Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I See A Sea Of Corruption, But No I-C-A-C In Sight

 Howdy y'all dear availees, and yes I know, it's been another 8 days since my last post, again, but I still can't explain exactly where that time went so suddenly, again...anyhoos, here we are and here we go with a bit of a cut-'n'-paste post about/from some of the people I trust to tell me the truth...(in a context where the Main Stream Media, including the ABC, are almost wholly consumed by there pro-LNP bias-Ed)...well indeed, in that context where the MSM and ABC have made themselves 'non-believable' and fundamentally irrelevant, and it's the Twitterati whom have repeatedly brought the reality to the fight...

To put the whole time-slipping/Depression thing into context, I'd like to share a small celebration of mine regarding the Disability Support Pension...(well I'd have thought that defeating the 'We Want Him Gaoled' bastardry of Corrections SA, that would be cause for celebration-Ed)...yeah sure, a huge win, in albeit ridiculously nonsensical circumstances where the Corrections SA Affidavit itself carefully explained why I'd been exempted/excused from doing the 260hrs of Community Service they were subsequently trying to have me imprisoned for not doing...(BOING!-Ed)...yes, it's a tightly wound spring of self-defeating ridiculousness, but there's still that over-hanging threat of impending doom...(particularly given how bizarrely corrupt your original trial was, most especially the wholly corrupt conduct of Magistrate Ian White!-Ed)...exactly, and there was always the potential/possibility/concern that Magistrate Panagiotidis would consider the whole thing too confusing and/or problematic, and send it back to Magistrate White for him to sort out...(and he'd no doubt have continued in exactly the same massively biased and definably corrupted manner he had previous like-Ed)...not a doubt in my mind mate, he'd have happily dismissed/ignored the glaringly obvious and gleefully gaoled me...regardless, that's now officially "resolved", but the related stress will take some time to recover from...given the ludicrousness of the exercise, I'd be easily convinced that causing me stress was the main motivation, and actually getting me gaoled would just have been a huge bonus in that same context...     

But I digress, 'cos I just wanted to identify the sense of relief bordering-on joy that I experienced this week when I received my DSP card, effectively renewing my DSP for another 2 years...and with that comes the feeling of security and support...same coin, opposite side, what is going on in my life that I'm happy to be on the DSP for another 2 years?...(well it's probably 'cos you realise that there are many others who should be getting that level of support, but instead are being dumped on other things like JobSearch/Newstart-Ed)...fair call...and whilst the DSP is a poverty-level payment relative to Australia, I've always remained focussed on the fact that globally-speaking it's a fantastic support in the context where many countries provide far less or just zilch...said it often before, how fortunate and genuinely grateful I am to be a DSP recipient and Housing Trust (public housing) tenant, because of the relative support and stability they provide...and as always, I acknowledge the life of relative luxury and privilege I have enjoyed simply for being born White and a Man in a Stolen Land...solidarity brothers and sisters...  

I See A Sea Of Corruption:...that is fathomlessly deep and has no horizon, indeed, we have in Australia a Political System of Organised Professional Criminality as a system of Government...and that certainly ain't helpin' my stress levels...for example, when and IF I finally get allowed access to my own transcripts...(that's a big 'IF'-Ed)..indeed it is, it's a massive 'IF' 'cos the Courts Administration Authority is now demanding I sign-off on never using those transcripts, and stating that I can't have the many Pre-Trial Conference transcripts, etc, etc...and all of that aside, even if I do get that stuff, who am I going to go to with this incrementally provable litany of Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution masquerading as a trial in a climate where the ultimate 'Authorities' are flat-strap committing their own multiple Corruptionings?...and 'cos I couldn't say it better myself, here's a terrific piece by Bernard Keane on/at Crikey...

Gladys D'Spair The Bi-Polar Bear:...and Crikey does some other excellent work in this area too...I fully concur with their observation that the wholly compromised New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian has worked very hard to turn her duplicitous corruption issues with her 'secret boyfriend' Daryl Maguire into a case of 'good woman done wrong by her dodgy man'...(I love the 'Mills and Boons' descriptor, I think that beautifully encapsulates this very deliberate  faux-feminism non-accountability strategy that Gladys is employing-Ed)...indeed, her and the MSM...and for those livin' under a rock and/or on a different planet, the NSW Premier has been in a "personal relationship" with disgraced ex-NSW LNP politician 'Dazzling' Daryl for 5-7 years...(yeah, even the time-frame seems to change every few days-Ed)...indeed, but the NSW ICAC has been investigating Dazza' for suspected/alleged corruption after he was dumped from NSW parliament 2 years ago for said corruption...(and Gladys only 'dumped' him about 2 months ago after she was called to give evidence at the ICAC-Ed)...indeed again, and it's only one of many seemingly unanswerable questions and/or indefensible issues about this relationship that the MSM and ABC have allowed Gladys to just walk away from...if she threw him out of Parliament/the LNP 2 years ago for 'Corruption', then how can she have continued in their 'secret relationship' and simultaneously claim to not know about his corrupt dealings? simply doesn't make sense... 

Is Faux-Feminism Worse Than Genuine Misogyny?:...furthermore, Gladys's recent publicly broadcast evidence to the ICAC, following her initial 'In Camera' evidence of 2 months back, she suddenly publicly super-casually 'fessed-up to the relationship, then openly and repeatedly lied about, when questioned about Dazza's dealings with a company Gladys repeatedly replied that she didn't even know what that company was, and then ICAC played a phone-tap of her discussing that company with Dazza...(and then there's her comment made when discussing a commission Dazza's due courtesy of some dodgy land deal, "That’s good. I don’t need to know about that bit." dodgy is that? she's clearly aware of the inappropriateness of what's being discussed and knowingly trying to avoid any direct knowledge/responsibility-Ed)...well quite, and here's how Janine Berrett at Crikey has covered this issue...

Well quite frankly dear availee, you could just do as I do and spend quite some time on Crikey 'cos they do a very fine line in investigative journalism and accurate editorialising...(and by "fine line" we mean 'excellent product'-Ed)...yes, good quantifying Ed, 'cos "fine line" as it applies to Gladys's conduct is the vapour-thin difference between 1) her knowing about Dazza's corruption and being complicit by association and/or non-action, etc, and 2) her simply being directly involved in that corrupt conduct...(yep, and it is at best a theoretical line not an actual one 'cos both issues are definably corrupt-Ed)...excellent point again Ed...(and then that line entirely disappears in a puff of credibility when it comes to Gladys handing-out 90% of $250million of grants to LNP or marginal seats, and then allegedly shredding all associated paperwork and allegedly deleting all digital/electronic records-Ed)...yep, the 90% is classic LNP 'Sports-Rorts'-style corruption, using Taxpayers' monies for grossly political pork-barrelling/bribes...and I assume you use "allegedly" 'cos it's potentially a back-peddling strategy/excuse to hide the fact that there wasn't any appropriate records in the first instance...(bingo! it's very difficult to prove that something that admittedly doesn't exist now 'cos it was allegedly destroyed ever existed at all-Ed)...and no matter how you break that down, it's rancidly corrupt...

And true to form the MSM has all-but ignored this massively corrupt rort...(enter the ABC's woefully corrupted Insiders who in the week this document-destroying issue exploded across Twitter and to a far lesser degree the broader national media landscape, Insiders didn't even mention it-Ed)...and now the former SKY News hack and unambiguous Right Wing Fan Boy, Insiders host David Speers, they've got him doing the ABC's Morning News program for several's where the Professional Corruption manifests as the appointment of complicit cronies who will run cover and/or deflection for their corrupt buddies...Speers absolutely personifies what Bernard is writing about... 

Language Warning:...'cos there's only one thing worse than watching/hearing that fiscal simp Liberal 'Treasurer' Josh Frydenburg using parliament to "congratulate Victorians" for 'beating the COVID-19 second wave', and before he's even finished that sentence, launch into yet another shouty, unhinged ideological rant about how it's all Dan Andrew's fault, and the damage Dan's supposedly done, etc, etc, particularly regarding Mental Health, including talking about "a friend of a friend who committed suicide"...(way to go Josh you fucking arsehole, using suicide as a political tool to attack someone, prick!-Ed)...when he's not hiding his own corruption by making false accusations and frothing well rehearsed faux-outrage about the 'Anti-Semitic motivations' of those whom criticise him...(oh yeah, he's a class act through and through-Ed)...and now he's blaming people's Mental Health issues on Dan Andrews...(well when it comes to what's really negatively impacted on people's Mental Health issues, I'd suggest that it's been the rabidly politicised bastardry of LNP gimps like Scotty and Joshy and Gladys and Greg Hunt and Tim Wilson and Tim Smith and Michael O'Brien and numerous other LNP luminaries, and their simpering sycophant mates in the MSM like Rachel Blaxendale and Peta Credlin and any of the career loons at Murdoch or on SKY News TV, etc, etc, it's been their wholly agenda-driven attacks and fear-mongering and faux-outrage about the shut-down, etc, it's their outrageously self-serving politicised attacks that have done far more damage to people than any shut-down or even the COVID-19 itself!-Ed)...

Ongoing Language on Ed, it would be an entirely different story if these fucking idiots had supported the shut-downs and restrictions, etc, all of which have proven to be extraordinarily successful, to the degree that Dan and Victorians are being globally acknowledged and praised for what they have managed to achieve...(exactly, imagine if the LNP/MSM fuck-knuckles had supported their communities and the lock-downs and called for calm and cooperation instead of their crass political opportunism of ratchetting-up the fears and pushing/provoking people to fight against this winning strategy, etc-Ed)...exactly mate...(imagine if people felt supported and secure that the Shut Down stuff was the right way to do things, how much better would have how many people handed it?-Ed)...again, I absolutely concur...(and outside of that, for all the possible faults and failings, the facts remain that 1) the majority of deaths occurred in privately owned Aged Care facilities, that 2) are a Federal responsibility-Ed)...yep, both critical issues the MSM/ABC continue to ignore...if anyone is responsible for increased Mental Health problems/issues in Victoria it's the fucking LNP and their simpering MSM lapdogs...            

If Only It Could Get Worse:...and not letting me down, SKY News's font of self-important political syphilis, our mate Chris Kenny managed to drag the wholly abusive Ranting Right Wing Nut Job Cluster Fuck that is SKY News (After Dark) to a mind-numbing new low when he blamed Dan Andrews personally for the deaths of 4 infants in Adelaide...(fuck me!-Ed)...yep, because SA Health cannot/will not provide those highly specialised services here, babies are sometimes transferred to either Sydney or Melbourne, and because of COVID-19 restrictions, these transfers have not been happening...and Chris 'Yphilis' Kenny, in his rabid stampede to attack Dan, conveniently plows right past the fact that the Liberal Premiers of SA and NSW have responsibilities here, if indeed anything could have been done to avoid these distressing losses...but whatever the broader issues of service provision, accountability, etc, the fact remains that this low fucking prick used the extreme trauma of several families to try and prosecute his wholly partisan political attack...

(And that one worse thing would be...?-Ed)...oh yeah, our smirking PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison openly attacking Dan Andrews, demanding opening borders, etc, but then when the Shut Down proves effective Scotty suddenly about-faces and takes credit for what has been achieved in Victoria by repeatedly using language like "we"...(what a prick!-Ed) put it politely...(I'm very much feeling the love for Scummo's latest nickname-Ed)...'Crime Minister'?...(nope-Ed)...errr, 'Scotty From Marketting'?...(nice but nuh-Ed)...'I Don't Hold The Hose Mate'?...(well that's not so much a nickname as it is an actual quote of what he said in excusing his buggering-off to Hawaii during the horrendous 2019/20 Bushfire Disaster-Ed)...ummm, 'Scotty The Simp'?...(another beauty but no, I'm referring to Scott 'Blister' Morrison-Ed)..."'Blister'"?...(yeah, he only appears after all the hard work is done-Ed)...oh snap! that is so scythingly accurate, I love it...

Tomorrow: Either Another FARCticle Or The 2020 Budget Bastardry

Either which-way it's another delightful cavalcade of Nepotism, Corruption, and Ideological Bastardry courtesy of the rancidly corrupt LNP...(ah that's right, the whole FARC debasco (debacle/fiasco) was/is the creation of federal Liberal MP Tony Pasin, and the federal funding comes from one of several LNP 'Sports-Rorts'-style funding initiatives, also with funding from the SA Liberals-Ed)...and as relentlessly shoved onto Ratepayers by a wholly deceitful Liberal cabal in Mt Gambier City's wall-to-wall Liberal fuckery that will be (is) awash with vastly over-priced consultants and jobs for mates, etc, etc, and will forever and a day be the focus of one long self-congratulation by these same lying Liberal crooks who have deceitfully forced this vastly stupid White Elephant Money Pit on Mt Gambier...End Language Warning...(about time-Ed)...

And in closing, I'd like to defer to Monty Python's Life Of Brian which has yet again proven to be a deeply insightful dissertation on the Human Condition, this time regarding Gladys's disingenuous bleating about how she's just another good woman done wrong by a dodgy man...take it away Brian's mum..

"Promised me the known world he did. I was to be taken to Rome, House by the Forum. Slaves. Asses' milk. As much gold as I could eat. Then, he, having his way with me had... voom! Like a rat out of an aqueduct."

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...(oh I get it now-Ed)...what?...(well the title pun thingy that you do-Ed)...yeah, and...?...(well, some people pronounce the Independent Commission Against Corruption as 'Ike -Ack', but others say 'Icey-Acey', or as you have "I See A Sea", nicely done sir-Ed)...annnnd?...(ummm...oo oo, something about how there's not likely a federal ICAC "in sight", whilst referring to your personal 'insight' as to how a corrupt ICAC operates in a corrupt system, but others can't seem to see it?-Ed)...near enough mate, well done...

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

And Yet More Media Pro-LNP Bias

Howdy dear availees, welcome to a super-short, one topic post, just 'cos I gotta' get this shizzle outta' my head...if y'all are here in Australia and particularly Melbourne/Victoria, y'all will be well aware of the concerted Liberal/National Party and Main Stream Media campaign to attack and undermine Victorian Premier Dan Andrews and his/Labor's COVID19 efforts...(well it's been typically partisan, just rail inanely bordering on insanely against anything that Labor does and support/promote every moronic stunt that the LNP stooges engage in, and ignore anything that might cast the LNP actions in a realistically poor light-Ed)...precisely put Ed, and the MSM are as complicit as the LNP stooges themselves, and this latest effort is simply superb in demonstrating all of these issues...yesterday (Friday 17th October 2020) on the ABC/BBC News Radio station I heard a lengthy replay of an interview from the ABC TV's Afternoon Briefing program...(oh gourd, here we go, Afternoon Briefing, let me guess, something about how Labor's the problem and/or Twitter users are nasty people who don't know what they're talking about-Ed)...yeah, you got it mate, great slathering serves of both...

I can't watch Afternoon Briefing with former Murdoch employee Patricia Karvelas, or in fact anything she's involved with because she has demonstrated an almost unwavering affection for the LNP, delivered with a holier-than-thou you grubby peasants sneer..(she's nearly as bad as that Michael Rowland sycophant who does the morning news-Ed)...mate, the MSM and particularly the ABC are literally filthy infested with these self-important stooges, who are either genuinely pro-LNP biased or simply more interested in protecting their precious jobs than holding the LNP to account for, for years I've watched Jane Norman gush enthusiastically whenever discussing the LNP and then screw-up her face and spit out commentary about Labor or the Greens, etc...(and now we have David Speers destroying the credibility of the former flagship ABC Insiders program-Ed) many times have we seen critical issues critiqued only on Twitter and completely ignored on Insiders, or worse, jokingly brushed aside...for example, in the same week, PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison berated and ignored the Speaker of the House, Insiders brushed over it briefly with barely a word of comment let-alone any criticism...and then in response to health provision-focussed questions about women giving birth on a stretch of highway because they had to drive to another town due to lack of services in theirs, etc, Scummo made the cynically misogynistic comment about spending money on that highway's improvement...(wow-Ed)...and that was covered in a dismissively jokey manner as the weekly closing 'humourous observation' piece...(in a context where the program itself is the actual joke!-Ed)...

And I've watched Jane Norman get promotion upon promotion, far exceeding any actual talent, and now she's the ABC's go-to political commentator, eg, she was the 'host' for the ABC's coverage of the critical Eden-Monaro by-election, and her LNP loyalties and Labor contempt were on full display...(and Speersy mate, he was the lead 'commentator' wasn't he?-Ed)...yep, and infamously stated "we" when referring to the LNP's fortunes in that ultimately Labor-won election...and Janey was right on character, sneering and spitting about the Labor candidate and any reference to her/them, and smiling sweetly or furrowing her brow in intense concern for the fortunes of her precious Liberal was an appallingly unedifying display of wholesale pro-LNP loyalties...(and isn't Norman accused of being in a relationship with LNP Attorney-General Christian 'Nail Em Up I Say' Porter?-Ed)...indeed, it's been all over Twitter and ne-ery a denial to be heard or seen...doesn't make it true just 'cos it's alleged, but there's a pattern of things being 'exposed' on Twitter that then are just left to hang, at the very least lending some credence to those accusations, eg, that it was LNP's Alex Hawke who was responsible for the Ruby Princess debacle by ordering/approving the disembarkation of COVID19 infected passengers 'cos his relatives were on board...this has been openly, repeatedly discussed on Twitter and deafening silence from Alex and Border Force, etc...   

Furthermore, Jane Norman is now (recently) also the Vice-President of the Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery Committee, who decide who gets 'press accreditation' to be allowed to attend government press conferences, etc, and I was reading on Twitter where she's already been identified as blocking the 'accreditation' of one Twitter-based research journo 'cos he's critical of her beloved LNP...and it's also been exposed via Twitter that the Prime Minister's Office and/or senior federal Liberals have been contacting media and back-grounding them against Labor, eg, providing info from the supposedly confidential National Cabinet meetings, and/or directly giving them questions to ask...(and there's been several 'hot-mike' incidents where journos have been overheard discussing this stuff amongst themselves, and their phones are heard pinging during pressers as they get sent those questions, etc, etc-Ed)...and time-and-again it's only ever discussed on Twitter...(no wonder the pollies and journos hate Twitter so much-Ed)...yep, that's why they hate it, 'cos they're getting held to account right there in their precious little ivory towers... 

If you've ever listened to or watched a Dan Andrews press conference, and I've seen/heard bits and pieces of many, y'all will be fairly familiar with the often sub-intelligent biased badgering of alleged journalists like Rachel Baxendale, and more recently, Peta Credlin...and Rachel amongst others have quite rightly been called-out, frequently via Twitter, eg, Rachel tried to release a revised transcript of her question to Dan, adding several critical words that she didn't actually say, which then changed the entire context...(strewth-Ed)...and she used that altered account to attack him for chastising her about her actual original question, where-in she stated that "recommendations" to the Aged Care Royal Commission were "findings", and he called her out on that quantum leap...and last week it was former Tony Abbott senior advisor and SKY News rancid Right Wing stooge 'commentator' Peta Credlin inanely railing at Dan in long-winded rambling soliloquies, and repeatedly doing the gaslighting stuff of repeatedly asking about 'alleged' stuff or just stating the same untruthful thing, over and over and over, trying to make it an actual thing by repetition...and again Dan called her on it, naming it for exactly that, attempting to 'create truths by repetition'...

Two quick points...1) I do not agree with everything that Dan/Labor has done, and clearly there were mistakes in Hotel Quarantine and Aged Care...(albeit that Aged Care is actually a Federal responsibility-Ed)...indeed, another critical point that the MSM seems more than happy to ignore...I also take issue with some police actions in enforcing lockdown regulations, etc, but all of this comes in the context of a community-wide health emergency as part of a Global Pandemic...what cannot be denied is that Dan's/Labor's strategy over the last coupla' months has seen them control their 'Second Wave' in a successful way that no other country/jurisdiction has...statistics show that 3 months ago countries like France and the United Kingdom had almost exactly the same Daily Infection Rates, and Victoria is down to low single figures...(I think it was 1 today-Ed)...indeed, whilst these others have figures well above 10,'s a joyous (for Victoria) reality that cannot be denied, and yet the Liberals and the Murdochracy continue to rancidly attack Dan/Labor...(it's almost like the truth is irrelevant to Murdoch and the Liberals-Ed)...mate, it's their idiom, their entire modus operandi, it's all they know how to do, lie and lie and lie again, and then lie about lying...(and then lie about lying about lying-Ed)...yeah alright mate, don't push it...   

Point 2) I'm all for calling-out Murdoch gimp-simp-hacks for being exactly that, they've thoroughly earned that title and that abuse, etc, but I do not condone violent abuse and/or threats, especially anything that is gender-based, especially Rape threats, etc, that is fundamentally wrong...when I refer to Jane Norman as "an LNP fan-girl" that's 'cos she's a girl, and in that same context Phil Coorey is an LNP fan-boy...('cos he's a boy-Ed)...exactly, calling them corrupt idiots is just embracing my anger and frustration, etc, about the reality of their is never okay to threaten violence, especially when it comes to Rape threats, etc, and those people who do should be held to account and charged accordingly, etc...

In Victoria, the ABC has been frequently 'reporting' the unhinged 'Dictator Dan' rant-stunts of professional gibbering idiot Liberal state MP Tim Smith, and effectively protecting him by not holding him to account in any of that 'reportage', and then they run this prize piece of rancid pro-LNP propaganda like it's some sort of's pathetic, it's corrupt, and it's ABC-loody's the link to the We Love Dim Tim puff-piece... and it's not just the childish nature of his taunts and rants, it's that it's unambiguously party politic posturing during the enormous problems of a global pandemic...he's using the crisis engulfing the entire state of Victoria to attack the Labor government and promote himself, and do so without any factual and/or scientific's been entirely name-calling and anti-Labor disruptive, divisive emotive dog-whistling and button-punching...he's a git and that's the start and the finish of it, and the ABC has promoted and supported him with dross like this...(was it him that posted pictures of Jenny Mikakos's home and encouraged people to go there and protest?-Ed)...not sure, but he was responsible for releasing 'capture or kill cards' imitating the ones related to the hunt for Saddam's the link to a story about it...   

But back to my original point, the Afternoon Briefing interview about an opinion piece in the Australian Financial Review, an interview that itself then became a 'news' item on the ABC/BBC 24 News Radio station...Patricia Karvelas interviewed Phil Coorey about his pathetically self-serving 'article' in which he compared the #IStandWithDan people to "a cult' and "Donald Trump supporters", etc...(oh gourd, not Coorey, of all the Murdoch simp-hacks he's arguably the worst-Ed)...indeed he is, perhaps not quite the worst but altogether appallingly pro-LNP biased, and not so much "simp" as 'gimp' I'd say...(indeed, a 'gimp-simp-hack'-Ed)...hthey went on to whinge about the people on Twitter who say not nice things about them and other's the full interview, go to about 14:00mins, and this'll be available apparently until 30th October 2020, so check it out...please note the pro-Gladys Berejiklian puff piece just before this, excusing her openly corrupt conduct and relationship with disgraced former MP Daryl Maguire...      

I make the critical point that the #IStandWithDan "movement" came about in response to the moronic 'journalism' at Dan Andrews pressers, and Tim Smith's and Liberal Michael 'Who?' O'Brien's rancid personal attacks and the Murdoch minions corruptly pro-LNP biased 'reportage' of the COVID19 Second Wave, and federal Liberal's like Scummo and Josh Frydenburg attacking Victoria, etc, etc...the broader 'abusive' criticism of the wholly pathetic Murdoch-compromised MSM, criticism often expressed on Twitter, that 'abuse' is in itself an absolutely valid response, an absolutely valid expression of people's exasperation and frustration and anger about that Murdoch-controlled pro-LNP bias and deceit and manipulation of Australia's Main Stream Media and the ABC, and what that's done to destroy genuine Democracy in our country...dear Phil, mate, if you don't wanna' cop flack for being a biased Murdoch gimp-simp-hack, easy, don't be a biased Murdoch gimp-simp-hack... 

Tomorrow: FARC Hub Costs Unknown

Not my words mate, that's a front page quote from the resurrected The Border Watch newspaper, stating that Mt Gambier City Council doesn't actually know where the cost will eventually go...(and doesn't that article also repeat the claim that 'secret documents' show that it's not blown-out to merely $57million but actually more like $64m. minimum-Ed)...yep, but apparently even that's a best scenario guesstimation...(wow, we are screwed-Ed)...indeed we are, unless of course you're on the inside of this farcically corrupt project...(and I thought we were gunna' do a post about The 2020Budget: A Case Study In Ideological Hatred?-Ed)...yep, I'll try to get to that, and it does tie-in nicely with the rancid pro-LNP bias of the MSM and ABC where-in they are reporting how well this Budget has been   received...(well accept of course by all the people/sectors that have been royally screwed over-Ed)...exactly...

And if their own conduct wasn't actually the story, the ABC's QandA program last evening was on the evils and disinformation, etc, of Social Media...(laugh I nearly-Ed)...note how in these increasingly frequent 'discussions about Evil twitter and disinformation, etc, no-one ever mentions the bloated old elephant in the room, the wholly deceitful and agenda-ed Murdoch media and how they lie and manipulate on behalf of their LNP mates, indeed, it's Murdoch's business model...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Surprisingly, Just More Corruption Stuff

Howdy y'all and welcome again to my own personal Ground Hog Day (the movie)...again it's another week gone streaming past that seems like only a coupla' days...really not sure what's happening, only know that it is...been doing some stuff, eg, gym sometimes, dog park, written a coupla' letters, etc, but nowhere near enough stuff to account for the 'missing' time...(tell us about one of those letters then-Ed)...well, as y'all know dear availees, I'm still tryin' to get access to the recordings/transcripts of my "bizarre trial" for breaching ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) legislation...(well "bizarre trial" is a very polite way of describing what is definably a massive exercise in Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution via orchestrated Political, SAPol (police), and Judicial Corruptionings-Ed)...well quite, and the shenanigans continue, with me now being required to sign-off on my acceptance of a series of intensely restrictive conditions that effectively/potentially deny me any opportunity to use those recordings in any capacity...(but I thought you'd been given access to them already?-Ed)...well yeah but nah, let me explain...

Back in March 2020 I was finally told, 'yes you can go into Mt Gambier Courthouse to listen to those recordings, it'll take a while 'cos there's lots, but we'll let you know when they're ready'...(yeah, that's what I thought-Ed)...and by August I still hadn't heard anything...(oh-Ed) I contacted then again, and that's when I was told, literally the next day, that 'all 21 hours of the recordings are ready, let us know when you can come in'...("21 hours"? that doesn't sound like much, not from 3 years worth of 'Trial'-Ed)...which is exactly what  I wrote back inquiring about, and was told that they'd 'missed all of 2015', and they'd rectify that and get back to me...(missed a whole year? but even then, that was only brief Pre-Trial Conference hearings, I don't reckon that accounts for all of the 'missing time', I mean, there were 8 full days of Trial alone-Ed)...absolutely...(even if we only allow say, 4 hours per day, that's over 30 hours right there-Ed)...yep, and several of those days were 6 hours or longer...(that's what I thought, so what's happened to the other hours?-Ed)...indeed, I share your concerns, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see...anyhoos, here's the main point...

When I've requested clarification about these restrictions/conditions, eg, where are these legislated?, the response was/is 'the Magistrates Court Act 1991 Section 51', which I have attached just below, and the rest of Section 51 is available at this link, sort of, hopefully, or just Interweb search it;


51—Accessibility to Court records

        (1)         Subject to this section, the Court must, on application by any member of the public, allow the applicant to inspect or obtain a copy of—

            (aa)         any process relating to proceedings and forming part of the Court's records;

            (a)         a transcript of evidence taken by the Court in any proceedings;

            (b)         any documentary material admitted into evidence in any proceedings;

            (e)         a transcript of reasons for judgment (including remarks made by the Court on passing sentence);

            (f)         a judgment or order given or made by the Court

It is my understanding that only Subsection (1) applies to the material I have requested, and that any restrictions in other Subsections are therefore nor relevant...also, I have previously received some transcripts but there were no conditions placed upon my receipt of those...but the main point I'd like to make here, as indeed I have in my latest correspondence, is that opening line stating that "the Court must, on application...allow the applicant to inspect or obtain a copy of"...(but you've been 'applying' for years, since February 2016, and it's even noted in the Court's own official Certificate of Record back in 2017-Ed)...indeed, at least twice, and that Subsection legally precedes the similar legislation that says that I should have been given access/copies when I indicated that I was trying to lodge an Appeal Application back in April 2018...(well how can you prepare an Appeal Application without having the transcripts to refer to?-Ed)...well how indeed, I think that's the point of that legislation...bottom line, there are at least two legislated directives that show that I should already have my recordings/transcripts, yet here I am, October 2020 and still fighting...

I have received the transcripts from the actual 'Trial' dates before Magistrate White, but they have clearly been censored/edited to remove or minimise critical material, and there's so much stuff from the many PTC hearings...(you mean like when you caught the SAPol Prosecutions straight-out lying about when you were supposedly 'Charged'?-Ed)...yeah, exactly like that, where I caught Prosecutions lying and Magistrate White just waved it away as irrelevant...(yeah but surely, I mean, if they lied about that, what else have they lied about?-Ed)...exactly, and that all ties-in with the fact that the ICAC Act 2012 was changed in November 2014, after I was raided and supposedly 'Reported' in May 2014 but before I was allegedly 'Charged' in January 2015 and my 'Trial' started in February 2015 without me being 'Charged' or 'Summonsed' or even made aware at all that the 'Trial' was happening...(wow, now that's some seriously organised corruption right there, before your 'Trial' even shreckin' began!-Ed)...exactly, and then there's my very own personal ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone'...(and then Magistrate Anderson bailing-out mid-Trial November 2016, citing 'Abuse of Process' issues, but then Magistrate White gets parachuted-in and on goes the 'Trial' anyways-Ed)...yep, how does that happen? what happened to SAPol's "Abuse of Process"?...(and the bizarre failed attempt by Corrections SA to have you gaoled-Ed)...yeah, that too...and now there's a raft of what looks like special rules especially pour moi...(well you are a very special boy, I've always said that-Ed)...I feel special mate, really I do...  

But enough about that for now 'cos it's still very much ongoing...(ongoing going-ons-Ed)...well quite...and whilst my "bizarre trial" exposes rampant corruption in the SA ICAC and Parliament under Labor...(we're now equally corrupt under the Liberals, so it's comparing Apples and equally rotten Apples-Ed)...fa' shizzle, it ain't about a few bad apples spoiling the whole barrel, one has to be rotten to get in the barrel in the first instance...(an old joke very appropriately applied-Ed)...indeed, 'cos one never needs to look to far nor for too long to find other issues, and with all that's gone on in the Liberal/National Party Criminal Cabal of Serial Rorters, Grifters, Counterfeiters, Frauds, and Thieves, it's always a good time to do a quick review of some of that stuff, and this brief account has been doing the rounds on's not as comprehensive as some of the tables we've previously copied/posted, but it's still a terrific read...(just terrific-Ed)... 

And then there's the stuff with Alan 'Cricket' Tudge being supported by Attorney General Christian Porter...if y'all aren't familiar with this story, this is well worth looking at...a Court, Justice Geoffrey Flick, has ruled that by his (Tudgies') egregious conduct, the Tudgemeister has "unlawfully deprived a person of his liberty", an act that is "criminal"...(just Interweb search 'Tudge criminal conduct'-Ed)...indeed, and The Big Teasy himself has dismissed this official Court ruling as "commentary"...(hey mate, I've got a commentary I'd like to share with the T-Man-Ed)...I don't doubt you have Ed, and I'm sure that many thousands of Australians have very similar commentary, but let's not potentially compromise the viability of this 'ere blog, and just take your 'commentary' as given...(I'm just sayin' that all these LNP crooks oughtta' get locked-up, preferably on Christmas Island, and then left there after a Magistrate rules they are to be released-Ed)...yeah, but then the LNP's Rascist Dog-Whistling Scape-goat Sri Lankan family that the LNP has dumped there so it can demonstrate just exactly what Rascist hard men they are when it comes gaoling Children of Colour, then that poor family would have to endure these rancid simps...(mmm, fair  point-Ed)...    
I also note that it's just kickin'-off, again, with New South Wales Liberal Treasurer Dominic Perrottet and yet another revelation about the $150million icare scandal, namely, that a USofA 'consultant' being paid a motza and icare executives doing promotional videos for a USofA company...(just go to the link mate-Ed)...oh yeah, here's the link to The Sydney Morning Herald...
...and everybody's ever so sorry and gee whiz and golly, but what should really happen...(is off to Christmas Island with ya's!-Ed)...indeed, or any gaol will do really, just so long as it's a good hard sueing to reclaim all those missing/squandered $$$millions, then off to clinky...and here's another not-so-amusing look at how the LNP rolls...(over propriety and truth and common human decency?-Ed)...exactly...
We hear a lot of announcements from Scott Morrison - this is what he actually delivered in September.
And just this week the reality has really hit the fan in New South Wales where it's been spectacularly exposed in that state's ICAC that Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian has been in a 5-year long "personal relationship" with 'disgraced' former Minister Daryl Maguire...(well I wouldn't believe rumours and innuendo, especially in ICAC-Ed) was Gladys herself who suddenly fessed-up to the relationship...(riiight, well then, I guess it's probably true-Ed)..."probably true"?...(well you know how I struggle to believe anything any politician says about anything, most especially the Liberal/National Party, they're just such a collective of pathological liars-Ed)...well I'd reckon that it's a very healthy and appropriate attitude to have...(and whilst it's a big call from aways-out in left field, it occurs to me that there's a whole bunch of other stuff goin' on in NSW that the LNP would be keen to distract away from right now-Ed)...fair call, and Gladys is refusing to accept that she's done anything wrong...(well she did lie in ICAC, and that ain't good-Ed)...sure, but it remains to be seen if she will be held to account for that, which ain't happened yet...(fair call-Ed)...this story has legs though, so we'll undoubtedly return to it...     
And just to round it all out today, supposedly exonerated Child Molestor and career paedophile protector George Pell has bolted out of the country back to the Vatican and is doing photo-ops with the Pope...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: More FARC Stuff

Ooo! just now listening to Mt Gambier City Council CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle...(former-Ed)...what?...(former CEO, he's quit and done a bolter back to Murray Bridge-Ed)...but he's on the ABC Radio South East right now...(yep, and he was on yesterday morning too, droning-on about the MGCC 'Special Meeting' Tuesday night-Ed)...but last week he was unavailable supposedly 'cos he was allegedly "on leave"...(do you seriously believe anything any of these clowns have to say?-Ed)...yeah, fair point, my bad...but let's close with some classic quotes from The Peddler..."my people skills and my management skills"...(FARC development 'team') "the best and the brightest"..."disappointed not to see completion"..."time for me to move on"...(ABC question re QandA in Lifestyle One magazine...should Council do more homework?)..."Council was blackmailed (by) Federal government (who) said it had to be done" (the funding application)...(hey! but that's an outright lie, Liberal MP Tony Pasin said aways back in 2018 that 'it's no biggie if we miss out, we can apply next year'-Ed)...yeah, I know...(to say that Council was "blackmailed", it's an absolute lie, Council deceived and threatened and blackmailed Ratepayers!-Ed)...I know, I know...
And he went on and on, all about his commitments to his family, blah, blah, blah, but I can't quite get my head around the fact that apparently Barbara Cernovkis will be appointed interim CEO as of November (3rd?)...(well who's gunna be the CEO until then?-Ed)..I'm assuming it's still The Peddler, but who knows, maybe no-one...(and what about all the time and energy and money that's gunna' be wasted recruiting another CEO?-Ed)...dunno'...(and what penalty does Handy Andy face for breaking his 5-year contract?-Ed)...dunno, the ABC didn't ask, no-one has as best I can tell...(huh! yet another pathetically simpering Dorothy Dixer interview from the ABC-Ed)...indeed, they don't even bother to attempt the basics of interviewing someone, they just trot out the lame questions, carefully avoiding any compromising issues, and don't challenge the obvious lies...
Language Warning:...And hoo-fuckin'-rah! the charges/investigation against the ABC journos re the Afghan Files, those charges have been dropped...not going to go into details here, but it includes raids on the ABC and journo Dan Oakes' home, etc...(but there still remains the spectre of the Big Angry Stick of Retribution being waved in journos faces if they expose official corruption-Ed) on...(and the whistle-blower soldier involved is still facing decades in gaol-Ed)...exactly, it's a fuckin' Fascist threat-fest against Whisleblowers and those whom report for and/or support them, hence the highly sarcastic "hoo-fuckin'-rah"...this situation should never have existed at all, it's a stupidly naive thing to just celebrate that it's supposedly over...(the fact that it even happened means that it's never over-Ed)...exactly...End Language Warning.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I am Petitioner 249214 for the KRMRCP...(remarkable coincidence that Kevin Rudd's Murdoch Royal Commission Petition immediately goes berko gang-busters, and within days up bobs our mate and Channel 9 stooge Ray Martin with a spookily similar 'petition'-Ed)...exactly...(complete with frequent TV ads-Ed)...indeed, and I'd be havin' a real good look at exactly who is behind this, eg, Prime7, WINTV, etc, before I'd consider it a genuine campaign rather than a distraction from Rudd's, particularly given that Murdoch has just shut many dozens of 'regional media outlets'...(whooo, and you call me a cynic-Ed)...and it took me days and multiple attempts just to register and vote my support, what issues were at play there? was it just that the site was inadequate? was there some sort of interference? who knows...anyhoos, cheers and laters...

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Definitive FARC Part II

***I started this aways back in March 2020 when the Application process began...(wow, can't believe that was now 6 months ago-Ed)...indeed, but let's not stuff about, here 'tis...oh, by the way, Mt Gambier City Council CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle has quit Council only 18 months into a 5 year contract...(strewth! and to quote Monty Python, "like a rat out of an aqueduct"-Ed)...indeed, but more later...please refer to Part I from 31st August 2020...***

Howdy y'all and welcome to the FARC Part II, which refers specifically to the 156 page Development Application document which I accessed from the State Commission Assessment Panel website...I've been promising a thorough review of all this stuff for let's get stuck in...

And as I struggle to try and keep myself informed about such matters, often much to the detriment of my own Mental Health, eg, watching Scotty From Marketting spew unrelenting deceits and endless mindless rhetoric at perpetually pointless press conferences...(gourd he loves the sound of his own voice-Ed)...yeah, not so keen on other's voices though...(particularly those voices asking questions he don't wanna' hear!-Ed), 'cos I need to know, I've subjected myself to all 156 pages of MGCCs Application...(strewth!-Ed)...indeed, and it hasn't let me down...(no?-Ed)...nope, I only got as far as page 3, before the whole thing's gone to Heck in a Handbasket...if MGCC's litany of pro-FARC lies, deceits and manipulations across the last 2 years weren't enough cause for concern, page 3 is of itself a huge concern...(how so?-Ed)...where to begin? well, firstly, it doesn't appear to have been completed correctly...(mmm?-Ed)...there's numerous sections requiring specific information and they're mostly blank...(and we're off to a flying start-Ed) would be quickest just to include a copy, so here 'tis...

I note this is dated 12th July 2019 and ticks the box for Development Plan Consent (Planning Only) so I think this is an Interim Application not the actual Development Application, but as you can see, it's mostly blank, with no Owner/Builder identified, no materials or size specified, and costs the project at a flat $40million, not the very specific $39.1m that MGCC usually says...(and MGCC have already been 'Planning' this for yonks, eg, engaging architects, doing the Postal Vote via an external company, etc-Ed) also says No Receipt for the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) levy, which is 1/400th or .25% of a projects cost, or $100,000, and goes into an 'industry fund for training', etc...(what does that bit 'Do not include fit out costs' mean?-Ed)...well hopefully it refers to specific office fit-outs, eg, any equipment for the cafe or for the gym to be provided by the tenants...(yeah, but it could also include more basic items like carpets, chairs, even light fittings, etc-Ed)...potentially...(and what about all of the equipment associated with the pools-Ed)...I dunno'...(stewth mate! only 3 pages in, and all that!-Ed)...I know...(I sure as shreck hope that all of these issues, failings, and 'blanks' are somehow addressed, rectified, and filled-in somewhere in the remaining 153 pages-Ed) and me both, but having already had a quick scan through, I ain't holdin' my breath...(well that's just super-Ed)...well hold ya' condemnation until we've been through the whole thing, but keep it handy, 'cos gourd knows you're gunna' need it...the next few pages are Lands Title stuff...  

***...please note that bit where I identified potential issues with the Do Not Include Fit Out Costs bit...this is now exactly the excuse that MGCC/Meddle are trotting-out to supposedly justify the massive cost increase, this and 'alterations and additions like carparking, etc'...***

Page 8...What appears to be the official FARC Development Application form is filled out by hand, and for Nature Of Proposed Development, the hand-scribbled detail is "To construct a community recreation centre"...and this form has MGCC CEO Mr Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle supposedly lodging that 'Application' on the 25th November 2019 (Date of Application), but then at the bottom it's signed and dated 17th December 2019...I dunno' why there's this difference, but it looks very amateurish and last-minute slap-dash for such a major fact, it's so dodgy, here's a copy... perhaps I'm being overly critical, but I find it quite extraordinary that with the vast expense that MGCC has lavished on their pet project, on the extensive publicising/advertising, snazzy social media presentations and mail-outs, etc, and extensive costly public info sessions and renting a shop-front, etc, etc, and swathe-some architect's designs/drawings, etc, etc, etc, that for all the pomp and ceremony and glittering spectacular that has been involved thus far...(not least of all in this Application itself-Ed)...well quite, for all of that this looks like an amaturish nonsense...

Pages 9 - 64: Is a Traffic Impact Assessment about Existing Conditions, from current facilities, access/traffic issues, public transport, bike lanes, etc, and includes a 'report' about potential issues of access, traffic, carparking, delivery access, etc, using various tables about potential use of facilities to guesstimate their final data, includes 17-18 pages of Traffic Flow Data, pages 44-64 is 'Traffic Figures' that supposedly support Council's ultimate position that everything is just gunna' be fine...(fine?-Ed)...just fine...and anybody who's tried to get outta' Margaret St at the Bay Rd end knows that it can be highly problematic, but it's ultimately a minor issue...I'm not sure about any of these figures so there's no point trying to analyse this stuff, but it's apparently very extensive so I assume quite costly...these 'plans' (page 35) show that the FARC will be built immediately adjacent to the sink hole in O'Halloran Tce, in fact, the proposed 'Southern Carpark' is literally right next to it...(does this mean MGCC plans to try and fill-in' that sink hole, but just haven't told anyone?-Ed)...gourd knows mate...(wait, see our notes on Page 98, all will be explained-Ed)...cheers...

***...Council has specifically identified 'carparking' as a reason for cost increases, but in this Application it is broken-down in infinite detail about how many spaces will be needed each day for swimmers, gym clients, etc, and in the evenings, eg, per basketball court, etc, is in every way an absolute lie to blame 'carparking' for any cost increase...***

Pages 65 - 89: Is an Environmental Noise Assessment...again it is very extensive and detailed with lotsa' spiffy graphs and tables and data, and therefore likely very expensive, and again I can't really comment on any of it's actual details because 1) I just dunno' about this stuff technically-wise, and 2) I just don't believe anything MGCC has to say...I note there is some limited but very specific 'Materials' info regarding the facade and doors/glazing as it relates to noise abatement..I note that this Report goes into some detail about 'Music Events', something covered only very briefly under the 'Traffic Flow/Carparking Report'...(but I would think that the massed crowd of a music event, lotsa' peeps there all at the same time, arriving then leaving at the same time, etc, that would be the numero uno main issue when it comes to car park availability and traffic management and noise issues, etc-Ed)...well sure, and this report does cover some potential carpark noise and loading noise does however conclude that the Facade Costs could be less than that identified because there won't necessarily be the need for that much 'sound-proofing' because there won't be many music events and therefore any disturbance would be minor...(but surely maximum usage of the facility would by necessity include as many 'musical events' as possible?-Ed)...well you'd think so wouldn't ya', but we don't know 'cos MGCC ain't actually got a Business Plan for this...    

Pages 90 - 104: Is a Stormwater Management Plan that covers existing catchment and discharge systems and potential systems, and again is quite extensive/expensive...again I can't argue the specific figures, but I note that it states that the discharge into the sink hole will only marginally increase, and the report includes an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, but all the graphs and tables aside, I have the following concerns...

Page 98: Shows that sinkhole being used as the depository for the storm-water off the roof of the FARC building...(what? but that's almost guaranteed to cause massive and even catastrophic erosion!-Ed)...well if by catastrophic erosion you mean that dumping huge volumes of water into the sinkhole is almost certainly going to cause further subsidence and is highly likely to cause collapse of any cave system immediately below...(that's exactly what I mean, and anyone with even a basic knowledge of Karst Systems knows this-Ed)...a Karst System being "a topography formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. It is characterised by underground drainage systems and sinkholes and caves."...(exactly, the exact topography of most of the South East, including every square foot of the City of Mt Gambier!-Ed)...hard to believe that they (MGCC) don't know this...and they know that Englebrecht and Umpherston Caves are examples of exactly that sort of's one thing to have all that rainfall soaking in across a large mostly grassed area, but to collect it all on an extensive roof and pour it into a natural sinkhole, that's potentially disastrous...I believe that the report has either failed to realise this, or worse, has deliberately understated or dismissed this issue so as to allow the project to continue...   

Pages 105 - 116: Is MGCC's very detailed (therefore costly?) architect's plans for over-all site development and some specific design plans, etc...

Go to page 105 and read the fine print from architects DesignInc Adelaide who deny any and all responsibility for any problems...(but didn't MGCC CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle straight-out blame the architects for the outright lies that Council had told to the Girl Guides?-Ed)...indeed he and they did...when the Guides were suddenly informed in September/October 2019 that they were going to be evicted because their beautiful old building was gunna' have to be demolished...(and didn't the Guides themselves build that some 60 years ago?-Ed)...apparently, and now it's gettin' knocked-down to make way for the FARC, and they're gunna' get stuffed into a tin shed out at Hastings Cunningham Reserve...(and didn't this very sudden notification came after the Guides had repeatedly asked MGCC, including Mayor Lynette, and were repeatedly told that they were golden, no need to move?-Ed)...yep, then it all went to crap, and it was The Peddler himself who stated that it was all the architects fault...

***Page 117 - 147 is the very involved 'Supporting documentation' which is mostly jargonistic blue-sky aspirational babbling, but I'll discuss it in the next post...***

Page 148: Now I did put this in the last post, but it absolutely bears repeating 'cos it outright contradicts MGCC's repeated denials that there will be any Rate Increases to help pay for this, and I quote,
      "a strong sense of social responsibility for ongoing operational costs which will necessarily
        flow through as rate increases to the community..." we also previously canvassed the possibility/likelihood that MGCC, and particularly former CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane were carefully weasel-wording their way around the difference between borrowing most if not all of the $15million that's Council's/Ratepayer's share of the 'Construction Costs', as opposed to the unspecified and unbudgetted 'Operational Costs', but I'm almost certain that that's exactly what they're doing...

 ***...and I take no joy in being so cynical only to be proven so exactly correct, MGCC has very carefully and deliberately misrepresented/weasel-worded their way around this Rates increase issue, including avoiding Council's own admission here that it will run at a loss...and MGCC borrowing is of course now a minimum $33m...*** 

Page 150 : "Where events suggested may be in competition with the income earning capacities of an existing club, they have not been included in the table below."...(so how does that relate to the multiple local businesses that will be negatively impacted by this development, eg, other cafes and gyms, other function facilities or music venue operators, all that lot?-Ed)...not sure Ed, but I also note that many of the Proposed Indoor Activities that Council identifies could already be accommodated in any of the several large facilities already available in Mt Gambier, eg, the enormous Ice House (basketball stadium), the huge Activ8 sports hall on Penola Rd, the large hall on the Showgrounds...(and what about the huge empty former Bunnings building on Millicent Rd?-Ed)...yep, that's another one...

The Application concludes with a very brief paragraph about the Postal Vote, albeit with very specific numbers...(numbers that seem to be somewhat inflated compared to what MGCC has been saying publicly-Ed)...yeah, a bit, but the ultimate results are similar, that is, if 45.1% did return their vote and 71.6% voted 'Yes' as per this Application, it's not that different to other 40%/70% figures used elsewhere...either way it means that 30% of returned votes were 'No', and given that more than half didn't even return their vote, less than 1/3 of eligible residents actually voted yes...(and given the saturation advertising/promoting of this, a 'No Return' is arguably a default 'No Vote'-Ed)...absolutely it is...MGCC has relentlessly rammed this project down Ratepayer's throats with a huge advertising campaign and public meetings and going to schools and info sessions/booths, including renting a Commercial St shop front, etc, etc...even if you reject this 'No Return' premise, and accept these maximum figures from Council, it's still only a 31-32% 'Yes'...     

(And hasn't Council also promised nearly $2m to 'deepen and re-vamp the outdoor pool', but as a separate project/cost to the $40m FARC?-Ed)...yep, and that is very briefly mentioned on page 24    ...(and another $1.8m for re-vamping the adjacent tennis courts, which MGCC let fall into such disrepair that we lost the international-level women's tennis championship back a decade ago-Ed)...correct on both counts...

 ***...and the pool stuff has been mentioned as part of the reported $18m/$25m blow-out, but I don't recall seeing/hearing anything about the courts, they seem to have dropped off the agenda/menu...*** 

Tomorrow: The Corrections Stuff

COVID19, Nearly As Bad As Nick make light of a terrible situation with a semi-joke about a far less but still concerning situation, couldn't help a part-smile when the ABC South East Radio just announced that due to COVID19 they've closed their doors and no-one's allowed in except by appointment...

***...please ignore that last bit, eg, I've already posted about the Corrections/Court that concludes my fairly thorough if somewhat delayed review of the Development Plan Consent Application...the clear points I take from it are as described, namely, 1) the deceit and manipulations of the repeatedly stated/advertised $39.1m and how that relates to the No Fit Out Costs stuff...and 2) the acknowledgement that Rates will increase just to cover 'Operating Costs'...and now of course the price has now massively blown-out to a minimum $57m...(and didn't The Advertiser report that they'd seen the 'secret documents' showing a $25m increase, therefore meaning a total of $64m minimum?-Ed)...indeed they did, and loathe as I am to believe any of the stooges involved, I haven't seen/heard MGCC specifically refute this very public claim...(and no denial is usually a very good indicator of  factual accuracy-Ed)...yes, yes it is...

And just yesterday, Wednesday 7th October 2020, Handy Andy Peddlemeister has done the bolt after only 18 months...(and I see he's claiming that it's to spend more time with his family who still reside in Murray Bridge, but that he reportedly already has another job-Ed)...suss as all get out, and months ago it was alleged to me that he was a 3-day per week part-time CEO who still lived in Murray Bridge, which now is apparently confirmed...(and hasn't another of our faves, Judy Nagy, who had a previously non-existent $200,000pa job specifically created for her by her MGCC mates after she was dumped by UniSA, has she also left?-Ed)...apparently, and social media is awash with comments about "rats" and "sinking ships"...well I'm an "aqueduct" man myself, as previously stated, but I'm all onboard with the "rats" stuff...

So that's all for today, but tomorrow we're gunna' rip right into The Peddler's bolter and MGCC's rorting and incompetence, in a little post I'm going to enjoy calling, Meddle Muddle And The Train Wreck Rec Hub Hubbub...(that's almost slightly amusing-Ed)...if it weren't so hugely concerning...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Natural Conspiracy Theory - Does Trump Really Have COVID19?

Howdy dear availees across this wee globe we call home, but especially those in the these increasingly tumultuous times I reckon it says everything about who POTUS Donald 'The Orange Roughy' Trump is and how he conducts himself when many people automatically theorise that he's 'faked' his alleged COVID19 illness...and I concur not just with the idea that it is possible this is 'fake', but also with the view that it's not a wildly unhinged theory in the QAnon vein...(I've seen stuff on Twitter where people have been predicting exactly this sort of scenario, along with concerns about a potential second Civil War, etc, when things aren't going well for Trump in the election polls-Ed)...yeah, and there's a ton a' stuff to support those predictions/theories, and I have been wondering what it would be...and now that it's happened it all seems just a little too convenient for Trump, potentially, and here below is my reasoning for saying 'convenient'...

Beyond that, I have no sympathy for anyone who has behaved in the way Trump has and then gets infected, eg, UK PM Boris Johnson...(well my first thought when that pontificating boofhead was ill, was who missed out on a ventilator 'cos he was on it?-Ed)...excellent point Ed, did someone get denied appropriate treatment because that idiot refused to wear a mask and insisted on handshaking, etc...(and did it even lead to someone dying?-Ed)...not a pleasant question to ask, but certainly a relevant one...did Boris' stupidity, thusly directly denying others access to that treatment, did that lead directly to someone's death? my less charitable moments...(so always?-Ed)...nearly, but actually, I'd recommend that these half-wits who screech and whinge about their 'civil liberties' being suppressed and/or how COVID19 is fake, etc, etc, just give the darlings the 'Rona, stick 'em in a room with their whiny mates, and let them fend for themselves...(hoorah!-Ed)...but the only problem with that is that there's increasing evidence of long-term side-effects, eg, lung damage, chronic fatigue, etc, and that means that those survivors may likely clog-up the health system for years even decades to come...(ooo yeah, hadn't thought of that-Ed)...more patient people than I suggest more sober actions, eg, getting these whiners to volunteer in COVID wards...

A quick aside, just stunned but hardly surprised to see Melbourne's Channel 7 news running a story about a thronging crowd at St Kilda Beach, and that it's then revealed via Instagram that the Ch7 crew orchestrated that crowd, gathering them specifically for the story, including several specific ring-ins, allegedly including the journo's girlfriend...prior to that the people had been relatively spread-out...(gotta' love the Main Stream Media...what's that thing about 'the tail wagging the dog'?-Ed)...well not least of all, there was a movie about exactly that, 'Wags The Dog', about media manufacturing news to create a reality that otherwise didn't exist, to drive and/or support a specific agenda...and that's exactly what Ch7 has done here...(is this about the rancid 'Get Dan Andrews' bastardry of the MSM and Liberals, etc?-Ed)...highly likely Ed, given that Ch7 is owned by Kerry Stokes who also has large investments in Aged Care and has been very keen for people to be looking at everything other than his direct accountability for profiteering in that sector and the resultant COVID deaths...but whatevs, we digress...

Re-Gearing The Media a week where Trump's campaign has been seen to unravel...(not least of all 'cos of his own outrageous support of White Supremacists-Ed)...indeed, his big shout-out to the laughably dangerous Proud Boys via his debate "Stand Back and Stand By" directive, followed by his ludicrous attempt to back away from that endorsement and feign ignorance of who they are...(if he didn't know who they are, why didn't he say that when asked during the debate?-Ed)...exactly, it's what happens when a habitual liar gets asked the same question more than once, they ludicrously contradict and compromise themselves...Don has repeatedly made less-than subtle overtures to and even just offered outright praise for White Supremacists, eg, "there's good people on both sides", and has failed to remonstrate with Far Right protestors, rather attacking 'Antifa' and 'the Left'...(which he did again in the debate, when asked about the Proud Boys, he did the "Stand By" schtick and then said 'Antifa's the real problem'-Ed)...indeed he did...and when I say "laughably dangerous", I'm referring to the discourse about how the Proud Boys are just a bunch of self-important misogynists who think themselves far more influential/powerful than they actually are, but that aside, it only takes a handful of dickheads with military-grade firearms to reek some real carnage...(and that's why some theorise about a looming Civil War II-Ed)...don't even say it...

Which Cord? Discord:...but it's not just that openly Racist self-exposure that Donald's been keen to distract from, there's a whole raft of dysfunction, failure, and electoral criminality that he would be keen to see go unreported, eg, the Texas governor has limited Postal Vote boxes to a miniscule 1-per County, deliberately drastically reducing the chances for people to vote that way...(and let me guess, the vast majority of those voters are likely to be Democrats?-Ed), and not just Democrats but also those others who do believe COVID19 is dangerous and want to avoid large gatherings, eg, lines at voting is well documented that it's Republicans who likely oppose COVID regulations and/or don't believe it's even real, etc...(or that they're safe 'cos "the blood of Christ is on me", well, 'on them' I mean-Ed)...indeed, and these peeps will therefore be the majority of those who vote at a booth on the day...this all ties in with Donald's discourse about how he believes that the election voting system is 'rigged' against him, particularly Mail-In Voting...(yep, he's deliberately sowing the seeds of discord and stoking the fires of conspiracy, without any actual evidence, with a view to manipulating the election and/or then denouncing the result if/when he loses-Ed)...and if he wins he just says his corrupt manipulations stopped the fraud that would have seen him lose...(perfect-Ed)...

More immediately, he needs to distract from what uninspiring flops his 'rallies' have reportedly become...usually the platform for his greatest self-congratulation, the slump in energy/enthusiasm and numbers attending, etc, is apparently getting to Donald, and certainly reflects poorly on his broader campaign...(which hasn't ever precluded him from lying about the numbers, eg, his grossly inflated claims about the actually rather meagre crowd at his inauguration-Ed)...well compulsive liars will compulsively lie...but in the present, this alleged illness allows Donny to cancel any public appearances, eg, rallies, and even the next election debate, possibly even both of them...(which addresses the quite justified criticism about his atrocious behaviour at the first debate, trying to bully both Joe Biden and the moderator and interrupting constantly, etc-Ed)...yep, and there's SFA chance that he'll change that behaviour, despite all the negative blow-back, 'cos he simply can't, he just isn't capable of change, he's a rabid Sociopath Narcissist with no self-control and no respect...(and no fresh public scrutiny means no new public criticism-Ed)...well we'll just have to refer back to all of his previous appalling conduct...

Don't Speak Dead Of The has seen to already happen, Twitter is threatening peeps with being suspended if they post comments wishing Donald a swift and hopefully unpleasant demise...(but what about all of the vile, violent stuff on Twitter and Facebook, etc, about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?-Ed)...well apparently that's fine, just fine...(and who's forgotten Trump's mocking of a disabled man and mockery of Hillary when she had pneumonia during the 2016 election campaign, etc?-Ed)...well that's where I come to my personal position about 'give them the 'Rona and leave them in a room', etc, and where I'm happy to be just as abusive in return as others have set the standard, that context, I do not condemn people for their loathing and lack of sympathy...Donald's set the bar, let him be soundly beaten with it...(and this 'diagnosis' also empowers his followers to embrace their hypocritical righteous indignation about anyone who now dares to criticise their precious Donny, 'cos he's sick don't cha' know-Ed)...and Joe Biden's already pulled his 'attack ads' from circulation, can't imagine Trump doing the same...(well he'd be guaranteed to do exactly the opposite, ramping-up the mockery and denigration about how piss-weak Joe is-Ed)...that's exactly what Donny would do, it's what he's done previous, it's what he Twitter's credit, they have previously 'Fact-Checked' and/or hidden Trump's tweets, eg, when they hid one for "glorifying violence"...(and they've copped abuse and threats from him for doing so-Ed)...yes they have...         

Old Mate Donald Had A Pharmacy, Is He High On Adderall?:...(adding a new twist to singing his praises?-Ed)...indeed, sing that to 'Old McDonald Had A Farm, EE I EE I O'...(nice-Ed)...I did see one Tweeter who predicted this 'illness' likelihood weeks ago, including the probability that Don would suddenly emerge triumphantly healthy a week later and singing the praises of his favs super-dodgy alleged treatment Hydroxychloroquine...(oh yeah, win, win, win, win, he distracts away from all the bad press, gets all the attention, miraculously recovers, and does so with his preferred snake oil-Ed)...and I think 'miraculously' really sums it up nicely, 'cos there are many of his supporters who are wholly consumed by their alleged 'Christianity', and who actually believe that Donald is actually really 'Heaven Sent'...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...well quite, and that ties in with your previous observation about "the blood of Christ"...(oh that's a religious thing is it? I actually thought that was a brand of injectable disinfectant-Ed)...nice one man, waxing humourous about Don's insane ramblings about 'putting disinfectant into the body, maybe by injection'...(I love the lip-sync thing that USofA comedian Sarah Cooper did with that-Ed)...absolutely, her stuff is priceless and we here at TMGI do not hesitate to recommend it to y'all...if ya' haven't availed y'allselves of her fine work already, please to be doing so...      

So there are many reasons as to why Donald would potentially fake a COVID illness...(and given that he's surrounded himself by a legion of 'Yes People', it would be very simple for him to demand his own health team and get a fake diagnosis, etc-Ed)...indeed, you only have to look at his abusive, petulant responses to those who challenge him...(that's if he responds and doesn't just walk off-Ed)...indeed, exactly like our Part-Time Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison...(oh, and did we mention the release of Donald's miniscule tax returns, there's another thing he's mad-keen to distract from-Ed)...absolutely, and it also sets the scene for his Messianic re-emergence, sprouting nonsense about how he's 'the most positive tester ever' and how 'doctors have never seen anyone recover from an illness like I recover', etc, etc...(so an avalanche of ridiculous self-aggrandising hyperbole wholly removed from reality?-Ed)...yep...(so business as usual then-Ed)...indeed...beyond that, it also allows him to just 'recover', and then play it all down as being nothing much like he's previously claimed... 

Where-in Lies The Truth? first reaction to this 'Trump Has Corona' story was that it's a con, it's fake...and the more it develops, the more it looks like it, eg, why would he be given an "experimental antibody" if he only has "a mild case"?...(sure, and whilst that seems to initially confirm that he does actually have it, you're right to ask why experiment on the POTUS if he only has "a mild case"?-Ed)...yep, that bit doesn't make sense...(but remember we're dealing with professional liars-Ed)...true, and hence the beautiful self-contradiction of where-in 'lies the truth'...and as I said, I'm far from the only person who has doubts, please check-out the #TrumpHasCorona Twitter thread...

Tomorrow: More FARC Debacle

And it's just been put to me that another witty scribe (source unknown) is making the observation that there's currently more COVID19 cases in the White House than in all of Aotearoa...(particularly hilarious given that only weeks ago Don was gleefully gloating about the "surge in New Zealand"-Ed)...well if there's anything amusing about COVID, there's a certain ironic humour to that...

Oh, also check-out the Twitter thread about the appalling Murdoch hack Rachel Baxendale and the associated feed about dickhead Victorian Liberal MP Tim Smith...both have been attacking Victorian Premier Dan Andrews in what can only be described as 'an unhinged manner'...(Dim Tim is a very special boy isn't he? and now the wholly compromised ABC is running pathetic protective puff-pieces about what a 'larrikin' he is-Ed)...if it weren't so sadly corrupted, it would be quite funny...and Rachel has brought that wall of criticism down on herself with her appallingly biased harassment of Dan...many argue that these two clowns, along with many other Liberal and Main Stream Media clowns, are collectively responsible for much of the 'Anti-COVID restrictions sentiment/actions' in Victoria, eg, people storming Bunnings screeching about their Human Rights...(or the sort of stupidity witnessed at St Kilda yesterday, albeit it looks like that was staged by Ch7-Ed)...having said that, I absolutely reject the type of gendered abuse and Rape/Death threats stuff that some have used...that's simply wrong and is always and in all ways's the link...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Please Read This Fantastic Twitter Thread About Media Bias

Howdy dear availees...apologies for this latest gap in postings, not really sure what happened, hours become days becomes another week...anyhoos, today I'm just going to ask y'all to access and read this Twitter Thread, below,

It'll take a short while, and there are a few side-threads to access as well...I encourage y'all to read it through and pass it on to friends, particularly those who have been deceived and influenced by this atrociously corrupt sort of pseudo-journalism from these deliberately toxic sources...those of us who see it for what it is will not be surprised, and I'm confident that many who have been manipulated and get it explained to them thusly, those people will not appreciate being played for gullible suckers...I remember with great fondness one of the last conversations I had late last year with my now deceased father, a vocally antagonistic Liberal voter and denouncer of the ABC as being 'Leftie biased'...I carefully explained to him how the ABC 'gaslights' it's viewers by claiming to be "without bias or agenda", but continuously runs Liberal/National Party lies without challenging them, supports LNP talking points by framing questioning in that context, rarely holding the LNP guest to account if at all, etc, and then go at the Labor/Greens/whoevs interviewee asking angrily how they'd run the country, etc...when explained to him in those terms, he was truly pissed-off that 1) he'd been deceived, and 2) how easily it had been done...and mate, if my old man could make that realisation, then there's hope for most...

(Well even the otherwise excellent Mad As Hell political satire program partially 'gaslights' it's viewers by making constant self-deprecating criticisms about how 'Left' and 'Bolshy' it is, etc-Ed)...sure, but they do run a lot of stuff about the rankly corrupt LNP, and stuff that often gets studiously ignored by the Main Stream Media and the ABC's own 'genuine' news shows, eg, Minister Alan 'Nudge Nudge' Tudge being labelled a criminal by the Court...(yeah, fair call-Ed)...and they also have a fair bit of a go at Labor...(indeed, but there's still instances where the sarcasm/reverse reality stuff runs very close to just following MSM pro-LNP stories-Ed)...I take your point and I have had those same concerns, 'cos sometimes it's a very fine line in that context where the sarcasm/reverse reality jokes rely on the viewer having a pre-existing broad and informed understanding of the news events being referred to...but we digress...   

There's also heaps of great stuff to be accessed by following/viewing the #ThisIsNotJournalism and #Accuracy Matters Twitter pages...happy reading, and see y'all back here for a 'proper' post real soon...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...