Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Is This A Case Of Pro-Paedophile Corruption Reaching To The High Court?

Like many Australians I am devastated but hardly surprised that the High Court has over-turned a Jury conviction and ruled in favour of convicted paedophile George Pell.

Like many Australians, I am deeply concerned with the professionally identified series of "highly unusual" actions taken by the High Court specific to this case, namely;
     1)  it is "highly unusual" for the High Court to grant Special Leave To Appeal (arguing) an
          Unreasonable Verdict, these requests are usually/frequently refused, and;
     2)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court deferred their decision on the granting of that
          SLTA, and instead heard arguments prior to that 'granting', and;
     3)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court therefore simultaneously granted that SLTA and
          released their decision to 'quash the original conviction' at the same time, and:
     4)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court has been involved in ruling on a Sexual Assault
          case at all, and it was originally reported that this is the first time it has happened*, and;
     5)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court has not ruled on a point of Law, but has instead
          effectively 're-tried' the case and dismissed/discarded the evidence of the witness/victim
          as being less important than peripheral non-witnesses, and;
     6) it is also "highly unusual" that the High Court over-ruled the decision of the original Jury.
(*I've tried to check this but not sure, I did see this reported when the SLTA was first applied for)

In effect, the High Court has repeatedly acted in "highly unusual" ways in retrospectively granting Special Leave To Appeal to coincide with the quashing of those convictions, and in a context where they are supposed to deal with questions of technicalities of the application of Law, not issues of evidence, and here they have directly 're-heard' the evidence/Trial, and then 're-ruled'...from start to finish and through-out, the High Court's conduct has been "highly unusual" and always in favour of George Pell...for example, here's a brief quote from a national paper (sorry, I forgot to write it down), the 'Walker' referred to is Pell's lawyer...  
     But ultimately, the court accepted Walker’s arguments. In an unusual move, the court did not
     grant Pell leave – in other words, permission – to appeal until Tuesday, after the arguments had
     already been heard in March. Usually, leave to appeal is granted, then arguments are heard.

Like many Australians, I consider this Special Leave To Appeal and subsequent 'Re-Trial' and consequential dismissal/over-ruling of the Jury and Witness to be grossly inappropriate conduct by the High Court. 

Like many Australians who follow politics, I have absolutely no confidence in the functioning and/or impartiality of the High Court of Australia.

Like many Australians who follow politics, to me the High Court has exactly the same credibility as the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Electoral Commission, etc, et al...and that is none.

Like many Australians I saw the 'dissenting decision' by Victorian Appeals Court Justice Mark Weinberg as a deliberate set-up to open the door on this farcically distorted Appeal/outcome.

Like many Australians I've had my life all-but destroyed by the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines our Religious Institutions, our Parliaments, our Police Forces, and our Judiciaries upto and including the High Court.

Like many Australians, I reject this farcical Mates Protecting Mates dismissal/quashing.

Like many Australians, I believe now and always will that George Pell is himself a paedophile and that he has also acted in many ways across many decades to protect fellow paedophiles within the Catholic Church.

Preying On The many Australians I believe that the Catholic Church has always been and remains now nothing more than a Paedophile Boy's Club, and that most if not all 'organised religions' are little better if not identical, eg, the Lutherans...Organised Religion is about preying on the vulnerable and those easily manipulated, etc, to gain control, power, and personal gratification, often and usually sexual gratification via the abuse of children....

So, whilst I am the first person to acknowledge that my opinion/views of this issue is irretrievably driven by my personal experiences with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the related rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt conduct of South Australian police, the SA Parliament (politicians of all persuasions), SA public servants, et al, and the same conduct from Local and Federal politicians, and the Media, and the wholly corrupt Lutheran Church, etc, etc, it is living 2 decades of these definable Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruptions that have shown me the irrefutable realities of what happens with effective legal/Judicial protection/support of paedophiles in our community...   

And here's what the head paedophile himself has to say... 
In these days of , we've been witnessing the persecution that Jesus underwent and how He was judged ferociously, even though He was innocent. Let us today for all those persons who suffer due to an unjust sentence because of someone had it in for them.

A Very Angry Language Warning:..."...the persecution that Jesus unjust sentence because of someone who had it in for them."...hey Frankie mate, put that child down and go fuck yourself for a pleasant change!...End Language Warning...and if you dear availee, if you see the Catholic Church as anything other than a willing and wanton structure of Organised Institutionalised Paedophilia, then I can't help you, and quite frankly, I'd thank you to take your availage elsewhere...if my anger and what I say about those realities, etc, offends you more than the realities themselves, then by all means do us both a favour and dis-avail ya'selves of this 'ere blog...

May y'all in positions of Religious Authority and your supporters/sycophants/acolytes, not least of all you fatuous Right Wing Nut Jobs on Sky News, may you all rot in the exact sort of hell that your actions create for so many others here on earth...if I ever pray, this is what I pray for...and some would argue that it's not very Christian to wish ill of others, but as far as I'm concerned 'being Christian' don't come into it...I genuinely do not wish ill of people, rather, I would have them endure that which it is they bring and/or wish upon others...let their lives be subjected to the rules of bigotry and intolerance and denial and personal gratification, etc, that they force on others with Their Rules...let those who create and/or support these horrendous realities be subjected to those realities...I am a quiet and gentle person with my own ' rules', but when it comes to Their Rules, I'm more than happy to meet Them on Their playing field and apply Their Rules to Them...with brutal efficiency...

To all of you who have been deeply affected and disappointed and angered and re-traumatised by this outrageously Pro-Pell biased conduct by the High Court, you have every right to be all of these things and more, you/we have been betrayed by our supposed High Court, betrayed in favour of mates and power and influence...

Justice And The Law Be Hanged:...there is no such thing as 'Justice' in Australia, there is only bias and favour and power and influence...and via so many deeply compromised 'rulings', eg, their farcical conduct of the Section 44 Constitutional Law/Citizenship issue, most recently just dismissing the clear case against the LNP's Josh Freydenburg, have the High Court thusly outed's exactly those sort of decisions that mean it's the High Court what's built their own scaffold, slung the rope, tied the knot, and then stuck it's own head in the noose of it's own non-credibility...

I did have one person observe to me and I found myself in partial agreeance, namely, in that perversely accurate way that such farcically corrupted legal outcomes produce, this Pell acquittal is a good thing because it lays bare the wholly corrupted functioning of the Courts on these issues, upto and including the High Court, eg, how money and/or political and/or religious influence buys you your very own special brand of 'Justice', and how high-profile Child Abusers get special treatment amounting to 'protection' from the Courts, a grossly corrupt pro-bias often/usually related to the religious influence, etc, etc...this person also related it to the rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that I have been subjected to with my "bizarre trial" and my own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', etc, etc...  

As horrendous as this Pell process and outcome have been, I agree that ultimately it can partly be considered a 'good thing' because it serves to illustrate the rancidly compromised realities that Child Abuse victims/survivors and their families and supporters will be subjected to at the hands of the High Court in Australia...on the down-side though, it likely will deter many others from putting themselves through that trauma...and I find it hard to believe that this is not the deliberate motivation of the High Court, namely, they have knowingly and willingly acted to send a very clear message to anyone thinking of pursuing justice against a 'high-profile paedophile' that you can go through every deeply traumatic process, jump through every evidentiary hoop, over every legal hurdle, prove your case in the face of days of hostile cross-examination, etc, etc, and 'win', only then to have it trashed by the "highly unusual" and preferential conduct of the High Court...and that this preferential conduct is not a thing of the past, not an issue resolved by the farcical Child Abuse Royal Commission, etc, it is a bias and a corruption that exists here and now...many Courts and particularly the High Court act with profound political/religious bias and a resultant definable contempt for the average citizen...and yet these same Courts demand of us subservient obedience and unquestioning respect...and I say, Earn It...

And never forget, it is not 'Revolutionary' or 'Treasonous' to speak Truth to Corrupted Power, it is quite the opposite, it is in fact the ultimate act of Citizenship, it is the ultimate respect for your fellow Citizen, it is seeking the greater good beyond and often at the cost of personal comfort and safety...and that's why the Corrupted Power hate it so much...

Look after yourselves y'all, and my biggest hairiest air hugs and my most fervent assurances that whilst I may continue to struggle and suffer, etc, I will continue...I will continue to pursue an appropriate outcome to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and to the many other unresolved Child Abuse cases I am aware of in the rancidly compromised Mt Gambier...and do so fully aware that for every incident I'm aware of there are many others that go quietly unreported and/or effectively covered-up, eg, the latest case of a teacher from a privately-run religious school who was charged with "persistent sexual exploitation" of one of "his" students, a case that has very quietly seemingly disappeared from the media and Courts, etc...the abuse has happened, and if as I suspect is the case that this has been 'officially buried', I will out that school and that teacher and all involved...I know who you are and what you've done and if you ain't in gaol, then you're gunna' get at least some small part of everything you deserve via this 'ere blog, mate...

Tomorrow: A Self-Isolating Agoraphobe - More Irony Than An Iron And Iron-Bark Ironing Board

I know I've used that joke before, but it's mine and I'll use it as often as I want mate, do what I want mate, etc, etc...(yeah, imagine telling an Agoraphobe to 'Stay Home'-Ed)...hey Ed! where you been mate?...(right 'ere, just thought maybe you'd be best allowed to work ya' way through that stuff without interruption-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, see you tomorrow then?...(try and stop me mate-Ed)... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

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