget that pitiful crescendo a few weeks back where these clowns all contradicted each other on the same day?...(and just last week were refusing to accept any responsibility for the slow uptake, flatly denying they'd said, 'there's no rush', having repeatedly said "it's not a race", and  whilst still saying exactly that!-Ed) put me in mind of that extraordinary circumstance a few weeks back when Phil Gaetjens and AFP Commissioner Nick Kershaw were simultaneously giving evidence to different Senate Estimates hearings and managed to flatly contradict each other...(and then hours later Kershaw released a statement changing his 'evidence' to agree with Gaetjens-Ed)...which has since been proven to be as a result of Gaetjens calling Kershaw that arvo and requesting him to change his 'evidence'...(thick as the thieves they are-Ed)...indeed...

But we digress...if you've been trying to follow the endless announcements that prove to be lies...(over and over again, lie upon lie-Ed)...yeah, if you've been trying to make sense of all that, here is a most excellent presentation that covers that last few months...please note that this does not cover how Scummo loudly congratulated himself many times in early-mid 2020 about how he'd managed to get Australia to "the front of the queue for vaccines", but then managed to completely fuck-up the Pfizer orders mid-2020, meaning we're now lagging way behind in our orders/supplies, and resultantly in vaccinations conducted...(and again, Scummo and Greg Hunt et al refuse to take responsibility, and straight-out lie about how this was always their plan, etc-Ed)...couldn't lie straight in bed, as my Pops used to say...anyhoos, please peruse this excellent appears quite long but it's 90% graphs and stuff...

And I know I ain't the only one screaming 'CON JOB' when the LNP and their compliant, complicit lap-dog Main Stream Media suddenly reversed their position regarding the safety of the Astra-Zeneca day the concerns about blood clots were being waved away as irrelevant, but then the LNP realised just how badly they'd fucked-up their procurement processes, leaving us multi-millions of doses shy, and suddenly AZ is only for people over 50...(but not before Scummo tried to falsely blame 'Europe' for that procurement failure-Ed)...indeed...(and why that arbitrary age? why 50?-Ed)...well it's 'Pick A Number' politics masquerading as sage medical strategy...(and a strategy that instills doubt if not outright fear in AZ, and therefore slows the demand-Ed)...exactly, and then gaslight and blame the media and public by reverse engineering that process and time-frame...(and get away with that 'cos the MSM does sweet fuck-all to hold the LNP to account for anything-Ed) on...

Also, Scummo has said that we're gunna' get 20million more Pfizer doses 'at the end of the year', and repeatedly stated "it's not a race", etc, etc, and couple that with the concerns about AZ, be they justified or not, and with all of the LNP's contradictory advise/evidence, and it's no wonder some people have chosen to wait until the more effective/reliable Pfizer becomes available later this year...(Scummo and Hunt et al are also straight-out lying when they say that '4million Australians have been vaccinated'-Ed)...yes they are lying, 'cos they damn-well know that to be actually 'vaccinated' requires having received two doses, and that number is more like 500,000, one eighth of what they're claiming, close-on only 2% of the entire population...(and it's corrupt and it's a lie 'cos they know that specific difference-Ed)...exactly, a known lie knowingly presented as rancid self-congratulation...from Scummo on down, the LNP are liars, thieves, and crooks...      

And then there's today's second issue, former LNP Attorney-General 'Rapist'* Christian Porter's 'Defamation Case' against the ABC...please find below the link to the Kangaroo Court of Australia article about the latest developments...again I am following people/sites like KCofA to get accurate reportage and opinion/explanation of this issue, where-in I do not understand the legal minuteae in the way that Shane Dowling, Ronni Salt, Michael West and others in that context I readily defer to their superior knowledge, and especially to Mr Dowling who has a long history of 'legal activism' directly related to KCofA...I hope that my understanding of these latest developments, as covered in this article, that my read on it is somewhat erroneous...I am concerned that the LNP-controlled ABC might agree to mediation with Porter and therefore all of that 'evidence' about what an abusive person Porter is, that evidence will get 'buried' under some sort of dodgy's to being wrong...   (*where-in Porter's actions to hide evidence and deny appropriate inquiry have self-defined him as being guilty)

There are several other Porter-related articles on KCofA, and links to other news articles, etc...(I like the bit where he directly calls-out Sue Chrysanthou SC for her willing perjury-Ed)...yep, and the perjury/corruption of her 'supporters'...(hey, that Arthur Moses, SC, is that the lip-less lizard-man ventriloquist doll dude they had on the ABC's 'Canberra Bubble' program who quite erroneously quoted "The Rule of Law" as an excuse for not investigating Porter?-Ed)...yeah he did, but only while openly acknowledging that his 'opinion' completely contradicted the legal opinions of all his legal mates...(I found it particularly creepy how he managed to talk without moving his mouth, at all, or indeed any facial muscles what-so-ever-Ed)...has he perhaps been Botoxed upto the eyeballs and beyond...(dunno', whatevs' it was/is dead-set creepy-Ed)...and also notable, how the MSM has yet again misrepresented the reality of what has transpired, and in a manner to supposedly support Porter... 

So there's a relatively short post with lottsa' homework to do...and dead-set, just listening now on ABC/BBC News Radio to Greg Hunt doing a press conference, desperately arguing his way around and/or away from taking responsibility for the vaccine roll-out fuck-up and the latest South Australian hotel quarantine fuck-up that has become another Victorian outbreak that has now spread to an Aged Care facility, etc...(lies, spin, denial and deflection, all coated with the same fake figures as above?-Ed)...yep, and on cue, he calls on sad old LNP stooge Phil Coorey for a soft-cock Dorothy Dixer question that deliberately praises the LNP and helps lead Greggo away from the quagmire of failure and refused responsibility...(yeah, good ol' Phil, he ain't nuthin' if not reliable-Ed)...yeah, good ol' Phil...

Tomorrow: I Will Get To That Ian White Deputy Coroner Post

JUST BREAKING:...BAM! Porter has withdrawn his claim against the further action by either party and no damages awarded...dunno' about costs or what else has been 'agreed' and/or where this goes from here, but this is huge news and it clearly and loudly illustrates that Porter is a fake and a coward...(so, when it's became apparent that his supposed case was disintegrating around him and that he was about to be outed for all his other abuses/Rapes?/whatevs, he's shot through like the proverbial and actual rat out of an aqueduct-Ed)...absolutely, screeches his innocence and attacks the Whistleblowers, the ABC and Ms Louise Milligan, and tries to knobble/disallow their defense, and still can't actually stand and face the reality and consequences of his own actions...Coward, Liar, Self-Defined Rapist...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Independent News Website CRIKEY Posts List Of Scott Morrison Lies

Howdy dear availees...just this super-short notification/link to the CRIKEY story, as they have generously posted it themselves...I don't always agree with CRIKEY but I fully support them in a context of genuine independent a climate/country where the Main Stream Media is so wholly and relentlessly biased toward the Liberal/National Party and their pathological liar PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, it is sites like CRIKEY that provide informed balance to any debate...the fact that the MSM protects and enables Scummo's pathological lying, that no-one officially calls him out on his relentless lying, that is the real issue here's the link to this excellent CRIKEY many witty scribes are reporting, Scummo's action in Parliament this very afternoon render this list of lies as outdated and incomplete...there are multiple attached articles and explanatory side-bars, so I'm just gunna' direct y'all to that stuff, and say happy reading... 

It also appears that all 3 of Scummo's transparently fake 'investigations' into the Brittany Higgins Rape Case, are going to be 'suppressed/hidden' via fraudulent 'Cabinet Confidentiality' in Senate Estimates Scummo's Secretary of the PMO, Phil Gaetjens, refused to answer basic questions about who knew what/when about the Rape, and the Stephanie Foster report, even she doesn't seem to know what's happening with that...and in his latest display of rankly incompetent arrogance and hubris, Scummo literally just now slapped down the Kunkel review of who in the PMO was back-grounding against Ms Higgins, stating that "my Chief of Staff found in the negative", which is itself not true...Scummo offered no details, did not provide the Opposition a copy, etc, just literally threw it on the desk and slumped back into his's the link to the actual statement...

Note the attached commentary that quite rightly dissects the weasel-worded non-statements...and never forget that it was self-important scumbag Peter Van Onselen whom stated outright that someone had back-grounded him directly...time for slimey PVO to 'fess-up and name that source that Kunkel apparently couldn't (didn't want to) find...and of course this list doesn't include the 'Safe Workplace Inquiry' that the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins is conducting...(is that the one she did over a year ago but has sat gathering dust on Scummo's desk ever since?-Ed), this a new one that she was directed to start almost exactly a year after tabling her first report...just Interweb search 'Jenkins workplace Inquiry' for multiple stories on both her previous and current Inquiries, the timing, etc...      

Tomorrow: That 'Magistrate White Rewarded For Corruption With Promotion To Deputy State Coroner' Post

Literally and actually just more tales of South Australia's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, May 24, 2021

Kerry Stokes (Channel 7) Uses Craig McLachlan To Attack ABC Again

Howdy dear availees, just a super-short post to follow-on immediately from the previous post, to address the latest installment of the less-than subtle attack on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation by the Stokes-owned Channel 7...the original lengthy and quite bizarre program aired last Sunday evening 16th May 2021, and then there was this 10 minute reprise/add-on last evening 23rd May per previous post, I believe that the entire motivation of that program was to attack the ABC, superficially in support of McLachlan's 'Defamation Case' against them, but with a much deeper agenda...this was first and foremost about undermining the ABC, and  most specifically about white-anting the ABC in support of self-defined Rapist and former Liberal Attorney General Christian Porter...for a detailed explanation, I again refer y'all to the previous post...

And again for the record, I have been royally screwed-over by the ABC South East Radio (Mt Gambier), firstly with their rancidly corrupt collusion in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and then with their grossly biased and unprofessional reportage against me with ya' ICAC trial stuff-Ed)...indeed...(and appearing as Prosecution witnesses against you, whilst refusing to provide documents to support their false claims against you, etc-Ed)...well quite, so I personally have every right to criticise the ABC...(and in complete contrast to it's supposed Leftie-leaning agenda/bias, the ABC is currently massively pro-Liberal/National Party biased, and are clearly and deliberately awash with former Murdoch hacks and stooges-Ed)...absolutely, but for all these faults and failings, the bigger picture in this case is what CH7/Stokes are doing to help their mate Rapist Christian Porter...

*And again, I say 'Rapist' not 'alleged Rapist' because 1) I believe Ms Katherine Thornton and her friends/supporters, and 2) that Porter's entire conduct defines his guilt, eg, bizarrely deleting his phone records, deleting his debating history that directly linked him to the time and place of the Rape, his pathetically self-pitying press conference where he outed himself but denied it, his (and Scott Morrison's) refusal to be involved in a genuinely independent Inquiry, his attempts to have the ABC's 'Defamation' defense thrown-out/suppressed...and then of course there's his well documented previous conduct...and 3) the New South Wales Police deliberate refusal to interview Ms Thornton, because they knew that what she was 'alleging' was true...*

Last evenings 'stunning revelation with a critical eyewitness' was oddly tacked-on to the end of another program (about Martin Bryant), and was more of the same from Ch7...they are working very hard to pinpoint and discredit very specific moments in time, but simultaneously ignore the vast majority of other material that contradicts their narrative...(and all the usual suspects, like the brain-dead LNP sycophants at SKY News, have all been screeching for the summary execution of the ABC over their supposed manipulation of witnesses, women assaulted by McLachlan-Ed)...yeah, and all the angry misogynists and Craigy-lovers, etc...(and a fair serve of LNP and/or Ch7 'bots' too from what I'm lookin' at-Ed) doubt, they're all droppin' outta' the rafters to screech abuse at these women and/or the ABC, mostly blissfully unawares as to exactly how thoroughly they're being manipulated by the cynical Ch7... 

I've previously stated my experience of being interviewed where the reporter and I discussed and modified my statements, not least of all because some things I was saying simply couldn't be published for legal reasons...(as you've identified, Ch7 deliberately manipulated the truth by very carefully cherry-picking very brief segments from much longer interviews, and in a broader context where they themselves have doubtless done exactly the same thing many times-Ed)...and the ABC have addressed exactly this point in their response, and here 'tis...*** 

Response to the Seven Network and Mark Llewellyn


In January 2018 the ABC reported allegations made by three women regarding actor Craig McLachlan. The broadcast and online stories included interviews with these women.

Last week the Seven Network aired claims, since repeated elsewhere, that the women interviewed were “manipulated” by an ABC producer and reporter “to say certain things”. Seven producer Mark Llewellyn subsequently claimed the women were “coached” and that there was “clear evidence of words being put in (their) mouths”.

The ABC rejects these claims. They are also offensive to the women who stepped forward to tell their stories.

Seven has selectively edited raw footage and used very brief grabs without full context from near the end of an almost hour-long interview with one of the women.

The unedited footage shows the interviewee was asked to repeat in a more succinct way statements she had already made on-camera. This is a normal television industry practice in some cases to ensure content is presented in a clear way for viewers.

At the time of the original story the ABC offered Mr McLachlan the opportunity of an interview, sent him detailed questions and ran his responses extensively.

Media contact

Sally Jackson | ABC Communications

***...and that is exactly what I wrote in my previous post, and as repeated above...and again the same sad ol' suspects come charging over the hill they choose to die on...(why is it so many people cannot, or rather will not, see the Truth of how they are being manipulated so long as the outcome/agenda agrees with their personal biases and/or beliefs-Ed)...well that's the perfect rhetorical question isn't it Ed, and it's why I refuse to jump on the ABC in this instance just 'cos I have my own quite justified issues with their conduct...if I am in any ways a semi-intelligent person, it's that I know well-enough not to just side with a certain group/position/whatevs and not consider other possibilities/opinions/whatevs...what Ch7 is doing here is so transparently obvious, and classic 'gaslighting', they are accusing the ABC of inappropriate manipulation by themselves engaging in crass manipulation... 

Tomorrow: Magistrate White As Deputy State Coroner

Still coming to terms with what a deeply corrupted appointment this is and the critical implications for all South Australians...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


Monday, May 17, 2021

Channel 7 Uses Craig McLachlan To Attack ABC On Behalf Of Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter

Howdy dear availees you can tell from that title, there's an awful lotta' awful stuff to be unpacked in this 'ere post...forced myself to sit through the bizarre and offensive Channel 7 'Spotlight' program last night, and my first and most prominent impression is that this was about Channel 7 owner Kerry Stokes attacking the ABC, on behalf of his pet politicians in the rancidly corrupt Liberal/National Party...(BAM! right outta' the gate, tell us what ya' really think-Ed)...with a view to try and influence the ongoing 'Defamation Case' that McLachlan is pursuing against the ABC...(a 'case' that continues to unravel for dear Craigo as it has revealed that there were/are several more people 'alleging' his inappropriate conduct, which in some instances is definitively assault-Ed)...absolutely, to a total of 10 now...but that delicious irony aside, why would good ol' Stokesy and the LNP be so keen to stick-it to the ABC?...(ummm, to try and eradicate the competition, the ABC, and to simultaneously support the LNP's anti-ABC ideology?-Ed)...both correct I'm sure, but what's the more immediate motivation...(errrrr-Ed)...two words...(ummmm, any clues?-Ed)...'alleged Rapist'...(ahhh, Christian Porter-Ed)

Not a shadow of doubt that Stoke's agenda here is to try to support/protect Rapist (LNP) Christian Porter, to support Porter's 'Defamation Case' against the ABC by trying to white-ant the this context Stoke's has literally sacrificed McLachlan as a mere medium to focus that white-anting...(of course, that farcically appalling attack on McLachlan's accusers/victims is ultimately about helping Porter-Ed)...Stokes is trying to support McLachlan. but only in the sense that this pathetic program insidiously attacked the ABC, hopefully to help McLachlan sue the ABC, etc, with an ultimate goal of supporting/strengthening Porter's ridiculously arrogant 'Defamation Case' against the this context, McLachlan is just a poor, ignorant stooge being utilised by an immoral media tycoon, to help that tycoon's Rapist's a mutual relationship mired in Western Australian politics and assorted associated alliances/allegiances... 

But if you're now feeling a bit sorry for poor ol' unwitting Craigo, that he is some long-suffering innocent whom has been used and discarded, etc, just to put everything in context about poor ol' Craigo, here in his own words is how he describes an 'incident' with Ian 'Molly' Meldrum...this is repeated multiple times across Twitter, originated in Ian "Molly" Meldrum's autobiography Ah Well, Nobody's Perfect, and as then reported in The Sydney Morning Herald article 9th January 2019...***

"I couldn't help myself this night," said McLachlan, who explained in the book that he was off stage and the audience couldn't see him.

"As Molly was reading his piece, I glided my seven-inch stiletto heel on to the back of his trouser leg. By the time I got to his knee, the audience could see my shoe. I continued up … I located where I imagined his arsehole to be.

"Molly looked down ready to give me a good serve, but I had manipulated my dick out of my G-string and was wildly swinging my member. My stiletto is a good four inches up his arse and I'm whipping my member around.

"I was too much for Molly. He lost it and said, 'Craig, you are awful to me!'

"'I'm Frank-N-Furter, you idiot'," I hissed. "'If you're gonna lose it, at least stay in character!'"

***So there you go, that's the sortta' champ ya' mate Craigo is...Anally Raping a man on stage mid-performance, whilst waving his dick about, and thinking it's all a jolly hilarious wheeze to be boasted puts into context McLachlan's repeated 'argument/defense' that these other assaults couldn't have happened 'cos of all the people around and/or it was on stage, etc...(and it's also a clear indicator that he had been behaving like that for some time, 'cos you don't just sodomise a work colleague and wave your dick at them as a one-off, first time 'lark'-Ed) on Ed, absolutely spot on, and it's well documented that he was a regular offender...from that same TSMH article...***
Only recently the show's creator Richard O'Brien said of McLachlan: "If most people went to the lengths Craig does, it would be offensive, but it never is with him. Of course, we have to rein him in occasionally." 
***And finally, here's part of the Magistrate's final comments about McLachlan's behaviour, her verdict as given under the old legislation, and the vile conduct of McLachlan's lawyer in attacking the woman...McLachlan and the CH 7 program made a huge deal out of the fact that he was "innocent", proven 'Not Guilty', etc, so here's the actual context of that supposed 'exoneration'...*** 
***So now we've established the genuine pro-Porter motivation for this disgraceful program, and what sort of person McLachlan really is, and just exactly how 'innocent' the Magistrate actually considered him to be, etc, here's the promo wording for that program and the link for the actual one-minute footage...***
A major @7NewsSpotlight documentary months in the making. New evidence. New eyewitnesses. Never-before-seen footage. Explosive revelations. 7NEWS Spotlight: Horror Show. Premieres tomorrow night at 7.00 on Channel 7.

***Now I don't know what the "new evidence" was, because there was no actual "evidence" presented...(I think that might be the stuff about the ABC story and the supposed manipulation of the witnesses, etc-Ed)...could be, dunno', there was no actual 'evidence' of anything I saw, it was all conjecture, hearsay, and McLachlan's denials and/or opinion...and there's a swathe of stuff on Twitter, etc, about how people were not going to watch this deeply distorted load-a-shizzle, and I was initially one of them, but I forced myself to, and now you can too as I'm just going to go through it point by point as I consider them to be important...

1) 'his partner was there all the time and she saw nothing'...(well like he's gunna' do it in front of her-Ed)...exactly, it's a moot point that neither disproves or proves any assaults/harassment...(and as above, he's admitted doing stuff previous on stage mid-performance-Ed)...exactly...

2) 'the ABC manipulated and coached the accusers'...supposedly proving that the accusations were false...I've been interviewed several times by journos, including for a lengthy story Channel 10 did in January 2005 about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and re-doing and re-wording statements are common practice...(and it's exactly what this program did with McLachlan, and with the emotive music, etc, it was standard 'current affairs' over-dramatisation and viewer manipulation-Ed)...exactly, and add-in carefully avoided facts, etc, and those drastically over-dramatised minor but supposedly supportive incidents/events, eg, why did they need to do a re-enactment drive down a street to point at a cafe and say 'that's where my accuser happily greeted me', etc? why not just state it?...(to try and create a sense of reality, ie, 'ooo look, there's the actual cafe, etc, it must be true'-Ed)...that, possibly, and to ramp-up the supposed importance of that minor exchange...

3) this show very carefully focussed on one particular allegation, the mid-show kiss, and did so in exquisite detail, including a bizarre re-enactment by McLachlan and his partner Vanessa Scammell...(which for some strange reason was filmed from high above...was this some lame attempt at dramatic effect?-Ed)...dunno', whatevs, but it hilariously showed a) McLachlan has a terrible singing voice, and more critically b) their collective statements about the innocent nature of the on-stage kiss, etc, was immediately contradicted by how they played it out...the accusation was about an 'unscripted kiss' followed by an unduly long 'hug' which the complainant felt powerless to remove herself from...McLachlan and Scammell played-out a brief peck-style kiss followed by no hug at all...

4) 'we want him out of that job'...was a phrase used by the ABC producer (I think) and repeated several times by Channel 7, once several times over, with the obligatory serious music playing behind it, etc, all classic D-grade current affairs manipulation, used as some sort of supposed proof that the accusers and ABC were out to get Craigo...(as I recall it, this comment was actually made at the time of and relating to the re-starting of the Rocky Horror Show play, and specifically referred to the 'accusers' desire to protect other women from McLachlan-Ed)...indeed, I understood it that that specific motivation was what initially brought these women forward...note Ch7 repeatedly used the same few very limited clips from what would have been extensive footage, indicating Ch7 was deliberately trying to create a false narrative about the tone and context of those interviews, thusly manipulating the Ch7 viewers... 

5) 'post-Weinstein era, hashtag Me Too movement gone mad' just straight-out an appalling thing for McLachlan to say...(along with repeatedly saying that these 'false accusations' were motivated by the Weinstein and/or MeToo events-Ed)...and/or by the accuser's desire to seek revenge for not getting contracts and/or just to generate some career-positive publicity/notoriety...(sure, 'cos claiming abuse against a major star, that's really gunna' help promote ya' career ain't it?-Ed)...along with the abusive media attention and legal attacks, etc, is well documented that women are far, far more likely to not report abuse because they fear the backlash, as opposed to the very limited incidents of false accusations...(and 10 people don't just make-up stuff about some-one with no specific agenda, especially when it's non-political-Ed)...yeah, what agenda do 10 people have against one perpetrator?...    

6) 'the will I/won't I log'...supposedly about Craigo contemplating suicide, and monitoring the 'strong tidal pull' of an un-named river, etc, discussions with himself which he happened to video...(very odd stuff, and I'd love to see the time stamps on that video-Ed)...indeed, how genuine was that? was it produced for this moronic 'expose'?...(and what was that bizarre answer when he was asked had he tried to suicide?-Ed)...about 'but I miscalculated the weight'?...(yeah, did he try to tie rocks to himself or something? it doesn't make sense-Ed)...I took it to mean that he had tried to hang himself but the rope broke or the beam or branch, whatevs...(ok, sure, I can see that, but wasn't he talking about drowning himself?-Ed)...yeah, but for me, it was the very carefully indirect way that he alluded to hanging but didn't specifically name it that made it ring untrue...  

7) "Crucified"...was the farcical title of one segment, and totally about trying to elevate the status of McLachlan and try to underline/highlight the narrative about how this was such a wonderful man being horribly persecuted by those soulless heretics at the ABC... 

8) there was a strong 'woman are liars' narrative running through the program, but I'm not sure that that was anything other than a convenient sentiment for Ch7 to tap into, rather than an actual agenda/attitude per this specific story...

9) 'what if hypothetically I had proof the media conspired to get me'...this comment was just thrown out there by McLachlan, but was not followed and/or supported by any actual facts...(I got the impression he was trying to link it to the earlier claims that the ABC had orchestrated/manufactured the witnesses statements, all that stuff-Ed)...indeed, it was a very carefully planned attempt to establish that otherwise unproven 'reality', again playing to the anti-ABC lobby, and trying to give some two-way credibility to both unproven 'realities'...this was directly reminiscent of the appalling Christian Porter press conference where-in he blubbered away about 'just imagine for one second it isn't true'... 

10) 'I was admitted to a mental health facility'...(well his partner 'committed' him and I didn't hear any talk of an actual medical diagnosis or referral/committal-Ed)...and for how long and what level of 'facility', etc, etc...(and how many times recently have politicians disappeared from responsibility for their atrocious actions by hiding in 'Mental Health Care'?-Ed)...exactly, Linda Reynolds, Christian Porter, and most concerning, Ms Brittany Higgin's 'alleged' Rapist Bruce Lehrmann who went into 'MHC' the day her 'allegations' were made public...(and hasn't been seen since, not even interviewed by New South Wales police-Ed) he even still in the country? there's heaps a' Twitter chatter that he's been spirited off to the USofA so as to avoid being questioned...again though, true or false, it's a moot point 'cos admission to care is not always admission to fault...  

I'm sure there's some stuff I've forgotten, but the basic motivation for the program remains as stated and explained above...this was about attacking the ABC, with a view to helping Christian Porter...and apart from something right at the beginning, I'm not sure what happened with the credits for the program, it just abruptly ended and that was it...and whilst there are those who are still singing Craigo's praises and/or screeching abuse at the bastard ABC, etc, the vast majority of reaction is one of disbelief and criticism and trauma, etc...

Here's a link to Kangaroo Court of Australia website that has an excellent take on how several recent/current 'Defamation Cases' have gone wrong or have the potential to go wrong for these poor stooges, including McLachlan and each case the attempted 'Defamation' has only served to expose more allegations/witnesses/victims/etc, and therefore effectively proven the original claims...

...and here-in lies Porter's motivation for trying to have the ABC's entire defense dismissed/ruled-out before they can even present it...he knows there's highly likely other women out there that he's abused/assaulted/harassed, and whether or not he knows specifically what the ABC has in their investigations and that didn't legally make the Four Corners programs, etc, he's desperate to have anything and everything hidden...     

Tomorrow: The 'Magistrate White Is Now Deputy State Coroner' Post

And anyone thinking I'm some sort of dim-witted 'Woke Leftie' blindly defending the ABC, just check-out my many, many criticisms of the ABC, across many posts across many years...I'm just calling this out as I see it playing out, and I continue to support the critical role of a well-funded but genuinely independent ABC...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...   

Monday, May 10, 2021

Christian Porter Scurriously Tries To Hide ABC's Defamation Defense Evidence

Howdy dear availees...still dragging my heels in a deeply depressive rut, so here's a very quick stop-gap, cut-'n'-paste post to keep things rollin' along...I like this piece (below) 'cos it vaguely mimics what I try to do with my confected literary device 'Ed', ie, create a dialogue with some inherent humour, and vice versa...I also reckon that this summarises what most people think when it comes to Christian Porter and his status as an 'alleged Rapist'...said it before, saying it again now, I don't think there's anything "alleged" about Ms Katherine Thornton being Raped by Christian Porter...I believe that Christian's own life-long conduct defines him as a serial Sexual Predator/Offender, and that his farcical denial press conference back in March 2021, complete with fake tears, that appalling li'l performance self-defined his guilt as a the gutless prick, usually shreiking about "the Rule of Law" and "Free Speech", etc, is sueing the ABC for supposedly defaming him, and as part of that process, is trying to have the ABC's 'defense' thrown-out...  

(Hang on, if he's so desperate to have his name cleared and address what the ABC has done, which incidentally was only to identify "a Cabinet Minister", if Christian mate is trying to have the entire 'defense' thrown-out pre-trial, isn't that effectively getting a 'Trial' prior to the actual 'Trial'?-Ed)...exactly it is...(so he's trying to get the Justice to rule on the evidence in secret so that he can have that evidence thrown-out and then permanently suppressed?-Ed) on...(and this is the same guy who wants to clear his supposedly good name, and he's gunna' achieve that by having all the evidence suppressed?-Ed)...that is apparently his strategy...and as this piece (below) covers, the ABC barely scratched the surface of the realities they 'exposed', and that reportage was lawyered to within an inch of it's life before being aired...(and that's why Chrisso mate is so keen to have the ABC's defense suppressed/banned, 'cos it's guaranteed to dump a whole lotta' manure right on his precious li'l privileged head-Ed)...couldn't happen to a nicer guy... 

So here's the one-act play by Andrew Street, and here's also the link...*** 

The Minister's New Defo Suit: A One Act Play
[Curtain rises on a garishly decked out golden stage which no normal human could afford. Pacing the room is A MINISTER, a hawkishly handsome man of early middle age, clad in an expensive suit and a flowing cape of ermine and baby teeth. Sitting awkwardly on the overstuffed couch upholstered in what looks weirdly like human skin but almost definitely isn't is a LAW TALKIN' GUY]
A MINISTER: Right, I’m suing the ABC for defamation!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: For the Canberra Bubble story which claimed you sexually harassed your staff? Not sure that's a great idea - they had a lot of witnesses happy to speak on camera, so I'd be curious about the stuff they didn't…
A MINISTER: No, not that. Definitely not that.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Oh, OK, what?
A MINISTER: For claiming I had been accused of committing a rape 30-something years ago!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Wow, did they say that?
A MINISTER: Well, no. They published a story claiming there were historical allegations regarding a cabinet minister.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: So… so they didn’t name you?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: And the claim, that allegations had been made and that a dossier of material had been circulated, was also factually accurate?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Hmmm. Defamation, you say?
A MINISTER: Well, it was possible to infer that it was me from the context.
A MINISTER: Google searches of my name jumped after the allegations were revealed!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: How about Google searches for, say, Alan Tudge, or Angus Taylor, or Alex Hawke, or literally all of the penis-havers in the federal frontbench?
A MINISTER: What's that got to do with anything?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Well, did the number of searches similarly jump, perhaps suggesting that maybe everyone was curious about who was actually there because this government’s ministry is essentially a series of identical smug white men oozing undeserved entitlement punctuated by a handful of defensive-looking women?
A MINISTER: Listen, are you trying to help me or not?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: OK, sorry. So you’re suing the ABC for reporting there were allegations against an unnamed minister?
A MINISTER: Yes! It’s the only way they’ll learn!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: And not suing the other media outlets which also reported that there were allegations against an unnamed minister?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: And also not suing, for example, the website Kangaroo Court of Australia who actually named you as the minister under investigation?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Huh. And you don't think this looks a bit, well, vendetta-ish?
A MINISTER: Look, the fact is that I want my day in court to finally put all these vile allegations to rest!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Ah, sorry, I misunderstood - so you mean you also want to instigate a police investigation?
A MINISTER: Oh no, definitely not.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Ah, I gotcha: it'll be a parliamentary inquiry, which you’ll totally be able to influence as a senior member of the government while letting the PM angrily insist that proper procedure is being followed. That's smart.
A MINISTER: No, not that either. No investigations of any sort.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: OK. So… a civil court case will settle this, you think?
A MINISTER: Yep. The ABC and Louise Milligan went too far with their baseless slander!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: The ABC, as in the national broadcaster?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: The notoriously cautious media organisation which legals everything within an inch of its life, and the multi-award-winning investigative journalist with decades of experience in breaking complex stories about powerful figures?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: So you think they recklessly threw caution to the wind when it came to a story about the nation’s chief law officer…
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: …of the government that actively invents excuses to attack them and upon which it relies on its very existence?
A MINISTER: That’s the one.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: [pauses, staring with incredulity at the audience for an unbroken 70 seconds] OK, so I guess this will be heard in the NSW Supreme Court, since that’s the state in which where both you and Milligan are based…
A MINISTER: Oh no no no no no, the Federal Court.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: The Federal Court?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: The court over which you, as federal attorney general, appoint the justices?
A MINISTER: I’m not AG any more, I got moved in the cabinet reshuffle.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Ah. So the PM has moved you on? Ouch!
A MINISTER: No, I think it means he has even more faith in my innocence and merely reflects the boundless confidence that this government has in me!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: That’s how you read it?
A MINISTER: How else could it be interpreted?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Never mind. But you’re not worried that there’s a perceived conflict of interest there with the justice hearing your case, even though you were effectively her boss, and she’s serving at the pleasure of your replacement and party colleague?
A MINISTER: See? What conflict?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: Hmmm. Look, I’m not sure you can afford me for this case.
A MINISTER: Money is not a problem.
A MINISTER: Not telling.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: How sustainable do you think it might be that a minister with a taxpayer-funded job is suing the taxpayer-funded ABC in what’s definitely a multi-million-dollar lawsuit, and then refusing to reveal to said taxpayers who’s funding it?
A MINISTER: Very sustainable, is what I think.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: And you don’t think there’s yet another potential conflict of interest in refusing to deny there’s some shadowy individual funding your case?
A MINISTER: People love shadows.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: OK: so, back to wanting to get this matter put to rest…
A MINISTER: Yes! The ABC have no case!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: OK, so we’ll let them reveal their defence, since it’ll obviously be full of holes…
A MINISTER: Oh no, I'll definitely want that suppressed.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: …sorry, what?
A MINISTER: Suppress it. Immediately get the judge to you know, put it on ice.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: And you think this will make you look more innocent, do you?
A MINISTER: The innocentest!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: OK. So, to recap:
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: You want to launch defamation procedures against one of the most well-respected journalists working within the nation’s most trusted and legally risk-averse media organisations over a story that didn’t name you…
A MINISTER: Correct so far.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: …using money coming from a mysterious source…
A MINISTER: Tantalising!
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: …in a court over which you until very recently had oversight…
A MINISTER: Merely a delicious coincidence.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: …while actively suppressing information about the case, including the defence being used against your claim…
A MINISTER: I'm just suppressing it so they're not humiliated by how much it exonerates me.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: …with the intention being to settle the matter of an alleged historical rape of a woman who subsequently took her life, once and for all?
A MINISTER: Nailed it.
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: [tallies up the billable hours in head] Look, I think we can definitely take on this yacht. I mean estate. Sorry, yacht. Case! Definitely case.
A MINISTER: Fantastic! So you think I’m going to win?
A LAW TALKIN’ GUY: [long pause] Define “win”.
*** there it is...(and many a true word spoken in jest-Ed)...indeed...
Tomorrow: Corrupt Magistrate Ian White Appointed SA Deputy State Coroner
As I've discussed multiple times previous, I can refer to Ian White as being a Corrupt Magistrate 'cos I can prove it, even with the limited and partially censored/edited bits of transcripts that I already have...(well his own conduct confirms his bias and bigotry and deep personal animus toward you-Ed)...indeed his behaviour does...(and that's before you look at the definable collusion with SAPol (police) Prosecutions-Ed)...well it's all the same animal really, it's individually and collectively corrupt...(and any 'Coroner' who has previously colluded with and been complicit and/or compliant with SAPol and ICAC and the political agenda, etc, as per your "bizarre trial", that's a matter of deep concern for every citizen of this Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State-Ed)...indeed it is...    
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Massive Burnout From Perpetually Spinning My Wheels

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to yet another stop-gap, 'post something for the sake of posting' continuance of this 'ere's title refers to my most recent epiphany about the trauma that 18 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up has dumped into my existence...(and of course, given that the St Martins Cover-up officially kicked-off in June 2002, we're headed toward 19 years, next month in fact-Ed)...yeah, although, technically the St Martins Cover-up officially started back in the late 1990s when the Lutherans first moved "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from Adelaide to St Martins school in Mt Gambier...(yeah right, after that undefined "incident" the Lutherans told you parents about but wouldn't further explain-Ed)...exactly, so really the '2002 St Martins Cover-up' was just a continuation of the ongoing '1990's Adelaide Cover-up'...(well, the involvement of SAPol (police), Flinders Child Protection Services (Unit), the Teachers Registration Board, multiple Mt Gambier politicians like the rancidly corrupt Rory McEwen, his equally corrupt Labor/Liberal State colleagues, etc, etc, all of that parent-driven activism and resultant Cover-up, that all relates to the June 2002 long weekend removal of Dorling from St Martins-Ed)...agreed...

And today's title?...because it makes such an amusing metaphor, in motoring terms a 'burnout' literally involves spinning one's vehicle's wheels...(or in the case of a motorbike, 'wheel' singular-Ed)...sure, same metaphor applies, but I use it here in one of it's other mainstream applications...(how so dear heart?-Ed)...well as a component in a machine, usually an electrical/electronic component, as that might get worn-out over time or over-loaded, etc, and it breaks, that is usually described as 'burnt-out', not least of all 'cos it may well involve some actually 'burning'...(yeah, I understand, and I reckon we've discussed this stuff just recently-Ed)...indeed, and in this instance, I've used 'burnout' to describe a state of physical and/or mental fatigue, exhaustion and/or trauma brought on by excessive work and/or stress, etc...(and that 'load', would that be related to the constant and overwhelming sense that you're just 'spinning your wheels' when it comes to resolving the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...absolutely spot on mate, absolutely spot on...

By happy happenstance, it's an excellent way to encapsulate exactly what I have personally endured...(and to a lesser degree other parents/families involved have also endured-Ed)...well sure, and not so much 'endured' as have been deliberately and relentlessly subjected to by a rankly Institutionally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australia, from SAPol, to the TRB, the State Parliament (both Labor and Liberal), the Courts, the Main Stream Media, and the most corrupt of them all, the supposedly Independent Commission Against each and every turn, the 'SA System' has not acted to resolve the St Martins Cover-up, but rather to be wantonly complicit and participate in it...(well the FCPS were actually reasonably supportive, in the sense that they did try but eventually capitulated to the relentless corruption of everyone else around them, eg, the way the TRB screwed them over-Ed)...yeah, fair call, at least the FCPS did try, if ultimately they failed, and that 'failure' is markedly removed from the willing pro-Cover-up corruption of those around them, eg, the TRB and SAPol...

This Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption has then manifested itself in my life as the openly corrupt "bizarre trial" that 'Convicted' me of supposedly breaching ICAC legislation...and when you become the target/victim of the rankly corrupt SA ICAC, that then becomes a whole new level of 'spinning ya' wheels'...appropriate Judicial conduct and propriety and fairness, etc, are duly trashed on the way to achieving the predetermined outcome...for example, when I showed/proved to Her Honour Teresa Anderson just what a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution my "bizarre trial" actually was, HH recused herself officially citing "Abuse of Process"...her actions define her as a decent, respectful and honest person who would not be party to said "Abuse of Process"...(well actually, HH repeatedly used the term "Malicious Prosecution" in Court, which is exponentially worse than the already disgraceful "Abuse of Process"-Ed)...true, on both counts, but HH used "Abuse of Process" on the Court's 'Certificate of Record', so I'll just stick with that...(and that's bad enough!-Ed)...indeed it many times in SA legal history has a Magistrate recused themselves, whilst officially citing "Abuse of Process"?...(not many if any?-Ed)...well quite...(and then compare HH Anderson's conduct to the biased, abusive, corrupt Ian White who inexplicably replaced her-Ed)...exactly... 

And this is all relevant as it relates to my 'burnout'...a coupla' weeks back I read an article about 'burnout' that really encapsulated my personal know what it's like, you're reading/watching something, and suddenly you feel yourself shift from 'observer' to 'subject', when what you're looking at becomes about you...and not specifically about you, but exactly mimics/mirrors your own experience/feelings, etc...this is what I went through, reading about the causes and/or symptoms of depression, fatigue, etc, all as it relates to 'burnout' was all there, plain as day, and I ain't sayin' that realising is resolving, but it certainly gave me cause to pause and even ease-up on myself a bit...I've been through nearly 2 decades of extraordinary trauma, at the mercy of a Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State, and it's no bloody wonder I feel a bit perma-knackered...

So onwards and upwards and back into the breach...and with a Federal ICAC being such a popular topic at the moment, and with my personal experience of how corrupt and malicious can be when it comes to attacking and punishing 'Whistleblowers', here's an excellent piece by Geoffrey Watson SC that identifies the deliberate design flaws of 'Alleged Rapist' Christian Porter's proposed Integrity Commission model...***

Porter's plan will help cover up corruption, not expose it

By Geoffrey Watson

When I first read Attorney-General Christian Porter’s proposal for a Commonwealth Integrity Commission, I thought that he was just putting forward a bad model. But then I realised it was worse. Much worse.

The proposed model is badly flawed. The structure, for instance, is all wrong. Why are the activities of the commission divided into a “law enforcement” part and a “public sector” part? Why, for example, should law enforcement officers, of whom the Attorney-General is the notional head, be held to a higher and different standard than the Attorney-General himself? Why do politicians get special protection?

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter.

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

The commission will find it nearly impossible to investigate anything. Very few persons can refer a matter to the watchdog. In practical effect, only politicians may do so. That excludes any referral from the public, or from contractors or bureaucrats – and this would be so, even where that person is specifically aware of actual corruption.

Not even the Auditor-General can make a referral — he or she would need to refer it to another politician and then keep their fingers crossed. Bear in mind that the ICAC’s inquiry into the Obeid family began following an anonymous tip-off. Under Mr Porter’s model, his commission would not be permitted to act on that call.

Then, before the commission can start an investigation, it must already “reasonably suspect” that a crime has been committed. That is just silly. How can you form that opinion before investigating it first?

The threshold of reasonably suspecting a crime is far too high: in practical terms it would prevent any investigation into, for example, the sports rorts affair or the so-called “Leppington triangle” debacle. All that has been exposed in those cases is incompetent administration rather than a crime – a crime can be revealed only by an investigation, but the commissioner cannot investigate. It is circular. The watchdog will be paralysed – unable to act.

If the NSW ICAC had operated under the same rules as the proposed federal watchdog, Eddie Obeid could never have been exposed.

If the NSW ICAC had operated under the same rules as the proposed federal watchdog, Eddie Obeid could never have been exposed.Credit:Rob Homer

Then there is the secrecy. Everything needs to be kept a secret. The fact of a referral is a secret, any investigation is a secret, the commissioner’s opinion as to the existence of corruption is a secret and the referral to the Department of Public Prosecutions is a secret. And if the DPP declines to make a decision, no one will ever know anything about the issue.

You would have thought it was known by now, but I will restate the obvious: secrecy only encourages corruption.

The absence of public hearings is also a foolish oversight. Public hearings are the hallmark of open justice. Just imagine if the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Abuse had conducted its hearings in private. The public can hear and make their own judgments about the evidence and the quality of the evidence.

Please spare me from this condescending rubbish that reputations might be unfairly harmed — the public is capable of making that judgment too. Incidentally, there is an element of hypocrisy here — I did not hear this government complain about the open hearings or the “trashed reputations” at the pink batts royal commission or at the Heydon Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption.

This proposed integrity commission is also prohibited from investigating historical matters. So for all of you who were wanting to know what really happened with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation or in the “Leppington triangle” – you will never, ever know. It is obvious that the government has been playing with us.

A national integrity commission was promised two years ago. This bill has been introduced with a six-month consultation period. There is no hope of having a commission installed before late 2021. By that time, the numerous scandals — sports rorts, grassgate and those excessively generous payments made to Cayman Islands for non-existent water — they will all be gone, dead and buried. Delay is just what the government wanted.

The introduction of a hopelessly neutered commission like that proposed by Mr Porter could do more damage than good. It would entrench a weak body which subsequent governments will be disinclined to strengthen. And because of all of the secrecy involved, a referral to Mr Porter’s Commonwealth Integrity Commission will only facilitate covering up corruption, not expose it.

Geoffrey Watson SC is a Sydney barrister and former counsel assisting the ICAC

***...and this is directly relevant to my personal situation in the following ways...1) everyone is screeching for a Federal ICAC and Labor will supposedly do that, etc, but 2) it was Labor that instigated the rankly corrupt SA ICAC, which 3) behaves exactly as it was designed and intended to, namely, 4) in the exact manner that Mr Watson concludes with... and because of all of the secrecy involved, a referral to Mr Porter’s Commonwealth Integrity Commission will only facilitate covering up corruption, not expose it...this is exactly what SA ICAC is set-up to do, and it's exactly how ICAC legislation was used to persecute and punish me for speaking-out against SA's Pro-Paedophile Corruption...

Tomorrow: The Rancidly Corrupt Magistrate Ian White Appointed SA Deputy State Coroner

Seriously, what hope do I have of ever getting a fair hearing re my continuing attempt to Appeal my "bizarre trial", when this clown has been given such a massive promotion to such a critical position...(have you even managed to access your transcripts yet?-Ed)...nope...(the Courts Administration Authority still stone-walling you on that?-Ed)...yep, the latest was that I could have all the voice recordings, on a USB, but I have to sign a 'contract' to not use any of those recordings for anything...(whaaa? that doesn't even make sense-Ed)...indeed, I'll try to explain tomorrow...

And I can and will continue to call Ian White "corrupt" because he is...he was definably biased against me, repeatedly abused and/or threatened me, and definably colluded with Police Prosecutions and/or their witnesses...his corruption is defined by his own words and/or actions, not least of all in the parts of transcript I have managed to access, and it's a huge part of why I'm being denied access to the remaining and even more damning transcripts/recordings...(it is a massive irony not lost on all involved, that were Ian, mate, and/or the equally corrupt and complicit Crown Solicitors Office ever to make good on their multiple "Contempt of Court" threats against you, that would necessitate you being provided those recordings that irrefutably prove what you're saying about the corruption of all involved-Ed)...exactly, and that's why they've threatened me so many times, across so many years, and yet have never acted...and yes, I am talking to you Dear Googles, as we've discussed before, there is nothing  'defamatory' about telling the Truths, regardless of how distressing or distasteful those Truths are...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...