Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Living In The Morrison Dictatorship

***...and a pre-apology apology 'cos it's been a very long week personally, not least of all with my latest Court hearing pending, but both matters have been adjourned now until July 2020...also had a bunch a' other stuff goin' on, and a distinct lack of energy, enthusiasm, and motivation...been trying to stay across multiple issues but just watching Scummo & Co cluster-shreck their way through this "war" we're apparently in, it's just so massively draining...if it helps y'all, please to be joining me in the following yell of exasperation, AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...hope that's helped a bit...(certainly can't have hurt, yelling at an empty room-Ed)...well, the doggo wasn't too impressed, but anyhoos, can't please everybody...I remember reading a 'Coping Guide' that said it's perfectly fine to talk to the walls providing you know you're going it...(and that the walls don't talk back-Ed)...indeed, it's much the same as writing letters you're never intending to send 'cos often just getting that stuff outta' ya' head and onto the page really helps put it at arms length...(literally and actually-Ed)...nice one and exactly, and can therefore allow a more dispassionate self-discourse about otherwise overwhelming issues...(and it's a big part of this 'ere blog, and indeed my very existence-Ed) on mate, as taxing and tiring as doin' this 'ere blog can be, it's absolutely worth maintaining the effort best as possible, 'cos it gives me the dual positives...1) I get shizzle outta' my head, literally, and 2) it gives me a tangible connection to a sense of doing something about those issues/events that cause me so much stress and trauma...we've covered this stuff before, where-in even the huge pile-a-shite I've had heaped on me for doin' this 'ere blog...(all the abuse and the rancidly corrupt ICAC Trial stuff, etc-Ed)...yep, all that, it just acts as cathartic motivation 'cos it proves that I'm on the right track and achieving some small part of what I feel needs to be done...anyhoos, now back to the post that I started several days ago...***

Howdy y'all dear availees...humblest apologies that I haven't finished the 2 FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre) posts but I got rather lost with-in it and had doubled-down on some issues, then deleted the wrong bit, etc, etc...(sounds like a triumph of mediocrity-Ed)...well actually, that was going to be the title of the paragraph about the ongoing and rank failures of the Main Stream Media to hold the Scott 'Crime Minister' Morrison Liberal/National Party to account for pretty much anything really...(and what about the shreckin' ABC, they continue to be as bad if not worse-Ed)...worse?...(yeah, 'cos they constantly big-up themselves about how they're 'independent' and "your most trusted source of news", supposedly "without bias or agenda"-Ed)...indeed they do, and whilst many 'Right Wing' peeps continue to attack the ABC as being 'Lefties', many people who are nominally 'Left Wing' are increasingly abandoning the national broadcaster because of it's deeply compromised and corrupted and unrelenting and undisguised pro-LNP 'agenda'...shows like the once-revered The Insiders have become unwatchable pro-LNP dross, widely berated by 'The Lefties'...(yesterday's was a whole new level of appalling, I mean, why bother to get Matthias Cormann on there and ask him half-arsed questions...he repeatedly stated that stuff would be announced 'soon', and/or that he didn't know, and ultimately didn't actually answer one bloody question!-Ed)...yes, as one guest wittily quipped, 'Matthias is the Chris Tavare (stone-walling English batsman) of Oz politics, he won't win any arguments (score any runs), and you'll never get an answer (but he won't get out)'...(hilarious-Ed)...not really...

Main Stream a very short paragraph really, encapsulated as it is by it's title...for a long time now the Main Stream Media has been driven by Reportage/Outings on Twitter and other Social Media...(but not so much Facebook, that can be fairly rancid-Ed)...well so can Twitter, but I agree it's to a far lesser extent, and with Twitter there are a series of very genuine and reliable peeps who I follow, and they have made themselves well-known and well-trusted by exposing many issues of LNP Criminality, eg, the Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce/Campion affair with multiple fake jobs for Campion, etc, and then the Beetrooter's involvement with 'Angry' Angus Taylor and the Watergate Scandal, and then a bunch of other similar issues...said it before and here 'tis again 'cos time and time again, over and over, these issues are being exposed on Twitter, where they build-up a head of steam/critical mass, until those issues literally force themselves into the MSM...(albeit for the MSM to try and hose-it all down and apologise/deny on behalf of the LNP, etc, and again, especially the wholly compromised ABC-Ed) last comment from me re a recent 'Comment' on this 'ere blog...having read my recent post about how corruptly compromised the ABC is, constantly protecting the LNP with pathetic Dorothy-Dixer questions or by simply ignoring entire issues, etc, an anonymous Commentor felt obliged to 'Comment' about how the ABC is a "Left-Wing" mouthpiece and should have it's funding cut, etc...(wow-Ed)...indeed...

It is unfortunately not surprising, being as how it puts me in mind of those people who have read about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the definably Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of Mt Gambier politicians like the one I cannot name because of that "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Order, and Rory McEwen, and Tony Pasin, and the Mt Gambier City Council en masse...(and the ABC, particularly the ABC South East Radio and Adelaide offices-Ed)...indeed, but also including their head office in Sydney and their sanctimonious lawyers...(and speaking of lawyers, former Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner Stephen Lietschke who represented "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling in the Teachers Registration Board hearing in 2004-Ed)...and 'alleged lawyer' 'Bouncin' Billy De Garis, who betrayed us parents, working against as he did in complicit collusion with the Lutherans and (then) Premier Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, etc, etc, etc...sorry, I've strayed into a furious rant about the rancidly corrupt people involved in the horrendous St Martins Cover-up, but the point I started-out to make was, that despite all I've done to expose and explain about the St Martins Cover-up, I've had a whole bunch of 'Commentors', almost entirely anonymous, completely ignoring all of that stuff and instead mouthing-off about me and what a bad person I am, etc, etc...(and that includes the media, eg, The Border Watch and particularly the ABC SE Radio-Ed)...well quite, but moving on...

A Most Puzzling Comment:...last night Scummo did another of his interminable self-focussed 'press conferences, and I forced myself to watch, albeit fully prepared to be shocked, confused, and entirely dis-believing of every word that came out of that smug, sneering maw...and I wasn't disappointed...he fell back on an old favourite of his by including the missus when seemingly declaring jigsaw puzzle manufacturers and/or retailers as 'Essential Services', 'my wife Jenny bought jigsaws for the kids' brain was already churned to mush by his preceding drivel and was gently oozing from my various cranial orifi, but others have taken-up the challenge and breathed a little sanity into this...and so it is I give you fresh from Twitter...
      Aaron Dodd
      BREAKING: Australian jig-saw puzzle manufacturers have breathed a collective sigh of relief     
      after PM Scott Morrison declared them an essential service today. An industry spokesman stated 
      "At first the decision puzzled us, but then the pieces all fell in to place" #auspol 
 ...(I liked the one about how the bloke hoped the 'lock-down' would last longer than 6 months 'cos his jigsaw said 3-5 Years-Ed)...noice, very noice...I also find rather uplifting the hilarious TikTok videos stemming from Scummo angrily berating journo Andrew Probyn during a press conference...("Andrew! you're not running the press conference!"-Ed)...that's the one, just search #andrew...there's also a superb Scott Morrison - STOP IT music clip...on less amusing issues...

70/50 Blinkered Vision:...another thing identified last night was the extraordinary admission about the health status of Aboriginal people...(and I note that it's been picked-up a bit on Twitter but not at all by the media in that presser-Ed)...indeed, given the volume of (again) often conflicting info it's partly excusable that some stuff just goes through to the keeper, but this was a huge issue...Scummo'  made the side-ways admission that Aboriginal people endure massively diminished Socio-Health outcomes by stating that all people over 70 and anyone over 60 with pre-existing health issues, all presumably white, should 'Self Isolate'...("presumably white"?-Ed)...'cos he went on to say "(all) Aboriginal people over 50"...(oh-Ed)...indeed, oh, it's an outright insight as to 1) the realities, and 2) as known to Scummo and his buddies...and no offence to all peeps I've sortta' skipped over 'cos ya' don't identify as either white or Aboriginal, just commenting on this specific statement...this is an unwitting acknowledgement of generational disadvantage and current disparity that we as 'White Australia' must do better to address and remove...  

OMFG:...Oh My Freakin' Gourd, it's another Scummo presser...(have we not suffered enough?-Ed)...apparently not...yet again he's trying to sound like Winston Churchill but comes-off sounding more like Winnie The Pooh..."a decision never made before by Australian governments" and "build a bridge" and my new favourite, "we're all in this together"...(oh, so he's announcing another pork-barrelling pre-election rort fund?-Ed)...nice one man, but no...(well may I suggest that he shreckin' Build A Bridge and shreckin' get over himself!-Ed)...yes, and he's repeated "all in this together", and then it's another 2 shreckin' announcements, apparently...and now there's a 'Job Security Payment' that he previously stated the LNP wouldn't be doing...(and there's Josh Frydenburg furiously self-praising about how it's better than England's plan and more money than Aotearoa's (New Zealand's) plan, etc-Ed)...and even if the LNP hasn't had to be dragged kickin' and screamin' to this position that they until very recently refused to even consider, even then, is it really better though? ultimately, will it be more? worse, does it even really exist? is this gunna' be another round of self-praising announcements followed by sweet shreck-all actual action/funding?...(you mean like the "notional" $2billion Bushfire Recovery Fund which has seemingly evaporated and increasingly looks like it never really existed in the first instance?-Ed)...yeah, I think the clue is in the "notional" descriptor, it's 'a notion', not an actual reality...

***...just noting the chatter on Twitter about how Scummo' has announced 5 'Stimulus Packages' but nobody's seen a cent yet, and relating that to the Notional Bushfire Fund...also stories about people getting their 'pension payment' yesterday but no $750 'bonus payment'...(weren't they meant to start going out yesterday though?-Ed)...exactly, and I checked my account just on the off-chance...(and?-Ed)...fat chance...and plenty a' peeps expressing their cynicism/concerns about these payments and/or the 'wisdom' of the Job Saver Stimulus, giving $130b to employers, some of whom are guaranteed to "skim-off some of that money the same way they rip-off workers now", rather than just giving that $1500/fortnight directly to employees...back to Monday's presser...*** 

And the critical question just was asked, much to my surprise, 'when is Parliament being recalled?'...(yeah, but Parliament has to be recalled to pass most if not all of this stuff as actual legislation-Ed)...true...(but Scummo 'deferred/closed' the Federal Parliament until August 2020, that's the bizarre disconnect between constantly comparing this situation to 'being at war', and having no Federal Parliament sitting, so the real question is 'when's Parliament actually going to return properly?'-Ed)...agreed, but far more importantly and insightfully illustrative is the very many critical questions that should have been asked about this 'no Parliament' situation, but haven't...we currently have 1) a National Cabinet consisting of state Premiers and the Territory's Chief Ministers, where-in the cart (NC) is very much pushing the horse (Scummo) on a range of issues/measures, eg, border closures, and 2) a Scummo-picked Coronavirus Coordination Committee consisting of Mining executives, Scummo's mates Phil Gaetjens and Mike Pezzullo, and several other LNP stooges, but no doctors or scientists...and if you don't know who they are, Gaetjens is the clown who produced the infamous 'Nothing To See Here Report' regarding the equally infamous 'Angus Taylor Fraudulent Clover Moore Document', and Pezzullo is from the Home Affairs Dept...if that isn't enough info, just Interweb search them and this committee's other members...

This 'committee' follows-on from Scummo recently declaring himself as a One Man Cabinet Committee so he can declare any conversation/meeting/email/whatevs that he has with anyone on any subject, it can all be hidden from scrutiny by declaring it all out-of-bounds as 'Cabinet In-Confidence' stuff...(strewth, how crook is that?-Ed)'s Dictatorship 101...(and we've also had a bunch of 'National Security' laws about 'Border Security', etc, and machinegun-wielding officers in airports, etc, and all the relentless rancid rhetoric about stoppin' these filthy criminal refugee-types gettin' here by boat, etc-Ed)...indeed we have...(and yet 10,000's were coming in via planes, and then last week someone let 3,000 potential/likely COVID19 carriers off a cruise ship in Sydney-Ed)'s quite the topic on social media too, where's our mate Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, always front-and-centre and foamingly voluminous screaching his hate-speech about 'Stopping The Boats', etc, where's he got to now, all but disappeared...but we digress, 'cos the real issue here is the sudden loss of Federal accountability with the closing of Parliament and the implementation of a blizzard of ill-defined and often conflicting 'Social Restrictions' limiting contact and travel, etc, in a context where even Ministers and Police Commissioners are publicly contradicting each other...(and over the top of that is Scummo blaming Aussies for disregarding Social Distancing, etc, whilst the Ruby Princess debasco (debacle/fiasco) looms large over the whole debate-Ed)...and they wonder why people get confused and/or panicked or just ignore them... 

Bottomline, and as many have observed, Authoritarian regimes never miss the opportunities presented by a good crisis to enact 'Security Laws' that massively expand and entrench their personal powers to control the populace...for years now I have repeatedly explained the rankly Fascist ICAC legislation here in South Oz, and the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that I have been subjected to using that ICAC legislation as justification/excuse, particularly at the hands of a corrupt SAPol (police), and now these people have the power to detain without explanation, etc...and if that weren't scary enough, now we've got a wannabe' Pentecostal Televangelist as PM, with no Parliamentary restraints and/or oversight...(check out the Aotearoa (New Zealand) model where they have a fully bipartisan Emergency Committee chaired by the leader of the Opposition-Ed)...indeed, and compare that to the unaccountable shizzle-show we got goin'...  

***OMFG Part Deux:...just watched a 6 minute Youtube clip of Scummo quoting scripture and bangin'-on about how his faith is his strength, and now praying for us, etc, etc, "your people", etc, makes my blood run cold and yet simultaneously boil...are we really at the mercy of a Rapture-motivated happy clapper?...may god actually exist that She may save us from this gibbering moron...just Interweb search Youtube - Scott Morison Commits Australia To God...may the saints preserve us and gourd give me strength...(nice one man, and I like the increasingly commonly used phrase 'vomited word salad on us' to describe any press conference by Scummo', any LNP minister, and/or any of their performing stooges, eg, the Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy-Ed)...indeed, feels like I spend half my time these days pickin' croutons outta' my recent posts we've covered our concerns about this bare-faced compromise of the supposed Separation of Church and State and Scummo's Pentecostal motivations and increasingly 'Preacher-like' behaviours, etc, and plenty of peeps are equally concerned...we are in deep, deep doodoo if he's as genuinely committed to this Rapture-driven ideology as it appears he is...

And because I've banged-on about so much other stuff, I've removed from the title what I had originally intended to post, namely, a bit about the Scummo Dictatorship stuff, but also a piece about the multiple ironies I see in my personal situation and the current 'crisis', so please ignore the following 'Tomorrow' thingy, 'cos it'll be about those ironies and how they relate to much of the stuff covered today anyway...(ooo! ooo! Mr Fletcher!-Ed)...yes Ed, you haven't had a question...(not a question sir, but Mt Gambier Mayor Lynette 'In 'Da House' Martin was on the ABC South East Radio this morning and was asked about the FARC and whether that would be continuing, etc, and her response was a very definitive 'maybe'-Ed)...reallllly?...(well she definitely didn't say 'Yes', but she did say 'it's not what we discussed at our Special Meeting last night'-Ed) a direct question and an obfuscating answer that definitely wasn't a 'Yes'?...(yep, direct question, not a 'Yes'-Ed)...fascinating...*** 

Tomorrow: Hopefully I've Sorted Out My Own FARC Debacle

Yet more apologies that I've screwed-up those FARC posts, one of the stress issues I've been not particularly coping with...annoying to lose stuff at any time, but not quite so frustrating and infuriating as doin' it to myself...

I will quickly acknowledge that there is some commentary refuting these 'Dictatorship' concerns, but I still believe that the facts/situation, particularly the One Man Cabinet stuff, are self-defining as a rank bastardisation of the fundamental structures and functionings of our Federal Parliament...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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